HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-12; City Council; 8851-4; Immigration Study Task Force9 - CT’- OF CARLSBAD - AGENI- BILL I . ,B#w TII ITG. /-/2-88 IMMIGRATION STUDY TASK FORCE: IEPT. poL CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDED ACTION: 'his is an informational item. Council has received a copy of the linal report of the Immigration Study Task Force. No action is required )y Council at this time. Members of the task force will likely address :he Council on the recommendations contained in the reports. :TEM EXPLANATION: )n April 21, 1987, the Immigration Study Task Force submitted a report :o Council. At that time Council requested the task force reconvene :o produce a report outlining specific recommendations for action. 'his report is in response to that request. 'ISCAL IMPACT: 'he fiscal impact is dependent on Council's decision to implement any )r all of the recommendations. No cost estimates have been supplied )y the task force at this time. ;XHIBITS: . . Immigration Study Task Force Report . TEE CDNCLUSIONS AID FINAL RE COMMENDATIONS To THE CITYOFC~BAD PFESJZNTEDBY THE IMMIGRATION STUDY TASKl3XCE TASKFORCEMEiMBElRS MONSIGNORJ. RAYMOJXDbXXME, Chairman FATHER AL CAPUCHINO GLORIA C- ROBERTWALWICK VICTORIA GUBEXMANN THOMAS BRIERLY RUDYMXENO On 04/21/87, the Immigration Study Task Force submitted a report to Council outlining the impact of illegal aliens upon the City. On that evening, the Council requested the Task Force to reconvene for an additional six months to produce a second report outlining recommenda- tions for consideration. The following is the compliance to Resolution No. 9049. *********************************************************************** As a result of the extraordinary influx of aliens into the Carlsbad area, the community has experienced several impacts. 1, We find that a foreign language is spoken by many of the City's residents. 2. The agricultural industry has flourished by reason of the availability of inexpensive labor. 3. The tourism industry, to a certain degree, had also benefited because of low labor costs. 4, Jobs have been provided for teachers as the children of aliens consti- tute a fair percentage of the school population. 5, A reputation was created for the City as the place where hundreds of farm workers live in subhuman-like conditions in the canyons and hills. The Task Force, in compliance to Resolution No. 9049, has attempted to review many of the broader immigration issues facing the City of Carlsbad, the County and the resident alien. It was the general consensus of the Task Force that the City, on its own, was limited in its ability to address many of the issues, Therefore, the recommendations provided within this report look into the future applicability of a coordinated County-wide response, as well as ways in which the community, as a whole, can best benefit from its new citizens. .* . COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH: Recommendation: Approach the County Human Relation Commission through Supervisor John McDonald, in an effort to create a sub-committee on immigration. Justification: Despite the many needs of the newly documented immi- grants within the City of Carlsbad, answers for most of the immigration issues simply cannot be handled on the municipal level. It is, therefore, our recommendation that the City approach the County Human Relation Commission to act as the directing agency for the entire County. The follow- ing would be a brief outline of the duties and respon- sibilities of the Immigration sub-committee: * Promote and foster mutual respect and understanding among all groups and communities. * Examine the causes of tension and conflict, discrim- ination and intolerance. * Conduct workshops, conferences and other public meetings to educate the community on basic human rights and responsibilities, and assist in the constructive resolution of group tensions. * Enlist the cooperation and participation of various community groups and organizations to foster mutual esteem, justice and equity and the dignity of every individual. * Engage in research and education for the purpose of lessening prejudice, including the preparation and dissemination of information on understanding diverse groups. * Provide liaison and assistance to citizen groups interested in fostering intergroup understanding and civil peace. * Cooperate with County departments and committees in identifying and amelioration of human relations problems. . .’ . C HOUSING Recommendation: Initiate a City sponsored study as to the feasibility of low cost family housing for immigrants. Justification: A large number of hispanic families are subjected to abuse becuase of the shortage of housing for low income families; namely, alien families who occupy the lowest paying jobs in our community. The law of supply and demand has driven rents to exorbitant heights forcing several families to live together in limited space in order to survive. It is not uncommon for people earn- ing the minimum wage having.to pay two-thirds of their income for rent. Since rent control is out of the question, it seems that if Carlsbad is to maintain a low-income work force, the City must pursue State and Federal help to provide hous- ing for low-income families. Carlsbad, with its heavy emphasis on tourism and agriculture needs a work force that will be available to the hotels, restaurant, motels, recreational facilities and farms found in our City. Recommendation: Request State or Federal aid to provide subsidies for agricultural housing. Justification: There are hundreds of men living in caves, shelters made of sticks and plastic, under trees, in ditches, etc., within the City limits. Carlsbad has received national notoriety because of the sub-human living conditions which are endured by some of its residents. It does appear that the City of Carlsbad has some obligation to correct this inhuman situa- tion. After listening to suggestions made by the farmers who employ these workers, it is generally agreed that some type of farm labor camp should be established so that these individuals have safe and sanitary living quarters. Many references were made as to the types of quarters that were made available to the farm workers who came to the United States under the Bracero program. Many citizens of Carlsbad are embarrassed by the lack of decent living conditions for so many of its residents. Perhaps the City and County governments can develop a farm labor camp, or at least provide private parties with guidance and expertise in developing such a facility. .- INFORMATION: Recommendation: Justification: Recommendation: Justification: EDUCATION: Recommendation: Justification: The Task Force has learned that inasmuch as the Carlsbad Housing Authority qualifies as an agency whereby funds could be available for farm labor camps through the State Office of Farm Labor Housing, the Task Force recommends that an inquiry be made to the respective State and Federal agencies. Sponsor a welcome day for our new local immigrants. To help foster a more positive relationship between our hispanic community and local government. Implement a standard operating procedure to deal with non-English speaking City residents who are not able to get timely service. Non-English speaking residents in our'City are often unable to obtain City services because of their inability to effectively communicate. As these residents pay taxes along with the rest of us, they, too, should have timely access to City services. We, therefore, feel that: 1) The City should have a definitive procedure for dealing with and helping non-English speaking residents; plus 2) Produce an English/Spanish directory in conjunction with the United Way listing all municipal and county services available to the Carlsbad resident. Help locate classroom space for MiraCosta College Adult Education classes within the City. Education of the alien is imperative. Although we recognize that education does not come directly under the control or influence of the City Council, it must be recognized that an educated resident has a greater potential for being a useful unit in society, rather than being a burden to society. The immigration law of 1986, requires that all people seeking legal residency learn English, American history and civics. It would be a distinct service if the City of Carlsbad were to seek out those empowered to provide adult education and offer assistance in providing class- room settings for the instruction of the alien. MiraCosta College is more than willing to provide programs for our residents, as are various private, non-profit volunteer programs. Recommendation: Encourage the City's Literacy program to actively apply for any available grant money. Justification: In an effort to offset the impact of the Amnesty program, the Federal government is offering new grant monies for Literacy programs who train Amnesty participants. As this appears to be an impressive program, the Task Force feels it would be of great community benefit to perpetuate and expand this program using Federal grant monies. In Conclusion: The members of the Task Force have dedicated a good deal of time and effort in the preparation of these recommen- dations. It is our earnest hope that this effort will not be in vain. All citizens are entitled to a life where the basic human needs of shelter, health and safety are met. The problems identified are real and seriously impact the lives of citizens of Carlsbad. It is our hope that the City will show its concern for all its citizens through action. There are no simple answers, but the committee's recommendations are a beginning.