HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-10; City Council; 9427; AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON REQUEST TO CONDUCT JET SKI RACES ON MAY 21-22, 1988i CIT()OF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL 1 AB# 95477 CITY DEPT. p E R CITY REQUEST TO CONDUCT JET SKI RACES ON MTG. 5/10/88 DEPT TITLE: AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MAY 21 - 22, 1988 I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Den>- Rusirlg Enter]l,rises re!:!uest to c(,~-iduct jeE s!;F faces at ;ea& He:ji~::,: Lagoo11 012 :-la>- 21-22, 1988 and recc;1-f;lile:7Ld C~ilC!~~i:tiLl~ the e7:el-L~ .:,fteT Septed,eL- 15 :>x befol-e lis>- I. ITEM EXFLANATIUN: Rtrsing %nt.erprises I Irnc I is appealia5 a c!ecisLoi~ bv Park: .-*1;1! ~L~t-:~;:q~~,~:~.~ ;t.aff:: the Ri.51: S!XIC~~!~~~ sari. t11i2 'f'a-l!;s :~j-l!j, ~,e~;~~~Lti~i~ ~olil!il~5~ LC;; t!/ i<-cci>- t2ej.r reyu.est to cond-tict a jet ski r2S:e CCL +" Llir' ,- .:-g7-ra Bediol-id;3 La.q:;:::fi '.?EL ,. I' -;pei:ial c;~? area 01;. the i\eei:e;lcj of :tz>- 21 e6n.j. 2, I 1388 fE>&ij>$t 1) , TSr" Cede and Council policy he 1ec;rresred ave;lt x-quir"s g.pp;-q~~~al 53- the $"it>- CounciL a& Ke\:ieI; 1,- the Risl; y.ic?aager, r< On March 29, 1958 Greg l>,using of X:~.si~lg El1terc:riser-, ;ell? a letter ti; tl~ Parks and ReczeatLoa DepartxecLt, xequestirig i~p.~~ro\~:~i to hold a jet ski race on XHL at Snug Har-Sor Marina on the weeltend of Sa>- 21 and 22, 1958 j He indicated the e:ient would be conducted by the Personal !Catel.craft Federation and SFKX~SO~~~ b>- the Busing klater-ski Adventures. (:Exhihit 22 z1~2 2b j . After staff' j: and t,he Risk i9anage;. 5 i-eyier.; 211.3 prese1-;tation tc:, tile pazfi and Recreztion, the ;-ecpf:st vcas ctenied fcl: t'ie folloQ:<ng L~;LsQ~:~E: 1, Re~commendstiun 2: &~~i~al 9>- t?~ Risk 2,j.laiiagey (ExliLbit 3 1 because c:: the failure to ~IC\:F.~E: (311 e\re;it pinll ail:!. i>r.:3of cf iL1S:2-Lai1Ce in a rimel)- :mmec I g a: < I i- n s 2. The dates reciueste.' ;(el-? fol: Z r;-,ej:end- +-ring tile I- ILL& 4 .~ use. seascL1 :y.raL- 15 - S"_.,:;;t, 15) and staff has r9cu!!i:!i,jlll~.e:~ r,:1at e\;e11tsI S>ICil ;:c : ,-,i,- i)o'liF.L-~2'3at , tA3uLe, , - .,I- after Sept, 15 <;X 1lcf.jie "a>- 15 ::jf :an!- ;-p;xrl - i?~ ski ~sce~: shsul.l 52 ,rcr;l1&lctzj onl;; dnL-iI:g tl-:e :~~c<iti-ls of :.-e 1 :.- I l, i'. (Z::hibi t i: '1 . J, ??he:" :;<>uitd 5~1 ;t :-Lega.t<\.-s .;.:psf:t ~1~1 ~>tI-le~- ~~.ZOC_> - IJS~S at th:? tii:!E: ~l]r.~pc,se::~: !:,e(.au.;e .>f the F:isk " yu'-,.""p I.ILr_~ ' s ?:;clusi~e use ieqcirei:ieLlt $ g.n:j tlie ~.~ex:iz,~s pyoced~.-r.e cf rlf:t ~~~~p:~~~g br:ats t; lc~gl-~cl: or t~sye yi~~~:~.f;;l tile z-~ea d.uiing c~~,:e~. 1 - .. 4. . .. :{:J pycuf ~f iiabiiit-.- il:sil,a:-ce >;a5 pro~.:icle-j ~1a;:;~:~o :!-if ::i~x- 9: aa 5 3 &.j.<ti.j_.,all.- iL-lsxz=.d j i= 0 4 113 ~~,;:;!lu~Lting p~~~,:ir~~~~~>- cc~-L~~,:t:~~~ jet s,i.:i <z.r325 , t,i12 e-.,.-ei-Lts ~><exe cci11rj.il!2tii!j :~u<ll:k ioi< ase 12e:io:js of the >-eai :s-~icb \,:eye all pr-j~: t:s VZ~ 15 or after s2pteyiikre: 15, S',aff rer;ortec! that tl:? rare::. v;exe 2; ;-pi1 0 z ~~~;~~~~~e:~ ar;d ezec1- te:! e->-el:: , T1-l-c 1;age:Ii-L p;:,z1.<~1 also :.~F!(:IX: e::] &2i !i~!xi:: 3 0 the race ~I~IcJ ir: .)rt,:)bey 1'3$::;, rl-:p:z !.;as 2, i:xll:lraal ~~~~7~~: cf ,:,L'-c3-- ~"ci-, "t1lLL LIL-&5 0 ~~11 ~11~ ;.,-tLre lag,:ca rctj.t>cii-;:s :,(>;.T^1-Lti::;l co::'li:::. -r - 4 I , .. 