HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-16; City Council; 9596; ADOPTION BY REFERENCE THE NEW COUNTY ORDINANCE FOR FOOD CATERERS AND CATERING EQUIIPMENT RENTALSc, a, Lo 0 w w u uco (de Loco (3\ ad a, u- ow a, .ti a, aa, E 60 -cn a, N m6 rn IO z;bD d * -I4 OM zzlcd a, a 0 -d 4 ae as L)Q 3 ak 00 Mu4 u dM .d a, u du -I4 cd =ra os vu co M I w d I a3 kk ae (da *A go P .. z + 0 G a s z 3 0 0 Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGENQ BILL DE AB# yakyL MTG. 8/16/88 COUNTY ORDINANCE FOR FOOD CATERERS c[' DEPT. CA CI' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. 4@+3&and, by motion, set the mattel public hearing at your meeting of September 6, 1988 to adopt San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances for food cat6 and catering equipment rentals. TITLE: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE NEW AND CATERING EQUIPMENT RENTALS ITEM EXPLANATION The City of Carlsbad adopts by reference the San Diego County of Regulatory Ordinances for health. Enforcement is accompl by the county health officer under contract with the City. Diego County has completed the adoption of new regulation: food caterers and catering equipment rentals. It is now nece for the Council to adopt the regulations as a part of the Car Municipal Code. The County of San Diego recommends that you the new ordinance. If the Council concurs your action introduce Ordinance No. NS-32 by reading the title and the motion, set the matter for public hearing at your meeti September 6, 1988. A copy is attached to this agenda bill. EXHIBITS Ordinance No. County letter of July 22, 1988 and new ordinance /4&-9& I a 0 .. aoudg of $an piego J WILLIAM COX M D, Ph.D DIRECTOR (61 9) 236-2237 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES em % 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2417 8; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES P.O. BOX 85261 32 1. URBAN DIVISION '% SAN DIEGO, CA 92138-5261 (619) 236-2797 July 22, 1988 Raymond R. Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 Dear Mr. Patchett: The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego adopted a catc ordinance last year. The reason for this action was in response to sei major foodborne illness outbreaks due to catering functions and operat The current Health and Safety Code regulations governing the selling giving away of food at the retail level does not define caterers and cat( operations. This new ordinance provides definitions and guidelines to prl the health and safety of the County residents. Please review the attached ordinance and docket the material for ado by your city. If you have any questions, or require a presentation to support ordinance, please contact me at 236-2243. Sincerely, f--[ LLY--- L\J i, CJ DAVID W. CAREY, Envikonmental Health Sanitarian IV Urban Givision DWC : sv Attachment a 0 t. $h ORDINANCE NO. 7335 (NEW SERIES) AN ORDINANCE ADDING ARTICLE 7 TO CHAPTER 1 OF DIVISION 1 OF TITLE 6 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES RELATING TO FOOD CATERERS AND CATERING EQUIPMENT RENTALS The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego do ordain as fol Section 1. Article 7 is hereby added to Chapter 1 of Division P of 6 of the San Diego County Code to read as follows: ARTICLE 7 FOOD CATERERS AND CATERING EQUIPMENT RENTALS Sec. 61.190. DEFINITIONS. Whenever in this article, the fo terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed 1 in this section: (a) CATERER. A business which prepares food for a catering f for events such as, but not limited to, picnics, weddings, banquets, p gatherings. (b) CATERING VEHICLE. A vehicle upon which food, beverages and serving equipment are transported related to a catering function. (c) CATERING FUNCTION. Any event where a caterer provides f( a person or persons at other than an existing health regulated establi A catering function shall not include those hnctisns that are cc by persons engaged or employed in youth organizations, churches, societies, private clubs or other nonprofit associations of a re' philanthropic, civic improvement, youth development, social , politi educational nature which purchase food, food products, or beverag service without charge to their members, or for service or sale at a rei charge to their members or to the general public at fund-raising for consumption on or off the premises at which the food, food PI or beverages are served or sold, if the service or sale of such for products or beverages does not constitute a primary purpose or fun( the club or association, and if no employee or member is assigned fl to care for or operate equipment used in such an arrangement. 