HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-05; City Council; 9367; Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway ProjectA. -. 'n W > 0 a CL a. a Clw- ' OF CARLSBAD - AGENL . BILL 7 '1' TITLE: APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISE OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD IEPT. MP WALKWAY PROJECT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ff--/~~ approving plans, specifications and contract documents, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway pro j ect . Adopt Resolution No. //+ 110 approving a Hold Harmless Agreement with the California Coastal Commission for this project. ITEM EXPLANATION: The plans, specifications and contract documents for the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway project are complete and ready for advertisement of construction bids. This project involves the construction of a ten (10) foot wide precast concrete walkway along the western bluff of Carlsbad Boulevard from Pine Avenue to Cherry Avenue. The walkway will be supported on piers at thirty-five (35) foot intervals with a four (4) foot high pedestrian rail extending the entire length of the project. Also to be constructed will be curb, gutter, vehicular guardrail and streetlights along Carlsbad Boulevard. The streetlights to be installed in this project have been designed in such a way as to illuminate both the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard and the entire length of the Seawall below. Three (3) extended viewing platforms will be constructed integral to the walkway to be equipped with benches and trash receptacles. The walkway, when completed, will provide spectacular views of the ocean to the west and the beach below. Additionally, the walkway will provide a safe pedestrian accessway where none now exists along the seaward side of Carlsbad Boulevard. Additive alternative bid items have been included in the project for the construction of beach access stairways at Maple and Hemlock Avenues, as well as repairs to the existing State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation's Cherry Avenue stairway. All essential right-of-way required to facilitate construction of the project was obtained in 1986 from the State of California concurrent with the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall pro j ect . On December 8, 1987, the California Coastal Commission approved the Cityls permit application, as amended, for this project. The Coastal Commissionls special conditions for this permit included, among others, revising the construction drawings to provide for backfill and compaction of excavated areas below the walkway. Additionally, the Commission has required a detailed landscaping plan to mitigate exposure of the walkway foundation. In accordance with these special conditions, the construction -. Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 7367 drawings have been revised to include these requirements. Permit special condition No. 4 for the project requires an indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement be executed between the City and the Commission. Staff recommends the attached Hold Harmless Agreement be approved as a condition to the Coastal Commission Permit. Construction of the walkway will require approximately five (5) months and partial closure of the No. 2 southbound lane along Carlsbad Boulevard from approximately Pine Avenue to Cherry Avenue. At no time during the construction will Carlsbad Boulevard be closed to through traffic. FISCAL IMPACT: The following is a summary of the estimated project costs: Walkway, base bid $600,000 Additive (optional) bid items: - Maple Avenue Access Stairway 115,000 - Hemlock Avenue Access Stairway 115,000 - Cherry Avenue Access Stairway Repair 78,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $908 , 000 The City Council has previously reviewed the project list and authorized the sale of bonds for Redevelopment's Tax Allocation Bond Sale to finance certain public improvements within the Redevelopment Area. The approved project list includes an allocation of $600,000 of bond proceeds for the construction of this project. The Community Redevelopment Director has recommended that the Housing and Redevelopment Agency consider the appropriate benefit findings and financing impact analysis following receipt of bids for this project estimated to be in mid-May. The Finance Director has indicated this event will occur after the sale of the Tax Allocation Bonds for the Redevelopment Agency. Staff wishes to emphasize the importance of bidding the walkway project so as to determine precise project costs and funding alternatives. The City has previously secured approval from the California Coastal Conservancy to utilize up to $100,000 of non-prime agricultural development fees on deposit with the Conservancy for the construction of the Maple Avenue access stairway. The City has also received preliminary approval from the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterways, to utilize an estimated $110,000 of savings from the completed Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall project which can be applied to the construction of the walkway project. Page Three of Agenda Bill No. f3d7 Additionally, the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, has