HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-09; City Council; 9289; Growth management division creationAB#- MTG. 2' 9 /88 DEPT. CD RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: CREATION OF A GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Arryvm CITY MOR= RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt Resolution No. ff-3 , authorizing a budget appropriation of $162,350 from General Fund Contingencies Account and approving a transfer of $25,800 from the Engineering Salary/Fringe Benefits Accounts to fund the Growth Management Division budget. I"EM EXPLANATION The purpose of this Agenda Bill is to propose a more effective and efficient way to implement the City's Growth Management Program. On July 1, 1986, the City Council adopted its Growth Management Program. On September 23, 1986, the City Council adopted a Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan which completed the first phase of the Growth Management Program. Then, on November 4, 1986 the citizens of Carlsbad ratified Councills Growth Management Program over a competing slow growth initiative. The second phase of the City's Growth Management Program is the preparation of Local Facilities Management Plans for each of the 25 local zones in the City. The City was responsible for preparing the first six local plans. In order to accomplish this task, it required a comprehensive planning and engineering staff effort. On November 10, 1987, the last of these six Local Facilities Management Plans was adopted by the City Council. Now that these six local plans have been adopted, the need for all staff members to be involved in implementing Growth Management is no longer necessary. Staff is proposing to create a Growth Management Division to enable the City to meet its obligation for the implementation of this program. This division will spend 100 percent of their time on growth management. It will ensure consistency between all local plans. A detailed explanation of this proposed division is provided in the attached memorandum to the City Manager - Exhibit No. 2. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. .- FISCAL IMPACT Attached to the memorandum to the City Manager is a proposed budget for the Growth Management Division. It is projected that an annual budget for this division would be just under $300,000 and that most of these expenses would be offset by revenues generated from the local facilities management plan processing fees charged to developers. Certain costs which are not absorbed by this processing fee are currently collected from other planning and engineering fees. Those costs which are not offset by fees represent the City's General Fund obligation towards the implementation of the Growth Management Program and the City's long range planning functions. Following this appropriation from the General Fund Contingencies, the balance in this account will be $1,174,023. 1. Resolution No. ff-33 , authorizing a budget appropriation of $162,350 from General Fund Contingencies Account and approving a transfer of $25,800 from the Engineering Salary/Fringe Benefits Accounts to fund the Growth Management Division budget. 2. Memorandum to the City Manager dated February 2, 1988. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES AND TRANS- FERRING FUNDS FROM ENGINEERING SALARY/ FRINGE BENEFITS TO FUND THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION. WHEREAS, the City Council has detemined that it is desirable and necessary to authorize a budget appropriation of $162,350 from the General Fund Contingencies Account and approve a transfer of $25,800 from the Engineering Salary/Fringe Benefits Accounts to fund the Growth Management Division. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a fund transfer in the amount of $162,350 from the General Fund Contingencies Account (001-840-1990-2999) to the Growth Management Division Budget (001-840-3240-XXXX) is on file in the Finance Department and incorporated herein by reference as hereby approved. 3. That a fund transfer in the amount of $25,800 from the Engineering Salary/Fringe Benefit Account to the Growth Management Division Budget is on file in the Finance Department and incorporated herein by reference as hereby approved. //// //// //// //// //// //// 11 1: 1: 1: 14 l! It 1: 1€ 15 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 9th day of February , 1988 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson ATTEST: aL&- 4.R- AZETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cityklerk (SEAL) -2- February 2, 1988 TO: RAY PATCHETT, CITY MANAGER FROM: Community Development Director GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - IMPLJDIENTATION Purpose To describe and propose a new approach for -he implementation of the Growth Management Program. Backsround Currently, the Growth Management Program is run by the Planning Department with a significant amount of assistance from the Engineering Department. These departments handle the majority of this work, as well as, the specific responsibilities of their department. The implementation of the Growth Management Program is only one of several priorities which has created processing and workload problems for both departments. As a result the importance of the Growth Management and the requirements to implement this program, staff has developed and is proposing a more effective approach to accomplish this goal. Discussion A new division is being proposed to be formed within the Community Development Department. This division will consist of the following staff members: Growth Management Manager Senior Management Analyst Senior Planner Associate Engineer This division will be responsible for implementing, monitoring, and updating the Growth Management Program. Exhibit No. 1 shows organizationally how the division fits into the Community Development Department. The need to spend more time on monitoring is becoming critical to the long-term success of our program. This division will ensure we monitor and update the vast amount of information which is being generated by Growth Management. The division requires creating one new position, Growth Management Manager; taking a Senior Management Analyst position off of the frozen list; and, back filling a position with an Assistant Planner which is also currently on the frozen list. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - IMPLEXENTATION Pase - 2 The Associate Engineer will be filled from an existing position in the Engineering Department. The Growth Management Manager position would be at the equivalent level to the Municipal Projects Manager, although the creation of this new position should not take place until the next fiscal year. In the meantime, I am recommending that Phil Carter be placed in the acting position until this position is filled. It is necessary at this time to take the Senior Management Analyst position and the Assistant Planner position off of the frozen list. Both of these positions should be filled as soon as possible. The established Senior Management Analyst list should be reviewed to determine whether a qualified person could be hired. The Assistant Planner position can be filled immediately because a new eligibility list was just established and the Planning Director believes a qualified applicant is available to be hired at this time. It's important to point out that Michael Holzmiller will continue to remain active in the overall implementation of the Growth Management Program. However, his day-to-day responsibilities will be reduced. Also, a committee consisting of the Planning Director, City Engineer, Finance Director, and Growth Management Manager will serve as a review committee for each zone plan. Financinq The financing for this new division will be made through the provision in the Growth Management Ordinance (Section 21.90.170) which allows the City to create those processing fees it determines to be necessary for the implementation of the program. Presently, a $10,000 processing deposit is submitted by the preparers of a local plan to the City when the plan is accepted for technical review. These funds are used to pay for the costs incurred by the City and may be increased if necessary as the plan is processed, or funds can be refunded if the entire deposit is not used. The ability to charge for the actual staff time required to process a plan will enable the Growth Management Division to be funded to a large degree by those developers preparing local facilities management plans. A draft budget and memorandum from the Finance Director is attached as Exhibit No. 2, which highlights the overall costs associated with the creation of this new division. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PFtOGRAM - 1HPLE"TATION Paae - 3 Conclusions and Recommendations The creation of this division will allow the City to meet its obligations to implement the Growth Management Program. It is a more effective and efficient way to accomplish this goal. It allows planning and engineering staff members more time to work on other projects and priorities of the City. Finally, this division will be funded almost entirely from developer processing fees. MARTY flO& ORENYAK MO : POC : arb I Marty Orenyak Community Development Director Michael Holzmiller Planning Director Lloyd Hubbs - City Engineer - Sr.Management Analyst Senior Planner Associate Engineer Financial Support Clerical Support Charlie Grim Assistant Planning Director 1. Growth Management stays in the Community Development Department with indirect supervision from Michael Holzmiller and Lloyd Hubbs. Phil Carter Dave Hauser Growth Management Assistant City Manager Engineer 2. Growth Management interacts between the operations of the Planning Department and Engineering Department. 3. A Local Facilities Management Plan review committee is set up consisting of the Growth Management Manager, Planning Director, City Engineer, and Finance Director. 4. All local plans must be reviewed by this committee prior to the plans being presented to the City Manager and City Attorney. 5. A Finance Team is set up to evaluate and recommend the preferred financing mechanism(s) to fund the improvements called for in the local plans. January 4, 1988 TO : COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLANNING DIRECTOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST-CARTER FROM : Finance Director GROWTB MANAGEMENT DIVISION BUDGET (REVISED) The following table provides a proposed budget for the new Growth Management Division. activation of positions on the freeze list. transfer from Engineering to this Division. We have assumed that the staffing is primarily new positions or The Associate Civil Engineer will be a CITY OF CARISBAD GROWTB MANAGEMENT BUDGET REQUIRED FUNDING Full Year 112 Year Personnel Services 1100 Salaries $163,000 $ 81,500 Fringe Benefits 47,500 Total Personnel Services $210,500 Maintenance h Operation 2114 Xerox charges 2117 Data processing 2420 Office equipment maintenance 2479 Misc. Consultants 2485 Temporary help 2540 Printing 2550 Office supplies 2660 Special departmental supplies Total M&O Capital Outlay 3900 2 IBM PC-AT'S Laser printer Dictation equipment Total Capital $ 6,000 3,000 700 50,000 9,000 3 000 1 , 000 400 $ 73,100 $ 7,000 1,800 1,000 $ 9,800 23,750 $105,250 $ 6,000 3,000 700 50,000 9,000 3,000 1,000 400 !$ 73,100 $ 7,000 : 1,800 1,000 S 9.800 TOTAL BUDGET $293,400 $188 150 -- -2- The figures shown on page one represent direct costs for personnel, maintenance and operation and capital costs for the Growth Management Division. as follows: Staffing will be Direct Cost Per Hour Growth Management Supervisor $31.60 Senior Management Analyst 21.70 Associate Civil Engineer 24.80 Senior Planner 22.95 Cost per Hour with Overhead $61.40 42.20 48.20 44.60 Clerical support will be provided by a temporary agency at a direct cost of about $9.00 (with overhead $12.15 per hour). other departments and should be billed to specific Growth Management Plan projects at direct cost plus overhead. later date. Additional support will be provided by Rates can be provided for specific positions at a A total of $50,000 has been included to cover the cost of consultants. The division will be using consultants in the areas of circulation, general growth management and computer systems. Council should appropriate $162,350 from the General Fund Contingency Account and approve the transfer of $25,800 from the Engineering SalarylFringe Benefit Accounts to fund this budget. In addition, an estimated revenue of some amount (perhaps equal to direct costs) should be added to the budget to reflect zone fees to be collected from developers. The budget request for 1988-89 should be based on the full-year budget column shown above. Modifications may be made to correct any known deficiencies. We propose to operate the division within the General Fund at this time. experience shows that the the creation of a separate enterprise fund, we can modify the 1988-89 budget before submitting to Council. If size of the operation and volume of user fees warrant