HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-05; City Council; 9260; SB 140 and 176 Deddeh Support0 LL1 ~ 0.. ~ z 0 ti c( ...I u z ' ::::, 0 (.) AB# </,Ric 0 •• MTG. f-.S·?i: DEPT. R/AG SB 140 AND 176 (DEDDEH) -SUPPORT DEPT. HD.l~ ' CITYA~ 'CITY MGR~-- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. J>8'-(,p , supporting SB 140 and SB 176 (Deddeh). ITEM EXPLANATION: SB 176 (Deddeh) would enact the 1988 Transportation Bond Act which would authorize the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of one billion jollars ($1,000,000,000). Proceeds would be used to finance capital improvements for local streets and roads, state highways, and exclusive public mass transit guideways. The bill woule req,~ire the bond act to be voted on at the June 7, 1988 direct primary election and would require a 2/3 vote to pass. SB 176 would become operative only if SB 140 becomes operative. SB 140 (Deddeh) provides for matching funds of up to two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000) annually for up to 50% of the cost of local highway and exclusive public mass transit guideway projects. The source of the funds is the 1988 Transportation Bond Act. Therefore, SB 140 would become operative only if SB 176 becomes operative. FISCAL IMPACT: The 1987-88 to Buildout: Capital Improvement Program identifies in excess of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) worth of street projects. Many of these projects may qualify for the above mentioned matching funds. EXHIBI~: 1 .. 2. 3. Senate Bill No. Senate Bill No. Resolution No. (Deddeh). 140, introduced by senator De1..deh. 176, introduced by senator Deddeh. fr-ti, , supporting Senate Bills 140 and 176 I ,.,.. j ; ! ' I . .. i .- -,: ) -<' '• • EXHIBIT 1 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 11, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATEJUNE.22, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 6, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 9, 1987 SENATE BILL 1D No. 140. Introduced by Senator Deddeh (Principal coauthors: Senators Bergeson and Seymour) (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Katz) ( Coauthors: Senators Keene, Marks, and Roberti) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Stirling ar Eaves) January 6, 19~7 ¥)=================== '1.,Z . .,;I An act to amend Sections 14524, 14525, and 14529 of, to add Sections 14529.2 and 14533.1 to, and to repeal and add Section 14529.6 of, the Government Code, and to add Sections ~ ~ 170.5 and 182.5 to, and to add Article 4.3 { commencing • with Section 163) to Chapter 1 of Division 1 of, and Chapter 15 ( commencing with Section 2560) to Division 3 of, the Streets and, Highways Code, relating to transportatior ... . LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST '' SB 140, as amended, Deddeh. Transportation: funds. (1) F.xisting law requires the Governor to propose, and the Legislature to adopt, an annual state budget. Existing law 0 requires the Department of Transportation to recommend, and the California Transportation Commission to annually adopt, a 5-year state transportation improvement plan containing a list of highway projects and estimates of all sta.te and federal funds reasonably expected. to be available for transportatic;n purposes. r---. This bill would require the Governor, commencing with.. ~the 1989-90 fiscal year, and biennially thereafter, at the time • ·l w SB 140' -2- of submission of the proposed state budget., lo submit to the Legislature a 6-year transportation funding plan containh1g, at a minimum, (a) a listing of planned expenditur~s for state highway and public transportation purposes from the State Highway Account and the Transportation Planning and Development Account in the State Transportation Fund, (b) a listing of planned expenditures, by program category, for each of the 6 successive fiscal years beginning with the 1990-91 fiscal year, ·(c) relevant data used in preparing the plan, (d) the sources and amounts of state funds needed, and identification of new revenue sources, including proceeds from the.sale of bonds, ( e) the amount and d~te of bond sales, and (f) recommended changes in state and local policies and procedures necessary to implement the plan. • • • Tlie bill would require the Legislature, by statute, to adopt the Governor's plan, with appropriate modifications, as .the state poli~y relative to transportation programs. The bill would preseriee declare the intent of the . Legislature and the Governor to appropriate, other than for administration, maintenance, and operations, specific dollar amounts te ee ~preprieted from the State Highway Account ttHe tfte Tl"flfteportftlieH ~MHJ.ing and De·,elepmeBt 1.eeetmt fep eaeh ef ~ l988.l89 te 1993/.91, ifteiwJir;e, each .iscal year for the 6 ensuing .iscal years ftftd r.·1oald deelMe ~ itlteftt ef the Legtslah:IPe ed tfte Ger;ePHor te apprepriete thMe amotmts fer -these fiseel yeMS for specified purposes. The bill would provide for a state-local transportation program to provide state funds to cities, -counties, and speci.ied local entities for highway and exclusive public mass transit guideway projects pursuant to a spec.ied procedure. The stafe funds allocated under this program would not be subject to the county group and the county allocation' requirements. I The bill would require that funding estimates and proposed expenditures for the state transportation imp:r:ovement program, prepared by the departme~t and the commission, be consistent with the amounts proposed for appropriation and with other specified requirements, · I (2) Under existing law, the state transportation ( improvement program adopted by the commission is ,,1, t -3-SB 140 r~quirec;l to contain, amo~g ether things, recommended annual expenditures from the State Highway Accow1t 'by program category for the succeeding 5 fiscal years and is required to. be cpnsistent with the esthnate . of 1available revenues. • ·. . • '. 1This bill would delete tftftt requiremeat those requirements and would, instead, limit the projects which could be included in the adopted state transportation improvement program to ' those included in the immediately prior program and projects I submitted • to the commission by . the department, , transportation planning agencies, and county transportation ; commissions for inclusion in the program. The bill would also - : spec:fy that the program shall be a prioritized listing of projects consistent with designated funding levels rather than a schedule for project delivery, and would permit the commission to adjust the project cost for any project included in a previous program only at the department's request. , (3) Under existing law, funds are appropriated from the State Highway Account for state highway purpo~es and for e?