indicated their desire to have the City's contractor repair the State's Cherry Avenue access stairway as an element of this project at no cost to the City. Attached Exhibit 5 is a letter dated December 4, 1987 from Mr. Henry R. Agonia, Director, State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, outlining the State's desire to participate in the repair of their facilities. City staff has been in contact with State staff concerning the preparation of a formal agreement for this project which will be completed in advance of the anticipated award date for this project. Staff recommends approval of the project's plans, specifications, and contract documents and authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of this project. EXHIBITS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location Map. Resolution No. /f-/dq approving plans, specifications, and contract documents for the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway project. Resolution No. approving a Hold Harmless Agreement with the California Coastal Commission. California Coastal Commission Permit No. 6-86-313-A2 for the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway project. Letter dated December 4, 1987 from State of California pertaining to repair of the Cherry Avenue stairway. , 3nN3hV 3Nld 7 n a a > W 0 m 5 n a m a cn 2 a 0 EXHIBIT 1 n a U > W I 1 m a a m a a m .d 0 w 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 1$ 2c 21 2; 21 2f 2f 2t 2: 21 RESOLUTION NO 88-109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WALKWAY, PROJECT NO. 3265 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary and in the public interest to construct the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway from Pine to Cherry Avenues: and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expenses, necessary or incidental, or said project, No. 3265, have been prepared and are on file in the Municipal Projects Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway in accordance with the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of April I 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Citg Clerk Kzkfx. dQ- (SEAL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. $8 - iin A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway project; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has secured a Coastal Development Permit from the California Coastal Commission for the aforementioned project; and WHEREAS, certain special conditions required of said permit require the execution of a Hold Harmless Agreement between the City and the Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the attached Hold Harmless Agreement is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That upon execution of said agreement, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of said executed agreement to the Municipal Projects Department for processing. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of April I 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ChUDE A. LEWIS,' Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARISBAD AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION FOR THE "CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WALKWAY" The City of Carlsbad hereby agrees that the California Coastal Commission, it agents, officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting form, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissions of City, City's Consultants, City's Contractor or City's, Consultant's, or Contractor's agents, employees, or representatives resulting from work performed in the execution of the Carlsbad Boulevard Walkway project. City agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the California Coastal Commission and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost and expense that is incurred by the California Coastal Commission on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans, specifications, contract documents, or construction activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor Title ATTEST : a& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cit& Clerk CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION BY Title (SEAL) i 356 r -- EXHIBIT 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY & GEORGE DEUKMUIAN, Go*rmr (619) 297-9740 Staff : AB-SD CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-3520 Hearing Date: 3/22-25/88 Staff Report: 3/1/88 SAN DIEGO COAST DISTRICT 1333 CAMINO ML RIO SOUTH, SUE 125 RECEIVED AMENDMENT REQUEST REVISED CONDITIONS AND FINDINGS MAR 14 1988 Application No.: 6-86-313-A2 Applicant: City of Carlsbad MUNICIPAL PROJECTS DIVISION Original Project Description Construction of approximately 3,100 linear feet of vertical reinforced concrete seawall and approximately 1,300 linear feet of rock rip rap revetment along Carlsbad State Beach. Bluff restoration work; creation of 13 additional on-street parking spaces; and installation of three vertical and one lateral accessways. Zoning 0-s Plan Designation Open Space Proposed Amendment: Construction of an additional 1,800 linear feet of sidewalk/promenade and three vista points along the bluff top imediately adjacent to and west of Carlsbad Boulevard. Portions of the walkway and vistas would extend out, over the bluff face supported by