HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-28; City Council; 9500; SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A TWO UNIT CONDO AT 3376 GARFIELD AND VARIANCE TO PERMIT GUEST PARKING IN BEACH AREA OVERLAY ZONE (SDP 87-09|V 88-01|REISER-OKUN).. .. I , AND VARIANCE PARKING IN B RECOMMENDED ACTION: u L) aJ ‘r; 0 Both the Planning Commission and staff are recommending that s4 a City Council uphold the Planning Commission’s decision to a, SDP 87-9/V 88-1. A U 1cI ITEM EXPLANATION 4 (d The applicant is appealing a Planning Commission denial -rl Site Development Plan and Variance for a two unit condom a 5 project at 3376 Garfield Street in the Beach Area Overlay C The Beach Area Overlay Zone requires a Site Development Pla 0 all new residences other than single family residences. Ti 10 111 proposed project is in conformance with its RMH General designation and R-3 Zoning. However, it does not comply wit 0 requirements of the BAO Zone or the recommendations of the Beach Study. .rl The North Beach Study recommended that new development in s area be designed to reflect the small scale image rather d PI larger monolithic buildings. The proposed building is 1 boxy, and utilizes almost all of the allowable bui .c L1 footprint. The westerly facade is stark and does not rela pedestrian traffic on Garfield Street. A large mono1 rl a, structure like the one proposed is not compatible with exj s residences in the area or the small scale type of image thz =f recommended by the North Beach Study. (d In addition, the applicant was requesting a variance to rl the required guest parking space to be located as a tandem a, in the front yard setback. It is Planning Department polic to recommend approval of variances for new development bac a a, the premise that new development should comply with all ord: 5 requirements. .rl a, No one, other than the applicant, spoke in favor of d a, opposition to the proposed project. The Commission unanir a denied the project. For additional details, see the at1 d .rl staff reports and minutes of the May 18, 1988, P1: c) Commission Meeting. 0 3 V M G C aJ a a a C r6 a rd a G 3 0 u ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW co 00 03 I 15303(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act. hl 1 Q I Q .. m 1 -. .. I Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ?X@& FISCAL IMPACT None, if the Council supports the Planning Commission's den If the Council grants this appeal, the increased need for capital facilities resulting from this development will offset by the payment of the public facilities fee. Any cap facilities related directly to this development will constructed and paid for by the developer. Increased operating expenses related to this development wil offset to some extent from increased tax or fee rev generated by the development. No detailed economic im analysis of this development has been conducted at this time predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered additional operating revenue created as a result of this pro cannot be made. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Resolution No.'s 2734 and 2737 3. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated May 18, 1988 4. Excerpts from Planning Commission Minutes dated May 18, 1 5. Appeal from applicant C.2 GEPIXIUL COMMERCLU ZOhE C-T COMMERCUL.TOCRlSTZONE U PUBLIC UTILITIES RC RECREATION COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS C-M HUW COMMERCLU.UMITED 1.WCSTRI.U ZONE E ELE.WENTARY M lNDLSTRI.UZONE J JC'NIOR HIGH P.M PLAPr'WXD LPIDLSW ZONE H HIGHSCHOOL F.P FLOODPLW OMRUY ZONE P PRIVATE OTHER OS OPENSPACE L-C LLWITED COhTROL SRR NON RESIDENTIAL RESERVE OS OPW SP.4CE P.U PCBUC LllLlTY ZONE REISER-OKUN SDP 87. L I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 I.8 19 a .) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2734 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI'I OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING SITE DEVELOPMEb PLAN NO. SDP 87-9 TO CONSTRUCT A TWO UNI CONDOMINIUM ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 33: GARFIELD STREET APPLICANT: REISER-OWN CASE NO: SDP 87-9 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed City of Carlsbad and referred to the F'lanning Commission; WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21 of the Car1sba.d Municipal Code: E WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the 1 Code, the Planning Commission did, on the 18th day of Mz considered said request on property described as: Southwesterly half of Tract No. 217 of THUM Land: City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, according 1 Map thereof No. 1681. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon heal considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all relating to SDP 87-9. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RE! 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as folloi ~ A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public the Commission DENIES SDP 87-9, based on the findings and subject to the following conditions: Findinss: 1. The architecture of the proposed project compatible with surrounding development beci building mass is large, boxy, and does not r pedestrian traffic. ' /// I I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 Q 0 2. The project design is not consistent with the Bea Overlay Zone and the recommendations of the Nort Planning and Traffic Study because the proposed st scale image. In addition, the building is not back from the street and has little vertical, horj and roof articulation of the building face. The proposed project does not comply with the recrc area requirements of the planned development ordin; PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, the 18th day of May, 1988, by the following vote, to wit: reflects a large, monolithic building rather than 3. AYES : Chairperson McFadden, Commissioners: Hall, Hol Marcus, Schlehuber and Schramm. NOES : None. ABSENT : None. ABSTAIN : None. g-6 y5E3i& JI$”E B. MCFADDEN, Chairpe CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST: 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 4vU5ML. 7 MICHAEL J. ~OLZ~LLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2734 -2- , .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m * PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2737 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW GUEST PARKING IN THE DRIVEWAY ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3376 GARFIELD STREET. APPLICANT! MISER-OWN CASE NO.: V 88-1 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain prope wit: Southwesterly half of Tract No. 217 of THUM Lands, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, according to Map thereof No. 1681. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: a WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 18th May, 1988, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescr law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon heari considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all relating to V 88-1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the E Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public k the Commission DENIES V 88-1, based on the fc findings and subject to the following conditions: //// //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 €3 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e Findinas : 1. There are no exceptional or extraordinary circum that apply to this property and do not apply to ot the same vicinity. The project is located in the Beach Area Overlay 2 must comply with the same parking requirements a! pro j ects . 3. This property owner is not being denied a right by other property owners because this and other the area, similar in size, may be developed w: units if guest parking is located outside the fr setback. 2. 3. The proposed project may be detrimental to the Plan because implementing ordinance requirements being met. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meel the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, Cali held on the 18th day of May, 1988, by the following VI wit: AYES: Chairperson McFadden, Commissioners: Hall, Holn Marcus, Schlehuber and Schramm. None. NOES : ABSENT : None. ABSTAIN: None. ARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIC ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2737 -2- APPLIcm T SUBMITTAL DATE NOVEMBER 30, 1987 4D STAFF REPORT DATE : MAY ia, igaa TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUEUECT: SDP 87-9/V 88-1 - REISER-OKUN - Request for a Site Development Plan to construct a two unit condominium at 3376 Garfield Street in the Beach Overlay Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone No. 1. Also, a request for a variance to permit guest parking in the driveway. e I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution N0.l~ 2734 and 2737 DENYING SDP 87-9/V 88-1, based on the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting two approvals: 1) A Site Development Plan to construct two airspace 2) A variance to permit guest parking in the driveway. The subject site is located in the Beach Area Overlay Zone which requires all new residences in the beach area, othei than single family, to process a Site Development Plan. The project site is located in the R-3 Zone and has a General Plan designation of RH (15-23 du/ac). The proposed project has a density of 14.4 units per acre. The .14 acre site is currently occupied by a one-story, single family dwelling anc is located in a neighborhood with a variety of housing types and building heights. As can be seen from Exhibit rlXtl, most of the structures in the vicinity are one-story, singlc family dwellings. Interspersed throughout the area are a fei two-story single family and multifamily dwellings. The proposed units will have a combined floor area of 5,23: square feet (units plus garages). Minimum setbacks have bee] provided and two visitor parking spaces are proposed in the common driveway. A building height of 25' has beel condominiums at the above location; and STAFF REPORT 3) m I. SDP 87-9 - REIShh - OWN Pase 2 maintained. 111. ANALYSIS PLANNING ISSUES 1) Does the proposed project comply with the development standards of the R-3 Zone, the Beach Area Overlay Zone and the Planned Development Ordinance? 2) Can all the findings required for approval of a Variance be made? Specifically: a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use ir the same vicinity and zone: b) That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question: c) That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare 01 injurious to the property or improvements in suck vicinity and zone in which the property is located; d) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. Discussion SDP 87-9 Although the proposed project complies with the minimur standards of the R-3 Zone, many of the requirements of thc Planned Development Ordinance and the Beach Area Overlay Zonf have not been met. On numerous occasions staff has met 01 corresponded with the applicant to discuss issues related tc the project. The applicant was made aware that a sit{ redesign would be required before staff could support tht project; however, the applicant has not responded with an: significant design changes. Staff is required to comply with State-mandated time line: which would require this project to be approved or denied b] 0 STAFF REPORT e SDP 87-9 - REISEk - OWN Pase 3 May 30, 1988. Although informed of this requirement, the applicant has not responded. The major issues which have not yet been addressed arc discussed below: 1. The architectural style of the proposed project is incompatible with the beach area. The building mass is larye, boxy, and utilizes almost all of the auailablf building footprint. The westerly facade is stark, anc doesn't relate to pedestrian traffic:. Thirty-two feet of the westerly elevation consists of garage doors structure such as this does not integrate harmoniouslJ with the neighborhood. The North Beach Study states ox page 94: comprising 48% of the 66.6' street frontage. I "New development should be designed to reflect the small scale image rather than large monolithic buildings. Apartment and condominium buildings should preferably be contained in smaller massed buildings rather than large buildings; where larger buildings are used they horizontal and roof articulation of building faces. Where two story buildings are proposed, the second story should often be stepped back." should be designed with vertical, The proposed structure does not implement these guidelines. 2. Recreational areas have been provided in the rearyard: which do not meet the standards of the Plannec Development ordinance. This section of the codt requires that private yards must not have any dimensioi less than 15l, therefore, the proposed 13' x 33 dimension does not comply. The balcony does serve as i passive recreational area; however, active recreationa. requirements have not been met. Discussion V 88-1 The applicant has submitted a request for a variance to all01 guest parking in the driveway. Although two guest parkinc spaces are indicated on the plan, only one space is require( for two units. The Planned Development Ordinance does no. allow credit for tandem parking in front of garages excep. STAFF REPORT 0 0 SDP 87-9 - REISEH - OKUN Paae 4 for existing duplex lots, The Beach Area Overlay zone allows only 20% credit for tandem guest parking. The