HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-28; City Council; 9501; CITIZEN REQUEST: WINDSONG COVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION1 0 A cd cdw bD a0 plm cd u Ma, -d ma a *rl om dm aJM $a, "5 ,-cw a, uo wa, 02 mu a,@ ?u *rl c ua, um Kim % $8 N acd m ha Scd FI .rl n . u 3mm GE uoa, a, *rl rl a, QP c$: uo oua om cmm ?-I 4 a, .Go dMcd omu 2 22 $8: a ou .: LC $ JkQ s g.5 YX ST2 $mm QUO mC 0 umu a, e MU dG .rl *rl M us= 0 oca u ax co co a3 hl .. z I s I G \L, a e 2 3 0 0 CIWOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL L,' I . .- IAB# ~a~&/ I TITLE: -., DEP MTG. 6-28-88 DEPT. CM CITIZEN REQUEST: WINDSONG COVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 1: 1 I . RECOMMENDED ACTION: &f" $^ . ,:.: . ., 2.i ,: &- ,".. ' ' / -- Consider concerns of the Windsong Cove Homeowners Association and tak appropriate action. I ITEM EXPLANATION: The Board of Directors of Windsong Cove Homeowners Association has re' an opportunity to present its specific concerns about an adjacent proposc development (Marlborough Development Corpora tion), regarding potential access impacts during and after construction, an easement through Wind2 Cove and a possible alternate route via Harbor Drive for the proposed development. i FISCAL IMPACT: None, other than staff time. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Windsong Cove Homeowners Assn., dated June 9, 1988 2. Letter to Windsong Cove Homeowners Assn., dated May 31, 1988 3. Letter from Windsong Cove Homeowners Assn., dated May 11, 1988 - - I 1) Q tAHli5 Horizons ."--1 . ,-:".r : L 81 0 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite B San Marcos, California 92069 z -\ 4 [619] 744-9200 [619] 941 -5400 / :s , I' ,. '.L5 am -. June 9, 1988 . ..- , "" "! c1v MA QTY :$, '\ CARL3 \,,::..4 , ... ,. , i - Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 \i :.... . ,-;: ,A, <I i .-;, "., - .. ... . . ._ -""~ .. Re: WINDSONG COVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION CITY co-UNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Dear Mr. Patchett: The Windsong Cove Homeowners' Association is formally request to be scheduled on the Council Agenda for June a, 1988. The Association has corresponded with you regarding the propo development by Marlborough Development Corporation and the re sulting impact on the residents of Windsong HOA. This issue tinues to be of major concern to the Association and they are suing all avenues to seek an equitable resolution. The major issue that the HOA would like to address with the C is an alternative access for construction and post-constructi traffic. At this time it appears that the developer has ease through Windsong Cove. The homeowners would like the City to sider the impact (health, safety, etc. I upon 161 unit owners opposed to an alternative route through Harbor Drive affectin fractional number of homeowners. The City can contact either - Melinda Young, or me, at the 1 head address and telephone numbers (business cards attached), confirm agenda. pla-cemer,t an6 give any pertinent details. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your res Sincerely, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS "-- INDSONG COVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION L, kzi Marge & Pro jec anager cc; Mike Holzmiller Ann Kulchin Lloyd Hubbs Community Association/Property Management a e 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 Office of the City Engineer MitQ a€ Mnrlnball tAHltS May 31, 1988 Ms. Melinda Young, Project Manager Windsong Cove Homeowners' Ass'n. l4orizon.s 810 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite B San Marcos, Caiifornia 92069 WINDSONC COVE, PHASE 2 Dear Ms. Young: This is to let you know that your letter of May 11 has been forwardec to me by the City Manager. When the proposed expansion of Windsong Cove is submitted for furth review, the Engineering staff will note your concerns and encourage t developer to meet with your Association to seek solutions satisfactory all parties. In your letter you list three topic areas: the first deals with legal ri! to annexation, the second deals with specific noted areas of concern, the third notes specific traffic issues surrounding the development. Staff is not in a position to evaluate the legal issues, and would direc you to seek legal advice from the Association's legal counsel. This isr may be complex and may involve potential litigation. Items of concern listed under item two will relate somewhat to rights established under your item one. Should the Association rights be u; held, you would have direct control over many of the access-related issues. In any event, our staff will make every effort to insure that your concerns are addressed. The traffic items you list have been submitted to our Traffic Division for further review. You should be contacted shortly by our Traffic Engineer, Mr. Robert Johnson, with further information. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to call. cc: City Manager, Community Development Director, Planning Directc +- L a e Horizons 81 0 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite B Sen Marcos. California 92069 (61 91 744-9200 (61 93 941-5400 May 11, 1988 LAnID Mr. .Ray Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Windsong Cove 'Homeowners' Association Dear Mr. Patchett: At the last Board of Directors' Meeting, both Ann Kulchin and Planning Director Mike Holzmiller were invited to attend to hear concerns regarding proposed annexation to the Assoc- iation, as well as health and safety issues. Ms. Kulchin suggested that we direct this correspondence to you. We have listed the issues that are of major concern to us: 1) It is our belief that the proposed annexation would be in violation of the CCbRs - Page 25, Section 11 (b). (A copy is enclosed for your review). It appears tht the right to annex has expired on August a, ~-187. 2) Should the development proceed - we would like to go on record with the following concerns that need to be addressed: a) A major concern is for the health and safety of our residents. Can we be assured that there will be adequate access for emergency services? b) The present entrance roads are barely sufficient for the volume of traffic at existing levels. We feel that major damage may occur to the asphal. struction traffic or increased traffic volume. The Association has also recently spent funds on the installation of speed bumps, and these surely would be decimated. and drains beneath the asphalt - due to any con- c) The roads do not seem to meet City standards at this time. Will new roads need to be constructed (Specifically, all roads within the project). Communlty Assocmtlon/Property Management LL ~y narraycl ' May 11, 1988 I) Page -2- * d) In reviewing the sub-division map, it appears as if the developer would need to remove one small sj in the rear of the project. Is that accurate? e) We are concerned about access through the securit gates. At this time construction trucks would not be able to traverse through the existing set- f) We are also concerned about the ultimate decline property value - due to the problems which will arise in construction, including property damage sulting from inadequate access. g) And, if development is approved, why can't access granted throush Harbor Drive or on a finished roal outside the Palms by the YMCA park? 3) We have also outlined issues regarding traffic safety on Chinquapin to Mr. Holzmiller. We would like your responsm to the following: a) JeLferson and Chirqudpin intersect. At this Lime "YIELD" sign is not sufficient. We would like to have a "S'rOP" sign reinstalled. b) The "NOT A THROUGH STREET" sign does not seem to 1 effective at the corner of Chinquapin and Jeffers Perhaps this sign could be relocated for greater visibility. c) The exit at Windsong Cove is very dangerous when vehicles are parked on the east side of the drive We would like to have this area designated as a 'I PARKING ZONE;" red curbed if necessary. In summation, the homeowners at Windsong Cove Homeowners' As iation have many concerns to which they would like the City respor,d to. We also request that a copy of the final sub-division map, a well as the stipulated conditions or provision for developme be forwarded to the Association. And, if they are on file k the City, we request a copy of the original plumbing and elf trical plans for Windsong Cove. These have never been suppl to the Association by Sears. We appreciate your review and look forward to your response these issues. S'ncerely, F R THE BO OF DIRECTORS I " .... . ~,l&r~kp:~ Melinda Y9ung\ Project Mqnagqr ,i cc: Ann Kulchin/Councilwoman /ms r ,\ ! '.. . .. " " Mike Holzmiller/Planning D Lindsay Management \ Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists It, ,.. r; " r\ J 1' PETITION ,' ..I f As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Nhmber member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 - - .- I. Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No.,74-22, Map No. 8107. I un,derstand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. [ member I 6992 W Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Address I 93 113 99 Phone Number [ member I 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. J ~- Address V36'0 79 3 Phone Number member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this mat er. F Address Phone Number member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium C Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. 2.7 - A%/ -4/ 3/ Phone Number [ member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address I Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Hap No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Phone Number f member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Phone Number [ member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a,public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I, - Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. J/3 L23Y4????0 Phone Number member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 .- -. 1 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. d cooperation in this matter. Nan#"Y 4 [f[Y Pho'ne 'Number ' 6992 E3 Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium E Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. q/&g 7q Phone Number member 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium E; Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. (2/3)43/-53 73 Phone Number 6992 E3 Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services ~ ~- Y U Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name I1 1 Address scs- L;Wr3\S' Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manauement Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Con'sulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Flap No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number member I e community la EEt!tl 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Na%e Address r Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the uroDosed develoDment of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsdad-Tract No. 74'-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 71f 837-56513. Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 I member 0 community a!Eioc(ations Instttute Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. cooperation in this matter. Name Address 4*3+--/34- Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name d &xg& Interior Decorator 2972 STATE ST: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 619 434-5848 6992 E3 Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. cooperation in this matter, 821 A Kalpati Circle Carlsbad, Calif. Address 434 - 0790 Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services -~ _-_ J U Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Hap No. 8107. I understand that easements' nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. 