HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-02; City Council; 9554; APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR COORDINATORS AND TEMPORARY SCULPTURE EXHIBIT WITH APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, .s APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Adopt Resolution No.. ~~-~~'? - approving Agreement between t City of Carlsbad, Annette Ridenour and Terri Rodgers a authorizing the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad to execute sa Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION The Arts Commission recommended Annette Ridenour and Ter Rodgers as coordinators for the temporary sculpture exhib as outlined in the attached proposal. The fee for t exhibition is $20,000 to include rental fees of ten works art, installation fees, publicity and coordinator's fee. Locations within City limits will be explored, such Library, parks and City Hall. FISCAL IMPACT The $20,000 will be appropriated from the Public Art Fund N 142-840-4210-2495, leaving approximately $59,175 in the fun EXHIBITS 1. Resolution 2. Exhibit "A" 3. Proposal > 0 E s. fL .. z 0 6 6 a z 3 0 0 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-258 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY A TEMPORARY SCULPTURE EXHIBIT AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL or - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califo hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreement between the City of and Annette Ridenour and Terri Rodgers, as coordinatc temporary sculpture exhibit of public art in Carlsbad, i which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a par is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and of the City of Carlsbad. 3. That funds in the amount of $20,000 a appropriated in Civic Arts Fund No. 142-840-4210-2495 purpose and that any and all unexpended appropriation \ arts fund shall be carried forward into the 1989/90 fisc< NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that I Council of the City of Carlsbad, California that: //I/ //!/ //// //// //// //// //// //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 3.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of ' Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nl August, 1988 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux 2 NOES: None ABSENT: None LL&&$Q- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City (SEAL) I -2- 0 .J 1_1 ti 111 ::: 7 1 * 1 E; : 4 rg PI - ,m 7 I, - - 32t2 Grcps j’r-’ s.3r 9 mc C: ‘crrc 02‘;’: LC’ 7, , THE /,-, !2 VrC- 7 \cJ -Lli&T J 4 \\(I--,, co, ,. 1 KT,oN--=+r~’ u LL b 1. * p To: Carl 1200 Carl PROPOSAL TO CARLSBAD CULTURAL AXTS TFJPQRARY SCULPTURE EXHIBIT Introduction We are delighted to submit our proposal fur pro fect producer/curatar far Carlsbad Temporary Sculpture ExhLbiLt 1988. This proposal is submitted as a joint venture between Annette Ridenour a Terri 0. Rodgers. Annette Ridenour has been an art consultant and art d fur more than 15 years, Terry Rodgers has wvrkcd as a professional writ marketing and publlc relations for more than 20 years. Annette and Terr have worked together on several projects in the past coordinating arc ex and presentations. This proposal is joint ventured because the requirements to successfully and install, and those LO elucidate and publicize this event require twc different sets of qualifications - knowledge of artists and art Fnstslle on the one hand, and familiarity with the production of colleteral matez media contact and publicity generation on the other. Enclosed with thi: proposal are resumes on both Annette Ridenour and Terri 0, Rodgers. We a temporary sculpture exhibit that will open new eyrs to contemporary CP artists, and deepen the uoderstandlng - especially by Carlsbad ‘8 school children - of the art cresting process. Method of Curating The Aesthetics Collection, Inc. has a vast slide library of Southern Ca; Sculptors. We would cap intu additional slide libraries such as COVA ai and prepare a mailing to prospective artists. Mailer would announce thc and Invite artisp co submit slides of available existing pieces they w( interested in displaying in this exhibit, All terms and cvndltions wou: outlined in this prospectus. We approximate we will mail out: about 250 Annette Ridenour will review slides and coordinate a presentation to thl Cultural Arts Commission with her recommended choices and reasons far t choice. The Arts Commission will have the right to review all artists‘ submitted and approve all recommendations, There will be no fees ckiarg artists to participate in this project. Recommendations will be made on the basis of quality and content of art well as presenting a range of current styles, techniques, and rnateri-als tnstsllation of the sculpture will be coordinated by Mrs, Ridenour. Ar will need to be transputtable and securable. The Ofl rewfce for custom art In otl mMa’ Qandmade furrirtdru phot;yraphy JrchtKChirdl grapbkcs Crd EL . 1 - .--- 0 --- ..- .- __. _. - 0 - __ 4:;fZ.. . -I. 4 7 ._I 1-1 t.1 1,l :3 ;. 1 L. '7 1 F' ' -- C. i z ; =F',:, -- ---- .-- -,~ --_ CLZ - -I,- - =r- .-,i.