HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-08; City Council; 9230; ACCEPTANCE OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND BATIQUITOS LAGOON RIGHTS-OF-WAYLAGOON RIGHTS-OF-WAY Adopt Resolution No. 93/ 1 accepting four (4) quitclaim dc for La Costa Avenue and Batiquitos Lagoon rights-of-way. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Esposito Development Company is developing a 1i residential tract within the city of Encinitas and has offerec quitclaim the underlying interest of all remaining hold. fronting La Costa Avenue and the adjacent southern shore Batiquitos Lagoon within the Carlsbad city limits. This o is made at no cost to the City by the owners to clear tl ownerships of properties within the city of Carlsbad. Acquisition of this quitclaim interest offers potential long-. advantage to the City for right-of-way required for the fu widening of La Costa Avenue and the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhance] Project. Staff recommends acceptance of the attached quitc FISCAL IMPACT: The attached quitclaim deeds and corresponding right-of, interests are offered at no cost to the City. Acquisition of right-of-way could potentially result in savings to the City future project development. EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. the Esposito Development Company for certain rights-of-wa 3 0 0 L J a 0 e I LOCATION MAP ESPOSITO DEDICATION LAGOON BATIOUITOS vIcm MAP N 1 s. m PROJECT NAME PROJ- NO- €XI ESPOSITO DEDICATION - . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 g5 26 27 28 * e RESOLUTION NO. 9311 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FOUR ( 4 ) QUIT- CLAIM DEEDS FROM THE ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the Esposito Development Company is the owner of certain rights-of-way fronting La Costa Avenue Batiquitos Lagoon within the city limits of the C Carlsbad: and WHEREAS, the Esposito Development Company has off( quitclaim interest in said right-of-way at no cost to t of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsk determined necessary, desirable, and in the public intei accept said quitclaim interests; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad I accepts certain quitclaim interests from the Es Development Company generally described in four (4) qu deeds with accompanying preliminary title report on file Office of the City Clerk and incorporated by referent-e he] 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad accepts said quitclaim deeds and authorizes the City C1 cause the original of said deeds to be recorded in the Of: the county Recorded of san Diego county, State of Calif with the appropriate Certificates of Acceptance at thereto. II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 e e 4. That upon recordation of said quitclaim deeds, t Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward copies recorded deeds to the Esposito Development Company, 3; Albans Drive, LOS Alamitos, California, 90720, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Carlsbad City Council held on the 8th day of Decembe 1987 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and La NOES : None ABSENT : None LkJ/AJ 4 C UDE A. LEWIS, May1 ATTEST: I (SEAL) i 0 NCLLJRUIIY~ rttrQUEST - BY . L) . .' ,. ., City Clerk, City of Carlsbad 1 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHER WISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NAME PCITY OF CARLSBAD '1 =Ip L J ATTENTION: CITY CLERK 1200 ELM AVENUE ADDRESS CITY L STATE CAFUSBAD, CA 92008 Title Order No. Ikrorv No. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U Q u i t cla i 111 D eed Thc ~~~~dcrsi~ricd dcrlarcs hat the tlocunieniory Iransler ISX is $ ............................................................................ 0 c.oni~irt~ctl on the fiill value oi the interest or property conveyed, or is 0 c~)riiputcd 011 tlie full wlitc less Llic vuluc or liens or entum1)riinccs rcmainillg thereon ut tlic iimc of sulc. Irlicniriits or Icahy is loc*utc(I iri 0 uiiincwrporalcd area 0 city of ..... CA .................. BAD c : ................................................................ and l:OlC A VALUhIllX CONSIL)EI~A'TION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENTCOMPANY . A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP do . hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the CITY OF CARLSBAD slate of California: county of SAN DIEGO SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" .. November 13, 1987 ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMF A California Limited Part Dared - Bv: Q#nlAc cgk!G& Pd } ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Iss. mes C. Es osito, Pre PO CORP. General Par srA'ri.: OF CALIFORNIA (:OIJNTY OF _.--- .- Iicforc 111c. the utidcr- n.. - Q ._ r - CGUNTY OF .SAN DIEGO. .............. I ........... ....... rAMP On -.___ November .. I 3 t -..I '87 before me the undersigned. a hiotary Pub!ic in and for .. a*?- .... ._. ....... personaily known to !?;e y 1% ~ ] ! $ the hikd rx?r'.n?rs?iip &t executed the wi!hfn;r,strvn,ilni, ar;d V o said Stale. personally appeared.. Jam!?S.-..C .. Esposito. L - E ,c m h p -1 ': I '.' Ln - ESP0 CORP 1 c> a 5) ro ~ w + mc T -. .......................... .-...__.._.__. _I tc be tie ~ersoijwn? executed Ihe withirl instrument as - . CN . President and ........ - . Secretary or1 behall of .... :5 '-. .... .-. - .................. -. -.- ...... .- -. ........... lhe co:p?ratio:i thcrtin rlan:ed.and ackncw!edGed IC rw that said corporalion ext~irted Ihe within instru-lent purEi!snl to its by- lawsof a rosolutionof its board at direc!ors. said corpora:ion being &? ', -= ESPOSITO DZVELOPMZNT .... CQMFAN'I _L $ ; known !o me to be the genera! L;a<n-?r af- .............. ..... ........... acsnawle@.?d lo iiid !ii?l svch r~~por~ficn erccuie;: !he same as sxh pnrine: zn0 lh31 sucn iaritriorshir) executed the same I ltE(:l'l _. C! 0 r,) 0. r< Wl~~.~€~o~ +c!y .. 