proposed project cannot make the findings required for a variance. There are no exceptional or extraordinary properties in the Beach Area Overlay zone must comply with the same parking requirements. In addition, this property owner is not being denied a right enjoyed by other property owners. This and other lots similar in size may be developed with two units if guest parking is located outside the frontyard setback. Also, the project does not meet the guidelines of the General Plan because parking in the frontyard setback would not preserve the neighborhood atmosphere and identity of the existing residential area. It is Planning Department policy not to grant variances for new development based on the premise that new development should comply with all ordinance requirements, especially if there is room to do so on site. 111. SUMMARY The proposed project is not compatible with the Beach Area Overlay Zone and does not comply with standards of this zone as well as the Planned Development Ordinance. In addition, the mandatory four findings for a variance cannot be made. Therefore, staff recommends denial of SDP 87-9. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from Environmental Review, per Sectior 15303(b) of California Environmental Quality Act. circumstances which apply solely to this property. All Attachments 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2734 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2737 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Form 6. Exhibit I1Xl1, dated May 18, 1988 7. Environmental Document 8. Exhibits rrA1l - ltE1l, dated April 4, 1988 AML: dm 4/25/88 0 0 BACK- IXTA SHEEr CASE NO: SDP 87-9 APPLICANT: REIsm-oKuN REQuEsr AND LXATION: condominium at 3376 Garfield Street. ILEAL DESCRIPTION: Southwesterly half of Tract No. 217 of ?IIzIM Lands, C of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, according to Map thereof No. 1681 A site devel- t plan to construct a two unit AEW: 204-131-08 Acres .139 I>roposed No. of Lots/units 2 Units GENERAL PLAN AND zom Land Use Designation RH Density Allawed 15-23 (Control pt 19.0) Density Proposed 14.4 Esristhg Zone R-3, Beach Arm Overlay Pmpxed Zone N)A Surrolxlding zoning and Land use: Zoninq Land use Site R-3 Sble Family Dwelling North R-3 3 Units South R-3 Sble Family Dwellhq East R-3 Sble Family Dwellbq west R-3 Sble Family Dwellinq €UBLIC FACIm School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad/coSta Real Sewer carlsbac EIXJ's 2 public Facilities Fee Agremmt, Date December 2, 1987 E"MENTAL IMPACT ASS- Negative Declaration, issued E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, Catqorical Exempt pr section 15303(b), dated April 25, 1988 . a J APPLICANT: Awn (3 &urd 44 c7 l-+t f\ I Rtlh‘r\: -bcy+7 --pq -773 -3&$ cl .. DISCLOSURE FORM Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, ! Business Address Telephone Number Name Business Address c “-4’; i7, (&:-e -\r L‘&\--pJC fy -I- ,A - b - q+GL ,Q /+- AGENT: dkw? d uT;v/ 7;y t-dcfd f-F-kJ / /J( 5% d--G </-A 7€ r,- c4 ECJ &/?J , cr/q -z+ A?$/ c-pt’,? fi Lkb,% Telephone Number MEMBERS: :%-I L& fi, gF\L ty‘, -b&”L 2pYj- F?.:f+ rfh L&7$$/.1fi J(dtln Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture , corporation , syndication) ~qi\Pi /)~<CC BF \rMdc,iT +J-G~< LPL~PJ~ /+IC( qi* 7-10 ?I\? s’ Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Name Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We understand that if this project is located in the Coastal Zone, I/we for Coastal Commission Approval prior to development. I/We acknowledge that in the process of reviewing this application, I necessary for members of City Staff, Planning Commissioners, Design Ret members, or City Council members to inspect and enter the property t subject of this application. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and l/We consent to entry for this purpose. as being true and correct until amended. && 5hJ,$q$&: Jt, A PLI ANT BY t\~ ~ L 1y.j Agent, Owner, EXHIBIT 5 I18 I88 . .. m e m SINGLE ST0 TWO STOW S F SINGLE FAMi I I .. WALNUT AVE - --- . VACANT 1 ~ 0 > a r 0 SYCAMORE 4 Y AVE CHESTNUT AVE cAe ZS PALMAS DRIVE ALlFORNlA 920094859 i (619) 43aii6i m PLANNiNG DEPARTMENT b ‘1 I N&J! 8J mg!