(clusive public mass transit guideway purposes. , ' This bill would restrict the use of State Highway Account funds to (a) state highway system purposes, as specified, (b) • matching funds of up to $200,000,000 annually for up to 50% of the cost of local highway and exclusive public mass transit guid~way·projects, built to state standards and ip.eeting other specified criteria, and ( c) payment of principal: of, and interest on, state transportation bonds. • (4) Existing law specifies priorities for expenditure of. ftµids from the State Highway Account. ' This bill would enact a revised schedule of priorities for ~xpenditure of State Highway Account funds. (5) Unaer exfsting ~ tfte aepartmeat ha! establis~ca tr0Hs13ortaaoa eistrids. !fhis eil:l would rcqaire Ute aepM'tment flt esteliffl e tffltt ift eaeh tf8B9portaaoa eistriet fl> eHpeeite ftfttl· MSist: 11t:thlie , ftfttl priYete eP..atics •r1hieh tise theiP ewn fltft89 flt fflftffe impr,y.•emcB:ts eP eoaB:eeaons flt tfte etMe higw,vey SfSlem ift aeeoraOHee ~ appliea&le Mete steaards, 8fttl seejeet te -the aepartmeftt's 8fJf)f0'+'fli, • • ' :· ~ Under e~ting law, expenditures of the d~partment. SB 140 -4- are recorded on an accrual basis. , This bill would authorize the department to finance · projects which will not be completed in a fiscal year on a cash . basis if the department has sufficient unused bonding: authority not earmarked for any other project. ~ • ' , ' (6) The bill would become operative only if, and at the . , same time that, SB 176 becomes operative.· Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows:-• 1 SECTION 1. This act shall be known and may be 2 cited as the ~ 1988 Tran.c:iportation Improvement and· 3 Reform Act. , -1 4 SEC. 2. (a) The Legislature makes the following 5 findings and declarations: 6 (1) An efficient transportation infrastructure is vital to 7 the economic well-being of the state iµid is essential for. 8 the daily activities of all the people. • 1 • 9 • (2) • Current resources are not adequate to meet the-: 10 growing needs for the maintenance, operation, and•· 11 improvement of the state's transportation infrastructure. • 12 (3) Transportation infrastructure is within 'the state • 13 budget's highest priority category and should maintain its 14 pro rata share of the appropriations limit under Article·. 15 XIII B of the California Constitution. • 16 (4) Responsibility for providing a better 17 transportation system is a joint venture of federal, state, • 18 and local governments and the private sector: 19 (5) Transportation projects require years of advance. 20 planning before being implemented, and the long-range 21 project development work cannot proceed without a I 22 long-range financial commitment. 23 (6) An incre~ing number of transportation"projects' 24 call for joint financing by state and local governments as 25 well as by the private sector. • 26 (7) The state's role in firiancing transportation 27 projects needs to be defined so that local governments ( -5-I \ : · SB 140-' 1 can better plan and manage their growth pa,tterns and 2:;. better assess their financial needs. • ' • • 1 • ··1 ' 1 3. :~.' (8) • User fee revenues have not kept up with inflation; 4·l the average annual gas tax revenue generated by a car in • ; 5 · 1973 was $53.42, compared to the averege annual gas tax , • 6 revenue gene.rated by a car in 1984 of only $21.37 in.1973 • 1··H dollars. • 1 1 • • • • • • . 8 (9) With tile state•s population projected to grow by , 9.. about six· million by the year· 2000, preparing the 10 transportation infrastructure for the year 2000 will , 11 require major resource commitments by the people of 12 the state. .. • • • 13 • (10) Financing transportation programs through user 14 • fees is an equitable and efficient method of financing and . 15 • should be employed to the maximum extent possible. 16 . (11) Due to the enormous costs and the long-range 17· • benefits of many transportation projects, bonds should be 18 used to augment and stabilize the .transportation 19 '' program. . • • • 20 • • (b) Therefore, it is the intention of the Legislature, 21 through the enactment of this act: • 22 • 1 (1) To develop a long-range financial commitment for 23 ·,. ft'&B91'Bl'tetiot1 WHlt ti!e aetir1e :pMtieipMien ef the 1~24· Gor;cemol' aBe the LegislMttl'e ftftEl esteelishee hieftfti&Yy ' ~25··· thl'ottgl\ tile eftaetment sf a stemte. transportation. 26 ·: • (2) · To ' reform transportation plantµng and 9:1 programming procedures and to delineate state and local , __ 28 transportation responsibilities and to provide additional • 29 financial resources. 30 i.:sEC. ·3, • Section '14524 of the .Government Code is 31 amended to read: 32•'1" 14524. Not later than October 15 of each year, the 33 department . shall submit , to the commission a 34 recommended annual and five-year,• estimate of all 35 federal and state funds available for transportation 36: purposes in ·order that the commission may provide . 37 estimates pursuant to Section 14525. •"1 ·:· • 38 The estimate shall be on the basis of state . "'\ 39 transportation: districts, and • the boundaries of the • .;40 • transportation-·1 planning agencies • and · . county • f • SB 140 -6.-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ·20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 transpc;>rtation commissions in urbanized areas over( 50,000 in population. The method by which the estimate I is arrived at, including the way in which state I discretionary funds are to be estimated, shall be determined by the ~ommission in consultation with _the department, the transportation planning agencie~, and L; the county transportation commissions. The estimate~ shall not include federal discretionary grants or funds. I The estimate shall be consistent with the financial plan specified in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code, and the estimated total of all state and federal funds available for each program category for each fiscal year shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code. SEC. 4. Section 14525 of the Government Code js amended to read: • 14525. Not later than November 15 of each year, the commission shall adopt and provide, to the transportation planning agencies and county transportation commissions, an annual and five-year