0 0 r' EXHIBIT A THAT PORTION OF LOT 6 IN SECTION 34, TOvNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, S STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERMNT SURVEY THEREC MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVEFlNVIENT LOT 6 AS SHOhN RECORD OF SURVEY W NO. 9880. FILED JANUARY 3, 1985, RECORDS OF SAN DIE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERNENT L 6, NORTH 87'32'56'' WEST A DISTANCE OF 1036.73 FEET TO AN ANGLE POI THEREIN: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 68'04' 11" WEST DISTANCE OF 3 15.15 FEET TO THE NORTIWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG T WESTERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERMNT LOT 6, SOUTH 00°57' 12" EAST A DISTANCE 112.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE OF A 60 FOOT WIDE RIGHT WAY KNOWN AS LA COSTA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROAD SURVEY N 1796-65; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY SIDELINE THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: I. NORTH 72°25'25" EAST A DISTANCE OF 221.13 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF BERNARDINO BASE AND KRIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEG TANGENT 1369.95 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 18'1 1 '59" A DISTANCE OF 435.16 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89O22'36'' EAST A DISTANCE OF 687.59 FEET TO A POINT ON T EASTERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERNLENT LOT 6; 2. 3. THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, NORTH 00°37'38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 62. FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. DMS 11/9/87 1 0 0 b CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real propert conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 13, 1987 from Esposito Development Company to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporatio is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Carls California pursuant to resolution No. 9311 , adopted on December 8, 1987 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: December 9, 1987 By : 0 ALETHA L. MUTENKRANZ, Cit..C *. RECORD1 NG REQU ESTE . City Clerk, City--of Carlsbad I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHER WISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NAME rCITY OF CARLSBAD 1 =Ip L J ATTENTION : CITY CLERK 1200 ELM AVENUE ADDRESS CITY e STATE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 l'ille Order No. Ikrow KO. Q SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE J4-.AjL-d@' r74r 28514 dj dl?/ /S'f/?11dR," ____.._ i6k 1 ,dL.&L.k ; &A7 --___ ___ , kllo~vll lo lllC to I)c IIIC ~WOIILS-.. \VIIOSC IlarltcS- are-sllllscril~ctl to tllc witlliii . itis~ri~tiwiit nllt~ :ic.kiiowIetI:e(I Iil:l~_.they_rlcc.ll~~~i lilt p:IIIIc. AZ// 7 tk// // ' ./ &-:7-&L,/ i- __ -_ ----. - .--- - - ...-..__--....._......____ Sictiatiirc or Notary 'i FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP CTFICIAI- SEAL ROEERT A. LOCKSHIRE LC!: /.r:';FLcs CSCPJTY MY CO.L,CI~ISSION CXP!EES sEr?E/.*:zR 23, 1988 _N_---..- h.sst.ssor's I'arrel Ro. .................................. 0 e EXHIBIT A THAT PCRTTON OF LOT 6 IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RNGE 4 WEST, SI STATE OF CALIFCRNIA, ACCORDING TO 'JNITED STATES CX)VERPENT SURVEY THERE01 BERNAQDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CAF?LSBAO, COUNTY OF SAN DIEG( MORE PARTICULARI-Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLO'dS: BESINNING AT 'Tt-IE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNVENT LOT 6 AS SHOWN ( RECORD OF SURVEY h?Ap NO. 9880, FILED JANUARY 3, 1985, REC6RDS OF Sa DIE1 CDUNTY, CALIFQRNIA; THENCE ALQNG THE IKRTHERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERM-NT LI 6. NORTH 87°32i5611 WEST A DISTANCE OF 1036.73 FEET TO AN ANGLE FoIr THEREIN: THENCE CONTIN'JING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SWTI-1 68O04' 1 1" EST DISTME OF 315.15 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THERCE ALONG Tt WESTERLY LINE OF S4ID GOVERWNT LOT 6, SOilTY 00'57' 12" EAST A DISTANCE ( 112.01 FEET TO A FQINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE OF A GO FOOT WIDE RIGYT I WAY KNOW AS LA COS'IA AVENL'E AS SHDA 01 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ROPD SURVEY N( 1796-65; THEhCE ALCNG SAID SOUTHEFLY SIDELINE THE FOLLOWING Tt-REE CO'LRSES: 1. NORTH 7Z025'25'' EAST A DISTAWE OF 221.13 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF TANGENT 1369.95 FOOT fVDIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; 2. TFENCE NCRTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 7HROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE C 18"l 1 '59" A DISTANCE OF 635.16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°22'35'i EAST A DISTANCE OF 687.59 FEET TO A FOINT ON Tt EASTERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERMNT LOT 6; 3. TWENCE ALW SAID EASTERLY LINE, NCRTH 00°37'38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 62.2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGILUING. pA+ ihNu7;;-. +A, 8 6\,$5, cy4- &\y :,D s, &F [k\- *6+- rJ% 11/9/37 0 .- CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 19, 1987 from Leslie V. Esposito and Filomena C. Esposito to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsb; California pursuant to resolution No. 9311 , adopted on December 8, 1987 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: December 9, 1987 By : ALETHA L. RAUTENK 6 RECORDING REQUEST Y , -. .w .. City Clerk, City of Carlsbad AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r CITY OF CAaSBAD 1 STATE L- J ATTENTION: CITY CLERK NAME ADDRESS 1200 ELM AVENUE CITY& CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - * I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE -.!b@ &!ddSrrrermp of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to he the persons who exeruted the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or resolution of its board of /%&: ' && FOR NOTARY SEAL OR 57 e e EXHISiT A THAT PCfiiTION OF LOT 6 IN SECTICk" 34, TO\&JSFIIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 hEST, SF BER.NAFOIN0 BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF C/WLSBAD, CDUPJTY OF SAN DIEGC STATE Of CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERWEKT SCJRVEY THEREOF PKRE PAI?TIC?ILAF?LY DESCRISED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIhG AT THE PWTt-iEAST CORNEFl OF SAID GOVERMvENT LOT 6 AS SHOWN C RECCRD of SURVEY W No. 9880, FILED