HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-07; City Council; 9465; RESOLUTION SUPPORTING INCLUSION OF THE LEUCADIA BOULEVARD CONNECTION IN THE ENCINITAS GENERAL PLANL k P al $ E 'H w rd u cn al E a. GM rd .2 !4u oal Q4 =4 &do a, -ri &.e. 5 a0 alv *r( N h SV u (drd 5m a .ti u GG rd *rl -d do mu m rlal mu 03 -rd u 0 zg * -d du aa alcn uG ak a oa rdrd 4al *rl L4 SF4 g0 03 03 .. 2 I 0 6 4 ku 0 *rl 1s mu ala G vu I b a $ z 3 0 0 GI But LAHLSEAV - AU t N WEILL 31 DEPT. RESOLTJTION SUPPORTING INCLUSION CONNECTION IN THE ENCINITAS CITY C GENERZ& PLAN AB# 9%; TITLE: OF THE -CADIA BouLEvARD MTG. 6/7/88 DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY m Adopt Resolution No. 88-159 supporting the inclusior the Leucadia Boulevard connection in the Circulation Elei of the Encinitas General Plan and authorizing the Mayor forward the City's position to the Encinitas Plan] Commission and City Council, ITEX EXPLANATION Public hearings on the final adoption of the Encinitas Genl Plan will begin in late May, 1988. The Circulation Ele portion of the General Plan will be considered as part of General Plan hearings. One of the major issues invo whether the Leucadia Boulevard extension from El Camino to Interstate 5 should be deleted. This connection is s on Carlsbad's adopted Circulation Element and has always included in previous traffic plans for this area. However is not included in the recommended Circulation Plan of Encinitas General Plan. Staff has monitored and reviewed all the traffic informa that was generated for the Encinitas General Plan prepara and believes that the deletion of the Leucadia connection El Camino Real to 1-5 will have severe traffic impacts on Carlsbad and Enchitas. In order to mitigate the impat traffic would be forced to use and overburden other exis roads in Encinitas and Carlsbad. The plan also assumes a north-south road in the City of Carlsbad paralleling El Ca Real through Green Valley and intersecting with La C Avenue. This could have severe impacts on traffic flow 0' Costa Avenue. The traffic consultant for the City of Encinitas recomme that the Leucadia Boulevard connection be included but tha be reduced from a 4 lane, major street to a 2 lane colle street. His recommendation was not made part of the prop Circulation Element and Encinitas staff is recommending Carl the proposed connection be completely deleted. should strongly object to any proposal to delete connection. It should be noted that the City's objection applies to extension of Leucadia Boulevard from El Camino Real to 1-5 is not a position against the deletion or downgrading Highway 680 from El Camino Real east through the Oliven portion of Enchitas. Page 2 of Agenda e Bill No. 946 A/ 0 Attached is the portion of the proposed Encinitas General P regarding circulation. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. 88-159 2. Excerpts from proposed Encinitas General Plan % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I' l2 l3 l4 15 16 l7 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-159 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE INCLUSION OF LEUCADIA BOULEVARD BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND INTERSTATE 5 AS A MAJOR ARTERIAL IN THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE ENCINITAS GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Encinitas is in the proces! adopting its General Plan which includes a Circulation Ele identifying the future roadway system to serve the Gen Plan area; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has reviewed the tra information used to prepare the Circulation Element portic the General Plan in the spirit of cooperation and coordinate plans for overlapping and shared roadway syst and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is especially concc about the roadway plan as it relates to the connectio Leucadia Boulevard from El Camino Real to Interstate 5; ar WHEREAS, the inclusion of this connection is vita overall traffic flow in both Encinitas and Carlsbad; WHEREAS, the failure to include and construct connection will result in increased traffic at La Costa