HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-26; City Council; 9400; ICMA deferred comp program trust agreement8- pw > 0 U e e 4 .. z 0 4 =! 0 z 3 0 0 E AB# MTG. 4126188 DEPT. TITLE: ICMA DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM TRUST AGREEMENT CITY A- \. CITY MGR.w- Adopt Resolution No. n-13~ approving the Trust Agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation. ITEM EXPLANATION: Several years ago, the City began offering the ICMA Deferred Compensation program to all employees as an optional method of augmenting the existing retirement system. advisors and options were the responsibility of ICMA-RC. Under this program all decisions related to the selection of investment By executing the relationship described in the resolution, the City will participate in an organizational structure designed to give the public employers in the plan ultimate control over the management of the funds. Each public employer will have the opportunity to nominate and vote for a group of nine trustees who have the power to conduct the business of the Trust and carry on its operations. The nomination and election process, therefore, gives the participating employers a direct relationship with these functions which include oversight of the Retirement Corporation's performance, appointment of the auditors, and monitoring investment goals and objectives. This change provides the City with a more active voice in the ultimate management of the program. FISCAL IMPACT: This action has no fiscal impact. be associated with adopting the Trust Agreement. No additional costs, savings or revenues will EXHIBITS : Resolution No. 88-136 approving the Trust Agreement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-136 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXECUTING THE DECLARATION OF TRUST OF THE ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST WHEREAS, the City has employees rendering valuable services: and WHEREAS, the establishment of a deferred compensation plan for such employees serves the interests of the City by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees, by providing increased flexibility in its personnel management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the continued provision of a deferred compensation plan to all City employees administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation serves the above objectives; and WHEREAS, the City desires that the investment of funds held under its deferred compensation plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and that such funds be held by the ICMA Retirement Trust, a trust established by public employers for the collective investment of funds held under their deferred compensation plans and money purchase retirement plans; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad hereby executes the Declaration of Trust of the ICMA Retirement Trust, attached hereto as Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Director shall be the coordinator for this program and shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. from the ICMA Retirement Corporation or the ICMA Retirement Trust, and shall cast, on Il II II I1 {I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 12 12 14 1: 1t 1: 11 1E 2( 2: 2: 2; 21 2! 2t 27 2E lehalf of the Employer, any required votes under the program. Administrative luties to carry out the plan may be assigned to the appropriate departments. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of .he City of Carlsbad, California, held on the - 26th day of 11988 by the following April rote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux, Larson NOES : ABSENT: Council Member Pettine 4TTEST : D ILETHA &UTENKRANZ, City Clerk [SEAL) EXHIBIT "A" mPmwx _- ARlEUE I. NAME AND DEFlNmONS DECLARATION OF TRUST OF ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST @) Trust Properly The amour& held in the ReWement Trust on behalf d the Publc - Mnn: The -* Employen in cmnect~on mth Deferred Canpensalton Plans and on behalf dthe Publc Emdmr kustses for the &use benem d Emdm pursuant to Ouali- IC the CMA wmnt 'kusl ARTICLE II. CREATION AND PURPOSE OF THE TRUST OWNERSHIP and ma~ntarnod by a Public Emplqrsr tor the purposa