HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-23; City Council; 9604; Construction of Beach Access at Maple & HemlockCI“” OF CARLSBAD - AGENr- BILL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO COASTAL CONSERVANCY AGREEMENT TO FUND CONSTRUCTION OF BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAYS AT MAPLE AND HEMLOCK IEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ffi38fapproving an amendment to the existing City of Carlsbad-California Coastal Conservancy agreement for funding the construction of beach access stairways at Maple and Hemlock Avenues. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 5, 1988, the City Council approved an agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy for funding construction of a beach access stairway at Maple Avenue as an element of the City’s construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Blufftop Walkway project . The existing agreement provides for the Conservancy to reimburse the City up to $100,000 of Carlsbad non-prime agricultural mitigation fees on deposit with the Conservancy for the Maple Avenue stairway construction. The low bid received for this item of work is $76,500, lump sum. Therefore, a balance of $23,500 of approved Conservancy funding is available. On July 22, 1988, the California Coastal Conservancy approved the City’s request to apply the available $23,500 of Conservancy funding to the Hemlock Avenue stairway. The attached amended agreement will enable the City, therefore, to utilize all previously approved Conservancy funding for this project. Staff recommends approval of the attached amended agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The Conservancy will reimburse the City a total of $100,000 of previously approved funding for the City’s construction of beach access stairways at Maple and Hemlock Avenues. The City Council has previously authorized a sufficient balance of funds to construct all elements of the Carlsbad Boulevard Blufftop Walkway project which is currently under construction. EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. ff*3Bqapproving an amended agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy for the funding of beach access stairway construction. 3. City of Carlsbad-California Coastal Conservancy amendment. LOCATION MAP r NAME CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PROJ. NO- BLUFFTOP WALKWAY 3265 L BOULEVARD CARLSBAD OCEbN STREET EXHIBIT ,I vIcm MAP N.T. S. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-304 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL CONSERVANCY FOR FUNDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAYS AT MAPLE AND HEMLOCK AVENUES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby finds it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to construct beach access stairways at Hemlock and Maple Avenues in the City of Carlsbad; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously entered into an agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy concerning the funding of construction of said stairways; and, WHEREAS, the Conservancy has approved a City request to amend said existing agreement; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an amended agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the California Coastal Conservancy is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute said amended agreement. The City Clerk is fu.rther authorized and directed to forward a copy of this Resolution and the five (5) executed copies of the agreement to the California Coastal Conservancy, attention Alyse Jacobson, 1330 Broadway, Suite 1100, Oakland, CA 94612. The City Clerk is additionally authorized and directed to return one (1) copy of /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 this Resolution and a Xerox copy of the agreement to the Municipal Projects Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 23rd day of August , 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: aA2za. BQ&zLALa- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City klerk (SEAL) *- 'ST A N D A R D TITLE OF OFFICER ACTING FOR STATE - APPROVED BY THE AGREEMENT - ATTORNEY GENERAL AGENCY hcrcaftc,r callrd the Starc. and I CONTRACT NUMBER AM NO STATE OF CALIFORNIA STD. 2 (REV 2msi Executive Officer 0 CONTRACTOR 0 STATE AGENCY 0 DEPT. OF GEN. SER. State Coastal Conservancy 87-064 11 AMOUNT ENCUMBERED PROGRAM/CATEGORY (CODE AND TITLEI FUND TITLE $100,000 .oo