Interstate 5 as well as La Costa Avenue at levels above projected in the Carlsbad Circulation Plan and all preT traffic studies done for this area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councj the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the Carlsbad City Council takes a fc position supporting the inclusion of Leucadia Boulevard f r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 I' l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 El Camino Real to Interstate 5 as a major (4 lane) arterie 2. That the Carlsbad City Council takes a fc position in opposition to any alternative Circulation El€ plan which would result in the deletion of this connectior 3. That the Carlsbad City Council authorizes the 1 to forward Carlsbad's position to the Encinitas City Coi and Planning Commission and to make any formal presentat as deemed necessary. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of June , 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and L NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALP&% M<TEq-%+erIc (SEAL) EXHIBIT "B" 0 IV. RECOMMENDED HIGHWAY SYSTEM This Chapter Presents highway system recommendations for the City of Encinitas. The! recommendations and their supporting data are intended to provide a basis for defining th circulation element of the General Plan. - As part of the overall General Plan study, a preferred land use plan was developed. Thc previous chapter documented three alternatives that were being studied during this process anc a preferred land use plan evolved from that analysis. Table IV-I summarizes the land use and trip generation for the preferred plan. Detailed listings by subarea and by zone can be found in Appendix B. The toul ADT trip generation of 711,900 compares with 764,400 for aiternative LUl, 737,500 for LU2 and 766,900 for LU3. ROADWAY FACILITY DESIGNATIONS To define the future roadway system in the General Plan circulation element, a hierarchy The individual facility types differentiate the size, function and of facility types is used. capacity of the roadway links in each facility type designation. *. Table IV-2 summarizes the facility types used in the arterial highway classification system. There are four basic categories in the hierarchy, ranging from "Prime Arterial" as the highest capacity facility, through "Major" and "Collector," to "Local" as the lowest capacity facility. A designated local differs only from a non-designated local (Le. not in the circulation element) in that it provides circulation continuity or an important accessibility function. For example, closing a designated local for any reson would require a General Plan Ammendment whereas closing a non-designated arterial would not. No improvements are implied by this designation. As noted in this table, the augmented categories refer to capacity augmentation of the basic facility type being referred to. Such augmentation can range from simply adding lanes at specific intersections, to adding or expanding a median and/or other midblock measures to improve traffic flow and reduce side friction. The lowest augmented category defined here, namely the augmented local, may in its simplest form be just a two-lane local street with special intersection treatments such as signalization and/or added lanes. A more highly IV-l W TABLE IV-1 POST-2010 LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATIOW SUMNARY (PREFERRED PLAN) rl w .-.-- AH PK HR----- ----. PH PK HR----- USE UNITS IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL 1. Res - Estate 860.00 OU 174 608 781 608 347 955 3. Res - Hcdiua 7112.00 DU 1422 4267 5690 4267 2845 7112 4. Res - Med-High 10447.00 OU 2089 5224 7313 5224 3134 8358 i 5. Res - High 1023.00 OU 205 409 614 409 307 716 538.00 DU 54 215 269 215 108 323 6. Mobile Home i, ~o~~~~~.~~~~~~~o~~o----.---~~o~o.~.~*o~~~~~~~~~~-...-...-.--.---~~--.----.-.--~.~~~o~*.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Res - Low 13432.00 OU 2686 9402 12089 9402 5373 14775 1 i 4 II i i i 1 4 i I 4 I 1 f 1 :c 7. Local Cmcrcial . 