JANUARY 3, 1905, RECORDS Or SAN DIEC COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: THENCE ALONG THE MORTHERLY LINE OF SAID GOVEFIMENT LO 6, NORTH 87'32'56" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1036.73 FEET TO AN ANGLE POIN THEREIN; DISTPSJCE OF 315.15 FEET TO THE NWTHWEST COPNEi? TYEREOC; THENCE ALQYG TI- WESTERLY LINE OF SAID GCVEHMNT LOT 6, SOLJTH 00'57' 12" EAST A DISTANCE C 112.01 FEET TO A PUINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE OF A 60 FOOT WICE RIGHT C WAY KNW AS LA COSTA AVENUE AS SHW ON COLFd'JTY OF SPVJ DIErfl ROAD SURVEY Ni THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE. SOUTH 68'04' 11" WEST 1796-65; THEXVCE ALONG SAID SMJTHS?iY SIDELINE THE FOLLUWING ThREE COUFISES: 1. M3UI-i 72*25'25" EAST A DISTANCE OF 221.13 FEE? TO THE BEGINNING OF TANGEhlT 1359.95 FOOT WIUS CURVE CWCAVE SOUTHEASTE3LY; 2. THENCE NCRTHERLY ALONG THE CRC OF SAID CLRVE THROUGH A CENTPAL ANGLE C 18"11'59" A DISTANCE OF 435.16 FEET; THEWE SOUTH 89°22'35'' EnST A DISTANCE OF 687.59 FEET TO A POINT ON TH EASTERLY LINE ck' SAID GOVERNPENT LOT 6; 3. Tt'ENCE ALOFG SAID EASTERLY LINE, NORTH 00°3?'38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 62.2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINJYING. 1 DMS ? 1 /9/8? 0 W t , CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 19, 1987 from Lincoln Savings & Loan Association to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Cdrlsba California pursuant to resolution No. 9311 , adopted on December 8, 1987 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: December 9, 1987 By : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cit& Cle w RECORDING REQUESTE -. ' City Clerk, City of Carlsbad .~ ' AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 NAME CITY OF CARLSBAD ATTENTION : CITY CLERK 1.200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 920'08 ADDRESS J CITY & STATE L 0 4 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Schml-Dist.rict or the corporation that exeruted ttlr within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who exeruted the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or resolution of its board of directors. (See Acknowledgement on next page) FOR NOTARY SEAL OR ST1 W m San Dieguit Leucadia, 625 North California Vulcan Avenue 92024 Union High School Di 6191753-6491 Certificate of Acknowledgement, Public Agency u California Civil Code, Section 11911 State of California, County of San Diego On this &3/)day of before me, the undersig personally appeared RODNEY E. PHILLIPS, ED.D., known to me to be the COORDINATOR OF SPECIAL PROJECTS of the SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public agency, and acknowledged to be that such SA11 DIEGUITO UNIOii HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT executed the same. , in the year 1987 public in and for said State, Witness my hand and official seal . gfl / L.6 / I’LL L L I / . /!,! / bL/f ’ 19 ,‘ B / L ( ‘’L /, em a m EXHIBIT A THAT PORTION OF LOT 6 IN SECTICN 34, TOhrNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RKSE 4 WEST, S BERNARDINO BASE ANf) FERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CMLSB3N3, COUNTY OF SAN DIEG STATE OF CALIFCRNIA, ACCWDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERN"E3T SURVEY THEREC MORE PARTICtiLMLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: EEGINNING AT TkE NGQTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERW?EfJT LOT 6 AS S%WJ RECORD OF SURVEY VW No. 9880, FILED JAMJAR'! 3, 1985, RECCRDS OF SAN DIE CDJNTY, CALIFWIA; THXE ALW THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID GOVERl;a'VKNT L 6, NORTH 87°32'56" WEST A DISTAWE OF 1036.73 FEET TO AN ANGLE POI THEREIN; THENCE CCNTINUING ALim SAID NQRTHERLY LINE, SQUTH 68'012' I I" \RST DISTANCE OF 315.15 FEET TO THE NORTI-EST CORNER THEREOF: THENCE ALCM T WESTERLY LINE OF SAID GOVEPMNT LOT 6, SOUTH 00°57'12" EAST A DISTAYCE 112.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE 0- A 60 FWT WIDE RIGHT WAY KNOW AS LA COSTA AVENUE AS SHGWN ON COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO RClAD SLRVEY h 1796-65; THCILCE ALONG SAID SOLJTHERLY SIDELINE THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: 1. MIRTH 72*25'25" EAST A DISTANCE @F 221.13 FEET TU THE BEGINNING OF TANGENT 1359.95 FOOT WIUS C~JRVE CONCAVE samms-rmw: 2. THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL WGLE 18*11'5Y" A DISTAPKE CF 435.76 FEET; TKhCE SOUTH 89O22'36" EAST A DISTANCE OF 687.59 FEET TO A FOINT DN T EASTERLY LINE OF SAID GO'JERWJT LOT 6; 3. TPENCE AL-ONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, MRTH 00°37'38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 62. FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. za/2_ uvs 11/9/87 m e '. I CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real propert. conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 23, 1987 from to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporatio is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Carls' California pursuant to resolution No. 9311 , adopted on December 8, 1987 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. San Dieguito Union High School District DATED: December 9, 1987 By : A&*/- ALETHA L. RAUTEhKRANZ, 'Citypl 0 *+ eST IC - . ._ ___ I I","', t Preliminary Report AME& q 2 PRELIMINARV REPORT In response to the herein referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby report that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title lnsuranc describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may b sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception herein or nc excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms The printed Exceptions and Exclusionsfrom the coverageof said Policy or Policies are set forth herein. Copif of the Policy forms should be iead They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating th issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby If it is desired that liability be assume. prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested First American Title Insurance Company 411 Ivy Street P. 0. Box 808 (92112) San Diego, California 92101 (619) 238-1776 1 - (800) 451 - 04% PRELIMINARY REPORT W W SpJO3aJ 3iIqnd alii hq UMOqS iOU PUe Me1 Aq pasodu! 