HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-12; City Council; 6955-3; Amendments & Additions Purchasing Municipal Code-, . :! N I II t/l ,, z ,•• ., . 0 f z . ) 'ti 1-1 a 0 .. , 'ti { Q) i 0 ( ::I 'ti 0 "" . ~ \ ~ "n r-1 'M 0 i:: ::I 0 t.) CX) CX) ' I N I r-1 : .!. @ ~ a:: a.. a.. ct: z 0 l3 C ..I 0 z :::, 0 c.., AB# 6955-#3 MTG . .l:1..2 -?('. DEPT._PC_H __ craoF CARLSBAD -AGENl\lBILL Ilil,..E; AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE • PURCHASING SECTIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD-~/ CITY ATTY Vf8 CITY MGR.~ Introduce Ordinance No. rc~ -~ , amending the purchasing procedures to adjust the dollar amount required or formal bids to fifteen thousand dollars {$15,000), to increase other purchasing amounts proportionately and to clarify purchases that are not governed by the Ordinance. ITEM EXPLANATION The City of Carlsbad adopted a Purchasing Ordinance in October, 1966. Since that time, the Ordinance has been reviewed and revised occas'lonally to ensure that the City is following current and accepted purchasing procedures. It was five years ago when the dollar amount for formal bids was adjusted from $5,000 to $10,000, and the requirement for informal bids was raised to $500. Recently, a careful review of the City's Ordinance and a study of other agencies' purchasing ordinances was undertaken. The proposed changes to the City's ordinance are the result of this study and are listed below: 1. Raising the dollar limits for formal bids from $10,000 to $15,000. 2. Increasing the dollar limits from $500 to $1,000 before quotations are required. In addition to the above proposed changes, certain procedures that have been practiced need to be clarified and incorporated in the ordinance. These proposed additions include the following: I. Bidding .may be dispensed with when a commodity, furnishing or piece of equipment has been standardized by the City Manager or by the City Council. 2. Certain supplies, services and equipment are not subject to the bidding provisions of the Purchasing Ordinance. These may include Public Works Projects, Uti'lities (gas, electricity, telephone), work performed by another• public agency, real property purchases and related costs, credit card purcha~es of gasoline, oil or emergency automotive needs, freight charges, insurance and bond premiums, advertising, and works of art. Also, there is one legal reference pertaining to the administration of contracts for public projects that needs to be changed to reflect the creation of the Public Contract Code that was established by the legislature in 1982. The above recommended amendments and additions to the Purchasing Ordinance will protect the integrity of the competitive bidding system and bring the City into line with current public purchasing practices in California. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no direct cost to the City; however, since the number of formal bids will be less, there will be a savings in the legal advertising costs . PAGE 2 OF AB # & C)S£"-3 EXHIBITS I. Summary of Proposed Amendments and Additions to Purchasing Ordinance - Exhibit A. 2. Ordinance No. ~::._g__. l) 1 Exhibit A November 16, 1987 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Purchasing Officer SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO PURCHASING ORDINANCE The City's purchasing ordinance establishing procedures for acquisition of supplies, services and equipment was first adopted in October, 1966. Several revisions have been made since that time, with the most recent revision o~curring in Jµne, 1986. One of the goals of the Purchasing Department this year is to review and -revise the present purchasing ordinance and bring it up-to-date with current and accepted purchasing practices. During the past three months a careful revi~w of the City's ordinance has been made. In addition to reviewing the City's ordinance, a study of other public agencies' purchasing ordinances was undertaken. The recommended amendments and additipns to the Carlsbad Municipal Code are a result of this study and are considered necessary for a viable and comprehensive purchasing policy. There are three sections of the present ordinance where major amendments should be made. One involves exceptions to the bidding procedures, another i nvo 1 ves t~e raising the dollar amount for formal and informal bidding and the third is changing 11 1 ega l reference for pub 1 i c projects. A summdry of the recommendations is presented below: SECTION 3.28.090 -BIDDING