214.10 TSF 195 171 366 1235 1244 2419 2 8. Grneral Coaaercial 5831.25 TSF 4140 3732 7872 12712 13529 26241 34 9. Roftstfonal Otftce 2105.08 TSF 3915 137 4652 568 2863 3431 2; 4 10. fndustrlal 752.72 TSF 527 113 640 226 565 790 11. Park 323.92 ACRE 13. Agriculture 0.00 ACRE 7 14. Elefntntary School 7063.00 STU 1201 636 1836 706 989 1695 337 471 808 34 15. Junlor High School 3366.00 STU 572 303 875 865 275 1140 511 432 943 5! 16. High School 3930.00 STU GRAND TOTAL 18080 26098 44178 36478 32225 68703 7119 irl 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12. PUbiIC F8Cllity 7.00 TSF 34 7 41 57 20 77 Mota: This sumnary Is for the trkfflc analysis area whlch Includes the clty of Encinitar and Its opherc of influence (currently unincorporated county), plus a portion of the city of Carlsbad (see analy area diagram in Figure 1-1 of Chapter I). I 7 i IV- 2 0 0 TABLE IV-1 @m POST-2010 UNO USE AN0 TRIP GEMRATION SUCVURY (PREFERRED PLAN) -----AH m HR--** -----pH pK HR----- USE UNITS IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL ~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~o~oo~.-..~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~gg~~~~~~~~-------~~------------o~~.~~~~o-oo-o-~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Res - EStrt8 868.00 DU 174 608 701 608 347 955 2. Res - Lou 13432.00 DU 2686 9402 12089 9402 5373 14775 3. Res - Medium 7112.00 DU 1422 4267 5690 4267 2845 7112 4. Res - Med-Hlgh 10447.00 DU 2089 5224 7313 5224 3134 8358 5. Res - Hfgh 1023.00 W 205 409 614 409 307 716 7. Locrl CocRpercial . 214.10 TSF 195 171 366 1235 1244 2479 8. Ln8rrl Comerclal 5831.25 TSF 4140 3732 7872 12712 13529 26241 j 9. Rofesslonrl Offlce 2105.08 TSF 3915 737 4652 568 2863 3431 lo. Industrlal 752.72 TSF 527 113 640 226 565 790 0 0 0 0 0 0 11. Park 323.92 ACRE 12. Public Facility 7.00 TSF 34 7 41 57 20 77 13. Agrlculturr 0.00 ACRE 0 0 0 0 0 0 15, Junior Hfgh School 3366.00 STU 572 303 875 337 471 aoa 6RAN0 TOTAL 18080 26038 44i7a 36478 32225 avo3 71 i. I p1 II i i 6. nobile Horn 538.00 DU 54 215 269 215 loa 323 * 14. Elementary School 7063. W STU 1201 636 1836 706 989 1695 16. Hlgh School 3930.00 SfU 865 275 1140 511 432 943 ;I 4 4 I i 1 i I i Note: Thls sumnary 1s for the tr’affic analysis area uhlch Includes the city of EnCInltrS and its sphc of Influence (currently unlncorporatcd county), plus a portlon of the clty of Crtlsbad (see ana area diagram in Flgurt 1-1 of Chapter I). I I 1 I 1 IV- 2 e 0 Table IV-2 CITY OF ENCINITAS ARTERIAL MIGHVAY CLASSIFICATIONS PRIM ARTERIAL A sfx-lww dividd rhay, with a typical right-of-way uidth of 120-150 feet ad curb curb rorduay width of 100-110 feet. MJOR ARTERIA4 - A four-lane dividd roadway, with a typical right-of.uay width of arm 100 feet and to curb roadway uidth of arovd 84 feet. gKlEClOR ROAQ - A four-lane vdfvided (no medim) roadway, uith a typical right-of-way width of arm e fnt nd a curb to curb roabay width of arovd 64 feet. Its fvwtion is to distribute traffic ktvten I atrwts ud rjor ud prime arterirls. fvrtian 48 to pfovid. cess frar rurrouding tho tnd uses. pE$IGNATED LOCAL STREET - A two-lm divided unrestrietcd access roaduay, 4th r typical right-of-wy Y of 60 feet ad a curb to curb rordwy uidth of 40 feet. Sy strict definition, it 18 not an arterial high nd is shom on the circulation plan becawe it provides network continuity or sofves a collector rod de but projwted volunes do not MrrMt a collector. The augmented form of local street is -re inportant a far aa tho circulation system is concerned (seo explanation klw) since this my rem a collector rood fuwtion rrhttr retaining the bsic tuo-lm character of a locat rod. -WED FACILITY - Any of the above three classifications CM have M rugncnted dcsigMtion. The interti to provido a mam of incming the capacity of a given type of arterial by amximizing tho utilization 01 the ksic lm eonfiguratim. dfng or cxpuding a median and/or other midplock measures to inprove traffic fiou and rcduce side fricti The mted local my in its silrplcst form be just a tuo-iene loco\ street with special Intersection treatments such as signalization d/or ded lams. mdfn for turn movements and vould restrict access to the extent possible. Augmntation