43g- 3 827 Phone Number member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name - /A< . Phone Number member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carfsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services --- ~~ ~ -- Y U Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential 1 homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 833 LID a 3 ; Address I-r?Y -02g7 Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services. Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address Phone Number [ member 1 I 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 I Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists PETITION As a Member of the AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. I understand that easements nay exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential homeowners with Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. n Name Address - Phone Number 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Exondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 June 21, 1988 PET1 TI ON Page One Dear Carlsbad City Council Members: As a Citizen of Carlsbad and as a Carlsbad Merchant, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad tract No. 74 - 22, Map No. 8107. This Lot borders the North bank of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Owner's Associations which would grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public Road. Easements may exist through the Windsong Cove/Agua Hedionda Home- THIS ENTIRE SITUATION FRIGHTENS ME ! ! ! Currently, our joint Associations of 140 and 90 units seems barely accessible by Emergency vehicles now. We have already been forced to install Speed Bumps, Fire Lanes and Towing Signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of Construction and Residential Traffic on our semi-private roads in unacceptable. Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of both Construction and further residential traffic across our property and grant alternative access to Lot 5. Thank you for your assistance. name address CQeLrbaA 4 phone 15. . Y Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, ,AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Seruias - J5, cz -I a Li: , x) Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Spcciatists -, fr- June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hediond; &xa4 Interior Decorator STATE ST SBAD, CA 92008 619 434-5848 have recently been made aware of ____ I approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in tnis matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION I 6992 El carnir Real, Suite 1C . rrlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible 'by emergency vehicles now!!! !de have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 Gnits OR Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIO-NDA HOMEOWNPRS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La JoUa/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium E Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! Me have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION member 1 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manaaement Services ~ ~ ~ ___ J U Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emerpency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIO DA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION /J member I 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium C Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council blembers: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! \Ale have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council klembers: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La JoUa/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La JoUa/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION [ member I 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsay Management Services Condominium E; Homeowner Associations. Accounting; Consulting: Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Lindsav Manauement Services ~ ~ ~ - -_ w U Condominium G Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Nembers: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION PHONE ADDRESS [ member I 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 kondido: (619) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Nsme Address V 6(q, di 34 vq Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone\ Number I. i Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. .. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Address V Phone Number Windsong' cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. ur assistance and cooperation in this matter. / ,,/ Phone Number .. . .. . .. . .. .-- Windsong' Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name . Phone Number , PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. ZZg- 5331 Phone Number .. .. . . . . . . .-- - - x PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No. 8107 1 understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in Name .. NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. \ Phone Number .. .- . .. Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. XI% PakidZ Address *- - Phone Number .- .I Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. $11- I3 2 I Address I Phone Number .. Windsong ,cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. #3+ d4- Phone Number c Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address Phone Number Windson! cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. +3q - 6~~3 Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. cooperation in this matter. Address v '22-9 /b- Phone Number Windson!. cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. ,4 PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Y34 -- ?//D Phone Number Windson! cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative accsss. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation Oe4J Addrgss in this matter. 34- 7fJO Phon& Number .. . . ... . e PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. e and cooperation in this matter. Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximatel? 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in @2-% Name - NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. Phone Number .C PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carisbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in #di 2--Q Address NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. 46 Phone Number .- ..I 4 PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 729-3FY7 Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. and cooperation in this matter. pdamk ,/’ /” y3$44$% Ph‘one Number . Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. /-- ZL laaccU2 Address Phone Number .- PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximatel; 130 units on Lot 5, Carisbid Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in G- Name Phone Number - NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. ILVDb7 Phone Number Windsong' cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 6/77 Y3 Phone Nbmber I Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. .- Ph6ne 'Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 619 1.L4-67~ r Phone Number I PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. q 34 - ". .. . . . . " .... ~ _*-._ "___l".l ..,. .. .., . . .. .. ... ... -: -- . PETITIOI As a Member of the Windsong Cove Conddnium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. r'\ Name 6 19 - I Phone Number I Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in Name (6~) 43Lj -31 Phone Number NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in Name ~ NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. Phone Number * Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No, 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access, Thank you and cooperation in 43+Zk?Z Phone Number NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. Windson! cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximatel; 130 units on Lot 5, Carisbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in - NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you forryour assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number . . . . . . . . . - Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. in this matter. t Address Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. 43q- sa aq Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. r Ph’one Number ’ I- Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Yx-+r7 77 Phone Number L cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! ' Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emerqency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. &? 43v 5487 Phone Number . . . . . . . June 14, 1988 Windsong cove Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. a This entire situation frightens me! . Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, /.I PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. 5%7-z7s8 Phone Number Windson! cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. * This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is UnacceDtable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Windsong cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is UnacceDtable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION r +m7-F(gz..tf. 7 d 9 -?La/ ADDRESS PHONE PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. A fl Name ~~ ~ Phone Number . ._ -. . .- . . . -. . L Windsong cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emerqency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION c Windson. cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name 724 2-7 22- Phone Number c 4. Windsong Cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! . Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emerqency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. operation in this matter. cooperation in this matter. &/- y23& Phone Number . . . . . . . . . .. . .~ ~ June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. - This entire situation frightens me! ' Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION .- Windsong' Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. / Address 434-443 Phone Number c Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carisbid Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in Address 9/12, Phone Number - NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. . Name I Phone Number . .. . PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. d</44 %cls& Address Phone Number U Windson! Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name' 3 89 -i> 37 Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. ?-- Name \ Ll%\W-4?&3 Phone Number C. Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. r I rd I Name 43G- 53.2 Phon& Number . . .. .. . PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address 725-63VQ Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. %- Name Address cc3+- 086Y Phone Number . - .. . . . . . . . . -. . . PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank yo-r your assistance and i cooperation in this matter. Phone Number Windsong' cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No, 74-22, Map No, 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. cooperation in this matter. Name Address I v Phone Number __ . . . . . . . . . . . PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road, Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter, Address c Phone Number Windsong' cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. +4u4? pc-d Address p-y--Z/voy Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. r assistance and cooperation in this matter. ,- Address 4254- Phone Number . ..- PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. tance and cooperation in this matter. Name V Address Phone Number . Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. stance and cooperation in this matter. Address Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I/ Address 7{3 yo Phone Number l_r/ Wzndsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name / 1 Address Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Y3 %, Ph6ne”Nbmber PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. and cooperation in this matter. Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address -4476- Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name W Address 72Yl- Y3s7 Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. / fl Name Phone Number .- Windson! cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. . Name I qw-it-Id( Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name’ Address .- (I_. . Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Address I" Phone Number PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name Address Phone Number Windsong' Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. 9 -0336 Phone Number Windsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my which grant construction and residential traffic Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in Name Address 7aq- 6eb 8' Phone Number - NO. 74-22, Association access to potential home- this matter. .- A Windsong' cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. *.<l LW Wzndsong cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. (&PI 727- Y.3-G Phone Number Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Windsong Cove PETITION As a Member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107 I understand that easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. Therefore, I urge you to grant the developer and potential home- owners within Lot 5 alternative access. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Name . .& 27 June 1988 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, Calif. Dear Mayor Lewis, the development of th? final stage of the Windsong Cove/Palms planned development community decisions concerning opening Harbor Drive to construction traffic. from Harbor Drive has been a walk-thru,entrance to allow access to the wetlands as prescribed by the Coastal Commission. All of the original city exhibits, provided by the developer, and City Managers Staff Report/Memorandum to the Planning Commission of 9 May 1972 (Reference: Section I, Paragraph 3 and Section IV, Paragraph 2) provide for the guidance of traffic flow in and around the development areas. The easement established by the owners of Lots No. 3 & 1 in Case No. 490779, San Diego Superior Court, and described in the California Department of Real Estate Report No. 054064LA-LOO, issued 19 April 1983, Pages 4 & 7, further establishes the ingress and egress to the property. I recently received the attached flyer from Windsong Cove in relation to As a resident of Harbor Drive, I am obviously very concerned about any From the original ordinance in 1972 the only ingress and egress allowed 0 The owners within the Windsong/Palms development were aware of the design and easements when they purchased their property. 0 The interior walkways for pedestrians, and play areas for children are inside the the development center and away from traffic flow patterns. 0 The roadways are equipped with "speedbumps" which will limit the speed of construction vehicles and damage to the roadway surface. 0 Harbor Drive has no provisions for limiting the speed of constSuction traffic. The chances of getting law enforcement to control speed is very slim. 0 There are no sidewalks on Harbor Drive and the positioning of telephone poles dictate that pedestrians walk in the center portion of the roadway when passing parked vehicles. 0 There are over twenty pre-teen children on Harbor Drive at this time. When Harbor Drive was used for construction access to deliver building materials and remove the buildings from the property, it created some extremely dangerous situations. Traffic speed was not controlled and the drainage apron at the intersection of Harbor Drive and Chinquapin received so much damage from the heavy vehicles that it had to be reconstructed twice. Prior to purchasing my home in 1975 I paid the City of Carlsbad for a copy of all ordinances, resolutions, and memorandums concerning easments and access to Harbor Drive. This was the major consideration in the purchase of this property. I was reassured by the City Council and Mr. Larry Hunts in 1982 that there was no plan to provide for the opening of Harbor Drive. I believe the vision and decisions put forth on this matter by the city, from the initial planning stages through the development of the various areas, should be allowed to stand. Page 2 I suggest that the planning commission examine the access road which lies to the west of the Palms development and to the east of the railroad tracks as an alternate construction access route This road is used primarily on weekends to service the YMCA camp It can be 'accessed from Chinquapin St or from Tamarack Ave This access route would not impact a residential area It is my understanding that an approved final site plan is still valid for this phase of the development I believe it would not be in the best interests of the City of Carlsbad or its residents to put the city in a position of liability on this matter &QL Sin rely, mes A. Hawes Carlsbad, 92008 Courtesy Copies: Mr. Marty Orenyak Mr. Mike Howes Mr. John Mamaux Mr. Mark Pettine Ms. Ann Kulchin Mr. Eric Larsen Mr. Adam Birnbaum June 14, 1988 Dear Windsong Covc/P;llms HomeooJnsr : As you msy be aware, Windsong Cove/Palms was originally designed as a five phase project consisting of approxii.iat?ly 250 units. Obviously, only the first three phases were develoFcd which now compriss a tozL1 of 161 units. The undeveloped property Lonsists of Lot 5 which is locaeed Ldjacdnt ta the lagoon and abutt.. thz south end of the Palm and the Cove. At this Lime, interest has been express€.: in developing Lot 5. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPHENT OF LOT 5 SERI0U:;LY IMPACTS YOUR ASSOCIATION. The developer claims that easements exis. within the Association which would allow construction and residential traffic to access Lot 5 tnroug the existing development of Windsong Covl /Pitlms. In order to.riiost effectively address thi.> issue, the Board of Directors has determined the following: 1. Any aits construcLed on Lot 5 could riot be annexed into the Associ ation wichouc approvsl of two-thirds of ..he membership. Therefore, wit the sxcepeion of tns security gat? and i..tcrnal streets, common arcd faciliti5s wculd riGt Le shared without ni\:mbzrship approval. 2. The purchzser of Lot 5 is Marlborougii Developmene. MLrlborougri Development is locAeid in Rancho Ca1ifor:'ia. It is their intent to develop apprcximatdly 130 "up-scale" cont.miniums. Currently, Marl- borough Development is attempting to gaiJL City approval for a "haul rOUtS pass" from Harbor Drive. to access Lot 5 from Harbor. This w0u.d ~llow construction trafiic 3. When the final Map (No. 8107) was or-ginally approved by the City of Carlsbad, Harbor Drive was not consid<-red suitable public access to Lot 5. Obviouslv, it is to the benefit of the A sociatlon that construction ar rasidcntial Lccess co Lot 5 not be qrant d across Wlndsonq Cove pramrt This can be accomplished through legal a tlon and by applvinq political pressure to vour Citv Council Members as well as the Citv of CarlSULId. Therefore, your individual support and \.oncern become paramount in dealing with this issue. - - -- __ - ' .. . ,. - Windsong Cove Proposed Development of Lot 5 . Page 2 This correspcndencc is being disrributed ~y concerned homeowners. As you receive it, you will be appr-sed of Cauncil Meeting dates and any other '' grass -roots I' activity . You are enccuraqed to voice vour concern- and lend your suDport bv attendinq Couricil tvleetinqs and correspondinq with your Council Members. - Should YOU have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, FOR THE WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM -- NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE & ADOPTIOtj OF A MASTER PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 9, 1972, to - consider an application submitted by HUNTS PARTNERSHIP, for a zone change from !?-?-?,5QO a;: (R-T) Residential Tourist Zone to (P-C) Zone and Adoption of a Specific Plan on property located on the easterly side of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way, westerly of Interstate-5 c - _-_c_ - and southerly of Chinquapin Avenue described as follows: that portion of Tract - 233 of Thum LanbL 1. a I of California according to map thereof No. 1681, \\ City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ! filed in the office of the County Recorder of I said San Diego County, December 9, 1915; Also known as San Diego County Assessor's Parcels 11, 12 and 13 of Book 205, Page 10; Parcels 6, 7, 8, 9', 10 of Gook 206, Page 22; and more particularly described on file in the Carlsbad City Planning - a - -- - -- -A - _____- - - --__ _- CYew _/-. __ _.__ - _/--------- ---- CARL SB AD C IT Y PLANN It1 G C OElM I S S I Orl Publish: April 27, 1972 Plann J Commission City Manager Request for a reclassification in zone from R-1 and R-T to P-C (Planned Comrqunity) and Adoption of a Specific Plan on property located south of Chinquapin, north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, east of A.T. & S.F. rail- road and west of 1-5. Report SubmStted by: City Manager, Engineering , Fire Building Inspector, Parks and Recreation and Planning Departments Section I - General Discussion The proposed project is for the development of 418, two bed- room condominium units on a 23+ acre parcel of land at an approx- imate density of 18+ units per acre. The property is located in existing R-l and 11-T zones and is adjoined to the north by other R-7 properties along Chinquapin, Auga Hedionda Lagoon to the south, 1-5 to the east, A.T. S.F. railroad to the west. Off street parking will be provided as stipulated in City of Carlsbad park- .ing ordinance. to handle the anticipated population increase. Water and sewer facilities along Chinquapin are adequate . - .. s will be generated from Jefferson Street via Tamarack Avenue and from the Chinquapin . freeway overcrossing. Internal circulation trill be facilitated through a network of horizontal two way curved str.eets, designed for the integra- tion of’low speed automobile traffic and pedestrian walkways. There, will be no cross streets. appears to be compatible with, ? development and use of Aguar Renderings depict agoon frontage as developed and:2ma71 beach fronts to accomodate both residents of the project and the general public. Sec.tion I1 - Recommendation ing reasons and subject to the following conditions. The Staff recommends approval of the project for the follow- __ __-- . _-- - _- UEPAHTMENT OF HEAL ESTATE UF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7 In the matter of the application of ALLsTAm SAVmGs AND Law AssocIATIoN condcminium