HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-12; City Council; 9226; Elm AV citizen requestClem' 3F CARLSBAD - AGEND? 31LL CITIZEN REQUEST - ELM AVENUE IEPT. CM DEPT. HD. - CITY A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the item regarding Elm Avenue as requested by Mr. Sims. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the public comment period of the City Council meeting of November 10, 1987, Mr. James Sims presented the attached petition to the Council and requested that this item be placed on the Council agenda for discussion. Mr. Sims and other Elm Avenue Retailers and Owners (EARO) would like to be involved in any future developments downtown which effect traffic flow and parking on Elm Avenue. EXHIBITS : 1. Petition concerning Elm Avenue. 2. Elm Avenue Retailers and Owners' (EARO) recommendations regarding Elm Avenue and its future development. c -P ~ PETITION EXHIBIT 1 .' We, the undersigned and concerned business owners of Elm Avenue and adjacent street, do hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. That the City Council take no arbitrary action concerning the elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. That the City Council, in good faith and with sincere intentions listen to, and negotiate with, the business owners on Elm Avenue and adjacent streets before making a final decision on the total elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. That the City Council recognize that the undersigned business owners, their customers, clients and patrons are genuinely and sincerely concerned about the effect that total, immediate elimination of parking will have on their business and livelihood. That the City Council also recognize that the business owners are ready and willing to work with the Council with respect to finding a reasonable and equitable solution which will meet the needs of all concerned: the City, the Business owners and their customers, clients and patrons. The committee appointed by the business owners to represent their interests requests that the City Council place this matter on the City Council's agenda during the week of November 9,. 1987 or November 16, 198'7, for a full discussion of the problem, and the presentation of alternatives for the Council's consideration. . -nature) C(m LU. 5mLmm (Signature) . i '"(Signature) (Business) ~CARLSBAD VILLAGE CHRIST IAN BOOKSTORE Business) 5-74, t//tl . (Name Printed) . 3 EXHIBIT 2 CLM AVENUE RETAILERS and OlrJNERS .. In order to protect our businesses and maintain a downtown village atmosphere we strongly recommend--- I-Parking stay on Elm Avenue: 2-Street scape plans continue to beautify Elm Avenue, 3-Nodify the median designs to allow flow of traffic 4-Placement of traffic signals on Elm Avenue to and allow left turns. control and slow traffic. 5-Concern for safety of Pedestrians, children, joggers, and bikers. * E. A. R. O.----G 0 A L To be able to continue in business and have traffic flow and maintain on-going parking, E. A. R. 0, would like to be involved in any'furthcr developemants downtown which effect traffic flow and parking. ., c 4 .. REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Subject: Eualuation of the Traffic Impacts of the Elm Avenue I mpro uem ent Project Our firm, Monroy-Lbpez Engineering, has been retained by the Downtown Merchants Association to provide an independent evaluation of the traffic impacts of the Elm Avenue Improvement Project, from the 1-5 interchange to Carlsbad Boulevard. The Project's traffic features include restriping to four lanes and provision of a landscaped median. This design requires the removal of existing parking and severely restricts access to the many driveways along Elm Avenue. Based on a review of available traffic data and field inspection of Elm Avenue it is our conclusion that A] Removal of all the existing parking is not warranted at this time, and B] The restrictive effect of the landscaped median can be mitigated by the provision of a traffic signal on Elm Avenue between Harding Street and the 1-5 Southbound Ramps. The reasons for these conclusions are listed below: 1. The need to accomodate future traffic volumes has been stated as the reason for parking removal. However, future volumes, specifically from the SANDAG studies, are for the "Buildout" scenario, i.e. the year 2010. Future volumes which might not be reached till 20 years from now, or even 5 years from now do not warrant removing parking at t his time. .- M--* =@-+%I civil engineering traffic & transportation parking design 2. Future volumes are based on a "worst case" condition. For example, buildout assumes that more than 1 million square feet' would be added to the existing 0.2 million square feet of office space. This is a 500 percent increase, and results in traffic volumes that are 42% to above the capacity for Elm Avenue. In all probability, future traffic volumes will not be nearly as high. For example, as shown on Appendix A, Evaluation of Traffic Volumes on Elm Avenue, SANDAG projections are significantly lower for the same segments of Elm Avenue. 3. Analysis of the existing accident rates for the last three years (1984-1986), as shown on Appendix B, shows that there is an accident problem only at each end of Elm Avenue. Between State and Harding the accident rates are lower than what are typical3 for similar streets throughout California. Parking has already been removed between Harding and 1-5 and the high accident rate between Carlsbad and State does not necessarily indicate that removing parking would alleviate the problem. A detailed analysis should be made to determine how to best resolve the accident problem in that one segment of Elm Avenue. 