'PaqS!UJn) JS'lieaJaq 10 aJOjOiaJali IelJaieLL IO JOqer 'Sa3lAJaS JOj 'Ua!( '2 01 346!J 10 'U .JaieM oi aliii JO sue13 'siu61~ JaieM 'joaiaqi a3uenssi aqi 6uiziioqine spy 31 JO siuajed UI suoi]da3xa JO suo!iehiasa~ :suiel3 6u!uiu pap: 'spjoaai Aq UMOLJS IOU aie LJ~!WM pue 'aso~~p pinom AaNns mano3 e LWYM swe) iauio Aue JO 'sauaurq3eoi3ua 'eaie UI a6ejioqs 'sau11 Lepunoq u! 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Aalod uo!ie!3ossv aij!l puei ue3!iac SNOlld33X3 lVN0133tl HllM (OL-L1-01 a3aN3WV) OL61 -9 WUO4 A3llOd SA3NMO NOIIV130SSV 31111 aNV1 NV'31U3WV 'E Yqod s!qi Aq pamsu! isaiaiui JO aieisa aqi JO~ anlen p!ed peq iueu!ep pair i! pau!eisns uaaq aneq IOU pinom q3!q~ a6euep JO ssol u! 6U!ilnSaJ (a) JO !As!lod jo aiea oi iuanbasqns palean JO 6u!q3eiie (p) !iueu!ep painsu! aqioi: JOSSOI ou u! Gu!ilnsa~ (3) :Japunaiaq painsu! ueauwaq iueu!ep pamu! wnsaiep aliiOiJO!Jd Auedwo3 aqioiiueu!eppaJnsu! aqiAq BU!I!JMU! pasopsip A3!lods!qiAq ~saia)u!~oaie)sa ue paJ!nb3eiuew!el3 qmsaiepaqi ieioA3!iodfoaiea Ie~aqi!aiue~!e(3paJnsu!~liioj u~ouyinqsp~03ai~!(qndaqiAq UMOLJS /(uedluo~aIJloluMouylou (q) !luewiei3pamsu! a~iAqoipaa~6e~opawnsse'paia~~ns'palea~~ (e) sialleiuiaillolo'slu!el3asiahpe'sa3ueiqwn3uaisua!l'~ 'A3!(0d JO ales le SpJO3al 3!1qnd all1 U! sieadde Sj46!1 V3nS JO aS!3JaXa all140 a3l)OU SSajUfl JaMOd a3!(od 40 S146!J lelUaWUJaA06 JO u!euop ~uau!ua JC 'UO!JEjfl6aJ leiUaUUJaAO6 JO ~~UEU!~JO 'Me1 qns Aue 40 UO!&EIO!A Aue jo pa448 aqi JO 'puel aqi 40 eaie 40 suo!suaw!p aq~ u! uo!j3npaJ e JO d!q u! UO!ieJedaS e 6u!i!q!qOid JO 'puel aqi uo pai3aJa ~aiiea~aq JO MOU jUaUJaAOJdw! hue 40 uo!ie3ol JO suo!suaw!p 'JapeJeq3 aqj Gu!gelnBa~ JO 'puel aqio luau/' asn 'A3uednxo 341 6U!i!q!qOJd 10 6U!ieln6aJ 10 6U!i3!JiSaJ (Sa3UeU!pJO ~U!UOZ pue Gu!pl!nq Oj pailiu!l IOU iflq 6Uipfll3U!)UO!~l?lfl6aJ leJUaUuJaAO6JO asueu!pJo ' 3~~3~03 wow sNoisnnx3 40 3ina3ws (OL-LC-01 aqamwv) 0~61- 8 WUOJ miod SMNMO NOIIVI~OSSV 31111a~vi NWIHWV -2 36paiMOUy inoqi!M anlen io) Ja3ueiqun3ua ~o iaseqxnc peq jueu!elD painsu! aqij! pauieisns uaaq aneq IOU pinom tp!qMa6eUJepJO ssol u! 6u~lnsa~ (a) JO :A3!lod 40 aiea oiiuanbasqns paieai3Jo 6u!q3e~ie (p) :I painsu! aqi oi a6ewep JO ssol ou u! 6u!ilnsa~ (3) :iapunaiaq painsu! ue auegaq iueu!el3 painsu! qns aiep aqi 01 Jo!Jd Auedwo3 aqio~ iueu!ep pajnsL 6U!i!JM u! pasol3s!piou pue a6e6i~ow painsu! aqi paJ!nb3eJOA3!lOd s!qiAq painsu! isaiaiu!io aieisa ue paJ!nb3e iueqep q3ns alep aqijeio Aalod 40 ales j iueu!el3 painsu! aqi oi u~ouy inq a6e~an03 UOJ) papnl3xa asjwaqio jou pue spio3aJ 3!lqnd aq) Aq u~oqs jou (9) !iueu!ei3 painsu! aqj Aq oi paaide io p 'paiajps 'pasne3 'palean inq 'A3!lod io aiep ie spioaai 3!;qnd aqi Aq u~oqs iou 10 Jaqiaqm (e) siaiiew iaqio JO 'swie13 asianpe 'saweiqwn3ua 'sua11 ' Xqod 40 aiea le SPJOWJ 3!lqnd aqi Aq UMO~S jou JO JaqiaqM 'uoiielnba~ le~uawuiano6 JO aweu!pio 'Me1 qms Aue io uoiielo!n Aue 40 pa44 'A3!lOd 40 aiea jeSpJO3aJ3!lqnd aqi Aq UMO~S iou io~aqjaq~'~ed eseMJos! puel aqi V~!~MJO la3iedAueJo puel aqiio eaieiosuo!suauipaqi u! a6ueq3 eiod!L u! uo!jeiedas e 6u!)!q!qo~d JO 'puel aqi uo papaiaiaijeaiaq JO MOU jUaLIJahOJdui Kue 40 uo!ie3ol JO suo!suauip 'ia)3eieq3 aui6u!)eln6ai JO 'puel aqi~o luau. SpJO3aJ s!lqnd ail$ U! sieadde Si46!J q3nS 10 aS!3JaXa 34; JO a3!iOU SSajun JaMOd a>!jod 40 Si46!J (eiUaUJUJaAO6 10 U!etlJOp )uau!ua j( aSn 'A~uedn~~oa~~6U~~~q~qoJdJo6U~i~(n6aJJo6U~~~~J~saJ (Sa3UEU!pJO6U!UOZpue Bu!pl!nq oipai!u!l )Ou inq 6U~p~~3u~)UO~~~J~6aJ]~~U~WUJ~hO6JO a3UeU!pJO 'A3!jod SlqJ Aq paJflSu! S! heM46!4 10 palls uado All ~O~SS~33eJOJJ~UMO6U!~jnqeU~~O)~6!J~JeU!pJO~~~~3!~MOjiU~~X~aLJij!U1!~ JOI(J!pOW (leqsqdelbeied S!qiU! Bu!qiou lnq 'SI(BMJa~BMJOSI(BM'SaUe~ 'SAalle'S 'SPF?OJ 'siaam Bu!iinqe u! JO 'w ainpaws u! 01 paiiaia~ JO Paq!J3saP kiiew!3ads eaie aui 10 sau!i aui PuOLaq puel u! luawasea 10 alelsa 'lsaialu! 'all!l 'li 'SpJO3aJ 3!1qfld aq) Aq UMOLJS ale (3) 10 '(q) '(E) JapUil pajd83xa SJ3llELu aqi lOU JO J 'JajeM oi a~!t 10 su!ep 's146!~ JaieM (3) :)oa~aqi aauenss! aql 6u!z!~oqine si3~ UI JO siuaied u! suoIlda3xa JO SuoiieNasai (4) 'suielz 6u!u1u paiuaiei 'spJo3a aqiAq ~~0~~iou~ie~~~~~~pue'~so~~s~pp~no~Aa~ns~~~~~o~e~~~~~s)~e~~~~~oAuei0's~u~~~~eo~~u~'e~~euia6e~~o~s'sau~~Aiepunoq uisp!j~uo3'sai3ue 'spi03ai qqnd aqi Aq UMO~S iou aie 4314~ 'joaiaq) suiei3 JO 'sa3ueJqwnwa JO sua11 'siu; -Jad)ohlnbu! Guiyeu Aq~o puejaql)ouo!imdsu! ueAqpau!eua3seaq plno3q3!q~inqspio3a~3!!qnda4iAq u~oqsiouaie q3iqMsu!el3iosisaiajui'slq6!J'S AqJOh3Ua6e 43nSJOSpJO3aJ aqik UMOqSlOU JOJa~iaqM'S6U~paa30Jd q3nS)Osa3!lOU JO'S~uaLuss~SSeiOsaXe~u~ ilnsai Aeu q3iqMA3ua6e3!~qndeAqsbu!~ aqi Aq JO Ayadoid leal uo siuaussasse JO saxe) sa!nal ieq) AiiJoqine 6u!xej Aue JO S~JO~~J aq~ Aq sua!^ Gu!ls!xa se UMO~S ~OU aie q3!q~ siuawssasse, 'jOaJaL(1 UO!SSBSSOC 'SpJO3aJ 3! 'SpJO3i :bUiMOllO& aqi 40 uoseai Aq as!Je U~I~M $0 lie 10 Aue 'sasuadxa JO saa) ,sAauJoiie 'siso3 )su!e6e JOU 'abeuep JO ssol isuie6e ainsui IOU sac a aina3t-m (adAl AD!lOd Aa) SNOISfll3X3 aNV SNOlld33X3 Q31Nlkid A0 IS11 V 1181 HX3 EL6 1 - A31lQd 3E)Vt13/\03 atlVaNV1S NOIlVI3OSSV 31111 aNtn VlNHOdIlV3 '1 ENDORSEMENT FORM 1 COVERAGE (AM PD 10-17-70) WrTH A.L.@ CHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVE Fm 1. Any law, ordinanceorgovernmental regulation(inc1uding but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating orprohibiting t or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or 1oca:ion of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibit ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regul, 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverseciaims, orother matters (a) created, suffered, assumed oragreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not kno\ and not shown by the public records but known to the insured ciaimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or i this policy or acquired the insured mortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured cl insured hereunder; (c) resulting innolossordamagetotheinsuredclaimant; (d) attachingorcreatedsubsequentto Dateof Policy(excepttoth isafforded herein astoanystatutorylienfor laboror material ortotheextent insurance isafforded herein astoassessmentsforstreet improvemer tion or completed at Date of Policy). Unenforceabilityof thelien oftheinsured mortgage becauseoffailure of theinsuredat Dateof Policy orof any subsequent owneroftheindebtedr applicable "doing business" laws of the state in which the land is situated. 