HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-16; City Council; 9597; PURCHASE OF MCCLELLAN- PALOMAR AIRPORT< < a a, rl .rl w 2 3 $4 a, c, c, cd a, E 8 03 co I \c) CISOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL JY --- AB#- TITLE DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: - Receive and file. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the December 15, 1987 meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, it was rc that staff explore the feasibility of the purchase of Palomar Airport. Aft several exchanges of letters and meetings, an agenda item appeared at th of Supervisors' meeting of July 12, 1988. The County staff recommendati in brief, was for the County to retain McClellan-Palomar Airport as a Coi airport. The County Board of Supervisors unanimously supported its staff's recorr tion. The County staff position was that McClellan-Palomar Airport is on seven County-owned airports. The sale of McClellen-Palomar Airport wou have a significant effect on the funding of projects at other County airpc The interrelationships of the airports provide the funding for numerous c projects. McClellan-Palomar and Cillespie Field provide the majority of fL for the County airport projects. The County staff further indicated that if the IBoard of Supervisors deter it appropriate to proceed with a feasibility study on the impacts of the si of McClellan-Palomar Airport, that the City of Carlsbad should bear the c estimated $50,000-plus costs. Unless the Carlsbad City Council further directs staff to proceed with th we have no plans to take further action. EXH I BI TS : A. Letter to Ray Patchett from Norman Hickey, dated July 18, 1988. B. Letter to Supervisor Brian Bilbray from Mayor Buddy Lewis, dated January 12, 1988. EXHIBI e 0 &lnfg of Ban $k?gO NORMAN W HICKEY CHIEF ADMINISTRPTIVE OFFICER (Location Code 730) (619) 531-6226 CHIEF AD MINI STRATIVE OFFICE 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92101-2472 July 18, 1988 Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST TO PURCHASE McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT Dear Ray: As you are aware, on July 12, 1988 the Board of Supervis considered the matter of your request that the County cons: the feasibility of selling the McC1ella.n-Palomar Airport to City of Carlsbad. The Board voted unanimously to direct office to inform your city of the County's intention to rei the McClellan-Palomar Airport as a County airport. A copy of Clerk of the Board's official Minute Order of the Board's acl is attached. You have previously received a copy of the repoi docketed with the Board on this matter. Please call me if you have any questioris regarding the Boarc Supervisors' action. I would also like you and your Counci. be assured of the County's intent to closely communicate Carlsbad and other north San Diego County cities unincorporated communities with regard to issues concerning McClellan-Palomar Airport. Sincerely yours, i1 , i i ,/?-'I Id5L [ iL ~ NOhMAN "w. IEEC.KEY Ch'ief Administrative Officer Attachment cc: Supervisor John MacDonald DCAO Sheehan DPW Director Bowman BOARD t bRlA nfi GEOR COdNTY OF SAN %EGO sus SEC THI LEoh FOU JOHN AGENDA ITEM Fi f CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OlFFlCE 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIECO, CALIFCbRNIA ED21 01 -2472 TELEPHONE (619) 531-5250 LOCATION CODE 730 SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchar HcClellan-Palomar Airport. SUPV DIST: 5 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: 9' This is a request that the Board of Supervisors express to the City of Cai the County's intention to retain McClellan-Palomar Airport as a valuable ( asset in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. The City of Cai has requested that the County consider the feasibility of the City purcha: and operating McClellan-Palomar Airport. Present and future revenues frog McClellan-Palomar Airport and Gillespie Field are of extreme importance tc operation and maintenance of the remaining airports in the County airport sys tem. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to inform the City of Carlsbad of County's intention to retain McClellan-Palomar Airport as a County airpor FUNDING SOURCES: Airport Enterprise Fund CURRENT YEAR COST: None ANNUAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: ( ) YES ( ) NO N/A WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL? NO (X) IF YES, STATE NUMBER ..... PERMANENT( )..... TEMPORARY( )..... OTHER1 BOARD POLICY(1ES) APPLICABLE: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: 05/06/80 (61) Resolution directing that the Cc F-44 Development of McClellan-Palomar Airport Airpoirts be self-supporting. 4 VOTES REQUIRED: ( ) YES (X) NO DEPARTMENT: Public ON MOTION of Supervisor MacDonald, seconded by Supervisor Bilbray, the Supervisors takes action as recommended, by following vote: KATHRYN A. NELSON Clerk of the Boar . Ayes: Blilbray, Bailey, Golding of Supervisors LO>& e4 Williams, MacDonald BY Deputy JUL '12 1988 No. 14 a BOARD OF SUPERVISO~RS e INFORHATION DEVELOPEE" FORn SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchE HcClellan-Palomar Airport - BACKGROUND INFORMATION: CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST - The City of Carlsbad has requested information on the feasibility of pure McClellan-Palomar Airport from the County. The City has expressed the de to have direct control and influence on the operations of McClellan-Palom Airport as it pertains to the health, safety and welfare of all the citiz surrounding communities. The City also desires to maintain all airport m within the City and to use excess airport land for community benefits. COUNTY RETENTION OF McCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT McClellan-Palomar Airport is one of seven County-owned airports. The fac was constructed in 1959 as a