HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-21; City Council; 9496 Exhibit 1; 1988-89 OPERATING BUDGET Exhibit 01I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I N 1 I e 1 1. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA I MAY 24, 1988 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i MAYOR Claude A. lewis COUNCIL MEMBERS Ann J. Kulchin Mark Pettine John J. Mamaux Eric Larson CITY MANAGER Raymond R. Patchett FINANCE DIRECTOR James F. Elliott r t a E 5 li P 9 1 0 I 1 t I 1E ! CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1988-89 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES Organization Chart. I City Manager's Letter.................................. ................... II Comparative Statement of Funds FY 87-88................ ................. XI11 Comparative Statement of funds FY 88-89 XIV Expenditures .............................................................. Revenues...................................................,......,, ... XVZII Schedule of Personnel.. .................................................. BUDGET DETAIL GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council ............................................................... I City Manager ...............................................................~ City ManagerIPublic Information 3 City Clerk ......................................................,..........~ City Attorney ..............................................................~ Finance ..................................,.................................~ City Treasurer .............................................................. Audit. ..................................................................... j Purchasi .................................................................. E Personnel... C ResearchtAnalysis ......................................................... 1C Information Systems ....................................................... 11 Risk Management ..E PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department 1~ Fire Department ........................................................... 2~ DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES ........................................................ m ................................. ............................................ m m ................................................................ ......................................................... ......................................................... Community Development Administration.. .................................... 3C Building Inspection ....................................................... 31 Municipal Projects ........................................................ 3~ Growth Management ......................................................... 3; Development Processing Services.... 3~ Engineeri ................................................................. 3: Planni .................................................................... 3~ E Block Grants. ............................................................. 3~ ....................................... Table of Contents (Con't) Culture and Recreation Library ................................................................... 39 Parks and Recreation ...................................................... 48 Senior Citizens ........................................................... 59 Cultural Arts ............................................................. 61 MAINTENANCE Street Maintenance ........................................................ 62 Building Maintenance ...................................................... 64 Traffic Signal Maintenance ................................................ 65 OTHER GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS Utilities/Maintenance Administration ...................................... 66 Non-Departmental .......................................................... 67 OTHER OPERATING FUNDS Housing Voucher/WD-Section 8 ............................................. 68 Block Grant Administration ................................................ 69 A.V. Insurance ............................................................ 70 Street Lishti ng ........................................................... 71 Library Grant (SB 358) .................................................... 72 Public Library Grant ...................................................... 72 Adult Learning Program .................................................... 73 Senior Citizen Nutrition .................................................. 75 Library Bonds ............................................................. 76 Sewer Bonds ............................................................... 76 Water ..................................................................... 77 Santitation ............................................................... 