of a prim arte my vary frm lddcd lanes at intersections to eccess control strategies such as provision of local frontas roads .. Although saw collectors serve a8 thrwh routes, their primry Such wgmntation CUI range from sfnply adding lams at intersections to A more highly augmented form wuld have a central IV- 3 m 0 augmented form would have a central median for turn movements and would restrict acc the extent possible. arterial may vary from added lanes at intersections to access control strategies SU( provision of local frontage roads. At the highest end of the capacity hierarchy, augmentation of a The intention of the augmented classification is to provide a means of increasine capacity of a given type of arterial by maximizing the utilization of the basic configuration. The actual treatment will vary from one facility to another, and could along different sections of one facility. TabIe 1V-3 lists representative ADT capacities for the set of facility types used here. more detailed discussion of these can be found in Appendix A. Later in this chapter t values are used to evaluate the projected traffic demands on the recommended highway syste BECOMMENDED HIGHWAY SYSTEM The highway network alternatives in the previous chapter focused on several major ia with respect to the Encinitas circulation system. As a result of those analyses, wvc conclusions can be made. 1. There is a need to significantly augment the current east-west capacity. The rn important facilities in this regard are La Costa (expansion to four lanes), Manches (expansion to six lanes) and Encinitas (expansion to six lanes). 2. The necessary additional cast-west capacity augmentation can be accommplished by two-lane connection of Leucadia to Olivenhain Road and additional circulation elements sou of &ucadh which connect El Camino to Encinitas. 3. A mbs-off Uists between extending Leucadi0 as a two-lane augmented local as note above, md expanding %to Fe Drive to a collector level facility (versus an augmented loca whils not nukin# the Leacadfa connection. 4. Of major importance is increasing north-south capacity between La Costa and Encinita Blvds. This should be implemented by means of a northward extension of Via Cantebria to La Costa, thereby providing a parallel circulation facility. IV- 4 .I e e I augmented form would have a central median for turn movements and would restrict ac the extent possible. At the highest end of the capacity hierarchy, augmentation of a arterial may Vary from added lanes at intersections to access control strategies SI provision of local frontage roads. The intention of the augmented ciassification is to provide a means of incrtair capacity of a given type of arterial by maximizing the utilization of the basic configuration. The actual treatment will vary from one facility to another, and COUI~ along different sections of one facility. Table IV-3 lha representative ADT capacities for the set of facility types used he1 more detailed discussion of these can be found in Appendix A. Later in this chapter values are used to evaluate the projected traffic demands on the recommended highway sys BECOMMENDED HIGHWAY SYSTEM The highway network alternatives in the previous chapter focused on several major with respect to the Encinitas circulation system. As a result of those analyses, a conclusions an be made. 1. There is a need to significantfy augment the current east-west capacity. The important facilities in this regard are La Costa (expansion to four Ianes), Manct (expansion to six lanes) and Encinitas (expansion to six lanes). 2. The necessary additional east-west capacity augmentation can be accornmplished two-&w connection of Leucadia to Olivenhain Road and additionai circuktion elements s of Luucadh which connect El Camino to Encinitas. 3. A tnds-off exists between extending Leucadh 01 a two-lane augmented loczl as n abve, uld expanding SMto Fe Drive to 8 collector lcvc1 frcility (versus an augmented 1( while not Wag the Leucadla connection. 