FINAL SUBDIVISION PUBLlC KEPUKT FlzE No. 054064IA-LOO . ISSUED: APRIL 19, 1983 for a Final Subdivision Public Report on TRET NO. 74-22, IMT 3 wI”I; COVE of Papagap by the Bay PHASE I1 SAN DIECO COUNTY, CALJmRNIA EXPIRES: APRIL 18, 1988 J THIS REPORT Is NOT A RECOMMENDATION OR ENDORSEMENT OF THE SUBDIVISION BUT Is INFORHATIVE ONLY I I I LjUYER OR LESSEE NUST.SIGN THAT HE HAS HECEIVED AND HEAD THIS REPORT I N A copy of this subdivision public report along with a statement advising that a copy of the public report may be obtained from the 0 owner, subdivider, or agent at any time, upon oral or written request, must be posted in a conspicuous place at any office where 1 sales or leases or offers to sell or lease lots within the subdivision are regularly made. E [Reference BLP Code Section 11018.l(b)l Thi8 .R~port Expir.8 on D8t8 Shorn Abov.. If Thoro HI8 6een 8 H8tarial Chmngo in tho OCC8ring, 8n Amonded Public Roport Hu8t bo Obtainod 8nd U8od in Liou of Thi8 Roport. Section 35700 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that the practice of ditcrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in housing accommodations is against public policy. Under Section 125.6 of the CaliTornia Businesa and Professions Code, California real estate licensees are subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if they make any discrimination, distinction or restriction in negotiating sale or lease of real property because of the race, color, sex, religion, ancestry or national origin of the prospective buyer. If any prospective buyer or lessee believea that a licensee is guilty of such conduct, he or she should contact the Department of Real Estate. Ro8d tho ontiro roport on tho following p8g.8 bofore contracting to pUrCh880 8 lot in thf8 8Ubdivi8ion. RE Form 618 (Rev. 9/30/82) I COMMON INVEREST SUBDlVlSJON GENERAL INFORMATION The project described in the attached Subdivision Public Report is known as a common-interest subdivision. Read the Public Report carefully for more information about the type of subdivision. Tbc subdivision includes common arcas and facilities which will be owned and/or operated by an ownen' association. Purchase of a lot or unit automatically entitles and obligates you as a member of the qssociation and, in most cnscs, includes I beneficial inlerest in the nitas and facilities. Since membership in the association is mandatory, you should be aware of the following information before you purchase: Your ownership in this development and jour rights mad remedies 8s 8 member of Its association will be amtrolled by governing instruments which generally mclude a Declaration of Restrictions (also known as CCBR's). Anicles of Incorporation (or association) and ByLaws. The provisions of these documents are intended to be. and in most cases are, enforceable in a COU~ of law. !Stud) Char documents carefully before entering into a cootract to purchase a subdivision interest. In order to provide funds for operation and maintenance of the common facilities. the ruocirtion rill kv) rssessmcnts against your lot/unit. If you are khquent in !he pr) ment of assessments, the rssocttion may enforce payment through courl proceedings or your b(/unit ma) be liencd and sold through thr exercise of a power of sale. 1 he anticipated income and expenses of tbe mociation. including the amount that you may expect to pay th!ough assessments, arc outlined in the proposed budgci. AsL lo sce I cop) of the budget if the rubdivider has not already made it rvailable for your cumination. A bomtowner association provides a vehicle for the ownership and use of recreational and other common 6cilities which were designed to attract you to buy in this subdivision The association also provides a means lo uromplish architectural control and to provide a base for bomeouner interaction on a variety of issues. The purdrascr of an interest in 1 common-interest subdbision Bwld contemplate active participrfion in the aflairr of tbe rrsociation. He or she should be willing to serve on. the board of dirtcton or on committees created by the board. In short, %e)." h 8 common-interest subdivision k yyoua. Unless you serve as a member of the governing board or on a committee appointed by the board, your control of the operation of the common areas and facilities is limited to your vote as a member of the association. There am actions that can be Uken by the governing body without a vote of the members of the rssociation which can have 8 significrnl imprct upon the qualit) of life for .nocution members. Until there is a sufficient number of purchasers of lots or units in a common-interest subdivision to elect a majority of the governing body, it is likely that the rubdivider will effectively control the affairs of the association. It is frequently necessav and equitable that the subdivider do so during the early stages of development. It k vbU) important to the owners of individual subdivision interests that the transition from subdivider to residentowner control k accomplished in an orderly manner and in a spirit of cooperation. When contemplating the purchase of a dwelling in a common-interest subdivision, you should consider factors beyond the attractiveness of the dwelling units themsilves. Study the governing instruments and give arcful thought to whether you will be able to exist happily in an atmosphere of cooperative living where the interests of the group must be taken into account as well 8s the interests of the individual. Remember that managing a common-interest subdivision is very much like governing a small community . . . the management un serve you well. but you will have to work for its succcy~ -m . . .-- RE Form 646 (Rev. 03/31/81} PAGE 2 OF 9 SPECIAL NOTES 1. THIS REPORT COVERS ONLY PHASE II OF THE WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT, UNITS 38 THROUGH 89. 2. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS: THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 70, PROVIDES FOR LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO EXERCISE PRE- VENTIVE MEASURES DURING GRADING TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE DAMAGE FROM GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SUCH AS LANDSLIDES, FAULT MOVEMENTS, EARTHQUAKE SHAKING, RAPID EROSION OR SUBSI- DENCE. THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED IN AN AREA WHERE SOME OF THESE HAZARDS MAY EXIST. SOME CALIFORNIA COUNTIES AND CITIES HAVE ADOPTED ORDINANCES THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE AS EFFECTIVE IN THE CONTROL OF GRADING AND SITE PREPARATION. PURCHASERS MAY DISCUSS WITH THE DEVELOPER, THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIALS TO DETERMINE IF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED HAZARDS HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED AND IF THERE HAS BEEN ADEQUATE COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 70 OR AN EQUIVALENT OR MORE STRINGENT GRADING ORDINANCE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SUBDIVISION. 3. THIS PROJECT IS A COMMON-INTEREST SUBDIVISION OF THE TYPE REFERRED TO AS A "CONDOMINIUM". IT WILL BE OPERATED BY AN INCORPORATED OWNERS ASSOCIATION. 4. THE ASSOCIATION HAS THE RIGHT TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS AGAINST YOU FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON AREAS AND OTHER PURPOSIB. YOUR CONTROL OF OPERATIONS AND EXPENSES IS LIMITED TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE ON CERTAIN PROVISIONS AT MEETINGS. 5. SINCE THE COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES WILL BE MAIN- TAINED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF HOMEOWNERS, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS ASSOCIATION BE FORMED EARLY AND PROPERLY. THE HOME- OWNER ASSOCIATION MUST HOLD THE FIRST ELECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION'S GOVERNING BODY WITHIN 45 DAYS AFTER 51% SELL OUT OF THE INTERESTS AUTHORIZED FOR SALE UNDER THE FIRST PUBLIC REPORT FOR THE SUBDIVISION; OR, IN ANY EVENT, NO LATER THAN SIX MONTHS AFTER CLOSING THE FIRST SALE (REGULA- TIONS 2792.17 AND 2792.19); AND PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE TO ALL HOMEOWNERS A BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT. (REGU- LATION 2792.22). 6. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS POSTED A LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,331,700.00 TO ASSURE COMPLETION OF COMMON AREA IM- PROVEMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE "PLANNED CONSTRUCTION STATE- MENT" ATTACHED TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT. THE ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE FOR THESE IMPROVEMENTS IS DECEMBER, 1983. Page 3 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO SPECIAL NOTES (Continued): 7. 8. 9. 10. THE SUBDIVIDER MUST PAY ALL THE MONTHLY ASSESSMENTS WHICH HE OWES TO THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR UNSOLD UNITS -- THE PAYMENTS MUST COMMENCE ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH AFTER SUBDIVIDER CLOSES FIRST SALE. (REGULATION 2792.9 AND 2792.16). THE SUBDIVIDER HAS STATED THAT HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, RESTRICTIONS, AND BYLAWS, BY FURNISHING YOU COPIES PRIOR TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. THESE DOCUMENTS CONTAIN NUMEROUS MATERIAL PROVISIONS THAT SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECT AND CONTROL YOUR RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, USE, OBLIGATIONS, AND COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. YOU SHOULD READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO PURCHASE A UNIT. THE SUBDIVIDER STATED HE WILL FURNISH THE CURRENT BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION THE BUILDING PLANS OF THE AREAS OF THE ASSOCIATION'S RESPONSIBILITY, TO INCLUDE DIAGRAMS OF LOCATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS, UTILITIES, AND RELATED DATA. THESE ITEMS WILL BE IMPORTANT TO THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OR THOSE WHO WILL MANAGE OR REPAIR COMMON FACILITIES IN THlS SUBDIVISION. IN SAN DIEGO SUPERIOR COURT CASE NUMBER 490779, ENTITLED AGUA HEDIONDA ASSOCIATION, PLAINTIFF V . ALLSTATE SAVINGS, DEFENDANT, AND ALLSTATE SAVINGS, CROSS-COMPLAINANT V. AGUA HEDIONDA ASSOCIATION, CROSS-DEFENDANT (THE "ACTION") , THE AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION (WHICH IS THE HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR LOT 1 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 74-22, WHICH IS ADJACENT TO LOT 3 (PHASE n)) HAS SOUGHT TO ESTAB- LISH AN EASEMENT FOR A RIGHT OF WAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PASS OVER A PORTION OF THE ROAD WHICH RUNS ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN LOT 3 AND LOT 1 (THE "ROAD"). THE ROAD IS CONSTRUCTED SUCH THAT THE EASTERLY LANE OF THE ROAD IS SIUTATED ON LOT 1 (THE ''LCrr 1 PORTION") AND THE WESTERLY LANE OF THE ROAD IS SITUATED ON LOT 3 (THE "LOT 3 PORTION"), IN THE ACTION, THE AGUA HEDIONDA ASSOCIATION SEEKS TO ESTABLISH AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOT 1 OWNERS OVER THE LOT 3 PORTION OF THE ROAD, AND ALLSTATE SAVINGS SEEKS TO ESTABLISH AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF ITSELF, AND FUTURE LOT 3 OWNERS, OVER THE LOT 1 PORTION OF THE ROAD. THE SUBDIVIDER HAS AGREED THAT, ON OR PRIOR TO THE CLOSE OF ESCROW FOR THE SALE OF THE FIRST CONDOMINIUM IN LOT 3 (PHASE II), IT SHALL GRANT AN EASEMENT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS, IN FAVOR OF ALL OWNERS OF CONDOMINIUMS IN LOT 1, OVER THE LOT 3 PORTION OF THE ROAD. THE GRANT DEED WHICH YOU WILL RECEIVE WILL BE SUBJECT TO THIS EASEMENT. Page 4 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO SPECIAL NOTES (Continued): 11. 