This section of the ordinance outlines the circumstances when bidding procedures may be dispensed with. The present ordinance indicates bidding may be dispensed with when an item costs less than $500. This amount was established in 1982, and now it is recommended the amount be raised to $1,000. Several public agencies have already raised the dollar amount to $1,000 before informal bids {quotations) are required. These agencies have not experienced any proble~s since the Purchasing Officer still has the discretion to obtain quotes from any item up to $1,000. By increasing the dollar amount _to $1,000, more time can be given to the higher cost items where the potential for savings is greater. There is .one other circumstance when the bidding procedures should be waived. From time to time, the City Council or the City Manager have determined it is advantageous to standardize on a furnishing or a piece of equiprQnt. In April, 1986, Council approved the standardization of Xerox copy machines making it possjhle for the City to purchase these machines without having to develop specifications and going out to bid on a technical piece of equipment. If the bidding requirements were waived for items that have been standardized, it is estimated that 8 -12 weeks could be saved in the procurement process. [ ! l i I ,• i { i i I ,I i '! f I J ,( ,, t i j ,I ,I i ii SECTION 3.28.120 -FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES The present ordinance requires formal bidding procedures be used when purchasing supplies, services and equipment costing $10,000 or more. This amount was established five years ago and has become somewhat restrictive considering the erosion in buying power over the past five years. It is recommended the amount be raised from $10,000 to $15,000. If the formal bidding amount was raised to $15,000, the informal bidding or open market procedures would be used for purchasing supplies, services and equipment co::ting less than $15,000. The change in the formal bidding procedures would not affect Public Works Contracts since these contracts are subject to Section 20160 -20174 of the Public Contract Code. Approximately, three -four weeks could be saved by using the informal bidding proce~ures for purchasing supplies, services and equipment costing less than $15,000. In addition to the ten days saved by not advertising in the paper, there would be additional time saved in the preparation and review of agenda bills that would be going to the City Council for the bid award. By using the informal bidding procedures, the City Manager would have the authority to execute all contracts for the purchase of supplies, services and equipment in an amount of less than $15,000. In addition to these changes, there are certain purchases that have always been ~xempt from the bidding procedures, but they have never been incorporated in the purchasing ordinance. These items are now spelled out in Section 3.28.190 -Supplies, Services and Equipment Not Governed by This Chapter, and include gas, electric services, telephone charges (except long distance), work or services performed by another public agency, purchase of real property, purchase of gasoline and emergency automotive charges by use of a credit card, transportation or freight charges, purchase of insurance and bond premiums, advertising, and works of art. This completes the recommended additions to the ordinance; however, there is one legal reference in the present ordinance that heeds to be updated. The present ordinance indicates that Public Works Contracts are to be administered in the manner provided by Title 4, Division 3, Part 2, Chapter 6 of the California Government Code. In 1982, the Public Contract Code was established by the legislature to combine all the references for public works contracts into one Code. Therefore, the present refer~nce should be changed to Article 4, Chapter 1, Part~ of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code. These changes will assure sound competitive purchasing practices will continue to be followed. Formal bids and quotations will be solicited in accordance to the ordinance and the guide l i nes est ab 1 i shed by the Purchasing Officer. The integrity of the competitive bid system will be secure and the City of Carlsbad will have a comprehensive ordinance for its purchasing program. ~~!?~ RUTH FLETCHER Purchasing Officer dp lf- l J t 1 I I l i l I t l 1 ~ l l ' 3.28,0lO 3.28.020 3.28,030 3. 28,040 3.28.050 3.28.060 3.28,070 3.28,080 3. 28,090 ;;. 