0 Apil 26, I988 &I*. k&. J I. ";"r'; J4) City Colmzil Of Crlrlsbnd I2OG Elm Strest Carlsbnd, Ce.1 if'. 52CB3 ev Lktlr Yugcr Fiu? Lexia, St.35CT: JTT-SKI RBCXS - ,4GT_TA EEZIC!.ZA LI-GTC.5 """" "" _" " For our upa@ning event to start cut the sEtasm dth c. grand cpning wf: hav prcposed another jet-ski rrxe on Bugs. HTdionda Lagcon at Snvg Bnrbor fhrin *I.>, e~e;?.t. ~511 be put 0x1 by the FnterCraft tiss.-ci~tim and cur GHD 7;stnr;ak Ac'.ver+'iurr:a. ?.by 2B22 the Vi$sk-ecd is the prc.pcsed chtrt set for this even RO~ cnly is this ew2n.t goo; for tho promotion of Snug !iur'i=or ~nrh it is for $he co,?sr.unity, Carl,5bad"s 5usi::::ss mu tcurioa. m" '.. ,. TYAS 'io kat ~oicg to bs D ;?;e-5 or sttct;io;;ed ~GCB rzn OX: t:-.e cur*rer;t rittioawi schedule bu.tia ccraunity fcn day raca kid inbetween the gs;otioasj rReQ 10 Thsr3foro YE! am b5pinz thr: ontriss t;c; 3 riiz5r!mn nct to excned I50 riciers a?r.jad out OTC~ t.hc ho i'3.y event. YKth the great SLCC~~S- of OW past ,-et ski events ai:$ y:ith the presect. rxle ch-r.ges I see EO f~~blt'~?..tl of ir.tcrf.2r -v;if:h the! t.oe.tero xho er-Joyed the races in tk.5 past. The FrobI.err, with safd s%m.s to be sonewh&t reduce? 7.5 tr: tho pri~ata 81~38. for Jet-skiing rx:5 bcirl tbt thc we& 5.3 it froxt of S~xg En:-bor on private ?rc::erty ?se car! ccntrc the fi?ect:.tcsrs, prkirlg r:n5 t!.e rzce frcn! z gpcc yosi?:ior.. Thi3 is s pro- focsicnnl org:i::?zntizn t'.:et is putting or t11e t'aco, t!?rre Is PckquQte irx7Grc.r.cf: EZAitiwal ins5rlr.g the CLty of Csrls-sad arid 8s all racc:T; 'r;e rcc ?ar&n?ediCs, sCCL!rity, extra rnstrccEs 'acilities, sf.i'ety bost €ad kcteful! OW o%'r patrol bovt as well. To shrt out, t,i-.ia mekc:r.t.; I=f c7ui:ts I corii,sll;; irvite ycu ?fiyor EuC. Lr.+;is to bo our officicl sttirter for Eece $1 ?:SI rl at 9 8.z.. Se.t.;r&ay Xa.y 21. i'k vrotlld like to introduce 3-02 to cur rece fzrs os ?'.I- :>.&ycr end th.zk yx :';r ?.E thsn evznts to kelp promote waterspcx-te in cur crxr:~::Lty. Wo also cr;ridE inj.te yot: the clky cc-acil n:eF>ers to atten6 c.r races ar-6 s>;c::d a ~.;cqlrel of fcn in the :vrL at Snug Harbor. I !.,?sn tho e?cxit is gust a rxr:ti:. away and keing there kas never been a prt in ths past I :le&ecte?. to gst +:%is irl to the ccvric:l ecr!. ?c:- j'~y I"Y~v;;. For this I apologize however everything is set an2 roady to go on ow si& w3 msit your appro-ral. If you or the comcil have an:? questiozs ~~FRSE) f free .ta call me at Snug Xarbor Msrina. ( 434-3039) r7;:3l&+ t Greg . using Rmiq '+ Entsr?ri3 7 a Isc. mSk: 'XITE23XI A3U?3YTTTR3S EXHIBIT .. . 0 e .zzr‘ .n LS&.T- i‘n r -3 1 ,$Lj 2 g j$S;;; RUSING ENTERPRISES CARLSBA??,. CALIF. 92008 4215 HA.RRISON ST. March 25, I988 // /Gee r- I?’ 3 ,<&fi j ii-+ ;ir P)ave Bradstrht, Parks & Etycreation Director Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent Parks & Recreation &pt. I2CO Elm Street Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Cear Dave & Lynn, SIB ECTI TET SKI RACES-AGUA ‘EEGIOIU’XA UGOON Ehclosed please find a copy of a letter sent to UP by”Perscna1 Watercraft Federation regardiEg our Jet aki races during the north of May 21-22. We have ha2 Jet aki races ir, the past with no problema. There will be a provision in the