concrete pilings. Site: Carlsbad Boul ward between Ocean Street and Cherry Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego-County. - . -I - -. Date of Commission Action: December 8, 1987 Commissioners Voting "Yes": Hisserich, Franco, Glickfeld, MacElvaine, Malcolm, Mclnnis, McMurray, Nathanson, Warren, Wright, Chmn. Wornum Commissioners Voting ttNoii* . None STAFF NOTES: At its public hearing of December 8, 1987, the Commission voted to approve the proposed permit amendment subject to a number of special conditions. conditions attached by the Commission differed in part from those suggested by staff. The specific changes involved the deletisn of all but subsection (c) of Special Condition #l as proposed by staff. The remainder of the special conditions were retained. The 6-86-31 3-A2 Page 2 FINDINGS: 1. Approval with Conditions. The Commission hereby grants an amendment to the previously approved coastal development permit for the proposed development on the grounds that the development, as amended and subject to the conditions below, will be in conformity with the adopted Local Coastal Program, and will not have any significant adverse impacts on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. 11. Special Conditions. The permit is subject to the following conditions: 1. Revised Plans. Prior to issuance of the amendment, the applicant shall submit revised plans for the project. incorporate the following provision: The revised plans shall In areas where excavation for extension of the walkway over the adjacent slope is necessary, backfill shall be placed and compacted to restore the natural grade. Said plans shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. 2. Landscapins Plan. Prior to issuance of the amendment, the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan indicating the type, size, extent and location of all plant materials, any.proposed irrigation system and other landscape features. surrounding vegetation shall be utilized to the maximum extent feasible. Special emphasis shall be placed on the treatment of the area just below the blufftop to buffer and screen from view any otherwise visible portion of the walkway base or support structures, as we71 as restore any disturbed bluff face areas. The plan should specifically address the location and design of any temporary irrigation that may be proposed and consider its relationship to bluff stability. Permanent irrigation systems shall not be permitted. Said plan shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. Drought tolerant plant materiaT'consistent with 3. Construction Nethodoloqy. Through all phases of the proposed work, the applicant shall restrict encroachments on the bluff face to the minimum necessary for all construction and grading activities, as well as to access the work permitted herein. applicant shall submit a signed document which shall indemnify and hold harmless the California Coastal Commission, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses of liability arising out of the acquisition, design, construction, operation, maintenance, existence, or failure of the permitted project. 4. Waiver of Liability. Prior to the issuance of the amendment, the 6-86-31 3-A2 Page 3 111. Findinqs and Declarations. The Commission finds and declares as follows: 1. Project Description. The applicant proposes the construction and installation of roughly 1,800 linear feet of bluff-top walkwaylpromenade along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard in the northern end of Carlsbad. As proposed, the walkway would be approximately 10 feet wide. One portion of the walkway (700 linear feet) would be constructed at grade with poured-in-place concrete. Other portions (900 linear feet), would be constructed using 35-foot long pre-stressed concrete sections. Some of these placed sections would extend out and over the existing top of bluff. They would be supported by additional concrete pilings placed west of the bluff edge into the bluff face itself. An additional 200 feet of the walkway will utilize at grade construction with a small supporting concrete stemwall and backfill along the bluff edge. Three vista points are also proposed which would be interspersed along and to the west of the walkway. The vista points would provide a "pull out" area from the main thoroughfare of the walkway and with bench seating provided. The two northernmost vista points would extend an additional eight feet out over the bluff face. The project site is located along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, south of Ocean Street in the Hello I1 segment plan area of the Carlsbad LCP. continuous coastal bluff system runs along the boulevard rising some 30 to 50 feet up from the adjacent Carlsbad State Beach. composed of compacted sand material and sandstone, intermittently covered with native vegetation. served as informal access ways to the beach, especially before the construction of new vertical accessways associated with the seawall project. Some of these paths have disturbed surface areas of the bluff face. areas of the bluff were disturbed at the time of construction of Carlsbad Boulevard. A The bluffs are largely A number of foot paths down the face of the bluffs have - Other The original project was for the construction of 3,000 linear