HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-05; City Council; 9372; APPROVAL OF ARCHITECT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE PROJECT.r 0 !A E 0, < s .. z 0 F 0 a 6 z 3 0 0 CIFF CARLSBAD - AGENVILL AB# 937A Tu= APPROVAL OF ARCHITECT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN DEPT MTG. 4/5/88 OF CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AND CITY CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DEPT. CM ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE PROJECT CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 88-/(b approving an architectural consultant agree for the design of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Center and Carlsbad Unifie School District Administrative Office Project No. 3247. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 7, 1987, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 9012 approving concept a joint City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School District pro to construct a Senior Citizens Center and School District Administrative Office. Staff was directed to continue negotiations with School District officials toward finalizing an agreement for property acquisition and pro, development. Additionally, staff was directed to assemble and solicit project architect proposals and recommend to the City Council an architecl firm to design the joint project. The Council-approved Architect Selection Committee consisted of: James McCormi ck, Carl sbad Uni f i ed School Di strict Board Member Dr. Thomas Brierley, Superintendent, Carlsbad Unified School District John Mamaux, City of Carlsbad Council Member Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, City of Carlsbad Susan Spickard, Senior Citizens Coordinator, City of Carlsbad Linwood Van, Chairman, Senior Citizens Commission John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, City of Carlsbad On May 14, 1987, Requests for Proposals were mailed to thirty (30) architc firms identified for the project. The Architect Selection Committee met f June 11, 1987 and reviewed the submitted materials of fourteen (14) archil firms responding to the proposal request. The Committee selected six (6) firms as finalists for the design of the project. The final six (6) firm: were required to submit detail project proposals and prepare a project de. .presentation for the interview session before the Selection Committee. The six (6) finalists identified by the Selection Committee were: Deems, Lewis and McKinley Architects San Diego Bradshaw, Bundy and Associates San Diego Anthony and Langford Architects Huntington Beach e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ?37* Wolff/Lang/Christopher Architects, Inc. Rancho Cucamonga Danielson Design Group San Juan Capistrano Group 4/Architecture, Research and P1 anning, Inc. San Francisco On July 10, 1987, the Selection Committee convened at the Public Safety ar Service Center and interviewed the final six (6) architect firms. Also present as an observer during the presentations was Mr. Brian Robertson, Chairman of the City’s Historic Preservation Committee. Following these interviews, the architect firm of Wolff/Lang/Christopher Architects, Incoi porated, was unanimously selected as the firm to be recommended to the Cil Council for the design of this project. It is therefore the recommendation of the Architect Selection Committee tt the firm of Wolff/Lang/Christopher Architects, Incorporated, be authorize( the City Council to proceed with the design of the joint project. attached consultant agreement negotiated between staff and the architects: requires delivery of approved, final project plans, specifications, and contract documents by May 1988. This time period will allow for the required advertising, receipt and evaluation of project bids to enable a construction start date of ap- proximately July 1988. The Carlsbad Unified School District will vacate their Pine Avenue offices immediately following the conclusion of the 198; school year and will occupy temporary, leased facilities at another locat- during the subsequent construction period estimated to be the entire 1988- school year. Thereafter, the School District will return to the complete( administrative offices during the summer of 1989. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council on April 7, 1987 approved and appropriated a $300,000 lo; from the City’s General Capital Construction Fund to the Redevelopment Fur for the estimated cost of project design and development. The cost of thc design of the project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached architectural consultant agreement will be $233,000. Therefore, additional project funds are required until May 1988, at which time it is estimated the project will be ready for solicitation of construction bids EXH I BITS : 1. Resolution No. 86-L approving an architectural consultant agret ment with the firm of Wolff/Lang/Christopher Architects, Incorporal for the design of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Center and Carlsbad Unfied School District Administrative Office project. The * 4 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 a 9 10 I' 12 l3 14 l5 l6 17 l8 !m e RESOLUTION NO. 88-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE COMPLEX, PROJECT NO. 3247. WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad