HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-15; City Council; 9246; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE SAVAGE AND LYMAN PROPERTIES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF BATIQUITOS LANE. GPA/LU 87-5, LCPA 87-6, LCPA 87-2C1 u 0 h 2 2 k u 0 h u .d V c: a, u a a, u 0 a, $4 *A -0 a (d G G 0 -d u (d $4 rd ri 0 a, nA ard ?? -d 0 u$4 (da Ma z ala .. ICI s a0 urn u ac ara, UE a3 ou a0 a- da, -d $4 Llld ca 3a, Oh va b a3 I m 7-4 hl I 4 .. z 0 E a G 4 Z 3 0 I c Cl;li OF CARLSBAD - AGEN- BILL ' ,A*= v.n RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Commission and staff are recommendir that the City Council ADOPT the Negative Declaration issuc by the Planning Director, direct the City Attorney's Offic to prepare documents APPROVING GPA/LU 87-5, and LCPA 87- (LCPA 87-2C) according to Planning Commission Resolutic Nos. 2700 and 2703 and direct staff to forward Council' action to the California Coastal Commission for il consideration. ITEM EXPLANATION The proposed action is as follows: (See Exhibits A and B: 1. Amend the General Plan Land Use Map designation from RI (8-15 du's/ac) and OS (Open Space) to RM (4-8 du's/ac and OS for the Savage Property. 2. Amend the General Plan Land Use Map to rearrange tl area designated OS on the Lyman property. The proposr boundaries would provide a corridor for lagoon views ai public access and remove OS from the developable arei of the property. 3. Amend the Local Coastal Program (LCP) Mello I1 Land UI Map designation from RM (4-8 du's/ac) to RLM (0 du's/ac) and OS for the Lyman property. 4. Amend the LCP Mello I1 land use map designation to a1 an open space designation over both the Batiquit, Lagoon wetlands'and a view and public access corridor the Savage property. 5. Amend the LCP Mello I1 Land Use and Implementation Te to revise the special provisions to allow a maxim residential density of 8 duls/ac for the Savage proper instead of 12 duIs/ac for both properties. (See Exhib C) This item was originally brought before the Planni Commission in July, 1986, as a consequence of staff response to the Land Use Committee's recommendation identify and modify all inappropriately designated use That action was coordinated with the City's effort to bri its LCP, General Plan, and Zoning Map into conformity. T Planning Commission continued the item to give the affect existing land use designations were correct. T property owners time to present justification that t ~ 0 0 0 % Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 9 3 qb t L continuance made it necessary for the other consistency amendments to move forward without resolution of the lar use issues on the subject property. Staff and the Planning Commission believe that the proposr changes will allow greater land use compatibility be,twec existing and future lower density uses surrounding tl sub j ect property. Also, the recommended changes a] consistent with Council's recent actions to reduc development intensity adjacent to the sensitive wetlanc habitat of Batiquitos Lagoon (e.g., Batiquitos L'agoc Educational Park and Pacific Rim Master Plans reduce actual densities from multi-family to single f'amil residential next to the lagoon). The property owner (Savage) disagrees with the staff 'rs ar Planning Commission's recommendations. Mr. Savage contend that the site, because it is isolated by topography, j appropriate for multi-family development. He also believc that the proposed amendments are counter to the goals c the General Plan to provide a mix of housing opportunitic next to the waterfront amenity. All of the public testimony at the Planning Commissic hearing (except that of Mr. Savage) supported staff' recommendations. The Planning Commission voted unanimous1 7-0 to approve staff's recommendation. For additione details, see the attached staff report to the Plannin Commission dated November 4, 1987. ENVIRONMF,N!TAL IWPACT The Planning Director has determined that this project wil not cause any significant environmental impacts and therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated Octobe 2, 1987, which was approved by the Planning Commission c November 12, 1987. A copy of the environmental document is on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACT Because of the reduction in potential units, there could k a minor loss in tax revenue. The owners, when developir the properties, will still have to provide public facilit fees and comply with the City's Growth Management Ordinanc and any provisions of Zone 19 Facilities Management Plan. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2700 & 2703 3. Exhibits "A", lrBtl & IrCtl dated September 30, 1987 4. Staff Report to Planning Commission dated November 4, 1987 w/attachments re "TL" " I I I 1 I i 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD .(SAVAGE/LYMAN) GPA/LU 87-5 LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-X) 1 1 GENERAL PLAN RL LOU DENSITY (0. I I) RfSlDfNllAL RLW LOU.:hIEDlf>~ DENSITY (0.4) Ulll HEDIl>I IiIGH DENSlTY(8.15) RC( ,f{EOIL.\I OENSITY(4.8) RH HICII OEN5ITY( 15.23) COMMlRClAL RRI IBTEh'SIIT RfCilONAL RETAIL (Cg RRE EXTENSIVE REGI0P;AL RETAIL(cg Rs REGIONAL SERVICE C (.O>l>llNllY COMMERCIAL TS TU\ EL SERVICES COCIHERCIAL N XEIGIIOORIlOO.0 COM\lERClAL 0 PROFES5IONAL RELtTED CflO CFNTRAL BCSINESS OlSTRlCT PI PLASKEO INOCSTRCtL C. GO\FRN\IENT FACILITIES C Pl BLlC lTlLlTlES RC RE(:RE.