HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-08; City Council; 9233 Exhibit; Hunt PropertiesCarlsbad Journal Decreed A legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circulation, published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issueof said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: NQTICE OF PUBLIC 9); three Planned Unit Develop- menta (PlannlWAreas 4.8. and 14): November 27 87 ................................ 19.. .. ................................. 19.. .. ................................. 19.. .. ................................. 19.. .. ................................. 19.. .. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on The 27th dayofpNovembe*987/_, . __ Clerk of the Printer CJ 4BS: November 27,1887 I - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LFMP 87-lz/EIR 83-2(A)/GPA/LU 85-2/LCPA 81-4(LCPA RESIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM (0-4) c-2 (RC) COMMERCIAL (N) HPI 87-2A)/LCPA 87-5 (LCPA 87-2B)/MP-l77/CT 85-35/CP-323/ PUD-lO2/PUD-lO3/PUD-1O4/PUD-1O5/SDP 86-2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, December 8, 1987, to consider a request for approval of Local Facilities Management Plan 87-19; certification of Environmental Impact Report 83-2(A); approval of a General Plan Amendment and Master Plan for a 1402 acre site located immediately north of La Costa Avenue between Interstate 5 and El Camino Real. The approval of a Tentative Tract Map for Phase I (531.1 acres) a Condominium Permit (Planning Area 9); three Planned Unit Developments (Planning Areas 4, 8, and 14); a Non-Residential Planned Unit Development and Site Development Plans for Planning Areas 1, 2, 10 and 11 of Phase I are also requested. L CT 85-35 CP-323 SDP 86-2 PUD- 10 2 I.€ you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan, General Plan Amendment, Master Plan, Tentative Tract Map, Condominium Permit, Planned Unit Developments, and/or Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: PUBLISH : November 27, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort 1 LOCATION MAP yiiy RESIDENTIAL MULTI (4-8) I l- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 1987, to consider a request for the approval of Local Facilities Management Plan 87-19; certification of an Environmental Impact Report; approval of a General Plan Amendment and Master Plan for a 1402 acre site located immediately north of La Costa Avenue between Interstate 5 and El Camino Real. The approval of a Tentative Tract Map for Phase I (531.1 acres) a Condominium Permit (Planning Area 9) ; three Planned Unit Developments (Planning Areas 4, 8, and 14) ; a Non- Residential Planned Unit Development and Site Development Plans for Planning Areas 1, 2, 10, and 11 of Phase I are also requested. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Local Facilities Management Plan, General Plan Amendment, Master Plan, Tentative Tract Map, Condominium . Permit, Planned Unit Developments, and/or Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: LFMP 87-19/EIR 83-2(A)/GPA/LU 85-2/LCPA 87-4 (LCPA 87-2A)/LCPA 87-5 (LCPA 87-2B)/MP-l77/CT 85-35/CP- 323/PUD-lO2/PUD-lO3/PUD-104/PUD-l05/SDP 86-2 APPLICANT : PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT PUBLISH: OCTOBER 23, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION * .OCATION MAP PC (RLM) RESIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM (0-4) c- 2 (RC) COMMERCIAL (N) EXHIBIT A c CT 85-35 CP-323 SDP 86-2 L A 1 RD-M RESIDENTIAL MULTI (4-8) (RM) 1 EIR 83-2 (A) I GPA/LU 85-2 . HPI I PUD-102 I (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice HUNT PROPERTIES - EIR 83-2(A), etc. - Pacific Rim for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meeting of 12/8/87 Thank you. .... 11 /19/87 Date AVIARA April 3, 1989 City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Withdrawal of Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Aviara On March 20, 1989, I appealed the Planning Commission decision regarding their denial of the Aviara proposal to satisfy condition No. 31 of CT 85-35. I hereby withdraw this appeal and do not wish to be heard by the City Council on this matter. Sinchly, D. L. Lemens Vice President/General Manager DLC/er cc: Charles Grim Michael Holzmiller 2011 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 206 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 (619) 931-1190 FAX:(619) 931-7950 - CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR REFUND Vendor No. Amount of Refund $275.00 Fee Paid For: Appeal Of Condition /I35 - CT 85-35 Date Fee Paid: 3/21/89 Fee Paid By: Aviara Land Associates Facts Supporting Request: This matter was appealed to the City Council. The appeal fee of $275 was paid when the appeal was filed. subsequently withdrawn their appeal of the matter. The appellant (Aviara-Hillman) has - N~~~ of ~~~li~~~~: Aviara - Hillman Properties West, Inc. Address: 2011 Palomar Airport Rd., Suite 206 , Carlsbad, CA 92009 931-1190 Street City State Zip Telephone Signature of Applicant: City Clerk is requesting refund - Appeal Date 4/11/89 was withdrawn. op IG--? Y/4 I/S Approve Disapprove Dept. Head Signature date Finance Investigation: Rec: fl Approve 0 Disapprove Dept. Head Signature Date I 1 City Manager’s Action: City Manager Signature Date 0 Approve 0 Disapprove 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE (619) 434-2808 Office of the City Clerk DATE : March 21, 1989 TO : Bobbie Hoder FROM : Karen Kundtz RE : APPEAL - AVIARA - HILLMAN - CT 85-35 - Condition 831 THE ABOVE ITEM HAS BEEN APPEALED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the date that the appeal was filed. (REMINDER: The item will not be noticed in the newspaper until the agenda bill is signed off by all parties.) hearing. If this is not the case, please let us know. It is our understanding that this matter will not be a public - Please process this item in accordance with the procedures contained in the Agenda Bill Preparation Manual. If you have any questions, please call. The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled for the City Council Meeting of Signature Date . 1 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE (619) 434-2808 APPEAL FO RU I (We) appeal the following decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council: West, Inc.) appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny proposal to allow satisfaction of CT 85-35 Condition #31 prior to March 15, 1989 building,p$rmit issuance. Date of Decision: Reason for Appeal: technical PUD plans must be approved prior to final map recordation. It 1s Auiara's position that such technical plans are unnecessary until prior to building permit issuance for two reasons: 1) the Aviara Master Plan has far more strict standards than any other project would affect these plans. Planning Commission action on this matter ruled that r4ty7 --- 1ni4 -L, 3\ -v - D17n -- ,- A-f ic '- r.7hkh A---.-. ~ March 20, 1989 Date SignatureLx V D. L. Clemens Name (Please Print) 2011 Palomar Airport Rd., Suite 206 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Address 931-1190 Telephone Number PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT CHARLES A. CANNOVA 6827 El Fuerte Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 December 1, 1987 Carlsbad Mayor and City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: My wife, Anne, and I have been home owners in La Costa for more than eight years, and we have kept a keen eye on the proposed development undertaken by the principals of the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. Needless to say, we look favorably upon this project. Early in November, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission gave their unanimous approval, thus paving the way for the City Council's consideration. We urge you and all other agencies involved to give your enthusi- astic approvals so that we can all enjoy the benefits of this "five star" luxurious installation. The sooner the project actually gets underway - the better. Sincerely, Charles A. Cannova CAC:js FAY ROUND/&* 2630 Cazadero Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 (619) 438-2407 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad. CA 92oc)8 Subject: Pacific Rim Master Plan Honorable Mayor and Council Members: I am writing to offer my support for the above project. hoped to appear in person at your December 8 meeting to speak in behalf of the project, but unfortunately will be out of town that evening. I had As you may recall, I previously offered public testimony to the Council at an earlier set of hearings on the HPI project. that time, I was serving as Vice-president of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation and was speaking on behalf of the Foundation with regard to our concern that the Lagoon be designated as permanent open space. Although I was one of the founding directors of the Foundation, and am still a member, I no longer serve on its Board of Directors. This letter therefore represents only my opinions and may not necessarily reflect those of the current Board. At One of the earliest concerns that I shared with others in the Foundation was that HPI would become disenchanted with the length and complexity of the overall permit approval process in California, and, as a result, would abandon the project and parcel their holdings to a variety of builder/developers. Given the unique relationship of the HPI property to the Lagoon, I felt that, if the property was to be developed at all, the best interests of the community and the Lagoon would be served by a Master Plan concept developed by a single owner with the resources to do it right. 9- Carlsbad City Council Page 2 Since that time, I have closely observed the evolution of the current Master Plan. I have had the opportunity to review the Plan and its associated environmental documentation, have seen several of HPI's presentations over the past several years, and have studied their 3-dimensional models of the project. As a result of this activity and analysis, I feel that our previous contention that the property should be developed under a single master plan was well founded. "1's Pacific Rim Master Plan, in its current form, is a significant improvement over the earlier versions. In my opinion, the Plan that will be before you on December 8 makes excellent and effective use of the property, and incorporates a high degree of sensitivity to the land as well as to the Lagoon and its resources. I offer my congratulations to HPI's project team, ably led by Larry Clemens, and am pleased to offer my enthusiastic support for the overall project. As a 10-year resident of La Costa, I feel that the phased development of The Pacific Rim County Club and Resort properties, as proposed in the Master Plan, will be an excellent addition to the community, and I am hopeful that the City Council will see fit to add its stamp of approval on December 8. Sincerely, Fay 0. Roun I. - 5 November, i'9i37 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Members. ! have been following closely over the past few years, the pr-ogress and sometimes setbacks. in attempts to win approval to develop the Pacific Rim project. I have lived in La Costa for about twelve years, during which time I have seen the area change from a beautiful remote area with single family homes, to a crowded, condominium packed mess. The Pacific Rim intends, as I understand it, to build a golf course, a hotel, single family homes, roads, hiking trails, and many other things that will beautify that very special area of La Costa. My question is; Why has the Council fought the Pacific Rim project after approving the building of ugly, packed together condominiums in the Stagecoach Park section? I strongly recommend that approval be given to the Pacific Rim project. It will provide the area with beauty, practical amenities, and after years of approval by the Board of haphazard building, we will finally get something that will be beneficial and uplifting for La Costa. I moved to La Costa because of the beauty of the ared, the fine reputation and potential for becoming one of the best places to live in San Diegm County. Unfortunately it did not turn out that way. Surrounding cities and towns that were not considered on the level of La Costa have grown in a more controlled manner, and the housing has been of a higher quality and attractiveness. I am aware that La Costa is part of Carlsbad but I am specifically referring to La Costa because that is where most of the damage was done. Thank you for your attention to this letter. 7311 Borla Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 - CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER% 6994 El Camino Real, Suite 208 Carlsbad, California 92009 (61 9) 438-1 157 November 25, 1987 The Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mayor Lewis: As a professional property manager (West Bluff Plaza and other adjacent properties) and as a homeowner (1924 Swallow Lane), I would like to express my support for the Pacific Rim project. Please convey my support to other members of the City Council prior to your scheduled review of the project on December 8th. Having watched the Pacific Rim project evolve over the past five years, I would like to compliment both the hard-working City Staff and Council as well as Larry Clemens on the 'final product'. Pacific Rim will be a tremendous asset to our community. We need to proceed with all speed now on the Batiquitos Lagoon enhancement and the Alga Road improvements. I urge both you and the other Council Members to approve this fine project on December 8th. Yours truly, AG:js cc: Larry Clemens 7751 Lucia Court Carlsbad, CA. 92009 November 25, 1987 Carl sbad City Counci 1 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Gent1 emen: As we approach the Dec 8th date at which time you will vote on the Pacific Rim project, I wish to express my full and dedicated support of the plan proposed by the Hunt Properties. As a citizen of Carlsbad, I have had several opportunities to visit and talk with the Pacific Rim staff and view the mock-up of the proposed facility. addition, both economically and aesthetically for the greatest city in America to 1 ive. Needless to say, it is impressive and would be a tremendous I, my family and neighbors are all enthusiastically in favor of this project and hope that you gentlemen will unaminously vote to proceed with its construction. Very Truly Yours, Me1 vi n Horowi tz _- 7740 El Camino Real. Ste. H, La Costa, CA 92009 (61 9) 436-8585 21 89 San Elijo Ave.. Cardiff-by-the-Sea. CA 92007 (619) 436.3303 - -1 -A REALTY November 24, 1987 Carl sbad City Counci 1 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Counci 1 Members : We, at Ranch & Sea Realty, La Costa, are very excited about the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. When this beautiful project is built it will enhance the value of all .properties in Carlsbad. We applaud your decision for approval. Sincerely, Eric L. Waite, Jr. Broke r/Owne r ELW/ dm , .L November 24,. 1987 Eric L. Waite, Jr. 7019 Goldenrod Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Counci 1 Members : On December 8, 1987 the Council will review the Hunt Properties project, known as Pacific Rim Country Club & Resort. Since I will be unable to attend the hearing I would like to express my opinion regarding this quality project. As a local Carlsbad businessman and resident, I feel that this project will greatly enhance the community and contribute to our beautiful city. The entire area of North County will be proud of this improvement and benefit for many, many years from the economic contribution and recreational facilities created. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Sincerely, Eric L. Waite, Jr. November 19, 1987 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Buddy: The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is an organization of in- dividuals and businesses which strive to enhance the economic and civic well being of our community. It is not often that a com- munity has the opportunity to consider a project of the magnitude of the Pacific Rim proposal. Th.e Chamber of Commerce encourages City Council support for the project in light of the significant economic, civic and fiscal benefits to our community. It is clear that the project will bring with it much needed public improvements, recreational facilities for both residents and tourists, and an ever increasing tax base. It will have a positive impact on all business in our community, and meets every standard of quality to which current residents have grown accostomed. r For the above stated reasons, the Chamber of Commerce encourages your support of the Pacific Rim Project and any other private sector efforts, whether large or small, which accomplish these shared goals. cc: City Council Larry Clemens 541 1 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad,California 92008 (619) 729-5924 1 October 29, 1987 Personal Delivery City of Carlsbad RE: PACIFIC RIM I am taking this opportunity to convey my feelings regarding the proposed Pacific Rim project in south Carlsbad. Usually, in this community, it is the opposition to projects that, we read about and is most vocal. It is important that ymi like- wise hear from supporters. The community of Carlsbad is a tremendous conglomerate of age groups, geographical origins across the country, as well as philosophical ideologies. I take great pride in the fact; that our family moved to Carlsbad 30 years ago, and we have heen here since. It is a wonderful place to live. We have seen this community develop in a significant. way and have watched the quality of life improve (contrary to what some would have you believe). I have likewise watched tlic progress of this proposed Pacific Rim project, bnd seen it be put through the most outrageous demands, yet the developers have continually been very patient and accomodating in attempting to mitigate the various challenges. I am very pleased with the site development plan, the amount and type of open space proposed, the development controls it will incorporate, as well as the varied communities it will creatp for our diversified community. I am especially pleased with the significant cornmiitiity facilities to be provided qs a result of this project. My family strongly urqes that you approve this project. We are sure. it will prove to be a blessing to our community. Cordially, i!. .Von Packard, Jr. Family @tt I i for it i~i ?l c .. qi B Itt tit r c WILLIAM A. CRAVEN SENATOR 38TH DISTRICT VICE CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON RULES October 27, 1987 Ms. Mary Marcus, Chair Catlsbad Planning Commission 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad CA 92009 Dear Chairwoman Marcus: It is my understanding that next week your Commission will consider an application from Pacific Rim relative to land use and their project within the City of Carlsbad. I have had the opportunity of observing portions of the planning phase by Pacific Rim on their project, and have been duly impressed. It would appear to me that every attention to detail has been attended to and I am further impressed with some of the ancillary benefits which presumably would inure to the City. I refer to the arterial scheme which I think would have a tendency to alleviate some of the traffic problems, and also I am advised that a park site and elemen- tary school site hae been set aside and dedicated to the City, and perhaps a more selfish guise, the fact that Pacific Rim intends to do extensive work on the Batiquitos Lagoon, and ultimately transfer the property to the State of California is more impressive. In all, it would appear that there is and has been excellent planning. I am confident that construction would be of the highest quality, and, further, the entire Master Plan of Development seems to provide considerable open space which I feel is beneficial to the City and its residents. In short, I urge your car the project, and I trust that you will look d BUSINLSS AUO PROCCSSIONS CLCCTIONS LOSAI. cmvrRuwui . __ - COMMlllfLS AGRICUL1UI)C AN0 WaICI RCSOURCES October 27, 1987 Dear Larry: I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your continuing efforts to address the concerns and interests of the Spinnaker Hill Homeowners. Your Pacific Rim Project presentation given to the homeowners on August 13th was informative in its cover- age of a broad range of issues. Moreover, I appreciate your sincerity and commit- ment in meetings between you and representative9 of our homeowner’ 8 group. In discuasione with many of the Spinnaker Hill pro- perty ownere, I find that the majority of them are pleaffed with the Pacific Him project as it has been presented. Thank you again for your cooperation and communica- tion with our property owners. Sincerely, cc: Lewie Kulchin Pettine Lareen Mamaux Hubbs H 01 emiller t 2585 Plo Pie0 0rhn0C.rlrb.d. Cllifornh 92008*(619l 719-1 194 October 27, 1987 Planning Comnission City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: LFMP 87-19 / EIR 83-2(A) / GPA/LU 85-2 / LCPA 87-4 (LCPA 87-2A) Applicant: / LCPA 87-5 (LCPA 87-28) / MP-177 / CT 85-35 / CP-323 / PUD-102 / PUO-103 / PUD-104 / PUD-105 / SOP 86-2 PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT Mr. Chairman and Comnissioners: Thank you for this opportunity to present our unqualified support for the proposed Pacific Rim development, which is the subject of a public hearing on Wednesday, November 4, 1987. We respectfully request that this letter be made a part of the official proceedings of that pub1 ic hearing. Our community has been fortunate over the years to attract qual 1 ty developments and in my professional opinion, Pacific Rim is truly an outstanding, large-scale conmunity that will fully complement the urban developments already in place in the southwest sector of Carlsbad. As a matter of fact, Pacific Rim has expended substanti a1 energy and expense to comnunci ate with the vari ous ne1 ghborhoods and has had long-term dialogue with the many public agencies and officials to insure the pursuit of excellence. Of major significance is the size of the development and the unique combination of land-use forms being promulgated to serve the entire neighborhood as well as the community as a whole. Additionally, the urgently needed community-wide public facilities have been addressed in total, resulting in a substantial comnitment. In summary, we respectfully urge the Planning Comnisslon to consider full approval of all elements of the Pacific Rim project as set forth in these proceedings. 3YK:pf PRP 8602 November 28, 1987 Carlsbad Plannine aommieeion 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 --c- (tenttement We ash you to know that bo whole, heartedly support The HPI Development Co, and feel that their resort area and Master Plan le the type of devslopmeut Carlsbad needa, We feet that Larry Clernann has been very helpful to reoidents of our area and has net with 111; many tines to amwer our questfone, MoRt of our friends and neighbore feel as we do and would like for the lfpf ??aster plnn to be approved by you. Sinaerety, I t STANLEY D. PROWSE ATTORNEY AT LAW CAMINO CORPORATC CENTER $!