has solicitated proposals for t design of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Center and Carlsbad Unified Scho District Administrative Office Complex Project; and WHEREAS, all prospective firms were required to submit qualif tions statements and support information; and WHEREAS, the recommended possesses the necessary skills, back ground and expertise to accomplish the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previou appropriated funds for the design of this project; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District have reached formal agreement as to th joint development of this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cit ~ Carlsbad, California, as follows: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 ~ 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. ill Ill Ill ill Ill Ill 111 111 Ill b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 0 2. That the consultant agreement with Wol ff/Lang/Chri stopher Architects, Incorporated, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby appro\, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execi said agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad ( Council held on the 5th day of April , 1988, by the following v( to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None (q~/@;.<.I CLAU E . LEWI , Mayor ATTEST: 15 16 17 l8 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I I 1 I B EX@IT A TO RESOLUTIC 4 R1 JU AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTAWT SERVICES WLC CITY OF CARLSBAD SENIOR CITLZEYS CEYTER AND CARLSPAD UVIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AWIYISTRATIVE OFFICE COMPL THIS AGYEEMEYT, made and entered into as of the ,d,'a da di!,, , 198$, by and between the CITY OF CARLSSA municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as lrCity," Wolf f/Lang/Chr ist opher Architects, Incorporated, hereina referred to as "Architect." - / RECITALS City requires the services of an architectural consultan provide the necessary architectural services for the desig the City of Carlsbad Senior Citizens Center and Carlsbad Uni School District Administrative Office Covplex project; and Architect possesses the necessary skills and qualificat to provide the services required by City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and rrutual covenants contained herein, City and Architect aqrec follows: 1. ARCHITECT'S OBLIGATIONS The Architect shall provide architectural con'sull services to the City in accordance with the terms, conditions project scope as specified in the City's letter of "Request Detailed Project Proposal" dated June 19, 1987, Architec "Statement of Qualifications" and "Detailed Project Propo: 0 0 attached hereto which are incorporated by reference and m, part of this agreement. Said services shall be perf( diligently, in a professional manner, and in accordance wit1 terms and conditions of this aqreeffent under the direction o City Manager or his authorized representative. 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall pay the Architect in accordance with Sec 4 and 5 of this agreement upon receipt of invoices submitt the Architect and approved by the City. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this Contract will begin immediately i receipt of notification to proceed by the City to be followc completion and acceptance by City of all project woi drawings, specifications, contract documents, and all permit: agency approvals for all phases of the project no later thar 1, 1988. Extensions of time may be aranted jf requested b! Architect and agreed to in writing by the City. In consider' of such requests, the City will qive allowance for documentec substantiated unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not causi a lack of foresiqht on the part of the Architect, or de caused by City inaction or other aqencies' lack of ti act ion. e 0 - .4. FEES TO 9E PAID TO ARCHITECT The fees payable according to Paragraph 5, "Paymen Fees", shall be as follows: - TASK HO U R L \' NO T - T 0 -E X C E E D a. Space Needs Analysis and $ 18,000 P rog r amln j na b. Site Planning and Development 20,000 c. Schematic Desiqn 28,000 d. Design Development 65,000 e. Construct ion Documents 92,000 f. Project Biddina 10,000 Tot a1 Project Fees $2 33,000 Architect's hourlv rates shall be as specified in attached "Detailed Project Proposal." Architect Is hourly r shall not change during the duration of this agreement. The above project hourly, not-to-exceed fees shall incl but not be limited to, all additional project tasks as speci in the above referenced City's "Request for Detailed Pro Proposal" letter dated June 19, 1987 and Architect's "Deta Project Proposal.'' No other compensation for services or o related miscellaneous project expenses will be allowed ex those items covered by supplemental agreements per Paragrap "Ch anqes in Work". Tt is aqreed to by the parties to this agreement that performed by the Architect's subconsultants for pro engineering related services, specifically limited to parcel engineerina, aerial topoaraphic engineerina, enqineering gra plans, site plan engineering, preparation of deed and ease documents including legal descriptions, olats and a , 0 m - engineering displays, and soils and related ueotechn~ enaineerina services, shall be billed by Architect and paic City separate and distinct