\TI<lN CUM.MERCIAL SCHOOLS E ELEfIENT4RY t{ 111(;11 SCHUOU!!(: J JLSlORtllCH .: P PRI\.\TE '"' Car Country Cullbad) Plaza Clrnlno Real) ZONING P.C PLANNED COMblIWITY ZONE R-A RESIOENllN.4GRICCLfLRALZONE R.E RL RU RESIOE3TUL STATE ZONE R.1 ONE.F&MILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R.2 NO.FA\iILY RESIDENTIAL ZOM RCSIDCNTIAL R. J R- 3L RD.M RD.H RWIP R-P RW Kr 0 c. 1 c. 2 CT C.M M P.M F-P \RR NON RESIDENTULRESERbE OS OPEN <PACE smtu F.uw REZIDEK~~U ZONE LLWTED vun FLVILY RESIDE.- LONE RE3IDE.W DENSI~.MCLTlPI+ ZONE RESIOENIUL DE?IVTY~lIIGIi ZONE RESIOEhTLU ,MUBILE HOME PARK ZONE RESIOENTLAL PROFESSIONAL ZONE RESI0E.W TOCRIST ZONE RESIOENTLU UAfERWAY ZONE COMMlRCIAL OFFICE ZONE FIElC,i(BUR1100DCOM~ER(:L~LZONE COMMERCLUTOIRISTZONE GENERU COWWERCLU ZOKE HFAWCOM.~iERCLU..LLMITED WDUSTRlhL LVoCSTRlAl ZONE PUWD LPIDUSTRW ZONE OWCR FLOOOPLW OV€+RLAY ZOM ZONE L-c LLVITEO COh7ROL os OPLV SP.4CE P.U FIBUC LmUTY ZONE 4 City of [ GPA/LU E 'LCPA 87 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD I Exhibit 2 I II a e '- 1 * 1 I ~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2700 2 3 THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF LAGOON LANE AD3ACENT 5 GENERAL PLAN FROM RMH (9-15 DU/AC) TO, RESTDENTIA 4 OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI- AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE MEDIUM (RM 4-8 DU/AC) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT TO BATIQUITOS LAGOON. CASE NO: GPA/LU 87-5 WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment - General Plan designation for certain property located, as : Exhibit "A" , dated September 30, 1987, attached and incorp! herein, has been filed with the Planning Commission; and 6 7 APPLICANT: CITY GF CARLSBAD 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; anc WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 4th day of November, 1987, hold a duly noticed public hearing i prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pel tdesiring to be heard, said Commission considered all facto] 19 I 'relating to the General Plan Amendment. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 : 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plan1 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. ... ... ... ... R 0 * j $ 1 following findings and subject to the following condit 2 B, That based on the evidence presented at the public hea the Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA 87-5 based o 3 Findings: 4 as required by state law. 5 1) The proposed General Plan Amendment will bring the Ge Plan and Local Coastal Plan designations into conform 6 2) The proposed General Plan Amendment to RM is appropri for the site due to the topographical constraints cre property. 7 by steep slopes, wetlands and open space areas on the 8 9 10 11 12 13 3) The intensity of development allowed by the RM, 4-8 d general plan designation would be more compatible wit adjacent properties that are designated RM and RLM th would the higher density type of development allo,wed the RMH, 8-15 du/ac designation. 4) This project will not cause any significant environmc impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued bg Planning Director on October 2, 1987 and recommended approval by the Planning Commission on November 4, IS 1411- l5 /I 16j/ ..' 17 ... 18 ... 19 I ... 20 ... 21 ... 22 I/ . . .' 23 11 . . . 24 ll 25 11 a a e 26 /I ' '' // PC RES0 NO. 2700 2. 20 \I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 I 23 24 25 I 26 1 I 27 1 0 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetj the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, Californiz on the 4th and 12th day of November, 1987, by the followin! to wit: AYES: Chairman Marcus, Commissioners: Hall, I McBane, McFadden, Schlehuber, and Schrar NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: MARY MARCUS;Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMIS! MICHAEL 3. HOLZMILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 I I I I PC RES0 NO. 2700 3. 28 I I t e @PA/LU 87-5. Exhibit A Proposed Amended Existing Land Use Map Designations Land Use Map Designatio - Spinnaker Hills Development Lyman Property - - "1 L"", Savage Property Pacific Master \ I1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e B PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2703 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI1 OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PLAN, MELLO I1 SEGMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE MAP DESIG/ NATION FOR THE LYMAN PROPERTY AND THE SAVAGE PROPE NEAR BATIQUITOS LAGOON. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD TO MODIFY POLICY 3-3 REGARDING ALLOWABLE DENSITIE: CASE NO: LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) WHEREAS, California state law requires that the LC 8 g Coastal Plan and General Plan designations for properties . Coastal Zone be in conformance; 10 WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment 1 11 Local Coastal Plan designation for certain property locatec 12 as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ant 16 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a 15 and 14 incorporated herein, has been filed with the Planning Comm. 13 shown on Exhibit "2", dated September 30, 1987, attached ( 17 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 4th l8 I. day of November, 1987, hold a duly noticed public hearing 1911 prescribed by law to consider the proposed Local Coastal P 20 Amendment shown on Exhibits "B" and "C" , and; 21 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and 22 23 considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pe relating to the Local Coastal Plan Amendment. 