Capital Outlay Conservancy Furxi. s UNENCUMBERED BALANCE (OPTIONAL USE) Maple Ave. Stairs I CHAPTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR ADJ. INCREASING ENCUMBRANCE ITEM Department of General Services Use Only I that this an&* City of Carlsbad \I'iTNESSETH: That the Contractor for and in consideration of the co\,enants, conditions. agrecments, and stipulations of the State hereinafter expressed, does hereby agree to furnish to the State services and materials, as follows: (Set fvrth scrcicr to Iw rrndrred by Contractor. antaunt to bt, paid Contractor. tinic for perforniancr or coniphtion. and attach jdam and specifications. ijany J s ADJ. DECREASING ENCUMBRANCE The State Coastal Conservancy (the "Conservancy") and the agree to amend their existing Agreement 87-064 as follows SCOPE OF AGREEMENT Paragraph two shall be deleted and replaced by the follow "Construction of two public access stairways, one at is ex-; from Department ' 1984 ' 84'85 I/ of General Service approval 3760-803-565-84 I 138 OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE (CODE AND TITLE1 City of Carlsbad (the "Grantee") ng: I hcrdq ccrfif!/ IOJOII na!/ oicn prrsonal knowlrdgr that budgctrdftrnds arc a~ailalh for tlic, p-riod and ~irrrpoosc of the rxprnditurr stated ahow. the terminus of Maple Avenue and the other at the terminus of Hemlock Avenue to Carlsbad State Beach." B.R. NO. T'B'A. No' AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING OFFICER X Lines two and three of paragraph one shall be deleted and replaced by the following: "...certifies that at its January 21, 1988 and July 22, 1988 meetings, the Conservancy adopted the Resolutions included in the Staff Recommendations, attached hereto as Exhibits A and B..." DATE All other terms and conditions of these Agreement shall remain in effect. CONTINUED ON - SHEETS, EACH BEARING NAME OF CONTRACTOR AND CONTRACT NUMBER. .- c STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY EXHIBIT "A" Project Summary January 21, 1988 MAPLE AVENUE-SEAWALL ACCESS STAIRWAY File No. 86-045 Project M8nrger: Nanette Alforque REQUESTED ACTION: Authorization to disburse an amount not to exceed $100,000 from the Carlsbad Mitigation Account to the City of Carls- bad for the construction of the Maple Avenue Stairway to furtber complete the Seawall Project at Carlsbad State Berch. Construction of 8 krch 8CCeU stairwry 8t Mple Avenue in the City of Carlsbad to provide expanded access to the shoreline. SHORT DESCRIPTION. LOCATION City of C8rlrbrd, %n Die80 County, South Coast District (Exhi bit 1). c PROGRAM CATEGORY Coastal Acceu FINANCIAL SUMMARY Carlsbrd wtig8tiOn Account 100,OOO City of C8rlrbad ~,OOo Conservancy Bond Fund, 9- TOTAL Estimated Construction Costs s140,OOO PROJECT SUMMARY The City has requested funds from the Clrlshd Mitigation Account, rdminhtercd by the Sate Coast81 Conwrv8ncy, to Maple Avenue, earbling usen to reach the rhorc A maxi- mum of $100,OOo is currently rvrifrbk in the Crrlsbad Mitig8tion Account for this actus project, provided thrt the funds are not needed for higher priority uses estrblished for the Mitiption Account by lrgislrtion (AB 1291 - Frazee, Chapter 480, Statutes of 1987). No other ruch uses require funds from the account 8t this time. COnStrUCt 8 St8itW8y OVCI the CiQ'8 &SW8ll Project It The City wish& to proceed with the Mplc Avenue stairs rnd will pay for all Costs over the 8V8if8bk $loO,OOO. The Conwrvrncy previously approvcd funding for the construc- tion of Sycamore Sairwry (now completed) which was one of the oriainal three strirwryr 8t the Scawall Project for which the City requested Conrcrvrncy funding. C1 .C c STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY Staff Recommcndrtion ' Jrnuary 21, 1988 MAPLE AVENUE-SEAWALL ACCESS STAIRWAY File No. 86-045 Project Manrger: Nrnette Alforque STAFF RECOMMENDATION Strff recommends thrt the Strte Corstrl Conservancy rdopt the following resolution pursuant to Sections 31400 et tcq. rnd 30171.5 of the Public Resources Code: ?he St8te CO8Sttl Coawrvrncy hereby ruthorites disbursement of an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollrn (SlO0,OOO) from the 'Crrlsbrd Mitigr- tion Account' in the Strtc Corstrl Conscrvrncy Fund to the City of Crrlsbrd for the construction of an rccew strirwry from the terminur of Maple Avenue to Crrlsbrd St8tC Bcrch, subject to the following condi- tionr 1. Prior to the disbursement of any funds, the City shrll submit for the review