HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-24; City Council; 9444; HOSP GROVE SHORT TERM NOTES-TEMPORARY FUNDINGAB#~~/YL/- MTG. 5/24/88 FIN DEPT. - TITLE: HOSP GROVE SHORT TERM NOTES-TEMPORARY FUNDING a % 0 a: < e e .. z 0 F 0 4 d 0 Z 3 0 0 a- 7V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Aoder ~,==~Lunad dD. 88-/7/, G~UERV~NG Fud*J F~R QA~M~M~ 0 I+osP GROVE wrE, ITEM EXPLANATION When the City issued the Hosp Grove notes last July several conditions were placed on the City by the bond rating agency, Moody's Investor Service. conditions was the requirement that 30 days before the due date of the note (May 3 1988) the City take one of three actions: 1) issue G.O. Bonds, 2) issue COP'S, or 3) reserve funds from other City sources to repay the note. The City has not accomplished option 1) or 2) so the City must comply with option 3). Staff is recommending that the City Council set aside $3.4 million of General Fund cash and $3.5 million of Public Facilities Fund cash for one month to meet the reserve requirement. This action will not impair the operations of either fund during 1987-88. Upon the close of the long term debt issue these reserves will be released. The issue of long term debt is scheduled for June 28, 1988. Based on this scheduli the proposed reserves would be in place for about 30 days. No reserve or obligatii would be carried forward into 1988-89. FISCAL IMPACT Reserving $3.4 million of General Fund cash will obligate the entire estimated yea end balance. It will not, however, effect the operations of the fund during the 3 day reserve period since cash flow needs will not require the use of these funds before June 30, 1988. Reserving $3.5 million from the Public Facilities Fund will not cause any conflict with existing projects funding if the reserve is removed by June 30, 1988. Carryi the reserve into 1988-89 will cause problems in funding the City's Capital Improvement Program in future years. The existing cash balance in the PFF Fund is $11.5 million. EXHIBITS Resolution No. 8p-171 reserving funds for the payment of the Hosp Grove note. One of these li 21 3 4 5 ?.:.ESOiUTI3N x(2. 88-171 A RESOLLTIG3 OF THE CITY COEXCIL OF THE CITY OF CAkLSB.41~, C.i.LIFGRNI.4 I 3ESEF.y.T?;G FLY25 FCX THE P.4riYEST T;F THE HOi? GROVE KOTE I ... :\fiEFLEJ.5, :)n Jill!. lk;, ??8$ the ;:it!. of C:ar;sba~>~ i , iigte tot;ilirlg S6,555,00G, :id 61 I !?;rIERE.IS+ :AS ;I z:~:idi.tFu~~ of rec:eivL::g a rat in!& fr!:i!i Yo::(!y' : T:L~~ F 9 10 l1 12 13 and !*liERE:lS. loi:g tex debt \%ill not he issued b> ?!a>- '3!:. 1358 In 1 meet this obligat iw-, :icd 17 6TIEREAS. !_b.e Zit>- :s die L(> L<>II~>~! L;ith the ubiig:lti,>u to res€ funcis fro1;i existirL:: sources LLiLiiuut ciariiaging existing operat ioiis. ai;:? I 20 21 22 23 24 2) That the aluount of $3. 5 i~illiou is b.er.eb!: :esesved h: !2:e :ep of the Hosp Gr-u\.e :!zte fri>in :he Public Facilities Fu!ld. /I // /I // 25 26 27 28 /I/ :I// I I// I// t li 2 e e ? -,, \, That those Loh;I:.-,.P5 5:1:31; :,e of long tern ::%5t [:.I: :!:e fiir>?ing ;f P.\SSED. .;.PFF;CT'ES, A.!:Zl iGCFTi;E :At- L LS~LY~L :lie :~:f t!:. (;:I.: 1 = 4 5: 61 7i 8 9 10 11 ;ti:: . .r-,- :\I~>: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Marnaux and Larso :;OES: None .!,.35E?;T : None ~ , .',TTETT: I r. 1 Io ,I I <\l*-ArTEx:4*b 15 1 16 ~ 17 18 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i I 1 i ~ I I ~ I ' 28