4. Using recent PM Peak Hour traffic counts at the Elm Avenue intersections with Harding Street and the 1-5 Southbound Ramps, a time-space (see Appendix C) diagram was prepared to 16123 Lyons Valley Road Jamul, CA 92035 61 91669-0117 , M-GP =?&@-b civil engineering traffic & transportation parking design determine whether a midblock signal was feasible. After evaluating various alternate cycle lengths and phasing schemes it was determined that a 75 second cycle can accomodate the traffic needs on Elm Avenue. The split at the midblock intersection would be 40 seconds of green time per cycle for Elm Avenue and 35 seconds for driveway traffic. In other words, a properly designed traffic signal would not impede traffic flow on Elm Avenue. Given the frequency of jaywalking at this location a traffic signal could alleviate that safety concern. To ensure efficient use of the signal it would be necessary to redesign the driveways and surrounding parking areas on both north and south sides of the new intersection. It is our understanding that, in coordination with City Staff, the Poinsetta Plaza main driveway was relocated to its present location so that a traffic signal could be installed at a future date. It is our recommendation: 11 That parking not be removed at this time because of the impact to local businesses. As seen by the range of values shown in Appendix B, the traffic volume projections are in essence educated guesses and they should not be the basis for affecting the livelihood of local businesses. To improve 16123 Lyons Valley Road Jamul, CA 92035 61 9669-01 17 ~@Jw@.Y-*- civil engineering traffic &transportation parking design traffic flow, parking near the intersections has already deen removed; wien actual traffic volumes indicate the need to remove mid-block parking it can be removed at t hat time. 21 That a midblock traffic signal be considered for installation on Elm Avenue between Harding Street and the 1-5 Southbound Ramps to mitigate the impact of the proposed landscaped median. REFERENCES: 1 - Table 11-2, "REDEVELOPMENT AREA ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY", Volume Ill of the Economics Research Associates Report. 2 - Figure 111-4 , "2000 DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES", Volume Ill of the Economics Research Associates Report. 3 - Table on page 6, 1985 Accident Data on California State Highways, Caltrans. 16123 Lyons Valley Road Jarnul, CA 92035 619/669-0117 .. L - c3 Qs W u) LnNa,OM(D m a- a,*' L 0 b--* E Ln--MOIna3 m N- \ om c .C In VI I- mo Ic, c OFbOhIM 0 030 oma u) 0.' L 0 03" r- 03 W z 2 c J fi N W >- I- W LL # Q Or-MO-M a30 0-a c pQ. 0.. 50 0 03" W 3 z w 1 Q E -I W I cn W c I h h m 0 L t 0 l- z W V u n Q - .-bN c 0 t 0 cc h U rc v 5 CT c Q) c c Q) a (D L # Q V Q ca a- c, c Q) v Y- O 0 z € 0, Q) m v u E 0 V Q I !’ i I i % I I ! L- q/3 77 -- &&&& 44 e+ M MR. AND MRS. CONRAD REX GARNER, JR. Xl#i%m&m W% x.x lL&xtliw-= 12734 Triumph Drive, Poway, CA 92064 January 5, 1988 The Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis and Council Members 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: We are writing to express our support of the proposed street improvements for Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue. As part owners of property in that area, we are impressed with the City's commitment to improving the appearance and utility of the City's busy streets. These changes will help everyone who uses the streets. We feel that all residents of Carlsbad and the City's tourist industry will benefit greatly from these improvements. We urge you to vote for final approval of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue streetscaping. Thank you. Very truly yours, &mdP,J&:?&t@. Conrad R. Garner, Jr. F. /&.42zLL Diane M. Garnek _- April 1, 1987 We, customers of bwntown Vill& Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rwr-~-hants located there. Name Ad ti 1”s R bate April 1, 1987 ,-- The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. This would remove ON ETd and bring economic hardship upon these mpchants and ownerq. parking. We are strongly against the removal of any c- Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Address Date .. w /‘I ( - -J> ,- i -- ’74 i April 1, 1987 We, customers of Ihcmtowri Village Area Merchants, would like tc~ continue f 5 parking on Elm Avenue to visit the mercharits - -- - _. _-- ._ - Date Name Address t 9 - April 1, 1987 -We, customer;s of Iholmt,own VillagF. AI-.. parking on E'lm Avenue to visit the wt--h-t~ s, would like t? continue - - c ., 2- .. . . . . ._-_ . .I... .. . .., . .. , .. . . .,. . . ....- , .. .. . . . . . . 1% ' I- April 1, 1987 We, customers of buntown Village Arc3a Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he rwr-t-}iait.s located there. April 1, 1987 P d The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. This would remove NITl pARKING ON ELM and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any Parking. Name Address - .. .. I? A \ -b April 1, 1987 We, customers of Lmn-ltown Village Area fixcliants, would like parking on Elm Avenue tc) visit the mn:harIt.ti located there. -. Name, Address I I , ~ .-.. I.c ,.., - .^. . _.