>OS CAMINO VlOA ROOLC. SUITL 101 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA QPOOQ (6191 430-6400 COPY FOR VOUR IIIFORMATlOll October 27, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Res Pacific Rim Ladies and Gentlemen: My wife and I are both residents of the La Costa area of Carlsbad. We strongly support the Pacific Rim project. The project is un- doubtedly the highest quality, lowest density development that could be hoped for on the site. It will confer many substantial benefits on the city as a whole and the La Costa area in particular. We urge you to approve the project when it.comes before you. Thank you for your consideration. '8 W SDPtmap -- I IMPACT GEOLOGY Posl Olflce Box 1065 Carlsbad, Celifornla 92008 Phone: 438-0868 October 27, 1887 The Editor I wrote a letter to you a few weeks ngo on the Patlquitos Lagoon probl~m which yo11 puhllshed and headed "Natural Law Not Enotigh for. the Army Corp." Now the plot thickens and 1 am going to !ry a~nln. Several people asked me for a copy of the Jlttle Iwenty-two page pamphlet that 1 wrote jn 1958 cnl led BERNOULLI'S LAW Af'PtlEQ-_TQ HARBOR ENTRANCES AND BRIDGES. I still hnve a few coples and wlll enclose one herewith. Dernoulli did not invent the law, It is Natiire's law. He only dlscovared it as Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. It took Dernotilli to explain the law and to apply it to thc problems of that dny. Slnce then. this partlcnlnr one of Nntiirr's laws la so nften riscd in every day Ijfc that hnrrlly nnyonr! cven notlccs it. It Is used in yortr carburetor. your water nozxlco. your washing ntnr:hlrirs, nearly nny air system, njrplnnes, jet cnglnca, ctc. All of !he expenslve rock Jetties In the world not bullt. to conform to this basic law of Nnlttrc wlll only fntl. Not c~nlp wlll thy C~IISP the It~gooii entrcrnce to pliig with sand rnpidly, they will cnirsc down stranm hench eroalon and enhancp the pnird dtanpprnranre nrt. 1,ectcadin rrnd Encinitrrs w111 love Crrrlshnd for thnt! The Hunt Rrothers "Pnciflc RJm" 1s a really high class, all crrottnd community project -- "u~rld Class" -- that Carlsbnd and even Lucadia citJzens should be happy to have as a part of their ENVIRONMENT. It is big enough to hnve a11 the amenltles - small shopping ccntrr of n Country Store type, n pogt offlce, o ~ns stntlon, and a IJttIe fnmlly pnrk plus parking. Cnn yoti lmaginr? pnrklng fncllitlps nt R pnrk? There will be a puhllc bench along the south sJde arid n prlvnte Iwwh along the north slde nrxt to the residmtlnl property. The people opposing the "Faclf Ic Rin" development are obviously the fnddist envirannentnlist types who renlly care nothing for the environment, but would vote for Jt if gjve five State Lottery Tickets. I too am against. tho fnet. Increasing trnffJc prohlem. but there nre so.lutIona for this problem thnt have nothlnyt to do wlth the 1 "FacJffc Rim". One of these solutions seems to be the new County and City street improvements 8s dellnented in Prop. A. If tlie County nnd the Cltiea brilld these much needed highway at once jiistead of otic At R time, the problem would soon hr! solved or made much hettcr. The environment argiiment. aside, if the Corps of Engineers nnd tlic State were willing to allow the bridges and harbor entrance to be brilJt nn thr Venturi Priiiciplc, tlie snnrllng tip probJcn would Iw solved. The Hunt Brothcts could build the Ventut 1 type iwldges ntitl rnnintain R small fresh-water habitat for the birds. This would most probnhly be more econornlcnl tlinn tlie jettles now proposed. Tlic mnln body of clear ocean water woirJd fllJ the bulk of the lagoon. The citizens would have aometlilng benutiful to look nt Iiistcnd of n stlnklng anamp thnt will evrnttinJJy sand-rip to nothJng of any valii~ - to anybody. Sincerely, Allan 0. Kelly U 2 -c CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COMMSICIAL PWVCLOPMWNT TRUANT IMPIOVCMCNTm . LIC USO11q 10 Planning Commision CITY OF CARLSBAD ' 1200 Elm St Carlsbad, Ca 92008 10/25/87 Att; Chairman Re- PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB SUBJECT- SUPPORT OF THE MASTER PLAN Congradulations to the City Council and the Planning Commission on a well defined plan for the Batiquitos Lagoon and the surrounding Amenities you insisted the developers provide for the community. I trust the efforts and time spent will be supportive of the project and that the City will make every effort to take this project and put in on the map. I'm thanking you in advance for a fine effort in getting the people of the area a plan that will be pleasing to generations to come. I approve of your efforts and trust you will be active in keeping with the Master Plan and its parks and much needed schools. Thank you for your time and consideration toward this fine project. Sincerely: n Doreen M. Walsh Vice President fklDAW I’ Ld Golden West Equity Properties, Inc. 1949 Soulh State Collcge Blvd., Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 937-0780 October 26,1987 CHAIRMAN Carlabad Planning Commission 1200 Elm St. Carlabad, Ca 92008 Re- PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB SUBJECT- INTEREST AND APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT During the past few years I’ve been following the progress of this proposed development and I want to express my support for this project. Its not often where so many inviduals,agencies and governmental groups invest much time and energy on such a project of this size that will in time undoubtly enhance the entire community. Besides the list of amenities, parks, and the much needed school and public improvements th6 job opportunities and economic gains for this community is a definite pluse. I urge the Commission and the City Council to move forward with the approval of this project and encourage them to support this development and its benefits to the North San Diego County. I thank you for your continued interest in making the quality of life in this area a place where people will benefit by the careful planning of those who worked hard at making it a success. Very truly yours Robe // t alsh Sr. L4roject Manager rm/RJW October 25, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Pacific Rim Development Dear Members, You will soon be asked to vote on one of the most exciting projects in San Diego County, The Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. We, as a family, have been vitally interested in this land since 1956, when seven of ug formed a limited partnership and purchased the Perry Ranch of 3000 acres. Some ten years later, we sold 800 acres to the La Costa Country Club, a name which they assumed, as the entire Perry Ranch was known as Rancho La Costa. During our many trips down to Carlsbad from Los Angeles, we as a family became more attracted to the region. We could not buy or divide any part of our partnership, so we bought 40 acres from the Schuyler Estate, one of three parcels not included in the Perry/Rancho La Costa. We built our home on the property Some twenty years ago and we thank God everyday for the ability to live in such a delightful place. Our forty acres adjoins what is now the Hunt property, which we sold in 1980. Having paid taxes from 1956 to 1980, I should think by all laws of logic and reasoning, that we are as much concerned with the project as any other resident of San Diego County. 1 What the Hunts are planning is in absolute, the best use of the property and any buyer who purchases a homesite will be the envy of all their family and friends. Their plans for the drainage system will eliminate the erosion of soil Into the lagoon and prevent further loss of acreage due to heavy rains, as in years past. The project will have a network of roadways which will certainly relieve the heavy traffic on LR Costa Avenue. It will also help us, as we are one of the few places which maintains our own roads. During our twenty years, we have pulled out over fifty cars from the canyons and lagoon. Each new homesite will beautify the full length of the Batiquitos Lagoon. All of Southern Cirlifornia will be proud of this development. Itowever, as we all know, there are people out there that do not have the capacity to recognize beauty or realize the benefits to the community from such a development. For example, some eight years ago, while Mayor Lewis was a member of the City Council, I appeared before the Council for a note of approval on the Old World Center at Roosevelt and Grand. The Mayor at the time asked the audience if there was any opposition to the project. Sure enough there was a single gentleman who approached the Council and stated his reason for non-approval of the project. If the project was allowed to be built, his shortcut to the Post Office would be eliminated and he would be forced to walk around the corner! So like the not allowing Sincerely, Old World Center, I cannot see any valid reason for this beautiful Pacific Rim Project to proceed. Howard F. Murphy HFM/cb U a October 25, 1387 Carlsbad Planning Commission 1300 Blm Street Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Re: Pacific Rim Development Dear Gentlemen, On November 4th, you will vote on one of the most important projects in Carlsbad history, the development of the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. We have been part of this acreage since 1956, when seven of us formed a limited partnership and purchased the Perry Ranch of some 3000 acres. We later sold 800 acres to the owners of the La Costa Country Club and have been paying taxes on the remainder 2200 acres for twenty-four years. Dur;ing those years, we had over fifteen offers to buy the property, including the infamous Captain Nimo. It wets not until the Hunts became interested that we all agreed to sell, because what they wanted to do wag similar to what we had planned to do ourselves. Over twenty years ago, we changed our residence from bos Anqeles to Carlsbad, after having purchased forty acres which now adjoins the Hunt property on the eastern border. I really cannot imagine anyone having more concern than we about the kinds of development the goes up around ua. 1 I must atate that the tlunts and their experienced staff, headed by Mr. Larry Clemons, have laboriously satisfied all skeptics and that the Murphy family is one hundred percent for the project. It will not only beautify the now barren hills with homes and gardens, but no longer will the canyons be filled with old cars, tons of trash, and the unsightly structures where Mexicans have tried to exist. The massive work to be done for proper drainage will keep silt out of the lagoon and also save large portions of acreaae simply washed away from heavy rains, as has happened on our property. Also, a network of roadways, which will relieve traffic on La Costa Avenue, will prove to be an added advantage. In additl.on, we are one of few places in Carlshad to provide our own road maintenance. During our years here, there have been over 50 cars that we have pulled from the muddy lagoon. To have the whole area beautifully landscaped will make those twenty-four years of paying taxes worth while. The very best use of the property is exactly what the Hunts have planned and you can all be proud of the part you have played in it's proqress. Sincerely, Howard P. Murphy f H?M/cb a October 24, 1987 PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT 7707 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA. 92009 ATTENTION: Mr. Larry Clemens Dear Larry: I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your very Informative presentation held at The Carlsbad Safety Center a few months ago, and also for your time spent answering questions and helping some of our resident6 understand how HPI will affect Spinnaker Hill, Our Homeonners Group is an unofficial organization, made up of volunteers, who deal primarily with internal affairs within Spinnaker Hill. My husband Merrill and I are in favor of the HPI Master Plan, as are most of our friends and neighbors, We wish you the best of luck. George Kintrey, REALTOR” & Associates W -- Planning Commission, Ciaty of-Carlsbad, 2875 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 Gentlemen : As a Carlsbad property owner and businessman, I would like to request your favorable action on the Pacific Rim Cpuntry Club and Resort project, which will be heard by you on November 4. I have had several opportunities to review this project, and I. sincerely believe that it represents the type of development that is right for Carlsbad. The successful growth management plan that has been imple- mented by Carlsbad requires quality development with facilities being provided along with the residential areas. provide significant benefits in the area of public facilities such as traffic circulation, parks, schools, churches, but it will provide a first-class residential area and a world-class resort in keeping with the image that Carlsbad should present as the crown jewel of North San Diego County. high caliber development has on the surrounding areas and Pacific Rim will benefit: the whole community. I urge your support and hoptL:fhat this project can get under way rapidly. Not only will this project As a REALTOR I am keenly aware of the domino effect that I’ 7 Sincerely, Profeaslanai Real Estnte Services Fmar Entcrprlscr Finnw Realtors Zodiac Syndication Finow Propetty Mmr#ment Fhmiil Mott~age Service VSP CmsuhinR Service A & K Designs ocr 19 Tor carlsbad city Council Carlbad Planning Carmission F'runr Jerry F. Farra~ In recent years I have seldan taken the the to address the Council/Plan- nhg Curmission regarding a Carlsbad project. I now however wld like to sincerely indicate a VERY SITOJG SUPPOKI' FOSITION for the lhmt - Brother's Pacific Rim Project. I can also state that innunerable contacts and friends in this area and thrwgh out the curmunity are ahst without exception in support of appmval. I'm sure you are already aware of the many reasons justifying aFproval but follaring are a few of he ones that determined my decision: The Alga/Poinsettia help to the current and hctehsing traffic problem in the area. A solution to the lagoon which is and has been visually and "ammatically" a negative. Prwiding increased anenities in the form of park, Golf course, tennis and swim club, restaurants etc. fulfilling both a public and private need, 'Ihe favorable hp&t of a mjor first class resort creating much needed enployment, tau revenue, and tourist dollars for the city. t .- .. .. Eliminating the major disadvantages of the probable alternative of piece meal non master planned developnt. A variety of quality hausing and custan lots. I have frankly sunethes disagreed with the apparent thinking of the Cmncil/Planning Carmission that quality equates with low density. Rather quality equates with good design and can be either low or high density. In Pacific Rim tmver you have the benefit of both relatively low density and outstanding design. Over the past many years the city has been quite derrunding regarding this project and rightfully so. To my awareness there has been an above average attenpt by the Hunt organization to accanodate these requests and concerns and at the present time propose an overall developnent that will definitely provide benefit and pride to both the city and the carmunity. No project is perfect and never will there be unanimous agreement anutg our varied residents. I can not however think of any RATIWAL reason why Pacific Rim should be further delayed. 1 I) I truly hope and emage approval at the upcaning hearhigs. Palmer Course Design Company October 19, 1987 Mayor Claude Levis and Councilmembers City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Councihmkrs: It is my unckrfttanding that in Decenber the Carlsbad City Council my be misidering the Pacifj.c Rim Coontry Club & Resort proposal plaritied by Hunt Properties, Inc. inyortmt project, which mild yield a number of significant kncfits to the City of Carlshd and its residents. I would urge you to give pur support to thjs As you knckv, I am directly involved in one of these potential benefits--the t8-tmle gDlf course to be designed by Palmer Course Design mny. This champjonship golf murse, which will be developed in the first phase of the Pacific Rim project's constructjon, will he cksigleil to carefully preserve the natural hillsides and integrate the grows of Eucalyptus trws on the site, and will also enhance and protect tlv natural etiviromnt of the lagoon. challenge to professionals, bit it will also be an atwnity for loc-al area golfers and existing and future Carlshid reditlctits to mjoy. Not only will this cmirse be a The Pacific Rim proposal represents a wll-balanceil , mster--platmd carmunity integrated with a mrld-class destination resort. is highly sensitive frun an enviromntal nnd plantiing prspective and will undtnihtedly he a boon t.o the Carlshd cminity, a!: w11 as to in fawr of this important prapsoal. The project tle greater North San Diecp County rcqioti. J -- Arnold Palmer Palmer Course Design Company Mr. Michael Holdller Director of Planning City of Carlsbed 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbd I CA 92009-4859 Dear Mr. Holzmiller: Chi November 4, the Carlsbad Planning Cunnission will mncluct a phlic hearing on the Pacific Rim Country Club & Resort projwt proposed by tfunt Properties, Inc. (HPI) . mirse planned for the first phase of the ilevelcqment , I wantcd to ~xpress my strong support for the project and enamrage your psitive recunnetida t ion. As the designer for the dimpionship cplE In addition, I wanted to provide you with my professional perspective on the golf murse relative to the facilities proposed to suyport its operation. will house a pro shop, a shuwer and locker rounr dining, loungc and other facilities needed to accnmxxkte guests and othprs rising the qnlf amrse. I am referring specifically to the cplf clubhouse, which Bad on professional experience in the design and dewlqmcnt of "first-class" golf cxlurses and support facilitips, I Eel that the IF1 clribhmise design is required to acetp the nilmbcr of guests and oourse users typically generated by a cplf oourse of this type and stature. Giveti these facts, I muld urge you to support the yrcynxsed cluWlousc as designed. The gnlf clubhousp at Pacific Rim will be very architecturally and the natural landscapj nq surrounding it will integrate the facility with its lagoon .setting. striking I wld encourage yrxl to reaarmend approval of the Pacific Rim Country Club & Resort project along with the proposed qlf course arid its support facilities. anir.se cksign or the clut>house, please feel fre tomntact me. If yau should have any spccific questions about the gnlf Arnold Palmer Palmer Course Design Company Octokr 19, 1987 Chaimmm Mary Marcus b Carmissioners Planning cunnission City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Chaimn Marcus md missioners: It is my understanding that on NovEmber 4 the Carlshd Planning Carmission will be misidering the Pacific Rim Cwrintry Club & Resort proyrwal planwd by Hunt Properties, fnc. inportatit project, which would yield a nmber of significant kncfits to ttle City of Carlsbad and its residents. I would urge yw to give pur supprt to this As you knm, I am directly hmlved in one of these potentjal bnefjts--the 18-hle golf arurse to be designed by Palmer Course Design Carrpany. This championship golf aourse, which will be ck.v~lopetl in ttle first phase oE the Pacific Rim project's construction, will he cksigried to carefully preserve the natural hillsides arid integrate tlle grows oE Eucalyptus trees on the site, and will alsu mhance arid protect tlv natural ettvirorment of the lagoon. ctmllenye to professionals, hit it will also be an amenity for local area golfers and existing and future Carlsbad residents to enjoy. Not only will this wrse he a The PaciEic Rh pmpsal represents a well-balanced, master-planned amnuriity integrated with a mrld-class drstinatiori resort. is highly sermitjve fm an envirmntal and plannitiq prspective and will unckmbt.edly be a boon to the Carlsbad txmmirdty, c7s well as to The project ttw greater North San Dity Coutity rcqicm. in favor of this important pmpsoal. I ctit-~i~~ yo11 to MkC -7 Arnold LPalmer BRUCE M. JORDAN, D.D.S., INC. FAM1I.Y DENI'IS'I'RY I am a businessman and resident of Southwest Carlsbad. I also serve as President of the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club, as a director of the Carlsbad Golf Association and as a member of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. My home shares a common property line with Hunt Properties Inc. Obviously I have a keen interest about what happens in this area. I have watched with pride as our city and state government, local citizens and HPI have worked together to create the current Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort Project. This project has definitely "improved with age" and I feel the time has come for it to proceed. I strongly urge you to support the project master plan at the November 4 planning commisiion meeting. 8 , Sincerely, Bruce M. Jordan, D.D.S. BMJ/chj GI20 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 (619) - 438-0949 ~ ~~-~- ALLEN 0. WILLIAMS 7652 Primavera Way 0 Carlsbad. California 92006 (6191 942-1844 July 14, 1987 Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Sirs, As a resident of Carlsbad I would like t ontr the growth of the City and insure that adequate public facilities are built to match this growth. pplaud your effort t 1 I have been following the Pacific Rim Development as they have strug- gled through the environmental hurdles associated with Batiquitos Lagoon. Their plan appears to have all the attributes of a controlled growth providing: . Open space for public facilities (park, school, churches) . Drainage facilities . Sewer facilities. I’ In addition the plan provides for citywide improvement where public facil- ity fees can be used for improved administration, a new library and improved waste water treatment, the fifteen to twenty million dollars in their plan. resort and new houses should increase the value of surrounding dwellings. There will be a substantial contribution to the City of Carlsbad tax base from property tax, sales tax and transient occupancy tax, while there will be additional buying power in the stores of the community. Batiquitos Lagoon will be improved with The stature of the Because of the advantages noted above and because the Pacific Rim Develop- ment is consistent with your plan for controlled community growth, I urge you to approve the Pacific Rim Development Plan. Sincerely, \ a. Allen D. Williams (RAW, USN, Ret.) EMERGENW SPECIALTY PRODUCTS June..28, I987 tjr. LaQ Clemens Pacfflc Rlm Project Manager 7707 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Ctemens: 8 * HPI Oevelopment Co. LI 1 I read with interest your May 1987 newsletter regarding the latest developments for the Pacific Rim project. As a resident of Spinnaker Hill, I am keenly interested in the Pacific Rim Country Club end Resort. As a former lifequard and competitive swimmer I would be very intereseted in your specific plans for the swinirning and diving complex. I would like to attend the next Swim Center Advisory Committee meeting. Could you please send me their meeting schedule for the remainder of this year? Your efforts tb educete the public about this project are to be commended. You have expressed a willingness to work with the community and you have been sincere in all your efforts up to this time. I hope that your sincerity continues to be what sets this project apart from all the others in Southern California. You have a golden opportunity to provide 8 showcase community with superb recreational facilities that will be the envy of many developers. I‘m confident that you can make this dream a reality. Thanks for your consideration. Cordial 1 y, .. . '- bcc: Larry Clemens October 17, 1986 Mayor Mary Casler and Clty Councll City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Paclflc Rlm Country Club and Resort Communlty Clty of Carlsbad Dear Mayor Casler and flembers of the City Council: Thls past Tuesday evenlng, October 14, 1986, your honorable body considered the matter of the subject Pacific Rim communlty development plan to be permitted to move forward wlth the public hearing proceed- ings In order to have an orderly project schedule. The undersigned attended the Councll meetlng from 6:OO p.m. untll after 9:00 p.m. and due to the lateness of the hour, was unable to remain at the meetlng in order to make a Presentation. Accordingly, It Is requested that this formal cammunicatlon to you today become a part of the offlclal record of your proceedlngs of Tuesday night and more Importantly, we trust that our position will be cansidered the next tlme thls matter Is brought back to you. I In its briefest form, our