24 desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all facto 25 ' 26 *** 27 11 28 -** 0 e ., \I ll NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planr l/ICo.nission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public heal the Commission recommends APPROVAL of LCPA 87-6 (LCPA f as shown on Exhibits "B" and "C" dated September 30, ' attached hereto and made a part hereof based on the foj findings: 1 Findings: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Coasi of 1976 as implemented by the Certified Carlsbad L( 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I l~ 2. The proposed amendment is necessary to bring Carlsl General Plan and Local Coastal Program into conforr ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... **t ... ... ... i PC RES0 NO. 2703 I 2. 11 0 0 1 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeti 3 II the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California 4 5 to wit: on the 4th and 12th day of November, 1987, by the followinc 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AYES: Chairman Marcus, Commissioners: Hall, Hc McBane, McFadden, Schlehuber, and Schramn NOES: Hone ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: MARY MARCUS, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMIS! MICHAEL 3. HOLZMILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR 18 11 19 11 20 21 22 23 24 // 25 // 26 11 .2711 PC RES0 NO. 2703 3. 28 a ! \ ~~"""" e- .- """"" I 4 , \ CITY OF CARLSBAD ,(SAVAGE/LYMAN) GPA/LU 87-5 LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) GENERAL PLAN RL LOU' DENSITY (0. I 51 RCSIDCHTIAL LV LOU-MEDICN DENSITY(O.4) 4111 ?tEDIL',\I I1IClI DENSITY(B.I51 R\f >IEDIl>I DEFiSlr((l.8) RH t1ICIi OEN'iITY( 15.23) .. PI71 INTENSI\I REtiIONAL RETAIL [cg PI211 Carnlno Rr2lI RRE EXTENSIVE REGIOPI'AL RLTAIL (cg. Cu Counlr). Carlsbatl) COMMERCIAL Rs REGIONAL SERVICE N ~FI(~IIO0RIIOUDCO~l~IERC~L C LO\l>ll NllY COCIMERCIAL TS TRn\FLSER~lCESCOCIYERCIAL O PROFES5IONAL REL4TED PI PL\ShED INDI.STRl.+L G (;I)\FRNVENT FACILITIES RC RE( RE.XTION COMMERCLAL nn CFNTR4L BLSINESS DISTRICT c PI aLlc L TILITIES SCHOOLS E ELEXIENT4RY ~ ~~~ I1 111Gli SCHOOL'!i:( J JLSIORIIIGH ;; P PRl\.\TE "" ,RR PION RESIDENTIAL RESER\E 05 OPEN <PACE ~ - ~"_ ZONING P-C PWED CO>lClL?NIlY ZONE R-A RLSIDENnAL.\CNCCLTLUL ZONE R.1 ONE.F&MILY RESIDENIULZONE R.E RL RU RUilDE3W &TAT€ ZONE R.2 NO F&\IILY RESIDENWZONE RfSIDENllAL R. 3 R. 3L RD- M RD-H RUllP R- P RW RT 0 c. I c. 1 C -T C.M M P.M FP LC os P.U >IC LnpE FCVILY RESIDE- ZONE uwno xLn FAVILY RESIDE.^ ZONE RESIDENTULDENSITTYCLTlPLE ZONE RESIDENTLXL DEN5ITY.IIIGII ZONE RESIDENTIAL .MU8111 IlOME PhRK ZONE RESIDENTIAL PROFUSIONAL ZONE RESIDEKIW TO1 RlST ZONE RF^FIDEWnU UAERU'AY ZOKE OFFICE ZONE COMMIRCIAL NEIGI~EOR11000 CO1.MER(:LIL ZONE GLYERU COMMERCLU ZUhE COM,MERCLVTOLNSTZONE HEAWCOMIIERCLU~UITIO LNDUSTRIAI. ZONE ufDu5w ZONE P-D ViDUSM ZOM OIHCR FIUODPLW OVERlAY LOM OPEN SPKE UhIITED CONlROL plauc ~UTY ZONE "~_~ ~~-~~ ~_~_~~ ~ "~- ~~~~ ~~~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD LI 4 City of C I I GPA/LU E! E I ',LCPA 87 l-"-- I Exhibit 2 I " e 'rA/Lu tX-3 @ + Exhibit A ' Proposed Amended Existing Land Use Map Designations Land Use Map Designatior ~~ - Spinnaker Hills Development Lyman Property Lyman Prope L"", L." Pacific Master , LOCAL cT%-ML PROGRAM (LW AMENDMENT LCPA' 87-6(l&PA 87-2C), ~ . ~. Proposed Amended Existing Land Use Map Designations Land Use Map Designatic - Meffo 11 LC Mello II LCP ,&y\, 0 nse ttia Lan-e __________-___ ____..___ Spinnaker Hills , Development Lyman Property L""- Savage Property Pacific Rim Master Plan 1 \ \., Batiquitos Lagoon East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP J Eas Lyman Pro1 t Batiquitos Lagoon/HuntPr I ' Local Loastwrogram Amendment- LCPA 87-@&PA 87-2C) MELLO II LCegment POLICY 3-3 BATIQUITOS LAGOON Continued shall be required as a condition of development. The required land dedication shall be of a size adequate tl accommodate public use facilities including some picnic tables and public parking, and shall include a public access trail parallel to the Lagoon shore of at least feet in width with unobstructed views to the Lagoon. ~j-~-f~i-~itate-~v~~~-~-prrtrlt-i-c-rrse-areas-arrd gr~rv~-~eil-~~-~~€~RL~~y-~Raie-~*R~~~-~R~-~~ raa~ai~-~ke-ott.8s+~ili-rrg-vi~~-~~~e~~s-~~-~~~~~~ b~r~~~R~-t~-~~e~~-~R-~~~~~a~-~R~~~-~-~~~~-~~ eil~~we~~~sg-urr~~-~€-~~e-~--~~~e~-~a~-s~~~-~ gr~~~-€er-~ek--t-we-~-~-ha~~-~~-~e~--~~-~~~~j-~ t~~~-~ot--ar~r-~~~~~~~-~-~a~~-~~~-~~-ma~~~ai~ i-R-og-ee-~aa~aR~-~bli-a"re~~ati6-n-ih~XC~-"-"fiftlc Ber--eeR~--t5~%t-e€-i~e-t~~a~--~~-~a,-~~e~~~Rq- ue+4.nd+.