28,lOO 3.28.llO 3.28.120 3.28.130 3.28,140 3. 28,150 3.28,160 3.28,170 3, 28,180 ·. Chaotar 3._ PUR.CHASIN Ad::,ption of pw:chaain; system. Centralized pw:chasing depa:t:nent, Compliance raquired--Effect of noncompliance. Pw:chasing officar. Authority, tt> inspect and test. Duti•s of purchasing officar. Requisitions. Public projects. Bidding. Use of pw:chase ordars raq-Jired. Enc:umbranca of funds. Formal bidding procedure. Open-=k•t procadure, Compet.ttive negotiations. Profassion&l sa::vicas. Cooperativa purchaaing. Award and execution of contracts, ,Exemptions from centralized purchasing. 3.28.010 , Adootion of ou:chasinc: svstem. Th• centralized p\i.rch&s.1.ng sysi:em sei: oui: :.n ilu.s cnap1:11r •• adopi:ed in ordar to establish efficient procedures for th• purchase of supplies, services and equipment, to ••cur• for the city supplies, ser- vicH and equipment, at the lowest po11sible cost commensurate with ~lity ,needed1 to exe=iH podtive _ _f~~~-e_i:~ control over purc~s•st to clearly define authority for the parcha1- ing function and-to assure the quality of purclasas. (Ord. 1197 Sl(part), 1976: Ord~ 1098 Sl). 3 .2a·.020 Cantralized 'Clurchasing deoartment. There is created a central.zed purcnas.ng aapar~eni: .n which is vested authority.'for th• purchase of suppli•s, services and equipment. (Ord~ 1197 Sl'(part), l976i Ord, 1098 S2). . 3.28,030-Colll'Dlianc• reauired-Effect of noncomolia~ce, No obl:i.ga:.on !or tna payaicni: of suppl.es, sarv.ces and equip- ment shall ~ incurred by the city except as prescr!b.d by this chapter. Any agreement for the purchaH of supplies, ae:rvice•.,ancl .equipment 'mad• contr~ to the provisions of this chapter 1hall be void and any clailll or d11111&nd against the city baaed thereon shall be invalid.' (Ord. 1197 ,sllpart), 1976: Ord, 1091 S3) • 3.28.040 Purchasina officer, There is created the posit.i.on of purcnas.n9 ot:.cer. The purchasing officar shall be appointad 'by t:he city iu.nag•r and, in the abHnc• of such an appointment, th• functions of auch,position shall be per- fol:IMd by the city manager. The purchasing officer shall have 9en1ral_supervision of the purchasing dep•rtm•nt and shall ·havt ge_neral supervision of the purchasing system s,et out in this chapter. Th• duties of the purchasing officer may be coc:bined with those of any other offic• or position. !Ord, 1239 Sl, 1981: Ord, 1205 S1, 1977: Ord. 1197 Sllpartl, 1976: Ord, 1091 S4). ' 3.28.050 Authoritv to insoect and test, The purchasing officer ur a des.gnated represeni:at.ve snali be responsible for the inspection of supplie1 and equipment delivered to detarmine their conformanc1 vith the specifications set forth in the ~rd,r, Th• purchasi:19 officer, or a designated repr•••ntative, shall have authority to require chlllllical and physical tests of spPlt submitted vith the bids and sa:nples of deliveries which are necessary to determine their quality and conformance with specifications. (Ori!, 11'7 Sl (part), 197h Ord. 1098 S5). 3.21,060 Duti•• of ourchasing officer, The purcha1in9 officer sliill nave tne aui:.hor.ty to: -- 1 U.-. Pm:chase 9r contract for suppliH, 1ervices and equipcent nquired ~ any usinq agency in accord1nca vit.h purchasing procedures prescribed by thil chapter, such ad- m.ini1trative regulation• as the purchasing officer shall adopt for the internal management and operation of the pur- chasing d1part:111ent and such oth•r rule• and re9u~ati0ns a1 shall be prescribed by th• city 111&nagar1 ( 21 Negotiate and reco!llllllnd exacution of contracts for the purcha•• of supplies, services and equipment, '( 31 Act to pr:ocun for the city th• needed quality in' suppliea, services an:! equipment at lealt expensa to the city, Exhibit A .. Cont. 3,28,l90 Supplies, services and equipment not governed by this chapter. s { I l l l l ( 41 Discourage unifor111 bidding ~endeavor to obtain as full and open competitions as poss.i:./~on all purchases, ( SI Prepare and recomend to the city manager rules and revillions, and amendlllents to such rules, governing the purchase of supplies, services and equipment for the city, ( 6) Keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market conditions and new products, ( 71 Prescribe and maintain such forms as reasonably nec ■1sary to th• operation of this chapter and other rules and regulations r ( I) Supervise the inspection of all supplies and ■quip• ment purchased to insure conforlll&nce with specifications, < 9) Rec:ommend· to th• city manager the transfer of sur• plus or unused suppliu and 11q11ip111ent between departments as neededr ' ' • . (10) Maintain a bidders• list, vendor•• catalog file and records nnded for th• efficient operation of the purchasing depart:ment, (lll Prepare, in consultation with using dep&rtments, specifications for supplies, services and equipment for the city. (Ord. U97 5l(partl, 19761 Ord, 1098 56). 