HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-03-22; City Council; 9349; Thank you proclamations.. z 0 F 0 U 2 0 z 3 0 0 4B#- HTG. IEPT. R/AG 3/22/88 P @ CI" OF CARLSBAD - AGENI- BILL "THANK YOU" PROCLAMATIONS TITLE: IDEPT. HD-GL RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs with the concept of a "thank you11 proclamation program, adopt or amend as presented. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mayor Lewis requested that staff develop a program to recognize citizens who sig- nificantly contribute their time and efforts to improve the City of Carlsbad. Staff has proposed that twice a year nominations be submitted to the City so that City Council may recognize the unselfish efforts of citizens on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. EXHl BITS: 1. Memo to Ray Patchett from James C. Hagaman, dated December 9, 1987. 2. Nomination form. 3. News release. EXHIBIT 1. DECEMBER 9, 1987 TO : RAY PATCHETT, Clty Manager 1 FROM: James C. Hagaman, RlAG "THANK YOU" PROCLAMATIONS Purpose: give of their time and resources in the best interest of Carlsbad. citizens exemplify that "Carlsbad Spirit" which makes Carlsbad a special place. To publicly recognize those special citizens who unselfishly These Selective Process for Receiving "Thank You" Proclamations : A. that they wish to recognize citizens (not necessarily residents) for their voluntary efforts in making "Carlsbad the Caring City." The Mayor and members of the City Council announce twice yearly B. Nomination forms will be available at the City Clerk's office. C. Clerk. Any resident of Carlsbad can submit a nomination to the City D. of the following criteria: The nomination shall clearly describe how the nominee meets each 1. the normal duties of one's particular profession and job requirements. The particular voluntary effort should be beyond 2. for the City of Carlsbad and its citizens. The voluntary effort should have a positive impact 3. or political party shall not be considered for a proclam- ation. Voluntary efforts for a specific political candidate E. lications to each member of the City Council for his/her consideration. After each application deadline, the City Clerk shall submit the app- F. best exemplify that "Carlsbad Spirit." The City Council shall select the nomination(s) which they determine G. meeting twice yearly. The "thank you" proclamation(s) shall be presented at a City Council EXHIBIT 2. NOMINATION FORM "THANK YOU" PROCLAMATION 1. Name of candidate : 2. Address : Phone : 3. Occupation : Name of current employer: Address : Phone : 4. Specific description of voluntary efforts : 5. Describe how the above voluntary efforts meet the specific criteria for a "thank you'l proclamation : A. duties of one's particular profession and job requirements : The particular voluntary effort should be beyond the normal B. of Carlsbad and its citizens: The voluntary effort should have a positive impact for the City t 6. C. party shall not be considered for a proclamation. Voluntary efforts for a specific political candidate or political Name of person completing "thank youtt proclamation nomination : Address : Phone : Date : 8 _- EXHIBIT 3. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Phone : "THANK YOU" PROCLAMATIONS The City Council of the City of Carlsbad has decided to present those special citizens exemplifying that "Carlsbad Spirit" with "Thank You" Proclamations. Awards will be made twice yearly at regular City Council meetings. Any resident of Carlsbad may nominate anyone, of any age, to receive such a proclamation, and nomination forms are available at the City Clerk's office. Completed forms should be returned to that same office. Nominations should clearly describe how the nominee has met the following criteria in an effort to exemplify the "Carlsbad Spirit": 1. The particular voluntary effort should be beyond the normal duties of one's particular profession and job requirements. The voluntary effort should have a positive impact on the City of Carlsbad and its citizens. Voluntary efforts for a specific political candidate or political party shall - not be considered for a proclamation. 2. 3. The deadlines for these twice yearly nominations are and After each deadline the City Clerk will sub- . mit all nominations to the City Council for its consideration.