- e.h) Land divisions shall only be permitted on parcels bordering the Lagoon pursuant to a'single planned development permit over the entire original parcel. TI bae residential density shall be a maximum of Wx dwelling units per gross acre, excluding wetlands and slrlz-)est-~-i~~ea~-as-jrrevids-e~- 8 slopes, except that any development shall comply with Carlsbad's Growth Management Program as implemented by Chapter 21.90 a-r of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. POLICY 3-4 GRADING AND LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements of the model grading ordinance in the Carlsbad Master Drainage plan, permitted -23- " w STAFF' REPORT DATE ! NOVEMBER 4, 1987 TO : PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA/LU 87-5/LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) - CITY C CARLSBAD - Request to amend the General Plan Lar Use Map designation for the Savage property locatc at the southerly end of Batiquitos Lane from Rl and OS to RM and OS, a Local Coastal Program (LC1 Amendment to change the land use map designatic for the Lyman property located between the Savas property and the Spinnaker Hills development frc RM to RLM, and to change the LCP text discussion. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the Negative Declaratic issued by the Planning Director and ADOPT Resolution No1$ and recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 87-5/LCPA 87- (87-2C) to the City Council based on the findings containc therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A. General Plan Amendment This item was discussed by the Planning Commission beginnil July 30, 1986. It was brought before the Planning Commissic as a consequence of staff's response to the Land U: Committee's recommendation to identify and modify a: inappropriate land uses in Carlsbad. The action was al! coordinated with the City's effort last year to develc consistency between its General Plan and LCP. The Plannil Commission continued the item several times last year 1 allow the property owner time to submit evidence supportil his contention that the RMH designation was appropriate fc the site. The continuance made it necessary for the othc proposed LCP and General Plan Amendments to move forwa: without resolution of the land use issues on the Savage/Lym, properties. During the past year, Mr. Savage submitted several conceptui plans for staff review to prove his contention that RMH the proper designation for his property. While staff h( indicated to Mr. Savage that one submittal was '#moving in tl right direction" (i.e., reduced density and increased opt space), staff has not been persuaded that the RMH designatii is appropriate for the reasons discussed below. \ "* .o November 4, 1987 SAVAGE Pase 2 B. Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment State law requires that once a jurisdiction accepts the LCP it must incorporate the LCP policies and regulations into it General Plan. In other words, the jurisdiction must brin the General Plan and LCP into conformity. The certified Mello I1 segment of the Carlsbad LCP ma designates both the Lyman and Savage properties fo Residential Medium density (RM 4-8 du/ac) - The City1 General Plan designates the Lyman property for RLM (0- du/ac) which staff believes is more appropriate for reason discussed below: the General Plan designates the Savag property for RMH and (OS) open space. This creates a inconsistency between the two plans. Additionally, the LC text contains special provisions that allow the density c the Savage site to have a base maximum density of 12 du/a providing most of the development is concentrated on half c the property furthest from the Batiquitos Lagoon. Tk discrepancy between what is allowed by the text and tha allowed by the LCP map creates an internal inconsistenc within the LCP. 111. PLANNING ISSUES 1, Are the proposed Land Use modifications appropriate fc both the site and the general vicinity of the project? 2. Will the proposed amendments adversely affect the goal of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program? 3. Will the proposed amendments adversely affect the City' Growth Management Program as implemented through Sectic 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code? Discussion The area proposed for amendment is located in a valley at tl southern end of Batiquitos Lane. The site is bordered by Si Cliff (Plaza Builders) development on the west, by Spinnakc Hills development on the north, by the proposed Pacific R Master Plan on the east, and by Batiquitos Lagoon on tl south. The site is highly visible from 1-5 and La Cos. east) and Batiquitos Lagoon Wetlands. The developab portion of the site is primarily to the east of Batiquit, Lane which serves as both a view corridor and as pub1 Avenue, It is also constrained by steep slopes (west a: -0 .. November 4,. 1987 SAVAGE Pase 3 access to the lagoon. The RMH General Plan land use designation for the S;svac property appears to be inappropriate for the followir reasons! 1. Medium High density is not generally compatible with tt surrounding lower densities. Sea Cliff, locatc adjacent to 1-5 with direct access to Poinsettia Lanc was developed under the RM land use category at density of approximately 6 du/acre. Spinnaker Hills t the north is designated RLM and was developed at density of approximately 3.5 du/ac. Finally, Plannir Area 30 of the Pacific Rim Master Plan located direct1 to the east will have a designation of RM, but becaus of visual constraints, compatibility with Spinnakc Hills and slopes will be developed at a density c approximately 2 du/ac. The proposed RM density would be consistent with tk designations for Sea Cliff and Planning Area 30. Alsc the RLM designation on the Lyman property provides gradual transition of densities which wouldn't exi: with the current RMH designation. 