HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-22; City Council; 9254; Appointment to Water Reclamation Advisory Commr 4 < Ch'" . OP-MALBBAD - AGW,0° j BILL iVITG. T2-22-=87. TITLE' AiPOINTMENT_ TO THE WATER DEPT. H RECLAMATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS REQUESTED CITY ATTY BY THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY 'WATER AUTHORITY CITY NIG .'RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct the City Manager to appoint a City staff member to serve on the San Diego County Water Authority Water Reclamation Advisory Committee. T,a s;M' EXPL,'ArIATION -The San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency (SDRWRA) is a joint powers agency created in 1911 by the County of San Diego, the 'City of Carlsbad, the City of Santee, the San Diego County Water :Authority, and the Helix, Leucadia, Olivenhain, otay, Padre Dam, San Marc6s,, and valley Center Water Districts. :The goal of the agency_ was to advance the technology of waste- ,watez reclamation and to promote waste water reuse as a :'supplemental water supply in San Diego County,- Financing for the agencyss operations and maintenance was provided from assessments :`against each of its members. Research and development pioject ifunging has been provided through federal and state grants: The agency has evaluated several waste water treatment technologies, including low energy aquaculture systems and live :stream management techniques. For the past four (4) years the ;agency has been concentrating on a most promising technique developed by scientist With the 3M Company. This technique, or :process, is called CCBA. The agency has operated a.100,000 ,gallon,per day CCBA Waste water treatment plant since 1983. Data obtained from operating the plant indicates that the CCBA process is capable of converting raw municipal sewage to usable water ,1with better quality than than. of ordinary secondary treated seviage. Moreover, the sludge generated by the waste water treatment process is converted into a high quality light weight aggregate for use in construction. Since reliance on member assessmonts for funding- did not assure reliable funding, the SDRWRA requested the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) to assure the responsibility for water reclamation policy and research and development for San Diego ,..County, The CWA agreed to assume the responsibilities in Z October, 1981 and the SDRWRA has since become inactive. 4 v Z' O- .V 0*", Page 2 of AB» R 0 The CWA intends to take an active role in the water reclamation area and has recently employed a manager and staff fa, the program and created a Water Reclamation Committee of their Board to oversee the program and recommend appropriate policies, procedures, incentives, and strategies to ensure the implementation of water reclamation programs. To assure representation of all agencies in the waste water rr�anagEment responsibilities in the development of county -wide policies, programs and strategies, the CWA has also created a Water Reclamation Advisory Committee. The CWA has requested the City of Carlsbad to appoint a repr,es6htative to the CWA Water Reclamation Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee membership consists of a representative from the State and County H6-a)th Departments, a representative from the Region Water Quality Control Board, a representative from the San Elijo Joint Waste Water Agency and the Encina Joinc Agency, and a representative from each of the agencies within San. Diego County having responsibility for waste water treatment and representatives from other agencies interested in water reclamation. btdinarily when the City of Carlsbad is requested to appoint a representative to an advisory group, your Council is requested to appoiftt a member of the Council to serve or to authorise the City Manager to select an appropriate staff member to represent the City of Carlsbad. In this case, however, the President of the Costa Real 141inicipal Water District (CRMWD) has requested that the City Council appoint her as the City of Carlsbad representative to the County Water Authority Water Reclamation Advisory Committee. The CRMWb is a member of the County Water Authority and as such has a representative which sits on the Board of Directors of the Water Authority. The District's representative also sits on the Water Reclamation Committee of the Water Authority Board. The City of Carlsbad is not represented on County Water Authority. The City of Carlsbad is considered a prime area :'or water reclamation because of the potential markets, the existence of several water reclamation plants and local agency interest and support. Staff has no objection to the President of the CRMWD serving on the Advisory Committee, however, since the City owns one of the water reclamation plants (Calavera Hills) and since the City has specifically retained the responsibility for water reclamation, staff feels strongly that the City should have a staff member represent the City. 7 ._ Page 3 of AB;= ,?,s' After discussing the issue of Advisory Committee memberships with CWA representatives, staff has learned that the CWA b as encouraged any agency with an interest in water reclamation to appoint a representative to the Advisory Committee. It appears then, that the CRMWD could appoint their Board President directly to the Advisory Committee. Therefore, staff recommends that the President of CRMWD be advised that she may be appointed by her ;hoard to the Advisory Committee and that the Council direct the City Manager to appoint a City staff member to the CWA Water Reclamation Advisory Committee. ttSCAL_IMPACT: None, as a result of this re( oomm e dation.