___ __... . -. . . April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking onBlm Avenue to visit t.he wrc-hitrlt.s located there. .. f 74/24 April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants lccated there. would lik&$bue / % .. -a . April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants lccated there. \- - .-- -- 1987 b April 1, we, cust lmrs of hwntown Villze Area ..zrchants. woulc like to cont /74q parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rnrrchants l&ted there. Name Addressn nue .- I .. I %I k7 c)(-c ‘4 % .- April 1, 1987 t- April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like t.o continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he wrd~mti5 located there. I i \ bril 1, 1987 .. -.-. We, customers of hxalttobni Village Area Merctmits, uould like to mtFnue parking on Elm Avenue tc) visit the wrchat1t.e located there. _--. -- Address I Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of r)ownt,own Villa@ P,r+-? M+.r-chants, would like t.n continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit: the ~~~t.~,t~-iiif~ located there. n ‘4, \ April 1, 1987 .. .. . We, customers of LxKn~tcm Village Atsea Mw:trants, would like b continue parking on Elm Avenue tc) visit the wrUhaIt.s lcrcated there. ..-- -- Name Address Date .. April 1, 1987 r We, arstomare of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Address Date 2/ 78 ,-- We, customers of buntown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. I *. c - . C.' 1/ 74 -14 % April 1, 1987 rc We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Date '! .. .. 2. I i r- i %’ April 1, 1987 77 We, customers of h1town Village Area h:wtiants, would like to contirue parking on Elm Avenue ~LJ visit the m.rctrailt.tj located there. _-- -_ -- Address I Date Name .- / April 1, 1987 k, customers of Downtown Villagr Arw M+?rf:hants, would like to continue Parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he wrt-l1,-~11ts located there. .. ,P5- F i -0 April 1, 1987 We, Customers of LYKnitc~~n Village Area tlr,.t-chants, would like to ~t~ parking on Elm Avenue tc) visit the nr-crchatlt.t; lomted there. - \ % April 1, 1987 .. . 2.2 73 /Lc I I, April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. - __ - .. .- I -0 April 1, 1987 We, customers of buntown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. -- - Name __ Address Date .. V April 1, 1987 II April 1, 198'1 /' c .. . -. ‘9 ” . - . April 1, 1987 27 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants lccated there. Address Date a '4 c April 1, 19H'I 67 23 We, customers of kxn1town Village At--:-\ flf~r(:hant,s, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue tc~ visit the m-rx-ttwlt.~ located there. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the mrcharlts located there. .. .\ - April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants loc~ted there. __ . __ Name Address Date \ April 1, 1!4W , r" i - April 1, 1IiH'I 23 63 - to continue .. April 1, l!W7 .. x c- April 1, I!r~'t' r April 1, 1987 We, customers of bwntown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wrchants located there. Add res s .- I .. - .’ .A ?. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the mrchan%s lccated there, v \? F April 1, 1987 .. *, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. -- .-- Name Address .. __ -, , 57 23 April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. f April 1, 1987 We, customers of Dnwntown Village Ar-6.3 M+~r~~hants, would like to continue. parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he m~r-(-lt:irlt.s loclated there. f L April 1, 1987 we, customers of Dnwntown Villag? Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr.r-hai~t.s located there. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr-cha~ts located there. .~ .. . . . April 1, 1987 / We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr(-hants located there. rc April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown 'i lage Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wrchants located there. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Ihowntown Villagfb Ap.1 M+,n.hants, would like to Continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he m+~r.~~tt.trlts located there. I April 1, 1987 e, customers of Downtown Village Arerq Merchants, would like to conthue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he fWnxti:3TitJ5 lccated there. -~ April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. . ~__ ... Name Address Date . .. I, -8 April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like ta continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Address Date .. .- I ' f. . 2.3 97 .- c -9 April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants lcated there. ._ -- Date April 1, 1987 .. We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. .-- ~- NEUIE Address 'Date ,* \ April 1, 1987 .. c .' Lr -# April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. 23 Y3 - April 1, 1987 -. We, customers of Downtown Villagp AP-a M+,rchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he rwi*ctI:titt.tj located there. --b -.ci April 1, 1987 *, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. , \i f - __ - ._ Date Name Address ,./ April 1, 1987 2-3 y-l - k, customers of Downtown Village Area Mvrchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rwn3iarlt.s located there. .- April 1, 1987 April 1, 1987 1 QJ We, customerc; of Thwntown Vil1;U.G. Ar.6a.i %.