$ April 25, 1988 County Clerk I County of San Diego 220 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 Proiect Title Proiect Location--SDecific 3376 Garfield Street Proiect Location--City Carlsbad Project Location--Countv San Diego DeSCriDtiOn of Nature, PurDose, and Beneficiaries of Proiect Two unit condominium project . Name of Public Aaencv ADDrovins Proiect Name of Person or Aaencv Carrvina Out Proiect Planning Department Exempt Status (Check One) SDP 87-9/V 88-1 Reiser-Okun City of Carlsbad - Ministerial (Sec. 15073) - Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 (a)) - Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c)) - X Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: 15303 (b) Reason Why Proiect Is EXemDt: Condominium project less than 4 units Contact Persoq Adrieinne Landers (619) 438-1161 If filed by applicant: 1) Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2) Has a notice of exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes - No - MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director AML:af i e m MINUTES \ May 18, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION subject to a solid fence on the west side as approved by the Planning Director, and that the color be restudied prior to presentation to the City Council. RECESS The Planning Conmission recessed at 8:24 p.m. and reconvened at 8:33 p.m. 3) SDP 87-9fV 88-1 REISER-OKUN - Request for a Site Development Plan to construct a two unit condominium at 3376 Garfield Street in the Beach Overlay Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. variance to permit guest parking in the driveway. Mike Howes. Senior Planner, reviewed the background of the request and stated that the applicant is requesting approval of a Site Development Plan to construct two airspace condominiums on a .14 acre lot within the Beach Overlay Zone Also a request for a and a variance to permit guest parking in the driveway. The project will have a density of 14.4 du/ac in e residential high-density area which designates 15-23 dulac. currently occupied by a one-story single family home. of the lots in the area are presently occupied by single family dwellings. area of 5,233 sq. ft. The project complies with the minimum standards of the R-3 Zone, however staff does not feel that it complies with the Beach Area Overlay. Staff is especially concerned about the large, boxy appearance of the building and feel that it doesn't relate well to pedestrian traffic. The North Beach Study states that new development should reflect a small scale rather than large monolithic buildings. Where two stories are proposed, the second story should be set back. Mr. Howes directed Commissioners to the elevations presented on the west wall. The applicant has also requested approval of a variance to allow guest parking in the driveway which would be in the front yard setback. not allow tandem parking except in existing R-2 lots (this is The site is Many The proposed units would have a combined The Planned Development Ordinance does an R-3 lot), Staff feels there is no justification for the variance as other projects have been approved on similar size lots which provided parking outside the front yard setback and since this is a new project, it could be redesigned to comply with the requirements. Staff has met and corresponded with the developer and the applicant a number of times in an attempt to resolve these issues but, as of this time, no progress has been made. limits, this item must be approved or denied by May 30, 1988. Staff is especially concerned about this project because they feel it is incompatible with the area and similar applications recently submitted Staff reconmends denial of this SDP. Chairman McFadden declared the public hearing open and issued the invitation to speak. Rodney Miles, 18300 Von Karmen Avenue, Imine, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Conmission and stated that a similar parking variance was granted to Joyce James in October 1987 and there is no substantive difference between the two variance requests. He submitted photographs of the area and stated that the area is not entirely single family dwellings as staff suggests, He feels that the property is To comply with State-mandated time Page l3 Hay 18. 