78 Enci na .................................................................... 79 Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance ...................................... 80 Liability Self-Insurance .................................................. 81 Health Insurance .......................................................... 82 Fleet Operations .......................................................... 83 Vehicle Replacement ....................................................... 84 Data Processing ........................................................... 85 Redevelopment Agency ...................................................... 86 Appendices Capital Outlay Requests ................................................... 87 Travel Requests ........................................................... 89 a I li I, J dc I x Crn I a 1E E 4 c 1 5 o a OU I-\ U A !- r- I- tT1 nL UY -a am mr 0 -I mu a KJH Zv) rOZ W a0 WJ 2) >a NU uo Ud cu a ca com LL w m I E E I 1 $i 1-1 E 2 I ~m UL 0 t W tz cn HO ob- I- 1 - iz Cw zm Lo CZ aa toL H5 m +n I U o) WI >>I - ma m 0 L. cnt c -* a+ HJl H o - WLL uw 1 $ I A LL WW - UH HI LLU 1 A wu uo ZI- zw HIT LLH ' ao I n 1 I. U iE 1 J. 1 s fi, B 1 1 I I I 8 I1 P 1 May 24, 1988 TO : HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM : CITY MANAGER i 1988-89 OPEZATING BUDGET One year ago the introductory letter of the Operating Budget opened with the statement that Carlsbad was entering one of the most fiscally challenging peri in many years. The results of 1987-88 and foreseeable future certainly echo t sentiment. The budget before the Council for consideration represents many "firsts". "hi budget is the first to deal directly with staffing to meet growth management standards, the first to include Hosp Grove funding, the first to depend on vot approved tax increases for full funding of services, and the first to move awa from the usual line item budget toward a program approach to managing fiscal resources. These issues and many more have been successfully met in the plan proposed to Council. Some issues call for the dedication of resources while others are primarily policy decisions. City growth standards call for the opening of two fire stations and the staffing of Calavera Hills Park. The emphasis on drug a narcotics enforcement calls for the addition of a Vice and Narcotics Unit in t Police Department. The continuing lack of liability insurance calls for major funding reserves in the Liability Insurance Program. And, the combined demand for services causes the City to look to additional revenues or reductions in 1 essential services to bring the budget into balance. The concepts used in forming this year's budget were: standards must be met, 2) general City services should be maintained with no service level decrease, where possible, 3) current year's revenues must equal exceed current year's expenses, and 4) a 5% Contingency Fund is necessary to allow the City Council to meet unforeseen events in 1988-89. accomplishes these goals. In the proposed General Fund Budget, current revenues exceed current expenditu by about $400,000. However, revenues do not provide sufficient funds to total support the proposed $1.5 million Contingency F'und. Budget reductions of $1.1 million or additional revenues of an equal amount will be necessary to effectively balance the spending plan. Budget reductions are proposed in three areas. one year ago freezing about 20 positions, and thereby guaranteeing salary savings throughout the year. This action is again proposed as a means of reducing the budget by about $600,000. for freezing as we enter 1988-89. Second, the proposed addition of three officers for the Vice/Narcotics Unit co be delayed until January, 1989. This will save about $100,000 during early 19 89. The Police Department can elect to staff the Vice Unit earlier by allowia vacancies to occur in other areas. 1) growth management This budget First, the City took an action A total of 17 positions are recommendel Third, the funding of of a portion of the Contingency Fund should be made from surplus funds available from 1987-88 rather than from current revenue. The total effect of these reductions will balance the budget and provide the necessary Contingency Fund. If Proposition C passes in June, Council will not be required to make any budlget cuts or freeze City staffing. additional revenue next year, thereby providing the funds necessary to balance the General Fund Budget. However, the use of reserves for contingency funding is still recommended. In addition, the passage of Proposition C will allow the City Council to fully fund the Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement Program which now includes only vehicles below 314 ton capacity. The expansion of this program will require approximately $50,000 from the General Fund in 1988-89. In the following sections various budget issues are presented in more detail. The fiscal review section presents