3,21.070 Recruisit:ions, Osing agenciu shall submit: requesi:s tor supplies, Hrvices and equipment t:o the purchas• in9 officer by standard requisition for1111, or by other means as may be Htablished by the purchasing rules and regulations, (Ord. 1197 Sl(partl, 1976: ·ord, 1171 Sl(partl, 19741 Ord, 1091 S7). 3.28.080 Public erofhcts. Contracts for public projects shall bi adiii:uu.stered ui e manner provided by Title 4, Di- vision 3, Part 2, Chapter 6 of the California Government Code. (Ord. 1197 Sl(part), 19761 Ord, 1098 SB). 3.28.090 Bidding. Purchases of supplies, services and eqw.pment snail.be by bid procedures pursuant to thil :nilpter. Bidding_ ll!&Y be dispenHd with1 l _ (ll When the city manager determines that an emergency requires that an order.be pl!ced.with the nearest available iource of aupplyr or -' . (2), Wbu th• uiount of an itu purchaaed is lHs tha11 !ive. hll114red' dollars, or (3) When th• city council finds that the commodity :an be obtained froa only one-vendor; or (4) When the commodity_ ii required to _match or be :ompatibl~ vithiother furnishings, material• or equip!llent· 1r ■1ent:ly on hand and i1' to be purchased from the supplier 1f such on-hand itUISJ or • CS) When services ar• involved which will be performed 1ntirely by ciey~forces: ,or (6) WheA the,provi1iono of Sections 3.28,130, 3.28,l ◄O 1r J.21.1so are applicabl•• (Ord, 1249 Sl, l9821 Ord. 1197 :l(psrtl, l976i Ord. 1091 59). 3.21.100 uae of Durch••• orders required. Purchase of suppli.H, -servi.cH and eq,u.pment snail-be made only by pur• c~••• orders. Except as othe:wise provided in this chapter, no purchaae.ord1r shall be issued unle11 the prior approval of th• purchaaini of!icer or a designated representative has been,~btained. (Ord, 1197 Sl(~art), l9761 Ord. 117l Sl(part), 197~1 Ord, 1091 510), 3.21,110. Er.cumbrance of funds. Except in ca ■es of emu• gency or l.Zl ca••• where sp■ci.!Ic authority has been first ob• tained froll th• city council, the pw:chaaing officer shall not i1sue any purchase ordu for supplies, services and eq-Jip_mcnt unless there exist• an unancum.bared appropriation in th ■-fund account againat'•which suc:h purchase is to be charged, (Ord. 1197 Sl(part), 19711 Ord. 1171 5l(partl, 19741 Ord, 1091 511) • I" ' I .. .! • (Change of legal reference.) 3.28,080 Public Projects, Contracts for ubli trojects shall be administered in the manner pr!vid ~ Y Article 4, Chapter 1, Part J of Division 2-of th: P2ulbloic Contract Code (Public Contract Code Section 6 et seq.) (Changes level wnen bidding is required from $S00 to $1000.) (2) When the amount of an i~em purchased is less than one thousand dollars; or <~dds section to provide for standardiz1tion of certain items.) (7) When,a particular typ~ or make,of commodity, furnishings, type of mat&rial or ftquipment has been standardized for the City by order of the City Manager or by the City Council. I l I I ! l ! l ! t l l l I j 1 I t 1 l ' --✓-- 3.28.130 0D•n market orocedure. (&) Notwithstanding S1etion l.2Q.12o, tne purchas~ng officer may purchase sup- pliea, services and 1quip11111nt in th• open mark•t pursuant to the procedur•• established in this section. Th• open 111&rk•t proc2dur• may be utiliz•d when the ••timated value of the auppli••• ••rvicea and •quipment to be purchased is l••s than ten thousand dollars, wh•n no bids are rec1ived pursuant to bid procedure ■ •~tablished by this chapter or when all bids receiv•d substantially •xceed the c~~y•• ••timated cost for the i:,urcha••• further, the city council may designate types or classes of supplies, ■ervic•• and equipment costing more than t•n th~usand dollar• which 111&y be purchased through use of open aarket procedure ■ whenever the city council finds that use of open market procedurH ii economically advan• tageows to the city, lb) Th• open m&rkat procedura shall be •• follow ■: Ill Th• purchuing officer shall solicit bid• by written or oral request to prospective vendors, 121 Seal•d written bids shall be sullllii.tted to the purchasing officer, 131 The purchalling officer sl\all kHp a pu.."llic r::-:ord of all open mark•t requHts ud b.!.ds far a period of one year after the su.bmiHion of the bids or, if no bids are received, the placing of the orders. 