12. 13. THE DEVELOPER'S ENGINEER HAS SUBMITTED DRAWINGS IN WHICH HE STATES THAT OWNERS IN UNITS 38 THROUGH 54 WILL BE ABLE TO ENTER AND LEAVE THEIR GARAGES WITHOUT DRIVING ONTO LOT 1 (WHICH IS NOT PART OF THIS PROJECT). POTENTIAL BUYERS OF THESE UNITS SHOULD VERIFY THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY ENTER AND LEAVE THE GARAGE AS STATED, SINCE EASEMENT RIGHTS TO USE THE LOT 1 PORTION OF THE ROAD HAVE NOT YET BEEN GRANTED. THE SUBDIVIDER OF THIS PROJECT HAS INDICATED THAT lT INTENDS TO SELL ALL OF THE UNITS IN THIS PROJECT; HOWEVER, ANY OWNER, INCLUDING THE SUBDIVIDER, HAS A LEGAL RIGHT TO LEASE THE UNITS. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SHOULD CONSIDER POSSIBLE EFFECTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT IF A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE UNITS BECOME RENTAL PROPERTIES. IF YOU PURCHASE FIVE OR MORE SUBDIVISION INTERESTS (LOTS/UNITS, OR MEMBERSHIPS FROM THE SUBDIVIDER, HE/SHE IS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY THE REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONER OF THE SALE. IF YOU INTEND TO SELL YOUR INTERESTS OR LEASE THEM FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN AMENDED SUBDIVISION PUBLIC REPORT BEFORE YOU CAN OFFER THEM FOR SALE OR LEASE. WARNING: WHEN YOU SELL YOUR CONDOMINIUM INTEREST TO SOMEONE ELSE, YOU MUST GIVE THAT PERSON A COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND OF THE BYLAWS, AND A TRUE STATEMENT CONCERNING ANY DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS, PENALTIES, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR OTHER CHARGES, PROVIDED BY THE CCbcR5 OR OTHER MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTS ON THE LOT OR UNIT AS OF THE DATE THE STATEMENT WAS ISSUED. NOTE: - IF YOU FORGET TO DO THIS, IT MAY COST YOU A PENALTY CIVIL CODE SECTION 1360). OF $500.00 -- PLUS ATTORNEYS' FEES AND DAMAGES. (SEE THIS CIVIL CODE SECTION 1360 ALSO PROVIDES THAT SUBDIVIDERS MUST FURNISH A TRUE STATEMENT CONCERNING ANY DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT PENALTIES, ATTORNEYS' FEES, OR OTHER CHARGES PROVIDED BY THE CCdcR'S, OR OTHER MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTS ON THE LOT OR UNIT AS OF THE DATE THE STATEMENT WAS ISSUED. INTERESTS TO BE CONVEYED: You will receive fee title to a specified unit, together with an undivided fractional fee interest as a tentant in common in the common area, together with a membership in the "Windsong Cove Condominium Association" and rights to use the common area. Page 5 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO LOCATION AND SIZE. The subdivision is located on Chinquapin Avenue and Jefferson Street within the city limits of Carlsbad, and is serviced by the usual city utilities and services. Prospective purchasers should acquaint themselves with the kinds of city services available. This is the second phase which consists of approximately 3.001 acres on which 7 buildings containing 52 units and 52 garages and 21 open parking spaces will be constructed. Common facilities consisting of 1 swimming pool, 1 spa, 1 barbeque area, 1 recreation pavillion, landscaping and walkways will be constructed on Lot 3. This phase is part of a total project which, if developed as proposed, will consist of a total of 5 phases and 283 units. There is no assurance that the total project will be completed as proposed. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION: The Windsong Cove Condominium Associa- tion, which you must join, manages and operates the common area in accor- dance with ihe Restrictions, ArGcles of incorporation, and the Bylaws. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: The subdivider has submitted budgets for the maintenance and operation of the common areas and for long-term reserves when the subdivision is substantially completed (built-out budget) and an interim budget applicable to this phase. These budgets were reviewed by the Department of Real Estate in May, 1982. You should obtain copies of these budgets from the Subdivider. Under the built-out budget, the monthly assessment against each subdivision interest is estimated to be $109.14. The Association may or may not elect to use this budget when additional phases are annexed. Under the interim budget, the monthly assessment per unit after annexation of Phase II is estimated to be $117.81. Of these amounts, the monthly contributions toward long-term reserves, which are not to be used to pay for current operating expenses, are $20.52. According to the subdivider, assessments under the interim budget should be sufficient for proper maintenance and operation of the common areas until the devleopment is substantially corn- pleted at which time it may be anticipated that assessments will be ad- justed. IF THE BUDGET FURNISHED TO YOU BY THE DEVELOPER SHOWS A MONTHLY ASSESSMENT FIGURE WHICH VARIES 10% OR MORE FROM THE ASSESSMENT AMOUNT SHOWN IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE BEFORE ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE. The Association may increase or decrease assessments at any time in accor- dance with the procedure prescribed in the CC&R's or Bylaws. In considera- ting the advisability of a decrease (or a smaller increase) in assessments, care should be taken not to eliminate amounts attributable to reserves to replacement or major maintenance. Page 6 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO -4.. .- THE BUDGET INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS PUBLIC REPORT IS APPLICABLE AS OF THE DATE OF THE BUDGET REVIEW AS SHOWN ABOVE. EXPENSES OF OPERATION ARE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AND EVEN IF ACURATELY ESTIMATED INITIALLY, MOST EXPENSES IN- CREASE WITH THE AGE OF FACILITIE~ AND WITH INCREASES IN THE COST OF LIVING. Monthly assessments will commence on all units on the first day of the month following the closing of the first sale of a unit. The remedies available to the association against owners who are delinquent in the payment of assessments are set forth in the CCdtR's. These remedies are available against the Subdivider as well as against other owners. The Subdivider has posted a Letter of Credit as partial security for its obligation to pay these assessments. The governing body of the Association should assure itself that the Subdivider has satisfied its obligations to the Association with respect to the payment of assessments before agreeing to a release or exoneration of the security, EASEMENTS: Easements for utilities, rights of way, sewers and under- ground communications and other purposes are shown on the Title Report and Subdivision Map recorded in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder, Map Number 8107 of Maps, and Condominium Plan recorded June 7, 1982 as File Number 82-172838. Easements for ingress and egress across some of the, roads in Lot 2 have been granted to the owners of an adjacent parcel (Lot 1). These easements are generally in the form of a loop across Lot 2 from Lot 1, a leg southerly from the loop, and across the-south end of Lot 2 to the southwest corner of Lot 1. In addition, an easement of ingress and egress has been, or will be, granted to owners of condominiums in Lot 1, as explained in Special Note No. 10 of this Public Report. RESTRICTIONS: This subdivision is subject to Restrictions recorded in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder in Book 1531, Page 109 of Deeds on September 25, 1928; Condominium Restrictions recorded on June 9, 1982 as File/Page No. 82-172837; Amendment to Declaration recorded on August 6, 1982 as Instrument No. 82-242544; and Condominium Plan for Phase 11 and Declaration of Annexation for Windsong Cove, both recorded April 19, 1983 as File Nos. 83-124736 and 83-124737, respectively. FOR INFORMATION AS TO YOUR OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS, YOU SHOULD READ THE RESTRICTIONS. THE SUBDIVIDER SHOULD MAKE THEM AVAILABLE TO YOU. TAXES: The maximum amount of any tax on real property that can be col- lected annually by counties is 1% of the full cash value of the property. With the addition of interest and redemption charges on any indebtedness, approved by voters prior to July 1, 1978, the total property tax rate in most counties is approximately 1.25% of the full cash value. In some counties, the total tax rate could be well above 1.25% of the full cash Page 7 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO value. For example, an issue of general obligation bonds previously approved by the voters and sold by a county water district, a sanitation district or other such district could increase the total tax. For the purchaser of a lot or unit in this subdivision, the flfull cash valueff of the lot or unit will be the valuation, as reflected on the tax roll, determined by the county assessor as of the date of purchase of the lot or unit or as of the date of completion of an improvement on the lot if that occurs after the date of purchase. CONDITIONS OF SALE: If your purchase involves financing, a form of deed of trust and note will be used. The provisions of these documents may vary depending upon the lender selected-. These documents may contain the following provisions: Buy-Down Program. The owner of this project, Allstate Savings and Loan Association, may offer a Buy-Down Program. For a period of 30 to 60 months Allstate Savings and Loan Association will buy-down the prevailing interest rate to 12-3/4% and your mortgage payments will be adjusted accordingly. After the period of the Buy-Down, your mortgage payments will be readjusted to the interest rate as stated in your loan documents. An Acceleration Clause: This is a clause in a mortgage or deed of trust which provides if the borrower (trustor) defaults on the loan or sells the property, the lender may declare the unpaid balance of the loan immediately due and payable. An Acceleration Clause triggered by sale of the property is sometimes referred to as a due-on-sale clause. On October 15, 1982, a federal law (Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982) was enacted which declares that the enforceability of due-on-sale clauses in loan contracts entered into after October 15, 1982, is to be governed exclusively by the terms of the loan contract itself. This is a controlling law for a mortgage loan made by any institutional or private mortgage lender. If the loan instrument for financing your purchase of an interest in this subdivision includes a due-on-sale clause, the clause will be automatically enforceable by the lender in the event of a sale of the property by you. This means that the loan will not be assumable by a purchaser of the pro- perty without the approval of the lender. If the lender does not declare the loan to be all due and payable on transfer of the property to you, the lender is nevertheless likely to insist upon modification of the terms of the instrument as a condition to permitting assumption by the buyer. The lender will almost certainly insist upon an increase in the interest rate if the prevailing interest rate at the time of the proposed sale of the property is higher than the interest rate of the promissory note by which you are financing the purchase of the property. Because of the confusion. that still surrounds the subject of due-on-sale clause enforceability, you should consider obtaining the advice of an attorney concerning the enforceability of a due-on-sale clause before making this purchase. Page 8 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO A "Balloon