estimate of all state { and federal funds reasonably expected to be available to each region for transportation purposes. • The commission may amend the estimate following consultation with the department, transportation, planning agencies, and county transportation~ commissions to account for· unexpected. revenues or other unforeseen circumstances. • The estimate shall be consistent with the financial plan specified in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code, and the es.timated total of all state and federal funds available for each program category for each fiscal year shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code. SEC. 5. Section 14529 of the Government Code is C ar .. ended to read: 14529. • (a) Mter taldng , into consideration the existing • adopted state transportation improvement . program, the proposed state transportation improvement program submitted by the department . pursuant to Section 14526, the regional transportation( , -7-1 SB 140 / .1:1 r ., ~ptovement ~rograms submitted p~r~uan~ to Section ~ • .. 2 • 14527, and comments submitted pursuant to Section I :, , 3 14528, through the use of public hearings, the commission -A shall adopt and submit to the Legislature .and Governor : ·: 5 by July 1 of each year, a five-year state transportation ., '~ 6 improvement program including all fund'i to be allocated ' : ~ • 1 "by the ,commission consisting 9f: . . • >' •. • .&, * . ·9 (1) The estimate of available funds from state and- 10 federal sources and associated constraints fc. 1 : 11 transport~tion improvement in the state. ··'12· ~ • , '• • •' ' 13 (2) All major projects; . as determined by the 14 . commission, to be funded from slate transportation funds 15 • allocated by the commission during the succeeding five I 16 fiscal years, For any highway project that will not be f . 17. ~ompleted within the five-year period, the commission s '. 18 shall estimate the amount, and identify the source, of f . 19 funds required to complete the project and th~ expected , 20 completion date. •· • , 21 ~ • 1 22 (3) A summary of expenditures for minor projects, as l \-23 determined by the commission, to be funded from state :' • • 24' transportation funds allocated by the cqmmission during '· l . : • µi~c~eeding five fiscal years. 1 : . • • . • • ~ -• ' 27 ( 4) The projects included in the adopted state ' 28 transportation improvement program shall be limited to 29 those projects that are included in the immediately prior 1 • 30 state transportation improvement program, and the . r ·, 31 'projects submitted pursuant to Sections 14526 an.d 14527. ; :'~2 -(et ' 33 . (5) Any additional action and . information '· '34 determined by the commission to be relevant to the ; 35 successful implementation of the adopted state : : • 36 transportation improvement program. : ·' • 37 !Rte Me\ 3 ffllftspertaaeft itnpre;1eme1tt pregt'ftffl 8ftftll • "38 ~ eeftsistent with the estima~e of av•ai.lele re11enees. ~ ·39 • (b) The state transportation improvement program r·· 40'• shall be a prioritized listing of projec~s and shall be SB 140 -8- 1 consist~nt with the funding levels specified in Section 164 ( 2 of the Streets and Highways Code. The state • 3 transportation improvement program ·shall not be. 4 considered as a schedule for project delivery. 5 (c) The commission may adjust the project cost for 6 any project that was included in a previous state 7 transportation improvement program only at the request 8 of.the department. 9 SEC. 6. Section 14529.2 is added to the Government 10 Code, to read: 11 14529.2. Prior to the adoption of the state 12 transportation improvement program, the commission 13 shall review the department's project delivery 14 performance. The commission shall publish its findings 15 and hold at least one public hearing. 16 Based on its findings and the information obtained 17 during the public hearing, the commission may make a 18 determination that the department has not made 19 reasonable progress with project delivery and that it is 20 unlikely that the department can accelerate its project 21 delivery schedule to reasonably accommodate the 22 adopted state transportation improvement program. 23 Upon making this determination, the commission may 24 allocate State Highway Account funds for expenditure by 25 counties for development, right-of-way acquisition, and 26 construction of state highway projects included in the 27 state transportation improvement program. 28 The commission, in making an allocation under this 29 section, shall seek the recommendation of the 30 transportation planning agency or county transportation 31 commission within whose jurisdiction the county is , 32 located. Thi~ commission shall specify the amount and the 33 purpose of the allocation. The commission may request, 34 and the ·county shall accept, an audit of funds allocated to 35 the county under this section. , 36 SEC. 7. Section 14529.6 of the Government Code is 37 repealed. 38 SEC. 8. Section 14529.6 is added to the Government 39 Code, to read: • 40 14529.6. (a) Funds in the State H_ighway Account in, -9-·.su uo ~ . 1 the State Transportation Fund shall be programmed, · 2 budgeted, and expended to maximize the use of federal . 3 funds and shall be based on the following sequence of 4 priorities: • 5 (1) Operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the 6 state highway system. 7 (2) Safety impro".'ements where physical changes, 8 other than adding additional lanes, would reduce t , 9 fatalities and the num}?er and severity of injuries. i 10 • (3) Operational improvements such as auxiliary Ian~· ; i i1 ramp metering, and other physical changes where tlh, 1 12 system capacity can be enhance~ without adding \ 13 additional lanes. ' : 14 (4) New facilities . . ! • 15 (5) Compatibility improvements, including l 16 landscaping and noise attenuation barriers. • ' . 17 (b) For the state . transportation improvement • 18 program, the deparbnent shall recommend, and the 19 commission shall include, to the extent feasible, projects· 20 in all categories listed in subdivision (a). 21 (c) Subject to Sections 188 and 188.8 of the Streets and 22 Highways Code, projects included in the state 23 transportation improvement program shall be based on 24 objective criteria, including, but not limited to, 25 cost-benefit analyses. The objective criteria used shall bP 26 statea for each project and shall accompany the sta • 27 transportation improvement program .. , : 28 (d) The primary objective of the State Highway 29 System is to Facilitate interregional travel and commerce. 