HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-16; City Council; 9296; JOINT GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY WITH COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO2 al 4 2 tl a 3 -rl 0 u a al a El 8 h, mh u ua CCCM oa ah au 06 mo 03 sal uA s u $u co la) 0 .u W 1 u. a,N sa) 0 c) a, uw -rl 0 corn ma ma) .c 20 u $2 &a) wal E urn ucd aal 0 w4 cdcd -rl -4 c *rl ow do d 0u 1% vcd co I co I a 4 c\l .. z 0 5 s a z 3 0 0 - ClBOF CARLSBAD - AGENaBILL P - AB#- TITLE: JOINT GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY DEPT. I MTG. 2/16/68 DEPT. P&R CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITV A' STUDY WITH COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Adopt Resolution No.8;9-38/. Approving a transfer of funds fr contingency account to conduct a Golf Course Feasibility Study county owned land. Approve R.F.P, for golf course study and authorize city staff to cooperatively administer the study wit County of San Diego. ITEM EXPLANATION In June 1987, the City Council contacted the County Board of Supervisors and proposed a possible long term lease of 205 (+/ acres of county owned property adjacent to McClellan-Paiomar Airport (Exhibit 2). develop a Municipal Golf Course. On November 3, 1987 county staff reported to the Board of Supervisors on the status of the existing master plm for the subject property and proposed a feasibility study, the scope o which was to include a commercial/industrial park in conjuncti with a golf cDurse (Exhibit 3). County staff recommended that City and County split the anticipated $25,000 cost of the stud After discussion, the Board of Supervisors voted to take actic as recommended, subject to recovering the entire cost of study from the City of Carlsbad (Exhibit 3). continuel: negotiations between city and county staff has resul in a red-uction in scope of the feasibility study. Board of Supervisors requested the city to assume the entire c of the stud-y and county staff feels sufficient information currently exists to determine the feasibility of an industrial complex, that portion of the study has been eliminated. This reduction in scope has also reduced cost estimates for the stu Staff estimates the feasibility study as presented, (Exhibit 4 can be completed withir, the allocated $20,000 budget, originally committed by council (Exhibit 2). .A revised R.F.P. draft (Exhibit 4) has been prepared for counc review and includ-es (2) two golf course proposals: 1. The intent of the proposed lease was to the Since the as An 18 hole Championship Golf Course utilizing the entire study area (205 +/- acres) An 18 hole Executive Golf Course including some industrie development . 2. 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB# 9296 The county will administer the study, however; both agencies v work cooperatively in the consultant selection and project st1 completion. Formal presentations will be made to both City Council and County Board of Supervisors, estimated the revised study will be completed within (6) six months. The attached resolution authorizes the City Manager t enter into an agreement with the County to conduct the study. The county has FISCAL IMPACT The anticipated expenditure to perform the feasibility study i $20,000. A transfer from contingency account #001-840-1990-2s into Parks and Recreation Administration account #001-820-411C 2479 (miscellaneous consultants) is requested. The remaining balance in the contingency account will be $1,336,373. EXHIBITS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 8r - 3& 2. MEMO: SUPERVISOR MACDONALD 3. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AGENDA ITEM: FEASIBILITY STUDY 4. REVISED GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY L % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING A $20,000 TRANSFER OF FUNDS FRO1 THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT (001-840-1990-2999) INTO PARK AND RECREATION MISCELLANEOUS CONSULTANT ACCOUNT (001-820-4110-2479) FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO CONDUCT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY WHEREAS, the City Council is interested in pursuing the development of a municipal golf course, and: WHEREAS, a request for proposal has been prepared by city staff to determine if the county owned property is suitable for a golf course develo?ment, and; WHEREAS, $20,000 is necessary to perform a golf course feasibility study, and; I I WHEREAS, it would be to the benefit of both the city and county if staff work cooperatively to administer the completion of a golf course feasibility study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e 2. Funding in the amount of $20,000 is available in the Contingency Account # 001-840- 1990-2999. 