replacement for thle Del Mar Airport which wa closed due to construction of Interstate 5 on Land where the runway exist McClellan-Palomar Airport has been utilized by private, corporate and com airline operators since that time. Thirty-nine (39) different businesses provide service and support to 466 based aircraft. McClellan-Palomar Air is part of the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. element of the Regional Transportation Plan. Following are supporting re; why McClellan-Palomar Airport should be retained in the County Regional A Sys tem. AIRPORT REVENUE TRANSCENDS CITY LIMITS On May 6, 1980, (61) the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution direct that the County Airport System be self supporting. The sale of the Airpo! could have a significant effect on the funding of projects at the other CI airports. Revenues from the operation of McClellan-Palomar Airport are u: fund, in part, the capital improvements and maintenance programs of Ramon; Airport, Borrego Valley Airport, Jacumba Airport, Ocotillo Dry Lake Airstr and Agua Caliente Airport. For example, the master plan for Ramona Airpor indicated a need for a longer runway to enhance the California Division of Forestry fire fighting operations. Ramona Airport does not have the level The Airport [ ]ORDINANCE[ ]RESOLUTION ICITIZENS COMMITTEE STATEMENT[XQYES [ ]NOI[ ICONTRACT CONTRACT APPROVED BY CAO FOR ECONOMY [ ]YES [ ]NO IX]N/A [ ]EXEMPT (B/S E - APPR BY COUNTY COUNSEL AS TO LEGALITY1 ]YES1 *initj.als[X]NOT APPLICABLE [ IS? CONTRACT REVIEW PANEL ACTION [ IAFPROVED [ IDISAPPROVED [XINOT APPLICABLE1 AUDITOR - APPR NEEDED[ ]YES *initials[%JNOIFIN. MGT. @PwNEEDED[iwS *ir ICONCURRENCES (If Applicable) Roger F. Walsh 750-2231 (0332) I CONTACT PERSON r /PHONE AND MAIL STOP CHIEF ADMINISmIVE 4FFICE MEETING D 4 /YAW li/A i I / 0 0 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORHATION DgvEulPlIiSNT FORM SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchi McClellan-Palomar Airport BACKGROUND INFORMATION : activity needed to support itself and therefore projects such as the runt extension are funded from the revenues derived from the two high activitj airports which are McClellan-Palomar Airport and Gillespie Field in El Cz In any given year the airports' long range needs exceed the revenue gene1 by the County airport system. By deferring certain projects money has bc accumulated to fund the industrial park at Gillespie Field. Future road projects at McClellan-Palomar Airport and Ramona Airport runway projects be funded from the Gillespie Field industrial Park revenues. The elimina of the revenues from McClellan-Palomar Airport would have a direct impact the financial viability of the County's Regional Airport System. It woul cause a domino effect on the system. If McClellan-Palomar Airport were s the City of Carlsbad, the next logical step might be to sell Gillespie Fi the City of El Cajon. The County airport system would no longer be self supporting. Then if Ramona Airport were down graded or closed some of th aircraft would go to McClellan-Palomar Airport causing severe congestion. COUNTY AIRPORTS SERVE ALL COUNTY CITIZENS All the citizens of the County are served by thle County Regional Airport System. Even though a County airport is physically located within the lii of a city it impacts a much greater area. Previous studies have shown thi airport users come from as far as forty miles away from the airport. Oncc business aircraft leave the airport they become involved in interstate or intrastate commerce. Major banks that operate from the airports collect f from their branches throughout the County. Therefore, the economic impact extends beyond the city limits in which the airport is located. McClellar Palomar Airport has an influence that goes beyond the city boundary and therefore the County is in a better position to operate this airport becal its regional significance. ECONOMY OF SCALE The County enjoys the economy of scale in its airport operations. McClelle Palomar Airport is operated by a full-time staff of only three; an airport manager, secretary and a maintenance man. Many of the necessary airport functions are carried out by staff located at Gillespie Field who also ser all the County airports. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES The Airport is now within the City of Carlsbad as a result of a 1979 annexation. The airport traffic area overlies the incorporated cities of Vista, San Marcos, Oceanside, Encinitas, Escondido as well as Carlsbad and noise complaints come from all of these communities. The County has compl three actions directed at the Airport noise problem. e e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORlIBTION DEVELOP^ PORH SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchas McClellan-Palomar Airport BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. The County, with the assistance of the San Diego Association of Gover adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport on Oc 24, 1986. and welfare of the region's citizens. Input was received from an advisor committee composed of representatives of the jurisdictions who might be a by the Plan and a public hearing was held to take testimony from the pub1 the Plan's findings and recommendations. 2. The County addressed the concerns of several northern San Diego Count cities that the Airport might be expanded by adopting Board of Supervisor Policy F-44 on October 6, 1987. The policy fixes the runway length at 47 feet, makes the assurance that the County will not apply for a full Airpo Operating Certificate and provides for noise ab,atement procedures. 