~.hants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t,he rn~r.[-lI.~ilts located there. I . April 1, 1987 ’. We, customers of hwntown Village Ar+q M+lt-chants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rn~n-tlwtt,~ located there. Add .- I 37 's ,f % April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. * April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Name , *' Address Date .- c ' % 39 - ' April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Ne Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of bwntown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr-chants located there. Name Address 33 ,. i. - -% April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. ___ ~- - - v-17-i -1 1, 1987 We, axstamsrs of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to mntinuet parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Address Date t- April 1, 1987 I .e We, oustomere of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continus parking on Elm Avenue tco visit the merchants located there. Name Address Date L. bpril 1, 1987 We, a;lstomSrS of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to cant- parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Name h Address r- c April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Name Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village At-3 Merchants, would like t.o continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he nv-i.l-tlarlt.s located t.here. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on E$m Avenue to visit the wrchant.s located there. We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr(-haijt.s located there. Nm Address Date April 1, 1987 April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. NEUE Address Date /- April 1, 1987 33 23 - We, customers of Downtown Village Are? Mf~rchants, would like t.o continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rwr-(-hxlts located there. April 1, 1987 -22 23 / The city is consplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare t beach. these merchants and owners. We are strongly against the removal of any parking. the This would remove ALLpARKING-ELM and bring economic hardship upon Address Date 21 April 1, 1987 The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. parking. This would remove &I, PARKI.Wl!ZQK&M and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any Address Date April 1, 1987 The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. parking. This would remve &kPARlLUGIW_ELM and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any t April 1, 1987 We, customers of hwntown Villwp AI-+? Mc~rchmts, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr4I;iilts located there. r- April 1, 1987 2 .a The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. parking. This would remove AIJ, PABUNG C )N KTSI; and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. NaltE Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. Name Address April 1, 1987 The city is contemplatirg making Elm Aveni~c: a four lane thorough fare to the beach. This would remove ,&LE’$F(K_ttk;i~l.l -EL,M md bring economic hardship upon these merchcmt.s .and owners. Wf: qrt? ::.t.r--~ticI y ,aq.?iinst, the removal. of any Wrk i4- P April 1, 1987 The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. parking. This would remove AJJl Pm ON E1,M and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any April 1, 1987 The city is contemplating making Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. these merchants and owners. parking . This would remove BLL-ING 34 Em and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any Address Date r April 1, 1987 The city is contemplating ding Elm Avenue a four lane thorough fare to the beach. This would remove these merchants and owners. parking. ON ET,M and bring economic hardship upon We are strongly against the removal of any Name Address Date .. /. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. NEUE Address Date ..... April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue 'parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wrcharlts located there. April 1, 1987 We, customers of bwntown Village Ar--3 Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rwn-hailts located there. D April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Are? M6-.rchants, would like t.0 continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the rw~t*c-li,-trlts located there.‘ 1 , lril 1, 1987 the upm Address Dale 7 %. April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants located there. .. NallE - Address Date April 1, 1987 I! h We, customers of Downtown Village> At-+-? M+*t-i:hants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue tc, visit t.he rw~n~\t.~tit.s located there. %- April 1, 1987 z3 We, customers: of liornitown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the wr-chant,s located there. Name Address April 1, 1987 I F 25 We, customers of Pkxmtown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the mc-.r-ck~:+i~t.s located there. NatYE Add rem Date . , ,. ’*, April 1, 1987 We, customers of Dowitown Village Area Merchants, would like to continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit the merchants hated there. . --_ __ - ___-- Address Date April 1, 1987 We, customers of Downtown Village Are-3 Mp.i-chants, would like t.0 continue parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he nv~r-l-llrriltc; lmated there. April 1, 1987 4 k We, customers of bwntown Village AF~ M*Jrcchants, would like to continua parking on Elm Avenue to visit t.he wr-c-ti:*rits located there. .. c I" 1. " -. PETITION - * 789 t We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the deciFon fAaking process. ( ig ture) L+kL (Signature) r--c (Signature) c (Address) (Addre&) '/ ' Y (Address) (Address) (Address) (Address ) 17w mH&PJ'OrlJbg,a, , (Address) 2ssL L (Address) (I... . ..