3. The City Council does hereby authorize a transfer of and expenditure for funds necessary to complete a golf course feasibility study, an RFP for which has been approved and is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4. The City Council does hereby authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the County of San Diego to conduct a golf course feasiblity study on county owned land adjacent to McCellan-Palomar Airport, a description of which is attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California at a regular meeting held on the 16thday of February , 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None I Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson ABSENT: None $1 ,f/ r-,)?.,, ! (h&// /x / 1, ‘ rJ<y/* <q Ir (XJiUDE A.” LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST : RR- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cleqk ( SEAL) a. ...” a-7 Exhibit 2 TELEP (619) 43 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor Citp of CsrIsbab -mI DISTRIC v1ST.Z o~~jq3 June 15, 1987 Jgfr 20 E87 Supervisor John MacDondld 325 S. Melrose Vista, CA 92083 PUBLIC GOLF COURSE In the past few months, the City has been actively pursuing the development of a public golf course within the City of Carlsbad. A number of sites have been identified and analyzed to determine their potential for development. One of the sites identified as having a high degree of development potential for a golf course development is located on approximatell 200 acres of County owned property. Specifically, the assessor’s parcel number of this property is 209-050-25 and is located direct1 east of Carlsbad’s Public Safety and Service Center. The City of Carlsbad would like to explore the feasibility of enter into a long-term lease agreement with the County of San Diego for use of this property, The County would be compensated for the use of the property. As a part of this process, the City would be willing to discuss any long-term land use changes that would benefj the City and the County, Again, for a number of reasons, this acreage would afford an excellent opportunity for the development of a public golf course and we have budgeted $20,000 for design. It is therefore respectfully proposed that the County Board of Supervisors consider the possibility of our request. Any informati you could provide as to the processing and implementation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, consideration and reply. ) “;:mJfihf’ (2 cc : - City Council Acting City Manager ) -D e e - I”= 800’ General Plan 0 Land Use Element fixnmit 3 0 9OARO 0 CO~NTY OF SAN DIEGO 6E12: GEORG SLCONI 1:. SUSAN LEON JOHN I CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 01 Twtnv TELEPHONE (6 19) 236-2722 COVRT, AGENDA ITEM r#rrn SUBJECT: SUPV DIST: 5 SUMMAF,Y OF REQUEST: This is a request to accept a report on the status of the existing master plan Palomar Airport property, approve a scope of work for a feasibility study on t property including siting a golf course, and authorize funding for such a stud! report was prepared in response to a request from Supervisor John KacDonaTd at the Board meeting of August 25, 1987. It is estimated the study results wi: returned to the Board in seven (7) months. McClellan-Palomar Land Use Feasibility Study CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER/DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the Scope of Work for a feasibility study on the McClellan- Paloma: property. 2. Authorize funding not to exceed $12,500 for the cost of one half of the st1 the Airport Enterprise Fund Contingency Reserve. 3. Direct the CAO to request.the City bf Carlsbad to pay one half the cast ($1 4. Authorize the Director of Purchasing and Contracting to solicit, negotiate a contract to acquire these services for the Department of Public Uorks, SI approval of the Director of Public Works. responsible for administration of the contract. 5. Designate the Director, Department of Public Works, as the County officer FilNDING SOLRCES: Airport Enterprise Fund CURRENT YEAR COST: ANNUAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: ( ) YES (X) NO WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL? NO NO (X) IF YES, STATE NUHBER ..... PERHA"( )..... TEMPORARY( )..... OTHEF BOARD POLICY(1ES) APPLICABLE: $12,500 and $12,500 from the City of Carlsbad F-34 Revenue - Lease of County Real Property B-51 Grants, Awards and Revenue Contracts-Dept. Certification PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: 8/25/87 (11) Directed CAO to explore feasibili 4 VOTES REQUIRED: ( ) YES (X) NO ORIGINATING DEPT. Dept. of PL ON MOTION of Supervisor Bailey, seconded by Supervisor MacDonald, th Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, subject to recoveri cost from the City of Carlsbad, by following vote: course on Palomar Airport. AYES: Bilbray, Bailey, Golding, KATHRYN A. NELSON Willims, MacDonald Clerk of