the Council with a summary of the budget numbers, and the long range forecast provides a glimpse of budgets yet to come. Staff will review this information with the Council and public at four meetings between now and budget adoption on June 21, 1988. BUDGET ISSUES There are several important issues that have affected the 1988-89 Budget and the decisions shaping the final budget. It is important for the Council to be aware of these and to discuss any which may be of particular interest. Proposition C will provide about $750,000 in GROWTH MANAGEMENT - The City's Growth Management Program has set standards for services in several areas. these standards and responded wherever possible. positions within this budget are directly related to providing services mandated by growth management: 15 and C6, and one Receptionist for Calavera Hills Park. City for 1988-89 for these programs will be about $450,000. GENERAL CITY STAFFING - The 1987-88 Budget was based on funding only a portion of the authorized positions. This hiring freeze was implemented1 in an effort to save as much as $900,000 this year. based on full year funding for all positions with the exception of the 18 fire personnel who are scheduled for hiring late in the fiscal year. CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT - Each year the budget presented to the City Council includes a contingency account. operating cushion by setting aside a pool of funds to cover salary adjustments related to agreements reached with employee groups, special projects and emergency expenses. $2.2 million or about 9% was provided to Council. $1 million still remains unallocated. account of $1.5 million or 5% for 1988-89. contingency account, staff recommends that a portion of the General Fund reserve be appropriated to this account. The budget preparation took into account. Nineteen of the 26 new eighteen fire safety personnel for Stations The cost to the The 1988-89 Budget is This contingency account provides an Last year a contingency account of about At this time, more than If Council would like a larger This budget includes a contingency I11 1 1 N 1 1 OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE FUND GENERAL SPECiAL FUNDS ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT 0 6 10 16 20 26 30 36 MILLION $ - 1086-80 m 1087-88 1988-89 PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE % FUND SUMMARY 1987-88 1988-89 (DECREASE) CHANGE General $28.3 $29.7 $1.4 5.0% Special Funds 2.4 2.7 .3 12.5 Enterprise 3.7 4.6 .9 24.3 Internal Service 3.4 3.8 .4 11.8 Redevelopment Total $38.3 $41.3 $2.7 8.0% - - - - .5 - .5 - - - - - - - - - The General Fund represents 72% of the Operating Budget supporting most of the major services provided by the City: Public Safety, Parks, Libraries, Street Maintenance, Planning, Engineering and Administrative services. The proposedl budget totals $29.7 million an increase of 5% over the current 1987-88 Budget. The table below shows several of the major programs that have been added to the budget request for the new year. Fire Station Staffing - $400,000 VicelNarcotics Unit - $214,000 Full Staffing of Frozen Positions - $620,000 Hosp Grove Debt Service - $400,000 Fire Equipment Replacement Program - $100,000 Calavera Hills Park - $ 40,000 About 39% of the total 1988-89 General Fund Budget is allocated to public safety services compared to 35% in 1987-88. The increase can be traced to the additional resources dedicated to the new fire stations and the police staffing increases. Culture and Recreation will receive about 19% of the 1988-89 Budget compared to 18% last year primarily due to the increased cost of operating and maintaining new park facilities. GENERAL FUND BUDGET REQUEST 1988-89 FISCAL YEAR (VALUES IN MILLIONS) PUBLIC SAFETY $11.6 39% PUBLIC WORKS $3.8 13% CONTINQENCIES * $1.6 6% MAINTENANCE OTHER $3.8 12% $1.1 4% GENERAL ADMlN $2.7 9% CULTURE 8 RECREATION $6.6 19% V II: II E: I. 1 I I 1 I L 1. 1 31 z 8 1 # I The remaining 28% of the budget is comprised of more specialized funds such as grants, special revenues which cannot be commingled with other funds, debt service on general obligation bonds, enterprise operations (utilities), and tl internal service funds which provide services to other City departments for a fee. Major changes can be seen in a few of these special funds for 1988-89. Grant revenue supporting the City's housing authority has increased significantly du an increase in the number of Section 8 certificates and vouchers allocated to Carlsbad. increases in the cost of operating the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Revenue The availability of operating revenues generally shape the City's ability to provide services. them to the most important programs and projects. estimated revenues for 1988-89 with 1987-88. The Enterprise funds show an increase of 24% primarily due to The budget process takes the existing resources and allocat The table below compares