141 If feasible, purch«••• shall be baaed upon at least three written bids and shall be awarded to th• lowest responsible bidd•r who ■Wllllits a rasponaivs bid which, b&Hd upon total coat, is moat advantageous to the citv, (Ord, 1283 Sl, 19851 Ord. 1249 Sl, 1982:0rd, 1197 Sllpart), 19761 Ord, 1091 SU), '3.28.140 eompetitive negotiations, The·purchasing officer uy au:norue tne purcnaae o! highly technical supplies or equipmant by competitive negotiation• when1 (l) Th• suppliH or equipment an ■UCII that suitabl• technical or perf01:11&11ce specifications are not readily available, or (:Z) The city ia not able to develop descriptive apecificationa1 or Cl) Th• proposal& for the purchaH would be 110re advantayeoua to the city, When the purchuea an IIAde by compat_\tive negotiation ■, the best oU!e:, aa judged against proposal evaluation criteria, shall be accepted, The use of competitive negotiations is not intended to be usad for the purpo ■e of avoiding th• bidding procedurH aa ••t forth in this chapter. (Ord, 1249 S4, lH~I orc1. 1197 Sl (part)., 1976), 3.21.150 Profe1sional serric••• Jleqllest for proposals shall tie us.a vhen the aervicea o! attorneys, flCC:Ountanta, architects or specialized conaultanu are nHded, Whenever pouilll .. ,.,.1eut three proposal• aha~ be received for the prof•••~·•ervice needed, The purehuin9 officer may waive ~nts far solicitation of 11\lltiple pro- posal& :Le'iai:r, olMI individual or fin can provide the profeaeioaaJ.•aenice, Th• ••l•ction of·th• professional shall "•• llaffd upon an analysis of deaonatrated c011petence and profeea:Lonal qualification• nec:e11ary tor the ■ati•• :actory perfo:nia11ce of the service r~r■d u well as the coat of the aervic•• (Ord, 120 SS,, 1912), A (Raises open~ ~et procedures from less than $10,000 to less than $15,000). 3.28.l~O Open market procedure. (a) Notwithstanding Section 3,28,120, the purchasing officer may purchase supplies, services and equipment in the open market pursuant to the procedures established in this section. The open mark~t procedure may be utilized when the estimated value of the supplies, services and equipment to be purchased is less than fifteen thousand dollars, when no bids are received pursuant to the bid procedures established by this chapter or when all bids received substantially exceed the city's estimated cost for the purchase, Further, the eity council 1118 y desii;nate types or classes of suppUes, services and equipment cost more than fifteen thousand dollars which may be purchased through use of open market procedure& whenever the city ~oduncil finds that use of open market procedures is economically a vantageous to the city, 7 l l l j I " I f ( j 1 I I l J i i ! i I t t 3.28.160 coo~erative purchas~-Purchaae of supplies, sarvicaa ind aqw.pmant 1:1y contract, •·· .angement and agr••- -nt for cooperative purchasing progr&11111 with the state, thl ca\11\ty, or any other public or municipal corporation of the state may be 11&de by the purchasing officer when the adl1Lini1- tarin9 agency has bde their purchases in• co111petitiva man- n~r, (Ord, l,20 56 (part), 19821 Ord, 1197 51 (part), 1976). 3,21.170 Award and execution of contracts, Z:Xc1pt in emergency u.tua1:1ons, pursuan1: ta swiHction Iii of Section 3,28,090, all contracts f~r suppli••• sarvicas and equipment in an estiaatad &110unt of tan thousand dollars, or mare, shall ba awarded by the city council, Contracts for supplies, services and equipment in an Htimated &1110111\t of lass than tan thousand dollars ■hall be executed by th• city 111&n&9er, The city manager may award contracts in an amount of lHs than twanty~five thousand' dollars when the s1:udy or projact is financad from daposits provided by parsons or organization■ other than the city which are hald in trust by the city and. whan tho city's share of the cost is less than five thousand dollars, (Ord, 124, $7, 1982: Ord, 1197 Sllpartl, 19761, 3.28.110 Exemptions tro~ centralized 0urchasin9, The pw:Ch&-.rii9 oti!icar, with approval of th• city 111anagar, m&y authorize in writizl9,any dep&rtlllfflt ta purchase specified supplies, sarvicH and equipmant of Htilllated uiounta of las• th&A five thousand dollars independently of th• pur- ch&1in9 depanaant, such pw:cha ■H shall be mad• in con- fonlity with the procedw:11 Hublishad by this chapt1r, and shall further require periodic reporu fro11 th• agency 011 th• purch&1a1 made undar such vriti:an authorization. (Ord, 1249 56(part), 19121 Ord, 1197 Sl(partl, 1976), (Changes amount