HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-05; City Council; 9515; La Costa AV portion restriping.- 4 \B# qf15 HTG. 07/05/88 1EPT.G CITY ATTY CITY MOR. TITLE RESTRIPING A PORTION OF TO CALLE MADERO LA COSTA AVENUE - VON’S ENTRANCE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider striping alternatives for La Costa Avenue and direct staff on the appropri ate striping i mpl ementat i on program. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the June 14, 1988 City Council meeting, Council considered several alternatives for the restriping of La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Calle Madero. At that time Council directed staff to review two additional alternatives in more detail for final consideration. The first Alternative (A) retains substantially the existing striping configuration, but provides for a continuous two-way left turn (2WLTL) in front of the condominium projects located near the center of the segment under study. The second Alternative (B) was to explore a striping plan that gives priority to parking and the 2WLTL, with secondary emphasis on bike lane facilities. This alternative involves the conversion of segments of the Class I1 dedicated bikeway to a Class 111 shared bikeway facility. Alternative A: Provides a continuous ZWLTL only at the condominium complexes as indicated on Exhibit 1. Striping on the remainder of La Costa Avenue would remain as it currently exists, modified to incorporate the provisions of Alternative 4, discussed at the June 14, 1988 City Council meeting and shown on Exhibit 2. This a1 ternative provides left turn refuge for approximately 100 condominium and single family homes but involves removal of parking fronting the condominium units and six single family parcels (See Exhibit 2). Staff continues to strongly support the 2WLTL and would recommend Alternative A over a do-nothing a1 ternative. Alternative B: This alternative gives priority to the ZWLTL and parking for the entire study segment. It would require the removal of the dedicated bike lanes from a point approximately 500 feet westerly of the condominium complexes to Calle Madero. For this portion, bicyclists would be required to share either the parking lane or the travel lanes with traffic. This is considered a Class I11 bike lane which is a recognized standard commonly utilized in areas where widths are insufficient to accommodate a dedicated facility. Under this alternative the Class I1 dedicated bike lane would be provided in the downhill segment of La Costa extending westerly from the condominiums to El Camino Real. It should be noted that this approach allows expansion of parking on the north side for 13 additional parcels. Alternative C: In reviewing options which give priority to the 2WLTL and parking lane, staff concluded that this approach would be viable for the entire length of La Costa Avenue extending from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. To date this segment has been excluded from study due to lower traffic volumes and the predominantly single family character. Extension of the Alternative B striping pattern to Rancho Santa Fe Road will complete the ultimate striping for La Costa Avenue in coordination with the current chip seal program. This will avoid costly restriping in the future. Concl us i on : It should be noted that staff remains supportive of the Traffic Safety Commission alternative which gives priority to the continuous 2WLTL and bike lanes, eliminating parking throughout. Given that Council wishes to give increased priority to parking, staff can support any of the alternatives presented in this report. Staff priority ranking of the options would be C, B, A. Option C has the distinct advantage of closing this issue for the foreseeable future and avoids a further costly restriping. FISCAL IMPACT: No additional fiscal impact will result by the selected striping configuration. EXHIBITS : 1. 2. 3. Alternative A - Provide 2WLTL at the condominium complexes. Alternative A - Striping pattern easterly of condominium complexes. Alternative B - Striping pattern from Von’s Entrance to Calle Madero. 3 -LOCATION M -P u z J a 5 s n u 5 u z a f J u n 11' 12' v) w 0 z w E v) W a >. J I U L Ocl 1 [GI VACANT \ I I I I I I I I 11' I I 1 I 11' W 7 Od f a a W > c v) I 2 z I 0 a 2 0 0 0 2 3 I 0 0 z 0 0 - z 11' 10' / 11' 0 0 d a 1 LEGEND CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1-1 - . r.... -:: DRIVEWAY 00000 \ PROJECT NAME (EXHIBIT ALTERNATIVE A LOCATION M -P u Z Y U - a a 5' w z 1 W Y a m PROJECT NAME: ALTERNATIVE A 5' W Z -I W Y a - m EXHIBIT 3 L .' I LOCATION M'-.P I 9' c3 z Y - a a a 11' 11' 9' 11' 13' EXHIBIT 3 PROJECT NAME ALTERNATIVE B i June 30, 1988 city Council 1200 Eh Avenue Cdbad, CA 92088 Dean Sh: 1 heantiey endohne Rkin plan and hope you W hplment name0