tt J 1988-89 ESTIMATED OPERATING REVENUES INCREASE % FUND 1987-88 1988-89 (DECREASE) WNGE General $25.7 $28.0 $2.3 8.7% Special Funds 3.9 3.5 (0.4) (10.3)% Enterprise 3.3 3.3 Internal Service 3.5 3.7 0.2 6.1% Redevelopment 0.9 1.2 0.3 33,3% - - - Total $37.3 $39.7 $2.4 6.4% - - - 7 - = - Total revenues will increase by about $2.4 million (6.4%) in 1988-89. General Fund major strength can be seen in several key revenue sources. Propel tax and transient occupancy tax provide the majority of the General Fund's extimated increase - about $1.6 million. Although sales tax revenue is projeci to increase by about $300,000 next year, this represents a change of only 4.4% over 1987-88, just enough to keep up with inflation. transient occupancy taxes have been increasing at a pace beyond that of the surrounding economy, sales taxes have leveled off due to competition from othe. local and regional shopping centers. Although development revenue could begin to increase in 1988-89 as the growth management system begins to release certain approved plans, estimates for 1988. do not yet show any significant increase in development related revenues. If Carlsbad experiences a major change in building activity, staff will revise the estimates later in the year. In the While property and ' VI GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY MAJOR SOURCE TAXES $20.4 73% STATE REVENUES ICENSES a PERMITS The decline in revenues in the Special Funds (Grant Programs, Street Lighting, and Gas are examples of special revenue funds) is related to the change in grant funding of certain City projects. of these reductions. The Enterprise funds require special attention in this budget year. Both the Water and Sewer funds will require rate increases during the year to properly fund operations. projected cost of operating the Encina Sewer Plant is out stripping the existing rate structure. provide recommended rates for both funds. The growth in the Redevelopment Fund's tax increment revenue (33.3%) points out the strength of Carlsbad's downtown area. This increase is consistent with the growth forecast by Katz, Hollis in their study of the redevelopment area done in conjunction with the recent bond issue. STAFFING There are a total of 456 full-time positions in the recommended 1988-89 Budget. The proposed budget contains 26 additional staff members and the deletion of one position, for a net gain of 25 new employees. Public Safety departments contain the most dramatic staffing increases. #5 and 86 require 18 new employees. Each station requires nine positions which include three Fire Captains, three Fire Engineers, and three Firefighters. A11 new employees will be hired at the Firefighter level, while Captain and Engineer positions will provide promotional opportunities. The proposed budget includes funds to open and operate Station 416 in March, 1989 and Station #S in July, :L989. There is no major impact on operations because The problem is most visible in the Sewer Fund where the The City's rate study which is now nearing completion will The opening and operation of Fire Stations VI1 Year Staffing Level 1983-84 7.6 (per 1,000 population) 1984-85 7.7 1985-86 7.4 1986-87 7.5 1987-88 7.7 I li I a 1 1988-89 7.7 Note - 1987-88 is based on filling 414 positions. __-. - - .- - - STAFFING LEVEL 6 YEAR TREND mAw pw 1.w PwUldnOH 8- 7.6 - 76 7.4 - 7.2 - 7 1 I 83-84 84-85 85-88 86-87 87-88 mW.m mm srm - Should revenues not equal proposed expenditures levels, budget reductions will need to occur. One cost-cutting mechanism under consideration is the continuation of the hiring freeze. with an approximate value of $620,000. The passage of Proposition C will allow the City to hire all recommended staff. There are currently 17 positions frozen. A list of these positions is shown below. Existing Frozen Positions Hay, 1988 Construction Inspector (3) Recreation Specialist (3) Custodian 11 budgeted as Supt. Sr. Mgmt. Analyst - Library Engineering Technician (Mun. Projects) Sr. Mgmt. Analyst - Com. Development Equipment Mechanic 11 Fire Prevention Officer 111 Planning Technician I1 (DPS) Word Processing Operator I1 Principal Civil Engineer LONG RANGE FOReCAST The importance placed on construction of new facilities to meet Growth Management standards and the shift in emphasis from development to controlled growth has magnified the importance of understanding the long range effects of decisions. Although the staff can successfully balance the 1988-89 Budget, indications are that the City will continue to face tight budget constraints for several years to come. The decision to add two fire stations to this years budget staffed for only tl portion of the year will add almost $800,000 to next year's budget over and above this year's costs. eventually add $800,000 to the annual General Fund Budget. Senior Citizens Center will add up to $300,000 to the City's operating costs beginning next year. have to be supported by General Fund