30 • New facilities shall be programmed consistent with this 31 • objective, and the department and the commission shall 32 assign tbc highest priority to those projects that facilitate 33 interregional travel. 1 34 SEC. 9. Section 14533.1 is added to the Gov~rnment :i 35 Code, to read: 1 36 14533.1. The department and the commission shall 37 prepare their fund estimates and the state transportation 38 improvement programs based on funding levels specified 39 in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code. ~ 40 The commission shall not include any project in the SB 140 -10- 1 state transportation improvement program or make any I 2 commitment whatsoever that exceeds funding . levels 3 specified in Section 164 of the Streets and Highways Code 4 er that ,eqttires fflftding ee)1orl6 8seti)1Cftf9 liMeftin~. 5 The department and the commission shall use an 6 inflation rate that has been established . by the 7 Departmeni of Finance and concurred to by the I 8 Legislative Anlilyst. If the Department of Finance and 9 the Legislativ~ Analyst cannot agree on an inJJation rate, 10 the rate used by the commission shall be the average of 11 the two estimates. 12 eeetieft. Hower;eP, ~ depaPtment fftft)' i,roeeed ~ 13 prelimiH:M)' engineering werlt EM-prejeets ee)'end ~ 14 'ft9eftl ye8ft if it ft89 stdlteient fllft89 tHte i,ersonnel in it9 15 et:1eget Be)'Oftd tfte9e Heeded fer prejeets thM ere 16 ineladed. in tfte state ~, impreYement 17 pregrftffl:. • 18 Preliminary engineering werb en prejeets net iflelt:1eetl 19 ift ~ stMe tresperta:tion improYelftent pregrllffl i9 net 20 a eofftfflilment er 4:ftEl department er~ eMftffltssion ~ 21 the prejeet will Be fflftdea in· 8tl88Cf!t1Cftt state 22 tr&ftsportation impro¥emeftt f1rogrMnS. 23 ~ departmeftt anti~ eofflfftission ohall ffll8 M lea9t 24 a 5 pereent inflation l'ftle ifl detennifting the nec'essary 25 capital otttla)' fer prejects. I 26 BEG -¼9: Secaon ¼31-:3 is eetled. te the. ~treets anti 27 High"llft)'S ~ te fetlffl 28 .J:a¼-:3: ~ department ffla:11 estaelish: a tlftit! ift eeeh et 29 HS transportation distriets t~ e1t:pedite ene ft98ist flttelic Of 30 prir;ate entiaes whieh tHJe -tfteir ewn ftffltis te fflftffe 31 impre·1emenffl er connections le the state 'higwl,11:ty 32 srstem. !:fhe department fflftll ee·1elop anti fflftffe 33 ftltlailahle all ~ ene s13eeiftcatiofts ~ are 34 necessarr to protect~ state's iB:tercst anti te eftsttre tftM 35 the desigft fttMI censtrttctieft et these prejeds ere 36 consistent witft applieaele etMe RM federal procedttres 37 Md eftgifteering standartls tt9Ctl ~ the department. 38 -Awt eftaty plMB:iftg te fflttffe ifflpf61'/CmSftffl eP 39 eenftecaens te the ~ 'highwa)' fl)'Stem shall eenstraet 40 ¼hem in accer~ftftee witft the stanaards &M. speeiliealtens ( i \ . • -11-• • SB 140 I , I . • '1 •1 pre...tc;)ed h)' the ElepMeent. ~ eRttt,a 8ft8H saefflit 2 plane ftfttl speeiBeaaens fer the impre'ICmertt ep , 3 1 eeBneelie" prejeet M +lie ElepMhneftt • ier apt)reival atttl .4''"9MD ee • !'e8pOft8iele MP p,eearing · eQ i,rej~et . :~, , deYClepment werlt ftfttl fer eaftslfudieft. • , 6. . !:RM, eepa,btteftt ahell aeeept tfte eenslfueted prejeet ti • 1 7 '~ is eenstNeted ift aeee,Eleee .with tfto appre.-,ed ple9 • 8 .. ftBft !fl"eeifieaeens. : , • ·9 • BEG~ '. • 10 SEC. 10. Article 4.3 (commencing with Section 163) • 1 11 is added to Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Streets and • 12 Highways Code, to read: 13·. · • 14 ' • • Article 4.3. Transportation Funding Plan 15-t • • · · • • 16 '. 163. • (a) Commencing with the 1989-90 fiscal year 17 and biennially thereafter, the Governor shall, at the time 18 of submission of the budget, submit to the Legislature a 19 . six-yenr transportation funding plan. The plan shall be a ' ' 20 statement of the Governor's policy and intent relative to • 21 • the funding of transportation programs for the six: years .. 22 following the budget year. The Legislature, by statute, 23 shall adopt the plan with appropriate modifications as the 24 state policy relative to transportation-programs. 25 (b) The plan submitted by the Governor shall, at a . . 26 minimum, do all of the following: . 1 1 • 27 (1) Include a listing of planned expenditures by I • 28 program categories pursuant to Section 167 from the 29 State Highway Account and the Transportation Planning 30 • and Development Account in the State Transportation ' 31. Fu11d fot state highway and public transportation • 32 • purposes. • ) 33 {2) Include a listing of planned expenditures by · 34 . program categories pursuant to Section 167 for each of Y 35 the six successive fiscal years, beginning with the 1990-91 J . 36 fiscal year for the first plan. f . 37 • (3) Specify all relevant criteria used in preparing the 38 plan, including, but not limited to, the estimated ) : 39 available federal funds, the state's economic conditions, 40 the population growth rate, and the inflation rate. SB 140 -12- 1 (4) Specify the sources and amount of state funds 2 needed and, if current revenue sources are not adequate 3 to fully fund the plan, identify new revenue sources; 4 including proceeds from the sale of bonds, and f the 5 amount available therefrom. • 1 6 (5) Specify the amount and dates for the sale of any 7 bonds if necessary. 8 , (6) Specify all changes in state and local policies anc 9 procedures that need modification in ord~r to implement 10 the plan. 11 (c) The plan shall not include specific individua 12 projects and the Legislature shall not enact legislatior: 13 containing specific individual transportation projects. 14 164. The Legislature hereby declares ' that th( 15 planning and programming of transportation project:, 16 requires a degree of certainty concerning the availabilicy 17 of funds in future years. ·Therefore, the Legislature and 18 the Governor declare their respective intent tc 19 appropriate from the State Highway Account tht 20 following funcJ.:S in the ensuing six fiscal years: 21 (a) For administration, maintenance, and operation, 22 the necessary amount consistent with inflation and use. 23 (b) For rehabilitation, three hundred fifteen million 24 dollars ($315,000,000) annually. ' 2.S (c) For local assistance, one hundred ninety,million 26 dollars ($190,000,000). annually. 21 (d) For capacity enhancement, one billion one 28 hunded million ciollars ($1,100,000,()()(J) annually. 29 (e) For noise attenuation barriers, fifteen million 30 dollars ($15,000,000) annually. 31 . (£) For exclusive public mass transit guideways, 32 seventy million dollars ($70,000,000) annually. 