HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-22; City Council; 9253; DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTSfl 4 d rl m ld u u 3 2 -4 u .ti El 0 a a ld aJ k a C cd 3 cd N 5 g % Ln $4 cd M .vi G 4J fi -ti 0 a ld a h m hl m 0-l 0 z #I 25 me ald ah uc) P aaJ CdC FI dcd *ti a, F 55 ucd OG h 03 N I N I N rl z 0 4 .. E g 5 z 0 L cI~ OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~) BILL r , : . - I AB# 'i''.cr3 1 TITLE: DESIGN REXIEN BOARD APp0INTME;NTS MTG. ./2-2-2-87. I DEP CITY I DEPT. RED I I CITY k I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: If City Council concurs your action is to adopt Resolution No. 7323 appointing three members to serve on the Design Review Board. ITEM: EXPLANATION: In accordance with Chapter 2.26 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Design Review Board consists of five members, three of which are members of the Planning Commission and two which shall be members from the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. All five Design Review Board members term expired in October 1987. Planning Commission at their meeting of November 12, 1987, recommended that Commissioner Sharon Schramm be appointed and Commissioners Matt Hall and Jeanne McFadden be reappointed to serve another term. Due to scheduling difficulties, recommendation from Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee for appointments have not been obtained. Current representatives from the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee will serve on Design Review Board until recommendations are made and forwarded to City Council for appointment. I EXHIBITS : 1 - Resolution No. 9323 , appointing three members to serve on the Design Review Board. 6 I 1 2 3 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9323 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIm COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CAR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. 4 5 WHEREAS, three vacancies exist on the Design Reviet Board in the category of three members from the Plannin! 6 // Commission; 7 8 9 10 as the three members of the Design Review Board 11 representing the Planning Commission, for a term tc expire October, 1988. l2 APPOINTED: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following persons are hereby appointed to 13 11 Sharon Schramm 14// Matt Hall l5 j/ Jeanne McFadden l6 I1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 0: 17 11 city Council of the city of Carlsbad, California, on the l8 19 day of December, 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and La1 20 ABSENT: None 21 NOES : None I1 22 II ABSTAIN: None 23 84 z5 /I ATTEST: . I &kg&*$ d 1 Clerk 28 ' (S.EAL) c 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor 5. m. 0 Citp of QLarIs’bab December 24, 1987 Sharon Schramm 2430 Stromberg Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of December 22, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9323, appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Design Review Board for a term to expire in October, 1988. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure zt your willingness to serve on the Design Review Board. K&L C- AUDE A. LEWIS Mayor CAL : krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa , 7 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 I Office of the Mayor e 0 Citp of CarI$bab e December 24, 1987 Jeanne McFadden 1331 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of December 22, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9323, reappointing you as a member of the City of Carslbad Design Review Board for a term to expire in October, 1988. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation fol Board. your willingness to continue your service on the Design Review g2Fk -' AUDE A. EWIS Nayor CAL : krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa e. 0 3 1200 ELM AVENUE GARLSBAD, GA92008.1969 Office of the Mayor citp of UCarlGbab 1 (E December 24, 1987 Matt Hall 2631 Galicia Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 It is my pleasure to inform you that.the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of December 22, 1987, adopted Resolution No. 9323, reappointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Design Review Board for a term to expire in October, 1988. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for your willingness to continue your service on the Design Review Board. &/LA %A DE A. LEWIS Mayor CAL : krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa e . ,.... &;‘L;, m .