revenue sources. In creating the revenue portion of the long range forecast, assumptions about the rate of development, inflation, general economic conditions and other factors were generated. In addition the possibility of increased TOT revenue provided by passage of Proposition C was also considered. From this data two models were built, one based on no new revenue sources and the other based on receiving an additional $750,000 from Prop C revenues. In these models the total expenditure figures include a 5% Contingency Fund. No New Revenue Under the first set of assumptions, the City receives no new revenue from Prop C. General Fund expenditures exceed revenues in the current year by about $1 million. This shortfall increases to $1.9 million in 1989-90 and is $1.6 milllion in 1990-91. Although this is an improvement over the previous long range forecast (included in the 1987-88 Budget) which projected a $2 million deficit two to three years into the future, the difference can be attributed to revising the cost of operating new programs in 1989-90. By 1992-93 the City should be able to consider expanding services or revising existing staffing. chart below show the forecast based on these assumptions. Street Maintenance Worker I1 Transportation Planner The long range plans to build a new main library will Opening the new These costs plus any increases in existing services will The table and IX r FIVE YEAR FORECAST - GENERAL FUND REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ASSUMING NO NEK MVXNUL SOURCE 1- 1 I I 1 an - -in - n n 10 *I U m FlscALruR * FIVE YEAR FORECAST - GENERAL FUl EaGmF&NZ.UNAN -: -1 . 4. 4- N a 10 *I Q m1ScALYEAR r m YEAR FORECAST - GEI’4ZFU.L FUND ASssubwG PASSAGE OF PROP c REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Zr 1.3 - 1- 03 - 4.5 - -1 -1.5 - 8S 90 91 92 95 08 FISCAL YEAR WE YEAR FORECAST - GENERAL FUND ENDING FUND BALANCE ASSUMING PASACE 01 PROP C 11. 1- 0s. rn DL n n FISCAL YEAR 98 w I I 1 I I CITY OF CARLSBAU PROPOSITION 4 SPENDING LIMIT VS. APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF TAXES (Millions) 40 30 2o ~ 10 0 81 82 83 84 85 88 87 88 89 FISCAL. YEAR rn APPROP OF TAXES = SPENDING LIMIT I I I h -- I? 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(7 , 807) (9,206) Grand Total .$ 113,280 $ 113,365 .$ 122,811 $ 114,381 Positions 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I j~~l~p&i- 1 Personnel !$ 255,880 $ 291,382 '215,5621 300,892 Maintenance Operation 79,398 55,636 ~ 4~~~4~~ 4%;;; Capital Outlay 5,825 650 Services for Other Depts. (11,010) (20,092: Grand Total !$ 341,103 $ 347,668 $I 278,176 328,131 Positions 5 5 5 5 ~piq~~y,,,,,,~l CURRENT ~~~~~~ UA Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 65,131 Posit ions 1 2 2 0 $ 118,662 $ 66,377 $ 66,200 1 L Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Posit ions $ 173,203 $ 192,435 $ 213,492 $ 208,391 29,505 32,840 109,757 38 ) 186 -0- 8 t 275 5,459 1,200 I (51,379) (59,000) (70,019) (73,143) $ 151,329 $ 174,550 $ 179,213 $ 174,634 3 3 3 3 I I 1 ~~l~yi~ CURRENT Personnel $ 362,959 j$468,01711$121.0981/1567,121 Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay 12 , 150 I I 60,129 i 1~~~~~~ 1 23r1iii 1 24:::25 Services for Other Depts. (187,195) (198 , 694) (288,448) (289 , 075 Grand Total $ 218,403 $ 465,759 $ 477,353 $ 521,63( Posit ions 12.5 15 15 15 jl~~~ylpiq[ CURRENT I Personnel $ 18,417 $ 5,895 $ 6,705 !$ 7,272 Maintenance Operation 1,905 38,426 23,075 32,627 Capital Outlay 1,500 -0- -0- 1,400 Services for Other Depts. (8 9 691) (8 , 690) (9 , 866) (25,725) Grand Total $ 13,131 $ 35,631 $ 19,914 $ 15,574 Posit ions .5 -0- -0- -0- Personnel Ma in tenance Operat ion Capital Outlay Other Depts. Services for Grand Total Posit ions $ -0- $ -0- J -0- $ -0- 23,411 19 , 160 31,000 33 , 000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- (3 , 752) (13,283 $ 23,411 $ 19,160 $ 27,248 $ 19,71.7 -0- -0- -0- -0- E 1 B E B ~l~l~~yl~ $ 100,796 ~~~ CURRENT Personnel Maintenance Operation 59,208 Capital Outlay 6,000 1 21,649 ii 6,041 1 -0- Services for Other Depts. (20,167) (46,935) (12,996) (31,287 Grand Total $ 145,837 $ 175,433 $ 259,485 $ 253,919 Posit ions 3 4 5 5 c Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Posit ions 188,800 ~~ $ 160,786 $ 203,203 $ 216,980 142,266 176,968 188,229 3,090 8,845 6,731 (14,661) (17,073) (22,214) (33,679) $ 291,481 $ 371,943 $ 389,726 $ 440,421 5 5 5 5 Grand Total Positions $ 263,812 $ 249,216 $i 201,121 $ 211, 5 5 4 4 '~l~~ypi&q CURRENT I Personnel $ 144,978 $ 164,470 $ 176,038 $ 184,576 Maintenance Operation 299,650 245,650 171,659 176,083 Capital Outlay 174,593 7,250 5,245 -0- Services for Other Depts. (72,598) (17,716) (25,880) (105,313) Grand Total $ 546,623 $ 399,654 $ 327,062 $ 255,346 I Posit ions 7 5 5 2 r E I I B IC /~~pi&qy~~ CURRENT ~ Personnel $ 41,741 $ 44,445 $ 27,625 Ma in tenance Operation 9,350 6,145 8,800 Capital Outlay 1,007 10,200 -0- Services for Other Depts. -0- -0- (17) Grand Total $ 52,098 $ 60,790 $ 36,408 $ 57, Positions 2 2 2 2 Personnel $ 18,400 Maintenance Operation 63,883 Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total $ 82,283 Positions -0- -- $ 46,088 $ 80,348 $ 85,403 104,915 105,662 117,003 11,750 5,145 -0- (15,882) (516) (9,958) $ 146,871 !