-* 5s' - PETITION 7' We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this dR9ion making opportunity to have a part in the yature) p /7 0 (Signature) 7' as.v o.d! (S'ignature) I An (s ignaturehy (Address) (Address) (Address)' A (Address) ,.I... “ I - .P - PETITION 9 We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. P (signature) -* - (Signature) 0 U? (Signature) (Address) / . /. , f (Address) t (Address) ’L A’ 6x2 paAj4LQ (Address) I .. , PETITION I We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons \ f the business owners lccated on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the ,decision making process. (signature) n , ( s ignathre) f\ r/Lcx,u , (Address) - (Address) *. 3/36 leWi7 (Address) f/wc (Address ) (Address) A I 7,? PETITION - 3". , // 7 We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. n (Signature) (Sisnature 1 -- / -- (Address) ' (Address) (Address) A //7Y (Address) 4 l"... ,, .- PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (S na ure) 4% flu/ (Signature) (Signat- /7 BL J' L - 2- (Address) ~ (Address) (Address) (Address) (Address ) ,.... . - PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parkina be made until the business owners are afforded this decision making process. -/ LA (Signature) ~ opportunity to have a part in the (Address) (ALnA-6644 (Address ) (Address) (Address) +l cc (Address) ,.... " - PETITION I We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (Signatuqe) Y ~~~ (Signature) (Signature) / (Address) (Address) (Address) ZZb z-C.r.Af7h.., OM & l34f-A c I.... ” I ,% I PETITION _- c/ We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on business owners are afforded this OPE (Signature) 94!A 4 %L (Signature) I". .. . / P? I PETITION P We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. U I (Signature ) (signature) It "I (Address) (Address) ; (Address) r (Address ) [Address) (Address) (Address ) PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business P owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this decision making process. (Signature) r (Signature) * e4s- (Signature) opportunity to have a part in the (Address) - (Address) ' 12 - PETITION - We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm. Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parkina be made until the business owners are afforded this decision making propess. opportuhty to have a part in the d / ' P (Signature) ,, ,O -. , , (Signature) (Address) (Address) ' (Address) L (Address) (Address) I 720 4 7 I -_ PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. 1 \J ' ,/ e& d,! (Signature) \ n I PETITION - We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. %e- (Signature) -. - (Address) b ( Address ) / - (Address) I/ fl I".., . PETITION \,;,2u "I I. : We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making proce,ss. (Signature) n (Signature) (Signaare) ' P - - & (Signature) c (Signature) (Signature) (Address) +- (Address)_ XM- (Address ) (Address) (Address) v (Address) I I- (Address) (Address) (Address) ,e - (Address) I-... . - PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. I (signature) PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. &a. \llLfd3& (Signature) /? (Address) 28s ScVkte s +* Ib5L 9 (Address) (Address) \\ (3 (Address) '"... I 7-J - PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business' owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (Signature) '1 (AJtiib (Signpture) ,.... " - PETITION P 4. 5 Y \Y' We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. 7 / ~ c--_ C (Address) r '.,Y'C 1 \ ,, I- - .d d-./ , (Signature) (Address) I I, (signakure) (Address) -_ (Address) d We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business' owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (signature) ,- (signature) p (Signature) ' ,' (Signature) ( s ignavure) .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ..I, ,. .. . .l) . '. ... .... ... .. (Address) (Address ) (Address) , , Y (Address) , / (Address) n .. (Address (Address). \ (Address) i .' . qt7 PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. ?4%#nu- P (signature) (Signa,ture) rl - .... (Address 1 (Add res s ) p*o* % (Address) - I) .. :. . . .. -752, (Address ) . . ., / .. (Addr'ess) (Address ) \ $3 I. . PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this omortunity to have a part in the ? d i 'I -- decision making process. \ (Address) r (Address) " I 6 t (Address) -1 .'i .,.. .. .. I . .... . - PETITION F We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the busi’ness’ owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the ‘City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the 7 7m OCLW etcg (Address) (Address) 3fqr c/)R/k39o tYtfa*20L $2!)56& (Address) & A ( A&dress) - . PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the Parkina be made until the business owners are afforded this decision making process. uvte (Signature) (Address) (Address)- 1. (Address) 735& &-ge&& (Address) (Address 1 (Address) (Address) (Address) , (Address) J ~ 7-y %97 (Add r e s s ) ,"... " PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. 