33 (g) For state-local transportation demonstration• 34 projects, two hundred million dolla,s ($200,000,000), 35 annually. 36 t I ' i \' ; ' ' , ?Df;l t G~\ 2. ) ( ,.·:> 3 -:--13-·SB 140 I ~ 111caw ... w .AGG9YNF ) ) ~"1i :4 l L 5 JU11.ll/.,UJJJ.'JJJl{JJJJ.'11/J.tLi1Jfll./J.'llLL'LJ.Ll-l/J.h'.iJ11.Wi.,~'ll.ll.JJ./.f.J'-L/JJ.'/.ll.L. •. ·~,-6· ~~~ · 7 · /.i11..UUJ.lJ.U/.NJJJ,WJJVU.i.UJJ./J,'mn'U1.IJi'..ll.LL.ll/.N./.il.1J.'J.l.M'./1.I.LlLt#/11tJ.'11. I.';'· 8 \1, 9 10 . [.Jl.l.,'.lJ.J,J.'J,J,/,/,,U'IJ././.l.l.lJWJ.lltl.iJ'..Jf.LJ.lt/.l.;'.J¥.J,l'J,J,/,/,,Uf.JJ.'/.l.lLUJ/,Ul.LJ.J,.rJl..{.U i••: 11 '• }2•MaitOIMll-}3 ·J.111.[JlJ..UJ.l1'1N,LUiJ.Ar.JIU/.JJ.J.,lj.J}IJ.'./J.J.J.ll/t..Ul1JUJN.1.JJJ.f..l/./i.'J.JLJ.LJJA'-lJ./J.'JJ.ll. ·:'14 · .•~·15 ••1.16 '1•:17 :.· 1s 20 ! .r 21 t ,f 22 ?-,{.'. ·23 ·, 24 ,1:_25 '. 26 28 •:·29, 30. • 31 32 "33 •:,·34 r· 35 36 31t 38 I 39 ? ' ' SB 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i9-W89 HQ -14- °ffllft!IPettatien FlaMtins end Be~ elepment ~ !MIDieneei~ .JG9lll93 ¼¼9 1W 9 The funding levels specified in the ~ set fel"th Ht 10 this section are based on the best estimate of federal 11 fun,ds that will become available to the state as well as the 12 best estimate of economic activities and needs for the 13 future. It is intended that these funding levels be adhered 14 to and that adjustments be made in state resources to th~ 15 extent necessary to meet these levels. • • • 16 SEGiil: • 17 SEC. 11. Section 170.5 is added to the Streets and 18 Highways Code, to read: 19 170.5. Notwithstanding Section 13302 of the 20 Government Code, the department may, with respect to 21 any project which will not be completed within a fiscal 22 year, fmance the project on a cash basis if the department 23 has sufficient unused bonding authority not earmarked 24 for any other project. 25 8EG-¼&- 26 SEC. 12. Section 182.5 is added to the Streets and 27 Highways Code, to read: 28 ~ -Ear It is the i.Bteftt ef the Legislature, ift 29 182.5. It is the intent of the Legislature that the 30 proceeds of any voter-approved bonds or any other .new 31 revenues made available in 1988. be used to bring the 32 state transportation improvement program into 33 compliance with the requirement of Section 188.8 and !-o 34 initiate a state-local transportation • demonstration 35 program. The commission shall not authorize t)le sale of 36 any bonds, and the Treasurer shall not sell any 37 transportation bonds, unless the state transportation 38 improvement program adopted by the commission is in 39 full compliance with the requir~ments of Sections 188 40 and 188.8. -15-SB 140 ') 1 The proceeds of any voter-approved state bonds or any 2 new. state transportaton funds shall be used to comply 3 with the.financial plan in Section 164. The department . 4 and the commission shall i11form the Legislature 5 . whenever the revenues available are not adequate to 6 comply with Section 164 .. ) 7 SEC.13. Chapter 15 (commencingwithSection2560) . 8 is added to Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code, ,. 9 to read: 1 10 • . ; 11 ' 12 13 14 15 16 17 ·,18 19 ·~ 22 23 24 .) 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 .37 38 39 40 CHAPTER 15. STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM . 2,.;6(}. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to initiate a new state-local partnership for financing transportation improvement projects. Locally funded and constructed highway and exclusive public mass transit guideway projects will provide economic and transportation benefits for th~ state and, therefore, it is appropriate to provide state matching funds for these projects. (b) The state-local transportation demonstration program is hereby created to. carry out the intent i11 subdivision (a). The Legislature intends to appropriate a total of three hundred milb'on dollars ($300,000,{}()()) for the 1990-91 fiscal year to implement this program. It is also the mtent of the Legislature to • use th demonstration program as a basis for an ongoi11g program- beyond the 19!J()-91 fiscal year. . P-561. For purposes of this chapter: (a) "Applicant" melQJs a city, a county, or any local entity that is authorized to impose taxes or fees and that has responsibility for constructing highways or exclusive public mass transit guideways. . . • (b) "Eligible ·project" means· a local road, a state highway, or an exclusive public mass transit guideway improvement project that meets all· of, the fo}lowing conditions: • (1) Upon completion of the project, it would constitute a usable segment that would increase the . capacity of the ·highway or guideway or would extend ' . -0 SB 140 -16- l service to new areas. 2 (2) The applicant has committed, or is capable of 3 'committing, to pay the local share to complete the 4 project. 5 (3) The project is not receiving any other·.state £mids. 6 (4) 111e applicant has completed, or is capable of 7 completing, all project development work at its own 8 expense so that the contracts for the project can be 9 awarded no later tl1an June 31, 1991. J 10 (5) Improvements ta state highways are consistent 1 11 with state and federal standards, are designed to i 12 minimize Jong-term maintenance costs, and are, ; 13 approved by the department. ~ 14 (c) "Local fund" means revenues from any locally • 15 imposed tax or fee. .; 16 (d) "Local share" means the ·total cost of completing f 17 the project less any state matching funds applied for •• 18 through this demonstration program and any Federal t 19 funds. f' 20 (e) "State share,, means tl1e amount of state funds 1 21 applied for and in 110 case shall it exceed local share. The 22 state share is not subject to the requirements of Sectio11s 23 188 and 188.8. • 24 2562. The state-local tr:ansportation demonstration 25 program shall be implemented by the department and 26 the applicants unper the 'following procedures: 21 (a) Applicants shall submit eligible projects to the 28 department not later than June 30, 1989. 29 (b) The department shall review the applications for 30 consistency with the requirements of this chapter ai1d 31 shall compile a list of all eligible projects hot later than • 32 December 31, 1989. If the total state share for eligible .1 33 projects exceeds three hundred million dollars • 34 ($300,000,000), the department shall compute the pro 35 ra.ta share of state funds to be available so that each 1 36 eligible project would receive the same ratio of state ~ 31 share to local share. • • , ·, 38 (c) Not later than April 1, 1990, each applicant shall .