insuracne naming the City of Carlsbad and Snug Harbor l4arina 8s adZitioca1 insurti!. The past Jet-ski races ns Fell R future will be held ir, the front area by Sntlg Earbor ski beach. Therefcre J will not be necessary tc clcse the lagoor. to the public, especially with tl nev: or<ir,acce chnngo. Tle pee? nt least i: weeks prior to race lay to organize, senl cur 4nvi+ La L- i;l 01 tc racers end apply for insurance for the dates apsrcved. Our reccrd is to be one of sef‘ety first and we do provide a nmr.ber of servi such as security ac tiolets, to r&t a v:eeker,l of fun in the SUT. for all ‘ attenc. We hrpe your respcnse =ill be favorable to US hnd in time for us 4 organize properly. pyf -.) 1 //&g QL Greg Rusi g Rusing E. d’ terprirer 19 p. &P+L i 8s ca+r ardGd. - e 6Lt rnhu4gJ 4/y& EXHIBIT .- . Personal WatAcraft 0 Federation Feb 26? 1988 Mr. Greg Rusi ng Snuq Harbx Marine 4215 Harrison St. Car 1 sbad Ca. 920(38 Eear Greg As we discussed at our meeting on Nov. 12, and this past wee1 well, it is our intent to hold a Jetski and other Personal Watercraft Race at your facility. This race would be held on 1 weekend of May 21-22. We will be utilizing our California race crew consisting of ' seasoned profcs3ionals. If, as expected, the race is successi we would like to continue using your facility for our upcomir Winter Series.. All races ur series would be run,. sanctioned, and insured by Fersonal Watercraft Federatian(PWF1, a division of the Arneri Power Boat Association. As director of the FWF, I assure tha ths highest level of safety and professional ism would be adh to. I've listed below some of the mast pertinent data. Race dates: Sat. and Sun. May 21 , 22 . Projected participants: 100 - 120 Projected overall attendance: 500 - 1005) Insurance: 61 , 000, 000. 1:30 Liabi 1 i ty through t:::&K ( This policy has ne,.er been turned down by any City of Long Beach). municipality from army Corps of engineers to the I wi 11 be mai 1 ing you a copy of the insurance policy as requested. As time is of the essence to properly promote an event of this stature, I urge you to run this proposal past city council at your earliest convenience. Si nprel y Yours LI sa&-b+* L. Stephen Schurrer *" Director P.O. Box 23306 Ventura, CA 93002 (805) 648-7639 EXHl .L 0 m APRIL 14, 1988 TO : Lynn Chase, Parks E Recreation FROM: Risk Manager @+ RE : Proposed Jet Ski Races for Agua Hedionda A review of the request from Greg Rusing for the jet ski races proposed by the Personal Watercraft Foundation has revealed a number of problems which need to be addressed before approval of such an event could be considered. 1. Any race on Agua Hedionda should be conducted as an exclusive use eve All other uses of the lagoon should be prohibited during such an event. 2. Since the event is one which would require exclusive use of the lagoon, it should not be held during the peak periods of May 15 through Septemt It should be scheduled for a non peak period useage date so that it will not significantly interfere with the rights of the other lagoon users. 3. The event would be classified as a moderate hazard activity and would require at least $1,000,000 in liability insurance coverage, including wate liability, and the City would have to be named as an additional insured under the policy. 4. If alcohol were served, sold, or provided in any way, the event would be classified as a high hazard activity. That would require liability insu coverage of at least $2,000,000, including watercraft liability, and the City would have to be named as an additional insured. A liquor liability endorsement to the policy would also be required. 5. A detailed plan of the event would have to be submitted to the City for review well in advance of the desired dates (45 to 60 days would be recc The plan should include explicit details regarding the provision of securi parking, the number of participants, medical facilities, trash control, tra control, a review of lagoon conditions for safety purposes, the proposed race route, number of events, amount of time involved, communication set-up, restroom facilities, etc. The plan would need to be reviewed in depth by the Departments of Poli Fire, Risk Management and Parks & Recreation. Enough time should be allocated for the review so that recommended or required changes or add could be implemented. 6. A list of references from the race sponsor should be provided so that a review of their previous events can be made. The selected dates of May 21 and May 22 are poor for two reasons. The are in the peak season (on a weekend) of lagoon useage and are too clos in time to allow for the proper preparation and review of the event plan. It is recommended that such an event be tentatively planned for a date or dates subsequent to September 15, 1988. That will permit the sponsoring organizations time to prepare a properly deti plan for submission to staff for review, Thank you, EXHIBIT 0 0 October 17, 1986 TO : .LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT FROM: CHRIS HARMON, LAGOON PATROL SPECIALIST+ JET SKI OBSERVATIONS BY LAGOON PATROL The Jet Ski Races were held on the weekend of October 4-5, 15 at Snug Harbor Marina. This event was sponsored and run main11 Dana Point Jet Ski in cooperation with Snug Harbor management. The races were staged in the portion of the lagoon between the Marina landing and the main sandbar. The lagoon patrol observed a well organized and executed event All race officials, marina security and rescue personnel utili: a two-way communication system of walkie-talkies. An ambulanct service, Air Evac, was in service at the scene on both race da; An emergency medical technican (EMT) was in service in a power1 stationed on the south side of the jet ski course during all 'I( course" jet ski races. An elaborate P.A. system was used to c( dinate and execute the races so that all contestants and specti were kept informed during the tight schedule throughout the da; Snug Harbor Marina management provided ample parking, using thc surrounding property for overflow parking. The management alsc provided four "out-house" type restrooms in appropriate positic around the Marina. The marina area was divided into two areas: 1) Spectator & R4 Official area which was on the main marina beach. 2) Contest, Launch and Pit area which was on the eastern shore of the marl The marina property was well staffed and patroled by Snug Harbl and Dana Point Jet Ski personnel which included security via t3 three wheel motorcycles. Snug Harbor Marina management provid one of their powerboats to the lagoon patrol for water managem purposes. The patrol observed only three powerboats on Saturd using the designated area for water skiing south of the sandba and on Sunday only 5 powerboats were skiing. Jet ski contestants were required by race officials to wear cr helmets and P.F.D.s at all times during warmup and racing. If these rules were not observed, the violators would be disquali There are a few situations worth mentioning that transpired du this two day event. 1) Jet ski contestants went to the area of the sandbar to warmup and tune their jet skis. Initally th was concern by the lagoon patrol of unsafe conditions due to t skiers and water skiers sharing the same water but as time pro due to the lack of water ski traffic, there were no problems. a lookout for the few powerboaters who were water skiing, qivi the powerboat the right-of-way. There'were approximately 125 on Saturday for the preliminary heats and 75 jet skiers on Sur for the main events. With that large volume of jet skis, the jet ski contestants were overall very experienced riders and k 1 e Page 2 Jet Ski Races Observations 9/4-5/86 warm up and tune up area naturally went into the larger portic the lagoon south of the sandbar with a large traffic corridor and from the designated jet ski area. 2) There was a small problem with a few spectators parking OR Adams Street immediately south of Hoover Street who did not wa pay the Snuq Harbor parking fee but after parking on Adams St1 attempted to walk down the Hoover Street access to the race pi area. These spectators were stopped by the event security guz 3) In general, the scheduled races went off on time. At one the races were 30-45 minutes behind schedule but that did not to be a problem for the contestants or spectators that the lac patrol observed. 4) There was one noise complaint on Saturday by Bristol Cove ToniScimo, 729-7210. The lagoon patrol was approached by memk sf Bristol Cove Ski Club and water skiers who were verbally su tive of the jet ski races and activities during the event. 5) There were no injuries or accidents or disturbances other noise complaint on this weekend at the lagoon. 6) Approximately 200 spectators on Saturday and 400 spectator Sunday were present to watch the races, As to the future”, the lagoon patrol sees no problem allowing o jet ski races scheduled under these conditions: 1) The races only be held during months of very low powerboat usage. 2) R organizers and officials should maintain the same degree of or ation and execution shown during the event held on10/4-5/1986. the event that powerboat-water ski traffic warrents a need for stricterpatroled enviorment south of the sandbar, the City pat should be stationed to establish a safe corridor for jet ski o and to maintain a safe boating area for the water skiers. Overall, the lagoon patrol was pleased with the outcome of the CH: hl j c: Snug Harbor Lagoon Patrol .I e; (a!, 1 AGUA HEDIOKDA LAGOON ACTIVITY $;U"ARY MONTH OF MAY 1987 - TOTAL USERS 4 81 1 I__.- - j ".. "._ ..j ....=.. ~ ~ __ ._. VEEKDAY SUB-TOTAL 3 3 <:7 1 WEEKEND SU +.. 't* ;>Sr GATE 1 PO;;ER t SAIL I JET I BD. SAIL i 0THEP.S I EATE "3'' 1 ?I 1% 5/2 5/3 =:9 5/ 8 1 2 - - 2 (5) 25 5/10 (41 30 5/9 (56) i r, 5/16 (40 32 5/17 (65 36 b \ *5/23 (21:l 20 *5/24 (32: 13 *5/25 - - '11 2 15 (28) 5/30 (32: 5/31 (59: 9 - 22 22 1 35 I 1- i 17 7' 116 14 ~ 2:63 1 2 11 . 2 1 8 * Memorial Day Weekend ++ Hoverlzraft EX