presentation to you IS to offer our profes- slonal and personal opinlon that the proposed Paclflc Rlm communlty development is truly one of the outstanding development concepts to come forward since the annexation of the beautiful La Costa communlty. We have been prlvlleged to be a part of thls community for some 30 years now and have enjoyed the benefits as a famlly and a member of the business community and all of the benefits which have accrued from the Industry and Investment of all of the property owners and developers who have brought us to the level of community development we now enjoy. In order for the Paclflc Rlm development to move forward, It 1s imperatlve that the City Council commence Immediately with the public hcarlng proceedlngs so that there can be formal public presentatlons as to the merits of the proposed project. We are very confldent that you will wltness communlty-wide enthuslasm and support for this proposed development based prlmarlly upon the fact that the developers Mayor Mary Casler and City Councll City of Carl sbad October 17, 1986 Page 2 have expended vast amounts of energy and expense to thoroughly evaluate all of the many aspects of this proposed development to insure that the project as now identified truly represents a totally "master planned" community that will attract the finest elements of residents, commerce, tourism, open space and recreatlon, and all of the other supporting enterprises. Pacific Rim has already engaged In dialogue with diverse elements of our community seeking input to insure that Important issues are addressed. In conclusion, we once again urge you to reconsider the positions you have taken fn the past of continuing to withhold the orderly processing of this plan and permit the public to come to you and express their views, whatever they may be. The sooner the community can move to that level of dialogue, the quicker we can all get to what I believe fs our community goal of addlng to the magnificence of our community and Pacific Rim will become one more element of our wealth of community pride and a strong sense of accomplfshment that this communlty has become Identified with. He nil1 plan to continue to participate in the affairs of thfs project as It moves forward and will be prepared to respond to any comments or questions you may have the next tlme this is on the Council agenda and you nlll permit public input. Jack Y. Ku i 3YK:paf PIP 8602 City Council of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA Dear Members of the Council: On behalf of the membership of Carpenters 1,ocal 2080, Escondido, we wish to address the situation concecnirrq ttic Iluiit's Pacific Rim Project. Our concern is that this project will tiring to North County badly needed schools, parks, road jmproveme1it.s atid the restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon with the wildlife prcwt vv. this project wlll brjng to the North (:ourity cinployment opportunitips throughout the construction industry and t IIC ctit ire communj ty. WP also acknowlege that We believe that Hunt Properties has cxtetitlcd full cooperation throuqh- out the duration of your plan approval pi-oc*cs5. Your approval of the Hunt Pacific Rim Master Plan would bc in t.lw best interest of all constituents concerned. d/J.P. Itook Recording Secretary Local Union 2080 2225 Barham Dr., Suite B Escoiidido, CA 92025 10-1 4-2 G To The Carlsbad Clty Councjl: Please, in all due respect, J fiud it npp~illiri~ that you can be so demand-l rig, ond yet so short-si ded i ti "mi 8--1mnilli ngtf of the Facific Iijm I'roject. ll'irat, I think that vre C:UI all :q;ree that everyone wntits mid needs the Bat! qui to3 Lagoon restored. The Tac I; tliat i t v:i13 re- iiiajn a vr.?ldli€e preserve la a feather it1 our cap. Second, I believe i t -l s obvious to all concerned tliat vre cou1.d use not only the school and the park, bu1; rl-lso tlte m:zd i iq)mveiiicnts that collie iri th just %he first phase of the ym jec t. has to travel La Costa Avenue during peak hours can attest to that problem. Anyone ~ho Hunt Fmperties Inc. (JI.IJ.I*) is to be commended for it's perseverance throughout thj s ordeal. They (II.l'* 'I. ) lmve re- sponded f'avombly to your every demand and delay. 1 feel. tliat wtth 00 many benefits to be gal ned j inmediately by the cornrwni ty and the future benefi t3 of employment atih revenue doll nrs, you must, vrj thou t delay appmve this pm ject. I Than k-you , Re spec tf ull y Wesley E. Clifford Seaport Vfllage Red dent 7111 Mimosa Dr. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 - October 13, 1986 -- The Honorable Mary Casler and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Casler and Carlsbad City Council Members: I would like to express my rather stong feelings regarding the handling of the HPI property at Batiquitos Lagoon by the City of Carlsbad. First and possibly foremost, the council has worked itself into a combatant attitude in the whole situation rather than trying to work reasonably with the people who must deal at the mercy of the city. One council member said in effect "We're not going to be pushed around by those Texas poker players." Second, we see pressure applied by the city attorney (as the council's spokesman) saying the agreement with the State is not what the State wants. This has been proven wrong. Further, he threatens condemnation as a rational approach. And, of course, in the interim the city has taken away consideration of the Hunt's master plan acceptance. These and several other things do not speak well for what should be an even-handed approach. Further, HPI has made concessions on density which is more than reasonable. They have a great plan with plenty of green belts, a park, a much needed school, a first class golf course and a fine hotel. Contrast this with what has been built across from Alta Mira on Del Norte and you can see where a piece-meal approach to the use of the Hunt's land would lead us. Part of the problem now is the heady no growth movement which has now moved into the community. Let's be fair - this is a well planned community project worthy of consideration on its own merits and on the boards long before all this no-growth hysteria. I respectfully submit you should vote for approval of the HPI master plan. Sincerely, n 7305 Lily Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Allan 10. Kelly IMPACT GEOLOGY Carlsbad, Callfornie 92008 Phone: 438-0668 Post OHlce Box 1065 October 12, 1986. PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB. 7707 El Camino Real Carlabad, Ca. 92008 Mr. Larry Clemena: I received your letter asking for support in connection with your problems with the City of Carlsbad---their demand that you give them title to the lagoon before they give their approval for your development. It seems to me and everyone I have talked to that it is a simple matter of going to escrow and all parties involved---HPI, the City Fish &Game, State Lands, Corp of Engineers etal. sign the names on the bottom line. I had a similar circumstance several years ago, soon after the people of California were conned into approving the Coastal Act in which gave the governor the power to appoint a commission with the power: to write its own bylaws and constitution---including the setting of the boundaries of the coastal strip and the power to with- hold their approval of every development in that strip. This was plainly--inverse condemnation, legal blackmail, in which they held the economic power to prevent the use of real property while taxes went on until the land owner gave them the land they demanded, often without remuneration. At first, they offered to pay some small portion of what the property was worth, stating flatly that they would not condem the property, as the Constitution requires, but now they demand half of one's property---as'in your case. If HPI were allowed to develop the Batiquitos La oon as beautiful water from the ocean, it would build out for a value of perhaps 60 to 80 million and provide homes for the thousands of people who are coming to California despite the fact that our state le has delegated its powers to govern,and make laws,to a Governor Appointed Commission. The unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional fact is that the people of all of California , were allowed to vote for a law that took away the property rights of those who happened to live in a narrow strip along the 800 mile coast line. waterfrontproperty with a dredged harbor for sma ! 1 boats and tidal Suppose we allow the Governor to appoint a few more commissions. I can think of a lot of possibilities. Just rename them the HOUSE OF LORDS OF CALIFORNIA. We wouldn't need the legislature I have been supprised over the years that there hasn't been a class action suite to stop this delegation of powers and return the re- sponsibility to the ledgislature and the people. I -2- Some seven or eight years 1lP I ert by of alr ago, I went through the same procedure I owned some 180 acres of lagoon prop- ie going through now: y here on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, part of it already dredged the Gas Company right up to my property line. developing over 29,000 front feet of waterfront property arid ,eady had engineering plans for such development---when the new Coastal Commission got into the act. Their plan was to have the State Fish & Game Commission buy the land. They had some money and the right of condemnation, but they refused to condem. I had a potential I had been trying to make a joint venture with some big developer but none would take on the job with the Coastal Commission in the offing. I finally offered to sell for $10,000 an acre if they would condem, or take it under threat of condemnation so that I could re- invest the money without capital gains tax. Thejmade a return offer of $832,000 after a land appraisal by them, and a weasel-worded letter that my attorney said not to sign. I refused the offer. Several months later, I got in touch with their appraiser, a Mr. Brown of La Jolla. waterfront property at only $100 per acre and he said. "Well, Mr. Kelly, there are at least 5 governmental agencies here in California that can prevent you from ever developing that property. I asked him why he appraised so much of the He was right. Four years ago I got into a joint-venture-partnership-deal in which the,State Fish & Game demanded 200 acres of lagoon and wet and dry lans right up to El Camino Real---highway frontage property, for what? Nothing more than their approval. Their value, they acquire by de- manding that the City of Carlsbad, transfer the building units that were on this property (10 to 20 to the acre) to the adjoinin hill land ---which already has enough Ilrrtts to build out this hil! land that is so steep that half of it is in open space and can never be used for anything else. Over the years, I have built up a large file on this subject, having even written to the Supreme Court of the United States about this refusal of State Commissions to condem real property for public use, but all I got was a form letter saying my remedy was to go up through the Courts first---. the Constitution of the United States is nearly worthless. The Rose Bird Court? Under this remedy, What is needed is State laws that will forbid the delegation of power to appointed commissions---and another law preventing attorneys from writing laws and ordinances that they know are unconstitutional. I don't know if all but I bel- for-..xo-u! this local history will be of any use to t1Pf A copy to the City. REQUESTED COUNCIL INSTRUCTION TO PLANNING STAFF To : Carlsbad City Council From: William C. Savage Dater December 8, 1987 I would request that the Council give to the Planning Staff the instruction below: If William Savage presents to the Staff a list of alleged inaccuracies in the computation of internal distribution of dwelling units in the Zone 1.9 Facility Plan, the Staff shall do the followings 1. Discuss with Mr, Savage shortly thereafter each of the items so listed, and 2. Amend the Zone 19 Plan, if necessary, shortly thereafter to reflect the most accurate internal distribution of dwelling units, Regional Environmental Consultants RECYJN 1276 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92110-3815 (619) 275-3732 December 8, 1987 Mr. Larry Clemens Pacific Rim 7707 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference: Archaeological Studies at Pacific Rim Property Dear Mr. Clemens: At your request, I have reviewed the archaeological test report prepared by WESTEC with specific regard to preserving the sites in place. I have also considered the effect of project development on the site where one burial was found during the WESTEC excava- tions. The following paragraphs relay my analysis of the situation. Three sites in particular have been singled out for attention: SDi-691, SDi-693, and SDi-694. All were extensively tested by WESTEC and have had trenches and test units excavated in them. Also, according to the WESTEC report, all have been impacted to some extent by agriculture, grading, and of f-road-vehicle activity. Based on the results of their tests at the sites, WESTEC recommended mitigation through data recovery, which is a scientific method for extracting important information from the sites before destruc- tion. The subsequent production of a research report describing the finds made and the place of the sites within regional prehistory would ensure that the value of the sites is represented in scientific literature. This is in compliance with the California En vi ron m e n t a 1 Q u a 1 it y A c t (CEQ A). All three sites are in areas where residential development is planned. Preservation of sites in the designated open space easements planned for the project is, therefore, not possible. Creation of "island" open space easements for any or all three of the sites is not a practical or effective approach. These small areas within suburban housing developments tend to become targets. It would be common knowledge among residents that an important archaeological site was present, and vandalism would be inevitable. This would be particularly likely for SDi-691, where one burial was found during the WESTEC testing. Regarding site SDi-691, the presence of one burial uncovered during testing may or may not indicate that more burials are present. There are numerous other sites in the San Diego area that have a single burial. No other burials or human bones were found during the extensive testing at the site conducted by WESTEC. To ensure that any human remains found during mitigation excavations would be treated in a sensitive manner, Pacific Rim could relocate any burials encountered within a planned open space area. Native American participant observers should be involved during the mitigation excavations at SDi-691 and the reburial proceedings. This approach has been successfully employed in this region. Mr. Larry Clemens -2- December 8, 1987 In summary, I found that the approach described by WESTEC as mitigation of impacts to the sites located on the Pacific Rim property was appropriate for this region. The addition of participation by concerned Native Americans would augment the research program described in the environmental impact report. Sincerely, Susan M. Hector, Ph.D. Director, Cultural Resources SMH:st - _- ALLEN D. WILLIAMS e 7652 Primavera Way Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 942-1844 December 2, 1987 The Honorable Claude Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, As a resident of Carlsbad I would like to applaud your effort to control the growth of the City and insure that adequate public facilities are built to match this growth. I have been following the Pacific Rim Development as they have struggled through the environmental hurdles associated with Batiquitos Lagoon. plan, with the help of the Planning Department, appears to have all the attributes of a controlled growth providing: Their . Open space for public facilities (park, school, churches) . Drainage facilities . Sewer facilities In addition the plan provides for citywide improvement where public facil- ity fees can be used for improved administration, a new library and im- proved waste water treatment. the fifteen to twenty million dollars in their plan. The stature of the resort and new houses should increase the value of surrounding dwellings. There will be a substantial contribution to the City of Carlsbad tax base from property tax, sales tax and transient occupancy tax, while there will be additional buying power in the stores of the community. Batiquitos Lagoon will be improved with Because of the advantages noted above and because the Pacific Rim Develop- ment is consistent with your plan for controlled community growth, I urge you to approve the Pacific Rim Development Plan. Sincerely, - Allen D. Williams Rear Admiral,(USN, Ret.) December 1, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm St. Carlsbad CA 92008 To whom it may concern; I would like to voice support for the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort exc,ept the continuation of Lupine Dr. from the Seaport Deve 1 opme’nt . I have been told by Mr. Clemens of Pacific Rim that the Lupine Dr. extension was not even wanted by Pacific Rim. It was forced by the Council. The amount of traffic at this time through Seaport, especially down Columbine Dr. to El Camino Real is already too great. The extension of Alga through Pacific Rim bests serves the development and the people of Carlsbad. This road is adequate for all travel into Pacific Rim from El Camino Real. Your comments are appreciated, we await your response. H.R. & Helen Otis 7231 Columbine Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 __. DECEMBER 1, 1987 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT On November 4, 1987, the Historic Preservation Commission approached the Planning Commission to voice concern about the mitigation methods recommended for the archeological at the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort project. This project is being proposed within one of the oldest undeveloped lagoon areas in San Diego County. The northwest shore site is a typical environment for prehistoric settlement, due to the protection it provides from prevailing winds and weather. It has been determined that some of the sites are associated with the San Dieguitos; these people were not normally found along the coast. sites As stated in the Environmental Impact Report written by WESTEC Services, Inc.: "Nine of the fourteen cultural resource sites are considered important sources of information about cultural change, human lifeways and prehistoric exploitation at Batiquitos Lagoon. These sites are recommended for placement in open space or for Phase I1 data recovery ...I1 1 At the Planning Commission, the Historic Preservation Commission had requested the preservation of three of the most valuable archeological sites within open space; this practice is called Site Avoidance. The sites we recommended were: SDi-691 (W-1011: A radiocarbon date of 8210 +- 100 BP, was derived from chione in the terminal level of test unit one within this large habitation site. site with San Dieguito/La Jolla components. An undated human inhumation was uncovered during backhoe testing. SDi-692 (W25521: This seasonal camp with limited disturbance is situated on a low bluff overlooking Batiquitos Lagoon. A moderate shell scatter was found on the surface with a light scatter of flakes and angular waste. Two of the three test units yielded cultural debris. This may be a stratified PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB RESORT DECEWBER 1, 1987 PAGE 2 SDi-10439: Interstate 5 on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon. time of this study this area was under cultivation. This is a sparse, surface shell scatter, while lithic artifacts were the foremost surface feature. Based on collected artifacts, this site may represent a late San Dieguito habitation site, contemporaneous with the lowest levels of SDi-691. This site lies atop the first bluff east of At the It is our fesling that the 3hzise I1 recovery irrethod is an unacceptable method of preservation even though it does meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The information that could be gathered from a protected site would contribute more significantly to the public understanding of Native American lifeways along coastal lagoons. As technical advances are made within the science of Archeology, the information potential would possibly double within even the next twenty (20) years. If the sites are protected their importance increases for the future. If they are unearthed through excavation, their potential value has a definite limit. RECOMENDATION : The Historic Preservation Commission is fully aware of the advanced stages of this project and of the seeming futility of our plea. Unfortunately, this commission was not appointed until May 1986. The Environmental Impact Report for Pacific Rim was published in August 1986. While it would be unrealistic to recommend a redesign of this project, we would like to know if any methods of Site Burial {capping} might be considered. This method of dealing with archeological and historical sites costs a minimum amount of time and money but allows the development to proceed atop the fill. Before fill can be applied over a site, a detailed map must be prepared and a sample excavation conducted. This work insures that there is an archival record of the location and contents of the site prior to burial. The fill thickness should be enough to accommodate sewer lines, water lines, culverts, etc. PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB RESORT DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 3 Additionally, this commission is requesting to be able to review and comment on the Data Recovery Plan, which is the next stage of activity. Beyond that point, we would like to be kept informed of excavation activity at the project site. Thank you for your cooperation. u Chairperson, Historic Preservation Commission LF: a1 c. City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Hunt Properties, Inc. Chris De Cerbo, Associate Planner Historic Preservation Commission CHARLES A. CANNOVA 6827 El Fuerte Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 December 1, 1987 Carlsbad Mayor and City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: My wife, Anne, and I have been home owners in La Costa for more than eight years, and we have kept a keen eye on the proposed development undertaken by the principals of the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. Needless to say, we look favorably upon this project. Early in November, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission gave their unanimous approval, thus paving the way for the City Council's consideration. We urge you and all other agencies involved to give your enthusi- astic approvals so that we can all enjoy the benefits of this "five star" luxurious installation. The sooner the project actually gets underway - the better. Sincerely, , Charles A. Cannova CAC:js @?st’: -fl&w 2630 Cazadero Drive cdy] fibk Carlsbad, CA 92008 * FAY ROUND/&- ASSOCIATES (619) 438-2407 December 1, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Pacific Rim Master Plan Honorable Mayor and Council Members: I am writing to offer my support for the above project. hoped to appear in person at your December 8 meeting to speak in behalf of the project, but unfortunately will be out of town that evening. I had As you may recall, I previously offered public testimony to the Council at an earlier set of hearings on the HPI project. that time, I was serving as Vice-president of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation and was speaking on behalf of the Foundation with regard to our concern that the Lagoon be designated as permanent open space. Although I was one of the founding directors of the Foundation, and am still a member, I no longer serve on its Board of Directors. This letter therefore represents only my opinions and may not necessarily reflect those of the current Board. At One of the earliest concerns that I shared with others in the Foundation was that HPI would become disenchanted with the length and complexity of the overall permit approval process in California, and, as a result, would abandon the project and parcel their holdings to a variety of builder/developers. Given the unique relationship of the HPI property to the Lagoon, I felt that, if the property was to be developed at all, the best interests of the community and the Lagoon would be served by a Master Plan concept developed by a single owner with the resources to do it right. c " Carlsbad City Council Page 2 Since that time, I have closely observed the evolution of the current Master Plan. I have had the opportunity to review the Plan and its associated environmental documentation, have seen several of HPI's presentations over the past several years, and have studied their 3-dimensional models of the project. As a result of this activity and analysis, I feel that our previous contention that the property should be developed under a single master plan was well founded. HPI's Pacific Rim Master Plan, in its current form, is a significant improvement over the earlier versions. In my opinion, the Plan that will be before you on December 8 makes excellent and effective use of the property, and incorporates a high degree of sensitivity to the land as well as to the Lagoon and its resources. I offer my congratulations to HPI's project team, ably led by Larry Clemens, and am pleased to offer my enthusiastic support for the overall project. As a 10-year resident of La Costa, I feel that the phased development of The Pacific Rim County Club and Resort properties, as proposed in the Master Plan, will be an excellent addition to the community, and I am hopeful that the City Council will see fit to add its stamp of approval on December 8. Sincerely, Fay 0. Roun 3359 Corte Tiburon Carlsbad, Ca 92009 October 31, 1987 Honorable Claude Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, As a resident of south Carlsbad I have been following with interest the activities cf Pacific Rim Development. I also attended one of their "open house" briefings. I find the more I learn about the project, the more supportive I become of it. The following particularly impressed me: 1. The steps being taken to improve traffic circulation by the proposed Alga Road extension to Poinsetta Lane. 2, The open space alloted for public facilities (churches, schools, day care, and parks), and the overall low density of the project. It appears the City and Pacific Rim have emerged with a high class, well thought out project. I earnestly urge you and the councilmembers to approve the Pacific Rim Dvelopment Plan. Yours truly, CARL HAMILTON Dear Mayor L-ewi. s (3:s a Car 3. !shad r-exzj. dent 1. ivi ng i n the La Costa area I am writing yoii. :in support c2f the F'acif it: Rim pr(n.jec:t which wi:1 3. be goiny before the city I'1.annI.nq C:ommissj.c7n next Wednesday evening. Li k:~ many uther ~:/ittzens I was concerned wi tli the gri3wth management i ssues and vcited Sur sl #w gr-inwth d~rrinq tht? 1ar;t ~Iec:titsn!z. Whi 1e the propiisecl Pacific: Rim devel.cnpmeril: wi 1. 