2. The site's physical constraints (slopes, view corridol public access, and wetlands) require that development i any density be designed sensitively. At this sitt given the same constraints and requirements for opt space, a higher density development will have great( impacts than a lower density development in terms ( land modification and needed structure heights. 3. In general, higher density development has greatc environmental impacts than lower density development . terms of demand for public facilities/services, traff. generation, degradation of air quality, increased noisc etc. 4. In relation to No. 3 above, there is a major conce: with future traffic impacts in the area of the proposl amendment. The Citywide Traffic Analysis which has bel recently updated by staff indicates that based 1 existing plus committed development the Poinsett Lane/I-5 interchange will fail to meet the adopt1 performance standards imposed by the City Grow Management Ordinance. It also appears that t: interchange may not meet the standards at buildout evl -a 0. November 4,.1987 SAVAGE Pase 4 with projected improvements. Since traffic from th subject area will directly impact the performance of th interchange, a reduction in allowable density would lea to reduced traffic impacts to the interchange. The property owner disayrees with the above analysis. Mr Savage contends that because the site is in a valley, ther won't be any visual impacts from multi-family development He also believes that multi-family development lends itsel to clustering, thereby providing more open space than single family development. He also believes that the propose amendment is counter to the goals of the City's General Pla to provide a mix of all types of housing opportunities (no just low density) and to provide multi-family housin opportunities adjacent to the waterfront. (A copy of MI Savage's justifications for retaining the RMH designation i attached.) The proposed amendment (Savage) may be a departure from son of the original goals of the General Plan. The General Pla designated the areas along the coast and on the Batiquitc Lagoon northshore as primarily multi-family residential. Th goal established by the 1974 designation was to locate a many people as possible next to recreational amenities While the coast remains a recreational amenity, Batiquitc Lagoon has not. In 1976, the Coastal Act established Batiquitos Lagoon as or of the State's 19 priority wetlands. The Act recognized tl sensitivity of the wetland habitat, and it only allows fc limited activities in the lagoon such as restoration or minc pub1 ic works project . Additionally, the "Wetland Guidelinestt administered by the State's Resource Agencir further recognize the sensitivity of the habitat and requi~ buffer area. The City has not amended its General Plan to reflect tl policy direction established by the State, but it has instei tried to implement the policy change through other mean2 For example, the City approved the Batiquitos Lagoc Educational Park Master Plan which allows for development ( only single-family neighborhoods and open space adjacent 1 the lagoon (on land designated RMH) . Another example is tl proposed Pacific Rim Master Plan. Although the General Pli allows multi-family densities near the lagoon, the Pacif. Rim Master Plan purposes only single-family development, opc space, and a golf course to be along the lagoon's northsho: that all development setback from the lagoon to create , -e .a November 4, 198.7 SAVAGE Pase 5 (and setback behind a lagoon buffer). The City has been able to implement the more restrictive land use policy adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon through the Master Plan process. That process is not available on the Savage property because the affected parcels have a total area (including constraints) that is less than the 100 acres required for master plans. It, therefore, appears that the most effective tool available to the City to implement the policy is the proposed amendment. The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals of the city's LCP. The LCP contains policies which provide protection of coastal resources. The proposed reduction :in density (Savage RMH to RM and Lyman RM to RLM) will aid :in implementing the LCP. The reduced densities will reduce the potential for adverse impacts to coastal resources. In addition, the proposed open space designation over the wetlands and public access to the lagoon is consistent with the LCP and better delineates these resources than the current area designation of RM. Finally, with respect to the City's Growth Management Program, the proposed Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 19 indicates that the properties (Savage and Lyman) could be developed at the current General Plan designations and not adversely affect the southwest quadrant population cap. Also, the proposed Zone 19 plan indicates the adopted at the current General Plan designations. The proposed amendments would reduce densities so that there would be less demand for public facilities, and it could be easier to comply with the adopted standards. In conclusion, staff does agree with Mr. Savage that the proposed amendment would eliminate the multi-family housing opportunity adjacent to the lagoon. However, based on the site's constraints and the compatibility with adjacent residential development, the proposed Residential Medium density (RM 4-8 du/ac) is appropriate for the Savage property. The RM designation is consistent with that for Sea Cliff and Planning Area 30 of the Pacific Rim Master Plan. The RH designation in the valley with the RLM designation for the Lyman property provides a gradual transition of density between the Savage property and Spinnaker Hills. In addition, the proposed amendments help implement the goals of Management Program. Also, the proposed amendments provide performance standards for public facilities can be maintained the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and the Growth \ -0 am November 4, 1987 SAVAGE Pase 6 consistency between the City's General Plan and the LCP. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of GPA LU 87-5/LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) to the City Council and the California Coastal Commission. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review was completed as part of the analysis of the proposed amendments. The analysis was conducted pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. As a result of said review, the Planning Director determined that the project will not cause any significant adverse environmental impacts and, therefore, issued a Negative Declaration on September 30, 1987. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No's. and 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Environmental Document 5. "Reconciling Apparent Conflict between GP and LCP 6. "Planning Criteria Affirming RMHfl by William C, Savage Documents1' by William C. Savage. GW:dm 10/23/87 \ -e lil)s BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA/LU 87-5/LCPA. 67-6 (LCPA 87-2C) APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD - SAVAGE REQUEST AND LOCATION: General Plan Amendment Local Coastal Plan Amendment from RMH, 9-15 du/ac + RM 4-8 for acre site LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The southerly terminus of Lagoon Lane adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon. Acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RMH Density Allowed 9-15 du/ac Density Proposed 4-8 du/ac Existing Zone L-c Proposed Zone L-c Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: - Zoning Land I!se Site L-C Vacant North R-I SF South 0-S Lagoon East P-C Vacant West P-C SF PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated August 13, 1987 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued September 30, 1987 E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, -0 0. 2075 LAS PALMP CARLSBAD, CALIFORr PLANNING DEPARTMENT (619) 438-1' &itp of Carkba'b ETElGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Southerly terminus of Batiquitos APN: 214-170-17, 21, 22 and 216-150-3, 5, 16, and 17. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A general plan amendment to pi consistency with Carlsbadls Local Coastal program (LCP). TI designates the property for residential medium density 4 units/acre and open space. The existing General Plan desic the property for 9 to 15 units and open space. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review ( above described project pursuant to the Guidelines Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Ac the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Car: that the project will not have a significant impact o environment) is hereby issued for the subject prc Justification for this action is on file in the P1z Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documer on file in the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas I Carlsbad, California 92009. Comments from the public invited. Please submit comments in writing to the P1; Department within ten (10) days of date of issuance., DATED: October 2, 1987 aatla As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declal MICHAEL J. ~I~LZM~AER CASE NO: GPA/LU 87-5 Planning Director LCPA/LU 87-2 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH DATE: October 2, 1987 -- ---- ---- ---- -A VIYIWWUAY U A WhJIAAWAY LLV UUVvlliA - I t . TALE :AvAGE PROPERTY m&m AND os TO RM AND os oaowm. WE ALSO SUPPORT XKANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RI DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. " ." ""..". . . - - " " - " .. . V~'E FAVAGE*PROPERTY FR~RMH AND os TO RM AND os O~OWER. WE ALSO ' SUPPORT !CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLI DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE1 THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. ____ "." .- . _" ~. .. "~ "" “7 ”” - ~ ‘THE SAVAGE ’PROPERTY FR~RMH AND os TO RM AND 0s OCOWER. WE ALSO ’ SUPPORT‘.CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLJ DESIGNATION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE1 THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. ”.” _”__. - . . - .. -. . . ... .. . 'THE SAVAGE' PROPERTY e RMH AND os TO RM AND os QLOWER. WE ALSO DESIGNA~ION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE ' SUPPORT CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RL THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. " - ". -. . . "" .. ." " ..._ ~ . ;THE ~AVAGE' PROPERTY FRO RMH AND os TO RM AND os &LOWER, WE ALSO DESIGNATION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE? . SUPPOR!I!,CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLP. THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE BPI MASTER PLAN, - "" -__ .". ... . "......."" -. Ah& t I 2 3 !I 5 L 1 8 CJ fb 13 IY 15 16 ,Jc i- t"& <>Id ! "A,- / & / 13 19 P x - /+, . ; --- - 1 2 i j ,,3 ,',;,, 2'T-z : ,A . ' ,;/ &-cy ..I 9, I. ."" CIS' ,d '. ;&&- J"" :a' .. ,2&'&. ,/ . ( C'Y ," 5? 