Payment1'. This means that your monthly payments are not large enough to pay off the loan with interest during: the Deriod for which the loan% writ'ten and that at the end of this perigd, yo; remaining balance in one payment. If you are unable to the remaining balance is a sizeable one, you should be possible difficulty in refinancing the balance. If you sell your property, or pay off the balloon payment, property. must pay the entire pay the balance and concerned with the cannot refinance or you will lose your A Prepayment Penalty. This means that :f you wish to pay off your loan in whole or in part before it is due, you must, in addition, pay a penalty. A Late Charge. This means that if you fail to make your installment payment on or before the due date, you, in addition, must pay a penalty. BEFORE SIGNING, YOU SHOULD READ AND THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND ALL LOAN DOCUMENTS. PURCHASE MONEY HANDLING: The subdivider must impound all funds re- ceived from you in an escrow at either: Allstate Savings and Loan, 701 North Brand Boulevard, Glendale, California 91203 or Land Title Insurance, 1330 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California, until legal title is delivered to you. (Refer to Sections 11013 and 11013.2(a) of the Business and Pro- f essions Code. ) If the escrow has not closed on your purchase within one (1) year of the date of escrow opening, you may request return of your deposit. NOTE: Section 2995 of the Civil Code provides that: "NO real estate developer shall require as a condition precedent to the transfer of real property containing a single family residential dwelling that escrow ser- vices effectuating such transfer shall be provided by an escrow entity wich the developer . . (owns or controls) 5% or more of the escrow entity." FILLED GROUND: The common area contains filled ground. The information concerning filled ground and soil conditions is available at City of Carlsbad, Planning Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CE. ifornia 92008. STREETS AND ROADS: The private streets within this project will be maintained by the homeowners association. The costs of repair and maintenance of these private streets are included in the budget and are a part of your regular assessment. For further information in regard to this subdivision, you may call (213) 620-2700 or examine the documents at the Department of Real Estate, 107 South Broadway, Room 7001, Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . P LG/O 12 7 Page 9 of 9 pages File No. 054064LA - LOO T 9 FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNClL CITY MANAGER I DATE : June 24, 1988 TO: RAY PATCHETT, CITY MANAGER FROM: Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director SUBJECT: ACCESS TO WINDSONG SHORES, CT 83-4/CP-227 Windsong Shores, a 130 unit condominium project, was approved by the City Council in November 1983. It was the last phase of a project that was originally known as Papagayo. The original Papagayo project had been renamed and divided into two major parts, Windsong Cove, which is existing at the present time, and Windsong Shores, which has an approved final map. See the attached location map. When the Windsong Shores project was approved, only a small portion of Windsong Cove was built. At that time the Windsong Shores was conditioned to gain access through the Windsong Cove project. See conditions numbers 38 and 40 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2186, attached. When these conditions were placed on this project, it was envisioned that the Windsong Shores project would be developed concurrently with or shortly after the unbuilt portions of Windsong Cove. These access conditions were placed on the project in an attempt to reduce construction impacts of this project on the surrounding single family neighborhood. As shown by the location map, most of the surrounding neighborhood consists of single family homes. Many of the people living in this area were longtime Carlsbad residents who were concerned about impacts on their neighborhood from the proposed project, especially construction traffic impacts. When this project was approved, the few existing residents of Windsong Shores did not express any concerns about this project gaining access through their project. During the intervening years, the remainder of the Windsong Cove project has been developed and occupied. Now the residents of Windsong Cove are concerned about the impacts of construction traffic on their neighborhood and its existing private streets. This concern has arisen because Marlborough Development Corporation is in the process of purchasing Windsong Shores and intends to build this project. Representatives of Marlborough have talked to both the homeowners and staff about the possibility of changing construction access to Harbor Drive rather than through the project. Staff has informed them to talk to the residents of Harbor Drive and try to make some .- Page 2 arrangements with them to get their support before they approached the City Council with this request. Staff has informed Marlborough that it would be difficult to change the conditions of approval for this project since it has a final map that was approved in January 1986. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2186 2. Location Map 3. Staff Report, dated September 28, 1983 MH:dm .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2186 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOC BETWEEN 1-5 AND THE AT & SF RAILROAD. APPLICANT: WINDSONG SHORES CASE NO.: CT 83-4/CP-227 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A 140 UNI'I WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to, wit: Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 74-22 according to Map thereof No. 8107 filed May 1, 1975 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 28th day of September, 1983, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. NOW, THERFORE,. BE IT BEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, tk Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 83-4/CP-227, based on thc following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City's ueneral plan since the overall density of the Windsong Shores development of 18 du's/acre is within the density ranq.5 of 10-20 du's/acre specified for the site as indicated on the land use element 01 the general plan. 2 c e .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 The site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density proposed . The project is consistent with all City public facility pol- icies and ordinances since: The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, insured that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission has added a condition that a note shall be placed on the final map that building permits may not be issued for the project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, and the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the public facilities element of the general plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. The Carlsbad School District has written a latter, dated February 25, 1983, stating that school facilities will be available to this project. Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of approval. All necessary public improvements have been provided or will be required as conditions of approval. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the general plan. The proposed project is consistent with the City's Planned Development Ordinance and also complies with the Design Guidelines Manual. The proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties are designated for residential development on the general plan. ?C RES0 NO. 2186 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 That all significant impacts have been mitigated, the project has been changed so as to mitigate these impacts, or social or economic factors exist which override these significant impacts as described below: Traffic Circulation Impact: The proposed project will contribute to the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Tamarack Avenue Mitigation: The applicant will be required to bond for and install a traffic signal at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Tamarack Avenue when it is warranted. Archaeology Impact: The project could destroy a significant archaeological site. Mitigation: A condition of the tentative map approval will require a detailed excavation and evaluation of the site. Noise Impact: Some of the units will be exposed to noise levels in excess of 65 CNEL. Mitigation: Noise barriers will be constructed on the decks. The interiors of the units will be heavily insulated. Visual Resources Impact: The proposed project will be highly visible from Interstate 5 . Mitigation: The project has been designed to meander in and out towards the edqe of the bluff and the units closest to the bluff haie been reduced in height. lond it ions : ) Approval is granted for CT 83-4/CP-227, as shown on Exhibits "A" - "K", dated February 23, 1983, incorporated by reference and on file in the Land Use Planning Office. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these cond it ions. 1) This project is approved upon the express condition that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. i) This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such sewer permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the final map. 'C RES0 NO. 2186 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l€ 17 1€ 15 2c 21 2: 2: 21 2! 2t 2: 2t This project is approved upon the express condition that the applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by Citl Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated February 17, 1983, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the City, prior tc the issuance of building permits as required by the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate conditions of overcrowding as part of building permit application. These fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance. The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of the final site plan incorporating the conditions contained herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building permits. The applicant shall establish a homeowner's association and corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. The covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be sufficient to implement the conditions of this approval. The City shall have the right but not the obligation to enforce those covenants, conditions and restrictions which implement any conditions of this approval. Said CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to final map approval. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irrigatior plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building permits. Said plan shall include planting along the top of the slope for fire protection subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submitted to the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the recordation of the final map. Said map shall show all lots and streets within and adjacent to the project. A master plan of the existing on site trees shall be provided to the Land Use Planning Manager as part of the final grading plan to determine which trees shall be required prior to the issuance of a grading permit or a building permit, whichever occurs first. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. This obligation shall be clearly stated in the CC&R's. PC RES0 NO. 2186 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance. The design and location of any siqns, including temporary subdivision signs, shall require review and approval of the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of bui1dir.g permits. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Land Use Planning Manager. Approval of Tentative Tract No. CT, 83-4/CP-227 is granted subject to approval of Special Use Permit 8. The design and location of the proposed public trail system and observation deck shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager, City Engineer and Department of Fish and Game. The trail and observation deck shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager prior to occupancy of any units. No building shall exceed a height of 35 feet as defined by the City's definition of building height. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed plan of the storage areas showing that each unit will have at least 392 cubic feet of storage area to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager. The balconies as well as the livable portions of all units shall be setback at least 25 feet from the edge of the bluff. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall perform the following archaeological survey work at site W- 131 to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager. A) Perform a systematic posthole series on the site to determine the exact vertical and horizontal extent of the site. B) Conduct a five percent test excavation manually at the site employing a research design which will allow new and valid scientific information to be generated as a result of the work. The units should be selected at random. C) Conduct Carbon-14 age dating on the site. D) Conduct palynological studies. E) Prepare an analysis for the scientific community. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Land Use Planning Manager for review and approval, detailed landscape plans indicating facilities such as bike racks, benches and drinking fountains at the terminus of Harbor Drive. PC RES0 NO. 2186 5. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit plans for a uniform signing program which clearly identifies all public access areas. The public access easement shall be rededicated with the recordation of the final map to be consistent with the alignment of the proposed walkways and vista points. Private patios and balconies on units that face the freeway and the railroad shall be provided with noise mitgation in the form of a patio noise barrier. The noise barrier shall be any solid structure with no holes or cracks having a surface density of 4 pounds per square foot or greater. The barrier shall completely shield all line of sight with the noise source and have a top elevation 6 feet above the finished floor elevation of the patio. If views are to be preserved glass panes (1/4 inch tempered) can serve as the top portion of the barrier. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Building Director shall review the architectural plans to ensure compliance with the State of California interior noise standard of 45 CNEL. At that time, any additional measures (thicker glazing, sound absorption material, or sheilding of vents) to further attenuate the noise to acceptable level shall be required. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall submit a revised site plan showing a 60 foot separation between the buildings located adjacent to the pedestrian walkway which extends from Harbor Drive to the lagoon. This separation shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and shall be accomplished by reducing the square footage of the units throughout the project. No grading shall be started or planned to extend into the November to April rainy season. The portion of the public trail system located on the slope adjacent to Aqua hedionda Lagoon shall be constructed by manual labor only. No heavy equipment, i.e., trucks or bulldozers shall be allowed on the slope. The applicant shall install a wrought iron fence along the northern property line where it adjoins the single family residences which front on Harbor Drive. Engineering Department 31) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to the commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. 32) The grading for this project is defined as "controlled grading" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Grading shall be performed under the observation of a civil PC RES0 NO. 2186 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordinate site inspection and testing to insure compliance of the work with the approved grading plan, submit required reports to the City Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. NO grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdivision unless a letter of permission is obtained from the owners of the affected properties. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the haul route shall be submitted for review and approved by the City Engineer. separate grading plan shall be submitted and approved and a separate grading permit issued for the borrow or disposal site if located within the city limits. A Additional drainage easements and drainage structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the City Engi- neer. Land for all public streets and easements shown on the ten- tative map shall be dedicated on the final map and shall be granted to city free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. All land and/or easements required by this project shall be granted to the City, without cost to the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Direct vehicular access rights for all lots abutting Harbor Drive shall be waived on the final map. The applicant shall install curb and gutter on Harbor Drive along his frontage to match the existing curb and gutter. The applicant shall demonstrate to the City Engineer that access rights to Chinquapin Avenue have been recorded with the County Recorder guaranteeing access through the existing development to the north prior to approval of the final map. The developer shall install street lights along all public and private street frontages in conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards. The developer shall install sidewalks along all public street frontages in conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any buildings. The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services ,to the project. The design of all private streets and drainage systems shall be approved by the Cit Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. T K e structural section of all private streets IC RES0 NO. 2186 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2C 21 22 22 24 2E 26 27 2E shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All private streets and drainage systems shall be inspected by the city, and the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5) All private streets and drainage systems shall be maintained by the homeowner's association in perpetuity. This responsibility shall be clearly stated in the CC&R*s. 6) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twenty-four months from the date of City Council approval unless a final map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said extension shall be approved or denied at the discretion of the City Council. In approving an extension, the City Council may impose new conditions and may revise existing conditions. ire Department 7) Prior to the issuance of building permits, complete building plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department. 8) Additional public and/or on site fire hydrants shall be re- quired if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshall. 9) The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site plan showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants and on site roads and drives subject to the approval of the Fire Marshall. 0) An all weather access road shall be maintained throughout construction. 1) All required fire hydrants, water mains and appurtenances shall be operational prior to combustible building materials being located on the project site. 12) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked vehicles at all times, and shall have posted "No Parking/Fire Lane Tow Away Zone" pursuant to Section 17.04.040, Carlsbad Municipal Code. 13) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing systems, automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to the project shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to construction. 14) Building exceeding 10,000 sq.ft. aggregate floor area shall be sprinklered or have four-hour fire walls with no openings therein which shall split the building into 10,000 sq.ft. (or less) areas. is) Standpi es for firefighting purposes, shall be provided as 'C RES0 NO. 2186 8. require s by the Fire Chief. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the blanning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on :he 28th day of September, 1983, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : None. Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners Marcus, Lyttleton and Rawlins. ABSENT: Commissioners Rombotis and Friestedt. ABSTAIN: commissioner Farrow. CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION rTTEST: 5 IICHAEL J. ZMILLU ,AND USE PLANNING MANAGER 'C RES0 NO. 2186 9. A -, SA APPLICATION SLFWITAL DATE : FEBRUAF.Y 18, 1983 - ETAFE’ RE?OFT /-- DATE : Septmber 28, 19€!3 TO: Planninq Comniss ion FROM: Land Us? Planning Office SUBJECT: EIR I?-3/CT 83-4/CP-227/SUP-8 !irINK?SCNC --- StiOEES - Request for cerfii icat ic:i of an 5nvircrinFntz.i Izpact Lieport and apgroval. of a 140 unit tentative tract map/condomiaium permit and E special use pernit on property located on the north side cf Aqua Iieaiondra Lsgoon between Interstste 5 and the ATLSF Railroad in tne PC zone. I. REC@i~!?EMDATION It is reccxmended that the Planping Cornrriission -.--- APFFOVE Resolution bo. 2184, recominendinq to the City Council CEWYIFICI,TI(::.I of EI~? 83-3. It iS also recoriieniiied that t.:ie Planninq Ccnzission ADOPT Resolution ?To. 2185 --- %FP!?GVIK;G SUT-E and Resolckion No. 2 186 recomaending AYPR0VI.L of CT 63-4/CP-227 to the City Col;i-icii based on the findings ani subject to the cortdi tions containej therein. IT. PRDJECT DESCRIPTIOV AND FAST !JIST”JPY The applicant is requesting certif icntion of an Environmental Impact Report and ap;:rcrva.l of a 140 unit tentative tract map/condomir, ium permit aad s;?ecial use pernit locatd as described abcve. The prcject will be located on a 10.15 acre parcel which is a porticm of the 2C acre develcpnent known as the \Gindsong Cove/Shores project. ?