%!:: ; 71. F&Qa”.v” , r :* t>:.4 r,.~.tl “j 5p’$’“ !?!:r:P!.: t,;I j 1 ;,,::.-!.-:~2;l.:> i..:i : i’4’9,. $?-? f. 5 p.‘ 1 -,. c pz -3. z “I r , ‘! I‘i.F ;1 c 7;: ‘. 4,. .;;‘! i p,;.: .,? .. i ... ” .. *,? 0 i r ,,-, .“. . J;, a. ’.’ , ;-:: ., ,.=::. I ii” 2961 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92QOe e. e 4 October 23, 1987 TO : Chris Salomone, Housing & Redevelopment Director FROM : Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk DIMARIA'S APPEAL OF DECISION BY DESIGN REVIEW BOARD On September 24, 1987, DiMaria's formally appealed the Design Review Board's approval for locating a Middle Eastern Food establishment at 2906 and 2959 State Street (copy attached). Our Municipal Code generally requires that appeals be heard within 30 days. To date, we have received nothing from your office concerning this item. We have heard it rumored that "somebody'* withdrew "something" Chris, this matter needs to be resolved. We have an appeal on file. We have received nothing concerning any withdrawals, and we're beyond the 30 day hearing requirement. Please resolve this pending matter. Thanks. 2- LEE RAUTENKRANZ + City Clerk LR: kk Attachment " e -.v o rl r' .* -... I I .'. : _,.., y,.: ;. 5 ,j i'.L. a" % "_.. !..!,.ri":-p r! ~ZI- l.-rt,- *. " /I -,~ i i '?: _,.._ b,!;,,) 9::+ c.7 7-y.:. "/ '; p'".:, f; r. .\" :',j T.' r. i 77 ! <- :: '. . , ,"-,, L_ I : : 1%- s 2961 State Street C;arlsbad, (I& 4&j& September 18 , 1987 City Council of Carlsbad 12G3 Elm Carlsbad, CA 92108 Dear City Counci 1 : This letter is to state that I am appealing the decision by th Design and Review Board (which was made on Wednesday Sept. 16, 1957 - copy of agenda is attached) which was to approve Resolu #lo5 to permit another deli or food establishment to occupy th premises at 2906 and 2959 State Street. I feel that the econonic market on State Street AND the Villag area would be seriously affected by putting more food establis ments in tine area (there are already SIX food related establis just on the one block of State Street already and over 22 eati places in less than a k mile area). The foot traffic and amou of people in the area just do not warrant another food place. just aren't enough people that come to the area to eat! 1 am also against more food establishments because the parking situation State Street at lunchtime is terrible!! People tell all the time that they go outside the Village area to eat beca there is never a place to park. More food places will mean le parking at lunchtime, and it just won't work. What the Village area needs is another retail (non-food) store that would bring people into the village area to shop (not jus1 come in and out at lunch) and walk around and spend time and hopefully money in our other retail stores. That is what the Village so desperately needs is different and unique retail shc that will bring all day shoppers to the area. Not more food p' where the people only come to eat, then leave. If you hav" I- any questions you may call me at 434-6239. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, 0 f&flW Donna DiMaria cc: Chris Salamone, Buddy Lewis, Planning Commission i- .- e /rf -< ;r cb c- o :a i \, . . This'.is a petition to state that the following people and Hercha the Village area are AGAINST Re'solution #lo5 to approve a Middle Food establishment or any other food establishment to occupy the at 2906 and 2959 State Street in Carlsbad. We feel the economic on State street would he seriously affected by putting more food ments in the area, as there are already 6 food places on State j between Elm and Grand (also the are over 22 eating establishment a 3 block area. There just is not enough traffic in the area to another food place. The food establishments as well as the othe merchants now are just getting bdy. Not enough people come to t area to warrant more food places, let alone the parking situatio time, the~c~--uo-_pl.a.c.e-to._p-a,rk .alread*y! Me feel that this woul normal shoppers to the area which is what the area so desperate1 ME NEED MORE RETAIL SOTRES TO BRING THE PEOPLE TO THE AREA. MOR bring in people in and Out of the area at lunch time and would n SHOPEeS AND STORES THAT THE MALL DOESN'T HAVE. - NAME ADDRESS d&/c m4pi&% &?.&"c - a57-7 ,, Jm !A, mg:;/,7 ,$? 9 sfi - ,/"& &; 1 " I ?/CM/ (yfLL.5 gq To 0.w QLt PPiy ' ' 5-?~/ I .