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION too expensive to develop with single family homes. that the Joyce James residence is 36 ft. high in some areas. As to the suggestion regarding the second story being recessed, he replied that the second story of the proposed project is set back with a deck in front, although it does not show up well on the elevations. He feels the findings can be made and requested approval of the SDP. Commissioner Holmes inquired if the structure to the north is a multi-family unit. Mr. Miles replied that there is a house in the front and a duplex in the rear. Ken Wyant, 214 So. Cedros, Solana Beach, architect for the applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that when work first began on the project, site reviews were not being done. He has requested information from staff on several occasions which was never received. He did not understand the tandem parking prohibition and stated that the only way to provide visitor parking is within the front setback. Chairman McFadden inquired when the application was submitted and Mr. Wyant could not remember. There being no other person to address the Commission on this topic, Chairman McPadden declared the public hearing closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members. Commissioner Holmes inquired about the Joyce James file. Mike Howes replied that Joyce James house is an existing older home which added a room addition. The variance was based on the fact that it was an older home with only a one car garage. The project before the Commission tonight is a new project where a single family home is being removed and replaced with a duplex; situations. Chairman McFadden agrees with the staff recommendation. feels the driveway is too much cement and is too bulky. Unfortunately, sometimes people who have projects in the pipeline get caught when guidelines change. staff recomaandation. Commissioner Marcus concurs with Chairman McPadden. The Beach Overlay sets, the trend. She agrees with the staff recommendation for denial of the SDP. Commissioner Schlehuber concurs and does not feel this application meets the requirements of the Beach Overlay Zone. Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried to adopt Resolution No. 2734 denying SDP 87-9 based on the findings contained therein. He stated they are totally different She She supports the Motion was duly.-made,. seconded, and carried to adopt Resolution No, 2737 denying V 88-1 based on the findings contained therein., COMMISSIONERS Hall Holmes Marcus McPadden Schlehubet Schramm Hall Holmes Marcus McFadden Schlehubei Schramm L SIT 4 City 01 Ctri!il - REISER-OKUN SDP 87-9 ' CJ 5197: June 17, loas ............................... ............................... .............................. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoi correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San D California on _---The 17th day of ---JllJl-e .. (qljT& ~ ___.._- ~ Clerk b 0 0 .. (' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Clty Clerk ,." > '. Gitp of EarIhab "G' I TO : Bobbie Hoder, Planning Dept. FROM: Karen Kundtz, Clerk's Office DATE; May 27, 1988 RE : APPEAL SDP 87-9/V 88-1 (REISER/OKUN) The above item has been appealed to the City Council. Please detern when the item will go to Council and complete the form below and ret it to the City Clerk's Office. According to the Municipal Code, appeals must be heard by the City Council within 30 days of the datc that the appeal was filed. Please consider this when setting the date for the hearing. Thank you. The appeal of the above matter should be scheduled for the City Council Meeting of (7- 20, IyE8 / / Signature / &, =+--#?- 0 -. b c- 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 4 Office of the City Clerk situ af (aftrlstra APPEAL FORn I (We) appeal the following decision of the .- - to the City COI Project Name and Number (or subject of appeal): - - Date of Decision: Reason for Appeal: I .. q- ..I : ---u 55 Date . ,, .I \ I, /. I i i i i Name (Please Print) Add res s Telephone Number CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 4384621 REC’D FROM DATE DESC RI PTlO N RECEIPT NO. TOTAL -- - - - ? * Ir cs "7 --z - - - - - - - I d NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamb 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednes May 18, 1988, to consider approval of a Site Development Pla construct a two unit condominium and a Variance to permit g parking in the driveway on property generally located at Garfield Street in the Beach Overlay Zone and Local Facili Management Zone 1, and more particularly described as: The southwesterly half of Tract No. 217 of THUM Lands, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, according to Map thereof No. 1681. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordi invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questi please call the Planning Department at 438-1161. If you challenge the Site Development Plan and/or Varianct court, you may be limited to raising only those issues yo1 someone else raised at the public hearing described in notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Cit! Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: SDP 87-9/V 88-1 APPLICANT : REISER-OKUN PUBLISH: MAY 6, 1988 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION Gay Rogers P.O. Box 181 Claremont, CA 917 e onn i'odd 0: 440 Garfield St. + J14bi C u vividii auiiiiciiicail 52 El Sereno Ct. ;m Francisco, CA 94127 Carlsbad, CA 92008 * 'hiliip & Theresa Reed Walter Sharp Richard E Beverly 3355 Lincoln Street 3375 Lincoln Street 9582 Dobson Street Villa Park, CA 926 Zarlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Thelma Sowell Douglas & Bonnie Engberg David, Reiser, She1 ;709 Clover Ct. 1345 Cynthia Lane 29571 Seahorse Cov Zarlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Laguna Niguel, CA 3 E C, R & S Johnston Maurice & Yvette Tauzin Ralph C Loretta Mol 3288 Garfield St. 251 S. Bedford Drive 4145 La Portalada D Carlsbad, CA 92008 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Carlsbad, CA 9200 Leone DeMott Albert & Bonny Lam Patrick La Vallo 3259 Lincoln St. 1401 Via Andres 3267 Lincoln Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Carlsbad, CA 9200 G&A Van Osdel, K & G Spencer Billy Burke H E S, .J 8 D Mellai 332 Walnut Avenue Carlse 9200% 1- Daniel Espinoza M E S Patter Robert E Celeste Hz 2697 Tanoble Dr. c/o D. Countryman 320 Walnut Avenue Altadena, CA 91001 170 Juniper St., #1 Carlsbad, CA 9200 Leucadia, CA 92024 Lincoln Coastal Crlsbd Shrs Michael E Sharon Cafagna Stanley & Margaret 2550 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801 4275 Exec. Sq. Suite 1020 P.O. Box 1093 San Diego, CA 92103 La Jolla, CA 92037 Solana Beach, CA Jay Swope Henry & Virginia Thompson Teresa Sanesi 340 Chestnut Avenue 330 Chestnut Avenue 350 Chestnut Avenu Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92001 David & Karen Thompson Scott Thompson Miles & Martha McCe P.O. Box 1487 3390 Lincoln Street 2545 Hanson Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fullerton, CA 9263 Clyde Dillon Hazel Beckham C. Bacot 219 Chestnut Ave. 3416 Garfield St. c/o P. Swirsky Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 P.O. Box 1185 Carlsbad. CA 9200t Joseph c Carolyn ( 0 3154 Hillview Drive _- A_.. uai uara wnire 825 .Maryhurst Dr Claremont, CA 91711 3865 Skyline Road o Carlsbad, CA 92008 Chino, CA 91710 * Jennine Capelouto Edward & Toni Lampe Paul E I<im Buzza 135 Chestnut Avenue 521 Iowa Street 710 E. Monroe Ave Orange, CA 92667 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fallbrook, CA 92028 Marshall Rice Janice Kaufman Karen Hartman 2418 Torrejon Place 165 Chestnut Avenue 176 Walnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 9200 t Joe E Charlotte Clvalleri 8263 Sewell St. 2043 Highland Oaks Drive 280 Chinquapin Ave Fontana, CA 92335 Arcadia, CA 91006 Carlsbad, CA 9200 M & D Milazo & A. Caperna James E Lii Vine Otis E Nellie Kilgort 155 Sycamore AvenL Carlsbad, CA 9200 Willard & Mary Comer Nim, Ronald, Dottie Waldrop 1375 Muirlands Vista Way 644 Lado de Loma Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 Vista, CA 92083 Sam Caito 2754 Auburn Ave. Carlsbad, CA 9200t Manuel Castorena Thomas Reedy 158 Chestnut Ave. 164 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Thomas & Barbara F 2527 E. Blueridge A Orange, CA 92667 A E D Marcy E R. Straesser 2252 Fire Mountain Dr. 3363 Garfield Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Paul G Ida Trejo Darrell E Deborah H 2223 Silver Peak Pla Encinitas, CA 92021 A., K., T. Fiechter Elliott & Bertha Henkins 6574 N. Ruthlee Avenue 438 Tamarack Avenue San Gabriel, CA 91775 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Clarence & Jean Fr, Grace Venis Charlotte Mclntyre 1543 Santanella Terr 26511 Calle San Luis 1545 Crest Drive Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Encinitas, CA 9202 C. Thatcher & R. Sonneman T. Mifsud & C & R Chow K & E Stowe E K. P.O. Box 223 2415 Copper Cliff Ct. 601 Solna Glen Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92008 El Toro, CA 92630 Solana Beach, CA Arthur 4 Isabel Ammon Renee Gaitaud Eastwall Enterprises 1880 Del Amo, Suite 4070 Sunnyhill Drive 423 Daisy Lane Torrance, CA 9050 Carlsbad, CA 92008 San Marcos, CA 92069 7 ni CIIUI iiiu . _. . -i . --. . .