4. Of major importance is increasing north-south apacity between La Costa and Encii Blvds. Thk should &e implemented by means of a northward extension of Via Cantebria t( cotto, thereby providing 1 psralicl circulation facility. IV-4 a a v Trbl8 IV-3 # iu RWUAY CAPACITY WARY a TYPtf LANES Los 0- LOS E** FAC . # OF ... - ADT CAPACITY - - - - 1 6 120,000 135 , 000 8 160,OOO 175,000 1 9 a 1 1 I II I d I 1 1 I 10 195,OOO 215 l 000 ?l?,l#UlE 2 gj 51,200 57,000 24 6 608000 66,000 31,600 35,200 c5 a bih&& 3 dl SA 4+ 41 ,Ooa 4s 1 LOO 5 SA 2+ 29,200 32,400 omji& 4 L0CA-L 5 a 12.600 1c,ooo 18,000 20,000 Facility Types: 1. Frc+uay 2. Prim Arterial 3. Major Rosduay 5. Collector 5. Local Street Th8 "An designation is for augmntcd facitity ** LOS refers to nLcval of S8rvicen (Sw discwsim in Appendix A) IV- 5 * 1 w ~F"LL~~~tsbriS.exts&On to La Costa, some augmentation to E1 C 90 I - wii) bo nu, particularly in the section between Olivenhair mmwbtl[Rw- I 6p An important new link th8t will allow Leucadia Blvd. to be downgrad&, 0 connection fo Ei Czmino eliminated, is the link between Via Cantebria and Quail Gar (labeled Garden View in this report) noted in item 2 above. With this facility, there b I west circulation between Olivenhain and Quail Gardens, and thence to Encinitas Blvd. secthm of Garden View should be a four-fane major. Similarly, the sections of G8rden Y ktween Vi C8ntebria and Quail Gardens, and Quail Gardens from Garden View to Emir Sborhd abo be four-tane majors. 7. Silnificnnt freeway inWrc)rurge upgrading wilt be needed at L8 Costa, Encidtas, I If the widenin8 of anta Fe b implemented in lieu of the bucadia exW Manchester. thcn major improvemena to the Sans Fe/I-S interchange will ria0 be required. The recommended circulation pian is illustrated in Figure IV-I. Corresponding ADT traf volumes in the form of a Row diagram similar to those presented in the previous chapter c be seen in Figure IV-2. In Figure IV-3 the corresponding volume/capacity ratios for Level Service "D" are presented. In general, it, can be seen that the circulation system has adequate capacity for tk proposed land use plan. While some short sections show volume capacities greater than 1. these are generally problems that can be alleviated by suitable intersection treatments rathe than by expanding the complete faciiity in question. The recommended ph includes Leucadia m an augmented local extending through thc unincorporated punty area to Olivethin. Traffic volume projections on this facility do not e& that c&~ru~tsd two-lane madway, and by constructins it 8s a tmi rather than a major, oa-a..nrtt amount of through traffic is attracted to this facility. The ability to retain this two-he local character b due to the key circulation element to the south, namely the Via Cantebria/Garden View/Quail Gardens connection through to Encinitas Blvd. These new hcilitics will provide an important east-west route for traffic from Olivenhain to reach the freeway via the enhanced Encinitas Blvd. interchange. Such a recommendation departs from the previously adopted circulation pian, which had Leucadia Blvd. as a major arterial. That plan would have required major changes to Leucadia itself and significant reconstruction of the 4"- i : IV-6 e m a -4b.Pl;th-nmbrit. extension to La Costa. some augmentation to El t - w k needed, particufarly in the section between Olivenha IbWiklJnc t -I 9, 6, An important new link th8t will dlow Leucadia Blvd. to be downgraded, l connection to E1 Camino eliminated, is the link between Via Cantebria and Quail GI (labeled Garden View in this report) noted in item 2 above. With this facility, there ir west circulation between Olivenhain and Quail Gardens, and thence to Encinitas Blvd. m Of mfdca view ShaUld be 8 four-fane mrjor. Similarly, the sections of Gvdcn -8 Vm antebrill md Quail Gardens, 8d Quail Gardens from Garden View to Em rbwM rho be four-tane majors. 