- c- %LA 57B /';,&cJ (q&L e 4?4w? RUL =. ,// ,fl& L. 7/27 -/ /rc >- 0' 0 TrIis is a ;;et5tinn to staix tilac t;;e folloufnq peol~le and :?ercljant tit? Village area are AGi4IldSI Resolution $1$5 to apflrnve a ?fiddle 1. food estab1 ishr?;e:tt or any other food estab1 isitment ta occup;l the F at 29.36 and 2959 Stat2 Street in Carlsbad. %e feel the econorlic r: on State street would he seri:~us'iy affected by puttin? lnorc food e rnerits in tiie area, 4s there are already ti food places on State jus bettieen Elm and 5rand (also the are over 22 eatin2 estahl ishnents a 3 block area. Tnere just is !lot enouqii traffic in the area to VI anather food place. The food estabfishnents as k+e71 as the oti~er ,rxrchanls nu^ drt just gcttfnt; tu:/. ht cnouqil peoy~e cone to the area to warrant islore food places, let alone the parkin: situation tine, there is t10 place to park already! We feel that tbis would briny in people in and o~t of tire area nt 1 UIIC~I tim and tau1 d not noma1 siloppers to tile area l*ibicii is what the area so desperatel:~ ;+E HEED 1"2Oiii: RET!;IL SOT2ES T2 3KI3C THE PEOPLE T3 TltE C\Z!EA. f.:i?fif SHiIFES AT:U STORES THAT T!1E :?ALL DQEfK'T IIAVE. N A b9 E AIIORESS - SflH&QY&JD 4 /3 /r[ &c,F/i DJ/,Qe- 722 :? i /I Y /62./ .J // PA/ 7 717, 9/4..3- a?zLeih& P'SC!d# $&? q ,yc.j? -cTzioA,., 1 ,:A (. fld /. 74 7- ,I /. ! 5" '7 / 47 A;&&- / 4/ IT(" 4 (2 - 1. . -76 . . -. ," .1 . J -:<' . + .L.?.-4, :-;. ... t ~ ~~ ~ ~~ .. ~~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ .. ~~ ~~ ~~~~-~ ~-~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i 0 I. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD COUNCIL CHAMBERS .................... NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: SEPTEMBER '********** 16, k*** ~ 1987 ****R 5: 00 1200 *********** Pm ELM AVE. Jr*kkkk**.ri IF A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC WISHES TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A NON-PUBLIC HEARING MATTER, A WRITTEN REQUEST FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE MINUTES CLERK PRIOR TO THE TIME THE BOARD CONSIDERS THE ITEM. THE PRESIDING OFFICER MAY, IN THE ABSENCE OF OBJECTION BY A MAJORITY OF THE BOARD PRESENT, DECLINE TO PERMIT SUCH PRESENTATION. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO FILE A WRITTEN REQUEST TO SPEAK ON PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS a WHEN YOU ARE CALLED TO SPEAK, PLEASE COME FORWARD AND STATE YOUR NAME. ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER. ............................................................ CALL TO ORDER PIEDGE OF ALIXGIANCE ROLL CALL ABSENT: PUBLIC HEARING 1. RP 87-2 CARLSBAD INN TENNIS CLUB RESO. NO. 104 Request for major redevelopment ACTION: permit to build five tennis courts VOTE: and 1,335 square foot dub house CC DATE!: in AT&SF right-of-way. DEPARTMENTAL/DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. RP 87-9 SHAKARJIAN RESO NO. 105 Request for minor redevelopment ACTION: permit to allow preparation & sale VOTE: of middle eastern food at 2906 & CC DATE: 2959 State Street. 3. DEACTIVATION OF MID-BLOCK RESO. NO. N/A PARKING LOT ACTION: VOTE : DEVELOPMENT OF A ONE-WAY, NORTH ACTION: BOUND TYLER ST. BETWEEN VOTE : ELM AND GRAND AVENUES ADJOURNMF,NT .- e e STAFF REPORT DATE : SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: Redevelopment Office SUBJECT: RP 87-9 SHAXARJIAN - A request for minor redevelopment permit to allow the preparation 2959 State Street. and sale of Middle Eastern Food at 2906 and -A c +s &" I. RECOMMENDATION &w* dd It is recommended that the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution NO. 105, APPROVING RP 87-9. I1 0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a minor redevelopment permit to allow the preparation and sale of Middle Eastern Food at 290 and 2959 State Street. The redevelopment permit is required due to the occupancy change on the affected properties. MOS recently an interior decorator occupied the 2959 State Stree. location, while a-retail clothing establishment which followed several food service establishments was at 2906 State Street. The applicant has indicated, and the floor plans provided confirm, that the major preparation work will be performed ai the 2959 State Street location, while the emphasis on food for consumption on site or nearby will be from the 2906 Statt Street address. The project is located within the Village Center Special Treatment Area of Subarea 1 of the Redevelopment Area. I11 0 ANALYSIS 1. Does the project enhance the goals of the Village Center Special Treatment Area of Subarea 1 of the Redevelopment Area? Redevelopment Area? 2. Does the project meet the development standards of the 3. Is the project the appropriate scale for the sites? e 0 %. 