4 P. AJL, /' Y (Signature j ., 5-z2fl- & (Address) . .., " . I PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (Sjqnature) ~ (Address) iAddress) / I. (Address) V' (& (Address) J =. (Address) (Signature) (Address) .- -- ~~- ___ -. * PETITION -- We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are-afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. n (Address) c (Address) r\ (Address) (Address)? (Address) (Address) (Address) (Address)- i nd5& (Address) Ab- It=-- (Address) /96V LuWfl3k . (Address) (Address) e..... " PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business 9' owners located on Elm Avenue -in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. / CM- &abm d (Signature) 9iLiL (Signature) ' (Address) (Address) (Address) n n .. . PETITION I( c A' business 3t the City We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parkina be made until the business owners are afforded this decision making process. n opportuiity to have a part in the n v- (Signature) (Address) .. .. . . . .. (Signature) (Address) .*.. .. (Address ) (Signature) (Signature) (Address)' ' (signature) (Address ) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address ) (Signature) (Address) ! (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature ) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) * -. ~ (Signature) __ (Address) (Address ) - (Signature) (Signature) (Address) .. (Signature) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (signature) (Address) ,.I*., . PETITION -... --_ We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. +--I *- ~W~G. (Address) 3 710 <--A@./- /o.t 5&DL+<.d (Signature) ''I I. (Address 1 (Address) - (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) i, Y.' . (Address) (Address) m 5 &' " We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City7 Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the . W4L-L (+&nature) (Signature) (Address) w (Address) 12. uws e--- ( Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) (Address) ! (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) ,. (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) 'I (Address) (Signature) (Address) (signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) 0 (Signature) (Address) (Signature) .. (Address) f ,. .. , c c PETITION - 3 --4 We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. (Signature) (Addreds) 0 flLcd-c J'L u, (Address) (Address) / A ,.... , c Y5 PETITION - , c' We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business 97 owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making pecess. (Signature) i!zL!zd 'T*Jz&v (Signature) (Signature) (Address) .... “ I- - PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the -- decision making process. n Mignaturer - ( (siErk Signatyre) ( AddresS) (Address) (Address) (Address) rkm “2/34LL2WJ, &. PETITION / 2% J We, the undersigned customers, clients and ‘patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elidnation of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision,making process. I (Signature) - (Address) (Signature) (Address) I \ (Address) (Signature) I (Signature) (Address j (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) I (Address) (Signature) (Signature) ‘L / (Address) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) . (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) 1. .. . .- PETITION _. We, the underbigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council Qf Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take ah\ active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination df parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision,making process. Q@ .- (Address) / ' f (Address) 8 - (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address ) (Signature) (Address) (Address) I I 1 (Signature) / (Signature) (Address j (Signature) (Address) (Address) (Signature) (Signature) (Address) (Address) (signature) (Signature ) (Address ) (Signature) a '4 (Address) (signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) ( Signature) (Address) (Signature) (Address) 4 (Signature) (Address) (Address) (Signature) \ A, PETITION K! ~0 We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the busiyess owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby- petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. I -4 ( s ignatufe) i (Address) (Address) (Address) aa\ c3E c& *AS - ', (Address) (Address) n A (Address) (Address) We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the op to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the pro elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. I .- I_ , i c . .’ (Signature) ~ -- (Signature) ! . 5 (Address) (Address) C (Address) c (Address) r PETITION We, the undersigned customers, clients and patrons of the business owners located on Elm Avenue in Carlsbad, hereby petition the City Council of Carlsbad to provide the business owners the opportunity to take an active part in the decision pertaining to the proposed elimination of parking on Elm Avenue. Further, that no final decision on the parking be made until the business owners are afforded this opportunity to have a part in the decision making process. \ (Signature) \ (Address) ~ (Address) / (Address) # (Signature) (Signature) (Address) (Address)