7-7-87 (48) e -2- a (d) CATERING EQUIPMENT RENTAL ESTABLISHMENT. A catering equipment re establishment is an establishment that provides food service utensils as dishes, tableware, pots and pans to caterers or to the public but not provide catering services. (e) DEPARTMENT. Sec. 61.191. APPLICATION OF ORDINANCES. The provisions of Div- I, Title 6, of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances and California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law (CURFFL) relative to food hat training and the preparation and distribution of food apply to caterers caterer operations. The San Diego Department of Health Services. Sec. 61.192. HEALTH PERMITS AND FEES. Persons operating as caterers and catering equipment rental establish are considered to be operating a health regulated establishment and are su to public health permit requirements as specified in Sec. 61.110 of code. Such persons shall pay the permit fees prescribed for restau in Section 65.107 (a) of this Code and shall be subject to penaltie delinquent fee payment as set forth in Sections 65.104 and 65.105 of Code. Sec. 61.193. NOTIFICATION OF CATERING EVENTS. When requested b Deputy Director of Environmental Health Services, caterers shall notif Department of the time, date and location of each catering function manner specified by the Department. Sec. 61.194. POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOODS. All potentially haz, foods as defined in Sec. 27531 of the California Uniform Retail Food Faci Law that are stored, held, transported or served by a caterer must be pro' from contamination and kept at temperatures as required by California law. Sec. 61.195. TOILET FACILITIES. Adequate toilet and handn facilities, as determined by the Deputy Director of Environmental ' Services, must be reasonably available in the vicinity of any location food i s -prepared or served. Sec. 61.196. CATERING VEHICLES. No person or company shall o or cause to be operated, a catering vehicle without complying wit following: (a) Such person or company shall have a valid health permit as rt in Sec. 61.192 of this code. (b) Foods and food containers shall be carried in compartment cleanable interior surfaces. (c) Vehicles shall be maintained in a clean condition. 0 e vr . '. - 3- Sec. 61.197. CATERING EQUIPMENT RENTAL ESTABLISHMENT. No pew company shall operate or cause to be operated, a catering equipment I establishment without complying with the following: (a) All food service equipment shall be stored in a building that the requirements of the California State law. (b) All food service equipment such as dishes, glasses, tableware. and pans shall be cleaned and sanitized by methods prescribed in the Cali Uniform Retai 1 Food Faci 1 i ties Law. I.c"-' -7 .- - \ ,<I I .- cT';.:r{ I I I. - r,-Jih- - -L if e 0 -4- Section 2, Effective date. This ordinance shall take effec and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage, ai before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, summary shall be published once with the names of the members votii for and against the same in the a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Si Diego. San Dieqo Daily Transcript PASSED, APPROVED, AND A.DQPTED this 7th day of July, 1987, * BRIAN P. BILBRAY Chairman or the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sara Diegoo State of California The above ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Supervisor Brian P. Bilbsay vo t 1 n g "Aye 'I Supervisor George F. Bailey absent and not voting Supervisor Leon L. Williams voting ''Aye'' Supervisor John MacDonald voting "Aye" Supervisor Susan Golding VQti flg "Aye" ATTEST my hand and the seal of the Board of Supervisors this 7th day Of Jujv. 1987 (48) 0 KATWBYIN A. M3LSQN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By Patricia H. Stewart Deputy (SEAL) Ord. No. 7335 (16) 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING e . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, o Tuesday, September 6, 1988, at 6:OO P.M., to consider the adoption by referenc the new San Diego County Ordinance for food caterers and catering equipment re Copies of the proposed Ordinance and County Regulations are on file in the Cit Office, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, and are open to public inspecti If you challenge the adoption by reference of the new county code regulating f caterers and catering equipment rentals in court, you may be limited to raisin those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in thi or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Of at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: August 26, 1988 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL