HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-10; City Council; 9430; APPROVAL OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF REGIONAL BEACH EROSION ACTION COMMITTEEI @ 0 e e Q a .. z 0 5 a s z 3 0 0 ,- 1 - ClmOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL . AB# 9N 30 TITLE: DEPT C'TY MTG. DEPT. MP ACTION COMMITTEE (BEACh) CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: 05/10/88 APPROVAL OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF REGIONAL BEACH EROSION Adopt Resolution No. f/-/s4 approving a joint powers agree with the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar, Enchitas, Oceans Solana Beach, San Diego, and the County of San Diego formula the regional Beach Erosion Action Committee (BEACh), approving Committee Bylaws. ITEM EXPLANATION: Governmental agencies within the Oceanside Littoral extending from Dana Point southerly to La Jolla have discussing for over two (2) years the potential of formi regional joint powers authority to plan, coordinate and re projects and programs affecting coastal concerns. Within last several months, representatives of the cities of Carls Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Oceanside, San Diego and County of San Diego, have finalized a proposed Joint PC Agreement and Committee Bylaws creating a regional Beach Erc Action Committee (BEACh). Attached for the City Council's rE and action are copies of the proposed Bylaws and Joint PC Agreement formally creating the Committee. It is the collective concern of the representative agencies the various political jurisdictions within the Oceanside Litt Cell have a strong common interest in the preservation restoration of public beaches. As has been demonstr repeatedly, coastal projects in one jurisdiction corresponding impacts in neighboring jurisdictions both up down coast. BEACh would act in an advisory capacity to prc maintenance of wide, sandy beaches in an effort to mini costly property damage from storms and further economic bene to the entire region through recreation, industry, and touris The general objectives of BEACh include: - Identify coastal erosion problems. - Combine local, state, federal and private resources. - Facilitate design, financing, and construction of shoreline erosion projects incuding protection, be< nourishment, and beach maintenance. - Collect, analyze, and coordinate data gathering effort - Coordinate local government involvement and keep elt - Spearhead local government lobbying efforts for beac officials and citizens informed. erosion solutions at the state and federal levels. 6 m a Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 9@& The role of BEACh is one of an advisory nature with no fo: regulatory powers. BEACh Member Agencies will review and comi upon agency projects and programs effecting coastal concerns 1 the goal of promoting communication and coordination ai Member Agency representatives. Some of the more important provisions of the JPA and By include: - Member Agencies shall not be obligated to carry out regional plan, project, duty, obligation, or other B responsibility within their respective jurisdict without the consent of the Member Agency. - With a majority vote of its membership, BEACh will : the ability to enter into contracts, employ consulta incur debts and obligations, and otherwise operate a: independent legal entity to further the coastal conc of BEACh Member Agencies such as retaining coa engineering advisors, securing federal and state gra and reviewing/commenting upon Member Agency proposals shoreline erosion control projects. - With the unanimous vote of its membership, BEACh will the ability to acquire, construct, manage, or operate facility or improvements benefiting BEACh or other participating in joint cell-wide projects. - BEACh will have the ability to retain and otherwise em staff, including consultants, to administer B programs. BEACh Bylaws provide for the opportunitl annually designate the BEACh Chair to provide staff the Chair's Member Agency to assist BEACh during the of the Chair's service. - It is not contemplated by the Member Agencies obligated by the JPA or Bylaws that Member Agen participate financially from their own respective Gen Fund resources to maintain, operate or administer BEAC BEACh programs. BEACh funding, if any, is intendec originate from federal and state beach erosion con grant funds. Staff recommends Council consideration of the attached J Powers Agreement and BEACh Committee Bylaws. e 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. 7#30 FISCAL IMPACT: One of the primary objectives of BEACh will be to secure administer Federal and State grant programs aimed at addres beach erosion and beach maintenance throughout the Ocean Littoral Cell. It is not contemplated that BEACh will uti contributions from General Fund sources from the Member Agen to finance BEACh projects and programs. All BEACh expenditu if any, require the unanimous vote of the representatives of Member Agencies. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. //-/sd approving a joint powers agree with Cities within the Oceanside Littoral Cell formula the regional Beach Erosion Action Committee (BEACh), approving Committee Bylaws. 2. BEACh Joint Powers Agreement. 3. BEACh Bylaws. f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 88-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH CITIES WITHIN THE OCEANSIDE LITT CELL FORMULATING THE REGIONAL BEACH EROSION ACT COMMITTEE (BEACh), AND APPROVING COMMITTEE BYLA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Car California, hereby recognizes the urgent need for planni coordination among the political jurisdictions withi Oceanside Littoral Cell in order to maximize benefits 1 region and avoid detrimental effects on adjacent shorelin WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Car California, believes that the joint exercise of author: the members of a regional organization will promote li cell- wide planning and coordination; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Car California, finds it necessary, desirable, and in the interest to join in the creation of a regional organi which will independently review and make comments to Member Agencies and Grantors regarding projects poten qualifying for Federal or State funding; and 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Car I California, finds it necessary, desirable, and in the interest to support region-wide coastal planning effoi order to promote and protect coastal resources throughoi region. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ( City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorizc directed to execute the Joint Powers Agreement enablin City of Carlsbad full membership in the regional Beach E1 Action Committee (BEACh) . 3. That the BEACh Bylaws are hereby approved. 4. That following execution by the Mayor and City Clc said Joint Powers Agreement, the City Clerk is k. authorized and directed to forward copies of said ex€ agreement and this Resolution to the Member Agencies ident on Page 10 of the Joint Powers Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o Carlsbad City Council held on the 10th day of May 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lars NOES: None ABSENT: None g/[L CLAUDE A. L IS; Mayor 4 1 ATTEST: ALETIiA 1;. RAUTENKRANZ, Citi Clerk ( SEAL) 0 0 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BEACH EROSION ACTION COMMITTEE JOINT POWERS THIS AGREEMENT, is hereby created by and between the CI1 CARLSBAD, the CITY OF DEL MAR, the CITY OF ENCINITAS, the CI1 OCEANSIDE, the CITY OF SAN DIEGO, the CITY OF SOLANA BEACH, THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, and hereinafter referred to as "Mc Agencies. I1 RECITALS A. Member Agencies recognize the urgent need for lit1 cell-wide planning and coordination in order to maximize bent to the region and avoid detrimental effects to adjo: shoreline. B. Member Agencies believe that the joint exercis their powers will provide an organization capable of littoral cell-wide planning and coordination. C. Member Agencies wish to create a regional organizi which will independently review and make comments to MI Agencies and grantors regarding projects which may re( federal or State grants. D. Member Agencies believe that a Beach Erosion Ac Committee (BEACh) directed solely by officials from each Mt Agency is best suited for littoral cell-wide planning coordination. @ e NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and mutual obligations of the parties as herein expressed, Me Agencies do hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions The following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to within this section unless the content of their use dict otherwise: a. "Littoral celltg shall mean a geographic designated coastal compartment with speci supplies and losses of sand and defined trans mechanism paths. transport cell extending generally from Dana P southerly to La Jolla. c. IIFiscal Year" shall mean that year beginning Jul and ending June 30. b. "Oceanside littoral celltt shall mean the 2. Establishment of BEACh There is hereby created an organization to be known denominated as the Beach Erosion Action Committee (BEACh) , w shall be a public entity separate and apart from any Me Agency. BEACh shall be governed by the terms of this J Powers Agreement and any Bylaws passed, approved, and adopte its Governing Board. 3. Pumose of Oraanization The Members Agencies with jurisdictions within the Ocean Littoral Sand Cell have a strong, common interest in a 0 preservation and restoration of our beaches. The maintenanc wide, sandy beaches helps to protect against costly proF damage, and further, benefits the entire region economicall promoting recreation and tourism. Furthermore, because moves throughout the entire littoral cell which extends bet Dana Point and La Jolla, the beach restoration activj undertaken in one area may affect the character of the shorc in adjoining jurisdictions. Therefore, the purpose of this organization is to fc greater cooperation toward the maintenance and enhancement 01 beaches within the littoral cell. Neither the Beach Erosion Action Committee nor a majorit the members thereof shall have the authority to impose or c out any plan, project, duty, obligation or other responsibj within the jurisdiction of any Member Agency thereof without consent of such Agency: further, no Agency shall be require do anything it does not specifically agree to do. consideration of carrying out the responsibilities, obligatj duties, plans, or any other projects, BEACh Member Agencies 5 take into account existing swimming, surfing, fishing, and c beach uses so as to carefully balance recreational environmental interests common to other BEACh Member Ager consistent with the general intent of this agreement. 4. Objectives of Orsanization The primary objectives for which this organizatior created are as follows: 0 0 a. Identify coastal erosion problems. b. Combine local, state, federal, and pri c. Facilitate design, financing, and constructiol d. Carry out protective projects including k resources. shoreline erosion projects. nourishment, structural solutions, and maintenance of these projects. and to monitor their performance. elected officials and citizens informed. Prepare contingency plans to be ready in emerger so as to direct private efforts to combat erc and take steps necessary to coordinate protection of public property. state and federal levels. e. Collect and analyze data needed to design pro: f. Coordinate local government involvement and g. h. Spearhead local government lobbying efforts 5. Administrative Power of BEACh As may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purr of this Agreement, BEACh shall have the power, by majorit vote of its membership as provided for in the BEACh Bylaws its own name to: a. Make and enter into contracts. b. Employ agents, consultants, and employees. c. Incur debts, liabilities or obligations, which E be those of BEACh and not of the Member Agenc individually or collectively. erosion control projects. appropriate state or federal agencies. d. Review all Member Agency proposals for short e. Comment on such proposals to the Member Agency e 0 f. Coordinate funding from private and public sou at the local, state and federal levels. g. All other powers reasonably related to t specified above. 6. Power of BEACh to Carrv Out Proiects As may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purg of this Agreement, BEACh shall have the power, by the unani consent of its voting membership, in its own name to: a. Acquire, construct, manage, or operate any build b. Acquire, hold or dispose of real or pers property. c. Sue and be sued in its own name, except that ir event of a breach of this Agreement, BEACh shall sue any Member Agency nor any employee or agenc any Member Agency. works or improvements. d. Propose and participate in joint cell-wide projc e. Act as Agent for project applications. f. All other powers reasonably related to t specified above. 7. Board of Directors BEACh shall be governed by a Board of Directors compos€ one (1) duly elected official representative of each Mt Agency. 8. Ex-Officio Membershin The Board of Directors may designate ex-officio member the Organization. An ex-officio member shall have the rigk participate in the organization, but may not vote as a direci 0 0 9. RalDh M. Brown Act All meetings of the Board of Directors of BEACh shal called, duly noticed, held and conducted in accordance wit1 provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (commencing with Sei 54950 et. seq. of the California Government Code). 10. Quorum A majority of all voting members of the Board of Direc of BEACh, including vacant positions, shall constitute a gr for the transaction of business, except that less than a gr may adjourn from time to time. All decisions of the Boai Directors shall be approved by a majority of voting me] present and voting. 11. Duration of Asreement This agreement shall continue in full force and effect 1 no less than fifty percent (50%) of the Member Agencies wit: from this Organization by a resolution adopted by the gove board of each Member Agency withdrawing. 12. Effective Date of Aareement This Agreement shall become effective for all purposc 12:Ol a.m. P.D.T. on June 30, 1988 or when this agreemenl been executed by all Member Agencies, whichever occurs later 0 e 13. Aqreement Repository A fully executed copy of this Joint Powers Agreement and amendments thereto shall be filed with the Board of Direc and each signatory Member Agency with notice of the agreemen amendment prepared and filed with the office of the Secretar State in accordance with California Government Code Sec 6503.5. 14. Disposition of Assets Upon Termination Upon termination of this Agreement any money or asset: possession of the Organization after the payment of liabilities, costs, expenses and charges validly incurred u this Agreement shall be returned to the Member Agencies proportion to their contributors, if any, determined as of time of termination. 