HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-09; City Council; 9570; Organizational Excellence CommitteeCIT@ OF CARLSBAD - AGENP” BILL AB# q5/Jo TITLE: ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE COMMITTEE MTG. a/9/88 DEPT. LIB RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize two staff members to attend the Investment in Excellence Program Facilitator Training in Seattle, Washington, August 15-19, 1988. -EXPLANATION: Council is asked to approve out-of-state travel for two members of the Organizational Excellence Committee to obtain facilitator training for the Investment in Excellence Program. At its meeting of June 28, 1988, council formally approved the establishment of an Organizational Excellence Committee. The committee's purpose is to research and recommend ways to promote the development of all city employees, as well as to enhance their ability to provide service to the community. As its first major step in fulfilling that purpose, the committee recommended the purchase of the Investment in Excellence program. The major premise of the program is that people have an unlimited capacity for growth and change. Investment in Excellence has proved itself in hundreds of companies and governmental agencies. Basically an in-house program through the use of video tape and trained facilitators, the program offers maximum flexibility in implementation and minimua loss of work time in execution. The Investment in Excellence program will be available to all city employees, commissioners and city council members. The Carlsbad Unified School District will also participate in the program and share in its cost. The first step in implementation of the program is facilitator training. FISCAL IMPACT: Tuition, lodging, meals and air fare will cost an estimated $2800.00. Funds are available in department travel budgets. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. tw2 743 authorizing two staff members to travel to Seattle, Washington to attend the Investment in Excellence Facilitator Training Program. 2. Investment in Excellence Program Summary. 3. Letter from Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Tom Brierly. RESOLUTION NO. 88-276 1 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING TWO STAFF MEMBERS TO TRAVEL TO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TO ATTEND THE INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE FACILITATOR TRAINING PROGRAM, AUGUST 15-19. 1988 WHEREAS, the Investment in Excellence Program of the 7 Pacific Institute is conducting facilitator training in 8 Seattle, Washington, August 15-19, 1988, and 9 WHEREAS, the city's Organizational Excellence Committee 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 has recommended the purchase and implementation of the Investment in Excellence Program, and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Organizational Excellence Committee and the implementation of the Investment in Excellence Program supports council adopted goals, and WHEREAS, facilitator training is an essential part of the implementation of the Investment in Excellence Program and funds are available in department 1988-89 travel budgets to cover the estimated $2800.00 cost of this training, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that permission is granted to two staff 21 members to travel out of state to attend the Investment in 22 Excellence Program Facilitator Training. 23 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 24 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the 9th 25 day of August , 1988, by the following vote, to wit: 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 C h AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamamxu NOES : None ABSENT : Council Member Larson ATTEST: ALETHA L. (SE=J) 28 - Investment in Excellence”’ Program Summarv Y The Learning Units: 1. Possibility Thinking: The Wizard In this first umt. you will learn a basic prmcipie of this course - that you have an uniimited polenrlai for development but you / may limit yourself bv the way you think. Words used carefully-in statements of belief can create qualities of excellence in yourself I and In those people who listen to you. / Truth 7 Process of Thought: Perception and the in [his unit. you will study the “how” and “uhy” of thought process and learn how past experiences determine future behavior be- cause of conditioning. Here too you will learn abour blind spars that inhibit growth and ac:l\lty by imposing limits in the form of preconceived ideas. And you will find ways to deal with conflict and stress arising from new. unfamiliar siruanons. Thus you will begin f0 regard change as a challenge. not as a threat. 3. Your Self Image: Self Image and Belief Xlaterial in rhis unrt demonstrates how vour oumion of yourselfcontrols your everv a&on. *hen you learn to change your pi&re of yourself. you will become the kind of person you wish to be. unlocking your creativity to a nr:\. higher threshold of accomplishment on the lob and in your personal life. 1. Habits and Attitudes: Adjusting Atti- tudes to Reach Goals How to evaluate and effortlessly change your habits and attitudes is a key lesson presented in this unit. This knowledge will rnabie vou to program new hablts and artnudes’ into your l$e. opening the way to conrmumg growth and effectiveness. 5. How Self Image is Formed: How Self Talk Builds the Self Image The quality and tone of your conversations with yourself are powerful influences that buiid or diminish your feeling of self-worth. Bulidmg belief in yourself through positive thought. backed by genuine spirit. will bring about desired changes and project you into new levels of high performance in all areas of your life. 6. Comfort Zones: Change without Stress C,-mfort comes from being surrounded by benri\lor. values. ideas and opinions that m;lrih your own personai picture of accept- ~tb~ikrv. You will discover methods to expand hour ieeiings ofcomfort -at yourjob. within hour iamilv. on financial and social levels - b\ \Isuali;ine yourself into new situations. rhus strmulat$ growth within all areas of . yl: !IlC. 7. self Talk Qcle: Directing Self Talk Tti< Importance of how you talk to yourself I? ;::!:~d. dung \+lth the necessary tu control J~L ~rscr knur conversations with yourself. \ L‘u :b 111 learn how to urllize self&k pusi- tively, to reinforce an existing image or to modify opinions and attitudes you wish to change. 