4. 5. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LENDERS POLICY - 1970 (AMENDED 19-17-70) WITH REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS When the American Land Title Association Lenders Policy is used as a Standard Coverage Policy and not as an Extended Coverage Policy, the exc paragraph 4 above are used and the following exceptions to coverage appear in the policy. SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the matters shown in parts one and two following: Part One: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real public records. 2. Anyfacts,rights,interests,orclaimswhicharenotshown bythepublicrecordsbutwhichcouidbeascertained byaninspectionofsaidlandorbym: sons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other factswhich acorrect survey would disclose, and whic public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to wa 6. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public recorc 6. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY - 1987 WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT FORM 1 COVERAGE (6-87) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Thefollowingmattersareexpresslyexcludedfrom thecoverageofthis policyand theCompanywill not pay lossordamage,costs, attorneys'feesorexl by reason of: 1. (a) Anylaw,ordinanceorgovernmental regulation(inc1uding but not limited to building and zoning laws,ordinances.orregulations) restricting, r ing or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hc 'heland; (iii) aseparationinownershiporachangein thedimensionsorareaofthelandoranyparcelofwhich thelandisorwasapart; or protection,ortheeffectof any violationofthese laws,ordinancesorgovernmental regulations, except to theextent that anoticeoftheenfori noticeof adefect, lien orencumbrance resultingfrom aviolation or allegedviolation effecting the land has been recorded in the public recori (b) Anygovernmental police powernotexcluded by (a) above, excepttotheextentthatanoticeoftheexercisethereoforanoticeofadefect, lit resulting from a violation or alleged vioiation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. Rightsof eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been rscorded in the public recordsat Date of Policy, but not excludingfrorn c which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) (b) (c) 2. 3. created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured clairnant; not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known tothe insured claimant and not disclosed in writing the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) at1:aching or created subsequent to Date of Policy(except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien ofthe insured mortgagt lien forservices. labor or material orthe extent insurance is afforded herein as to assessmentsfor street improvements under construction 0 of policy); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. Unenforceabilityofthelten oftheinsured mortgagebecauseoftheinabilityorfailureoftheinsuredat Dateof Poiicy,ortheinabilityorfailureofany of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. invalidityorunenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, orclaim thereof, which arises out of thetransaction evidenced bythe insured moi upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. Anystatutorylienforservices,laborormaterials(ortheclaim of priorityofanystatutorylienforservices,laboror materialsoverthelien oftheinsu ingfromanimprovementorworkrelatedtothelandwhich iscontractedforandcommencedsubsequent toDateof Policyandisnotfinanced inwh ceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or IS obligated to advance 4. 5. 6. 7. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY FORM B- 1987 (6-87) WITH REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS When the American Land Title Association policy is used as a Standard Coverage Policy and not as an Extended Coverage Poiicy the exc;usions Se: f above are used and the following exceptions to coverage appear in the policy (continued on back) dq>!o "i+,l r"'",>yJ ,., -J --,, .' VU-I.,I." -.,- "-+ ,/-., +"- -.L"p --,_.,.I.,^y 4,y puej JnoA q3noi ieqi SA em JO 'SAalle 'siaa~is ui 0 14611 e 10 y3e- alii: JnoA JOJ anlen Aed 01 ainlie, ,o t/ alnpaq3S w 10 E wail ui o; paJJa)aJ pue paqinsap Alle3iji3ads !F e-ie aqi apislno puel Aue 01 0 sys~u alii1 palan03 jo 8 illail ui abe~anos uai! IeiJaielLi ~UE ioqel aq ~!wil IOL saop siqi - aiea Asiiod aqi ia4j.e all!$ JnoA isajje is>!) ieuj 0 noA 01 ssol ou UI ilnsai leqi 0 -spi03ai 3ilqnd aq] ui paieadde Aaqi ssajun - a]ea bjod aqi uo 'sn 01 IOU inq 'noA 01 UMOU~ aie leu] 0 noA Aq oi paaide JO 'pamolle 'paieai3 aie ieqi 0 SYS!tl all!. 'ale0 Aqod aqi uo sp~03ai qqnd aqi u! Sieadde Guiyei 40 aa!iou e ssalun '11 6u!uwapuo3 Aq pui.1 aqi aye1 oi 1q61i aq. 'SySlu 81111 paJa.403 40 F 1 pUe Z 1 SUJail UI paq!J3Sap a6eJa.403 GUIUOZ aq] 1iLUll lOU SaOp UOISnj3Xa SIq. uo!i3aioJd IeiuawuoJiAua 0 pUel a41 UO SlUaUaAOJdtLJ! 0 UO!SlA!P Duel 0 asn puel 0 :6UiLia3UO3 suoi)ejn6ai pUl sMel osle pue sa3ueu!pio Guiuoz pue Su!plinq sapnl3u! s!q1 ~~o!ielnba~ jUalllUJaAO6 JO Me1 Aue 40 uoiieloinio a3uaisixa aqi pue 'JaMOd aqod leiuauuiaAo: -woij 6uiilnsai sasuadxa pue saaj ,sAadJolie 'spo3 'SSOI ~su!ebe painsui ;ou aie noA '8 alnpaq3S ui suoiidaz~x3 aqi ( SNOISfll3X3 6161 - A3110d 33MVtlnSNI 31111 lVIIN3alS3tl NOllWl30SSV 31111 aNVl NV3ltl3WW '01 'SpiO3aJ 3iIqnd aqi /(q UMOqS IOU pUe Me1 ACl pasodw! 'paljSlUJflJ JalJEaJaU 10 aJO)OlaJa41 lellalew JO JOqel 'Sa3lAJaS JOj 'Uail E 01 1U6!J 10 'I JaieM 01 all11 JO SWIE~~ '~1461~ iaiem :)oa~aq] auenss! aqi 6u!ziioq]ne spv UI JO sluaied UI suoiida3xa JO SuoiieNasai 'sill!e/z Gu!u!w palu 'SpJO3a Aq UMOC~S~OU ale 431~~ pue 'asopsIp pjno~ AaNns paiio2 E ~~IVM spej iaqio hue JO 'sluauqxonua 'WJE ui afiet~oqs 'say) hitpunoq u! sp~u0-3 'saput 'S~JO~~J 311qnd aqi Aq UMO~ IOU ale q3!4~ sa3ueiqun3ua JO iuawasea io sw!ep 'qu; .loaiaql uo!ssassod 'spJo3a aqi Aq JO AlJadOJd leal uo s]uawssasse 10 saxe] ~ai~aj leq; Ai!Joqine Guixei Aue )o sp~03ai aqj Aq sua!