from the above hourly, not-to-exc fees paid by City to Architect. It is further agreed to by parties to this agreement that the aforement ioned fees project engineerin9 related services described in this para01 shall be included within the total project compensatior identified in the above referenced hourly, not-to-exceed fc No other compensation for the aforementioned project enginee related services will be allowed except those items covere supplemental agreements per ParaqraDh 7, "Chanaes in Work." Architect shall provide a total of twenty-five (25) comp sets of final, approved project plans, specifications, contract document,^ to City to enable the City to bid the proj Expenses related to reproduction and delivery of all addjti sets of approved pro.ject plans, specifications and cont documents in excess of the aforementioned twenty-five (25) shall be reimbursed at cost to Architect by City. 5. PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of fees shall be made within thirty (30) days a receipt and approval of monthly invoices sulsmitted by Archi and approved by City. All invoices shall be detailed and inc a written description of the work performed in accordance the Architect's "Detailed Project Proposal," dates, hours wor hourly rates, tasks and functions accomplished, and total an of requested payment. It 1s understood between the parties to this aareement 0 0 if the project is resumed after beina sus~ended for mor€ sixty (60) days, the Architect's compensation shall be subjc reneqotiation between the parties based upon adjustmer billing rates that have occured in the interim. 6. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this Contract and design, changes merited by the Architect or the City, and informal consulta with the other party indicate that a change in the conditio the Contract is warranted, the Architect or the City may re a change in the Contract. Such changes shal.1 be processed b City in the following manner: A letter oiitlining the rea changes shall be forwarded to the City or the Architect to i them of the proposed changes alonq with a statement of esti changes in charqes or time schedule. After reaching m agreement on the proposal, a supplemental aareement sha prepared by the City and approved by the City Counc accordance with the City's Puhlic Works and Consultant Agrei purchasing practices and policies. Such supplemental agrei shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portio1 the agreement. Chanaes requirina immediate action by Architect or the City shall be ordered bv the City Manager o authorized representative who will inform a principal o Architect's firm of the necessity of such action and folli with a supplemental agreement coverina such work. 7. COVEYANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Th- Architect warrants that their firm has not employt retained any company or ~erson, other than a bona fide emp: 0 e working for the Architect, to solicit or secure this aqreen and that Architect has not paid or aareed to pay any cornpar person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commjsc percentaae, brokeraqe fee, qift, or any other consider: contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the shall have the riqht to annul this agreement without liabi' or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement pric consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokeraqe fee, gift, or cont inaent fe 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Archjtect shall comply with the State and Fec 0 rd i n ances reuar d ino nond iscr im in at i on. 9. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Architect's failure to prosec deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this Contr the City may terminate this Contract for nonperforrnanc notifyinq the Architect by certified mail of the terrninatic the Contract. The Architect, thereupon, has five (5) WOI days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all wor progress to the City Manager or his authorized representat The City Manager or his authorized representative shall ma deterrnination of fact based upon the documents delivered'to of the percentage of work which the Architect has performed w is usable and of worth to the City in having the Conk completed. eased upon that findinq as reported to the Council, the Council shall determine the final payment of Contract. e 0 'IO. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of under this agreement, the following procedure shall be usc resolve any question of Fact or interpretation not othe~ settled by agreement between parties. Such ouestions, if become identified as a part of a dispute among persons oper( under the provisions of this Contract, shall be reduc~ writing by the principal of the Architect or the City Manaqe copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to parties involved alona with recommended methods of resol! which would be of benefit to both parties. The City Manag principal of the Architect receiving the letter shall rep the letter alonq with a recommended method of resolution w ten (10) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfal to the agarieved party, a letter outlining the dispute sha forwarded to thp City Council for their resolution throual Office of the City Manager. The City Council may then o consider the directed solution to the problem. In such c the action of the City Council shall be bindinq upon the pa involved, although nothinq in this procedure shall prohibi parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 11. SUSPENSION OR TERMIYATION OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated by either party tenderinq thirty (30) days written notice to the other party the event of such suspension or termination, upon request o City, the Architect shall assemble the work product and put in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said pr e e to City. In the event of termination, the Architect sha paid for work performed to the termination date: however total shall not exceed the guaranteed total maximum. The shall make the final determination as to the portions of t corn~leted and the compensation to be made. Compensation t made in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations. 12. STATUS OF THE ARCHITECT The Architect shall perform the services provided for he in Architect's own way as an independent Contractor ar pursuit of Architect's Independent calling, and not a: employee of the City. Architect shall be under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished and the persc assigned to the project, but shall consult with the Cit provided for in the request for proposal. 13. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Architect shall cause all drawings and specificat ion conform to all applicable reauirements of law: Federal, St and local. Architect shall provide all necessary suppor documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approva necessary. The Architect will provide copies of the approved pro drawings and specifications to other agencies. 14. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, specifications as herein required are the property of the C whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. the event. this Contract is terminated, all documents, pl 0 0 specifications, drawinqs, reports, and studies shall be deli forthwith to the City. The Architect shall have the rig make one (1) copy of the plans for his/her recorr's. Architect may show to others selected items from reports, p studies, drawinqs, and other documents related to the proje a part of business development. The Architect warrants that display of this information will not cause harm to the City. City warrants against use of project plans, stu sketches, drawinas, reoorts, soecifications, and other re products produced from Architect's work for this projec other future City projects without the prior written conse the Architect. 1 S. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMEYT The City, its aoents, officers, and employees shall n liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, o damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person what nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resultina or claimed to have been caused by, or resultina from intentional or neqligent acts, errors or omissions of Arch or Architect's agents, employees, or representatives. Arch aqrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the and its authorized aaents, officers, and employees against ar the foregoinq liabilities or claims of any kind and any cosi expense that is incurred by the City on account of any 01 foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by rt of alleaed defects in any plans and specifications. * 0 16. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Architect shall not assign this Contract or any thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior ~r consent of the Citv. 17. SUBCONTRACTING If the Architect shall subcontract any of the work performed under this Contract by the Architect, Architect be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissi0 Architect's subcontractor and of the persons either direct indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Architect is fa acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Archi Nothinq contained in this Contract shall create any contra relationship between any subcontractor of Architect and the The Architect shall bind every subcontractor and subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Con applicable to Architect's work unless specifically noted t contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writi the Citv. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such cap on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approv take part in negotiating, making, acceptinq, or approvina o architectural, engineering inspection, construction or mat supply Architect, or any subcontractor in connection wit ronstruction of the project, shall become directly or indir interested personally in this Contract or in any part the No officer, employee, architect, attorney, enoineer, or insp e e of or for the Citv who is authorized in such capacity a1 behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisor' other similar functions in connect ion with the performan1 this Contract shall become directly or indirectly inter1 personallv in this Contract or any part thereof. 19. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATIOY No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, a or employee of the City, either before, during, or afte execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any 01 terms or obligations herein contained nor such verbal agret or conversation entitle the Architect to any additional pa! whatsoever under the terms of this Contract. 20. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Section 15, "Hold Harr Aareement", all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof : insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and ea( their respective heirs, executors, administrators, succes! and assigns. 21. RIJSINESS LICENSE REQUIRED Prior to beginning work, the Architect shall Secure a of Carlsbad business license and pay the appropriate fee for license in accordance with Section 5.04.020 of the Carl Municipal Code. 22. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Architect shall file a Conflict of Interest State with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad in accordance the reauirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Intt Code. - 0 0 23. INSURANCE The Architect shall obtain and maintain a policy liability insurance from an insurance company authorized to be business in the State of California, in an insurable amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). This insura shall be in force during the life of this aqreement and shall be cancelled without thirty (30) days prior notice to the City The City shall be named as an additionally insured on t policy. The Architect shall furnish a certificate of s insurance to the City upon request. 24. EFFECTIVE DATE This aqreement shall be effective on and from the day year first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. WOLFF/LANG/CHRISTOPHER CITY OF CARLSRAD: ARCHITECTS, INCORPORATED k/g/([ /;- .'/''a< ,c't.t,, d* ayor Title ATTESTED: City Clerk e 0 ' 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALiFORNlA 9-59 Office of the Municipal PrObCts Citp of c&arIabab June 19, 1987 Wo If f/L ang/Ch ris t op her Architects 10470 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Gentlemen: The City of Carlsbad wishes to inform you of your select one (1) of six (6) finalists for the City of Carlsbad's Citizens Center and Carlsbad Unified School Dist Administrative Office Complex project. The seven (7) Selection Committee would like to meet with the members o project team to discuss your project proposal in more detai is the intention of the Selection Committee to m recommendation of an architect firm for this project Carlsbad City Council following these interviews. PROJECT.PRESENTAT1ON FORMAT The interviews have been scheduled for promptly 11:15 a, Friday, July 10, 1987 in the Fox Conference Center of the C: Carlsbad's Public Safety and Service Center, 2560 Orior Car lsb ad. Enclosed is a map showing the location of the : Center. There are facilities for audio and visual displ: the Conference Center. So as to minimize inconvenienct transporting audio-visual equipment and reduce equipment : time, the City will make available in the Conference ( display easels, a projection screen, and a Kodak slide pro, with remote control. If you wish to utilize this equipmf part of your presentation, please bring with you a suitable slide carousel. The Selection Committee would like you to limit your present to approximately twenty (20) minutes. The Selection Comn will then follow with questions of your team's proposal. F have those members of your project team who will be wa directly with the City and the School District on the pr present at the interview session. In order to help the Committee make a more informed selecti an architect team for this project, please prepare an in-c written analysis of how you intend to address the gE objectives of the project as outlined in our initial lett 0 0 Page Two June 19, 1987 DETAILED PROJECT PROPOSAL May 14, 1987. This analysis should include a developm strategies, methodologies, personnel, data and fin resources, subconsultants, schedule, additional profes disciplines, and other factors you feel appropriate to acco this project. Because of the diversity of occupiers o joint-use facility, the Selection Committee is partic interested in the management, coordination, and timetable o phase of the project. Further, the architect project team demonstrate its skills and abilities to produce closure wi different user groups given the intended highly partici nature of this project. Finally, the Selection Commit interested in the project team addressing the commitment resources, including those of its subconsultants, to deliv project within the prescribed time period. Please produce a total of seven (7) copies of your sub detailed project proposal. These materials are to be recei the City of Carlsbad, Municipal Projects Department, 20 Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, no.1ater-tha a.m., Thursday,-July 9, 1987. This will enable distributi review by the Selectixommittee in advance of the Jul interviews. PROJECT SCOPE The scope of this project includes completion of all ta outlined in our initial letter of May 14, 1987 necess deliver a "turn-key" facility ready for occupation by th and School District. Additionally, the following tasks w r eq ui red: - Prepare interior design and purchasing specificati all furnishings and facility operating equipment inc review and approval of furnishing and equipment bids - Perform necessary parcel map engineering and preparation including title reports for the pr required of the project. - Provide all aerial topographic