7. Silnifht freeway interchange upgrading will be needed 8t La Cm, Eecinitu M3lacbsrur. If the widenins of S8na Fe h implemented in lieu of tlw Leucadi8 extw thcn major improvements to the &nta Fe/M interchants wiil abo be mquireci. The recommended circulation pian is i1iustroted in Fiaure IV-I. Corresponding ADT tr volumes in the form of a flow diagram similar to those presented in the previous chapter be seen in Figure IV-2. In Figure IV-3 the corresponding volume/capacity ratios for Levr Service "D" are presented. In general, it, can be seen that the circulation system has adequate capacity for proposed land use plan. While some short sections show volume capacities greater than these are generally problems that can be alleviated by suitable intersection treatments ra than by expanding the complete facility in question. The recommended plra includes Leucadia as an rugmcnted local extending through unincorporated punty area to OlivcnhPia. Traffic volume projections on this facility do exad kt qbmrutn#ntsd tw0-W rcndway, 8d by constructing it as a WI rother thai major, only,&& amount of throu~h traffic b 8ttraCted to this f8Cility. The ability retlin thb two-lme local character is due to the key circulation element to the south, nam the Via Cantebrh/Garden View/Quaii Gardens connection through to Encinitas Blvd. These n hcilities will provide an important east-west route for traffic from Olivenhain to reach t freeway via the enhanced Encinitas Blvd. interchange. Such a recommendation departs from 1 provi0urly adopted circuiation plan, which had Leucadia Blvd. as a major arterial. That pl would have required major changes to Leucadia itself and significant reconstruction of tl y.s 4 : IV-6 I Figure N-1 -rzi RECOMMENDED CIRCUWTZON PAN warn AUSTIN. COUST ASSOCIATES, IMC. I W~ '*),, '<* .;. .. Figure IV-2 POST-2010 ADT VOLUMES (OOOS! m-- WBW - RECOMMENDED CXRCUTION PLAN AUSTIN - FOUST ASSOCIATES, INC. IV-8 a-5 mma AUSTIN- FOUST ASSOCIATES, IWC. Figure Is'-2 POST-2010 ADT VOLUMES (000~) - RECOMMENDED CLRCULATION PLAN 3-- Figure 3-3 ADT VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIOS . - RECOWNDD CIRC-LqTZOX PUN 1 1 mlrrr t a=- AuST'IW. ?OUST AISOCIAT1S. IMC. IV-9 0 Leucadia/I-5 interchange. Under the proposed Plan, the Leucadia interchange can remain ar is today, The recommended plan leaves anta Fe as an augmented local and does not require a major reconstruction of the Santa Fe/I-5 interchange. Augmentation along Santa Fe ( involve the development of a median where appropriate, and intersection enhancements to bri it up to the necessary capacity level as appropriate within the augmented local designation. An important part of the recommended plan is the increase in capacity on Manchesi south of El Camino Real (to a six-lane facility). In conjunction with this, a maj, reconstruction of the I-S/Manchester interchange will be required. The primary focus will 1 on providing a northbound off-ramp that can directly lead into Manchester, thereby replacir. the current off-ramp loop configuration. Atso, the space under the bridge is inadequate I serve the future traffic under its current configuration. To avoid encroaching on the lagooi it may be necessary to reconstruct the interchange further to the north. An analysis c suitable engineering designs for this freeway construction will be part of future General Pla: implementation, and should recognize the key function of this part of the recommended plan. AI teror tire circulation sys tern An alternative circulation system that was considered in this analysis involves the trade- off between the Leucadia extension and the improvement of Santa Fe to a major arterial. Thi! alternative would delete the two-lane extension of Leucadia east of Quail Gardens, and instead develop Santa Fe as a four-lane arterial. Figure IV-4 shows this alternative plan, and Figures IV-5 and IV-6 show the ADT volumes and vol~c;ipcrc&y mbeapwtively. While the deletion of Leucadia shifts some traffic to La Costa, the prirrciQk dfoct i to redhtributs east-west traffic to Garden View, Encinitas and Saata Fe, tB, bpmtidine ths necessary additional capacity. In Table IV-4 a set of ICU values for major intersections are presented for both plans (see Figure IV-7 for intersection locations). As the volume capacity and ICU comparisons show, each alternative provides adequate circulation capacity. While no detailed cost estimates have been made for each, it is reasonable to expect the second alternative to have