HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-22; City Council; 9249; Notice Of CompletionCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEND^,BILL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF BED AND BREAKFAST INN PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT 284 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept improvements, authorize City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, release bonds? and direct the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public streets associated with the subdivision. ITEM EXPLANATION The Developer has constructed all improvements required of this project and has requested the City to accept the Public Improvements itemized in Exhibit 3. City forces have inspected the public improvements and found them to be satisfactory. FISCAL IMPACT The Utilities and Maintenance Department will be required to maintain the public improvements. The value of the improvement is estimated at 64,929.OO. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map. 2. Letter from the developer, Robert L. Hale, requesting that the improvements be accepted and the bonds released, dated July 18, 1987. 3. Itemization of Public Improvements. . ’ - LOCATION MAP r A-------~ -- I_.- -. #’ 1 WALNUT AVE. -- AT- SITE PROJECT NAME: BED AND BREAKFAST INN PFigJ. ,EXHIBIl 28’4 1 EXHIBIT 2 July 18, 1987 Nr. Hwold G. Johnson Senior Construction Inspector Engfnterlng Bepartaent 2075 Las Palmas Drlve Carlabad, Ca. 92009~lr859 Rer Coaplttlon and Inspection of Street Iaproveaents Pelioan Cove Inn, 320 Walnut Ave., Carlabad Dtar Mr. Johuaonr As I indicated to you in our brttf convemetion the other day. I ara informed by out? contractor, 8. A. Uorthing, that all work connected uith street fuproveumtr and, thus, the Ehginetring Dtpartmtnt of tht City of Carl&ad is now complete. I believe tht text step in the process is for me to request a final inspect.!on md the developmmt of a punch--list, if any is needed. Pletst cnntfder this letter to be my form1 request for such inspect?on. Further, as you already knou, ue havt pit up a oash surety for the street tmprovemnt work, and are very anxtous #for the return of funds to which we are entitled. We are aware that R portion of funds mat rtmein with the city for some time. We have placed on dewsit the sum of %32,coO, so it is not an inconsiderable amunt we need to have returned to us. Me vi11 look forward to your help and advice in this matter. If there is avthing further 1 now need to do, I would ask you to let me know. Thank you. EXHIBIT 3 ITMIZATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 1. 65.5 linear ft. of 6" A.C. Berm 32: 60 linear ft. of G-2 Curb and Gutter 188 Square ft. of G-7.1 Sidewalk ii: 65 square ft of Driveway 1,340 square ft. of 6" D.G. Base 6. 1,340 square ft. of 3" A. C. Concrete Paving 7. 420 square ft. of 5" P.C.C. Paving Total Value of Public Improvements S 472.00 s 660.00 : :z*:i s 1,005:00 $ 1,474.oo $ 1,005.00 s 4,929.oo ., . NOTICE OF CONPLETION FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMEN ENGINEERING To All Laborers and Material Men and to Every Other Person Interested: YOU HILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on project consisting of the Priv which B.A. Worthing was the cant completed. 1987 the Engineering ! Breakfast Inn on d as security, was VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad. The City Council of said City on 22 1987 accepted the above described work as completed and ordered tha?a Notiie of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 0.3,. . d3L , 1987 at Carlsbad, California. ALETHA L. BAUi City Clerk