information, grading soils engineering information and other base data re for the design of the project. - Prepare, file, administer, and otherwise secur building, environmental, grading, special-use 01 permits and approvals required by all government special district agencies for the project. e 0 Page Three June 19, 1987 DETAILED PROJECT PROPOSAL - Prepare displays and make several formal p presentations to City, School District, and corn groups during the course of the project. - Perform all tasks not otherwise identified above nec to deliver a complete facility acceptable to and rea use by the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad UI School District consistent with the intent of project. As a separate part of the detailed project proposal, the p architect team should address its experience, ability availability to perform construction management services fo project. This is intended to include a complete management of all aspects of the construction phase project through and including acceptance by the City of Car Additionally, the architect shall provide complete and fin built drawings. The project architect team will be requi perform all project coordination and administrative fun generally associated with a "clerk of the works" le responsibility for the construction phase of the project the general direction of the City of Carlsbad. The C Carlsbad will provide all building inspection services. PROJECT-COMPENSATION The detailed project proposal should include a schedule 01 for services. Hourly rates of all project team per: including subconsultants should also be included. The Self Committee is open to varying approaches with resper determining a schedule of fees for this project. Thereforc architect project team should give consideration to an apl reasonable and customary within the intended project scol design timetable. For the purposes of this proposal, the fee schedule fi construction management phase of the project should be sei and distinct From the fee schedule for all tasks up throuc including completion of working drawings and pr specifications as well as all other tasks necessary to adve for bids for the construction of the project'. The project architect team should make provisions in its t rates, lump sum, fixed fee percentage or other compen: methodology for inclusion of all misceLlaneous reimburz expenses including, but not limited to, travel, telephone, > postage, printing and delivery, all meetings and presentat special displays, models and photographs, and all miscellaneous project related expenses not identified abo! required to complete the project. e e Page Four June 19, 1987 DETAILfD PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT SCHEDULE The Selection Committee will weigh very heavily the abil the project architect team to meet a design schedule ~n project design will begin in early August, 1987 to be follo~ a construction start date of early Summer, 1988. Please no City of Carlsbad will require approximately sixty (60) d advertise, receive, review and award construction bids. YOI therefore, requested to prepare a design schedule in acco with this general project time frame. The following is the schedule of events prior to the init of design of the project: July 9, 1987 Detailed project proposals submitted to City. July 10, 1987 Project architect team inter Selection Committee discussio selection of a recommended arc team for this project. July 13, 1987 through Notification of recommended arc July 24, 1987 team and completion of co negotiations. August 4, 1987 Carlsbad City Council awards p design contract. August 5, 1987 Notice to Proceed issued to p architect team. Project officially begins. The City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School Distric forward to receipt of the detailed project proposal and up i n t ervi ens. Please direct all correspondence and que relative to the detailed project proposal solei t undersigned or Kenneth Quon, Project Manager, at d438 Thank you for your continued interest in this very ex p:+F Municipal JOH 3. C HILL Projects Manager JJC:mja Enclosure e- 0 e e k m 3 kal 0 alu 04 u alu ri 0 iik cu a a k om, rrl Q) c m-e biU c, al au a 3hP P -4 U --lad. EL U a 7u Q)U a ou u '3al . 3 3 *n Em ala rrl POEO a dkk -4 u 9)-4 a, c UP4 alo 0 a a UE 4 -nd LC r3 0 04 3 E k a 0.4 Qc, u u -4 Uvl cu 0 0 E Q) 3.4 mg 0 u -4 c x cu 0 ual Ed Q) u-4 0 E -4 Q) -4 bd > .d -4 PC L -4 u a cua a- L mh Q) U ucg m Ltm E8 0 uu 0 c cr~ m-4 a a Q) -4 am c uc rrl 4 a E -4 01 LI m ocuu kcg .4 hU a L at3 m 5 EO 5 (UE ua % 5rrl k a, rl aQOE VI 4 u -VI UG 0.q m 3 y.r -4 L1m a E- w C dmc en Q, U U a a a-+ x E -d L 0 NU L1 -4 -4 un4 a Uk UB Q)u 04as _T U ?-I om dd ua kU m m U a 4 ah -4-n 4 3 0-2 Q) w, 0 u .-db S 2: 'Lta ou a uQ)2 -4 A 0 F uncu J' a hu u 2 s= 0 a%l vu: e3tu 3 Q VU sa - Q)TI E. k La = r". -n '4 0 P 0 3k oalLC3 Q wocucu -4 u ala uu cas - ma h0 dg a, hn '=; uo 3 rnC n 53 a,d 7- LC -4 EOrv alw E a E aon a0 Uh Ok 0 4mz U' h a0 VI am am mrno au a>, -4wmu aQ)a - - 2 > -4 Tz mEO3 u-4 I r( a au 1 m du d On -4 LC Q\ -4 P -4 U Q)r4 = aaku EPO z UUQ) OG E EEPa a J 0 a 4-4.- uc, - EO ma. 0 aa kd al 0 sua2 a1Zmrv 0 LEO* - u a2 ah) Lk a =3 IrJ3kO Q, .- -- P am maE P ri-rCd4 3 a VI > 02. 0 a& * -2 =f.; -x e+>-? 4 aa pa EO hac.% - *, i.l 3 Jk &= a04 #' - 7 L Lo3 kuao cu a xu 4Ed y ;.Ezs . 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