4. IS State Street between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue to become a lv food courtI1? Iv. DISCUSSION The goal of the Village Center Special Treatment Area of Subarea 1 is to become the major attracting force for the redevelopment project. The land use emphasis is towards a Village atmosphere. To that end, a food establishment whos primary retail emphasis was home delivery was denied in thi area. However, as the proposed land use is similar to othe food establishments in the area that cater to walk in resident, tourist, and commercial traffic, staff believes i meets the requirement of being an Ifattracting force." From a strict development standard, the project is acceptable. No expansion or major exterior physical alteration is proposed. The use at the 2906 State Street location is similar to previously allowed uses at that location, while the use at the 2959 address is comparable t a retail bakery or delicatessen thereby not triggering anymore requirements than the previous retail use. The intensity or scale of the proposed use stands out. St appears that the reason two buildings are being leased for this operation is because neither one is large enough to support the scale of development that is planned. As long the development standards and goals of the redevelopment ar are met as noted then the number of buildings is not at issue. The question of the appropriateness of the uses at these sites should be addressed since in this special treatment area no land use is approved by right. The 2906 State Stre location has had food service located there previously and from a planning and redevelopment standpoint there was no history of issues associated with that use. There is a positive precedent for allowing the use to continue. The 2959 address previous use has been as a retail store. It I adjacent to a food establishment. Staff would support the expansion of the existing food establishment into this are3 therefore staff reasons that we cannot deny the same use tc another applicant. Presently there exist six food and beverage establishments between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue along State Street. TI proposal would increase that number to eight. There is nothing explicit in either the Village Design Manual or tht Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Plan which would preclude tl rest of the street from becoming additional food service locations as long as they meet development standards, even though the likelyhood of the economic market seriously -. e a .I demanding such a course is discounted, However if this is concern Of the Design Review Board there needs to be a quantitative standard to avoid the suggestion of arbitrary capricious action relating to such matters. For all of the reasons staff recommends approval of RP 87-9. ATTACHMENTS 1. Design Review Board Resoiution No. 105 2. Disclosure Form 3 . Exhibits "A-B", dated August 17, 1987 1 2 3 4 5 I 0 e l RESOLUTION NO. 105 A RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CI OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MINOR REDEVE EASTERN FOOD, SANDWICHFS , COFFEE, EUROPEAN PASTRY CREAM AND FRUIT COCKTAILS AT 2906 AND 2959 STATE APPLICANT: JOHN SHAKARJIAN CASE NO.: RP 87-9 PERMIT TO ALLOW THE PREPARATION AND SALE OF MIDDL 6 7 WHEREAS, a verified application has been fil the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Design Reviehi a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 I and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Design Review Board did on the - of , 1987, hold a meeting to consider said application on property described as: Lots 15 & 16 of 34 and Lot 9 of Block I of Town of Carlsbad Amended ac to Map thereof No. 775 on file with the County Recorde San Diego. WHEREAS, at said meeting upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of a1 persons desiring to be heard, said Board considered a1 factors relating to RP 87-9. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Review Board of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true correct. 25 24 I 26 8) That based on the evidence presented at 87-9, based on the following findings a subject to the following conditions: meeting, the Board recommends APPROVAL 27 /I FINDINGS: I/ 28 1 I I 1) The proposed project is compatible with goals and policies of the Village Desig Manual. 11 .- A .a 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2) The proposed project satisfies all of th development standards and design criteri the V-R Zone. 3) Approval is granted for RP 87-9, as show Exhibits "A-B", dated August 17, 1987, incorporated by reference and on file in Redevelopment Office. Development shall substantially as shown unless otherwise in these conditions. 