15. Accountability of Funds The Board of Directors shall designate an Auditor Controller of this Organization. The Auditor and Contro shall draw warrants, or check-warrants against the funds of Organization in the treasury when the demands are approved by Board of Directors or such other persons as may be specific< designated for that purpose in the Bylaws. Said Auditor Controllers shall comply with all duties under Article 1, Cha 3, Division 7, Title I, of the California Government 1 0 e commencing with Section 6500. At the end of each fiscal there shall be an audit conducted by an independent, accrec certified public accountant. The Auditor and Controller of Organization shall establish and maintain such funds and accc as may be required by good accounting practices or bylaws pz and adopted by this Organization. The books and records of Organization in the hands of the Auditor and Controller shal open to inspection at all reasonable times by representativc the Member Agencies. The Auditor and Controller of Organization, within one hundred twenty (120) days after close of each fiscal year, shall give a complete, written re of all financial activities for such fiscal year to Mt Agencies. 16. Desiqnation of Treasurer The Board of Directors Shall appoint a Treasurer of Organization. The Treasurer shall receive, have the custodj and disburse Organization funds upon the warrant or cl warrant of the Auditor and Controller pursuant to the ~CCOUI procedures established by the Auditor and Controller, and ! make the disbursement required by this Agreement or to carr! any of the provisions or purposes of this Agreement. Treasurer of this Organization may invest organizational func accordance with general law. All interest collected on funds shall be accounted for and posted to the account of funds. e 0 17. Budqet The Board of Directors shall have the authority to r funds as it deems necessary to carry out the objectives of Organization through public or private grants and entitlem and Legislative appropriations. The Board of Directors shall approve a preliminary budge later than April 1 of each year. The Board of Directors shall adopt a final budget no 1 than June 1 of each year. A copy of the preliminary budget, approved, and a copy of the final budget, when adopted, shal filed with each Member Agency. 18. Contributions and Indemnification by Member Aaencie Contributions and indemnifications by and between Me Agencies of BEACh shall be granted and performed in accord with applicable provisions of the California Government Code. 19. AdODtion of Bylaws, Rules and Resulations The Board of Directors may adopt from time to time, by1 rules, and regulations as may be required for the conduct of meetings and the orderly operation of the Organization. Co and amendments thereto shall be filed with each Member Agency e 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the following Member Ager has caused this Joint Powers Agreement to be executed by hz affixed thereto the signature of the agent of said A< authorized therefore by the legislative body of that Agency. ATTEST: w u City Clerk CITY OF DEL MAR ATTEST: Mayor Date City Clerk CITY OF ENCINITAS ATTEST: Mayor Date City Clerk CITY OF OCEANSIDE ATTEST: Mayor Date City Clerk CITY OF SAN DIEGO ATTEST : Mayor Date City Clerk CITY OF SOLANA BEACH ATTEST: Mayor Date City Clerk COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ATTEST : Board of Supervisors Date Clerk of the Bo e e BEACH EROSION ACTION COMMITTEE BYLAWS ARTICLE I NAME, PURPOSE, AND POLICY Section 1 Name: The name of this organization shall be the Beach Ero Action Committee (hereinafter referred to as BEACh). Section 2 PurDose : The various political jurisdictions within Oceanside Littoral Cell have a strong common interest in preservation and restoration of our beaches. The maintenanc wide, sandy beaches helps to protect against costly proF damage, and further benefits the entire region economicall promoting recreation and tourism. Furthermore, because moves throughout the entire littoral sand cell which ext between Dana Point and La Jolla, the beach restoration activi undertaken in one area may affect the character of the shore in adjoining jurisdictions. Therefore, the purpose of BEACh is to foster greater coopera toward the maintenance and enhancement of the beaches in Oceanside Littoral Cell. Section 3 POLICY: It is the policy of the Member Agencies to: a. Communicate regularly with each other on k protection and restoration matters in order to er maximum cooperation; b. Promote the restoration of the beaches within Oceanside Littoral Cell which are an important ecoi and recreational resource to the region; c. Support maximum replenishment of beach sand thi projects such as the Oceanside sand bypass, dredgir Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and other potential projects may arise within the Oceanside Littoral Cell; d. Coordinate all beach restoration and shore protection projects to maximize benefits to the re( and avoid detrimental effects on adjoining beach arc 0 a ARTICLE I1 MEMBERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION Section 1 MEMBERSHIP: a. All powers of this organization pursuant to the J Powers Agreement shall be exercised by