$ 190,639 $ 192,448 2 2 2 I I t I ~!piiq~pG&q~ ~~~~~~ Capital Outlay I7 Grand Total $ 4,461,751 $ 5,105,466 $ 5,407,718 1 $ 6,214,16 Positions 80 86 91 91 I h~~~piGiil~l CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 220,712 $ 174,537 $ 193,573 $ 232,004 Posit ions 2 2 2 2 Grand Total Positions I $ 2,427,061 $ 2,586,300 $ 2,753,199 $ 2,977,061 43 43 44 45 Grand Total $ 645,017 Positions 10 $ 701,386 $ 730,740 !$ 925,798 10 11 13 I 1 I II B II I I t I 8 I I I I il I I PROGRAM: POLICE INVESTIGATIONS ACCT # 001-21-30 accommodate this new activity. The addition of VicelNarcotics requires two n< equipped vehicles. Funds have been included for CAL-ID ($17,000) which will I access to a fingerprint data base. I 18 Grand Total $ 880,324 $ 1,234,235 Posit ions 20 25 $i 1,335,175 $ l,626,017 27 28 1 E I @ ~l~p&qylp CURRENT ~~~~~ Maintenance Operation 3,500 7,000 10,193 Capital Outlay -0- -0- Grand Total $ 3,500 $ 8,500 $ 10,193 $ 10, Positions -0- -0- -0- - Grand Total Posit ions $ 285,137 $ 400,508 $ 384,838 $ 443'27t 5 6 7 8 I I R I I 1 I I B u 5 I 1 D I 1 I I 22 I PROGRAM: POLICE-TRAPFIC ACCT # 001-21-60 SIGNIFICAMT CHANGES: One sworn Police Officer has been transferred into this Division from Technica Services as a result of the civilianization of duties. This officer will augn motorcycle enforcement activities in addressing the upward trend in traffic accidents. The addition of two equipped motorcycles ($34,400) will complete t increased traffic enforcement effort. $ 3,351,955 $ 3,825,955 Grand Total $ 2,968,106 Positions 52 I I $ 3,685,179 $ 3,922,447 !$ 4,588,224 60 63 81 , I I I /pEq~piGq~ I ~~~~~ Capital Outlay 12,100 Grand Total $ 151,937 $ 187,230 $ 178,366 $ 217,600 Posit ions 2 2 I 2 112 Grand Total $ 1,914,307 $ 2,477,929 $ 2,557,255 $ 3,130,662 Positions 36 42 44 42 L 8 1 I I ~pizqpizqy~~ r CURRENT ~~~~~$ 2;;; Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 206,241 $ 221,256 $ 244,953 $ 316, Positions 4 6 5.5 5. /lvlFl I 1987-88 11 1988-89 CURRENT 11 BTJDGET 119,94C Grand Total ~IIIIfII $ 547,239 1 $ 617,264 I $ 727,243 I $ 748,565 I I I I 9 Posit ions 9 10 I 12 Grand Total Posit ions $ 78,900 $ 77,209 $ 103,800 $ 5797 -0- -0- .5 .5 Grand Total $ 69,482 Positions 1 $ 104,291 $ 110,830 $ 116,754 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 ~~~~~~piizGqpiF& r= CURRENT $ 195,116 137,85( L (28,Ol $ -0- $ 41,529 $ 424,820 $ 351,55 Operation 88,711 277 , 577 Personnel Maintenance Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. -0- r-l $ 130,240 -0- (176,989) (47,873) Grand Positions Total . j -0- 4 6 7 r Personnel $ 399,763 Maintenance Operation 493,385 Capital Outlay 175,396 Services for Other Depts. (5,000) Grand Total $ 1,063,544 Positions 14 $ 387,721 !$ 415,485 !$ 424,074 459,104 262,965 283,700 123,916 11,488 4,000 (6,261) (9 , 557) (8,399) $ 964,480 $ 680,381 $ 703,375 12 10 10 I I I I I I jpzqpiqp&Gq~ 1$39100 I Personnel $ -0- $ 348,680 $ 344,311 Maintenance Operation -0- 76,524 32,948 Capital outlay -0- 10,764 4,315 Services for 39,30( 1 r:I Other Depts. (lS,OOO) -0- Grand Total $ -0- $ 420,968 $ 381,574 $ 438,30: Positions -0- 10 10 10 Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Posit ions $ 1,123,088 ~ 569,441 $ 622,302 $ 905,109 $ 917,767 1 , 030,769 972,869 597,202 52 , 575 79,250 13,681 -0- (10,000) -0- -0- $ 1,957,228 $ 1,528,650 $ 1,692,53 $ 1,075,646 18 26 24 25 I '1-pii&jqpG&qy~~~ CURRENT ~~~~~ II $ LYGO 1 Maintenance Operation 15,500 15,000 15,500 Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 16,700 ?$ 23,900 $ 23,400 $ 23,900 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- I I 1 R I ~piGq~pGiiqp CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 700,076 $ 983,034 $ 807,661 $ 917,588 Positions 13.5 17 16 16 Maintenance Operation -0- 68,100 70,100 Grand Total Posit ions $ -0- $ -0- $ 188,150 $ 285,600 -0- -0- 4 4 1 8 1 I I ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 45,399 $ 97,156 $ 84,923 $ 22,100 Posit ions .5 1 1 0 -~l~~~~ CURRENT ~~~~~~ Capital Outlay I Grand Total $ 425,368 $ 457,567 $ 412,969 $ 475,356 1 Posit ions 6.5 7 7 6 - i 1 B I 1 j~~~piEq~ ~~~~~ Capital Outlay I I, Grand Total $ 1,513,830 $ 1,708,966 1 $ 1,740,203 $ i,a5a,w Positions 24 26 27 29 Grand Total Positions $ 215,476 $ 180,222 $ 219,090 $ 236,660 2 2 1 I I ' 1 I ~~~pzq~~p CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay 1,515 8,300 $ 352, Grand Total $ 293,118 $ 295,120 $ 286,760 Positions 4.5 4 5 5 1 -~l~pG&lpGG7pZT CURRENT BUDGET 24.500 --..,~ rn 2~,~~~ ,~~~ Capital Outlay -0- c 1,- II! Grand Total $ 121,024 $ 124,387 $ 126,870 $ 130,523 Positions 2.5 2 2 2 n I E I /~~pzqpiziq~ ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 194,331 $ 317,330 $ 374,850 $ 351,73 Posit ions 3.5 6 7 7 Grand Total $ 96,494 $ 118,756 Positions 2 2 $ 113,383 $ 119,91f 2 2 I I t # jpzqpGqpizir-l~ CURRENT I ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 63,460 $ 82,490 $ 80,628 $ 81,41: Posit ions 1 1 1 1 Grand Total $ 104,559 Positions 2 $ 133,094 $ 125,653 !