6 7 8 9 10 4) Approval of this request shall not excus compliance with all sections of the Zoni Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinance in effect at time of business license issuance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a reqular mee 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 of Design Review Board of the City of Carlsbad, Califor: held on the day of , 1987, by the fol: vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: 18 i 19 ,I ABSTAIN: 20 I ATTEST: 21 I JOHN MC COY, Cha 22 CHRIS SALOMONE 23 Community Redevelopment Director 25 24 26 i 27 j 28 I' 1 II //// I/// I/// I/// /I 11 DRB RESO. NO. 105 -2- jl II .* * 0 e DISCLOSURE FORM .A /. ;7 APPLICANT: ;!I ;'?:) , L-../.j,> , h t,. f,,;:; Name (.i,hdividual, parhirship, joint venture, corporation ;,' : "C ,-, fJ ,/, ' , , ;'.y. ,' . + " Wl *. ? / 3 /> J .> , . \& y,: c 7 )/ 'I ,.- ./' - "-. . - 'Business Address- s.': . [ 7 1 3 , .' -, y 1' L,.' :,?,,* ! / , . I, , /. .- / telephone Number AGENT: Name ' .. Business Address Telephone Number MEMBERS: Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Name Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We understand that if this project is located in the Coastal Zone, 1. for Coastal Commission Approval prior to development. I/We acknowledge that in the process of reviewing this application necessary for rnemtbrs of city Staff, Planning Commissioners, Design members, or City Council members to inspect and enter the propert- subject of this application. l/We consent to entry for this purpose. I /We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in t is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may t as being true and correct until amended. / <L - ,wpPLrcm;I' [3Y Agen:, Owne 4 T k c 1 1200 ELM AVENUE GARLSBAD, CA 9200&1989 12 Office of the Mayor II *.' Citp of VCarIabab January 15, 1987 /,- c, : I Mr. Robert E. Meyer 7133 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Meyer: In response and answer to your recent letter concerning your application to serve on the Design Review Board, I have checked with the City Clerk and determined the following. . Yes, your application was received and is one file with the Clerk. As you.stated in your letter, the Mayor told you the function of this Committee was being reorganized; and the new organization of the Committee members was determined to be 3 members from the current Planning Commission, and 2 members from the current Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. There are no members from the general public serving on the Design Review Board. I do appreciate your interest in serving on a City Committee, and the Clerk has indicated that if you wish to be considered for another Board or Committee to so advise her, so that she may place your application and resume in the appropriate active file for consideration. The City Clerk is Lee Rautenkranz, and she can be reached at 438-5535. Again, thank you for volunteering your services to the City, and I hope you will soon be serving on one of our Boards or Commissions. Sincerely, d73.-Qw 3 CLAUDE "BUD" LEWIS Mayor cc: City Clerk c r 6 F a' ROBERT E, MEYER 7133 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, California 92008 61 9 438-0248 PmwL 514 BP 73- r/M<< z p&zs //Y;ro mg C/f&f/R L7c 7" mflvd/il , RCL0EDi rb LkZ 7.5 6&m+ 70 P# u4 flrA~N?-m& &,u OR Fm 1;o JJfitV m6 rZ?S& ., /JY 6?kTo86R /f&$ axve &v PE Dr=S/fN iqgv1tEw @O/P/ilD * 72 D.0 /4s fi ggTllza -&zC&&NIc@L Elv~/NEl~/Z w/mL7q rp REpLj- AB9 z- .mH w4on- A&fi cfi> LGK , >#U/(1JL/-+ p@fl,i.'/p/cr'/2 sw Lynorz ,g,, 5& rg m@r rn?z/! -wg&E @zq+ /hfiz&s-gQ Z3+5wm&i- l3ACK~R-W our mg Fbdc7/o&y EwNf &OR $/9Af/&t.5& .- $/ye mEM PA d & /3/.9 up d/u' m//S /%I&>,?< #0%J sew z ~acrc~ & To D!TE /Yo d&s /+&5 &g& ;/N TOVCH 12//7?5.' / k/nt( /+&!A Rgi-ma9Ew &yo pg LZLzerbM z: .rnfm-Ga /;t t./.Z&p lN fiy WINWAy /fOWEV&& m3 Lac5 09rz z fjTf-m/C z. OWE& ip kzmy c / 'i,! 61-z C/?&LS&AcJ &3&@0 Fo a p6L U/.*lri5.&gs 1"$/9~c* 73 5~6,- AU-IV~ . 5@&Z 5/x )21a/yrljs z ,Z CA~ G&r 6~ WIZY D77YZ~ rnh96S /F C&R&S& Po /h TCKi3 5 7 /h( m4 y@u& CfV .EfiWGZ&S C*WSi"/4~4. &/I fie0 4?>7744?TE5 1 Pod4 ~~z%5+"72& /=554F&&y&A#C~ ~ Uix 5MmUL& ,me, yE7 br W*~6E& /%e /pYo&&g , j 7fi+,- SfidU&@ Be li./ h u/z F-/trss SHk9WS m5" zj+ hEflG37 7% kw z &A/N VUC u/vrl56& p"Z&&F 84 h60u;r Z+/? ZAC~ OF /iCtr'-~ m~ c~uS~S CBS~ c 9s pmR5 ,&p ~XP,&,I~A Ct3 /N -flc@pf- cOh5;;'R bc Tib~ lN .mli c+Efi(W?-L /4No /Y/AYJh/$ /Nob5F&p 1 rfl 7i%s 65 6'