the Boar( Directors which is composed of all voting members of organization. b. Only the duly elected official representatives provided for in the Joint Powers Agreement or t designated alternates as provided herein shall entitled to represent their member agencies in deliberations of the organization. c. Names of the official representatives and desigr alternates shall be communicated in writing to organization upon its initial formation by participating Member Agency and shall thereaftei annually communicated or reaffirmed prior to the f meeting of the organization of each year and at other times as changes in representation are mad! member agencies. / Section 2 TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office shall be for two (2) year at the end of the representative's term of office which he or holds with the Member Agency, whichever comes first. Section 3 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERSHIP: The following entities may participat BEACh, but will not have voting rights: a. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers b. U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton c. California Department of Boating and Waterways d. e. California Coastal Commission f. California Coastal Conservancy g. California State Lands Commission h. California Department of Fish and Game i. San Diego Association of Governments j. Scripps Institution of Oceanography k. State and Federal elected representatives from disti within the littoral cell 1. city of San Clemente m. City of San Juan Capistrano n. County of Orange California Department of Parks and Recreation e 0 Section 4 VOTING RIGHTS: Each governmental entity having membershi] BEACh is entitled to one vote, including the Chairperson. elected representatives, or their alternates to the Boar( Directors who are also elected representatives, may vote. non-elected person appointed by the Member Agency to serve a alternate to its representative may participate in deliberations of the Board of Director's meetings, but may vote and shall not be counted for purposes of determining whe a quorum is present. Section 5 OFFICERS : a. Election of officers shall be held every year. Chair shall make appointments to fill vacar occurring between elections. 3rd Vice Chair, and Secretary. b. There shall be a Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice 3 c. All officers shall be elected for a term of one yeax shall serve until their successors are elected. shall begin their term of office immediately follc election. d. Officers shall be nominated from the floor of the I of Directors and elected by a majority vote of Directors present and voting. ARTICLE I11 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, STANDING COMMITTEES, AND AD HOC COMMITl Section 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: a. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of officers of the organization who are elected by Board of Directors. b. Each member of the Executive Committee may ha prescribed alternate, who must be an elected officii that Member's Agency. e 0 Section 2 DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The functions of the Executive Committee at the directic the Board of Directors shall be to: a. Give specific direction to BEACh staff or consultant b. Review all Member Agencies' applications for federa state permits or funding for beach restoratior coastal erosion control activities within the litt cell. If the Executive Committee determines that particular application is of regional significanc requires further coordination, the Committee I forward the application to the Board of Director review and action; If the Executive Committee determines that a partic application does not have any regional significanct does not require further regional coordination, Committee shall review and comment on the applic; and report its action to the Board of Directors; Where the Executive Committee has acted or application which is not of regional significance requires further regional coordination, no fui processing through the Board of Directors wil: required, unless the Board of Directors requests the application be submitted to the Board; c. Make recommendations to expedite the BEACh progran objectives ; d. At the discretion of the Executive Commit participate in the review of committee recommenda' on significant issues requiring Board action; and e. Perform such other functions and exercise such ( responsibilities as may from time to time be dele1 by the Board of Directors. Section 3 STANDING AND AD HOC COMMITTEES: a. The Chair shall have the authority to appoint commi or subcommittees, with confirmation of the appoint made by the Board of Directors. e 0 b. Standing committees may be appointed to carry general and continuing functions and may be aboli only upon specific action of the Board of Directors. Ad hoc committees may be appointed as the need arise carry out specific tasks. Upon completion of assignment, each ad hoc committee shall be disbanded d. Standing or ad hoc committee members may be ei elected officials or their designated alternates. members may serve on standing or ad hoc committees may not vote. Standing or ad hoc committee members may elect offi by a majority vote of the members present constituting a quorum. c. member shall be entitled to one vote. Ex-of f e. Section 4 MODIFICATIONS OF BYLAWS: Modifications to the BEACh Bylaws occur from time to time as deemed appropriate by a major vote of the members of BEACh. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS Section 1 QUORUM: A majority of members of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or any standing or ad hoc committee : constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. All deci: shall be by a majority vote of those present and voting. Section 2 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE: Parliamentary procedure at all meel shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order except as othei modified by the Joint Powers Agreement or these By-laws. Section 3 PROXIES: No proxies will be permitted. 0 0 ARTICLE V INFORMATION. PUBLIC DISCLOSURE, AND EVALUATION Section 1 INFORMATION AND EVALUATION: a. The organization shall disseminate informa concerning its work program and activities. required information system should be organized categorized so that it would continue to allow full efficient use of information by the public and pri sectors. b. Adequate provision for citizen participation at Boar Director meetings shall be provided as required by and as directed by the Board of Directors. c. The Board of Directors shall appoint a star committee of its members to perform an annual evaluz of the organization's goals, structure, and performe directed toward continually improving the planr coordination, and implementation process. The commj shall submit a written report of its evaluation tc Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI STAFFING Section 1 RETAINED STAFFING: The Board of Directors may emploi executive director, consultants, or other staff as it c necessary to carry out the objectives of the organization. '1 employed shall not acquire tenure and may be terminated at for any reason. Section 2 APPOINTED STAFFING: The Board of Directors may designate Chair, as provided in Article 11, Section 5 of the BEACh By1 to provide staff from the Chairs' Member Agency during the of Chairs' service to BEACh. Those provided from the Chz Member Agency shall serve at no cost to BEACh and shall acquire tenure from BEACh. c 6 * * ARTICLE VI1 HOLD HARMLESS Section 1 HOLD HARMLESS: The organization shall defend, indemnify otherwise hold harmless its members, officers and employees any liability, including legal representation, because of an!, or omission incurred during the course and scope of their dl except acts of gross negligence. The organization may acc insurance to protect against any such risks of loss. 0 e 2 : TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM KULCHIN COUNCILMEMBER PETTINE COUNCILMEMBER MAMAUX COUNCILMEMBER LARSON FROM: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE RE: BEACH EROSION ACTION COMMITTEE (BEACh) Since the Beach Erosion Action Committee (BEACh) is not yet operation, your Beach Erosion Committee is concerned that the are no established channels for the Corps of Engineers or othe to keep the City advised of the progress on the continuous sa bypass in the City of Oceanside and other action planned relat to the Oceanside Harbor or sand sources that may affect Carlsba beaches. There are at least two (2) significant aspects to the sand bypa as to which the City needs information. The first is t quantities of sand transported and the location of the deposition and the second is the rate at which the sand migrat once it is deposited on the beach and the pattern of migratio It has been reported that the Corps of Engineers is contemplati or has in progress studies that could lead to changes in t entrance to the Oceanside Harbor. The nature and scope of a studies, the information derived, and any recommendations made the Corps based thereon are of vital interest to the City, a the City should be kept currently advised in respect theret Carlsbad should also be notified of any additional flood contr projects planned for the San Luis Rey and Santa Margari Rivers. As the Corps of Engineers is often the initiator of or a k participant in the actions with which we are concerned, yo Beach Erosion Committee therefore, recommends that as a fir step the City establish the necessary channels for obtaining fr the Corps of Engineers any information discussed above on routine basis. Oral presentations by Corps personnel regardi data supplied would also be very helpful. Your Committ believes that this might be accomplished by a letter, followed a meeting with the Corps of Engineers and our elected officia in Washington D.C. The Corps needs to know that beach erosi problems should be solved in Carlsbad as well as Oceanside. We also suggest that copies of your request to the Corps Engineers be sent to all potential memebers of BEACh, the Coast Commission, and our elected State and Federal officials. i 7-