- ; c- =-,= Annette Ridenour, as director uf The Aesthetics Coliection, 'has many :pars experience in coordinating large art prograss. Her work has involved proj from single major pieces of sculpture to the cuoordinatiqn of projects wit over 300 pieces. A partial list of the major collections she has coordina are attached to this proposal. She has recently instituted and condu-ted the employees of Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation a comprehensive art education program based on a nation-wide survey of the experiences of art advisors and arts administrators. b;e propose ro structure an exhibit of ten contemporary Southern Californil sculptors that will make the meaning and the impact of their work eccessi' to children and adults alike, whether OF not they have had any prior art education. The purpose of the exhibit is tu examine why artists create w' what issues are they exploring? khat statementa are they trying ro make? The structure of the exhibit is tu combine the works themselves with the possible veriety of educational aids permitted by budget - a comprahensiv brochure, an extensive docent training and lecture program, videotapes an lectures by the artists themselves. The starting place for all calktera material will be ground zero - no previous knowledge of art history ill presumed. But that doesn't mean the exhibit or the materials will be dic or dull., Our objective is to excite and intrigue the people who visit cl inviting outdoor exhibit. Left to their own devices, must people gravitate to what makes them feel comfortable, to the familiar. Eiuc that is not what contemporary art is about. our psychologfcal, political and social relationships, Too often, people who approach contemporary art do so with misconception misgivings, Critics and museums have made it seem inaccessible, like so visual health food: different, odd-tasting, and weird-looking, Without simple tods to unlock the ideas behind the art, they turn away. Not un standing, they ridicule and reject. We want to change that. We want to select ten southern California artists who each explore diffe ideas in different styles. For example, many contemporary sculptors ha1 working in a neo-constructivist idiom; some continue the more formal dil of reductive minimalism; others are dealing with site specific issues ai investigating physical spaces that impinge on psychvlogical spaces. St: others are working on issues of shelters and boundaries, or Eigurative t that 's both realistic arid expressionistic, or forging metal into abstrac realistic forms that convey confusion, humor and vulnerabillty. What boundaries are they pushing? Good contemporary art c! 3 -I 1 __ ..- - 0 :-- --.. , .- ; e- !-:E -. - 1 F a 4 ;SI ,I 1-1 t-4 111 y 7 1L -m -1 m - . - - . - - - - - - . - - -, - - -- - - - . - . - - -- _.__ -. Wc want to create an exhiblc in which sruder,ts an? ~dults participate in of these issues, arid from whir:h they ualk awy :(r,c~hed by the art because have a little bit more understanding sf the r;h:;s behirid irs creation, TG succeed in this venture requires good art, good education, and good coordination of the two. Some of the artists we would he interested in iricludirig are: T.J. Dixon Jeffrey Laudenslager; Mario Lara; Ron Tatro; Donna Salem; Ellen Phillips Harold Pastorius; Johanna Jordan; Joyce Kohl; and aeccy Gold. excellent teachers or lecturers as well as fine artists; they are both v and eloquent about their art. Bud ple t $l.0,000,00 $5,000.00 All ate Art rental and transportation fees. Consultant time to include preparation of media and cool of educational materials mailing and reproduction, 1) 2) h press releases, 1 page "Call to Artists" (quantity 250, mailed). a, Announcing "Call to Arrists", b. c. d. (mid-event) Announcing second event and w-ging 1 multi-page backgrounder hand-out on project, the and the art, Announcing choice of artists to newpapers. Announcing opening of show and schedule of even all media. to newspapers. 3) 4) (If possible) 10-12 minute video tape. $5,000,00 Insurance, typesetting, artwork, printing, brochure an visual aids and press releases. I€ we get the contract, we will prepare a publicatiurdmedia contact li the Committee ' s inf orrnacion , Conclusion We're 1ooking.forward to working with you on this exhibit and event. already excited about the possibilities and would welcome the chance 1 any groups of volunteers with our enthusiasm. It's a marvelous opporf let the residents of Carlsbad explore new levels of creativity and un Respectfully submitted, '4 ,-.&&Q p'b~nY7 /p Qy6 4tAlr v .> c Annette Ridenaur /--- - 3 Terri 0, Rodger8 AR;TOR/dec s -- __-_ r -. - - . * --- -- - -I---*. 'E-=_- , r- - - - -_-- - __ _- *:-IF ; 0. .-_ .- -_- -. ._I rj 1.1 111 :3 p 1 2 1 E; : 4 9 ANNETTE RIDENOUR, an entrepreneur in the air world since 1972, has combined her expertise in contemporary art and in business to create a dj corporate art consulting company. Through The Aesthetics Collection, which she founded in 1980, Ms. R; has become recognized regionally for her creative work in developing coht artistic environments and visual statements for corporations and health facilities, with both existing and specifically commissioned works of a Ms. Ridenour is highly skilled at initiating, coordinating, and see completion corporate art projects and long-term art programs with client involving artist, engineers, architects, contractors and interior design A high-energy businesswoman wlth a passiori for arc, creative ideas, and the acumen and drive to make her ideas work, she has worked with mor GOO companies, many of which are medical facilities. The concentration work has been in Southern California, bur