$ 111,197 2 2 2 11 f I r 1 rr-lpzq~piiiGqp CURRENT Per some 1 $ 1,163,535 mvlv Maintenance Operation 884,163 ~ l,~~~i~~~ ~ 1,3::;:1: I l94:1;1:: Capital Outlay 138,950 Services €or Other Depts. -0- (22, OSS) (22 , 67f Grand Total $ 2,186,651 $ 2,784,260 !$ 3,070,727 $ 3,380,03( Posit ions 33 41 53 54 I i ii 1 iI: i ///piEqjpizq/j CURRENT ~~~~~ Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $ 900 $ 800 $ 1,650 $ 1,3 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0 Personnel Ma in tenance Operation Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Posit ions $ 646,148 F 600,053 ''II:~ 330,960 515,571 109,800 64,870 46,997 (7,910) , $ 425,551 - -0- -0- (6,867) $ 866,311 $ 1,129,005 $ 1,286,331 $ 1,406,739 19 I 14 19 19 3 T I 8 1 I I t I a1 s1 I t t 1 P I PROGRAM: PARKS ACCT # 001-41-21 Special Request: Community projects, Pop's Symphony, Cultural Art Programs (sculptures), redevelopment, community garden, other department requests (set- ups, moving), assistance with various City functions, Fall and Spring Faire, Christmas Lighting, are all included in this activity. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Budgeted increases have occurred primarily due to Calavera Community Park Phas 11. The heat and light, as well as water usage for this and other facilities s the major increase. Capital outlay also shows a slight increase to provide fo replacement and new equipment to effectively maintain the new and old park 4 acreage. E 52 Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Pos it ions 1'37,579 ~ (1,222 $ 149,311 $ 175,322 $ 186,046 65,302 65 , 600 69 , 100 15 , 900 11,960 -0- -0- -0- (1 t 494) $ 230,513 $ 252,882 $ 253,652 $ 276,283 5 5 5 5 t 1- 1 1 s 8 1 I2 1 1 1 ji i II SI n .c I 54 I PROGRAM: TREES ACCT #/ 001-41-22 SIGNIFICANT CEIANGES: The substantial increase in new landscaped medianlright-of-way acreage (ie., Rancho Santa Fe, AlgalXelrose, Elm Ave., Palomar Airport Rd., El Camino Real, College Blvd., Carlsbad Blvd. and redevelopment areas) as well as the increasc citizen street tree request work create additional demands on personnel to provide the quality of service expected by the citizens of Carlsbad. Posit ions 1 2 2 3 I 1 B 8 ///pizq//l1/ ;;98;;9 CURRENT -11-7 ~1 $ ::::g;; ~ $ ::::;;; ~ $ ::;;;:: 1 $ ::;;;:: Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 449,078 $ 682,552 $ 800,836 $ 845,581 Posit ions 5 9 9 9 Grand Total $ 171,688 $ 175,854 $ 182,493 $ 202,656 1 - 1 t H T ~~~lyl~ CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay 4 + 400 Grand Total $ 16,270 $ 21,427 $ 21,489 $ 28,840 Positions -0- -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $ -0- $ 500 Posit ions -0- -0- !§ 3 00 !$ 500 -0- -0- Grand Total Positions $ 119,783 $ 135,186 $ 151,092 $ 183,42r 2 2 2 2 Grand Total Positions $ 52,403 $ 131,051 $ 144,254 $ 172,572 1 2 2 2 Grand Total Positions 1E $ 3,600,943 $ 2,907,876 $ 3,912,372 $ 2,568,98 21 23 23 23 PROGRAM: STREET MAINTENANCE ACCT #I 001-51-10 Major Rehabilitation Contract program: Direct and oversee the four Maintenance and Rehabilitation contracts listed below: CONTRACTS ANNUAL GOALS Street Sweeping Slurry Seal Slurry 73 lane-miles Chip Seal Chip 15 lane-miles Asphaltic Concrete Overlay Resurface 25 lane-miles CurbIGutter, Sidewalk Replacement 2,289 lineal feet of curb 4,170 sq. ft. of sidewalk Sweep 8,400 curb miles SIGNIFICANT CEJANGES: Personnel cost increases include the replacement of a frozen Street Maintenance Worker. Maintenance and Operation expenses appear lower due to a late contract award during FY 1986-87 resulting in a larger expense in FY 1987-88. expenditures remain constant. replacement vehicles needed to maintain city streets. Overall, Capital outlay entails the purchase of two 63 I j~~pizqpiiiGil~ CURRENT 323,46: Personnel $ 171,323 $ 248,591 $ 280,025 Ma in tenance 1 Operation 156,093 Capital Outlay 27,767 Other depts. (5,800) Services for 1 d r Grand Total $ 349,383 Posit ions 6 ~ (56,471 $ 560,081 300,872 330,549 15,600 5,439 (5,698) -0- $ 559,365 $ 616,013 10 10 1 10 Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Positions $ -0- $ -0- $ 39,765 '-1 227,600 219,672 248,700 304,855 -0- 2,000 11,427 -0- I I (8,600) -0- -0- -0- $ 299,892 $ 346,871 $ 219,000 $ 221,672 0 0 1 1 i 1 1 I I ~~p&z-pGq~~ CURRENT 61,787 1 (222,305 Personnel $ 133,359 $ 197,853 $ 166,332 Maintenance Operat ion 27,940 118,034 47,896 Capital Outlay 600 22,000 2,189 Services for Other Depts. -0- (2,072) (185,121) Grand Total $ 201,899 $ 335,815 $ 31,296 $ 85,608 Posit ions 5 6 4 5 Program: Misc. Non-Departmental Account t: 001-Various 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 