3 a LSI.UrLrl 6-7 d n // k ,"\ qy.$,7 "-]' ,;,, . , ~, <, .J! / 7 y.3 ,,-/7 x- 7y IC-I u- J Y&L/2./VL/ (2- -93 Jmmvvle e+& <' .y (9 7 fp 1 THE SAVAGE' PROPERTY + RMH AND os TO RM AND os @LOWER, WE ALSO - SUPPORT,CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLF DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE1 THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN, - "" "_ -. . . - - .-. . . . . ." " . . . . """ ._ - ._"" ~ 'THE BAvAGE 'PROPERTY mdl)RMH AND os TO RM AND os &wER. WE ALSO SUPPORT' ,CHANGIMG/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLI DESSGNATION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVEF THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. - __ ." ." . ~ ~ __"... ~ ."" . . . . AUU UAVAUY &.L\W&&LLb.L& XAbvU-LU, -!A# VU .AV L\L-1 -1U VU V~U11AU. 11u .%Lluv SUPPORT’~CH*~GINWMAINTAINING !,THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY’ TO~~LN RLM“. ::: I 1; . DESIGNATIO?& ..OR,yL&!@R .T$ - WE ASK.! THAT, *THE, SAME ’ CAREFUL * SCRUTINP. BE. GIVEN: : ’ t I* .. ,THESE PROJECTS (IN” TERMS, OF, OVEZALL ,QUALITY) . AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN, fg~;.g:<*r , qqe’,, T~J g,iq~r.y~;tk.:y \ , # : .. :I: ””””.- . , .,(,.________ ___, ,__._ ..~ .._._..__...___ __.__ ,.-. ~ ___._..”...... ........-.-.., .- ~ .... .-.” -.--.-. -. .. - ” -..-.--. --- . ” .. . ” . .. . . .. (1 0 e L t ni'#M;z ,<- c-j {I ;< L3 < **l i / /7 ; 1' -2 - db i.:4J I; /. L h/BC. g;, I y; -. ;;<,,-i. - .I -2 ,, :-p , $A i" I_ ,' -7 ,,,-: ,.1 - 4 ' - +J w' &'+,.J+& 4' ,];2 ri; L &,/,&&$ .=+I ,I &&"&&2.$L J : // ,,/p:-;:i? d:"",G;- ,i^- .: >:,7/~~*.A"J4- & 7&=4 &id e,c,,l .Q 4 i-1 g' ,+,: , { ,, , ,x j :* /,'" -" 2- 3 - & , Ye" , y f i ii' ,z- t f;.j I -&f ; j- \' I .- ,L / ,q/&//+C22PE +"-/ d>YL"<2;# i // i' i- Add d f / 1 -, J. *.. /' / ,,,e-- ., 3-1 / -51" ., , - -__- -- -.A-.~~~rx~ IV I WUAALUII IU UUUlYfJ ' THE SAVAGE 'PROPERTY FReRMH AND OS TO RM AND OS OmOWER. WE ALSO . SUPPORT',CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN R: DESIGNATION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIV: THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. - -.""."". . . __." . .. - .. ..~. 1 XHL bAVAwii YlsUPERTY RMH AND OS TO RM AND OS 3 I SUPP0R.T CHANGING/HAIN NING THE LYMAN PROJECT RES %Lowm* ECTIVELY WE TO AN ALS( I DESIGN~TION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GI' THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THI HPI MASTER PLAN, - -.. . _,""""..".. - 1 -_.. . _, I , c -.I-' *- THE SAVAGE 'PROPERTY FR~RMH ANG os TO RM AND os ~COWER. WE ALSO SUPPORT' ,CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN R1 DESIGNATION OR LOWER. WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVl THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. "". . . . - " . . -. ... .- .. . . . . . lyluy a - % 1 3 &/ /~//~C;70Ah3cD ?& dJ2 @ 4s /"I"S 1 .. / 0 13 111 15 I6 I7 19 19 30 UI .~ ..,.. , .. ._ .... '< 92 P w - " 1 ' THE*SAVAGE PROPERTY FRO~MH AND os TO RM AND os O~WER, WE ALSO SUPPORT'~HANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN R1 DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVl THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. " "" ." -. . . ."___".". ". - .. v b T~E'SAVAGE PROPERTY FRO~W AND os TO RM AND os O~WER. WE ALSO .". ~ ~ SUPPORT ' CHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RLI DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE] THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. ___ " "". - . . . . ____.....".. ".. .. , .. *. THE'SAVAGE 'PROPERTY FRO~MH AND os TO RM AND os OWWER. WE ALSO SUPPORT'FHANGING/MAINTAINING THE LYMAN PROJECT RESPECTIVELY TO AN RL DESIGNATION OR LOWER, WE ASK THAT THE SAME CAREFUL SCRUTINY BE GIVE THESE PROJECTS (IN TERMS OF OVERALL QUALITY) AS WAS REQUIRED OF THE HPI MASTER PLAN. *I ""._ """." . . " - . . . . . . . . w i c 0- @ -.* 1 Carlsbad Jouma, Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publicution STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entit published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, newspaper is published forthe dissemination of local newsand intelligenceof a general chc which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription Ii: subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding on preceding the date of publication of NOTICE OF City's General Plan and Growth hereinafter referred to; and that th I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of genera) PUBLIC HEARING Management Ordinance for the GP:I;LU 87-5pLCP.4 87-6 erty. This amendment also p,aces parcels known as the Savage prop- which the annexed is a printed copy ILCPA 87-2C) __"_ an open space designation over published in each regular and entire i sensitive coastal resources. newspaper and not in any supplemen If you have any questions, please NOl'I('1: IS t1EHEBTGIVEN that call the Planning Department at the following dates, to-wit: (heCit'~~,unc.iI(~ltht~CityofCarls- '438-1161. the City ('ouncll Chambers. 1200 a1 Plan Amendment in court, you had wll hold :I public hearing at If youchallengetheLocalCoast- Elm Avenue. Carlshad. California. may belimited to raisingonlythose at 6:OO I'.M on Tuesday. December issues you or someone else raised 15. 