HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-28; City Council; N/A; Candidate Guidelines General Municipal ElectionClw OF CARLSBAD - AGENP BILL CANDIDATE GUIDELINES FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 8, 1988 DE PT.CLK I DEPT. HDZ CITY ATTY RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Elections Code provides cities with some options involving candidates for local elections. This agenda bill is intended as an information item explaining those options and past Council action concerning these options. The election documents for the November 8th General Municipal Election will be prepared consistent with past actions unless Council directs otherwise. ITEM EXPLANATION Lenqth of Candidate Statement Section 10012 of the Elections Code provides that candidate statements shall not exceed 200 words unless the City Council authorizes an increase from 200 to 400 words. In all previous elections, Council has maintained the 200 word limitation for candidates statements. If Council takes no action to increase the limit to 400 words, documents will be prepared consistent with the 200 word limitation. Advance Pavment of Charqes for Printinq Candidate Statements Section 1002 of the Elections Code provides that cities may estimate the cost of printing, handling and mailing candidate statements and sample ballots and may require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance the estimated cost. Following the election, when actual costs are known, candidates can then be billed for underpayments, or refunded for overpayments. In all previous elections, the City Council has not opted to require payment in advance. To date, all candidates have paid within a reasonable time after receipt of the billing following the election. Unless Council indicates their desire otherwise, election documents will not requ candidates to pay in advance for printing their candidate statements. banish Trans1 ation of Candidates Statements Section 10012 of the Elections Code provides that the Clerk shall provide a Span trans1 ation of statements for those candidates who request one. re sh In previous elections, the City paid for the cost of translation since it was required, rather than optional. Since the Spanish translation is now optional, documents will be prepared requiring candidates requesting a Spanish translation to pay the costs, unless Council directs otherwise. PAGE 2 OF AB # ZuFo Rotation of Candidate Names on the Ballot Section 10217.7 of the Elections Code gives the options to cities to provide for the rotation of candidates names on the ballot. To utilize this option, it would be necessary to designate election precincts into clusters in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code. The clusters shall be numbered, with the first cluster having candidates names appear on the ballot in the order determined by the Secretary of State’s randomized alphabet drawing. Each successive cluster shall then have the names rotated in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code. Due to the additional printing requirements, boundary realignments, and computer programming, implementation of the candidate name rotation could cost the city an additional $16,000. In past elections, this local option has not been utilized. If Council desires for to implement this procedure for the November election, they should direct the City Clerk to prepare implementing documents at the appropriate time. FISCAL IMPACT The only measurable fiscal impact concerning the above stated options relates specifically to the rotation of candidates’ names on ballots. Implementation of that option would increase the City’s cost for the election by approximately $16 , 000.