concrete seawall and rip rap revetments with small areas of corresponding bluff restoration. The project was conditioned for deletion and redesign of the the revetments proposed and various measures to maximize public access opportunities and assure proper maintenance of the seawall. The original permit was approved concurrent with an application (also by the City of Carlsbad) for a coastal development permit to install a new drainage system, for the area (application #6-86-380, Carlsbad Storm Drain Interceptor System). The new storm drain system was needed to reduce runoff over the bluff face which was, in part, a cause of the bluff erosion that had occurred. improvements have been designed to assure that runoff is directed to the new All of the proposed walkway storm drain system and away from the bluff. - A full width sidewalk now exists along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard with cross walks proposed or existing at each cross street to provide access to the west. the roadway between the guardrail and the bluff edge from Ocean Street south to Cherry Avenue. The informal path is heavily used. A narrow path also winds along the bluff top on the west side of The proposed walkway 6-86-31 3-A2 Page 4 would link up with an existing sidewalk south of Cherry Avenue which continues south to Tamarack Avenue. It would also link up with new beach access improvements that were approved with the original project. These consisted of five new or repaired vertical accessways from Carlsbad Boulevard to the beach; and construction of a lateral public walkway atop the seawall with walkways from the seawall to the beach below. Just south of Ocean Street, Carlsbad Boulevard is a heavily travelled roadway of two lanes in each direction. An existing guard rail is located along the west side of the roadway, adjacent to the bluff edge. The distance between the westerly lane of traffic and the edge of the bluffs in the project area varies from 3 feet to 20 feet. It is in this area that the proposed walkway would be constructed. In those locations where the full 10 feet of walkway could be constructed at the bluff top, the sidewalk would be placed at grade and would not require any grading on the bluff face. In those locations where the distance between the westerly traffic lane and the bluff edge is less than 10 feet, project plans call for a pre-cast walkway to be installed, in part, out over and above the bluff. concrete pilings (two for each 35-foot section) set into the bluff face. Because the edge of bluff varies, the corresponding extension over the bluff also varies but generally would average 5 feet, exclusive of the vista points. The walkway sections would be supported by 2. Geologic Hazard/Scenic Resources. Section 30253 of the Coastal Act states that .... new development shall ... neither create nor contribute significantly to erosion, geologic instability, or destruction of the site or surrounding area or in any way require the construction of protective devices that would substantial1y.alter the natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs", The Coastal Act further states that H...seawalls, cliff retaining walls ..,. shall be permitted when required.. .to protect existing structures ... in danger from erosion ... when desigied to minimize adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supplies" (Section-30235). Finally, Section 30251 calls for the preservation of the scenic resources of the coastline and minimization of alteration of natural land forms. Pursuant to these policies, the certified Carlsbad LCP Mello I1 segment contains a Coastal Development (C-D) overlay zone with regulations intended to protect the shoreline and beaches from the adverse effects of erosion and loss of sand supply. The C-D overlay ordinances also include policies which require the provision of public access opportunities and regulations for balancing the sometjmes opposing needs of public access and protection of coastal bluffs and their geologic stability. bluffs, the C-D ordjnances state, in part: In regard to development along (a) Gradinq and Excavation - Grading and excavation shall be to the minimum necessary to complete the proposed development consistent with this zone and the following requirements: (2) No excavation, grading, ... shall be permitted on the beach or the face of the bluff except to the extent necessary to accomplish construction pursuant to this section. P 6-86-313-A2 Page 5 The walkway is a permitted use within the C-D and underlying Open Space (OS) zone. As proposed, the walkway will, in some cases, extend out over the bluff face. pilings 18" in diameter extending down into the bluff face to bedrock some 20 feet below. The pilings would be placed in holes created by an auger stationed at the bluff top and would be spaced roughly 35 feet apart. Placement of the pilings and "T" shaped pre-cast sidewalk sections would also require the excavation of a small notch at the top of the bluff face (refer to Exhibit #4). This material would be used as backfill for that section of the walkway which would utilize a small retaining wall for support. The two northern-most vistas proposed would be located over the bluff face supported by (four) additional concrete pilings. In these areas, the pre-cast sections would be