- 39 inform the department whether or not it can proceed 9 . 40 with the project with the lower state share. The . I -·11-SB 140 • I·· 1 department shs.ll compile a new list· of eligible projects . · 2 consisting of those projects' that (1) were included in the 3 • original list, and (2) that the applicBD:t has indicated it can . 4 proceed with the lower state shart:. • 5 (d) Using the new rate established pursuant to 6 subdivision (b) and the new list established pursuant to t •· 7 subdivision (c), the department shall compute the 8 matching funds necessary and shall so inform the 9 f.tegislsture not later than May 1, 1990. • · :-io (e) The Legislature intends to appropriate - , 11 maximum of three hundred million dollars ($300,()()(),00lJ1- : 12 by june 30, 1990, for this program. • • . 13 (£} The applicant shall let construction contracts not, . 14 later than Jwie 30, 1991. . 1 15 (g) The funds appropriated shall be spent not later 16 than June 30, 1993. 17 eH&etiftg tMs seetien, te define tlte Pele ei the etMe \ 18 relMtYe te fflfttfe imp,e,..emenm M the M&te highrnay 19 S)'Stem se M leeal ger,efftlfteftts ean l)feeeeti Wffh ~ ~ 20 indirAettal lee t18e plttft9 Mt& tne relates tf&n5permtien . 21 iffl:prer1emenm neeEled f.el' their Mee ef imhtenee. , . 22 ~ F-unel!I ift talte ~ Higlt,·,·ay &eeeunt 8fttlD ee ' 23 , pf8gt'8fflffl:Cti, btulgetea, Mt& e~eneee fer the fellewiftg 24 ftftff'l highway system 1mrpeses ~ ) ' 25 -fl-t l..cdnmtistratwe pMpeses ei -~ eepartment ~ 26 tftc CeftHMl!ft8ft, • 9:1 • ~ gperatien, mfti1ttenMee, ea rehaeilitanen. . 9.8 ~ Gempletien of all fttlly f11ndee prejeee in the W88 29 8taffl g;,ftft9f'OPtaneft: lmpre•.,rement pregram aa aeeptea •. 30. ~ the eefflfflissieft en Jttne 06; ¼888: ~ eemmit:me11:t . 31 eees BM melt1de parHftll.y ftffldee prejeets etl prejeets :. 32 wltose seepe is OHf'anded l,eyena ~ specified ift talte 33 ~ pregtam. !Rte percentage ef ~ding 9)1 Yle M&te • 34· fflftD BM es increased fer aft)' prejeet ftffl&ee, in witele et' , 1 33 . ift part; er aleeal ge,..efftffletttal er prif+•ate entity, eP ~ ' 36 flt Gempletien oE Mghwa)'S itt tho National S)satem. ef 37 IBteremte ed. Qsfe1tse ~ • • 38 -(5r ~ anti o:perational HftlJfOf+'ements M hignwafs 39 with fear e, mere lenes enEl thCH." interellanges. ¥el' 40 pMpeses ef ¼hi, sectien, ~ eP 011erationel ll I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------~ o~oo~~~~~~-o~oo~~~~~~-o~oo~~m~~~-o~oo~~m~~~-~ 11;1 tf t[l l}i[ll r f i :It_ :!f [ : 1$ihf l:(~' .-~ · Ir 5 ~,1'1= ~ r d I_ ll .1l ini1 • lfltt I~-. t 1 ~ !: ~ 1 .. Jr .. m ~-1 tr-l ~ ·.~ ~ r 1 ~ __ i ~:. • i 1.,. t _ '" • ·fi!1r1r ttIHiiilfiitt 11tnt!n11nr i , f ~. :r it . 11 . 11~ it~, [i f • It i* !i_ "' • [ I ff • ii f ittff d P·l1 ,-il r-r t t f l:f ~lm:~ l t-i · ... i: id-It fffUb[ -1[1Jf hlU . ·f t! t. . -()-~a--.-™·¢ .... :.uc..s.:..;.q...;:..p;.:;qs:tSl!S-C):: •• ¢"-™SiS.\.~'%4.¥,.<t.~~~-::Q-ww.4,5,1~~4",1,i!',.%.-.-• ~-I .. -~ --•►.... ~~ -19-SB 140 i .. • : ,((,r ~ eonstflteaoft eefttraet fer the prejeet is i.2 eH"eetea tHH'fflg tile HSeal ,-eaP in. 'llftieh the prejeet . 3 Jeeewes feeiftg. . • • 4 • ' ~ ~ paymeftt M principal eF; &ft6 interest 0ft; , 5 eeft89 tssttea pttt'9tlltffl t~ Chapter 3 (eo~efteing with . 6 Seeaon e6Q9r ef Di"Meft a: ." ' 7 SEC. 14. Sections 1 to 13, inclusive, of this act shall · . 8 . become operative only if, and at the same time that, 9 ,.' Senate Bill 176 of the 1987-88 Regular Session_ become~- ~q .,• opera~ve. , I ", " 0 0 0 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 30, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 18, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 9, 1987 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 7, 1981 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 9, 1987 m X :x: -0, --f N SENATE BILL No. 176 Introduced by Senator Deddeh (Principal coauthors: Senators Bergeson and Seymour} (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Katz) (Coauthors: Senators Keene, Marks, and Roberti) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Eaves and Stirling) January 14, 1987 An act to add Chapter 15 ( commencing with Section 2600) to Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code, relating to financing a transportation program by providing the funds necessary therefor through the issuance and sale of bon<ls of the State of California and by providing for the handliriw nd disposition of those funds, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 176, as amended, Deddeh. Transportation: bond act. Under ArHcle XIX of the California Constitution, state-imposed gas tax and use fuel (diesel) tax. revenues may be used for public highway purposes and for exclusive public mass transit guideway purposes, as specified. State-imposed tax and fee revenues on motor vehicles and on their use and operation may also be used for those purposes as well as for state regulation of vehicles used on public highways. This bill would enact the 1988 Transportation Bond Act SB 176 -2- which, upon approval of the voters, would authorize, for purposes of a program to finance capital improvements for local streets and roads, state highways, and exclusive public mass transit guideways, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $1,000,000,000. The bill would require the bond act to be voted on at the June 7, 1988, direct primary election. The bHI would also provide that it' would become operative only if SB 140 of the 1987-88 Regular Session becomes operative. The bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute. Vote: %. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. (a) The Legislature makes the 2 following findings and declarations: 3 (1) An efficient transportation infrastructure is vital to 4 the economic well-being of the state and is essential for 5 the daily activities of all the people. 6 (2) Current resources are not adequate to meet the 7 growing needs for the maintenance, operation, and 8 improvement of the state's transportation infrastructure. 9 (3) Transportation infrastructure is within the state 10 budget's highest priority category and should maintain its 11 pro rata share of the appropriations limit under Article 12 XIII B of the California Constitution. 13 (4) Responsibility for providing a better 14 transportation system is a joint venture of federal, state, 15 and local governments and the private sector. 16 (5) Transportation projects require years of advance 17 planning before being implemented, and the long~range • 18 project development work cannot proceed without a 19 long-range financial commitment. 