1987. Lo consider an amendment at the public hearing described in to the Lncal Coastal Plan map des- thls notice. or in written correspon- ignatlon for Lyman property from dencedelivered to theCityofCarls- RM-Residential Medium Density bad City Clerk's Office at or prior to (4-8 dulacl to RLM-Residential the public hearing. MediumDensity(0-4du:acl.Inaddl- Applicant; City of earlshad tion. the text of Mello I1 will be (Savage/Lylnan) amended Lo be consistent with the CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL December 4 ............................... ............................... [[I ................................ .. IL ,,.,a I- L :L L ,, _. 4- . 1'. i I 'e-.:. CITY OF CARLSBAD (SAVAGEILYMAN) GPA/LU 87-5 LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) I I CJ 4946: December 4. 1987 k202-2J~i 86 ................................ ................................ I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoir correct. Execut at Ca I ad, County of San Di California on ?!he 4% r\ day of - December, IQ~T/ ! a Clerk 0' I ". *-NOTICE OF Pumc HEARING me GPA/LU 87-5/LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2CT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a on Tuesday, December 15, 1987, to consider an amendment to the Local Coastal Plan designation for Lyman property from "Residential Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) to Residential Medium Density (0-4 du/ac). In addition, the text of Mello I1 will b amended to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Growth Management Ordin the parcels known as the Savage property. This amendment also places an open spa designation over sensitive coastal resources. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Local Coastal Plan Amendment in court, you may be limited tc only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in t or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Offic prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad (SavageILyman) PUBLISH : December 4, 1987 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD (SAVAGE/LYMAN) GPA/LU 87-5 LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) i w e- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Cham1 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wedne: November 4, 1987, to consider approval of an amendment: tc Local Coastal Plan map designation for Lyman property fron Residential Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) to RLM-Residential Mt Density (0-4 du/ac) . In addition, the text of Mello I1 wil amended to be consistent with the City's General Plan anld GI Management Ordinance for the parcels known as the S; property. 0 This amendment also places an open space design; over sensitive coastal resources. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cord: invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any quest please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Local Coastal Plan Amendment in court, may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone raised at the public hearing described in this notice o written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad a prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: GPA/LU 87-5/LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD (SAVAGE/LYMAN) PUBLISH: OCTOBER 23, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION - 1 y:.;- L T\.L. El-" q- 5 [ ..:. ... \ I . .: 1 .. '2- \( , ',"l. CITY OF CARLSBAD .(SAVAGE/LYMAN) GPA/LU 87-5 LCPA 87-6 (LCPA 87-2C) I I I w . ~. ,i- .,om. - 1 QALCE'c 04hI ISG 3 td -c 1r-p \7 w+d C' Lqp *d DL? . Y 7q60 aeTl QL) 'Tos caQ@@L) J m- cI'omd 8 6T-r " 5~dA'kg l4\LLIAf* c. Ad0 ;?/4 / /70J $c,L4E&' + ,F( fi(Lg,E7" STOKES5A~Y 7.0. B56X 713 -A SAfl l=g CP. 42067 gp~C+f~ 1 ;z lb -19. 03 .. -\ 65 2,b - lTD# fb 9 1/y- 369-01 Jmtd D. CUL- -sod x 17TJO G\LC-T" &VG I "&W.i'= ,* - szcpb q I "\Lp d (9 - (-7 V+TZ 0 tsl cp. k 6 < @a\ \<(. i/ "0 rprs OF io-zg' "V .- .. - .. .. ,. ..~ ~~ .~ .. , w- @. PLd5 THE5 !; A00 i7-i OIdA L Gu: K! iSvC-5 216 - G.- {b 3ccrr.r L~WB t G~PJW-~~&CK. ~AMMLS g~f~ fir. C~EN~ZL,A 6~dP. 57-z K -L L-L;s fL3&6GLE\ I cff. 4<w(cs Y &b / 1 y-26 $54 RL l)l=l~ AS;tsV* i h7-5 5 0236 w, gb @PM/nlc QJ2Ci-L rJ C.C*>,$& 5 tL312- , c (-4. 9 10 5-y 4 (4 ,483 go /caaRk t-f&Rmfl~e T GAI~ AW~A 3( $LC/ Myd4rLE Cr. Can/s/3AD,Cfl . 4'ZO*Y ;2l.( "- ux3 - 8 ( 6AJZNE f2 1 Pt"r\i,STO /u L, r &&(z&+f#3 91b AAYRn, tc el: ,Y CAULS Rh3 ,-. G 3odp: I J,d - +53 - 8 5. L)2fv/%co @-IRSrJ,?aT a6?. x 5f-l r'bYQRZ @- 1". C.A-RLS GAD , C6f 92GOY >/q. y2/3,%3 V~CrdC MI. &NO mrzbtl-ty 61E3SGd 91s ~YKTLG cr. .Y c.WC s an-0, e4 I 91c& e- o. @OTf "r'.' ?L&AA Z5~~COSt4z5 /HC* - 3/87 AIRwfiY &de. tiA COsm MKS& ~ e/? . 9262d 70 OGJNER'S NRMF dOT/PY .. A-S POO~&SS APPPFAnS CI /UO~/>Y : ADDRESS TO bccJs3Awr'' - .l . .. c b NbT/FY.' SEA CLIFF HoMEddME<k A5sdI c*fls. c/o C6OM 1.5 PCOQEK T\GX c dc. 6/20 PPSFU I2EC NanTE edRc-5 B PO, CA . 920dJ - f &GT/F/; L3. id mo H.6 dud 7" - Cia A.0. UALoEEkj -TAK QE~ !, i I 7390 ~tifk~K-&GI\'~ dc, -j"dG< DALLAS, TK. 3~2~) . "" : p;x=;Zfpi%:;t J."r f;rnfi f~g~fy fSrgrg tgfir: -. -uu, r,&g ., Ligy cuu. i&g cvua z &i cuua - I ZSEa =I=$ z !&$ ?..I m I t,.. m I 3.a. I 38.- I i... I ..1 ,: i i i i f c * 2 h t. n n n c * 5 f f f h E In N N 4 4 c L c 2 - a /yr!$ att ps=zz"- $.e. m z3; 3.. T c Q 5; E I d* 5 5 yc 2 c 4 :N N IZ - i( iq i. 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