supported by concrete The total excavation involves roughly 400 cubic yards of cut. A geotechnical report was prepared for the overall seawall project as part of an environmental impact report. However, the report does not specifically address the proposed walkway or the geologic impacts associated with placement of concrete pilings into the bluff face. Supplemental information supplied by the applicant indicates that the material at the top of the bluff face is loosely packed but that "the new sidewalk ... should not significantly effect the stability of the bluff". The Commission finds that the project will provide desirable public access and has been designed to minimize impacts on the bluff face. grade construction where possible and includes only a minimal amount of encroachment necessary to provide this key component to a comprehensive access system. However, one area of conce-rn involves the removal of small intermittent notches in the bluff to place the pilings and "T" sectiork of walkway. C-D regulations of the Carlsbad LCP also require that new structures be located to "create a generally attractive appearance and be agreeably related to surrounding development and the natural environment". The Commission finds that the project could be slightly modified to mitigate the visual impact of disturbance of the bluff face. Special Condition #1 reflects the Commission's concern in this area. revised plans for the project which incorporate backfill for the areas of excavation so as to minimize the project's visual impacts. A related condition, Special Condition #3 is an advisory one. It calls for the implementation of construction practices which keep activity on the bluff face to a minimum, consistent with applicable Coastal Act and LCP policies. The project uses at The The Special Condition requires the applicant to submit Special Condition #2 also serves to mitigate the visual impacts of the proposed bluff disturbance. The condition requires the applicant to submit a landscape plan for the project which includes landscaping along the underside of the walkway and around the concrete pilings to shield them from view. The landscape plan and construction revisions shall be subject to the review and written approval of the Executive Director. As conditioned, the Commission finds the amendment consistent with Sections 30235, 30251, 30253 and all other Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. 6-86-31 3-A2 Page 6 3. Lo a1 Coastal Planning. Section 30519.1 (c) requires that a p rmit or amendment or a project within the Hello I or Hello I1 segment planning areas of the City Carlsbad shall be approved only if the Commission finds that it is consistent with the Certified Local Coastal Program for the area. In this case, such a finding can be made. The site is included within the Hello I1 segment of the Carlsbad LCP certified by the Commission in 1981. underlying zone designation (OS) of that LCP segment. Special Conditions #l and 3 require minor revisions to the plans to minimize the visual impacts of construction over the bluff face. These conditions assure consistency with the provisions of the C-D ordinances of the LCP. Special Condition #4 requires the applicant to submit a docurnentyhich indemnifies and holds the Commission harmless from any future claims of cost, damages or liability for any maintenance or failures associated with the project which is being constructed above and on a coastal bluff, a known hazard area. Approval of the amendment should not prejudice the ability of the City of Carlsbad to implement the certified LCP. The proposed walkway is consistent with the (3278A) G EOR G E DEU K M E J I AN, Governor '- STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ' P.O. BOX 2390 SACRAMENTO 9581 1 (91 6) 445-2358 DEC 4- 1987 Mr. John J. Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carl sbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carl sbad, CA 92009-4859 .. EXHIBIT 5 RECEIVED DEC 0 8 1987 M U N IC1 PAL PROJECTS DIVISION Dear Mr. Cahill: Carl sbad State Beach Cherry Avenue Stairway Your letter of September 14, 1987 suggested that significant administrative and construction economies could be realized through a joint effort if the State replaced the Cherry Avenue Stairway in conjunction with the City's larger project. It is my understanding that the approximate cost to the Department of Parks and Recreation is $78,000. Further, the City is willing to include this item as an additive alternate to their contract for work in the same area. The Department concurs with your suggestion that an agreement be drafted to include the replacement of the Cherry Avenue Stairway. I anticipate visiting the state parks in your area and would be happy to meet with representatives of the City to visit the Cherry Avenue site. I will be available to discuss mutual problems and the future expansion of the State Park facilities in conjunction with the City's evaluation of various approaches to coastal hiahway alignments in Carlsbad. Sipcere 1 y , Director ., I.. /- CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PROMENADE PROJECT NO. 3265 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE This project was given environmental review as part of the previous environmental analysis for the Carlsbad Boulevard .Seawall project.