- -UI p. 0 9826 Paramount Blv Downey, CA 90240 c/o Siaver Del Mar, CA 92014 e 110 Stratford Ct. 545 Second-St., Suite 4 Encinitas, CA 92024 Sea Chase Inc. Robert E Edythe Merrill Torrey Pacific Corf 1050 Rosecrans Street Suite 8 3460 Garfield St. San Diego, CA 92106 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Del Mar, CA 92011 110 Stratford Ct. 215 5, Highway 101, Suite 110 Helen Howland George E Maxine Shepard 129 Maple Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 3468 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 920( Roger E Thea Garner Marvin E Royola Humphreys 325 Elm Avenue, SI 1727 Capistrano St. P.O. Box 1099 Carlsbad, CA 9201 Berkeley, CA 94707 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Marian Reedy Tlenn E Natilie Cheadle Frederick E Gina t 3405 Garfield St. P.O. Box 189 147 Maple Avenue Carlsbad, CA 9201 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Cherie Bradley Bronia Hammond M. Grosse & C. Mo 5850 Sunny Creek 3451 Garfield Street 3423 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 9201 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sybil Rice Stephen Speth Ralph E Frieda Cla 3449 Garfield St. 167 Cambridge St. Carlsbad, CA 920 Orange, CA 92667 Carlsbad, CA 92008 168 Maple Ave. Sandra Hangley Harry E Orpha Wagner Robert E Luella Fe 11839 Diamond Ct. 1013 Foxglove View 19805 NE 232nd Av Battle Ground, WA Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 William E Sandra Nolan Lew K T Inc. Joseph E Kathleen 4677 La Canada Rd. 716 Azalea Drive 8323 Camino Sur Cucamonga, CA 9 Fallbrook, CA 92028 Montebello, CA 90640 RED Langen, J. Fessenden Donald E Maxine MacDonald John E Peggie Seik 3418 Carlsbad Blvd. 70 Giralda Walk 3436 Carlsbad Blvc Carlsbad, CA 920 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Long Beach, CA 90803 D & S, R E E Schlegel Box 4506 155 Chestnut Ave. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 Franklin E Mary Moravec Carlsbad, CA 92008 R E H Jordan E J 3474 Carlsbad Blvc Carlsbad, CA 920 0 0 nuiiaiu CI nay I JUrlg P. 0.. Box i 0429 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 J'& L Vine/D E R Buzza c/o V Deve 280 Chinquapin Avenue, #A Carlsbad, CA 92008 D E R Buzza c/o Vinedale Dev. 178 Walnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Richard & Sara Hill P.O. Box 385 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ocean Pine Limited 690 Elm Avenue, Suite 204 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Edward & Mary Obeji 3650 E South Street, #212 Lakewood, CA 90712 Donald & Sarah Rogers Encinitas, CA 92024 2214 Running Spring Place Wave Crest TED Cordery 9353 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 200 Helm Mgmt. , CA 92041 C. Goodman c/o S. Rogers 2214 Running Springs Place Encinitas, CA 92024 <I;-: T, . i .-i e -_ -pant 3319 Garfield Street ~arlsbad,, CA 92008 e ; J7,3 '-8- . q; 7 .. '7 $9 ,- .% *I /' &W._ 2 26. 33. 43. -pant 151 Sycanrore Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 carisbad,, CA 29008 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Occupant Occupant 3305 Garfield Street 3393 Lincoln Street -- h . ) *I , ., .., /- , ~ / .? -1 - 28. I 34. 44. Clarence & Jean French t Occupant Q=wnt 154 Sycamre Avenue 165 Walnut Avenue 3388 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carl&&, CA 92008 / I .. . X6309 BRIAN SMITH mGINEzF > , 2656 State Street / ,, ' Carlsbad, CA 92008 ** 29. 35. Owner: David Okun 155 Walnut Avenue 18300 Von Kam X 7 OcCuFJnt 168 Sycamore Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 -pant c/o Rodney c. Miles 1 Imine , CA 92715 I-- // ." Jib -A - --. __ - I 3 ,-+ 9 30. 3341 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 h;j Occupant I - 39. Occupant , '1 3360 Garfield Street 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 I f -'* 31. v Occupant 3325 Garfield Street -. Carlsbd, CA 92008 I .I- -I -pant 142 Chestnut Avent CarlSbad, CA 9200€ 0 C. . - 1 t *’ +’kbi 1 L -1 ~ & 1 r\ I -?, , i. . - 1.z- . -&? , - 10. -pant 3410 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 I i I -. .% 4. 20. Occupant occupant 335 Pine Avenue ’a I 184 Chestnut Am Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Carl~bad, CA 92001 <Fq t% ’- .. J 5. &cupant 333 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 +- .. ,, . 21. Occupant 3385 Garfield Stri Carlsbad, CA 9200 J I t_ ‘ < -. ’, 6. 1 Occupant Carlsbad, CA 92008 ’. c 325 Chestnut Avenue i -_ ?. -)-. : %%.% 3 - ?.* t. _, 7. 16. I 24. 307 Chestnut Avenue 145 Chestnut Avenue 165 Sycmre Aver OccuDant Occupant occupant Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 carisbad, CA gzoa 9. occu ,- ’ , -/ ,/> Carlsbad, 295 &&ut CA Avenue 92000