the Board of Supervisc W// * lvnv :j 7037 ?in or a 0 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORHATION DEVELOPMENT FORM SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Land Use Feasibility Study BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On August 25, 1987 (11) your Board, at the request of Supervisor McDonald, direc Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a report on the status of the master pla industrial park on the Palomar Airport property, prepare a scope of vork for a f study for siting a golf course on Palomar Airport; and identify a source of fund such feasibility study. The City of Carlsbad has proposed the golf course and t one half the cost of the study is appropriate for the City to pay. Following is requested information. Status of Master Plan On November 2, 1983 (Zl), the Board of Supervisors directed Department of Public process through the City of Carlsbad a General Plan Amendment and all other requ: permits, including a Rezone, Specific Plan, Tentative Map(s) and Final Map(s), tc a high quality industrial park on County property adjacent to the HcClellan-Palor Airport. The Specific Plan proposes a high-quality industrial park similar to that at GiL Field. The proposed Palomar Industrial Park could be expected to generate approx $1.4 million,annually in revenue to the County after a 3-4 year development cost period. The Plan excludes 54 acres of land in the approach and clear zone as we1 approximately 100 acres of open space, to be left in a natural state, which was r as a mitigation measure in the EIR prepared by the City of Carlsbad. This leaves for industrial development. A General Plan Amendment and rezoning of the property from open space to planned industrial was approved by the City of Carlsbad in December, 1983 as a result of agreement made between the City and County when Carlsbad was allowed to purchase of the property in 1982. The County has a Tentative Map and Specific Plan to develop approximately 51 acre total 205 acre parcel east of Palomar Airport. City of Carlsbad once the County and City reach agreement on the payment of a Pub Facilities Fee required by the City. Continued on next page. These documents can be submitted ROGER F. VALSH 694-2231 (0332) (CF UdA CONTACT PERSON PHONE AND MIL STOP DEPT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATI' IEP ADMINIS MEETING DA7 0 .* BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT FORM SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Land Use Feasibility Study BACKGROUND INFORMATION: If the Feasibility Study described in the next section determines that there is 1 currently market demand for industrial sites in the area, a golf course may be ai acceptable interim use of the property. Therefore, the feasibility study will ii evaluation of a proposal to use the site for twenty years as a golf course with 4 industrial use at the end of that period. Scope of Work for Feasibility Study The proposed scope of work as submitted: the study will include: determining the feasibility of locating a golf course on the site, including the physical and en' impacts; determining the financial and fiscal feasibility of both a golf course i proposed industrial park including market demand; presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each of the alternative land uses; and conducting an appraisal I property given the highest and best use of the property. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Program: Airport Enterprise Fund Contingency Reserve 1987-88 Direct Cost $12,500 I nd i rec t Cos t -0- Total Cost $12,500 Earned Revenue -0- Net County Cost $12,500 (No cost to the General Fund, all costs funded by 1 Enterprise Fund.) REMARKS : CITIZENS COMMITTEE STATEMENT On September 17, 1987 (7) the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee recommended thi: feasibility study. B-51 STATEMENT In accordance with the requirements of Board of Supervisors Policy B-51, I herebq that this project is worthy of County funding because it will investigate the pot of 205 acres of vacant County land. *. Exhibit 4 a SCOPE OF WORK GOLF COURSE USE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR McCLELLAN-PALOMAX AIRPORT I. PROJECT LOCATION Northeast quadrant of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road (assessor Parcel No. 209-050-25). The project area is approximately 205 acres. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide County managers and City of Carlsbad officials with a land use feasibility study to determine if the 205 f acre county-owned property at the McClellan-Palomar Airport can be utilized for: A. An 18 hole championship golf course utilizing the entire study area. An 18 hole executive golf course in conjunction with a 50 + acre county operated industrial park. B. - 111. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT A. The consultant shall thoroughly analyze each alternative for a clear understanding of each plzn . B. Golf Course Proposals 1. Is the study area suitable for an 18 hole championship caliber golf course that may include a club houselrestaurant, equipment maintenance area, cart storage, driving range, practice putting green and a snack barlrest room, in terms of topography, geography, geologic, environmental, and any other physical characteristics with the following conditions: a. Utilizing the total study area for an 18 hole championship caliber golf course complex Utilizing the total study area jointly with an 18 hole executive golf course complex and a 51 + acre industrial park b. - 1 e 0 2. Prepare Schematic ?laster Plan alternatives outlining in detail the two (2) options as outlined in la and lb. 3. In conducting the study, consideration should be given to any environmental/ physical constraints (regulatory Federal, State or local laws) Carlsbad General Plan and/or any engineering, grading or planning constraints. 4. Perform an Environmental Initial Study, including a Biological and Archaeological Survey Report, on the additional proposed golf course acreage (not covered by the Industrial Park Environmental Impact Report) to determine the effect of developing this natural open space. 5. Review existing and planned utilitiesleasements, particularly, sewer, gas lines overhead utility lines, water commercial and/or effluent, as to adequate capacity for suggested use of the study area. Review local and FAA regulations governing the proximity of a golf course to any airport, street (Faraday) and any structures. 6. 7. Review the existing and planned circulation element of the City andlor county to determine the traffic effects as to access and the effects of the planned Faraday Road extension will have on a proposed two (2) types of golf course proposals. 8. The consultant shall provide an initial cost estimate for developing the two types of golf course proposals and a green fee projection to cover development reimbursement, operation expenses and land leases. 9. The consultant shall prepare a 5, 10, 20 and 30 year cash flow projection for the golf course alternatives showing estimated expenditures for maintenance and operation. 2 e e 10. The consultant is to provide an economic analysis comparing constructionloperation costs by the city or by a private operator. 11. The consultant is to provide a recommended agreement, with a cost analysis for a county land lease. C. Final Product 1. The consultant's final product will be a detailed report comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. The report should contain all the assumptions, data, spread sheets, methodology, etc. utilized to arrive at the comparisons. The report will contain an executive summary suitable for presentation to the Board of Supervisors and the City of Carlsbad officials. The consultant's shall reproduce thirty (30) copies of the report. IV. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS A. County Business Patterns B. SANDAG Land Use Forecasts C. Census of Manufacturers D. E. Chamber of Commerce Surveys F. Compdata G. Palomar Airport Master Plan H. I. A/P Land Use Plan State Department of Finance Data City of Carlsbad General Plan & Zoning Ordinance V. MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Within the Scope of Work, the consultant should budget four formal meetings with County and City of Carlsbad staff. the consultant shall make a presentation to the Board of Supervisors and Carlsbad City Council supporting their conclusion. Graphics for this presentation shall be prepared by the consultant. Additionally, 3 * e VI. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COUNTY AND CITY OF CARLSBAD A. Project management and administration. All questions of project definition and scope will be answered in a timely manner when requested by the consultant. B. Project review and approval. The County and the City of Carlsbad will review the consultant's work as noted in schedule. VII. PAYMENT OF FEE FOR CONSULTANT'S SERVICES The fee for services is as follows: 1. Background Research $ 2. Schematic Master Plan Alternatives $ - 3. Market Research and Financial Analysis $ 4. Preparation of Report and 30 copies $ 5. Meetings and Presentation $ 6. All other expenses $ TOTAL $ PROJECT SCHEDULE ACTIVITY TOTAL DAYS FROM NOTICE NOTICE TO PROCEED TO PROCEED Market research and financial analysis; 90 draft report; and Schematic Master Plans County 90% review Final corrections and report reproduction; 100 TOTAL CALENDAR DAYS TO SUBMIT REPORTS Total calendar days in Agreement to allow 200 presentation to the Board and contract contingencies 4 * 0 - I”= 800’ General Plan 0 Land Use Element (I, e ! MANDANA CARL S BAD OAKS -eTtM no scale . Vicinity and Existing Land USE 0