1. indeed bring adcli.ti.cma1. gt-mwth, it hac; been acI.ji.i!sted tn t:c:infuriri wit.h new la4 and in f art t.he (::(immunity wil.1. bene+:i.l: t:)y the wi.cxIorii tnf 1:hikI: 1.a~ whicl-1 effective1.y :L i rni k!z the den!:;i 'ty i n that devel ciipment -_ October 29, 1987 Personal Delivery Mayor Lewis City Council Members City r-.-7- ruL ,,bad RE: PACIFIC RIM I am taking this opportunity to con-vey my feelings regarding the proposed Pacific Rim project in south Carlsbad. Usually, in this community, it is the opposition to projects that we read about and is most vocal. It is important that you like- wise hear from supporters. The community of Carlsbad is a tremendous conglomerate of age groups, geographical origins across the country, as weil as philosophical ideologies. I take great pride in the fact that our family moved to Carlsbad 30 years ago, and we have been here since. It is a wonderful place to live. We have seen this community develop in a significant uay and have watched the quality of life improve (contrary tu what some would have you believe). I have likewise watched the progress of this proposed Pacific Rim project, and seen it be put through the most outrageous demands, yet the developers have continually been very patient and accomodating in attempting to mitigate the various challenges. I am very pleased with the site development plan, the amount and type of open space proposed, the development controls it will incorporate, as well as the varied communities it will create for our diversified community. I am especially pleased with the significant community facilities to be provided as a result of this project. My family strongly urges that you approve this project. We are sure it will pFove to be a blessing to our community. ACCOUNT NO. ! DESCRIPTION _- AMOUNT I .... STANLEY D. PROWSE ATTORNEY AT LAW CAMINO CORPORATE CENTER 2385 CAMINO VlDA ROBLE. SUITE 101 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 1619) 438-8460 October 27, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Pacific Rim Ladies and Gentlemen: My wife and I are both residents of the La Costa area of Carlsbad. We strongly support the Pacific Rim project. doubtedly the highest quality, lowest density development that could be hoped for on the site. benefits on the city as a whole and the La Costa area in particular. We urge you to approve the project when it comes before you. The project is un- It will confer many substantial Thank you for your consideration. /' tanley D. rowse / CI SDP:map October 25, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Pacific Rim Development Dear Members, You will soon be asked to vote on one of the most exciting projects in San Diego County, The Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. We, as a family, have been vitally interested in this land since 1956, when seven of us formed a limited partnership and purchased the Perry Ranch of 3000 acres. Some ten years later, we sold 800 acres to the La Costa Country Club, a name which they assumed, as the entire Perry Ranch was known as Rancho La Costa. During our many trips down to Carlsbad from Los Angeles, we as a family became more attracted to the region. We could not buy or divide any part of our partnership, so we bought 40 acres from the Schuyler Estate, one of three parcels not included in the Perry/Rancho La Costa. We built our home on the property some twenty years ago and we thank God everyday for the ability to live in such a delightful place. Our forty acres adjoins what is now the Hunt property, which we sold in 1980. Having paid taxes from 1956 to 1980, I should think by all laws of logic and reasoning, that we are as much concerned with the project as any other resident of San Diego County. 1 What the Hunts are planning is in absolute, the best use of the property and any buyer who purchases a homesite will be the envy of all their family and friends. Their plans for the drainage system will eliminate the erosion of soil into the lagoon and prevent further loss of acreage due to heavy rains, as in years past. The project will have a network of roadways which will certainly relieve the heavy traffic on La Costa Avenue. It will also help us, as we are one of the few places which maintains our own roads. During our twenty years, we have pulled out over fifty cars from the canyons and lagoon. Each new homesite will beautify the full length of the Batiquitos Lagoon. All of Southern California will be proud of this development. However, as we all know, there are people out there that do not have the capacity to recognize beauty or realize the benefits to the community from such a development. For example, some eight years ago, while Mayor Lewis was a member of the City Council, I appeared before the Council for a note of approval on the Old World Center at Roosevelt and Grand. The Mayor at the time asked the audience if there was any opposition to the project. Sure enough there was a single gentleman who approached the Council and stated his reason for non-approval of the project. If the project was allowed to be built, his shortcut to the Post Office would be eliminated and he would be forced to walk around the corner! So like the Old World Center, I cannot see any valid reason for not allowing this beautiful Pacific Rim Project to proceed. Sincerely, d Howard F. Murphy HFM/cb 2 October 23, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Ca 92008 RE: Proposed Pacific Rim Resort To whom it may concern: I have been a resident of Rancho La Costa/Carlsbad, California for over ten years. I have watched the proposed development plans for the Pacific Rim resort and residential community. I am extremely impressed with the quality of design and amenities which this project brings to our community. I speak for myself, along with numerous friends and neighbors that encourage your support of this project and favorable vote for its development plan. g74 Bruce Tulloch 2414 Torrejon Place Carlsbad, Ca 92009 943-8008 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 10/23/87 Dear City Council; I am writing as a proponent of the Pacific Rim Country Club and REsort. My personal feelings are that this project would be a tremendous asset to our fine City. It seems the council had approved many building projects around the City that are eyesores, such as the horde of condomeniums in the La Costa that have hurt so many of the homeowners,the many apartment buildings the dot the landscape and then when a true asset appears to be coming to our rescue the City council begins to balk and make all kinds of demands. I believe that the small ammount of people this would bring to our town is far outweighed by the Lagoon restoration and the road improvements not to mention the tax base that would benifit all of uq, I truly believe you are being unreasonable. I, personallu probably couldn’t afford to own anything at the Resort , but I honestly believe you should all take another look at this and come to your senses and lets all do our best to help this fine City of Carlsbad become even finer. I want to thank you for your courtesy of reading mh letter. Sincerley, Mrs, Ruth Hadley 2937 Unicornio Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 A copy of this letter has been sent to the Planning Comm- ision. PLt&/C &!T&k# eaaRJC/i L 3 Apt 2510 Unicornio St. Rancho LaCosta Carlsbad, Ca 92009 22 Oct 87 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Rei Approval of Pacific Rim Project. I have resided the past 11 years at LaCosta during which I have observed the poor condition of the lagoon and sur- rounding land. Also during the past years I have been aware of the many efforts of the Hunt Brothers, Developers and their generous offers and commitments to obtain the various governmental approvals over a very extended period of time to develop an outstanding project. Futhermore, project will provide needed streets, a large park area and school area and a significant revenue increase for the City. In view of the many City benefits resulting from this project and the many long delays todate, I sincerely believe and encourage the City and other governmental agencies to provide the necessary approvals. Completion of the Pacific Rim development will provide out- standing benefits for our citizens and the city. I sincerely request that our city officials make every possible to pro- vide City approval and to assist wherever necessary to obtain other governmental approvals. It is a very desirable and worthy project . Sincerely, - ~/Zn (?49&Wfi e 9 + &4! 2510 Unicornio St, Rancho LaCosta Carlsbad, Ca 92009 22 Oct 87 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Res Approval of Pacific Rim Project. I have resided the past 11 years at LaCosta during which I have observed the poor condition of the lagoon and sur- rounding la.nd. Also during the past years I have been aware of the many efforts of the Hunt Brothers, Developers and their generous offers and commitments to obtain the various governmental approvals over a very extended period of time to develop an outstanding project. Futhermore, project will provide needed streets, a large park area and school area and a significant revenue increase for the City. In view of the many City benefits resulting from this project and the many long delays todate, I sincerely believe and encourage the City and other governmental agencies to provide the necessary approvals. Completion of the Pacific Rim development will provide out- standing benefits for our citizens and the city. I sincerely request that our city officials make every possible to pro- vide City approval and to assist wherever necessary to obtain other governmental approvals. It is a very desirable and worthy project Sincerely. ' *M-+Lg * Margie C. Coo 7209 Wisteria Way Carlsbad CA 92009 3 December 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad CA 92008 Re: Pacific Rim Project Please mark undersigned Spinnaker Hill home owners as being in favor of construction of the so-called Pacific Rim project. We are hopeful the club and resort as planned would act as an upscale anchor for future development in the southern part of our city. Respectfully submitted, 'Asta Forrest - Edward Forrest HOWARD C. 8 LOU 0. RYDER 7340 BOLERO ST RANCHO LA COSTA CA U2008 25 November, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Members, I have been following closely over the past few years, the progress and sometimes setbacks, in attempts to wirr approval to develop the Pacific Rim project. I have lived in La Costa for about twelve years, during which t.ime I have seen the area change from a beaut.iful remote area with single family homes, ta a crowded, condominium packed mess. The Pacific Rim intends, as I underst.and it,, to build a golf course, a hotel, single family homes, roads, ti i k i ng t.ra r’ 1 s, and many other things that wi 1 1 beautify that very special area of La Costa. My question is: Why ha5 the Council fought the Pacific Rim project aft.er approving the bui lding of ugly, packed together- condominiums in the Stagecoach Park section? I strongly recommend that approval be given to the Pacific Rim project. It will provide the area with beauty, practical amenities, and after years of approval by the Board of haphazard building, we will finally get something that will be beneficial and uplifting for La Costa. I moved to La Costa because of the beauty of the area, the fine reputation and potential for becoming one of the best places to live in San Oiego County. Unfortunat.ely it did not turn out that way. Surrounding cities and towns that were not considered on the level of La C0s.t.a have grown in a more controlled manner, and the housing has been of a higher qual it.y and attractiveness. 1 am aware t.hat. La Costa is part of Carlsbad but I am specifically referring to La Costa because that is where most. of the damage was done. Thank you for your at.tention to this 1et.t.er. Urban J. S&eney 7311 Borla Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 . November 25, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, Calif. 92009 To Whom it may concern: This letter concerns the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort proposal. It is our belief that the building of such a conrplex would beautifully enhance the area and also would serve a need for golfing and housing that would make it nice for golfers, tennis players and others interested. Pacific Rim seems to be a high-quality organization and people that we have talked to think it would be a tremendous asset for the camunity for its appearance and also help the cityof Carlsbad with tax revenues and other advantages. Wewould appreciate your approving this construction and hope that you will agree to it. Thank you very much. Sincerely, ’-. Mr. Er Mrs. Lome E. Ashton 2348 LaCosta Avenue #415 Carlsbad, Calif. 92009 November 25, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members : As a 13 year resident of La Costa I've observed the growth of South Carlsbad both good and bad. On Tuesday, December 8 you will vote on the Pacific Rim project. 'I believe the efforts the council and Hunt Properties worked to develop a comprehensive community plan have finally paid off. I support the plan as it stands and hope the council will approve this project. Don Billings 7620 Cortina Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 25 November 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members: This letter is being sent in StronP sup~o rt of the Pacific Rim development, scheduled for vote by the Council on December 8. The provisions being made by HPI, Le., in excess of $61M worth of public improvements (which includes construction costs for new roads, dedication of 30 acres for a park, a new school, and payment of close to $1OM in public facilities fees), are of great benefit to Carlsbad. HPI has proved to be environmentally sensitive to this project as well. We, as proud property owners and residents of the La Costa area of Carlsbad, are excited about the Pacific Rim development, which we firmly believe will be an asset to our community in the years to come. We support a "YES" vote by the Carlsbad City Council on December 8. / ,f Jackie and Tony Altman i' 6435 La Garza Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 Cspy io: D.L. cleK*eils, V.P. HPI . 7751 Lucia Court Carlsbad, CA. 92009 November 25, 1987 Carl sbad City Counci 1 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Gent1 emen: As we approach the Dec 8th date at wh,ch time you will vote on the Pacific Rim project, I wish to express my full and dedicated support of the plan proposed by the Hunt Properties. As a citizen of Carlsbad, I have had several opportunities to visit and talk with the Pacific Rim staff and view the mock-up of the proposed facility. addition, both economically and aesthetically for the greatest city in America to 1 ive. Needless to say, it is impressive and would be a tremendous I, my family and neighbors are all enthusiastically in favor of this project and hope that you gentlemen will unaminously vote to proceed with its construction. Very Truly Yours, uJ*& Me1 vi n Horowi tz RANCH BSEA 7740 El Camino Real, Ste. H, La Costa, CA 92009 (61 9) 436-8585 REALTY 21 89 San Elijo Ave., Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007 (61 9) 436-3303 November 24, 1987 Carl sbad City Counci 1 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Counci 1 Members : We, at Ranch 81 Sea Realty, La Costa, are very excited about the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. When this beautiful project is built it will enhance the value of all properties in Carlsbad. We applaud your decision for approval. @IaF( ric L. Waite, Jr. Broke r/Owne r ELW/dm - - Eric L. Waite, Jr. acsf=. e-&---z 7019 Goldenrod Way elBd Ld eL$ + Carl sbad, CA 92009 November 24, 1987 Carl sbad City Counci 1 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Counci 1 Members : On December 8, 1987 the Council will review the Hunt Properties project, known as Pacific Rim Country Club & Resort. will be unable to attend the hearing I would like to express my opinion regarding this quality project. As a local Carlsbad businessman and resident, I feel that this project will greatly enhance the community and contribute to our beautiful city. The entire area of North County will be proud of this improvement and benefit for many, many years from the economic contribution and recreational facilities created. Since I Thank you for your consideration of this letter. grrn ric L. Wait:, Jr. First American Title Insurance Company 41 1 IW STREET, (P.O. BOX 808) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 (619) 238-1776 OCTOBER 17, 1987 ZONE 19 - PROPERIT WNES AND 600' RADIUS PROPERTY CkJNERS ADDITIONS AND/OR CHANGES UPDAm AS OF OCrOBER 15, 1987 213-061-10 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 31, 1987 as File No. 87-1711E of Official €&cords. MFD SAN DIEGO, INC., a California corporatim Grant(s) to MKTSUI FUDOSAN (USA), INC., a California corporation dba PALLNAR AIRPOHT BUSINESS PARK Mrm mAN (USA), INC. C/O BEIWARD W. GIWE 1120-A SYCJWOE AVENUE VISTA, CA 92083 213-061-19 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 31, 1987 as FileNo. 87-17118 of Official Records. Mm) SAN DIEGO, INC., a California corporation Grant(s) to J!4ITSUI FUDOSAN (USA) , INC, a California corporation dba Pm AIRPOKT BUSINESS PAEX MITSUI FUDOSAN (USA) , INC. C/O EERNARD W. GIWRE 1120-A SYcAMllRE AVENUE VISTA, CA 92083 -1- . 13 6. LAS PALMAS DRIVE 213-061-20 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 31, 1987 as File No. 87-171189 of Official Records. MFD SAN DIEGO, INC., a California corporation Grant(s) to MITSUI FUDOSAN (USA), N., a California corporation dba PALCWR AIWOKF BUSINF,SS PARK MITSUI FuDosAN (USA), INC. C/O BERNARD W. GILMORE 1120-A SYCAPDRE AVENUE VISTA, CA 92083 PAlXMAR AIRPOFU' RD 213-092-17 A Corporatim Grant Deed recorded March 27, 1987 as File No. 87-164103 of Official &cords. BSD sE3WICE COMPANY Grant(s) to THE BANK OF SAN DIEGO, a California corporation THEBANKOFSANDIEaO 225 BROALWAY, SlE. 1320 SAN DIEaO, CA 92101 PASM) DEL Ixx;o 213-092-25 MET BIF~KXEZ-PAU~JIAR QAKS (213-092-24) 27611 LA PAZ LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 CAMMO DEL LAS WAS 214-140-08 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Decaber 23, 1986 as File No. 86-6064E of Official Records. GF,ORQ3 A. HILTXEWECHT, INCDRPOE?ATED Grant(s) to HILLEEIFEKRI! COMPANY, a California General Partnership HIILEBRECHT CCMPANY 2170 SKYLINE DRIVE ESCTXIIDIDO, CA 92027 -2- %7 27- poppy IANE 214-366-28 A Grant Deed recorded July 15, 1987 as File No. 87-396549 of Official &cords. CORDON J. GAus(3H AND JANE E=LIZABEX" GAUSCH, husband and wife as Joint Tenants Grant(s) to RAYKND F. BAXTER AND BE;TI?C J. BAXTER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants MR. C MRS. RAYMOND BAXTER 902 POPPY LANE CARLSElAD, CA 92009 214-367-01 A Grant Deed recorded June 17, 1987 as File No. 87-336652 of Official Words JCIEL N. VAN SANT AND MARY F. VAN SAW, husband and wife Grant(s) to TOM J. MINO AND PAIa A. MINO, husband and wife as Joint Tenants DR. TOM J. MINO PAIGE A. DeCINO 4155 SKYLINE IMAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 214-367-05 A Grant Deed recorded May 22, 1987 as File No. 87-284398 of Official Records. MICHAEL R. DcINAHoO AND SHARON A. DONAHOO, husband and wife, who title as Michael R. Donahm, an unmr- rid man and Sharon A. Nelson, an unmarried wcman Grant(s) to THoMI\s M. KEPHMr,, an unmarried man and CINDY OXDCBES, an unmarried wanan, as Joint Tenants THcElAsKEpHAHT CINDY CO~ES 901 poppy IANE CARISBAD, CA 92009 214-390-01 A Grant Deed recorded June 25, 1987 as File No. 87-355034 of Official Records Tl"HY R. KCTIEL AND M. JEANEITE K(JITEL, husband and wife Grant(s) to DAVID G. =IN, a Single I112Ln MR. DAVID G. MIN 924 BEa)NIA COURT CAIZZSBAD, CA 92008 -3- . 