higher costs due to the expansion of Santa Fe Drive and the need to enhance the interchange with 1-5. Iv- 10 1- 0 0 Leucadia/I-5 interchange. Under the proposed Plan, the Leucadia interchange can remain is today. The recommended plan leaves Santa Fe as an augmented local and does not require major reconstruction of the Santa Fe/I-5 interchange. Augmentation along Santa Fe involve the development of a median where appropriate, and intersection enhancements to 1 it up to the necessary capacity level as appropriate within the augmented local designation. An important part of the recommended pian is the increase in capacity on Manchc south of El Camino Real (to a six-lane facility). In conjunction with this, a m reconstruction of the I-S/Manchester interchange will be required. The primary focw will on providing a northbound off-ramp that can directly lead into Manchester, thereby replac the current off-tamp loop configuration. Also, the space under the bridge is inadequatt serve the future traffic under its current configuration. To avoid encroaching on the laga it may be necessary to reconstruct the interchange further to the north. An analysis suitable engineering designs for this freeway construction will be part of future General I implementation, and should recognize the key function of this part of the recommended plan. Ajternrtive circulation svstcq An alternative circulation system that was considered in this analysis involves the trad off between the Leucadia extension and the improvement of Santa Fe to a major arterial. TI alternative would delete the two-lane extension of Leucadia east of Quail Gardens, and inste develop Santa Fe 8s a four-lane arterial. Figure IV-4 shorn thi, alternative phn, and Figures W-5 md IV-6 show the ADT volum and vol~cap~~Ay *mtively. While the delstion of Leucadia shifts some traffic La Costa, tbe pm dfoc$ b to redistribute east-west traffic to Garden View, Encinitas ~LI SanU Fe, tL, m widkg the necessary additional capacity. In Table IV-4 a set of 1CU values for major intersections are presented for both plat (see Figure IV-7 for intersection locations). As the volume capacity and ICU comparison show, each alternative provides adequate circulation capacity. While no detailed cost estimate have been made for each, it is reasonable to expect the second alternative to have higher cost due to the expansion of Santa Fe Drive and the need to enhance the interchange with 1-5. IV-lo -v --- - PRIME ARTERIAL (8 Ian.) - MAJOR (4 Ian.) - COLLECTOR (4 1-1 ---..-. Auqnwnted 1acYty - LOCAL STREET (2 &ne) Intrrchang. moc#tructkn Figure 37-4 ALTERNATXE CIRCULATICN PSAN 1 AUsTfN- am COuST ASSOCIATES, lac. fv IV- 11 k -wzizi -=.I AUSTIN- CoUsT ASSOCIATES, IMC. POST-2019 ADT :'OLOlSS (000s) - ALTERNAT1-4-E CIRCZUTION pm 0 -- Figure X-6 -Wz ADT VOLUME,’cxPACiTy RATIOS mmm - ALTERNATII’E CZRCULATION PW AUsTl*-COUIT AISOClAtlS. IMC. IV-13 a table 1V-1 Pos1~2010 Icu su+uRY kt. A------ ...... ALT. I--*--: ...... lMfERSECT1W All Pw AM Pw 1. !-5 SD Rrpr md La Costa .a .&7 A9 .62 2. 1.5 NI RF and L8 C-tl -21 .so .24 .48 4. €I Cuho Real and Olinnhain . w 1.03 .as 1.01 5. 1-5 SO Rv nd Encinitrs .35 .59 .% .57 6. I-S MI Rm md Encinitas A7 .72 .c5 .R 7. sum nd Encfnitrs .36 .so .3s .c9 8. El Cdno Red nd Encinitu .A .% .74 .% 9. Rho tnta FO and Encinltrs .64 .a7 AS .89 tl. 1-5 SD Rrpr and Manchester .31 .SI .31 .44 12. 1-5 MI R.lpr nd Wnchestrr .87 .% .87 .93 13. kxor ad La cortr .31 .19 .3b .53 14. EL Erino Real and n. Estneia .a6 .a .a6 .a 15. Via Cntcbcia nd Leuerdir .5s .59 .59 .a 16. Vir Crrtebrir nd Gardm Vieu A7 .6b . 5s .a0 17. El Crino Red nd Gardm Vi- .n .91 .m .90 18. Wail Gardens nd Encinitrr .56 . .a7 .s3 .a8 19. Drlour and Enclnitrr .5S .63 .% .s9 20. Vir Cantebrir utd Encinitu .u .55 .U .53 21. Vir CUttebrf8 wd niSSim Est. .26 .% .19 .so 22. vir Cmtebrir .nd La Costa .a .51 37 .s9 3. €1 Cmino Real and La Cost. .61 .7s .a .76 10. €1 Crino Red 8nd Mnchester .a3 .6a .a2 .67 Mote: Altetrvtfvc A - racawner&d circulrtion plm B - alternative circulation plan #I Slt interrectim Locations in Figwo IV-7 i 1 1. I 1 N-14 I e-- Figure fv-? INTERSECTION LOCATIONS