she has also handled major prc in Arizona and Northern California, She has planned, organized and coo: art programs for some clients for nearly a decade. Ms. Ridenour built The Aesthetics Collection from a one-woman cons firm into a continually growing company that includes a staff of 15 con af art consultants, professional framers and support staff, She rcainta library of at least 5,000 artists and works personally with hundreds of These artists work in a variety of media including paintings, graphics sculpture in all media; tapestries: polarized light collages; fine craf antique art as well4 a3 specially designed environmental art pieces. Tc her work current and dynamic, she spends a quarter of her time looking She meets with artists at their studios; attends trade shows, lectures seminars; studies art books; reviews artists slides; and visits museum! galleries throughout the United States and Europe, In the summer of 1' and her husband, pruf essional sculptor and furniture designer Norman R spent a month researching art and architecture in Europe. Ms. Ridenour's forte is bringing together artist and client to de unique visual statements tbar may support or enhance a company's image a11 ambiance that could sooth patients, Stimulate creativity in employs educate and inspire visitors, customers and staff, or simply please ti She works closely with the client: to determine their goals, then fdlc with the purchase or commission of art, creation of B master art plan placement, lighting, frame design, installation, inventory sct-upI ma: long-term acquisition goals, and art education if appropriate. . . --_, , - - - . - - . - - - _. - - - - -- -,,7.7 I z- x-== I. -. 2--- -__. -, .- -,L.- , - - - - - , --- - . r--_ -- -. * .J I_) ti 111 ::r ? 1 @ 1 f; : !=j lil 1 With & business background nnd a growing interest in art that led to a year-long tour of Europe-and then arc study at the h'ew Fchuol for Social Research and independent study under nationally kcawn artists, Ms. Ridenour opened a craft gallery and pottery studio in New York City in 1972. Tn 197E she moved to California and opened Main Street Gallery in Le Jolla, the ther largest: mixed-media gallery 111 San Diego County. Familiar with the East Coast art world, she became aware of the emerge1 in the 1970s of the field of corporate art consulting, Once she recognized nerd for such services in Southern California, she sold her successful gall to create The Aesthetics Collection. Ns. Ridenour frequently lectures about her work, and has addressed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Enterprise Forum, Artist's Equity, che San biego Sculpture Competition's lecture series, among others. New items about The Aestherics Collection have been published in the San Diego Union, the San Diego Transcript, San Diego MaRazine, Sen Diego Ht ors and Designers West magazine. Ms. Ridenour has been pu: in Hidden Leaves, the publication of the Ilan-Lael Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting art and architecture. - .-- __ a. :-- .---.< . c-r--r:EF -e; f- z-!! -. Zl-r , E : EF*I, -- ---- . __ .J 1-l bj 111 8 7 1 '7 L 1 F -1 8 9 = .,I 1 2 TERRI 0. RODGERS Tern 0, Rodgers has been a marketing comrnunicacions professianal since ' She is B farmer Vice President/Creatlve Group Head for New Yuck and Phil2 advertising agencies, where she created and executed Karketing and public programs in all media for clients as diverse as Du Font carpet fibers an Philadelphia Museum of Art, as well as national consumer goods and servic from Crest Toorhpasteto Alyo Dog Food. Since moving to Sen Diego, she h written video programs for the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and San Barn County, fund raising and membership brochures for the Sen Diego Museum c and SDSU, publicity for local art shows and community volunteer activitj Her advertising work includes The U.S. Grant: Hotel, The Hahn Company, Cc Cable, and Home Federal Savings, She has won many national awards, including the prestlgeous CLIO Award; she has won the Silver SanDi Award each year since she has been here. Terri is a former Chair uf the Philadelphia Council of the American Ass of Advertising Agencies and a trustee of IAAS, its professional tralnin She is currently 8 board member of the San Diego Chapter of American WC Radio and Television. In this project, Terri will be responsible for preparing, producing am distributing all publicity, background and collateral materials, initii media contact8 and following up on them. , e-- :-- -- - E-=--~.EF 72L- iB ; c- - =-== ___ THE e ,A ,&: - 'm$7'L= <>, COLLECTION-& P 4:51= f , __ __. -- E : EF,I -- ---- rl- 1, .J 1-1 t-1 111 E: .' 1 2 1 6 : 5 1 a 'TI; '' :,\ 3262 Grape Sf;wt / an 3 ~2 <~II'?+? IJ ??lo2 ' (649; 22( I i ~ ,--tJ/ J !'h b LY- PABTlAL LIST OF CORPORATE COLLECTIONS COORDINATED BY ANNETTE R1T)ENOUR Medical Kaiser Permanentc - Orange County & San Diego County - 20 facilities Lorna Linda Medical Center Mercy Hospital Scripps Clinic I!? Research Foundation and all satellites Scripps Memorial Hospital Western Health Co c P ora t e, Arthur Young & Company Bank of La Costa Dtltec Corporation Energy Factors Horton Grand Hate1 La Jolla Bank & Trust Plaza National Bank of Fairbanks Ranch National Bank of La Jolla Park Manor Hotel San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego Trust & Savings - 20 Branches US Home Savinga The k'avetec Corporation I