‘tie proposed project, i.1 conjiincticn with the existifig Eiveicpxent, would result in ari ovverall density of 18 dwellincr units per acre. in conformance with the General Plan designation of 10-20 du/ac for this site. The subject property consists of a lony rectanqul.ar parcel alcng the nnrth shore of Aaua Fiiedionda Lagoon between Interstate 5 aria the AT & SF Eailroad. Oevelopcent will be concentrated on the flat, pr.evicus1.y qreded uppcr portj-on cf the property. The property ~r!x~cl~.ztely to the north of the subject property is occupied by condominiums oonstructed by the applicant. The proposed poject will consist of six three story buildings th,at wiil ai.ilcder in and out towards the edge of the bluff. KO unit will bc within 25 Eeet of the edge of the bluff ar\.d some unit.’; vi11 he scltt-ack over 100 feet from the case cE the bluff. Linits closest. to the b1,;if.f hafre beet1 reduced in heic7ht to create a stcppinq c-hffect. Kif of the resident ani visitor piririna‘ for the propose::; projzct wili bc provided in an undoxgroun4 pairkincr garage. tjo~e ol”t.!ie proposcd buildings wiJ.l exceed a hciqht of 35 trtet. This densit.y is Access to the proposed project will be from the existing private driveway systerri in the Windsong Cove prcject. Harbor Drive will not be used to provide vehicular access to this project. A Special Use Permit is being requested because the subject property is within the Aqua Hedionda Specific Plan. This plan requires that all new development in the plan area be subject to the provisions of the Carlsbad Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone. This zone requires that a special use permit be issued for any development. The proposed project will be the last phase of a multi-phase project that was previcusly known as Papagayo (now Windsong Cove), The Papagayo project was first proposed in 1972. Since that time it has gone through several revisions. Previous City approvals would have allowed the applicant to grade and develop down to the edqe of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. These plans were denied by the Coastal Commission. The applicant has reduced the number of units and revised his plans in an attempt to comply with the Aqua Eedionda Specific Plan. 111. 1. 2. 3. EIR 83-3 Major Inpacts Traffic Circulation The proposed project will generate approximately 1200 average daily trips. This traffic will contribute to the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Tamarack Avenue. One of the conditicns of apprcval for the applicant's previous' project requires that he install this light when it is warranted. Improvement of Chinquapin Avenue with the project that is presently under construction will accomodate traffic on Chinquapin Avenue west of Jefferson Street , Archaeology Development of the project will destroy a significant archaeological site. This loss is mitiqated'by a tentative map condition requiring a detailed excavation and evaluation of the site. Noise I Some of the units closest to Interstate 5 and the AT & SF Railroad will be exposed to noise levels in excess of 65 CNEL. This can be mitigated by providing noise barriers on patios and decks and providing the necessary insulation for the residences to ensure compliance with the State of California interior noise level standard of 45 ChTEL. 4. Visual Resources The proposed buildings will have a siqnificant effect on.visual resources due to their large scale and mass (35 foot high, relatively unbroken structures visible from Interstate 5) and since they are located on a bluff. The applicant has oriented the buildinqs to project in and cut from the edge of the bluff and reduced the heiqht of the units that are closest to the bluff's edge. Heavy landscaping will be provided along the bluff to further mitigate any visual impacts created by the buildings. Staff feels that EIR 83-3 was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has adequately identified and discussed the environmental impacts. For these reasons, staff is recominending Certification of EIR 83-3. IV. ANALYSIS - CT 83-4/CP-227 Plannina Issue 1. Does the project meet the development standards and design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance? Discussion Development Standards As proposed, this project meets or exceeds all of the development standards. of the Planned Development Ordinance. All of the resident and visitor parking will be provided in an underground parking garage. All units will have two assigned parking spaces within 150 feet of the unit. Access to the garage will be obtained from a card operated gate and a call box. Individual storage lockers will be provided in storage areas located within the parkinq garages. Three common recreation areas will be provided with swimming pools and spas. Each unit will have at least one large deck and many will have two decks. . All other development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance are met by this ordinance. Design Criteria As proposed, this project conforms with the design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance. The long linear shape of the buildable portion of the property strongly influenced the design of the project. As mentioned previously, the applicafit has oriented the buildings in and out from the edge of the bluff and stepped the units back to create an interesting appearance. Most of the units will have views of the lagoon and ocean. The common recreation areas are .centrally located and easily accessible to all of the units. Large planter islands will be constructed in the underground parking sarage to provide light and ventilation, while breaking up the garage's sterile appearance. Textured concrete will be utilized at the entrances to the garages. Overall, staff believes this project meets all the design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance. V. ANALYSIS - SUP-8 Planning Issue 1. Does the proposed project conform with the goals of the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan? Discussion As proposed staff feels this project is in conformance with the goals of the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan. The Agua Hedionda Specific Plan has designated the subject property for multiple family residential development at a density of 10-20 du/ac. The proposed project, in conjunction with the existing Windsong Cove project, has a density of 18.0 du/ac. The Agua Hedionda Specific Plan has designated the end of Harbor Drive as a vista point. The applicant is proposing a 60 foot wide open space corridor from the end of Harbor Drive to the edge of the bluff. Units adjacent to this area will be stepped back as shcwn on Exhibit "C" to create a more open feeling. The applicant is also proposing to construct an observation deck at the edge of the bluff. A set of stairs and trail from this observation deck will lead to a trail paralleling the edge of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon which will extend from 1-5 to the AT & SF Railroad. Both the observation deck and the trail system will be open to the general public at all times . In conclusion, staff believes the EIR adequately addresses all environmental concerns, the proposed project complies with all development standards and design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance, and the project is in conformance with the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan. Therefore, staff recommends approval of EIR 83-3/CT 83-4/CP-227/SUP-8 . ATTACH M EM T S 1) Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2184, 2185 and 2186 2) Location Kap 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Form 5) Reduced Exhibits 6) Exhibits "A" - I'K", dated February 23, 1983 MH:bw 9/14/83 .' MAP BACKGliouND DA-TA SHEET CASE No: EIR 83-3/CI' 83-4/8-227/SUP-S APPLICANT: Windsons Shores REQtJEST AND JXICATIC?J: 140 unit tentative tract n;ap/mndminium permit with a Special Use Permit on the north side of Aqua Hedionda Laqmn between 1-5 and the AT b SF Railroad, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 74-22 accordinu to mp thereof No. 8107 filed May 1, 1975. APN: 206-222-22 Acres 15 Proposed KO, of Lotsflnits 140 GENERAL PLAN AND ZO>!ING . Land Use Designation RMH Density Allowed 10-20 Density Proposed 18 Existing Zone PC Proposed Zone --- Surrounding Zoning ard Land Use: Zoning Site PC North PC South OS Land Use Vacant Condos Lagoon East Freeway Freeway West R-3 Railroad PUBLIC FACILITIES - School District Carlsbd Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated February 17, 1983 WI ROWEhTAL IKPACT ASSESSMENT - Negative Declaration, issued - X E.I.R. Certified, dated September 28, 1983 Other, ACEXT : .. I. .. Larry D. Hunts ' Name .. 501 Chinquapin Ave. Carlsbad, CA - --I--. Larry D. Hunts, Ceneral Partner -.-I--- rime ,(inrli-.-ii~uzl, prcn~, joizt Eoxe L'.33r€.as ventum, ca-~zr~tion, syn3icztion) Same as Above Same as Above (619) 729-5236 Same as Above NA JSH Enterpzises is a privately held California Corporation, Employer ID?# 95-3646878, incorporated in June 1980. There are two shareholders: Clara Jane Stradley (501. Chinquapin Carlsbad, CA) and Arthur Lloyd & Nancy Jane Stradley, turstees for Gregory Alan Kasssbaum (1610 Della Lane Oceanside, CA 92054) --- 11_-1__ _--__I---- .- -I-- -- -- ---- ---- (Attach more sheets if necesssry) .. v) 0 c awii:ecl LARRY D. HUNTS ASSOCIATES A.I.A. 9 . I I 4 June 17, 1988 City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue CArlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members: Enclosed is a letter composed by my home owner association in uniform opposition to the proposed traffic flow of construction and residential movement through our development. In addition to this "form" letter, I would like to express my personal concern and disappointment of this proposal. The access would not only be an emergency vehicle hazard ... it would seriously increase the liklihood of pedestrian and auto accidents, and the street noise would disturb the peace we now enjoy. solution that is best for all of us closest to the problem. I would hope you take our concerns to heart, and arrive at a Thank you. Sincerely, Tina Heller CASTLE Windsong Cove June 14, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a member of the Windsong Cove Condominium Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approxi- mately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! ' Currently, our Association of 161 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! We have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allow- ing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do your utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, WINDSONG COVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION I NAME' '- ADDRESS PHONE /- Condominium & Homeowner Associations. Accounting: Consulting; Managing Specialists June 16, 1988 Dear City Council Members: As a Member of the Agua Hedionda Homeowners' Association, I have recently been made aware of the proposed development of approximately 130 units on Lot 5, Carlsbad Tract No. 74-22, Map No. 8107. Easements may exist through my Association which grant construction and residential traffic access to Chinquapin Avenue, a public road. This entire situation frightens me! Currently, our Association of 50 units barely seems accessible by emergency vehicles now!!! fJe have been forced to install speed bumps, fire lanes and towing signs to address basic traffic concerns. The potential impact of construction and residential traffic on our Association is unacceptable! Therefore, I urge you to fully investigate the implications of allowing any construction or further residential traffic across Windsong Cove property. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. I feel confident as our elected City Officials, you will do the utmost to benefit those involved. Sincerely, AGUA HEDIONDA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-2601 member Escondido: (61 9) 744-2140 La Jolla/Del Mar: (619) 792-1122 I( I I, I n , June 27, 1988 City of Carlsbad Mayor Claude Lewis Councilpersons Mark Pettine Ann Kulchin John Marnaux Eric Larsen City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Windsong Cove Dear Sirs & Madame: As owner of unit 4016-C Aguila, we urge you to act to avoid the serious problems that would be created by allowing construction and/or furthur residential traffic accross Windsong Cove property. We are out of the state and unable to attend the City Council meeting scheduled for June 28th. Sincerely, ,R. u L- G. Darrel & Carol E. Maby Mr. & Mrs. G.Darre1 Macey #1 Lampliter Village Clarkdale, AZ 86324