HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-12; City Council; 9531; STATUS REPORT ON COMPLETION OF CT 81-16 COLINAS DEL ORO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTSco 03 a rl n (? r.4 4-l m 3 M 4 $4 0 w a (d 5 M (d a) 5 g U M a 0 &I a, (I] LI 3 U id (II (d a a) 4J (I] a) 3 d a) $4 4 .rl c) E: V z 03 co hl I rl I b z 0 F 0 .. a G 2 3 0 0 C;ITI)OF GARLSBAO - AGENL,BILL W! 1 AB#= I TITLE DEI IMTGm= DEPT. ENG I lClT STATUS REPORT ON COMPLETION OF CT 81-16 COLINAS DEL OR0 SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS CIT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Status report no action required. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its May 17, 1988 meeting, Council heard testimony from several homt the La Cresta and Las Brisas Homeowners Associations concerning progress of Homes by Polygon at resolving numerous constructic committed to complete repairs to La Cresta within 30 days and Las B1 60 days. The attached memo from the Senior Inspector to the City Engineer deta to date. In summary, Homes by Polygon is making a concentrated effort improvements as promised. Due to the extensive nature of some problc taking somewhat longer. Staff expects that within a month La Cresta w for Council acceptance and efforts to complete La Brisas will begin I Representatives of Homes by Polygon at that meeting apologized for I ~ Staff feels the developer is making a good faith effort to rectify dt FISCAL IMPACT: NONE EXHIBIT: 1. June 20, 1988 memo, Harold Johnson to City Engineer. e 0 June 30, 1988 TO : LLOYD HUBBS, CITY ENGINEER FROM : HAROLD JOHNSON VISTA SANTA FE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE, CT 81-16/PE 2.84.37 Since May 17, 1988, the date Homes by Polygon made the commitment to City Council and Staff to complete all punch list items for subject project, Homes by Polygon has mobilized construction forces and has made substantial progress in Units 1, 3, 5 and 6. Unit 4, which requires extensive removals and redesign of curb and gutter along Calle Madrid, has had a revision to the plans submitted and approved by the city. Previously, Homes by Polygon agreed to complete all Unit 4 work after Units 3, 5 and 6 had been completed to city require- ment s. Specific items remaining to be completed and percentage of punch list complete include: UNIT 1 - 75% COMPLETE - Remove/replace sidewalk panels. UNIT 3 - 95% COMPLETE - Grind gutter flowline at two locations on Corte Tiburon. - Install root barriers for trees planted along Calle Madrid. - Monitor growth of newly hydroseeded slopes. UNIT 4 - 0% COMPLETE - Work scheduled after Units 3, 5 and 6 complete. UNIT 5 - 95% COMPLETE - Grind gutter flowline at the knuckle on Camino Coronado. - Monitor growth of newly hydroseeded slopes. UNIT 6 - 50% COMPLETE - Complete construction of 1/2 Avenida Anacapa fronting Lots - Monitor growth of newly hydroseeded slopes. 261 through 266. s c 0 0 LLOYD HUBBS June 30, 1988 Page 2 In anticipating order of acceptance of work, Units 1, 3 and 5 should bt complete with the exception of slopes ground cover growth within the nl week or two. Unit 6 will require 3 weeks to construct 1/2 of Avenida Anacapa and should be complete with the exception of ground cover growl by the end of July. Unit 4 removal/replacement will take approximatel: one month to complete once the work is started. d4f+ HAROLD Sr. Inspector/Engineering JOHNS HJ : dm cc: Walter Brown, P.C.E. Chip Escoffier, Inspector e u e Coqdc,L M E OF 7-12 -8 June 6, 1988 Gary Ems i ek 23161 Mill Creek, Ste 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Dear Mr. Emsiek: This is regarding common area construction issues at Las Brisas at Colinas De Following the recent Carlsbad city council meeting in which the construction of Las Brisas and La Cresta at Colinas De Oro were discussed, members of the De Oro Homeowners Association inspected the common area installation and foun problems not included on the city punch list. In attendance during the inspection were Jim Diluca (Board member), Bob Kuhns Dan Wilson. They found defects in the following installation areas: 1. Walkway between 7959 and 7957 Calle Posada - The sidewalk is cracked at corners, and shifting has caused separations of up to 3/4" between side\ slabs. Homes By Polygon 2. Walkway between Calle Posada and the pool area - Between the third and j sidewalk slabs to the east of the top of the stairs, there is a 1" sepal between slabs. 3. Steps from the pool area to Calle Posada - Cracks extend completely ac~ four of the stairs, and there are roughly ten locations in which there I chipping in the cement up to 3" wide. 4. Pool access sidewalk, south side - Here there are cracks all the way ac: cement on both sides of the expansion joint due to a sinking slab. 5. Calle Madrid sidewalk, adjacent to pool - Stagnant water gathers here, : the sidewalk, due to an inadequate drainage grade. 6. Pool access sidewalk, north side - Here there is a lifted slab, causing tripping hazard, as well as cracks in the concrete. 7. South side of Calle Barcelona, between Calle San Felipe and Calie Posad There is a broken water meter cover, and the irrigation control box loc missing. This makes it impossible to secure exposed wires within. 8. All common area slopes - Irrigation risers/heads should be reinforced w re-bar, per city specifications. 9. Landscaping at northeast corner of Calle Barcelona and Rancho Santa Fe This area is not the Property of Colinas De Oro, but has been watered i past with Colinas De Oro water, after the Board of Directors expressly Homes By Polygon permission to do so. The Board is concerned that this occur again, since the area has just been hydro-seeded. 10. Calle Vallarta cul-de-sac - The-wooden steps were never treated with an of wood preservative. Y 0 e 11. Common area slopes - The slopes were not 90% covered with landscape mate] upon turnover, and are still not adequately covered in some areas. In light of the above items, the Colinas De Oro Homeowners Association requesi Homes By Polygon attend the next Board of Directors meeting, scheduled for Jul at 7:OO p.m., at the Stage Coach Community Center on Mission Estanzia in Carl: The Board would like to discuss the issues, and their resolution. Thank you for your help in this situation. If you have any questions, please hesitate to call me at either of the San Diego numbers listed below. On Behalf of the Board of Directors: Peter Barnes District Manager cc Phil Miller, Homes By Polygon Harold Johnson, City of Carlsbad Anne Kulchin, City of Carlsbad 4 \ (33 b u + \ - 0 *L -1 4 1, ca l" :-. \ \ .. -. . -. *. x* I .. . - ", . %- - - >.? \ L!E' ir( ( I UL i i? i c "L