3. On August 4, 1987, the Board of Supervisors applied for a grant from Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a Part 150 study. This study 1 investigate the noise problems and implementation of mitigating measures reduce the aircraft noise impact. This should improve the existing commui image of the Airport as an unacceptable noise source and reduce the noise complaint problem. land use around the Airport and the compatibility of those land uses with Airport environment. In addition, the Part 150 study will produce an airc noise exposure map and identify methods to mitigate the aircraft noise le7 near residential areas. Mitigating measures approved by the FAA, such as noise monitor system, will be eligible for future federal grant funding. The above measures encompass the entire range of legal actions that can bc to preserve the public health, safety and welfare of the region's citizens INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The County owns 130 acres of vacant land designated as planned industrial Carlsbad General Plan. Part of this land is used for airport clear zone 8 buffer zone and cannot be separated from the airport. The uses of the lar should be controlled by the County. Currently t.he County is cooperating ti the City of Carlsbad to explore the joint use of the land for recreational well as industrial purposes. This land is not adjacent to the Airport and not be used for aviation facilities. When developed it could provide a sc of revenue for the general fund. When the property is developed, the Cour would accrue equity value in the improvements on the entire property. It is in the best interest of all the people in the County if the County continues to operate HcClellan-Palomar Airport as a part of the County Air System. The plan was prepared in order to preserve the public health, The study will also provide a review of existing and 0 e BOARD OF SUPJ3RVI:SORS INFORMATION DEVELOPMEN” FORH SUBJECT: McCleflan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchai McClellan-Palomar Airport BACKGROUND INFORMATION: FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PURCHASE BIY CITY OF CARLSBAD The study request has been initiated by the City of Carlsbad. In the eve the Board of Supervisors determines that it is appropriate to proceed wit feasibility study the cost should be borne by the City of Carlsbad. We h prepared a detailed cost estimate for the study but expect it would excee $50,000 including the appraisals. A feasibility study would involve an in-depth analysis of Federal Aviatio Administration (FAA) involvement in the operation of the airport and the if any the sale would have on the role of the FAA at McClellan-Palomar Ai The FAA, through the Airport Improvement Grant program, has provided 90% funds for the original land acquisition and construction of the runway an taxiway complex. The FAA has required assurance that all general aviatio aircraft within weight and safety limitations will be allowed use of the airport. The FAA also provides onsite air traffic control service for th 201,000 annual take-offs and landings with their own control tower and instrument approach facilities. A feasibility study would include contact with those citizens who use the airport facilities and those affected by airport noise problems through tl public hearing process. The Airport property now lies completely within 1 City of Carlsbad as a result of a 1979 annexation, however, aircraft user: noise complaints come from the cities of Vista, San Marcos, Oceanside, En( and Escondido. A feasibility study would analyze revenues from McClellan-Palomar Airport, contribution to the overall regional airport system and the effect that tl of the airport will have on the continued development, operation and maini of outlying County airports. The study would allso investigate any potenti cost savings in staff effort, services and suppl-ies as a result of the sal A feasibility study would review the impact to the County from th2 loss of acres of vacant airport land designated planned industrial in the City’s G Plan. It would also review the land valuation and County equity values in capital improvements on the entire property. for appraising the overall valuation of the potential sale. This would in an estimate of the County equity in all capital improvements made by lesse well as a review of the probable impact to the North County Animal Shelter is located on airport property. The study would recommend a * 0 * 1 .' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT FORH SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Request by the City of Carlsbad to purchas McClellan-Palomar Airport BACKGROUND INFORMATION : CITIZEN COMMITTEE STATEMENT: On June 16, 1988, the McClellan-Palomar Airport Advisory Committee review4 request for a feasibility study to analyze the potential purchase of McClellan-Palomar Airport by the City of Carlsbad and recommended approva the study. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: Program: Airports Net County Cost: $0 Remarks: N/A L,\IIIYI ' .* a e 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 (619) 4 Office of the Mayor MitQ a€ Marlsbab January 12, 1988 Brian Bilbray, Chairman Board of Supervisors County of San Diego Administrative Center, 1600 Pacific Coast Hwy. San Diego, CA 92101 RE. PALOMAR AIRPORT Dear Chairman Bilbray: At the December 15, 1987 meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, it was requested that the feasibility of the purchase of Palomar Airport be explored. In order to properly analyze this matter our staff needs to meet and discuss all aspects of this possibility, including whether Palo- mar Airport and adjacent properties are for sale. Your staff representative, A.C. Waldman has indicated that he needs direction from the Board of Supervisors prior to spending any time res- ponding to our needs. As Mayor of Carlsbad, I respectfully request thiat Mr. Waldman be direc- ted to meet with members of the Carlsbad staff to explore the feasibility of the purchase of Palomar Airport and other related issues. Sincerely , 8 (LA / -425M LAUDE A. BUD" LEWIS Mayor Pgk