19r Bi Budget Budget Current - 10-41-2993 Comity Contributions Visitors Information Bureau 255,111 200,000 200,000 20( 10-50-2930 Taxes (Chamber) 89 2,000 10-50-2993 Community Contributions $10,750 Women's Resource Center 14,260 Lifeline 9,410 Casa de Amparo 12,080 33,400 46,500 46,500 41 19-67-1922 Hosp Grove Debt Service -0- -0- -0- 40 19-90-2340 Leases (mandated & contractural) City Hall $ 36,000 Parking Lots 174,000 Oceanside parking Lot 70,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 382,400 406,126 3O0,OOO 3 01 19-90-2489 Miscellaneous Contracts Animal Regulation Contract -0- -0- 50,000 7 19-90-2520 Dues and Subscriptions 18,000 16,411 15,000 11 19-90-2999 Contingencies (Budget request) 1,330,179 1,194,240 2,226,831 2, OO! 62-10-2211 Street Lighting Assessment 18,700 18,700 24,500 21 67 1 1 1 I /p=q-&qylF CURRENT ~~~~~ Ma in tenance Operation 16,380 95,571 99,002 88,64: Capital Outlay 1,550 2,773 Grand Total $ 16,380 $ 97,121 $ 101,775 $ 88,64E Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- il B 1 I ~!~~~~~~ CURRENT ~~~~~ 1 Maintenance Operation 964,880 1,196,285 1,169,466 I, 261.54( Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 1,039,699 $ 1,297,932 $ 1,300,363 $ 1,411.51 Posit ions 3 4 4 4 Maintenance Operat ion -0- -0- -0- 20,000 Grand Total $ -0- - $ -0- $ 7 $ 58,965 1 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- 1 II I I & ~pqpqy1~E CURRENT ~~~~~ Maintenance Operation 25,208 41,179 73,536 Capital Outlay -0- - 0- -0- Grand Total $ 25,208 $ 41,179 $ 73,536 $ 64, Posit ions -0- -0- -O- Y Personnel Maintenance Operat ion Capital Outlay Services for Other Depts. Grand Total Posit ions $ 88,368 $ 98,501 $ 108,194 $ 109,349 433,461 464,024 503,448 509,546 2,315 -0- 80,000 -0- (20,380) -0- (24,000) (24,000) $ 503,764 $ 562,525 $ 691,642 $ 594,895 3 3 3 3 8 II I I CURRENT ~~~~~ Maintenance Operation 91,742 152,838 117,682 110,100 59,987 x Grand Total $ 92,392 $ 216,536 ' $ 177,669 $ 110,100 Capital Outlay 63 9 698 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- 8 I I Maintenance 5,001 I 31,301 Operat ion 39,600 1,800 12,467 Capital Outlay 9 } 000 91,586 62,468 Grand Total $ 48,600 $ 93,386 $ 74,935 $ 45,OO Positions -0- -0- -0- -0- Grand Total Positions $ 76,613 !$ 92,464 $ 74,506 !j 45,559 2 2 2 I: PROGRAM: LIBRARY - ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM ACCT W 180-81-27 I I I 1 B 1 8 1 li u 8 B z t 1 It I 74 I SIGNIFICANT CBANGES: Grant Funds for this program have been reduced; however it will continue to operate as it has in the past. One position, Librarian, will be funded by the General Fund. $4,550 of maintenance and operation expenses will be paid for by interest earnings from previous years. m $ 137,472 Grand Total '$ $ 57,950 $ 117,263 Positions -0- -0- 1 1 i 4 1 U 8 ~pi-Gqpzqy1~ CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay -0- -0- -0- Debt Service 20,624 19,950 19 , 276 18,601 Grand Total $ 20,624 $ 19,950 $ 19,276 $ 18,601 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- I c. 1 E I /vpqpGGiqp CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay -0- -0- Debt Service 126,095 122,555 123 , 903 129 , 951 Grand Total $ 126,095 $ 122,555 $ 123,903 $ 129,951 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- Personnel Maintenance Operation Capital Outlay Debt Service Grand Total Posit ions ~IIIlil I ~ !$ :;;;;;; 1 $ :;;;;;; 1 $ :;;;;;; ~ $ 1:;;;:: ' 179,876 182,531 180,284 178,460 $ 1,017,878 $ 1,234,611 $ 1,319,657 !$ 1,394,218 6.5 8.5 8.5 9 I 1 1 t ~~~I~piiEiiq~ ~~~~~ CURRENT Maintenance Operation 382,199 428,970 704 , 299 I Grand Total $ 623,352 $ 742,953 $ 1,049,979 $ 975,03{ Posit ions 7.5 7.5 7.5 8 Capital Outlay 17,120 64,081 39 , 580 1 -0- Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- Grand Total !$ 1,024,682 $ 1,034,088 $ 1,357,731 $ 2,190,526 8 II 1 I I //jv//vj/,,,,,,I/p CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 384,283 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 340,256 $ 247,049 $ 250,001 Maintenance Operat ion 398,872 760,630 908,612 850,000 Capital outlay -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $ 398,872 $ 760,630 $ 908,612 $ 850,000 1 Posit ions -0- I -0- -0- -0- 1 I 1 B ~j/pzq~~1/~~ CURRENT ~~~~~ Maintenance Operat ion 366,288 557,721 866,582 1,039, Capital Outlay -0- -0- Grand Total $ 366,288 $ 557,721 $ 866,582 $ 1,039, Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0 Grand Total !$ 701,669 $ 789,005 Positions 7 7 $ 650,224 $ 910,544 7 7 1; I I I /lpjiqmylE CURRENT ~~'"~~~' 1 -0- Maintenance Operat ion -0- 140,040 145,512 Capital Outlay 348,496 289,081 191,600 211,00( m Grand Total $ 348,496 $ 289,081 $ 331,640 1 $ 356,311 Posit ions -0- -0- -0- -0- 8 I II II '~pi&q~pGrpz&3 CURRENT ~~~~~ Capital Outlay Grand Total $ 331,460 $ 422,306 $ 472,924 $ 515,44' Pos it ions 3 3 3 3 "I It I 'I g:g;= !==:is !sig !ii%z!i% ::SI8 ;iszs:jg iis:xssis iissis ::SI: I: I, I I I SIYI? 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