d prcmd~n~ fet~ra ment ifcome and other deferred benehts to ns employees in accordance *nth the prmsom d secbon 457 d the Internel Remn~e Cak d 1954. OF TRUST PROPERTY assunended (c) Emplm Those emplu@es who parllcrpate in Qualfied Plans (d) Employer Trust A trust created pursuant to an agreement betwen RC and a Publc Emp(oyer fw the purpose d investing and admirwstenng the tunds s~l asde by such Emplupr in connection WRh IIS Werred Cornpen Section 2.1 Cnrtlon: The Retirement Trud IS created and established by the execution d thts Dedarcllton d hs! by the Trustees and the Public 8.ctlon 2.2 Pum: Ihc purpose d tht RetlremcMt Trd IS to pmde br the commingled investment d funds held by the Public Emplqen in mn&- tm mth thstr Deferred Canpensatton and Oualified Plans The Trust Prop Emplayerr efty shall be inrSSred in the Pwndros. in Guaranteed Investment Contracts and in other investments recommended by the InveStment Mwser under the mpewmnd Uw Board dTiusrees NoperldIk'lnstPropertyw9 bevkested m ~WT&S mued by PUUK Employers Won 2.3 Ownonhlp of hrrt Proprrty: The Trustees *an havc mal We to the Trust Property The PUBIC Employen shall be the benehcial ownen d the porlion d the Trust Prope*y docable to the Deferred Compensation Plans The portron d the Trust Property allccable to the Oualified Plans shall k hdd for the Publc Empluyer Trustees br the exduove beosclr d the Employees ARTICLE 111. TRUSTEES Won 3.1 Number and OurlHiutlon d Trudoor. (a) The Board of Trustees shell congst of mne Trustees Five d the Tfustees ehall be full-bme employees of a Publlc Employer (rtn Public Employee Tmees) who are authwued by such PUMIC Employer to mwe as Trustee The remaining Iwr Trustees OM1 cwrrist of two persons who. at the he of Jection to the Board of Trustees. are manbers d the Board Or Ikrs*m of CMA and two persons who, a the am d dedion. arc members d the Board d Dtr&lon d RC (Ihe ICMAIFK: Trustees) OnS dthe TWees who IS a Gram d CMA, mnd me of the Trustees whor diref3ctor of RC. MI. .I thet~m d doclion. be Weme employees d a Puble Employer @)No psnon may sene as aTmec (a more hn one tom many ten-year w (a) Empt for Lhe hs~ees Irppamed to M mcancaes purwsnl to sechon 35 hared, the Trustees stu~ll be elected by vde d a mapnty dthe Publc Employsn in maxdance wth the procedures w torth M the By- Soctlon 3.2 Ekaron wd 'Ihm. ARTlClE V. WTY OF CARE AND LIABILITY OF TRUSTEES Won 5.1 Duty d Can: In exemtlng the pamtn hereinbefore grarded to (hs twletz tht Trustees shall pedm all acts whin mar authonty for the dusivs purpose d prwldtnp benetits tor Ihe Publc Employers in conrmc. bon Wm, eeiensd bmpenvlbon Flans and Publc Emprcyzr kustees pursuant to oualw Plans and SMI pem such acts m the care. &Ill. prudence and diligence in the arcurnstances then prwling that a prudent person act- mg in a Ilk capacrty and familiar mth such matters -Id uw in the conduct d an entarpnse d a Lko character and mM kke &ma Sodion 5.2 Witty: Tha Tmees shall nd be habk wary rmsfz~kedludg. ment w mer -on taken in good Bnh. and for any action taken or mmed m rdmnce in good Wh upon the books deaxxlm or other records dthe Retirement Trust, upon the opnm d counsel. or upon reports made to the Ramm Trust by any d tts ofken. aplo~ees or agenb or ty the II-WSI- menl Advlser or any subinvestment adnser. accounCant+ appraisers or Uher ~cperb or conwbnts selected mth reasonable care by the TNS~S~S dlicers or employees of the Retirement Trust The Trustees shall also not be hat& for my M sustained by the Trust Pfuperty ty reason d any imestment made n DoDd$Ith andm.cbadanwwthIhc starclard dmmm mSemon51. 8.ctlon 5.3 Bond: No Trustee shall be obligated to gibe any bond or other mcunly kr thc perfwnance d any d his w her duttes hereunder ARTICLE VIII. YlSCELUNEOUS Won 8.1 Gowrnlng W Empt as othenwse required by state or laal Irw, this Waration ol Tiust and the Retirement Twsl hereby created shall be construed and regulaled by the laws d the D~dnci d Cdumtna Sodon 8.2 Counhrprrb: Thts Ddarahon may be executed by the Public Employen and Tiustees in hm or more counterpart$ each Or whtch shall be deemedan oryrnal butalldwtnch~shalhall COnStiiute une and h same instrument ** Approved by the Carlsba City Council, Res. # 88-136 on 4/26/88