of contract requiring council approval from $10,000 to $15,000) i 3 • 28 • 170 Award and exe~ut1.on of contracts. Exce t Sn emergency situations, pursuant to subsection (1) ofp ection 3,28,090, all contracts for supplies services :nf1equipment in an estaimated amount of fif~een thousand o ars or more, shall oe awarded by the city council Contracts for supplies, services and equipm,nt in an• e~ti~~ed amount of less than fifteen thousand dollars s a e executed by the city man!ger, (Alniewisection defining certain types of purchases and st ng exemptions.) i 3,28,190 Supplies, services and equipment not governed J by this chapter. Supplies, services and equipuent not subject} to the provisions of this chapter are as follows: 1 (1) Utility services and related charge ■; . (2) Work or services performed by another public or quasi•J public entity; (3) Real property pu~chaaes and related title and escrow fees; (4) Credit card purchases of gasoline, automotive needs; (5) Tran~portation and freight charges indicated ou a purchase order; (6) Insurance and bond premiums; (7) Advertising; (8) Works of art. l oil or emergency i when not specifical! l f \ l 2 3 4 5 --------:--~ - ORDINANCE NO. NS-2 AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMEND iNG TITLE 3 , CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO REVISE THE CITY PURCHASING PROCEDURES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as 6 follows: 7 SECTION 1. That Title 3, Chapter 3 .28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 8 amended by the amendment of Section 3. 28. 080 to replace "Public Contract Code 9 §20161 through §20174" with "Article 4, Chapter 1, Part 3 of Division 2 of the ld Public Contract Code (Public Contract Code Section 2160 et seq.)" in the first 11 sentence thereof. 12 SECTION 2. That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 13 amended by the amendment of Section 3.28.090(2) to. read as follows: 14 "{2) When the amount of an item purchased is less than one thousand 15 dollars; or" 16 SECTION 3: That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipa'f Code is 17 amended by the addition of Section 3.28.090(7) to read as follows: 18 "(7) When a particular type or make of commodity, furnishings, type 19 of material or equipment has been standardized for the City by order of the City 20 Manager or by the City Council . " 21 SECTION 4. That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 22 amended by the amendment of Section 3.28.120 to replace "ten thousand dollars" 23 with the term "fifteen thousand dollars" in the first sentence thereof. 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 5. That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 3.28.130(a) to replace "ten thousand dollars" with the term "fifteen thousand dollars" in the second and third sentence thereof. I I Jj ·! 1 SECTION 6. That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 3.28.170 to replace "ten thousand dollars" 2 with the term "fifteen thousand dollars" in the first and second sentences 3 4 5 thereof. SECTION 7. That Tit.le 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 3.28.19v to read as follows: 6 7 "3. 28.190 SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT NOT GOVERNED BY THIS CHAPTER. Supplies, services and equipment not subject to the provisions of this chapter 8 9 are as follows: 10 (1) Utility services and related charges; 11 (2) Work or services performed by another public or quasi-public 12 entity; 13 (3) Real property purchases and related title and escro~ fees; 14 (4) Credit-card purchases of gasoline, oil or emergency automotive 15 needs; 16 (5) Transportation and freight charges when not specifically indicated on a Purchase Order; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 R.7 28 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill (6) Insurance and bond premiums; ! • I'--' . ' -' i \ l 2 3 "(7) Advertising; (8) Works of Art." EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and 4 cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen 5 days ~fter its adoption. '6 7 IHTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 8 on the ~ day of __ J_an_u_a....,ry'-----' 1988, and thereafter 9' -PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 10 19th day of __ J_a_nu_a __ ry._ ___ , 1988 by the follow·ing vote, to wit: 11 12 13 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None Appr ed as, to Form and Legality 14 "'- 15 / 16 17 18 19 20 ATTEST: 21 J 22 AL~RAU'TEN~~ 23 {SEAL) 24 25 26 27 28 ' i