1 LILY PL?cE LILI PLACE LILY PLpd3E 214-390-09 A Grant Deed recorded October 2, 1987 as File No. 87-558218 of Official Rfxords. JULIUS EMBBINS I11 AND MARY J. ROEBINS, husband and wife Grant(s) to JESSE E. BAILEY AND MARIAN E. BAu%y, husband and wife as Joint Tenants JESSE & MARIAN BAILEX 8080 LA MESA BLVD., SIE. 116 LA MESA, CA 92041 214-401-09 A Grant Deed recoded April 8, 1987 as File No. 87-186287 of Official Records CUFU'IS E. GITTINGS AND ADA P. GITTINGS husband and wife Grant(s) to HELpllvT SCHLASSA AND KAllE sCHLWSA, husband and Wife as Joint Tenants MR. & m. €EIMm scHLwsA 7318 LILI PIACE CAEIT.sBAD, CA 92008 214-401-10 A Quitclaim Deed recorded July 8, 1987 as File No. 87-381381 of Official Rfxords . CASIMIR J. DOMASZEXWICZ Quitclaim(s) to CASIMIR J. DCWSZEWICZ ~IIvIvDs TRUST, CASIMIR J. DOMASZEWCA, TINSTEE CASIMIR J. DCMASZEWICZ P. 0. Box 2200 CARISBAD, CA 92008 214-401-12 A Grant Deed recorded FBrch 21, 1987 a File No. 87-158339 of Official IEecords DENNIS llI"r AND ADEU VINCENT, husband and wife Grant(s) to w3MIID I. WMAS JR. AND PAMELA c. DUMAS, husband and wife as Joint Ten= RcJN2uD I. VINCENT JR. 7312 LILY PLACE CAHLSBAD, CA 92008 -4- No. TULIP WAY aAFFoDIL PLACE TULIP WAY 214-402-25 A Grant Deed recoded February 2, 1987 as File No. 87-055261 of Official Fe20rdS. WILLIAM ELIS, a wid- Grant(s) to STEP" H. KlODRUl?F' AND SARA BREW WaXIlUJFF, husband and wife as Joint Tenants STEP" 6 sAF?AwooDRuFF 1017 'IULIP AVENUE CARISBAD, CA 92008 214-402-31 A Grant Deed recorded June 26, 1987 as File No. 87-358834 of Official Records. husband and wife Grant(s) to ca3ALDC.wI~ANDADELHEIDBClvA WILLING, husband and wife as Joint Tenants IXWKT AND MARY E. DeWALT, c;Em & AD-ID WILLIAMS 7217 IXIFF0DI.L pLp13E CARISBAD, CA 92008 214-402-32 A Grant Deed recorded March 27, 1987 as File No. 87-163732 of Official Records. DCPRLD G. rIwlpP AND BE!IW M. TRAPP, husband and wife Grant(s) to DON Bm, a single man m Bm 7219 DAFFODIL PLpxlE CARISBAD, CA 92009 214-410-10 A Grant Deed recorded July 14, 1987 as File No. 87-392866 of Official Records. ALLEN L. HESS AND BARBARA J. HESS Grant(s) to husband and wife as Joint Tenants AN'lXCNy IMB€KNU!E AM> JANICE IMBEMNCNE, ANTHONY & JANICE IMB- 1010 TULIP CARLSBAD, CA 92008 -5- . 32 iXISY AVE 32. 32 35 214-422-15 214-422-16 214-422-17 214-422-27 214-422-35 2 14-422-36 214-422-37 214-472-74 214-481-07 QUICK JOMN M & ALICE E 1011 DAISY AVENUE CAPSIBAD, CA 92008 ANSART: RASHAD & PAMEIA I 1013 WSY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 "SSEL JC" E & ELI^^ B 'IPS 1015 DAISY AVENUE 0, CA 92008 REARWYC&GAYF 7210 WIs'IERIAWAY CARISBAD, CA 92008 CAReYGEWiTBEII&JCECF,D 955 JAsrm couKr CARLSBAD, CA 92008 'IOLTACX IKBW M & SANDRA R 957 JASMINE COUHT CARISBAD, CA 92008 BUR" JAMES B SI PHYLTJS J 959 JASMINE COUFU' CAREBAD, CA 92008 SEA CLIFF H- ASSN. C/O PLAZA BUILDERS INC. 3127 AIEWAY AVEMJE COSTA MESA, CA 92626 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded June 17, 1987 as File No. 87-339087 of Official Records. CALIXDRNIAaM4tJNITIES INC., a California corporation fomly knckln as PLAZA BUIm INC., a aorporation Grant(s) to STANLEY FWI'LJX AND PHYLLIS M. FWTLIK, husband and wife as Joint Tenants STANLEX SI pHyL;LIS FOCTIZM 7146 LA"A TERWXE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 -6- 35 35 7s IE No. 214-481-08 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded July 16, 1987 as File No. 87-399886 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA mITIES INC., a California corpration fonnerly kncm as PLAZA BUIIDEM, INC., a corporation Grant(s) to FREIDA L. MIR3N, a widow rnIDAL. Mom 7148 LANTANA TERRACE CARUBAD, CA 92009 214-481-09 A Corporatian Grant Deed recorded July 1, 1987 as File No. 87-370751 of Officidl Records. CALIFORNIA -1TIES INC., a California corporation formrly knam as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. , a corporation Grant(s) to PHILIPPE M. LARRABURU AND ARIE;?TE C. LARRABURU, husband and wife as Joint Tenants MR. &m. IARmBmu 1137 WESTRIIXE DRITE VENIVRA, CA 93003 214-481-10 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded June 5, 1987 as File No. 87-315032 of official Records. CACIFOIWIA CDMUNITIES INC., a California corporation formerly known 2~s PLAZA BUILDEPS E., a corporation Grant(s) to MARIE S. lPNEZWW, a widm MARIE S. EWlEXWM 7152 LANTANA 'IEREViCE CAIUSBAD, CA 92009 214-481-ll A Corporation Grant Deed recordd Mar& 20, 1987 as File No. 87-146992 of Official Records. CAL~RNIA CCMJNITIES INC., a California corporation fomly known as PLAZA BUILDEM INC. , a corporation Grant(s) to BRIAN "AN AND MERLICE "AN, husband and wife as Joint Tenants BRIAN & ME#LIcE TYNAN 7154 LANTANA CAfZIsBAD, CA 92008 -7- ?@ REFmEwx No. 35. 35. 3s. 35 214-481-12 A Quitclaim Deed recorded septarber 23, 1987 as File No. 87-539441 of Official l?ecards. SO ANNE S. !XK"ZIER, a married t~o1112~n as her sole and separate property Quitclaim( s) to JO AIW3 S. SX3?IZLER, Trustee U/b/" dated 9/18/87 F/B/O JOANNE STOCKER ScHCNTzLER 1987 TRUST JO AIWE S. SZHaJTZIER 7156 UWTANA TERR?Ci?, CNUSBAD, CA 92009 214-481-13 A Corporatian Grant Deed recorded April 9, I987 as File No. 87-191803 of Official Wards. CALzFOIwIA CCWIUNITIFS INC., a California Corporatim formerly knownas PLAZABUILDEFS E., a Corporatian crant(s) to CARL L. NEY and JUDITH c. NEX, husband and wife as Joint Tenants CARLANDJmmNEY 7158 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-481-14 A Corporatian Grant Deed recorded March 20, I987 as File No. 87-146984 of Official Records. CALIFOFQUA CXXMJNITIES E., a California Corporation formrly known as PLAZA BUIIDEPS INC., a Corporatian Grant(s) to MARY A" Wm, a mrried wanan as her sole and separate property MICHAEZ AND MARY A" rmim 7202 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-15 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 1, 1987 as File No. 87-173345 of Official Records. CALLFORNIA CamITIES INC., a California Corporatian formrly knmn as PLAZA BUIUERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to mcmm ERR AND MIIDFED m, husband and wife as Joint Tenants FU(HARD AND MISDRED KERR 7204 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 -8- _- 214-481-16 A Oorporation Grant Deed rem- June 8, 1987 as File No. 87-318033 of Official &mrds. CALWRNIA-ZES INC., a California Oorpration formerly knownasPLAZAB-INC.,a Corpratim Grant(s) to JACKLYN LESTER KENNEDY, a married wanan as her sol& and separate PrapertY JACXLYN LEsrEFl KENNEDY 7206 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-481-17 A Corporatian Grant Deed recorded April 13, 1987 as File No. 87-196066 of Official &cords. CALIIDFNCA C~MJNITIES INC., a California Oorporatim formrly kncwn as PLAZABUIIDEPS INC.# a Corporatian Grant(s) to €UBm We husband and wife as Joint Tenants CWIES AND NIKI Me m, mm AND NIKI OATES 7208 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-18 A cbrporatim Grant Deed recorded March 18, 1987 as File No. 87-140710 of Official Records. OFUJIA C(MWNITIES INC., a California carporation fomerly known as PW BUIIDEEts INC., a Oorporation Grant(s) to JANE I. ALLEN, a widaw JANE I. AttEN 7210 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 -9- 214-481-19 - A Corporat.im Grant Deed recorded May 1, 1987 as File No. 87-240032 of Official F&cords, ~AWCF~~PJIA~~IES IN%,, a California Corporation formerly . knm as PLAZA BUILDmS m.8 a Corpratim Grant(s) to ImRG?mn A. "m.m, an unmarried Kman MMGARET A. "GMN 7212 Lantana erra ace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-20 A Oorporation Grant Deed recorded 4, 1987 as File No. ; 87-113633 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA OZMMEJITIES INC., a California oorporation formrly krwwn as PLAZA BuUXlS m.8 a Corporation Grant(s) to JOHN J. ZUANICH AND ' LEATRICE R. zuma, husband and wife as Joint Tenants JOHN AND LEATRICE ZUANICH 7214 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-21 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 3, 1987 as File No. 87-109970 of Official Rxords. CALIFOPNIA CC"ITIES INC.8 a California corporatian fornrerly a Corporation Grant(s) to PATRICK H. F'WSaX, a wid- knawn aS PLAZA BUILDERS IN%.# PATRICK H. F'USCOE 7216 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 - 10 - MAP I?lmmma No. 214-481-22 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 13, 1987 as File No. 87-I30130 of Official Records. (XJFDRNIA CCIWUNITIES INC., a California mrpratim formerly knclwn as PLAZA BUI.U)m INC., a corporation Grant(s) to Bm I. BARIW AND LILA M. BuRnrJ, husband and wife as Joint Tenants BEXIWID AND LIIA BAKIW 7218 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-23 A Corpratim Grant Deed recorded March 31, 1987 as File No. 87-171128 of Official Records. CAUFORNIA~WRJ~~IES INC., a Californi Corporation formrly hum as PLAZA BUILDEXIS E., a aorporation Grant(s) to husband and wife as Joht Tenants ALLENE.SHAWANDBETWRAESHAW, ALtENANDBGITysHAw 7211 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-24 A Corporatian Grant Deed recorded August 3, 1987 as File No. 87-434392 of Official mrds. CALEQPNIA ~~-~ITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUIIDEIis INC., a corporatian Grant(s) to VERLFT A. sA"At, an unmarried - VE€UEI?A. SNWOVAL 7209 mtana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 -11- No. 214-481-25 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 17, 1987 as File No. 87-211347 of Official &cords. C?GIFOFtNIA -!UNITIES INC., a California Oorporatim formrly Known as PLAZABUIIDEFtS INC., a Corporatian Grant(s) to JOHN C. HAIR AND NANCY J. HAIR, husband and wife as Joint Tenants J0"AND"CYHAIR 7207 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-481-26 A Oorporation Grant Deed recorded May 5, 1987 as File No. 87-247626 of Official €&cords CALIEDRNIA CCWKNITIES INC., a California Corporation fomly ham as PLAZA BUILDEFG INC., a Corporatian Grant(s) to WILLIAM R. BENNGIT AND DO= E. BENNGlT, husband and wife as Joint Tenants WILLIN1 AND D0RUII-N BENNETT 7205 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-27 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 2, 1987 as File No. 87-177188 of Official Records. CALIIORNIACCMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporatian Grant(s) to PAULE. ZWIMPFERAND DOROLEE E. ZWIMPFER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants PAUL AND DOROUE ZWIMPFER 7203 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 12 - No. 214-481-28 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 1, 1987 as File No. 87-174493 of Official &cords. CALIFORNIA CUWUNITIES E., a California Oorpration fomly known as PLAZA BUILDEX3 INC., a corporation Grant(s) to DONAIDE. FDDAANDDo~C.FUXlA, husband and wife as Joint Tenants Dam.T.DANDDoRuJxY€ll3tn 7201 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-29 A Quitclaim Deed recorded July 14, 1987 as File No. 87-393649 of Official Records. JC" A. MAKTINOLICH, a wid- and WILHEIMINA J. MAHTINOLICH, a widow, as Joint Tenants Quitclaim(s) to wlIammm J. mmM AND JCHN A. MAHTINOLICH, Cwrrustees under Declaratian of Trust dated January 25, 1985 JOHN MARrINoLIcH MINNIE ~INOLaICH 7157 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-481-30 A Corpratim Grant Deed recorded March 27, 1987 as File No. 87-164063 of Official Rxords. CALIFOEFJIA aMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formrly kmrwn as PLRZA BUIIDERS INC. , a Corporation. Grant(s) to THOMAS J. SHARP AND QUALITY Q. SHAF husband and wife as Joint Tenants mANDQu2uJTYSHARp 7155 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 - 13 - 35. 35 35. 4s. 214-481-31 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 8, 1987 as File No. 87-391836 of Official Records. CALIFDFINIA CavMUNITIES INC., a California Corporation fomly knmn as PLAZA BUIIDERS INC., a Corpration Grant(s) to BERNICE E. APPLEBAUM, an unmarriec wcman BEFINICE E. APPLEBAWl 7153 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 91008 214-482-07 RICXARD G. FEIXER AND bWULYN L. FEIKER, husband and wi: as Joint Tenants 7216 Wen Terrace Carlsbad, CA 214-482-08 A Oorporation Grant Deed recorded July 1, 1987 as File No. 87-272717 of Official &cords CALIFORNIA CDNNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knm as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to HAROLD H. BIGLFY AND ELIZABETH N. BIGLEX, husband and wife as Joint Tenants HAROID AND ELIZABETH BIGIEY 7218 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-482-32 A Quitclaim Deed recorded January 30, 1987 as File No. 87-053702 of Official Reoxds. NORM?N E. RICHINS, an unmrried mi Quitclaim(s) to NOFIMA JEAN TATE, an unmarried m AND NOM E. RICHINS, an unmarrif m, as Joint Tenants NORMAN E. RICHINS 7223 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 35. 35. 35. 214-483-02 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 21, 1987 as File No. 87-217044 of Official Records. CALIFOBNU4 CCWWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS, a Corporatian Grant(s) to JOHN Y. WAQERAND SIDNEY G. WXWE husband and wife as Joint Tenants JOHN AND SIDNEX WAGPER 7294 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-03 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 21, 1987 as File No. 87-217044 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA WIT= E., a California Corporation formerly knuwn as PLAZA BUILDEFS, a Corporation. Grant(s) to RICHARD JAMES CA", a single rra RIcwlRD JAMES CANAAN 7296 Iantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-03 A Quitclaim Deed recorded July 8, 1987 as File No. 87-381380 of Official Records. MEL, LEEDS AND BETTY LEEDS, husbanc and wife as Joint Tenants Quitclaim(s) to MEL LEEDS AND BETTY LEEDS, Trust01 of the LEEDS FAMILY TRUST Dated January 8, 1987 MELANDBElTyLEEE 7298 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-05 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 3, 1987 as File No. 87-109585 of Official Records. Grant(s) to GEDFGE E. PURKISS AM) GLADYS I. PUIWISS, husband and wife as Join Tenants mow AND GLADYS PURKISS 7302 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 - 15 - w REFERENCE No. 35. 3s. AIRWAY 214-483-06 A Corpration Grant Deed record& March 25, 1987 as File No. 87-157642 of Official Records. CALIZDRNIA mXlNITIES E., a California Corpratim forwcly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to DANIEL P. MAHTIN, a single man DANIEL MAKI'IN 7304 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-07 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 10, 1987 as File No. 87-192212 of Official Records. CALIJXlRNIA CUWWITIES E., a California corporatian formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. , a Corporation Grant(s) to 'I'H@IS W. ROEGGE AND LINaA J. husband and wife as Joint Tenants MR. AND MRS. THOMAS mEax 7306 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-08 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 23, 1987 as File No. 87-151042 of Official Records. CALLFORNIA (XBMJNITIES INC., a California corporation formerly knawn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. I a Corporation Grant(s) to JOHN EnJIN LENTZ AND MIIDRED ALBEHTA LENTZ, Co-Trustees unde-r DECLARATICN 0% TRUST Dated April 16, 1986 JOHN LENTZ 7308 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 - 16 - 35. I 35 35 AIm AIRWAY 214-483-09 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 30, 1987 as File No. 87-166983 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA CCMWNITIES E., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZABUILDERS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to GEORGE MERLIN MARTIN, a married man as sole and separate property and HELEN WODS, a widow, as Joint Tenants Glmm~AND~m 7310 Lantana "errace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-10 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 20, 1987 as File No. 87-144008 of Official Records. CALmRNIA ~WE~NITIES E., a California corporation formerly knuwn as PLAZABUMEPS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to MICHAEL J. MILLIKEN AND VImm L. MILLIKEN, husband and wife as Joint Tenants MICHAEL AND VImm MILLIKEN 7312 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-11 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded October 30, 1986 as File No. 86-492452 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA CCIWUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to GEDRGE H. REASONS AND R"4 H. REASONS, husband and wife as Joint Tenants GEmmANDRAPmlAREAsoNs 7402 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 17 - 35 35. 3s. No. 214-483-12 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Wenher 13, 1986 as File No. 86-520805 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA ~ITIES IX., a California Corporation formerly knm as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to KEMWI" E. SHANDELL AND STEEMANIE K. SHANDELL, husband and wife as Joint Tenants KEN" AND STEPHANIE SHANDEI 7404 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-13 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Octaber 10, 1986 as File No. 86-458806 of Official Records. CALIEOF?NIA OM'IUNITIES DE., a California Corporation formerly huwn as PLAZABUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to JACK B. HE" AND IOIS C. "Dm, husband and wift as Joint Tenants JACK AND IBIS "DERsaJ 7406 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-14 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded October 20, 1986 as File No. 86-473313 of Official Records. CALIE'ORNIA CCXWUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knm as PLAZA BUILDERS E., a corporation Grant(s) to FUCHAFtD CARPENTER THOWE AND GERALDINE JOYCE THORPE as co- trustees of the Dorothy Carpenter Thorpe Trust dated July 23, 1981 DO= C. THOWE 7408 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 18 - &mmcE No. 35 35. sr. 214-483-15 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded ocotber 23, 1986 as File No. 86-478274 of Official mrds. WIFOIWIA CaWUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knownasPLAZAEWIIDERSINC.,a corporation Grant(s) to WEFUWR H. SIEMENS AND FOSALINE SIEMENS, husband and wife as Joint Tenants WEmERANDEEoSALINEsIEMENs 7410 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-16 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Decanber 30, 1986 as File No. 86-620024 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA CCMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly hewn as PLAZA BUILDERS. NC., a Corporation Grant(s) to Tl3DlXY A. CUlIT AND CYEJTHIA P. CI husband and wife as Joint Tenants TIMCIIHY AND CYNTHIA CUXT 7412 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-17 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded October 13, 1986 as File No. 86-459115 of Official Records. CALIFDRNIA UMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BU1LDF.E INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to MARY ANN DoLAN MAR?lANNDclLAN 7414 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 19 - 35 I 35. 1 35 214-483-18 A Quitclaim Deed recorded July 27, 1987 as File No. 87-420404 of Official Records. TIDVS F. CRAWLEY AND ANN T. CRAWLF husband and wife as Joint Tenants Quitclaim(s) to THCMASF.CRAWLEXANDANNT.CRAWLE: Trustees MR. & MRS. F. C3iWLEY 7420 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-19 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded April 10, 1987 as File No. 87-195660 of Official Records. CALIFOIWIA CCMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDEZS E., a Corporation Grant(s) to DANA c. IlYvEJoY AND LclRRAINE A. IxlvEJOY, husband and wi as Joint Tenants DANA AND LORRAINE WVEJOY 7422 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-20 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded February 6, 1987 as File No. 87-070455 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA 03+IWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to LFTA L. LAEDRDE, an unmarried wmar LFTAL. LABORDE 7427 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 20 - 35. 35. LINDEN TERRACE WEST AVENUE N-4 214-483-21 A Quitclaim Deed recorded Decenber 31, 1986 as File No. 86-623433 of Official Reax&. ERIC W. -S, a married man Quitclaim(s) to W. ETdME WS, a married mnan as her sole and separate property w. ELAINEM?aTENs 7426 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-22 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded N0varbe.r 12, 1986 as File No. 86-516926 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA CCMWJITIES INC.r a California Corporation formerly knawn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to RciBEm w. M?msIN AM) MARY LOU MARTIN, as Co-Trustees un( Trust Agr-t Dated June 20, 198 FmERJ! AND MARY IOU mIN 9433 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-23 A Copration Grant Deed recorded December 15, 1986 as File No. 86-587020 of Official Records. CALI^^ CCWWNITIES INC. I a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUIIDERS INC. , a Corporation Grant(s) to husband and wife as Joint Tenants AUX)mANDMARIAA.BAWJNE, mANDMARIABAw3NE 2149 West Avenue N-4 Palndale, CA 93551 - 21 - 35. 35. GLE2WSVJW AVENUE 214-483-25 A Grant Deed recorded January 15, 1987 as File No. 87-019685 of Official Records. EOBERC GRI- AND PAULINE K. GRISCOM, husband and wife Grant(s) to CXARLES J. FIACCOAND ISABEL K. Fm, husband and wife as Joint Tenants MR. ANDMRS. CHARLES J. FIAClCO 5568 Glenhaven Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 LINDEN TERR?a 214-483-29 A Grant Deed recorded May 27, 1987 as File No. 87-290655 of Official Records. BARBARA A. K. SMITH Grant(s) to SAMUELB. SMITHAND BARBARA A. K. SMITH, husband and wif as Joint Tenants MR. AND MRS. SAEllTEL B. SMITH #9 Skipper Imine, CA 92714 LINDEN TExRAa 214-483-30 A Grant Deed recorded August 18, 198 as File No. 87-465962 of Official FlecOrdS. Grant(s) to SOL BucKsBALlM AND BGlTy ANNE BUCKS-, husband and wife as Joint Tenants McMIEL, a widowed wman MR. ANDMRS. SOLBUCKSBAUM 7417 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, California 92009 - 22 - 214-483-31 RAm L. PAIMER AND EVELYN M. PAIMER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants 7415 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 214-483-32 DONAID J. SHIPP AND SHIRLEY E. SHIPF husband and wife as Joint Tenants 7413 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 214-483-35 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded October 29, 1986 as File No. 86-491892 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA aMWNITIES INC., a California corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDEBS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to REED T. NBEX AND DEE ANN E. S. ALDER, husband and wil as Joint Tenants REET T. & DEE ANN ALDER 7407 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-36 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded July 30, 1986 as File No. 86-317279 of Official Records. CALIFWNIA KMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly lawwn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Cowration Grant(s) to RICHARD B. EUJYD, JR. AND CARDL M. WYD, husband and wife as Joint Tenants as to an undivided 1/; interest and GEOEE E. WOLlXY AND M. LILLIAN WOLpY, Trustees of the Woolley Family Trust Dated August 23, 1984, as to an undivided 1/2 interest, all as Tenants In camm~ RICHARD AND CAROL Fmm 7405 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 I - 23 - MAP REFimwE No. 35- i 35 I ~ 35. 214-483-37 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded August 29, 1986 as File No. 86-377848 of Official Records. CATJE'ORNIA a3"ITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knuwn as PLAZA BUIIDERS INC., a Corpration Grant(s) to EMNAu> J. HEXWIG AND KNUS A. "IC husband and wife as Ccmmnity Property RUWLD AND KARIS "IG 7335 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-38 JOANNE M. S4AT.L 7333 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 214-483-39 An Individual Quitclaim Deed recorded April 20, 1987 as File No. 87-212729 of Official Records. ESMAT "DI TAM WARAN, a married wman as her sole and separate property Quitclaim(s) to MDIIWOUSH KAMYAFIAN, a married wman as her sole and separate property MEHR" KAMYm 10251 Matador Court San Diego, CA 92124 214-483-41 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded July 21, 1986 as File No. 86-300447 of Official Records. CACIFORNIA CCMWNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knawn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to RILEY J. CAMP, a single man RILEY JONATHAN CAMP 7327 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 24 - 214-483-42 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded maker 6, 1986 as File No. 86-508777 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA CCWIUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to WATATEB B. KOLE AND MAIiy R. KOLE, husband and wife as Joint Tenants WATATER AND MARY KOLE 7325 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-47 A Corporation Grant Deed remrded March 31, 1987 as File No. 87-167390 of Official Records. CALIFOIWIA CCPMUNITIES INC., a California Corporation fonerly known as PLAZABuILDEEtS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to mIELKARRIsaJAND ESELLd3 E. HARRISON, husband and wij as Ccmnunity Property DANIEL HARRISON AND Esm " 130 Marguerita Avenue Santa Mnica, CA 90402 214-483-80 (214-483-81) A Corporation Grant Deed recorded June 2, 1986 as File No. 86-219554 of Official Records. CALIEORNIA -IT= INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to L. PENISTaJ GAEWER AND BARBARA LEE GARNER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants MR. is MEST L. GAFmm PENIS" 916 Myrtle Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 25 - 35. 