20 (6) An inc~·easing number of transportation projects , 21 call for joint fmancing by state and local governments as 22 well as by the private sector. 23 (7) The state's role in financing transportation 24 projects needs to be defined so that local governments ' -3-SB 176 1 can better plan and manage their growth patterns and 2 better assess their financial needs. 3 (8) User fee revenues have not kept up with inflation; 4 the average annual gas tax revenue generated by a car in 5 1973 was $53.42, compared to the average annual gas tax 6 revenue generated by a car in 1984 of only $21.37 in 1973 7 dollars. 8 (9) With the state's population projected to grow by 9 about six million by the year 2000, preparing the - 10 transportation infrastructure for the year 2000 will 11 require major resource commitments by the people of 12 the state. 13 (10) Due to the enormous costs and the long-range 14 benefits of many transportation projects, bonds should be 15 used to augment and stabilize the transportation 16 program. 17 (b) Therefore, it is the intention of the Legislature, 18 through the enactment of this act: 19 (1) To develop a long-range financial commitment for 20 transportation with the active participation of the 21 Governor and the Legislature. 22 (2) To reform transportation planning and 23 programming procedures and to delineate state and local 24 transportation responsibilities and to provide additional 25 financial resources. 26 ( c) It is the further intent of the Legislature that any -- 27 debt incurred as a result of the adoption by the voters of 28 the 1988 Transportation Bond Act (Chapter 15 29 ( commencing with Section 2600) of Division 3 of the 30 Streets and Highways Code) be retfred as soon as feasible 31 so as to minimize the interest coi:t of the debt to the 32 citizens of the State of Californifl. 33 SEC. 2. Chapter 15 (commencing with Section 2600) 34 is added to Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code, 35 to read: 36 37 CHAPTER 15. 1988 TRANSPORTATION BOND Ac:r 38 39 Article 1. General Provisions 40 -..c.. SB 176 -4- 1 2600. This chapter shall be known and may be cited 2 as the 1988 TransportatiC'n Bond Act. 3 2601. As used in this chapter, the following terms 4 have the following meanings: 5 (a) "Committee" means th1;;> Transportation 6 Improvement Finance Committee created pursuant to 7 Section 2612. 8 (b) "Department" means the Department of 9 Transportation. 10 (c) "Fund" means the Transportation Improvement 11 Bond Fund created pursuant to Section 2605. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Article 2. Transportation Improvement Program 2605. The proceeds of bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the Transportation Improvement Bond Fund, which is hereby created. 2606. The money in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, shall be available for expenditure without regard to fiscal years for state highway and exclt.!sive public mass transit guideway capital improvements in accordance with Chapter 2 2a ( commencing with Section 14520) of Part 5.3 of Division 24 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code and for local 25 community transportation capital improvements on local 26 streets and roads, state highways, and those guideway 27 projects. Article 3. Fiscal Provisions 2610. Bonds in the total amount of one billion dollars 28 29 30 31 32 ($1,000,000,000), er so much thereof as is necessary, may 33 be issued and sold to provide a fund to be used for 34 carrying out the purposes expressed in this chapter, and 35 to be used to reimburse the General Obligation Bond 36 Expense Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of 37 the Government Code. The bonds shall, when sold, be 38 and constitute a valid and binding obligation of the State 39 of California, and the full faith and credit of the State of 40 California is hereby pledged for the punctual payment of -5-SB 176 1 both principal of, and interest on, the bonds as the • 2 principal and interest become due and payable. 3 2611: The bonds authorized by this chapter shall be 4 prepared, executed, issued, sold, paid, and redeemed as 5 provided in the State General Obligation Bond Law 6 ( Chapter 4 ( commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of 7 Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code), and all of 8 the provisions of that law apply to the bonds and to this 9 ehapter and are hereby incorporated in this chapter as 10 though set forth in full in this chapter. 11 2612. (a) The Transportation Improvement Finance ,,~ 12 Committee is hereby created. For purposes of this 13 chapter, the Transportation Improvement Finance 14 Committee is "the committee" as that term is used in the 15 State General Obligation Bond Law (Chapter 4 16 ( commencing with Section 16720) of Part 3 of Division 4 17 of Title 2 of the G~>Vernment Code). The committee 18 consists of the Secretary of the Business, Transportation 19 and Housing Agency, the Treasurer, the Controller, the 20 Director of Finance, and the Director of Transportation, 21 or their designated representative. The Treasurer shall 22 serve as chairperson of the committee. A majority of the 23 committee may act for the committee. 24 (b) For purposes of the State General Obligation Bond 25 Law, the California Transportation Commission is 26 designated the "board." 27 2613. The committee shall determine whether it is 28 necessary or desirable to issue bonds authorized pursuant 29 to this chapter in order to carry out the actions specified 30 in Section 2606, and if so, the amount of bonds to be issued 31 and sold. Successive issues of bonds may be issued and 32 sold to carry out those actions progressively, and it is not 33 necessary that all.of the bonds so authorized be issued and , 34 sold at any one time. 35 2614. There shall be collected annually, in the same 3'3 manner and at the same lime as other state revenue is 37 collected, the sum, in addition to the ordinary revenues 38 of the state, required to pay the principal of, and interest 39 on, the bonds due and payable each year and it is hereby 40 made the duty of all officers charged by law with any duty • SB 176 -6- 1 in regard to the collection of the revenue to do and O _) 2 perform each and every act which is necessary to collect 3 the additional sum. 4 2615. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the 5 Government Code, there is hereby appropriated from 6 the General Fund in the State Treasury, without regard 7 to fiscal years, for the purpose of this chapter, an amount O __) 8 equal to that sum annually necessary to pay the principal 9 of, and the interest on, the bonds issued and sold pursuant 10 to this chapter as the principal and interest become due 11 and payable. 12 2616. Money may be transferred from the fund to the 13 State Transportation Fund to reimburse the State 14 Highway Account for expenditures made subsequent to 15 the adoption of this chapter by the voters for the purposes 16 of state highway and exclusive public mass transit 17 guideway capital improvements in accordance with 18 Chapter 2 ( commencing with Section 14520) of Part 5.5 19 of Division 3 cf Title 2 of the Government Code as 20 specified in Section 2606. Q_, 21 The aggregate amounts that xµay be transferred under 22 this section shall not be in excess of amounts appropriated 23 by the Legislature from the fund for that purpose, and 24 there shall be no transfers made from the fund to the 0 25 State Transportation Fund for local community 26 transportation capital improvements on local streets and 27 roads, state highways, and those guideway projects. 28 2617. The board may request the Pooled Money 29 Investment Board to make a loan from the Pooled M,mey 30 Investment Account, in accordance with Section 16312 of 31 the Government Code, for the purposes of carrying out 32 this chapter. 33 The amount of the request shall not exceed the amount Q 34 of the unsold bonds which the committee has, by ~-· 35 resolution, authorized to be sold for the purpose of 36 carrying out this chapter. The board shall execute those 37 documents required by the Pooled Money Investment 38 Board to obtain and repay the loan. -39 Any amounts loaned shall be deposited in the fund to O 1r\ 40 be allocated by the board in accordance with this chapter. 0 -7-SB 176 1 2618. All money deposited in the fund which 'is 2 derived from premium and accrued interest on bonds 3 sold shall be reserved in the fund and shall be available 4 for transfer to the General Fund as a credit to 5 expenditures for bond interest. 6 2619. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that, 7 inasmuch as the proceeds from the sale of bonds 8 authorized by this chapter are not .. proceeds of taxes" as 9 that term is used in Article XIII B of the California 10 Constitution, the disbursement of these proceeds is not 11 subject to the limitations imposed by that article. 12 2620. The Department of Transportation shalJ?·~•..,~ 13 responsible for the administration of all money in .. &1e 14 fund. In consultatfan with the Treasurer and the Director 15 of Finance, the department shall establish the procedures 16 17 18 19 20 necessary to ensure compliance with all state and federal laws pertaining to the sale and use of general obligation bonds. c~ SEC. 3. Section 2 of this act shall take effect cpon the adoption by the voters of the 1988 Transportation Bond Act, as set forth in Section 2 of this act. SEC. 4. Section 2 of this act shall be submitted to the voters at the June 7, 1988, direct primary election in accordance with provisions of the Government Code and the Elections Code governing submission of statewide 23 24 25 (; 26 "-27 28 29 30 31 32 33 r 34 r' 35 w 36 37 38 39 40 measures to the voters. • Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all ball.~ts of the election shall have printed thereon and in a sq. __ ,·e thereof, the words: " 1988 Transportation Bond Act," and in the same square under those words, the following in 8-point type: "This act provides for a bond issue of one billion doJlars ($1,000,000,000) f::o provide funds for capital improvements for local streets and roads, state highways, and exclusive public mass transit guideways." Opposite the square, there shall be left spaces in which the voters may place a cross in the manne1 required by law to indicate whether they vote for or against the act. Where the voting in the election is done by means of voting machines used pursuant to law in the manner that carries out the intent of this section, the use of the voting SB 176 -8- 1 machines and the expression of the voters' choice by 2 means thereof are in compliance with this section. 3 SEC. 5. This act shall become operative only if Senate 4 Bill 140 of the 1987-88 Regular Session becomes 5 operative. 6 SEC. 6. This act is an urgency statute necessary for 7 the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, 8 or safety within the meaning of Article IV of the , 9 Constitution and shall go into immediate effect. The Facts 10 constituting the necessity are: 11 In order that the measure proposed by this act may be 12 considered and become operative at an appropriate time, 13 it is necessary that this act take efi. .. t immediately. •. I . - 0 l 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 88-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING SENATE BILLS 140 AND 176 (DEDDEH) 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad recog- 5 nizes that an efficient transportation infrastructure is vital 6 to the economic well-being of the state and is essential for 7 the daily activities of all the peop 1.e; and 8 WHEREAS, the adoption of Proposition A in November of 9 1987 established a significant local funding source for trans- 10 portation improvements; and 11 WHEREAS, SB 140 and SB 176 would establish a long-range 12 financial commitment from the Governor and the state Legisla- 13 ture for transportation and would authorize, upon approval of 14 the voters, the issuance of bonds to assist in the financing 15 of transportation improvements; and 16 WHEREAS, SB 140 provides for a new state-local matching 17 program which would maximize the number of improvements which 18 can he implemented using Proposition A funds. 19 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 20 city of Carlsbad as follows: 21 1. 22 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City council hereby strongly supports Senate 23 Bills 140 and 176. 24 //// 25 // // 26 / // / 27 //// 28 I II I . . ,-. I l. 2 3 3. That the city Council stresses the importance of the inclusion of the state-local matching program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 4 city Council of the City of Carlsbad held the _s_t_h __ 5 6 -~Ja~n_u_ar~y'----' 1988 by the following vote, to wit: 7 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 8 NOES: None 9 ABSENT: None day of 10 ll J2 C Mayor ATTEST: 13 aµt,.tR.~ 14 ALETHA L. RAUTENl<RANZ, C~ty Clerk 15 (SEAL) 16 17 • 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28