HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-15; City Council; 8553-1; CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY GROWTH- CITY COUNCIL REVIEW,I n k N H 2 G- em (da, hu $4 $43 rn ;a, .d Urn u a,W daJ 2 2 .g g oa, a Zm 3 gz 8 O L4 ; .rl (d 5 3 go s TI 0 \ 2" 2 v4 u (da, ba Q) *c h 4h -4 G$4 N s4 cf $X Ccl &-cu : : 22 -4 C 622 g .rl bm mala) cI b~p~ cd ?? 2 o G u4 a, G g $4s- a, L)C $ am0 +I o a ma, c E Lo u&QJ G au $ 445 p . o vs E.I-l g ,E aJc Ea, ".zh ?Iu E 4 .rl 3p & c 3 a o on (d u a, 2 q $4 2 ClJ; -$ .z L) w aJ GO &o g%vE-l" 77 hl =. 2 c.~ Z '0 i ' g a d 0 z 3 0 0 9: cia OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL d AB# d?56-3-/ TITLE: DEPT ~~~./2-/3~-&7 CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY GROWTH - ClTY CITY COUNCIL REVIEW DEPT. R/AG CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. or re-appoint, as deemed appropriate. 2. Citizen Committee and report back to the City Council. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of March 18, 1986, adopted Resc No. 8443 creating and establishing a seven-member Citizen Committee to st and assess the impacts of growth in Carlsbad. The Citizen Committee is t pare an annual report on growth which would be reviewed by the City Coi at a public hearing. Two of the seven members of the committee are Planning Commissioners ap by the Planning Commission and the other five members are each appointec different City Council Member. Due to the commitment of Planning staff to the first six Local Facility ManE Zones and other high priority projects, it has not been appropriate to con. the Citizen Committee to this time. It is now planned to hold the first met of the Citizen Committee to study growth during the early part of 1988. Since one member of the committee has moved out of town and there are ncL new council members who were not seated when this committee was first ap it appears opportune for the City Council to review the previous appointms re-appoint, or make new appointments, as deemed appropriate. Additional City Council may request the Planning Commission to review, consider and their two appointments to the City Council. It is also anticipated that at the first meeting of the Citizen Committee to s growth a chair person will be elected by the members. The committee will the two members who will serve a one-year term; the two members who will a two-year term and the three members who will serve a three-year term. FISCAL IMPACT: Except for the staff time spent in working with the committee, it is not an that there will be any fiscal impact associated with this action. Funds nec for supplies and xeroxing can be taken from the Planning Department bud< City Council review previous Citizen Committee appointments and appo City Council request Planning Commission to review their appointments EXHIBITS: 1. Agenda Bill No. 8553, dated 3/18/86, title: "Creation and Establishmeni Seven-Member Citizen Committee to Study and Assess the Impacts of GI. in Carlsbad. I' 2. Minutes (partial) from City Council meeting of 3/25/86 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I d RESOLUTION NO. 8443 e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COrJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A SEVEN MEMBER CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND ASSESS THE IMPACTS OF GROWTH IN CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, the City Council considered and adopted recommendations from the Citizens Committee which reviewec Land Use Element of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, one of the recommendations was the estal of a seven member Citizens Committee to study and assess impacts of growth in Carlshad; THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of of Carlsbad, California: t $ 1. That the above recitations are true and corrc 2. That an ongoing seven member advisory Citizen Committee to study and assess the impacts of growth in Car hereby established. 3. That the City Council appoint the members to terms of one, two and three years on the initial appointne three year term thereafter, to provide continuity to the Committee. 4. That and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 hereby appointed to a one year term; that are hereby appointed to a two year term that I , and hereby appointed to a three year term. 5. That the Committee shall operate under the prc outlined on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part he //// //// //// I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I-2 l3 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .I .e w PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinc Carlsbad City Council held on the 25th day of March 1986, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick anc NOES: None ABSTAIN : None ABSENT: None CLAUDE A. LEWIS, '1 r ATTEST: ALETHA hfrn L. RAUTENKM-?$erk (SEAL) I -2- Lo 0 .* EXHIBIT “A CITY OF CARLSRAD CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND ASSESS IMPACTS OF GROWTH PROPOSED PROCEDURES 1. The Chairperson shall be selected by a majority vote of t Committee at its organizational meeting, and shall serve one year term. 2. A Vice-Chairperson shall be selected in the same manner described above and shall serve a one year term. 3. A member of the Committee shall be selected as Recording Secretary and shall keep a record of the Committee proceedings. t 4. Meetings shall be held on a monthly basis unless the Committee determines that additional meetings are needed. 5. Any member who misses three (3) consecutive meetinqs shall be replaced, by Council appointment, for the unexpired term. 6. Any member who is unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting shall notify the Planning Department in advance. 7. All meetings are open to the public but the public shall r be allowed to participate in the discussion. Exception: During the first fifteen minutes of each meeting, the pub1 shall bo invited to make brief statements (not to exceed three (3) minutes each). 8. The agendas for each meeting shall be prepared by the Planning Department and only items on the agenda may be discussed. Agenda packets shall be distributed to each member of the Committee and to the standard Planninq Commission packet distribution list a minimum of five (5) days prior to the Committee meeting. be provided to the City Council and Planning Commission on a quarterly basis. 9. Summary reports on Committee activities and actions shall 10. Robert Rules of Order shall be observed at all Committee meetings. -.. \. w- 11. Members of the City staff, Council and Planning Commission will be welcome to attend meetings, however, may not participate in discussion or vote on matters before the Committee. (This rule however, does not apply to Planning Commissioners serving on the Committee.) 12. The City Manager, City Attorney and Planning Director shall serve as ex-officio members. They may participate in discussion but may not vote on items on the Committee agenda. The Planning Director shall serve as principal staff to the Committee. 13. In conjunction with staff, the Committee shall Prepare an annual report containing data on increases in population, dwelling units, traffic and crime; on availability and cost of City services including water; on the economic health of the community and the industrial, commercial and tourist activity. The focus shall be on City services and the quality of life. The report shall be reviewed by the City Council at a public hearing. , 14. The Committee shall adopt any additional procedural rules it deems necessary, with the approval of the City Council. 15. Committee members shall serve without any compensation, however, shall be reimbursed for incidental expenses authorized in advance by the Planning Director. 1 1 - . DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (79) 11. A6 87099 - Supplement 1'16 - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE. - This item was discussed previously (see page 5). 12. A8 88553 - CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND ASSESS IMPACTS OF GROWTH IN CARLSRAD. (28) Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff I report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler announced Planning Commissioner Smith had indicated he did not wish to be reappointed to the Planninq Commission. This would necessitate the Planning Commission nominating another person for this Committee. Council Members nominated the following persons: Council Member Lewis nominated William Harkins. Council Member Kulchin nominated Mary Ann Izner. Council Member Chick nominated Ruth Coyle. Council Member Pettine nominated Robert Caggiano. Mayor Casler nominated Claudia Stebelski. Mayor Casler announced she felt the Committee should draw lots to indicate the length of terms. By consensus, Council adopted Resolution No. 8443, appointing the above nominated citizens to the . Citizens Committee to study and assess impacts of growth in Carlsbad. .- .-_ I.x.- L I