214-483-82 (214-483-54) August 15, 1986 as File No. A Corporation Grant: Deed recorded 86-350423 of Official Fkswrds. CALIFORNIA WITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as mdzA BUILDERS INC. , a Cowration Grant(s) to DcNALDcARzlHERsTEcYr, JR., an UraMlrried man DONAU) €lEPsm, JR. 917 Myrtle court Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-83 (214-483-55) 25, 1987 as File No. 87-544160 A Grant Deed recorded September of Official Records. VIOR W. GIBSON AND DOIiMHy M. GIBSON, husband and wife Grant(s) to MIMI FsDoDIx]cK SMYTH, an unmarried wman as her sole and separate PropertY MzMI~LmKsMYTH 915 Myrtle Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 214-483-56 A Corpration Grant Deed recorded Omtber 10, 1986 as File No. 86-456565 of Official Ftemrds. CALIFORNIA mITIFS INC. , a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. , a Corporation Grant(s) to KAREN a single wman KARENHUNTI" 7411 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 26 - E No. 35. '35. AIRPRY 214-483-57 A Grant Deed recorded July 30, 198- as File No. 87-430393 of Official Recards. DORIS L. FIVEXOAT, an unmarried wanan and WIUIS E. BENsaJ AND LEU!JA L. BENsaJ, husband and wife, all as Joint Tenants Grant(s) to DONAW B. KRXCH, an Unmarried man DONATLIB. KRC6CK 7405 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-58 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 31, 1987 as File No. 87-171125 of Official Records. CATJFORNIA -1TIES INC., a California Corporation formerly hown as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to GREGORY P. McGm?IN AND JOHANNA S. McGAFFIN, husband and wife as Joint Tenants GREGORY AND JOHANNA McGAFFIN 7407 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-59 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Novenber 12, 1986 as File No. 86-516930 of Official Records. CALIFORNIA EMWNITIES INC. I a California Corporation formerly huwn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. , a Corporation Grant(s) to B. KRXCH, an unmrried rn lXNALD B. IQiCSCH 7405 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 27 - 35. 35 214-483-60 A Grant Deed recorded June 10, 19E 214-483-62 as File No. 87-322141 of Official Records. VIRGINIA D. RICWWDS Grant(s) to VIZINIA RICHARDS as Trustee of tk Virginia Richards Revocable Trust Dated May 1, 1986 HOLLY "INS 2555 East Chapan, Suite 70C Fullerton, California 92631 AT LAW 214-483-61 A Quitclaim Deed recorded April 15, 1987 as File No. 87-205872 of Official Records. WWIERJ. NELsaJ Quitclaim(s) to w. w. TRUST' W. W. TRUST 219 Calle de Serano mcadia, CA 92024 214-483-63 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Decmber 22, 1986 as File No. 86-601577 of Official Records. CALIEORNIA CXWIUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to JOSEPH A. -10 AND TINA M. LMX;! husband and wife as Jobt Tenants JOGEPH AND TINA LEGGIO 7325 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 28 - 359 ?S* 35 No. 214-483-64 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Novh 12, 1986 as File No. 86-516928 of Official Records. CALIEORNIA -1TIES INC. , a California Corporation formerly knawn as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(S1 to JOHN D. BE" AND NORMA L. BENSON husband and wife as Joint Tenants JOHN AND NOFMA BENsaJ 7323 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-65 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Waber 26, 1986 as File No. 86-550613 of Official Records. CALIF0IWI-A CClWJNITIES INC., a California Cbrporation formerly known as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a Corporation Grant(s) to ALBERT N. LINMIOLM AND VALENTINA A. LINDHOLM, husband and wife as Joint Tenants ALEERT AND VrnINA LINDHOL 7321 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded December 3, 1986 as File No. 86-558988 of Official Records. CALI~~IA CCWUNITIES INC., a California Corporation formerly knm as PLAZA BUILDERS INC. , a Corporation Grant(s) to CAMILLE C. WIT??, Trustee of the Wi Living Trust "B", Dated August 214-483-66 6, 1980 CAMLLE c. WITT 7319 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 29 - 35 75. ?S. 214-483-67 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded January 5, 1987 as File No. 87-000248 of Official Records. CFLIEWNIA O~JMNITIES INC., a California Qrporation fonnerly ho as RAZA BulLDERS INC., a corporati( Grant (s) to M4lULYN H. PEASE, an unrtlarried wam MWULYN H. PEASE 7317 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 14483-68 A Qrpxation Grant Deed recorded June 1, 1987 as File No. 87-302926 of Official Records. CELIFOIF3IA CC"ITIES INC., a Calikrnia Corporation emrly knc as PLAZA BulLtERS INC., a corporati Grant( s) to ERIC SUI" PM, CLORIA J. SUITON, husbrd and wife as Joint Tenants ERIC AND GLORIA SUITON 7315 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92009 214483-69 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Wenber 21, 1986 as File No. 86-539787 of Official Rerords. CILIEOIF3IA a"ITIES INC., a California Qrporation formerly knc as RAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporati Grant( s) to E3EXWWD E. 03" AND SALY a)", husbnd and wife as Joint lknants BERNWUl E. CDHEN EIND SPLLY W 7313 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-70 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Wember 20, 1986 as File No. 86-535256 of Official Records. CZLIFOIF3IA CCNMUSITIES INC., a California Qrporation formerly hc as PLAZA BUILDERS INC., a corporati Grant(s) to LEROY EFLE WMEELER AND WKG?GIET FJHEELER, husbrd and wife Joint Tenants LERClY AND IYMGWET WHEELER 7311 Lantana Terrace Qrlsbad, CA 92008 - 30 - MAP REFERENCE NO. 35 AIRWAY 214-483-71 A Quiklabn Deed recorded September 24, 1987 as File No. 87540895 of Official Records. mNY v. CxxlZAJEz IWD WHA V. (XINZLEZ, husband and wife Quitclaim(s) to l!"IO amm AND MUCFH?i aNwyIEZ, Trustees under Declaration of Trust Dated May 9, 1984 TONY AND WHA CXINZAT.IEZ 16510 Ardath Ave Torrance, CA 90504 Lmm TERRACE 214483-72 A Qrporation Grant Deed recorded October 28, 1986 as File No. 86-486503 of Official Records. CPLIFIIRNIA CDNNITIES INC., a California Corporation fonmrly 'Icz31 as RAZA BulLDEW INC., a corporat.5r Grant(s) to BEVERY JOAN WALSH, an urmrned wamn BEVEEZIY JOAN WXSH 7307 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 LANTAW TERRACE 214-483-73 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Cctokr 31, 1986 as File No. 86-495792 of Official Records. CIbIFDRNIA CXMMWITIES INC., a Calii5rnia Corporation tiorrnerly knowr as FZAZA BulLEERS INC., a corporatior Grant(s) to WILLIAM J. L0"LoW AM) HELEN E. LONGFELLW, husbard and wife as Joint 'Iknants WDLLM AND HELEN LommcIw 7305 Lantana Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 214-483-74 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded September 3, 1986 as File No. 86-386134 of Official Records. CZ%IFORNIA -1TIES INC., a California Corporation formerly known as RAZA BUILDERS INC., a corpratbn Grant(s) to SEA CLIFF HOMEOWNERS FSSOCIATTON CILFIIRYIA CQ"1TIES 3187 Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, Calihrnia - 31 - EL CAMINO REB EL CAMIN0 REB 2 14-483-76 SEA &IFF HCMEckJNERS ASSN. Paseo Del Norte, CA 92008 c/o LOOMIS PROPERTIES IW. 214-483-79 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded October 21, 1986 as File No. 86474847 of Official Records. CFLIEOIWIA -IT= INC., a California Corporation formerly known as RAZA EWILDERS INC., a corporation Grant(s) to c[JIMDN E. PRIEST AND BEVERY A. PRIEST, husband and wife as Joint Tenants CLIJVI" AND BEVERJY PRIEST 7429 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 15-020-01 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded May 12, 1987 as File No. 87-260259 of Official Records. MAYSAK INVESlMENT ODRPORATION, a Qrporatbn organized under the laws of the State of Califbrnia Grant(s) to CABSBAD I, a California General Partnership RITA J. TAILOR, ESQ. WGATA, OJ" & RIIDQEX 333 South Grand Avenue 37th Floor Los Angels, CA 90071-1599 215-040-0242 AD VFLOREM TFX DEE" 2840 ?hanksgiving mr 215-050-05 A Grant Deed recorded June 29, 1987 as File No. 87-360462 of Off idal Records. PWIUDGE Wurm EXCHANGE, INC., a California Corporation Grant(s) to WESTANA VIEW #)INT, a California General Partnership WESTANA VIEWPOINT C/O Westana Builders 4241 Jutland Drive, Suite 215 San Diego, CA 92117 - 32 7 7. 121 [Zf 121, LZl 215-050-12 2 15-080-09 2 15-140-06 2 15-140-10 215-140-11 2 15-140-1 2 2 15-140-13 2 15-140-16 215-140-17 - 33 - A Quitclaim Deed recorded May 15, 1987 as File No. 87-270553 of Official Records. EORGE PATRICK MURPHY, JR. MBtCDY KRELEEN MURPHY as Trustee of the GPM Trust of 1987 Quitclah(s) to MEtcDY KXIFLEEN MURPHY 901 Lana View Chula Vista, CA 92010 A Grant Deed recorded July 17, 1987 as File No. 87-401438 of Official Records. G&BERT J. KAISER AND MWY ANN P. KAISER, husbrd and wife Grant(s) to GILBEKT J. KAISER AND MY ANN KAISER, Trustees of the Kaiser Family 1987 Trust Dated Jme 10, 1987 GILBERT J. KAISER 1615 Calle de Cinco La Jolla, CA 92037 SIDNEY AND ESTHER B. GILLMAN 2069 Playa Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAFQLE 7234 Estrella De Mar bd Carlsbad, CA 92008 ERESTUN H. JENUINE 7240 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 SE?XRITY TITLE INSURANCE CO. P. 0. Box 1589 San Diq, CA 92112 PeFRED L. AND BRAm G. WEmR 9025 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 E. MJ OJNNELL 7261 Estrella De Mar Road Rancho La Costa, CA 92008 EILEEN E. ODEL OZLEEN 0. TORRES 7255 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 lZI rzl. 121 215-140-18 215-140-19 215-14W20 2 15-140-2 3 215-16041 215-16042 2 15-160-15 M"M. ELANIGAN 7243 Estrella De Wr Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY OF CABSBAD JACK AND RHalA UCHITEL, husbad ard wife as Joint Tenants 733 Park Avenue New York City, New York 10021 IRVIKANDMURIEL RX'ION, huskand and wife as Camnmity Prcperty 2075 Playa RDad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE334 axTA 7264 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 A Grant Deed recorded April 8, 1987 as File No. 87-186024 of Official Records. FIRST LA 006TA JOINT VENTURE, aTews Joint Venture, canposed of P-N McFNICfIT and DAVID R. DIXDN wther With J?ASI'ER BW BEE3E DImN, wife of DAVID R. DD0N and A" C. McIWICfIT, wife of PRESroN McFJ!JIG-IT, to the extent of their interest, if any, in the hereinafter described ~operty Grant(s) to PEWDN McKNIC" AND A" C. McKNIQ-IT, as husband and wife STEEFEL, Lrn & WEISS CXle Bhrcadero Center 29th Floor Sari Francisco, CA 94111 A Partnership Grant Deal recorded August 11, 1986 as File No. 86-271802 of Official Records. LA caS?a E-UI'EL AND SPA, a General Partnership organized under the laws of California Grant(s) to BW WEN, IMN A. MLASKY and MERV ADELSON, as Trustees of El Camino Proprties Trust Dated Jme 16, 1986 EL CAMINO PROPEKI'IES TRET C/O La Costa Hotel and Spa Ccsta del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: BurtonL. Krmr - 34 - w- REFERENCE No. BZ * MIMOSA DRIVE MIM;ISA DRIVE gz 215-501-02 A Gard Deed recorded August 21, 1987 as File No. 87-475339 of Official Records. CZWIICE D. EKWERS, an urmarried wanan Grant(s) to LEV CLEYEERG AND BaLA GL,EYEERT, huslrard and Wife as Joint Tenants MR. AND FRS. LEV QmT 7lll Nhma Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-501-05 A Grant Deed recorded April 6, 1987 as File No. 87-180545 of Official Records. Grant(s) to CHRISTINE E. CHRLSTOPH, an urmc15.d wamn JOGEE'H Re MCRSE AND RICH C. MClRSE CHRISTINE E. CHRISTOPH 7105 Mi.nnsa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-501-08 A Grant Deed recorded May 1, 1987 as File bb. 87-240226 of Official Records VICIORIA W. KOFGORPLL, husbard and wifr as Joint ?renarks Grant(s) to G?mY CROUCH AND BONNIE cmCH, husbnd and Wife as Joint Tenants KEITH He KORPORAAL MR. AND ms. mFx CRcluCH 7009 Aster R. Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-501-09 A Grant Deed recorded May 21, 1987 as File No. 87-280575 of Official Records hushnd and Wife and WzL;LIPM BRIAN Bm AND DIANE pIDNTps;UE B-, hushnr and Wife and DAVID C. S3NNENBURG AND JOAN E. sSNNENBuEK;, huskand and wife PALL S. wIJLI(ER AND E3Am B. WPLKER, husbard and Wife as Joint Tenants JNS M=NTps;uE AM) RUI" M3NTps;uEI Grant(s) to MR. AND FRS. PALL S. WALKER 1707 Cannas Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 - 35 - c MAPREFERENCE No. 82. cm muRr 215-501-10 A Grant Deed recorded June 16, as File No. 87-335847 of Official Records. husbnl and wife Grant(s) to M L. STRUELE, a mrried WOTan, as her sola ad separate property THW D. SIWEE AND WL. STRUEE, THCWiS Do STRUH_IE I.wD ML. STRUH,E 1705 Cannas Court Carlsbad, CA 92009 215-501-15 A Grant Deed recorded September 2, 1987 as File No. 87-497941 of Off idal Records. DAVID H. KImEY AND A” B. KItGEX Grant( s) to husbrd and Wife as Joint Tenants WILLIPM R. HOOD AND ANTONETl’E We IXlOD, WILLLAM R. El00 N!lD ZWIUWlTE W. KIOD 935 Lagma Drive A5 Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 15-501 -16 A Grant Deed recorded March 26. 1987 as File No. 87-159005 of Official Records. SHIELEY NEIL =IS, a widow and DEE0RN-I P. MOYER, an urmrried wamn Grant(s) to JOHN E-WUUS AND CAMlLCE HMUUS, husbnd wife JD” HARRIS AND CAMILLE KURIS 1708 Cannas Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-501-20 A Grant Deed recorded September 29, 1987 as File No. 87-548753 of Off idal Records. DAVID P. GPLLARDO AND WCFA GBLAFDO, huskand and wife Grant(s) to DaJGLAs m- m1CK m JILIE ANN MXJICK, husbnd and wife as cmulity property MR. & IWS. DCUQlAS R. M3NICK 1716 Cannas Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 36 - 84. QLlMBINE DRIVE MIM36A DRIVE CXLWINE DRIVE 215-501-37 JOSEPH N. GONYEAU AM) (215-501-23) JEAN N. (X"J 838 Jennifer Street P. 0. BOX 7585 Incline Village 2 1 5-5 0 2-08 An Individual Grant Deed recorded June 12, 1987 as File No. 87-326059 of Official Records. husband and Wife Grant(s) to RICHAN3 H. DISGlINQ3R AND LmNE M. DISCHINCZR, husband and Wife as Joint Tenants STEVEN Re YASJIIA NJD DIANNE A. WSJDA, RICXW33 H. DISCHINCER AND LORRAINE Ma DISCHINQ3R 7027 Colur&ine Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-502-20 A Quitclaim Deed recorded March 26, 1987 as File No. 87-160455 of Official Records. JUNE D. NELSON, a widow ouitclaim(s) to JUNE D. NELSON as the Trustee of the June D. Nelson Trust JUNE D. NELSON 3643 Grand Ave. San Marc-, CA 92069 2 15-50342 A Grant Deed recorded April 22, 1987 as File No. 87-217564 of official Records. M?iRILYN R. ED6ION, husband and wife WWGARET TA'6,oR LEVINS, a widm MI- F. AND Grant(s) to "LOR LEVINS 7007 Mhma Drive Carlsbad, CY492008 215-503-07 A Grant Deed recorded April 15, 1987 as File No. 87-203028 of Official Records. MARREN D. RAISM AND KIRSTY M. RAISCH, husband and wife Grant(s) to FON?f,D R. PARADA, an unmarried rmn and SUSAN M. OSWSKI, a single wu~lan as Joint Tenants - 37 - IlDMCD R. PARADA 7026 Colcsnbine Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUSANM. OSOWSKI MAP "a No. 89 Bs. CRTALPA RQAD CATAtpA IWID CATWA XMLI CATALPA RQAD -38- 215-511-07 A Grant Deed recorded March 27, 1987 as file No. 87-161679 of offical records. Alexander Dcaninquez and Jill Jeffery Grant(s) to CIFARELLI, Husband and Wife as Camunity Property. DONALD.CIFAREL;LIANDA"A~ Donald 6 Anna Maria Cifarelli 1716 Catalpa md Carlsbad, Ca 92009 215-511-08 A Grant Deed recorded April 17, 1987 as file no. 87-208972 of offical records. ALBEHT W. OLSEN AND SHIRLEY OLSEN Grant(& to ERROL L. RECXER AND SUSAN C RECKER, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants. Mr. & Mrs. Errol L Recker 1718 Catalpa Road Carled, CA 92008 215-512-09 A Grant Deed recorded April 7, 1987 as file no 87-183307 of Official records. TERRY YOUN-H, an unmarried man Grant(s) to A Pm AND D0FIMl-H PI- husband and wife as joint tenants. Mr.and Mrs. Steven A Pierce 1721 Catalpa Road Carlsbad, Ca 930009 215-512-12 A Grant Deed recorded April 1, 1987 as file no 87-172464 of Offical Records. W. Scott Gudmondson and Joyce Y. GucMaJDsoN, Husband and Wife. Grant(s) to ENYEDI AND GERDA ENYEDI, Husband and wife as cumunity proper ~r. ti ~rs George Enyedi 2221 Sunrise Hill Sierra Madre, CA 91024 215-512-14 A Grant Deed recorded March 27, 1987 as file No. 87-162241of Official Records W3BEHT A. D'ANQXQ AND ANK)INEITE P. D'ANGELO, Husband and wife Grant(s) to William C. PORGES and SHARCN V E"l FQRGES, Husband and wife as Joint Tenants. ..l" CATALE% JAD IYIMmA DRIVE MIMOSA DRIVE MIMOSA DRIVE MIMOSA DRIVE 215-512-14 JJJAMc. I?Oms 1711 catalpa W Carlsbad, California 920008 SHARCf!l V. F€UET-FO€GES 215-512-19 A Grant Deed recorded June 24, 1987 as file No. 87-353993 of Offical Recmrds NORBEKT R M0"OLZ AND MAXINEZ C. Ex)"OLZ, Husband and wife as Joint Tenants. Grant(s) to LEIF WILLIAM HENDRICKS and DIANE "DRICKS, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants. Mr. and Mrs. William Hendricks 7204 Mimosa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-512-24 A Joint Tenancy Grant Deed reoorded April 14, 1987 as file no 87-199692 of official Records WILLIAM L =IN, a Single Man Grants to WILLIAM L. KLEIN and ELIzABE;TH M. KIEIN, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants. Mr. & Mrs. William L Klein 7220 Mimosa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-513-04 A Grant Deed recorded June 19, 198; as file no 87-344520 of official records FQBERT C. LAWRENCE and PATRICIA LWRENCE, husband and wife Grants to HARRY W. T"E and WIIMA L THANE, CD-TRUSTEES Fo THE THANE FAMILY REWOCABLl3 TRUST DATED JUNE 23, 1982 or THE SUCCESSOR IN TRUST. Harry & Wilma L Thane 7203 Mimosa Drive Enchitas, Ca 92024 215-514-19 A Grant Deed recorded August 31, 1987 as file No. 87-492027 of Official Records JOHN ZEWIS AND DIANA COLLINS, Husband and Wife Grants to COLIEE3l L. BUHKEIT,an unmarried wcgnan and KA- V. HOST, an unmarried xman, as Joint Tenants - 39 - Colleen L. Burkett 7720 (blunhine Drive Carlsbad a, 92008 40. 90. 4 0- 215-515-03 215-516-27 215-516-28 215-516-29 215-516-30 215-516-31 215-521-33 A Grant Deed recoded April 9, 1987 as file NO 87-191867 of official *cords DENNIS H. CUITER and CY"IA A. CUIWIR Grants to RON WC AND JIU IENC, Husband am Wife as joint Tenants Ron and Jill knc 1743 Catalpa mad Carlsbad, CA 92009 A Grant Deed recorded August 21, 1987 as file no. 87-474561 of official Records BRUCE WADE, A single man Grants to VIOLEX R. LA", a widow as her sole and separate property. Violet R Lanyon 1733 Mallm Court Carlsbad CA 92009 CUHTIS & ISABELL MUNW) 1731 Mallow Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 STEP" & IYAlam EXlm RALPH & HEXEN BRASWELT, 1729 Mallow Court Carlsbad CA 92008 FUXALD & CYNTHIA ELSON 1730 Mallow Court Carlsbad Ca 92008 BAVID & EILEEN 1732 Mallow Court Carlsbad Ca 92008 A Grant Deed recorded August 28, 1987 as file No. 87-489050 of Official mrds KNALD R CAMBRA, an unmarried man Grants to JACK W. BENSON and CONNIE R. BENSOI Husband and wife as joint tenants JACK & CONNIE BENSOPJ 7232 Durango circle Carlsbad CA 92008 - 40 - 41. 92 42. 42 MANZANITA GERANIUM GERANIUM 215-522-14 FOBFJW C DIANE S"ER 7216 Manzanita st Carlsbad CA 92008 215 550-05 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded February 27, 1987 as file No. 87-104144 of Official Records. "T SHORES BUILDEIS, a Calif. Cbrporation Grants to PETER F. F"ES and JANGT RAE F"ES, husband and wife as joint tenants. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F Flones 1732 Geranium st Carlsbad CA 92008 215-550-06 A Quitclaim Deed recorded March 5 1987 as file No. 87-116895 of official Records. JOANNE M. SMI?H, a married Wanan Qlitclaims to JCHN A QAY, a single man as his sole and separate property. John A Day 1736 Geranium ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 215-550-26 A aOrpration Grant Deed recorded May 1, 1987 as file No. 87-240959 Of Officical mrds Grants to YOUNG JA Conhe, A Widow Young Ja Conine 7235 Colmbine Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-550-27 A Corporation Grant Deed kcorded May 22, 1987 as file No. - 87-28395 of official %cords Newport Shores Builders, A Calif. corportation Grants to CECIL F. YORK AND ANN M. YORK, Husband and wife as Joint Tenants Cecil and Ann York 7233 Columbine Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 - 41 - 92 42 9 29 131. GERANIUM GERANIUM 215-550-28 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded March 13, 1987 as file no 87-1387 of official Records "T SHORES BUILDERS, A Calif. corporation Grants to HARRY R. WIS AND HELEN M. OTIS, husband and wife as Joiht Tenants Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Otis 7231 Colunbine Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 215-550-32 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded February 2, 1987 as file No 87-55 of Official Records "T =ORES BUILDEXS, A Calif. Corporation Grants to MICHAEL A. KOPE AND SEPU L. KOPE Husband and wife as Joint Tenants Michael and Seple Kope 1729 Geranium Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-550-33 A Corporation Grant Deed recorded Decerdxr 31, 1986 as file No. 87-623519 of Official Records "T SHORES BUIIDERS, a Calif. Corporation Grants to HAYDEN J. W, a married m2u1 as 1 sole and seperate property. Hayden J. Fbss 1725 Geranium Carlsbad, CA 92008 215-550-34 A cbrporation Grant Deed recorded January 20,1987 as file No. 87-026196 of Official bzords Newport Shores Builders, A Calif. Corprtation Grants To RICHARD J PllDRAN AND LISA M MORAN, Husband and wife, as joint Tenants Mr. & Mrs. Richard J Moran 7252 Minnsa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 COGTA DEL MAR ROAD 216-124-01 A Partnership Grant Deed recorded June 11, 1987 as file no 87-32513L of OFFICIAL mmm LA aosTA HUIEL AND SPA, GENERAL PA€ulmRsHIP GRANTS To ALLlAFa WEN, Im MOWKY AND MET ADELSON, TRUSTEES of EL CAMZNO PWPEHTIES TRUST, dated June 16,lC - 42 - EL CAMIN0 PFOPEXTIES TRUST Costa Del Mar Fbad Carlsbad CA 92009 c/o La costa Hotel & spa , I35 A CDSTADr;LM?iRROAD 2 16- 124-0 2 COSTADELMARFUXD 216-124-04 ELCAMINOREAL 216-124-15 COGTAELMARFUXD 2 16-210-05 A Partnership Grant Deed recorded June 11, 1987 a file No 87-325134 of Official RECO~S LA COSTA H0JE.L AND SPA, General Partnership Grants to; ALJARDROEN, 1mMoLASKyANDMERr ADEZSCN, Trustees of EL cZ4aNo PROPERTIES WST,dated June 16, 19t m cAMI$Jo PROPERTIES TRUST C/O La Costa Hotel and Spa Costa Del Mar md Carlsbad CA 92009 Att: Burton L Kramer EL CAMIN0 PEOPEHTIES "RUST c/o La Costa Hotel t Spa Costa Del Mar mad Carlsbad Ca 92009 Att: Burton LKramr Downey Savings and Loan Assocation P.O. Box 6050 Costa Mesa California A Grant Deed recoded June 19, 198 as File No. 87-342328 of Official records WILLJAM HARRIS AND BE;;;rrry HARRIS, Husband and wife, as Joint Tenants Grants to LENIS A WIIUAMS AND ANNE M WILLIA Husband and wife as Joint Tenants Lewis and Anne Williams 46200 IOU Circle Indian Wells, California 92210 OSTA DEL MAR ROAD 216-210-03-26 A Grant Deed recprded May 27, 198 a file No. 87-289837 of official records BEN SHORR AND BLANm SHORR, Husband and wife Grants to RAY BAUMRIM), A married woman as her sole and sperate property Ray Baumrind 1000 Quayside Terrace # 1211 Miami, Florida 33138 - 43 - end Form 1349 $&:&A G2wantee Face Page 'b. LIABILITY $ 1,000.00 FEE $ "E GUARANTEE ORDER NO. "E YOUR REF. First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES CITY OF cARI;sBAD herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated above which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurances herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth above. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the company for further information as to the availability and cost. Dated : February 2, 1987 First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT BY ASSISTANT SECRETARY 1. That, according to t!e last equalized assessrrtnt roll ("Assessmtnt -11") in t!!e Office of San Diego county Assessor's Office a. The prsors list& below as ".~%sessec! Owner" are sham on the assessmt roll as mming real propATy within (600 ) feet of the property identified on tye assessnmt roll as Assessor's Parcel ~urrber(s) : b. The Assesscr's Parcel Nwlber and any addresses sham belaw are as sham on the assesmt roll. 2. mat, according to the Capany's property records (but without examination of those ccmpany records maintained or irdexed by name), there have been transfer title to any of the proprties listed belaw, except as irdicated. no documnts recorded subsequent toFebruary 2, 1987 purporting to MAP h ZONE 19 - PROPERTY OWNERS AND 600' RADIUS PROPERTY OWNERS REFERENCE NUMBER . 1 I 213-061-10 213-0 61-19 SIW DIml m. c/o m1 FumsAN USA m. 611 W. SIXTH SI", CARLSBAb, CA 90017 SAN DfMO x. c/oMITsuEFvDosANusA 611 W SMTH ST -,, CA 90017 213-061-20 SAN DICW;O m. c/o MrmI m USA m. 6l.l We SIX" w, a CARtSBpID, CA 90017 . _- _---- - *.._ ____.- _---..*.---------- - * 213-092-09 MET BIRIUE€+P~ Q?IKS 2766l.l IA PAZ fddlf9\ NI-, CA 92667 213-092-10 MFT BIRKEER-PAKN&R OAKS 2766ll tA PAZ UUNA NIGJEL, CA 92677 213-092-17 BDS SERVICE CO. (am) 225 BRWWWf !%'E 260 SAN Dm, CA 92101 213-09 2-18 213-09 2-19 213-09 2-20 213-092-21 MET BIFUUER-PALD-fAR OAKS 27611 LA PAZ UWNA NI-, CA 92667 MEF BIKKhR-PN13MAR OAKS 27611 IA PAZ LNXMA NIGUEt, CA 92677 MET B1m-P- OAKi 27611 M PAZ UUXlNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 ME3 BLKiCHER-PALLhR OAKS 27611 fA PAZ L"A NIGUEt, CA 92677 213-092-22 MET BIRKHER-PALC"? OAKS 27611 LA PAZ LfWNA NICUEL, CA 92677 PW&W 213-092-23 MET BIKICHEI+PALt3W cyu(s 27611 LA PA2 fpLxMA NICUEL, CA 92677 MET BIRKHER-PALCMR W 27611 LA PA2 YYxRfA NIm, CA 92677 TmATA EjoBoflu h EVELYN TRS .s TmAm Is[MAzu P.0.B 943 CARISBAb, CA 92008 214-170-09 .- POINSEITIA IANE eATICur?cs DRIVE 213- 170-17 YsxxEf WEE 214-170-21 IANE 214-170-22 POINSEITIA LANE 2147170-36 . POINSETTIA LANE 214-170-46 mmsm24 LANE 214-170-51 \ 214-170-66 WImw - 214-363-01 214-363-02 214-363-0 2 AZALEA PWx 214-363-26 a 214- 363-27 214-363-28 214-363-29 214-363-30 214- 3 6 3-0 1 214-364-02 THCNPSCN, DAVID B. & KAREN R. P.O.Box 1487 CARISBAD, C?i 92008 SVXX WI1LtM C EITY J TPS P.O. Eox 773 RAEEiO ET, CA 92067 4 SAVAGEWIUJAMC.hBEXTYJTRS P.O. EX 773 RAMHO SAKfa FE, CA 92067 HARQID THOMPSCN 3170 W. SAHAWI BLVD D-12 UIS MGAS, NV 89102 Weidner, Robert&Evelyn P.O.BOX 33 Cardiff, Ca TABmA, ImKm b EVELYN TRS T?wvc4, ISWCAZO P.0.B 943 CMUSBAD, CA 92008 WEMERHARXDH 7205 WI- W CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DE GEUY CHARLES M. 6 JlDIT€I A 7214 AZALEA PLACE CARtSEAD, CA 92008 HALHAWAY MICHAEL b MARJORIE 2204 SPRING OAK ORANGE, TLUS 77630 mEns h vALE€uE BENNGIT 7304 AZALZA PL (XRlSaAD, CA 92008 REFEE. FCNAIJ3 V. 921 POFPY LANE 0, CA 92008 c€!! mw L ” M. 919 EPPY LANE CARISBAD, (34 92008 i’ .. .:. , , 214-364-05 36. FcPm 214-364-06 37. dcspv IME 214-364-07 38. PcPEry IANE 214-364-08 .m IAm 214-36449 FOFPY WE 214-364-10 FOPPY LANE 214-366-27 PCPEIY mi 214-366-28 Fcm urn 214-366-29 RPOY EWE 214-366-32 214- 36 6- 33 21 1-366-34 'LcFTNm6cuL 920 Fa= WNE CT-IRLSBD Ca 92008 50. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. POPPY uta 214-366-35 .2 14- 366- 36 ..1 214-367-01 ... 2 14-3 67-0 2 21 4-36 74 3 .. 214-367-04 214-36745 214-390-01 214-39062 214-390-03 214-390-04 214-390-0 5 I 214-390-06 211-390-09 “LAN GARY 6 PA!I!WCIA 922 BECCNW CT . C, CA 92008 . . ..-. ._ . ..- .. 61 i i 214-390-ll 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 214-390-12 cum 211-390-13 214-390-14 214-390-15 .. , . wnia ccurt 214-390-16 214- 390-17 214-390-18 214-390-I9 clliv;rDER'wllJgM h 929 8EGcNwcr CW!XB?D CA 92008 CCFCVEY 214-390-20 214-390-21 2 14-390-22 CcNAwGlRLscN 939 alxanamr mD CX 92008 .. 8lxaxA mi 21 1-39 0- 23 i! LGONIA 2 I6-390-2 5 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 2 14.39026 .. BEGONIA COURT aECX3 DAVID iZ b PAHEL\ A 965 BECCVi.4 CUURT CA.ILS~AD, Cx 92008 21.5-190-27 SELLS RCBE3T C S 9A!A!! E 9b4 BEGONIA COURT cxRL53AD, cx 92008 HELCJIOR DOGGLA3 6 SUSAN C 942 BECCNIA COURT ausa.u, GI qzooa hXiTE DCNOVLV S 8 VIBGI3IA L 93h 3EC3NI-1 CUURT cxasaxD, GI 92008 BEGONIA COURT BEGONIA COURT BEGONIA COURT BEGONIA COURT 216.390 .29 214-390-30 216-390.31 Patrick Y. Cox 3653 Scafford Avc., Cardiff, Ca. 92007 21h-390-32 SECOEnA COURT 2 16A01-0 1 LILY PUC2 tls~01.02 LIL? PUCE LILY PUCE LILY PUC2 LILT PUCZ 85. 86. 87. 88 6 GLORIA !4 XC I!iTOSa TEX!,!EZICE J 7507 LILY PUCZ ~LsaeLll, cx 92008 2L4-601-04 . . .urn t LiL'! PUCE LIL? PUCZ LXLY PUd 2 1b-A0147 90. 91. 92 93. 94. 95. 2 l~-bOld18 2 1 01 -09 LXL? PUCE ' LILY PUCE 214.841 .io 2 16-4 0 1-1 1 LfL-r PUCE 214401-12 LIL? PUCE .. 214401d3 97. 98. 99. 100. WiSTEU WAY 1 2 14-401 -L7 . DAIS? A"3Nz 216-401-19 103. DAIS7 AEXE \ '\ DAIS7 AVZIUE IRIS COURT IRIS COURT 1x1s COtXT iRIS COURT , IRIS COURT . 1x1s COURT 131s COURT . IRIS C3URT TAIS CCfmT IRIS CCURT 214-401-22 sxxm DALW s. b KA~LEDI H. CmSaAD, CA 92008 214-402-01 1011 IUS CT . 214-602-03 214-402-04 216-402-05 FAI.3,E JOHN R b C~~STI~A p 1017 1x1s CSmT CxRLsam, CA 92008 Rober: 6 Deborah Bass LO19 Iris Court Catlsbad, Ca. 92008 211-602-06 21t-402-07 22t-402-08 I 21~-~02-09 2 1 &-to 2 -io .UL3 RCEZXT C h LIXDA J 1021 131s CCZmT cmsam, CA 92008 OREFTS WiO h HOLLY H 1025 fBI5 CCURT cAusau, CA 92008 66. fXS CCt?T 117. fXS CZURi IRIS COURT 118. 119. 120. 121 214-402-13 1%. Am m. T"m mm 1023 IXS cccm CXXSGD, Cz\ 92008 IRIS CO& 214-402-14 CAXU!IGTCN J HGtirWD 6 iZOSxtIXl :-I io25 1x15 CCUXT CAUSaAE, CA 92008 -IRIS COURT 214-402-15 RIZGE3T XWG H CxilLS3Ai), CX 92008 LOU IRIS coum 131s COuiT 216-402-16 UXVZIE UUEZX b vuao rnVA 1022 XIS COnT clictS3Iu), CX 92008 DAIS? Awn , 214-602-17 Eti023T RONALD J & K\RM L 1023 DAIS? A"Z cmsam, CA 92008 122. 123. t 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. DAIS? AVEffuE t DAIS? APEXU'E ldvard J. 81 ilrenda K. Kirby 102b Daisy Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2lt-402-19 214-402-20 21~-602-?1 . DAISY Am DAISY AVEENZ Nti? VAT Nti? WAY mx3 VA? ME.LUS DAVID '2 b LISA L 1020 DAISY AVEWZ CAXLS3AD, CA 92008 216-402-22 21;-t02-25 I - Lo. T''Jt;? 'JAY DAifODIL P'UCZ DAZ'ODIL PUCZ DAr?ODXL '.PUCE 214-402-28 2Ls-602-25 214-402-27 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. H n 30 ' DmODIL PUCS 214-402-29 DAZZODIL PLACE DAFFODIL PUCE DUSZL Z2tilY A 6 SRARON 7211 DA5001L PUCE cxusam, cx 92008 214-402-30 214-402-31 21t-tQ2-32 JfILLI.UiS CEXD C JR 7215 DAriODIL PUCE CxRLS&4D, CA 92008 G"cI3G ZLIZAdETH N 7217 DAFPODXL PUG cmsam, CA 92008 DAFFODIL PUCE DAl'FODZE PUCE 214-402-33 B"E3UT!!L - 7221 DtG7ODIL PUCE cmsam, CA 92008 DhiTODIL PUCE DAiiODIL PUCZ DAZODLL PUCE DAECDIL PUCE DArTODIL PUG 214402-34 kTYZEL R 6 HAMfRLMD SUSA.3 7222 DArTODIi PUCZ UUS3W. CA 92008 216-402-35 SULTCN JORH C 7220 DLFCDIL PUCZ cmsam, cx 92008 214-102-36 1 214-402-37 144.'. Dfi?ODIL ?L\CZ 215-402-40 21S-40 2-4 1 301 146. DAFTODIL PUCE ' tx 'JXI H J 6 DORIS E 7208 3iGFODIL PUG CLXLjJAD, CA 92008 I &.. FOXGLOVE VIEW 216-140-03 E3EXL.7 TiICW E h PAIELA 1003 FOXGLOVE VIFd cxRLsaxD, cx 92008 149. , DAIST AVEXUE ' 214-410-04 NADVIC ALm P a CAROLYN c 1006 DAIS7 AEWE . c.msaxD, c\ 92008 214-4 10-0 5 214-410-06 210-410-07 151. DAIS? COURT Jeffrey R. 6 Jane L. Regan 1013 Daisy Ct., Carhbad, Ca. 92008 31 152. DAIS7 COUXT STZfl DAVID 2 h JUDll'3 C 1012 DAIS7 COW CxicLs3rW, CA 92008 aESCXOFT ROBEX K h !GLEIDA S 1014 DAISY COURT cmsam, cx 92008 153. . DAIS7 COUR? 154. DAISY COURT 216-410-10 XESS ALLEX L b BAUAU 3 1010 mf? VAZ CXRLSUD, CA 92008 . 31 159 . DAiiODfL .bUCE 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. DAFFODIL PUCE DAIPODXL- PUCE FOXGLOVE VIFd FOXGLOVE VIE!! FOXGLOVE 165. . . FOXGLOVZ VI3 166. FOXCLOVF, VI3 167. FOXGLOVZ VfEY 168. . iOXGLOVZ VIS ?c!;-s:rJ-L: 21L-410 12 2 15-4 10- 13 21 i-4 io- 14 21r(-410-15 214-4 10-1 6 216-410-17 214-410-18 214-410-19 214-410- 20 215-610-21 21L-110-22 I 21&-Sl0-23 21h-410-24 .- HCRSZ DONAi.3 G 7105 DAFFODIL PUCE CXicLSWD, CX 92008 Y!. i Xrs . Lloyd Hendricksoa 1015 Foxglove View . CatIsbad, Ca. 92006 3:. h Yr3. Car7 R. Ganaovap io00 ?ox3love Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 I 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180 181. 182. 216-410-28 .. .FOXCLOVE VXEtt 124-410-29 . FOXGLOVE VIFJ 124-610-30 FOXGLOVE VIE3 214-410-31 DAFRIDfL PUCE 214-410-32 DASFODIL PLACE 214-410-33 DATODIL PLACE 21h-410-34 DAiTODIL PUG 21i-410-35 DAFFODIL PUCE DAr'?ODXL PUCZ DAFTODXL PUCX CASTYE3 JAMS J 52 FOX CiUSZ LAKE KST 'rLL'IEORD, CT 06107 HRi 6 HKS .IWfXOND EIITCHELL 1.316 FOXGLOVE VIFJ CAXLSBXD, CX. 92003 GXOFt DAVZI) R & 3fOrcTTE L 7102 DAFT'ODIL PUCE Cx;ILSBAD, CX 92008 SC3LlJ'JTEX JA? 0 'b GAIL E 5667 E LUPI:E AVZXui SCmALE, iU 05254 3x2s :rlCWLU F 4 rnYCES G 7106 3Xr'TODLL PUrt CXXS3AD, CX 92008 DAIS? AVZXUZ KIST'E31.A WAY 185. 186. 187. 189. 215-422- 22 214-4 22- 23 . 214-422-24 HC 3iL\1'ZEL LxURE3CE 8 C SOSAX E 7216 'JISTZXA VAK CxaLS3AD, CA 92008 21b-422-25 ZONAUS GEORGE C 6 CATREXIYE L 7215 'JISTEXX VA? cxusaru), cx 92008 3fSSON CLLXEXCS R h G2AE E 7212 'JISTSBIA YA? CxUSaXD, CX 92008 tJTSTE3U WAY 214-422-26 215-623-01 'JISTEXU VAY I I 201. WISIERn w 202. WIslTERwwAY I 204. 207. wIsz?sxA 2 14-4 23-3 4 21.1-42345 211-423-06 2 14- 4 8 1-0 1 214-481-02 21 4- 4 8 1-0 3 214-481-0 4 214-481-05 214-48146 214-481-07 214-4ai-oa 214-481-09 214-48 1-10 214-48 1-ll PLAZA BUEllEFG INC 3187 AiiWU A. # A - LESA 92626 PUW BL!ILEFS INC., 3187 AXSiRY AVE #A . CXTA .- CA 92626 ... 21 4- 48 I- 13 . 212. 213 214 215 216. 217. 214-4 81-11 214-4 8 1-15 Pm BLTII%ERS nul 3137 KE9W AVE #A CCSA .%!SI CA 92626 PUW BUlIEPS INC 3187 XWAY AVE #A. 214-481-16 CGm LESA CA 92626 214-4 81-18 .. 218 219. 220 221 e 222 e 223. 224. 225. 21 4- 481-19 214-481-20 PLAZABulIcoIsIN2 3187 AIWAY AVE #A COsllA MESA CA 92626 214-481-21 214-4 a 1- 22 214-48 1-23 214-481-24 1 214-481-25 214-4 81-26 ... , . ,. 229. mw W b 230. wf- VW 231. WIsmRnWut 232. ~~ 234. WIslzRw W 214-48 1-30 214-48132 214-4 8133 214-481-37 214-481-38 PLAZA BUILDERS INC 3187 AIiW4Y AVE #A COSTA LMSA CA 92625 PUW 3UIlDETS IK 3187 AVE #A ccsT;\ NESA C?, 92626 - L , 211- Ja L- J: 21 1- 48 1-4 3 214-481-47 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. .. 214-481-49 214-4 8 1-50 21 4- 48 2-0 1 249. 250 251. 252 214-4 a 2-0 3 214-4824 4 21 4- 4 8 2-9 5 214-482-06 I 21 4 - .t a 2- io 214-482-u 257. ... 214-482-12 258 259. 260.. 21 4-4 8 2- 13 L ..... ........ .. ..... ...: :; ..... :. .. !: ...: 1 .. .. ... ! 2610: 262. . 263. ; 264. 214-482-E I , ' 214-482-16 R BYXN & E%- AUSTIN 7234 Ll2ICM TERPPCS CWlsaAD CA 92008 I 214-482-17 ..... .. .. .. ..: . ..,. .I I .. _. . .. ... ... . 1 .. ..... .~ . I I ,214-482-18 ! .,LINDEN- '?'.. .... .. 2 14-6 8 2-I9 265. 266. 267. 268 269 . 270.. \ 21 4- 4 8 2- 20 LIEDEN 214-482-22 I 214-482-23 , 21 4- 48 2- 2 4 I .. I .. ....... ... .. .j ... 214-4 3 2- 2 6 214-482-27 214-4 8 2- 29 272. 273. ' 274. f 275. 276. 2 14- 4 8 2-29 214-482-30 i 214-482-31 214- 4 8 2-32 214-482-33 . ._. .. ............. ... ...... :. . - .,..:. , . ,- .. ..... . .- .~ ... '. , ' :- ... .---. ..... . ._:- . . _- 214- 482- 3 4 281. 282. 283 . 284. .-. 211-482-36 214-482-37 I 21 4- 48 2- 38 214-482-39 I I t' 8. . .. ....... ! ... ... ... ........ .. ... ........ .... 1;: ::;,.. .:,.-:::. .. ; .. .- .. ..... " .: .. .?. .. -; ..... .- ~. .. .... -. .. .. .. ... - .. ... .. ..... ,_ .. ._ . : .. ..... .,. .; ... .... 31 290, , LINCm 214-482-44 291. i mEN ~ERRRCE 2l4-482-45 293 L .. 214-482-47 ...... 294: , LI" 214-482-48 ._ .I -2 .... ... .... . .. ',.< :- _-. .... l'! I .. .. -. . .... .. I. ... .. .. .. 295. LIMlEN TER"Z 214-482-49 296. , macJ 214-482-50 \299. 214-482-53 -\ ?EPZdAN ALICEbDEgRA 7153 mm TEZmc3 CARESAD CA 92008 VXK3XRE BRCNIS b KSE 7151 LINDEN CA 92008 . 35 307. 308. ' 216-483-0s 1 i 214-483-06 214-483-06 2 14 -4 83 -07 i \ 214-483-08 ! I i 214-483-09 214-493-10 2 9-483-11 PWA BUILDES IHC COSTA, ESX CA 92626 3197 Ai3YAY A'IE BA PWX BUILDES INC. 3187 AIXM AVE #A COSTA =SA, Ch 92526 PLAZA SUILDERS INC. COSTA =SA, CX 92626 3187 .UWAY AVE #A JACK 6 LOIS HEXDESON 7406 LMiAVA TEXUCE c.msaxT), CA 92008 314. 315. 316 ., 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323 TERRACE IJ3DE3 TE22ACE 325. LIYDEN TEXUCZ 327 2 14-483- i4 2 14-$83- 16 216-483-13 2 14-4 83 - 19 ' 214-433-21 214-483-30 .. .- .. . , .. -.I-.,::-:- 330; Li!Ti)EY TZXUCE 331.' 332 i 333. 334. 335. 336. ' 337. )38. 139. 140. 141. 142 LIXDEY TEEUCE 2 14-483-35 2 lh-433 -3 3 LINDEN TEXRACE RONALD h LUIS RELYIG 7335 LIHDES TERRXCE CAXLSBXD, CI 92008 LIHDEN TERRACE LINDE?I TEXUCE LIXDEN TERRACE LI3DEZI TEhPACE LIHDEZI TENUCE ESXAP NAG'dDI TAM KXXYx;cLu 733 1 LI!fDEZI TERRACE CXXSBAD, cx 92008 2 14-483-40 0. F. DWf3 6 COLETTE DRZf Z3 7329 LIZIDEX TEmCE CARLSUD, CA 92008 214-483-41 RILZf JONATHAY WQ 7327 LiXilEX TEiCRACE cmsam, CA 92008 WALT58 8 ?-?E ROLE 7325 LIXDEY TIMACE cmsim, cx 92008 SiIIYZO 5 BIXOKO DAT3 7323 LIXDEX TEWCZ CX.?.LSBxD, CA 92008 216-433-45 G4XTLZS 6 Wf MC COLDRICK 7319 LIYDEY TEXXACJ CXaLS3XD,1 CA 92008 =% . 643. 344. 345. Ai 3% Xi .* 9. 8E'EXL'I C. DORSEY 913 X'LXLS COURT CAX..23Ail, CA 92036 HYXTLE COURT 2 14 -4 53 -5 3 ! 346. 347. DONALD HZXSTEDT, JR. 917 .XY3TLZ COURT u.csau, cx 92008 VICTOR 5 DORTOHY GIBSON 913 m3TLZ COURT cxusam, cx 92008 :LU5Y HUXTINCTON 7411 L\.uT.LUA TE&CE - CMLSBAD, cx 92008 MX2TLE COURT 348 349. 350. y 214-493-56 ! 4 2 14-483 -5 7. LANTANA TERRACE LEc:IX !E LSO :! 351. 2 14- 483- 58 2 14-483-5 9 PWX BUILDERS XHC. 3187 XfUJAY AVENUE #A COSTA %SA, CX 92625 211-483-60 2 14 -483 -6 1 216-533-62 21;-433-63 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 167. 168. 169. 214-C83-69 2 14-483-70 ' 214-483-71 PLXZX SUILDES INC. COSTA %SA, CA 92626 318; xwx! AVEPWE #A 2 14-4 a3 -7 2 'JILLIAX h HELEY LONGFELLOW 7305 LX!fTMA TEWCE CULS~.~), CA 92008 SSX CLIFT ROMEGGr'NZ'XS ASS3 3137 XIWX'I AVE #A COSTA %SA, CA 92626 23-020-c 1 215-0 20-064 4 215-020-06-05 215-020-06-06 m!!iIE.!! mm x P.O. EGY 2564 rz.d!o santa f$ ca 92067 2140 20-0 6-07 Y* ELc?.-- 215-0 20-0 7 2E-040-02-01 214040-03 215-(3 40-04 215-040-0s 215-0 40-0 8 215-0 40-09 21.5440-10 2 lf-040- 15 HUNT C/O AD VALORECI TILY DEPT. 2840 TIIANKSGIVING TOWER DALLAS TEXAS 75201 215-050-05 56+5* EtchMfmRFN. 21s-050-4 4 Et CAMtIO Rut i 15-050-4 7 KtVhflE ROBERT F 6 CRERTL & CRErnL LPD 110 1 8480 LA HESA 8OULEVARD LA HESA, CA 92041 I' L EL CMItIO REAL 215-050-62 ' CIESBRET ARNOLD L BETTY e 2001 S RARRINGTOfI, SUItt 104 LOS AfICEIXS, CA 91011 qQ98. , LA CIJSTA DRIVE NO 213-051-04 ?iURPHY, tlICltnE1. R L bllRBARA H * 6hO CRMIU AVEtlUE CARWBAD, CA 92008 HURPlfY 1lICHhEL IC 8 BARBARA H CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LA COSTA DRIVE NO 215-051-05 I 640 CWUII) AVENUE Go +9* 215-OS1-10 IWNT C/O All VhLOItEtf TM DEPT 2880 TllAffKSCfVlNC WWER EL CA1U30 REAL ' DALIAS, TEXAS 75201 -- . _-- . - . .- EL CAMINO REAL EL CAMINO REAL 215-070-06 2.15-070-00 215-070-09 215-070-12 2.15-070-14 215-070-19 2.15-070-20 .I 215-0 70-2 3 215-070-24 I EOL"4, GEDXE R. b MU1 L. 6519 EL C"3 RFJVI CNUSBN), Cn 92008 BoLlfiJ, GD3RX R. & MU1 L. 6519 EL CAMIN0 REAL CARLSRN), CA 92008 7968. *nu\M*r&U, 215-OflO-19 DWIXEG CA 92210 EtcN4lmlmL 215-0 80- 20 Mrn UN 6503 EL mo mr, 0 CNUSBN) CA 92008 ELcruamm 219-080-21 Tmrn E~UTUJ ~YN 81 eo- EW m 943 ----- -. -_ _- - c") Cn 92008 _- 0 2 15-501-01 GUNDMUNDSON ROBERT L PATE 6313 NEPTUNE AVE LEUCADIA CA 92024 MIMOSA DRIVE MIMOSA DRIVE 2 15-SOLO2 POWERS CANDICE I \ 7111 MIMOSA DRIVE CARSLBAD CA 92008 423. MIMOSA DRIVE 215-501-03 429. 426. . ASTER PLACE 2 15-50 1-0t 215-901-05 215-Sol-06 REINHARDT FRED br NATHALEE 7109 MIMOSA DRIVE CARLSEAD CA 92008 YCRS'. JOSE?!I it. d RU'l7I.C. I 7105 !4I!?OSX DRIVE --c.msax~ CA 92008 fx RIG:%!!! L. 6 ELIEYE V. 7013 .\ST% PLACE CARLSBXD CA 92008 427. ASTER PdCE 215-501-07 SiXTSON 3EVERLY E. 7011 ASTEX PLACE cmsam CA 92008 II 428. ASTER PLACE - - 215-501-08 KOWORMV KEITH H. 6 VICTORIA U. 7009 ASTER PUCE cmsam cx 92008 C&"G COURT 215-501-09 . SC!NX!:3t'RC DAVID C. 6 JOAi-4 6. d XONAGGE JXQS 6 RUTH 429. 1707 CiuWIAS COURT - . - - - .. - _-_ CARLSBXD CA 92008 . . CAYXAS COURT 215-501-10 smatz YAYY L. 1705 CAWAS COURT -.-. cmsam CA 92008 CANYAS COURT 215-501-11 LITTLE JOHN JACK & HILAGROS E. 1703 CAWAS COURT CMLSBru) CA 92008 2 - - --~ . CAWAS COURT 215-501-12 CORSOH LE': BALLARD R?' JX'IICE Y. BALWL! 1701 CAYNAS CT., CXRLSBM, CA. 92008 CXVNAS COURT 215-501-13 WYSON LLOYD B. 6 WllU A. 1702 CAWAS COURT CxRLS3AD CA 92008 435. CX$lAS COURT 436. CA'WAS COURT 438. CAWAS COMT . 439. cA.snAS COURT I 441. CAilk COURT 443. CANNAS COURT i \ 444. . C&WAS COURT 445. . ASTER PUCE 446. ASTER PUCb 2 15-3Ol-lS UIYSZ? DAJID H. 6 AHNA 8. li06 CAINAS COURT CARLS'JNI CA 92008 ?13-301-19 Y?\TP.%S JET?Sl P. rr 1712 C.ORlAS COURT CAXSBAD CA 9?008 215-501-19 TW9EYTfBE CZECC 171L CXWctAS COC2T C.UlLSBAD CA 92008 2l;-301-21 SfASOfTf CWRLES Ab DOROTWf lit8 CAIRIAS COURT cmsam cx 92008 2 15-50 1-2 2 !J!M'iON 'it. SOEY ALUS 1720 CAXlAS CT., I C,UtS8A.D, CA. 92008 215-501-23 JOSEPH & JEAN GONYEAU P. 0. BOX 7585 INCLINE VILLAGE, NV 89450 .--. -...-*-...-- -- ~. .- ---_ -- . - 215-501-24 VAit2E WE% C, 760 COCI24iTf CLUB LXVE CORONADO CA 92118 215-301-21) E!d?:!G RICHARJY J, b $¶ELODE 7010 ASTER PLACE cmsam CA 92008 2 15-50 1-26 EVANS DAVID R. 6 ELHA l4. 7012 ASTE3 PLACE c,msam CA 92008 215-501-27 SiUCXELfORD aODNEY F. b !WY 7103 !G?CSA DRIVE cmsam CA 92008 I 447. !4I!+OSA DRIVE 213-301-13 matx a~ctuu) D. & ~mm 9il OtlHtI.4 AVCNE COSTA %SA CA 92626 I MIMOSA MIMOSA MIMOSA J. 213-301-29 EDtClD F9fZS io13 YI:!oSA sr. CARLS3AD, CA. 92008 215-501-30 FAIRBANKS, GARY F. 7011 MIMOSA sr. CARLSBFD, CA. 92008 215-501-31 YEZBAK PAUL & SUSAN 7009 MIMOSA ST CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 215-501-32 , TURNER LARRY 6 TANYA 7007 MIMOSA ST. CARLSBAD, CA. 98008 453. &.. 215-501-33 PETER MARTINI 4565 FOSENWOOD LANE SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 MIMOSA MIMOSA 215-501-34 ORLAND & PATRICIA BROWN 7003 MIMOSA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 215-501-35 215-501-36 NIGUEL INTERIORS P. 0. DRAWER A HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 Ne6. ALGA CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 15-502-09 KNOBLOCtl W I1 b GRACE TU33 COLUhBINE DR CMISBAD CA 92008 215-502-06 SATBILE GERALD b WRY 7031 COLUNBINE DR CARLSBM CA 92008 2 15-502-07 SKECGS lIENRY b OPAL 0 7029 COLUUBINE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 215-502-08 2 15-502-09' YASUDA STEVEN b DIANNE 7027 COLUMBINE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 bi. COL~MINE mve GRUBER WILLIAH b BRANDA 7025 COLUMDINE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 21s-502-10 215-502-11 UmDbTERUKOSmS 7100 MfM36A MWE cN\tsBAD, CA 92009 i63. bm FlUR3II0, L?WRFXEH. 6 ELf- 7102 MpD94 MWE c"0, CA 92008 0 215-502-12 cmlm, WIEL 11. 802 N. "MAY 101 1cEuT\Du\, CA 92024 I i 215-502-13 $65. lQl@SA , b?IUUMS, RAYMM,M. 6 PrnCIA A. 7106 MIMXA DRIVE CARWBAD, CIA 92008 $66. MSlbS& DIRVE ' . 215-502-14 215-502-15 21 5- 502-16 468. DRIVE EKEi", ARINUR F. 6 MNwoRl Lo P.0.B 17331 Slit4 DfEX30, CA 92117 469. Ema6A DRIVE 215-92-17 215-So 2- 18 mm, JOHN P. & DEBORAII A. 7114 MIMXA DRIVE c"), CA 92008 470. . CEREUS I mu €1-6 CRIsrINA scw3 1727 CEREUS CARISBN), CA 92008 215-502-19 472. CEREUS (3ouKT 473. CEREUS cum! 474. CEREUS axna 475. CEREUS COUKT DRIVE 477. MJM3sA DRIVE 478. MIK)SA DRINE 479. MIMOSA DRZNE 480. MTM3sA DRIVE 481. MzM3sA DRIVE 483. COLUMBINE DRIVE 215-50 2-20 215-502-21 215-502-22 215-50 2-23 215-50 3-01 215-503-02 21550 40 3 215-503-04 215-503-05 215-503-06 215-503-07 ?15- 503-b 8 215-503-09 I 214 50 3- 10 SPrnIW, vI"T s! Res- 1728 CEREUS axTEF 0, CA 92008 JUNE D. 1730 CEREUS oxT#r CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DAVIDOVICH, PAUL J. & M?iL?RJ E. 1732 CEREUS CI' CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BARRINGER, JERRY L. & DORI! 1734 CEREUS CI' CARZSBAD, CA 92008 VIRGIL, "HCWS E. 6 KAW 1736 CEREUS CT CARLSEW, CA 92008 BORDERS, Ix3NAu) E. & LINDA 7004 MlXEJ4 DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 POSMN MI(=HAEL F. & MARILYb 7006 M3MlSA DRIW CARLSMD, CA 92008 SAW, HCWGtD R. & DEBRA f 7008 MlMXA DRIVJ3 CARlSBAD, CA 92008 CXuJH, GARY & mIE 7010 MJMlSA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BL?UXBUIW, JOHN R. & DIANE 7012 MlMoSA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 32008 VIWR J. 7014 MTMXA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BERI(HEIMER, A. ERNEST & I WRIA 7026 CXXUMEIINE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MACE, PAULE. 7028 COLUMBrNE DRIVE CARBEAD, CA 92008 SCH7QT, STANUX & JANE A. 7030 c1oLxIMB~ DRIVE CARtSBAD, CA 92008 MEANS, EmWD w. 6i LIZABFT 7032 COU&BINE D& CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-503-11 B. 7034 co[uIMBINE DRIVE CAFUSBAD, CA 92008 489. 490. 491. e- p- 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 501. 502. MIMOSA DRIVE CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD CATALPA ROAD # 215- 50 3- 14 215-503-15 215-503-16 215-503-17 215-503-18 215-511-01 215- 511-02 215-511-03 215-511-04 215-511-05 225-511-06 2E-5 11-07 215-511-08 I 215-511-09 215- 511- 10 215-511-11 RFUJCE G. PYUWlS 7031 FERN PLACE CARUEAD, CA 92008 MINGlTI, LESIERM. L 0lrmmNm 7029 FERN W CARISBAD, CA 92008 m,GEQRGEP. LKAYF 7027 €'ERN PLACE CARtSBAD, CA 92008 BRAD[FIEID, ME. 7025 E" PIACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PmERs, FPED L. 6 s" L. 7022 F" PIACE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FAIRBANKS JAMES A & CLAUDIA 7116 XXOSA DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MR. AND MRS. EDWARD SHAVER 1706 CATALPA ROAD LA COSTA CA 92008 SAVAL MIL & JANET M CARLSBAD CA 92008 1708 cAr.w.9 ROAD BRUNTON LIONEL J & MADONNA M 1710 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 DI FRANC0 ALBERT N & MAXINE H 1712 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 FIR. & MRS MICHAEL B. KELLEY :HLEE: 1714 CATALPA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ALEXAXDER DOMINQUEZ , JILL J . JEFFREY S 1716 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 OLSEN ALBERT W & SXIRLEP 1715 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBru) CA 92008 RITW H BARRY & CAROL 1720 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITZSI>IONS THOMAS P & JANE J 1722 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CAREX DAiiIEL E & ANN 0 CAREY DOLORES 1725 CATALE'A ROAD CXQLSBAD CA 92008 1 506. CATALPA ROAD 1 5086 CATALPA ROAD / 510. CATALPA ROAD 511. CATALPA ROAD 512. CATALPA ROAD 513.. CATALPA ROAD 514. CATALPA ROAD 515. CATALPA ROAD 516 .. 'WWA ROAD 517. cA!lXLPA - 518. C?W4LPA EMAD 519. -A = 520. CATALPA 521. CPXALZ'A FXBD L 215-511- 12 215-511-13 215-511-14 2 15- 511- 15 215-511-16 2 15-511- 17 215-512-01 215- 51 2- 0 2 2 15- 5 12- 0 3 2 15- 512-04 2157 5 12-05 215- 5 12-06 215-512-07 I 215-512-08 215-512-09 215-512-10 215-512-11 215-512-12 215-512-13 - BE.L.-*UN C. FOX, ET & 1726 CATALPA KViD CAIUSBAD, CA 92008 PAUL F 6I CYNTHIA B KINKEL CARLSBAD CA 92008 1728 CATALPA ROAD WILHELH STEVEN H & MARCAR.F.T A 1730 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAVICH CLAIRE B 1732 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WAVT DAVID E 6 PAMELA 1734 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 RFJLFI RUBY C 1736 CATALPA ROAD CAUSBAD CA 92008 DELAiiEY PHILIP J 6 EILEEN J 248 HILL PUCE COSTA HESA CA 92627 KLEIY WVIX S 6 RANCINE J 762 WTXDIYG YAY EXCIYITAS CA 92024 BRUBAKER CHRISTOPHER 61 LIWA G 1733 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 OPENSHXW NEALF 6 DIANE N 1731 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 I.