8. Self Esteem and Performance: Elevating Self Esteem How you regard yourself has a strong bearing on your performance. Learn how to produce more. contribute more and to accept the rewards you know you deserve by con- trolling negative self talk. Become a powerful. significant. positive force to yourself and to those people around you. 9. Successful Motivation: Getting Used to It Creative conflict and challenges can be used positively to unleash energy, imagination and drive to create the motivation that causes you to achieve your g?ais. You will learn how to visualize yourself mto stimulating new areas of living through an innovative goal-setting pro- cess. using practical techniques that will enable you to achieve the quantity and quaiitv of excellence you desire in all areas of your -life. 10. Constructive and Restrictive Motiva- tion: Captain of the Worid Motivating people by threats and fear results in personal resentment. Inflexibility and routine work performance. You will learn how to encourage people constructively. so that they will attack challenges on a “want-to” basis. creating an atmosphere where individuals. families and businesses can flourish. 11. 12 and 13. AfBrmations and Visuali- zation: Writing Affirmations: Steps to Imprinting; Affirmations and Intent: Affir- mations and Comfort Zones: Flick-Back Technique: Resiliency From these units. you will learn how to use the tools of first-person. present-tense visualiza- tion. imagination. and emotion to set and achieve goals. These easily learned skills will enable you to determine your future, thus giving you new and forceful control of your life. You will discover new strength in your flexibility to change. your quick recovery from temporary setbacks and your new found ability to convey to yourself and to others the true meaning of your beliefs. 14. Teleological Nature of Man Goals are an essential part of your existence. Because your system is oriented toward goals. you move toward whatever ideas are upper- most in your mend. Without goals. people -and their companies. their organizations and governments - slow down, become stagnant and die. 15. Environmental Comfort Zones: Modi- fying Your Environmental Comfort Zones: Present Thoughts Determine Your Future People tend to resist change: they prefer to stay in their present surroundmgs at home. on the lob. in the social world. Once you learn whv people !ight Ihe process of change. 1;ou wili be able to heip rhem embrace change as sn advantage in groivth. 16. Philosophy of Goal Setting Go&, by .themseives. are of little value unless they bring,you a depth and meaning as you work to achieve them. Sening goals that enrich the quality of life for vou. your family. community and business. ~111 enable you to attack life with new confidence and zest. 17. Guides to Goal Setting (I); Reticular Activating System; Natural Creativity Choosing goals in ail areas of your life. then moving straight toward them through the use of posi?ive visualization and selective informa- tion gathering and your own intuitive knowi- edge will bring about that sense of happiness. fultiiiment and attainment that you seek. 18. Guides to Goal Setting (II) Here you will learn refined techniques for designing goals and picturing them as if they were already accomplished. By channeling your creativity into selective goal setting. you will make extraordinary performance a natural part of your every day life. 19. Pygmalion By building confidence in yourself and in people around you. you will elevate levels of achievement in all areas of your life. You will learn to take risks. gain from new experiences and take giant strides toward a more fulfilling. more profitable and more rewarding existence. 20. The Challenge is Yours: Questions and Answers; Spirit Behind the Word: Labeiing Yourself and Others: Application of Reticu- lar Activating System: Comfort Zones in Sales; Half-Step Method: Handling Stress Effectively: Channeling Your Power: Relaxation-Fascination-Visualization: Ser- vant Leadership: Integrity and Ethics In this final unir. you will learn further applications of The Pacific Institute’s princi- ples. These practical suggestions will reinforce your own knowledge of the concepts and enhance your use of them in all aspects of your personal and business life. Thus .you will become the kind of high-performance individual that vou will learn to picture yourself to lx. attaining new levels of excellence for yourself and people around you. For further information, please contact: Joseph N. Baker Entcrpnses. Inc. lose’ah N. f.aks 950 E. 111c(Ia AK. htc 9 l Onnsc. C4 92%: l 1714) 538446 a&bad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsba BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOE ANGEL President JAMES MCCORMICK Vice President JUUANNE 1. NYGAARD Clerk DONALD M. JOHNSON Member J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.D. Superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services JOHN H. BLAIR Assistant Superintendent Business Services GERALD C. TARMAN Director Personnel Services DEWAYNE 1. FEASEL Manager Facilities/Maintenance/ Operations California 92008-2439 729-9291 “Excellence In Education” August 3, 1988 Mr. Clifford Lange City Librarian 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Cliff: This letter is to confirm that Carlsbad Unified School District wishes to continue to explore the possibility of sharing in the City/School District joint training effort begun with the Investment in Excellence Workshop of June 21, 1988. The Investment in Excellence Program, with its 20 Learning Units, appears to be an excellent means of providing further staff development for certain certificated and classified staff members of the District. We would like to be able to combine our efforts in this project with those of the City of Carlsbad, sharing costs on a per-student participant basis. Our District offices have moved since we last discussed this matter. We are now located at 6350 Yarrow Drive, Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92009, which is located in the industrial area south of Palomar Airport. Please contact Anita Williams, 438-5714, to review anticipated costs per student and any other necessary details. We will need to review the estimated expenditures with the Board of Trustees in order to include the program in our budget planning for 1989-90. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to I contact me. District Superintendent aw Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education