^ Gui)s!xa se UMO~S IOU aie 4314~ s]uawssasse J -Jad)ohi!nbLJl6~!y~~uAqJOpUej pl~S)Ou0!]3adSui Ue~qpaUle]ia3S~aqplnO3~3!~M~nqS~JO33J 3!jqndaq]AqUMOqS~OU aie~3!~MSW!e1310'S~SaJalU!'S]~61J'S :jO UOSeaJ Aq aSlJe q3!qM (sasuadxa 10 Saaj .S/(aUJOlie 'SJSO3 Aed 1OU I(!M Auedtuo3 aql pUe) a6ewep 10 SSOl lsu!eGe aJnSUl 101.1 Sac B 3ina3Hx k!lod all1 U! ieadde a6eJaA03 01 suo!ida3xa 6U!MOllOi a41 pue pa 53 qdei6e~ed u! 41~0) ias suo!snpxa aqi A3!lod abeJaho3 papuaixs ue se JOU pue As!lod a6EJaAO3 piepueis E se pasn s! A3ilod uo!jei3ossv all!l puei ue3!Jai SNOlld33X3 lVN0193H HllM (LQ-9) 3DVU3A03 1 WU04 IN3W3SUOaN3 VllV HllM L86 1 - A3110d H3MMO NOIlVI3OSSV 31111 aNW1 NV3IH3WV '6 'A3iIod siqi Aq painsui isaialui io alelsa aqi JO] anjen pied peu iuewiej3 painsul aqi ji pauieisns uaaq aneq IOU pinom q3iq~ a6eUJEp JO ssol UI 6uiiln: JO 'A3ilod to ale0 01 iuanbasqns paleal3 io Suiq3e 'iuewiel3 painsui aqi 01 a6ewep JO ssol ou u! 6ui)ln: :A311od s!ili iapun painsui ue awesaq iueLuiei3 painsui aq; alep aql 01 JOIJO iuewiel:, painsui ; .qAuedwo~a~~oi6uiiii~~ipaso~~s~pi0~ pue~uewi'e~~painsuiaq~o~umouy inq'A31lod boaiea jespJo3ai3ilqndaqiui papJosaJ~ou'AuedtLo~aqio~umauy~ :iuew!el3 painsui aqi Aq 01 paa~6e JO pawnsse paiagns 'pale; siaiiew J~~IO JO swiel3 asianpe 'sa3ueiqwn3ua 'sua11 ' 6uiyeiAuea6eiano3 ~0~)6u!pnj3xaiou inq'A3ijod joaiea iesp~o3a~ 3ilqnd aqi UI papi03ai uaaqseqjoaiaqiasi3Jaxaaqi~oa31~ou ssalun u!eu~opiuauIua)~ 'A3ilOd )O aiea ie spJo3aJ wqnd aq: ui papJo3ai uaaq seq puej aqi 6uii3aj)e uoiieloin pa6alle JO uoileloin e UJOJJ 6uilln: azueJqtun3uaJo uai~'~~a)ap~~oa~~:oue~o)oa~aqias!~iaxaaq~joa~i~ou e:eq]iuaIxa aqiqida3xa 'anoqe (e) Aq papnpxaiouJaMod aqod leluawuia~o6A 'bled io aiea ie spi03ai qqnd aqi u! papiom1 uaaq seq puel aqi Guil9ajje uo!ielo!n pa6aije JO uoiiepn e UJOJJ 6ciilnsa~ aweiqwn3ua JO uail 'pajap e io a311 e~o~oaiaqi~uawa~~o)uaaqi~oa~i~oue:eqiiua~xaaqio~~da~xa'suoi~e~n6ai ~e1uawu~an06iosa~ueuipio'sme~ asaq~~ouoi~e~olAAue~o pa)jaaq]Jo'uoi13alc uo pal3aJa iaijeaiaq JO MOU iuawaAoidwi hue jo uoiie3o1 io suoisuat~ip 'iai3eieq3 aqi (11) :puel aqi )o iuawholua JO 'asn 'A3uednmo aqi [I) 01 Guijejai 10 I 'a6PalMOUy lnOl(llM anleh 10) JaSEWind e j0 SiL!filJ aq1 UO GUIPUI~ aq PlnOM 1/3!qM /(3ljOd 40 alI3a O] JO!id palin330 se jelUaLUUOJ!AUa (AI) 40 IuedeSeMJOSl pUelayi~3!4MjOja3Jed/(UeJOpUel a~~~O~~i~JOSUO~SL~~lp~~)Ul~6ue~3~JOdlqSiaUMOul uoileledase (i!i) 'puej; -1lqI40Jd '6L!lEln6aJ '6U!i3lJlSaJ (suo!iein6ai JO 'Sa3LEUlPJO 'SMel ~UIUOZ PUE Gu!pllnq 01 pallU!l IOU )nq 6Uipnl3Ul)UO!]eln6ai ~~]UawUJaAObJOa3U~UIpiO 'ME1 A aSlJe q3!qMSaSUadXa JOSaa) ,S~aUJOll~ 'SlSO3 'a6ewep 10 SSOl Aed IOU II!M AuedwO3 aqi pueK3!lOd Siqi $0 a6eJaAO3 aqi woi) papnl3xa /(lssaJdxa ale sJailew I 33Vt13AO3 WOkiA SNOISfll3X3 (L8-9) L86C -8 MlHOJ A3IlOd SkI3RJMO NOlLV130SSV 31111 aNVl NV'31U3WV '8 sp~o3a~ 3ilqnd aui Aq UMO~S IOU pue MBI Aq aasodwi 'paqsiuinj iaijeaJaq JO aio)oiaiaq leiialeu~ JO ioqel 'sa3inias JO~ 'uail e 01 1q61~ JO 'I iaieM 01 alii1 JO swiel3 'siqG!' 'aiem 'joaiaql aauenssi 341 6U!ZlJOqil€? si3v u! 20 sjuaied u: suoilda3xa 10 SuoiieNasaJ :swlel3 GUIU!~ palu spJo3a Aq UMO~S IOU aie q%qm pue 'asoIx!p pjnom Aahlns i3aiA03 e q3iq~s13e~ iaqlo Ade JO 'siuawq3eoJ3ua 'eale UI a6ej~oqs 'sauil hepunoq ui S~~II~UO~ 'sai3uei 'SPJO~~J 311qnd aqi Aq UMO~S IOU aie 4314~ sa3ueiqwn3ua io 1uauasea 40 swiel3 'siu; ioaiaqi uoissassod -iad:ohinbu!6uiyewAq iopuei pies;ouoii3adsu! uehq pauieiiaxeaq pin03 q3!q~inqsp~o3ai31jqnd aqiAq UMO~SIOU a~eq~i~~~wie~3~0's!saia~Ul'siq61i's~ aq: Aq JO ALJadOJd leal LO siuawssasse IO saxei sainai leqi A:iJoqlne 6uixei Aue io sp~o3ai aqi Aq sual1 Gui;s~na se UMO~S IOU ale q31qn1 sjuawssasse ii .io uoseai Aq asi,e q3iqm (sasuaoxa ,o saa) ,sAauioi!e 'siso3 Aed IOU IIIM Auedwo3 aqi puei abewep JO ssol isuie6e alnsui IOU sao 'SpJO3a E 3ina3ti3s e e First American Title Insurance Company 41 1 IVY STREET, (P.O. BOX 808) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 021 01 (61 0) 238-1776 November 20, 1987 ESPOSITO PROPERTIES 3222 Saint Albans Drive Los Alamedas, California 90720 AT": JAMES ESPOSITO Our Order No. 960421-15 B*++ Dated as of November 18, 1987 at 7:30 a.m. GREG SPANIOL/bjw TITLE OFFIC The form of policy title insurance contemplated by this report is: PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California limited partnership The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to cove1 by this Report is: FEE The land referred to herein is described as follows: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED w ORDER NO. 960421-15 PAGE NO. 2 AT THE DATE HEREOF EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND ExcmmNs CONTAINED IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88, NOW PAYABLE. 2. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75 OF THE CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE. 3. SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTION OF THE CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE. PARCEL NO. 859-086-46-55 ORIGINAL 1ST INSTALLMENT: $1,329.05 OPEN ORIGINAL 2ND INSTALLMENT: $1,329.05 OPEN DELINQUENCY CHARGES: $132.91 1ST PENALTY $142.91 2ND PENALTY NOTE: NO DETERMINATION IS MADE AS TO THE ASSESSED TAX YEAR. 4, AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF THE COUNT OF SAN DIEGO, RECORDED AUGUST 3, 1932 IN 300K 147, PAGE 202 OF OFFICIAL RECO LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LYING A STRIP OF LAND 60 FEET IN WIDTH ENTITLED ROAD SURVEY 516. 5. AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES OVER AND ACROSS ROAD S NO. 1317 ACCORDING TO MAP ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR AND A GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY DEED RECORDED MAY 2, 1951 IN BOOK 4082 PAGE 235 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID INSTRUMENT ALSO GRANTS THE PRIVILEGE AND RIGHT TO EXTEND AND MAINTAIN D STRUCTURES AND EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SLOPES BEYOND THE LIMITS OF SAID RI WAY WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. SAID DOCUMENT FURTHER RECITES, GRANTORS DO HEREBY WAIVE ALL CLAIM FOR COMPEN FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF THE LOCATION, ESTABLISHMENT, AND CONS OF SAID HIGHWAY, AND DO HEREBY GRANT TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CA ALL TREES, GROWTHS (GROWING OR THAT MAY HEREAFTER GROW) AND ROAD BUILDING M AND ST SUCH LOCATIONS AS SAID GRANTEE MAY DEEM PROPER, NEEDFUL OR NECESSARY, THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID HIGHWAY. WITHIN SAID RIGHT OF WAY, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO USE THE SAME IN SUCH MA 6. AN EASEMENT FOR EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, UNDERGROUND CONCUITS AND INCIDENT PURPOSES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS IN FAVOR OF SAN DIEGO AND ELECTRIC COMPANY BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1961 AS FILE NO. 180 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: WITHIN THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND 12.0 FEET IN WIDTH BEING 610 FEET ON EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTER LINE: 0 m ORDER NO. 960421-15 PAGE NO. 3 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID UIT 1 OF CREST ACRES; THENCE SOUTH 89'39'10" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF, 20.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0*44'20't WEST 2487.37 FEET; THENCE NORTf TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID CENTER LINE OF RIGHT 01 UAY; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SOUTH 0'09'00@ EAST 437.29 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0.36'30'' EAST 233.55 FEET TO 1 POINT HEREINAFTER KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS POINT "A"; THENCE SOUTI 89.26'15'' WEST 0.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0'09'00" WEST 46.11 FEE7 21'30'30" EAST 346.98 FEET. ALSO: A RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE HEREINBEFORE DESCRIBED PURPOSE$ BEING 2.0 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF BHE POLLOWING DESCRIBED CEWTEI =NE: OVER AND ACROSS THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND 4.0 FEET ZN WSm BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE SAID POINT "A"? THENCE SOUTH 78'56'30' WEST 25.0 FEET, . EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RIGHT OF WAY ANY PORTIO1 THEREOF NOT LYING WITHIN THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LANDS, GRANTORS THEREIN COVENANTS, FOR HIMSELF, HIS SUCCESSORS ANI ASSIGNS NOT TO DRILL ANY WELLS, PLANT ANY TREES OR TO PLACE 01 MAINTAIN ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE ON SAID EASEMENT. REFERENCE IS MADE TO SAID INSTRUMENT FOR F'URTHER PARTICULARSm 7, THE EFFECT, XF ANY, OF RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 6269, WnIm Sml FORTH, OR PURPORTS TO SET FORTH, CERTAIN DIMENSIONS AND BEARING! OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY. 8. AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES OVER ANI OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR AND AS GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF SA1 OFFICIAL RECORDS. I SAID SNSTRUMENT ALSO GRANTS THE PRIVIIEGE AND RIGHT TO EXTEND ANI MAINTAIN DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND EXCAVATION AND EMBANKKENT Sfx)PE! BEYOND THE LIMITS OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY WHERE REQUIRED FOR TIU ACROSS ROAD SURVEY NO. 1796 ACCORDING TO MAP ON FIflE fN TH] DIEGO BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 7, 1966 AS FIXZ NO. 191546 01 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. SAID DOCLTMENT FURTHER RECITES, GRANTORS DO HEREBY WAIVE Au CUI1 FOR COMPENSATION FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF THI HEREBY GRANT TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Aw TREES, GROWTHS (GROWING OR THAT MAY HEREAFTER GROW) ANI ROADBUILDING MATERIALS WITHIN SAID RIGHT OF WAY, TOGETHER WITf THE RIGHT TO USE THE SAME IN SUCH HANNER AND AT SUCH LX)CATIONS A! SAID GWTEE MAY DEEM PROPER, NEEDF'UL OR NECESSARY, IN Tfu IQCATION, ESTABLISHMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION OF SAID HIGHWAY, AND n CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID HIGmAYm e 0 ORDER NO. 960421-15 PAGE NO. 4 9. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL SUM OF $270,000.00, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS AND/OR OBLIGATIONS SECURED THEREBY, RECORD1 JULY 12, 1985 AS FILE NO. 85-249141 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TRUSTOR : ESPOSITO PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP BENEFICIARY: LESLIE V. ESPOSITO AND FILOMENIA C. ESPOSITO, HUSBAND ANI AFFECTS THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED WITH OTHER PROPERTY. SAID DEED OF TRUST IS SUBORDINATE TO THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 FILE NO. 87-389058 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BY THE TERMS OF A SUBORDINATION AGREEk RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-389056 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED : MARCH 1, 1985 TRUSTEE : TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORAT: 10, THE FACT THAT SAID LAND LIES WITHIN THE SAN DIEGUITO REORGANIZATION AS DISCLO: BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 5, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-390249 OF OFFICIAL REC REFERENCE IS MADE TO SAID INSTRUMENT FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. 11. A DEED OF TRUST FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING PERFORMANCE OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEI DATED SEPTEMBER 20, 1985, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 12, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-402145 OE OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED : SEPTEMBER 17, 1985 TRUSTOR: ESPOSITO PROPERTIES TRUSTEE : T. D. SERVICE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY : SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT AFFECTS THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED WITH OTHER PROPERTY. SAID DEED OF TRUST IS SUBORDINATE TO THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 FILE NO. 87-389058 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BY THE TERMS OF A SUBORDINATION AGREE RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-389057 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 12. JU? ACTION COMKENCED (NO DATE SHOWN) # IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN ANL FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIECO. CASE NO,: 37139 PLAINTIFF: CITY OF CARLSBAD, VSe DEFENDANT 0 ESPOSITO PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL CALIFORNIA CORPORATION; LISLIE V. - ESPOSITO; FILDMENA Co ESPOSITO; ADNAN Sa fMATIB EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY, GRADING, &ANDSWING PARTNERSHIP; TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, A PURPOSE: TO CONDEMN AND TAKE, BY RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN, AND IRRIGATION EASEMENTS FOR THE LA COSTA AVENUE WI-DENING AND MITIGATION PROJECT. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SAID ACTION WAS RECORDED JUNE 4, 1987 AS FILE NO, 87-310746 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, 13. COVENANTS TO PAY FEES FOR FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS AND TO COMPLY WITH ADDIT REGULATIONS DATED JANUARY 7, 1987 UPON THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS CON' THEREIN, RECORDED JUNE 22, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-347813 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE ABOVE ITEM TO BE REMOVED UPON CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. W I ORDER NO. 960421-15 PAGE NO. 5 14. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL SUM OF $7,200,000.00, RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-389058 OF OFFICIAL RECORD DATED : JULY 9, 1987 TRUSTOR: ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNE TRUSTEE : FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: LINCOLN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A CALIFORNIA STATE- CHARTERED SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION AFFECTS TdE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITH OTHER PROf'ERyY, 15. AN ASSIGNMENT OF I;ESSOR'S ZNTEREST IN WES, DATED JULY 9, 1987, AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 AS FIXE NO. 87-389058 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; EXECUTED BY ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TC LINCOLN SAVINGS AND IDAN ASSOCIATION, A CALIFORNIA STATE- CHARTERED SAVINGS AND mAN ASSOCIATION, AND RECORDED JULY 13, 1987 AS FXLLE NO. 87-389059 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. - 16. AN ASS1G"T OF SAflES CONTRACTS AND DEPOSITS, DATED JULY 9, 1987, AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JULY ESPOSITO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A CALXFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP T( LINCOW SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A CALIFORNIA STATE- CHARTERED SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, AND RECORDED JULY 13, 1983 AS FIIZ NO, 870389060 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, 13, 1987 AS FZXE NO. 870389058 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; EXECUTED Bf 1987-88 TAX INFORMATION: CODE AREA: 09146 1ST INSTALLMENT: $5.63 OPEN 2ND INSTALLMENT: $5.63 OPEN LAND VALUE: $1,040.00 IMPROVEMENTS : -0- EXEMPT : -0- PARCEL NO. : 216-110-34 LEGAL DESCRIPTION W W ORDER NO. 960421-15 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 6 IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES SURVEY THEREOF LYING NORTHERL OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LA COSTA AVENUE. JJ I - -= r#u*,wory, ,&. *=b' 20 04 AC SAP. D~ECO rrltIrurv SHT 2 A~SSLRS #A? 930~216 %;E II SHT 2 OF2 MAPPED FOR ASSESSMCN: PURPCSf i 3klV 1. ~~ e 1L December 10, 1987 TO : City Clerk FROM: City Attorney ADVICE RE: ESPOSITO DEED This memorandum is to reassure you that in our opinion, the Council's action at their meeting of December 8, 1987 was sufficient to authorize you to accept four deeds which were forwarded to you in connecton with the transfer. Your questio. is a good one since this situation is a little bit unusual. There is only one parcel in question and that was adequately reflected on the map attached to the agenda bill. Council's action in authorizing the acceptance of the deed fro: Esposito for that property was clear. different is that instead of securing subordinations from the lien holders necessary to give the City clear title Mr. Esposito instead secured quit claim deeds. The legal effect 01 those is the same. The Council's action in accepting the deed from the fee title holder, Mr. Esposito, necessarily included the acceptance of the quit claims to extinguish the lien holder's interest in order to give the City clear title. It ir our opinion that you have the necessary authority to attach tht certificate of acceptance to the quit claim deeds as well as the principal deed from Mr. Esposito and that you may proceed to record them in the normal course of business. The The thing that is VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. '\\\ / city Attorney v v LI I L I I - ldWSY I 3H* ! Date 12/10 *' / To File n Reply Wanted From K. UNO Reply Necessary Re: Per the request of Mr. Jim Esposito, and with Lee's approval, Mr. Greg Spanie: of First American Title Go. was called at 1-800-451-0454 to pick up quitclaims and have them recorded ASAP. The timely recordation of the deeds affects a map which Mr. Esposito has to final. Quitclaims - La Costa Ave/Batiquitos Lagoon Right-of-way K. I (a9 993- /ddA 0x5 9-95- 7d/7 LP2ApMzz AIGNER FORM NO. 55032 PRINT 0 .' I 1200 ELM AVENUE TEL' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (6 19) Office of the City Clerk aiQ of QJarlsbab December 10, 1987 Vera L. Lyle County Recorder P.O. Box 1750 San Diego, CA 92112 Enclosed for recordation are the following described documents: Quitclaim from Esposito Development Company to The City of Carlsbad: La Costa Avenue/ Batiquitos Lagoon Right-of-way Quitclaim from Leslie V. and Filomena C. Esposito to the City of Carlsbad; La Costa Avenue/ Batiquitos Lagoon Right-of-way Corporation Quitclaim Deed from Lincoln Savings & Loan Association to The City of Carlsbad; La Costa Avenue/Batiquitos Lagoon Right-of-way Corporation Quitclaim Deed from San Dieguito Union High School District: to The City of Carlsbad; La Costa Avenue/Batiquitos Lagoon Right-of-way Our staff has determined that the recordation of these deeds is of benefit to the City; therefore, it is requested that the fees be waived. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. / \/ AZXBF3- Deputy City Clerk Encs .