&iESSC\ IL4LPH E 1729 CATALPA ROAD CXRLSBAD CA 92008 XI. 6 XIS. LARRY E. STEWART 1727 CATALPA ROAD CXRLS3AD CA 92008 CXFfEcIrn HEEEN 1725 CATALPA Ih3AD C,EW (24 92008 WUSH FfN7Ul J 6 LYN M 1723 CXXPA RQAD CARLS@D CA 92008 . YCUEICZESH TERRY 1721 CATALPA FfXD CARISEAD CA 92008 MR. & MRS. SI" J. GOE, FIX 442 HILIXREST DRZVE LEUCADW, CA 92024 MR. s! MRS SETH smm 1713 CATALPA FOAD CARLSW, CA 92008 525. -A . 529. MTMXA DRTE 530. MIKSA DRIVE 531. KMXiA DRIVE 533* MIKSA DRIVE 534. MIIWSA DRIVE 535. MIMXA DRNE 215-512-14 215-512-15 .- 215-512-16 215-512-17 215-512-18 215-512-19 215-512-20 215-512-21 215-512-22 215-512-23 215-512-24 215-512-25 215-512-26 -- I 215-512-27 215-512-28 215-512-29 215-512-30 S"ER JCHN 0 L DCNNA D 1709 (IXI!X?A ldDAD GWSRAD CA 92008 PR€lL?WSAL JERRY J & JUDITH L 1705 CA!I!ALPA 17oAD CXRLSBAO (3 92008 .cI)HRHCLZ >ERgEHT R & MUINE C CZWSBAD CA 92008 7204 LKDSXA DRIVE .I MPCIAVISH ANDRE33 H 6 NAEx=y P 4013 VIA PIcAposIIE PAWS VERDES EEZNCES Ca 90274 BULLXCDAVlDMbJOANA (XRLSBAD CA 92008 7214 :?UM2SA DRNE SZCZUSM MICHAEL M & DIANE S 7216 tM3SA DFUW c;w_sBAD CA 92008 KLEISwITLI?WL 7220 MIEa3sA DW CrwsBAD CA 92008 SHfW PAUL S & ELIZW3" A 7224 FISM3.94 DRIVE W! CA 92008 GomoNL. McELmY 7226 MIMOSA DRIVE CARCSBAD, CA 92008 cct7RscN DAVID M & KRISTENE A 7228 HJKSA DRIVE CARLSEW CA 92008 SZI9oLD RICHARD L & RUI" E 7232 1'lIPOSA DRNE CWW CA 92008 EVEZ!lT CCNAU) F 7234 IYI~?~SA DRNE CAIUSBPD C\ 92008 215-512-31 2 15- 5 12- 3 2 215-512-33 215-512-34 215-512-35 215-512-36 215-513-01 215-513-02 215-513-03 215-513-04 215-513-05 215-513-96 3EEJ24 JEX! ;J & mm E 7236 .XCCSA DWE CXRISW C\ 92008 . . _.i.. . . yr. 5 Yrs. Edward P. :.Holtaway 7238 Himosa Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 * . ,-. -'* , my & PETER SAL" 7244 LMEJCISA DRIVE SIkV DECC), CA 92008 LzGGm sm & ALmmDER 7117 ?!!SA DRNE CARLS2ZD CA 92008 - *.- __.- ..&--...- 553. MIXOSA DRIVE 550. ?iI?zOSA DRIVE 558. HIZOSX DRIVE 559. HIXOSA DRIVE 215-513-07 215-513-08 215-513-09 215-513-10 215-513-11 215-313-12 215-513-13 215-513-14 215-513-15 215-513-16 213-3 13-17 215-313-18 RICHYAV IRVING H & REBECCA E 7117 YIXOSA DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 OSJERG EXIL b JR & NANCY L 7219 XIMOSX DRIVE CXRLSBAD CX 92008 NALLEY TOD & CHRISTIXE M 7221 XIYOSA DRIVE CAIZLSBAD C.4 92008 G2MXY DONALD H SXIDER TAVIE 7223 XYOSA DRIVE cmsam cx 92008 iyR. & PIRS VIcc)?IR J. LIND C,, (31 92008 7225 iWSA DRIVE JOHNSCM ?fILBL..V C 7227 XIXOSX DRIVE CX.IL33xD CA 92008 6WH CASTEL DAVID 7229 C(IX0SX DRIVE CXS3XD CA 92008 . - MIYOSA DRIVE MMOSA DRLVE - ROBERT WILKIPISCW 6 m-1En. WILKfElScN 7233 MfEsDS\ DRIVE CARLSBFU), CA 92008 KEESOH SOPHIA ti 7235 !llWSA DRIVE CARLSBIU) CA 92008 9-15-513-19 215-513-20 215-513-21 566. 567. 568. 569. e 570. MIMOSA DRIVE SCHAD RERBERT J C/O BEXDIX CORP T S D TETERBORO Y.J 07608 HfHOSA DRIVE 215-513-22 Ricardo A. 6 Mary D. Jarmillo 7241 Himosa Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 MXOSA DRIVE 215-513-23 MOM JOHN A 6 LAURA H 7263 X!OSA DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 NINOSA DRIVE 215-513-24 I Hr. David Cy. Paul1 7245 Mmosa Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 M~SA DRIVE 215-513-25 CITY OF CARLSBAD NOT SHOWN 215-514-19 .. COLUMBINE DRIVE L’ESPERANCE, THOMAS 6 MERRY 7220 Columbine Drive Carlebad, CA 92009 COLUMBXNE DRXVE 215-214-20 FITZSIMMONS, JOHN 6 KATHLEEN 3158 LOWER RIDGE ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 .. CATALPA ROAD 215-515-01 COBB SAH H b ELAINE H 1739 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CATALPA ROAD 215-515-02 Stanley 8 Jeri Robinson 1741 Catalpa Rd., Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 575. 576. 577. 578. 581. CATALPA ROAD 215-515-03 CUTLER DENNIS Ft C CYYTHIA A 1743 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 215-515-04 11 CATALPA ROAD TAYLOR, JOHN 6 MARION 1745 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CATALPA ROAD 215-515-05 WOOLF LAWRENCE 6 WENDELIN 1747 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CATALPA ROAD 215-515-06 YOUNG, LINUS 6 MICHELE 1749 CATALPA ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 _- - __ MuRm LUZ N Q 2019 RITTEMIOUSE SQUARE PHILADELPHIA PA 19103 - - _.--- CATALPA ROAD 2 15- 5 16-01 SHYROCK DERYI, 6 MY 7.31 HIGHtlAY 101 STE 24 SOWh! BEACH CA 92075 BROWAY STEVEN & JOA” 1742 CATALPA RD CARLSBM CA 92008 LAWLOR, JEANETTE 1741 SORREL COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HUSS, WILLIMf w. 6 KAREN L G 1739 SORREL COURT CARLSBAD. CA 92008 CATALPA ROAD 213-516-02 CATALPA ROAD d 215-516-03 SORREL COURT 2 15-516-11 SORREL COURT 215-516-12 UARNJARDT, FRANK E. 6 PMIELA A. 17 .' CEREUS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 215-516-50 OKEEFE, TIMOTHY J. 6 IRIS B. 1729 CEREUS COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 k87. SORREL COURT 215-316-52 I 590. DURANGO CIRCLE 215-521-33 591. MANZANITA ST. I 215-523-01 k2- MANZANITA ST. 215-523-02 594. GEItLVIG, STREET 215-550-02 595. GEILLVIUM STREET 215-550-03 1 S96* GERANIUM STREET 215-550-04 ,*. 597.GERANIUM STREET 215-550-05 598. GERANIUM STREET 2 15-650-06 599: GERANIUM STREET . 2L5-550-07 AKITA, RICIlARD H. 6 GWEN 11. 1738 SORREL COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOGG, WILLIAM & GAYLE 7230 Durango Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEIVONEN, DALE 6 DESIREE 7232 DURANGO CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SENIAVSKY, A", THOMAS SENATE 7217 MANZANITA ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES 6 ROBIN 7215 MANZANITA ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I'ERRY 5 SQNDRA SIOORE ; LO WHITING CT. , SX4 DlEGO CX 92108 RICHARD ?i KIDWELL NORM ELIZMETH COOK 982 YARLIN DR., VISTA CX 92084 XI 5 LRS PAT DEIURINO 1728 GERANIUM STREET CI\XSLBAD CA 92008 NEWPORT SHORES BUILDERS (COR?) DRAWER A HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 JEANNE SMITH 948 CAPRI RD., LEUCADIA CA 92024 MR & MRS RICHARD STERRETT 1740 GERANIUM STREET CARLSBAD CA 92008 2 15-550-08 ELVEST SIMON LYNN SImN 94 DELEWARE AVE LONG BEACH NY 11561 01. COLUMBINE DRIVE 602. COLUMBINE DRIVE 603- COLUMBINE DRIVE 604. 24ANZAVITX DRIVE 605* MANZANITA 606. MANZANITA ST 607. MANZANITA ST LOTL'S CT' ST LOTUS CT LOTUS CT LOTUS CT I \ LOTUS CT LOTUS CT -... 2 15-550-09 - 215-550-10 215-550-11 215-550-12 215-550-13 215-550-14 215-550-15 -. - 213-550-16 215-550-17 215-550-18 c 215-550-19 2 15-550-20 215-550-21 . 215-550-22 215-550-23 MS LORNA JEAN KIPKE 7226 COLUMBINE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HELEN LACHAP ELLE 7228 COLUMBINE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRANK & DONNA BOWERS 1905 MISTY CIRCLE ENCINITAS CA 92024 JOHN STOKES & MAUREEN CARLSBAD CA 92008 7221 iWANITA JAii ELLEN DUNNING 7219 MANZANITA ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 HEWPORT SHORES BUILDERS DRAWER A HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 9264E ?IR 6 XRS THOMAS TUSK 1755 RED BARN RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CA.R'/I!l C!IXPLES S BAIC!.L\\ 1336 LOTUS CT., CARtsUAD CA 92008 tbLVUEL d BARBARA UPPIOS 162 1 OCEANFRONT ST SCLU DIEGO CX 92107 JA"S P 6 LINDA SCHLICHT! 77 BEACON HILL RD ARDSLM NY 10502 JOSEPH 6 ALICE LE DONNE 1855 LOTUS CT CAR:SBAD CA 92008 JANES & EILEEN RAMSEY 1852 LOTUS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIM JOHNSON 6 POLLY 1847 LOTUS CT CRALSBAD CA 92008 PHILLIP HODGES 6 AMBEI 1843 LOTUS CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 PROVANSAL SHORES BUILDER DRAWER A HUNTINGBEACH CA 92648 622. GERXVILM STREET , 623. GEaiLV'IUM STREET 624'. GEWYIUM STREET *I 215-550-25 215-550-25 215- 550- 26 215-5 50-2 7 .- 215-550-28 215-550-29 2 15 -5 5 0- 3 0 215-550-31 215-550-32 215- 550-33 215-550-34 I Yr. h Xrs. Ronald C. 7254 CoLumbine Ave., Carisbad, Ca. 92008 YTn3ORT SiIORES BUILDERS (COW) DRYLZB h HL'NTTYGTON BEACH CA 92648 YZv'?CRT SHORES BUILDES (CORP) D RAKER - A HL?ITIXGT.ON BUCS CA 92648 YEhT'ORT BEXCB7 BUILDERS (CORP) DWZX X BL!iTIXGTON BEXC'J CA 92648 XJEWORT SHORES BUILDERS (CORP) DRhk'ER h HLVTIXGTON BEACH CA 92648 . fi,. XIXOSX DRIVE 215- 5 50- 35 I. 629. MIXOSA DRIVE 2 13-5 5 0- 3 7 630. NI?IOSA DRIVE 215-550-33 215-550-36 . 635. m24OSX DRIVE 215-550-43 636. MIYOSX DRIVE 2 15- 5 5 0- L 4 -- . Kin L. Johnson . _-.. Polly K. Johnson .. .. 1847 Locus Ct., Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 --_ Lys. LaA R. WEmm cxsam, CA 92008 7256 tMIX3SX DRNE THC&W J. DEEA210 603 FIRST STRJZT $110 CCZXiSIEE, CX 92054 CCW C. DALPH12\J & JUNGH. WHIN 23981 PLOVER LANE UGtNA NIGi, CA 92677 PlIICHAEL & CHRISTm Prn 190 mc STREET CEWYAL ISLIP, Ny 17722 MR. & MRS. M?GX A. VI"Es1 7257 MIMEiA DRNE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LYR. & lms. ms SIMDN 262 SIXmGWCD LANE BREA, CA 9261 KEN R. MLINSON & C0"A MUNSON 7523 i"XA DRIVE C,D, (3 92008 Frank J. h Donna L. Bowers 1905 Xisty Circle Encinitas, Ca. 92024 WRY XXD DESRA JOWSON 7259 XINOSX DRIVE CXilLSBAD , CX 92008 JFMES W. ALLEN & SFAH D. ALLEU 426 DEL'rrJCOD CT XESvBLTRY PARK, CA 91320 214-1 10-12 .. 215-1 16-13 214-1 19-19 u COSTA AVtINt LA COSTA AVENUE 216-110-22 U COSTA Amt .- ... 216-110-23 '! I , 215-LLO-23 I THERRIEN, CHARLES J. 6 EVA C. 926 E. TWELFTH ST. NATIONAL CITY, CA 92050 216-110-31 216-110~32 1 216-110-33 216-110-34 'LA CCJtA AVRlUE . 106 @50. LA COSTA AVENUE ESPOSITO PROPERTIES 3222ST. ALBANS DRIVE ROSSMOOR, CA 90720 I 106(651. LA COSTA AVENUE 216 111-01 I q45L LA COSTA AVENUE Itb-Lltd2 0U!tr, U.J. .. \ 216-1214 2 Etmm 216-121- 14 AY ERS DRAWER A HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92648 11% 45?* 216-121-1 S 216-121-16 I 216-122~14 roo* = - - 216- 122- 23 I' 216- 152-2 4 . . ... ....... . . .. ..... LA COSTA AVE 668. LA COSTA AVE e. COSTA DEL MAR RD 1s 45. 2 16-122- ;5 216-122-26 216-122-36 216-122-37 2 16-123-02 216-123-03 216-123-04 216-123-05 216-124-11 216-124-13 216-124-16 216-124-17 I' 2 16- 1 SO-03 mm c/o iuJ wm mu DEPT 2840 "KSIvfEIII TWER DALWS 75201 LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT LA COSTA AOTEL 6 3FA COSTA DEL MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LA COSTA lIOTEL 6 SPA COSTA DEL MAR RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LA COSTA HOTEC 6 SPA COSTA DEL MAR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ELCPMINO P~ERTIESTRUST C/O IA co61'a "EL 6 SPA COsllAmMARRD CnF?LSBAD, CA 92008 ELcYNItmPmmm TRUX C/O LA COSTA "EL & SPA COSI'A DEL MAR Kl 'I. 0, CA 92008 SAVAGE WfLLIAH 6 BElTI LQICIiO SANTA FE CA 9:Ofji PO BOX 773 216-150-05 SAVAGE WILLXAH 6 mri PO BOX 773 RANCHO SAIITA FE CA 92067 216-150-06 HUNTS C/O tu) VALORp( TAX DEPT 2840 TlWlKSGIVING TOWEX DALM TE.W 75201 us HWY 05 216-150-13 -. 2 16- 150- 14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA BATIC,UI?as DR1 J BIL"1-S DEUNE 1-32 > 133 483. BATIQUITOS DRIVE 484. BATIQUITOS DRIVE 2 16-150-15 .. I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAVAGE WILLIAM & BETTY PO BOX 773 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 216-150-16 2 16- 150- 17 SAVAGE WILLIMf & BETTY PO BOX 773 WCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 65. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693 ., 694. 695 ., 696 .. 69 7., 698. SL3iDA SIT9i3A S'ni JA 3L'O: 3,\ , S'JO t DX SUBIDA SUBIDA SUBIDA \ % SUBIDA SUBIDA SUBIDA 0 SUBIDA SUBIDA SUBIDA SUBIDA 2 16-2 10-03-01 2 15-2 10-03-0t 2 16-2 10-03-03 2 16-2 10-03 -06 JEXELL LSC 1363 REGAL ROW DALLSA TEXAS 75267 2 16-2 10-03-07 CI:ISBE;IG HYW, b JE.UET-r' 3717 AUTHUM DR FORT VORlii TX 76109 BOBBIYS BEWARD 5951 N PUCITA DEL COtJCZ TUCSON A2 85718 2 16-2 io-03-08 2 16-2 10-03-09 HAMOW IR'IIYG 6 HANIA 945 SO BIRCH ST. LOS AHGELES (2.4 90021 216-2 10-03-10 PAR!!ER W B 6 OR'IA 62 DEODAR LANE BRADBURY CA 91010 -2 16-2 10-03-1 1 - 2 16-2 10-03-12 LIEBLEIN DAVID & ROSE 2003 COSTA DEL MAR RDJ66 CARLSEAD CA 92008 AUGUR WCARET 2003 COSTA DEL MAR XDi; CARLSBrU) CA 92008 2 16-2 10-03- 13 MARYAW SHh'IMON 2003 COSTA DEL MAq RD :#E CARLSBAD Ck 92008 2 16-2 10-03- 14 216-210-03-1s SCHULW'! GERALD S BA.BAF YORTd HOLL'IUOOD CA 91601 11300 WEDDINGTON sr 699 ., L URYXIW SHANNON 2003 COSTA DEL HA,!.! Q," !6 CXRLSBAD CA 92008 60; SUBIDA b 2 16-2 10-03- 16 216-210-03-17 SCSULM? GERALD 6 BrL39~.?, 11300 WEDDINGTON SI: :JORTH HOLLYWOOD CX 91601 EDER THEODORE 6 HELZ!f h35 S LA CIENECA BL'JD ST: LOS ANCELES CA 90048 J BYEWlE 6 ASSOCIATES DALLAS TZUS 75258 eo BOX sa5086 SIJEIDA SUBIDA 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 108. 702. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 216-210-03-18 .. 9, J Ua i S L3 I DA SUBIDA SOBIDA 2 16-2 10-03-2r3 -2 16-2 10-03-2 1 .a 0, HILDRE3 90402 2 16-2 10-03-22 ALPSRT BENJl\rYIN C/O .I H COHN NE'JARK NJ 07102 ai0 BROAD ST \ l. SUBIDA 2 16-2 10-03-23 2 16-2 10-03-24 512 1 DEEPVOOD RD BLCOEITIELD HILLS MI 63103 SUBIDA TIW ETHEL RTE 5 BOX 630 TUCSON AZ 85702 SUBIDA 2 16-210-03-25 INOWE RAYHOND 6 DqHLIA SAVTA MONICA cGA 90403 829 14- TH ST 04 I SUBIDA 2 16-2 10-03-26 SHORR BEH 6 EILEDI PO BOX 4171 PAL3 SPRINGS CA 92263 SUBIDA 2 16-2 10-03 -2 7 TXUB SLWEL 6 EILEEN 1680 COSTA DEL U.3 RD CARSLBAD CA 92008 SUBIDA 2 16-210-03-28 LA COSTA HOTEL 6 SPA COSTA DEL MAR ClRLSBCU) CA 92008 SUBIDA 216-210-03-29 ILIABLE ELLE!l ET AL 1221 OCEAN AVE #io2 SAVTA MONICA CA 90401 216-2 10-03-30 2 16-2 10-03-3 I 2 16-2 10-03-32 216-2 10-03-33 WI!E LOW S ERVICE COW 1777 MURCHISON DR BURLIZEANE CA 94010 SU8IDA CXIVfOR DAVID 6 ALICE 16S6 LORAINE RD SA'{ YARIXO CA 91108 SIJEIDA i(LZ:I!fEWI RITA 43-59 ALLA RD 12 W!fA DEL RY CX 90291 LEES LEROT 6 TERI 7353 BROOKCREST DR SUBIDA I35 a' 719. 720. 721. 722 . 723. 724. 725. 726 . ; :;3 : 3,\ St'OlDA SUBIDA SUBIDA \' SUBIDA x SUBIDA SUBIDA - SUBIDA SUB IDA 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. SUBIDA S IJB IDA SUBIDA SUBIDA SU8IDA SUBIDA I COSTA DEL MAR 216-2 10-03-36 WIER EXWE3 S JOSE?HI!IE 2003 COSTA DEL ?fAR 33 CARSL3ru) CA 92008 BOLGER KICHAEL 6 DELORES 3004 VERDUGO RD LOS UJCELES CX 90063 .- e 216-2 10-03-37 2 16-2 10-03-38 STEX1 HAROLD 3111 BEL AKR DR dlOH LAS VEGXS NV 89103 2 16-2 10-03-39 .2 16-2 10-03-40 2 16-2 10-03-41 216-2 10-03-42 2 16-2 10-03-43 216-210-03-44 216-210-03-43 2 16-2 10-03-46 2 16-2 10-03-4'7 2 16-2 10-03-48 2 16 -2 10- 04 214-368-01 216-124-01,02,03, 04,05 , 06 STEIL'I HAROLD 3111 BEL AIR DR dlOH US VEGAS NV 89109 0BEW.V PATRICIA PO BOX 2007 RiWCHO SXlUTA FE CA 92067 S CHUL'U'? RUBY C/O BENJANIH SCHUL'-??U 7529 CIBRALTM ST cimsam CA 92008 IGWTER HILBERT 59 NE!J ST NFA YORK NY 10004 GRZZN DANXLE 6 FLOREYCE TUIWIBRIDGE 6 ANDOVER RD HA'JERFORD PA 19041 SILVER JACK & L1N:IE 13001 NE 14TH AVE NORM XIMtI FL 33161 SUDLER SAMUEL 75 EISEHHOWER PA.RK',4A'f ROSELAND NJ 07068 BROOKXIRE &VUEL b BEXiI.IZ 19707 HE 36TH CT 86K HIAH1 FC 33180 EL CAMINO PROPERTIES TRUST C/O LA COSTA HOTEL & SPA COSTA DEL MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD EL CAMINO PROPERTIES TRUST C/O LA COSTA HOTEL & SPA COSTA DEL MAR RD. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CUSTOM LIMN G HOMES AND COMMUNITIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. December 2, 1987 City Council City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear City Council Members: On Tuesday, December 8th, you will be considering the Public Facilities Management Plan for the Pacific Rim Development. As an interested party in the development of Carlsbad for the past eight years, I am gratified to see this particular master planned community be the first reviewed under the new development legislation. Carlsbad occupies a unique position in the San Diego County. It is the most desirable community in North County in which to live and work. One of its major attributes is the fact that there are large, undeveloped land ownerships that have been planned according to current city guidelines which will benefit all parties interested in the future of Carlsbad. I know the time, effort and energy that has been expended by all the various interests to assure orderly and sensible growth. This applies to members of the staff, City representatives, landowners, developers and the third party professionals working as consultants. Pacific Rim the proper proportion of recreational, residential and open space amenity. is 2s well p!z:nr,ed i; Community 2s my iil ;-~cznt times. It incorporates It will be complimentary to the current LaCosta Hotel, Spa and Golf Course development and Carlsbad will have two world class resorts. It encompasses a unique piece of property with physical characteristics creating a great amenity through proper land use and the Batiquitos Lagoon restoration. The benefits to the City will be significant. The development of this project will materially alleviate major concerns regarding public improvements and traffic conditions in southern Carlsbad. I feel the City representatives have shown great Comprehension in their current policies. You are light years ahead of the other governmental 51 00 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 71 4-752-9009 b City Council Page Two * I. )ecember 2, 1987 jurisdictions in the State of California. Pacific Rim will become a recognized showcase for a properly planned project. It will be a credit to the citizens of Carlsbad and a haven for the residential property owners and the public who will participate in the hotel and resort activities. I strongly recommend you unanimously approve Pacific Rim. Sincerely, \ Don E. Woodward President DEW:br -San Diego, Inc Planning Civil Engineering Architecture Landscape Architecture Land Surveying Construction Management December 4, 1987 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Council Members: The Keith Companies would like to formally express our support for the Pacific Rim Project you will be reviewing at your December 8th meeting. We know that a tremendous effort from all parties has gone into making this project a reality. We feel, as many do, that this project will be a benefit to the County of San Diego and especially to the City of Carlsbad. Very truly yours, THE KEITH COMPANIES - SAN DIEGO, INC. F. Clarke President JFC/jst cc: D.L. Clemens 5893 Oberlin Drive suite IOI Sun Diego, CA 92121 (619) 535-0080 San Diego County Archaeological Society, Inc. p*i ;o 0 2 *I. Q 8 *O'OC, c PL December 3, 1987 City Council City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council: The San Diego County Archaeological Society hereby respectful ly requests your support for establishment and implementation of a preservation program which shall affect sites SDi-691, SDi-693, and SDi 694 located within the proposed Pacific Rim Development. These sites are described, in the EIR, as being unique and having significance, but they are nonetheless scheduled to be mitigated and destroyed by the developer. The Society wishes to draw your attention to the fact that aside from having significance, according to the law, they are among the few remaining coastal and lagoonal prehistoric habitation sites. If you examine the situation along the coast you will find that virtually all such sites have been destroyed. Since these three sites are unique and are among the last of their type, it is fitting that they be preserved for future studies. Another compelling reason for preservation is that mitigation archaeology is often hurried to allow the developer to proceed with the project. As a result, important features go undiscovered until the earthmoving begins. By then, it is almost always too late. If the sites are preserved they can perhaps be studied with more leisure, at some future time, to obtain all information possible. To illustrate this point, a past president of the society, Jay Hatley, had an opportunity several years ago to examine a large collection of artifacts made in the proposed project area. The items had been collected by a woman living nearby and represented several years of searching. Hatley reported the presence of numerous artifacts which were unlike anything he had seen before. Were they trade items or made here? No one knows, but anomalies can point the way to unasked specific research questions. Unfortunately it is often the case that artifact collectors have unusual items that escape the attention of archaeologists. This happens because of the short deadlines archaeologists are given to study important sites. Hence, information is lost to science. I t December 3, 1987 Honorable Members of the Carlsbad City Council Page 2 Aside from the regional research questions regarding climate change, subsistence patterns, and lifeways these sites should contain data on early trade with inland and northern areas. It remains to be determined how the early people, especially the San Dieguito, used coastal resources. Or did they? The burials found, and there may be more, will permit studies of the health and physical types of the early people. There are indeed more questions than answers and each new answer gives rise to more questions. If all the sites, the only data base available, are destroyed, there will never be anything more than questions without answers. For these reasons we ask that you require the developer to set aside sites SDi-691, SDi 693, and SDi 694 as archaeological preserves or in easements, to be capped with fill or another method. We do not feel that this will impose a burden on the developer and it is short sighted to not save the sites when it is still possible to do so. The Society appreciates this opportunity to comment on the archaeology of the Pacific Rim Project and to have our request given full consideration, thank you. Respectfully, Richard M. Gadler President, San Diego County Archaeological Society cc: City Manager of Carlsbad City Attorney of Carlsbad City Clerk of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Committee Hunt Properties, Inc. City of Carlsbad Department of Planning Post Office Box 3072 Rancho La Costa Carisbad, CA 92009 Car 1 sbad Ci ty Cuunci 1 120(:> Elm Street C:ai- I sb ad Ca I 92CK%l December '7, 1987 Re: Pacific Rim Cotintry Club and Resort Ileai- Cniinci 1 Members: The Hunt Brothers and Mr. Larry Clemens have dane an exemplary jab of war1::inq with the community and the City on 'khis project. The pI*'aject as recently appraved by all City departments, should at this time be appr-oved by the Counci 1 Thank yoti for all your efforts on this issue. Sincerely. 2585 Pi0 Pic0 Drive*Carlsbad, California 92008*(619) 729-1 194 December 8, 1987 HAND-DELIVERED City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: LFMP 87-19 / EIR 83-2(A) / GPA/LU 85-2 / LCPA 87-4 (LCPA 87-2A) Applicant: / LCPA 87-5 (LCPA 87-2B) / MP-177 / CT 85-35 / CP-323 / PUD-102 / PUD-103 / PUD-104 / PUD-105 / SDP 86-2 PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council: Thank you for this opportunity to present our unqualified support with a recommendation for approval of the new Pacific Rim community development which is the subject of a public hearing this evening. We have previously communicated with you regarding this project as well as filing a formal statement with the Planning Commission at the time this matter was presented for public hearing proceedings. At this time, we wish to make a brief statement regarding what we believe to be a very important development project that will benefit our community for many years to come. The proposed Pacific Rim project is a truly unique endeavor on the part of the property owners and developers to work with total commitment and energy in seeking input from the entire spectrum of public agencies involved as well as the property owners, residents and interested parties, not only within our community but including our neighbors as well, to ultimately develop a magnificent plan that will set forth the blueprint for the entire southwest quadrant of our city. as well as being well acquainted with the land involved, we believe that the development concept being presented to you this evening is a remarkable achievement. As participants in the entire planning program The public hearing proceedings before the Planning Commission were interesting and productive on the basis of the public testimonials of the efforts exercised by Pacific Rim to respond to all concerns and comments. full consideration and approval of the new Pacific Rim community development. Accordingly, we respectfully request your !q&).ruly yours , cc: Mr. Larry Clemens, HPI Development Co. JY K: pf PRP 8602 In Orange County, Santa Ana