rnd rpprovrl of the Executive Officer of the Conwrvrncy the follow- ins 8. A final work prognm for the project includ- ing 8 budget, detailed working drrwings, rad I corstrl rccc# signing plm; b. Writtea certification thrt funds necessary to complete the entire project are rvrilrbk; mad c The City has recorded certificates of rccep- mnce evidencing tbrt tbe City hrs rcccpted 13 offers to dedicate ersements for open sprce rad public ~CCCIJ, summrrited in Exhibit 2 of the rccomglnying staff recorn- wndrtiok The City shrll rgm to operrtc rad mrintrin the access stairway for I period no less thrn twenty yean from completion of construction.' - - ---__ 2. Staff rho recommends thrt the Consenracy rdopt the followin# findinp based on the information rnd exhibits contained in this staff tccammendrtion: ?he Strtc Corttrl Conrervrncy hereby finds thrt .... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The proposed project is consistent with the purposes rad criteria set forth in Chapter 9 of Division 21 of the Public Resources Code (Sec- tions 31400-31405) which ruthorizes the Conser- vrncy to rid in the implementation of a system of line; public 8CCeSSW8yS to rad 8lOng the State's COtSt- The proposed rcces~ improvements will serve arerter thrn local public needt; The proposed project is conristeot with the relevrnt auideliner rnd criteria set forth in the Consetvrncy~s Comprehensive Corstal rnd Sin Frrncisco Bay Access Progrrm Announcement adopted by the Conrcrvrncy in April 1985; Expenditure of 50% of collected rad bonded Crrlrbrd Mitiartion Account fees for the Maple Avenue Strirwry is 8 high priority under Public Rerourcca Code Section 301713 because the project will provide access to public bercber in Crrlsbrd rad kcaure' thew fua& uc not cur- rently needed for hiaher priority projects at Brtiquitor rad Bucnr Virtr Lrgoons; md The Coatervrncy b8S considered the environment81 effects of the proposed rcceu project rt Crrlrbrd Strte arch IS described in the Fin81 Environ- mental Impact Report (Exhibit 3) certified by the City of Crrlrbrd rnd concurs thrt the project will hrve no signif iunt impact on the environment.' STAFF DISCUSSION Site Dercription- Carlrbad State Ikacb is louted rat of Crrlsbrd Boulevrrd between Pine Avenue rad Sln Diego G8s rnd Electric Com- plny's Each8 Power Plant, in the City of Carlrbad, rbout 26 miles north of the City of Sln Die80 (Location Maps, Exhibit 1E The park unit hrr rpproximrtely 7,150 feet of ocean frontale. Exirtina frcilitic~ include three prrkin8 lots rccommodrtin~ 270 vchiclu rnd one ratroom. the bctch unit consists of a narrow strip of cliff-top terrace, rn eroded ocern-facing cliff, and sand 8nd cobble beaches. The maximum elevrtion of the temcc is 40 feet. Littoral rrnd movement consistently alters the width, elevation rnd confi8urrtion of the krch. At timer there is no und, only cobbles. krch und hrs been replenished in the past throuah periodic dredaina of the Agur Hediondr Ltaoon It the southern edge of the park boundrry. Principal recta- tion rctivitiu include rurfhg, sunbathin& fishinn rnd swimming. Project History- Approvrl of the requested $100,000 in funding would enable the City of Crrlsbad to construct 8 new rcccss stairway identified 8s prrt of the Serwrll Project for the rrer. The Seawrll Project consists of 3,100 level feet of reinforced concrete serwrll with pedcstrirn walkwry r1ong Carlabrd State Beach. In August 1986, the Conscrvrncy approved 8 grant of S192.560 for the construction of one verticrl recess stairway along the scrwrll to provide berch rccess 8nd for the restoration of the Ocean Street 8CCeU strirwry to the north of the Selrwrll Project rrer. An rdditionrl $67,485 in funding was requested rad grrated in Fcbrurry 1987, to cover unforscen increrscd construction costs rad to provide for the tot81 funding of seven wrwtlt-to-berch strirwcllr The seven strirwclls were completed in June 1987, rnd completion of the kern Street 8CCcu stairway restorrtion is rnticiprtcd in June 1988. AS 8 condition of rCCCpth# the 1986 grant, the City of Crrlsbrd rgrecd to accept three (3) offers to dedicate l8tCrd berch icceu through the Conser- vancy's Dedications rnd Donations Program. There are still fifteen (15) rdditionrl offers to dedicate open sprce. vertical rnd Irteml rcceu asements in the Crrlsbrd we8 (Exhibit 2). consistent with the Acccu Prognm policies, rcceptrnce of these offers to dedicate h 8 condition precedent to disbursement of funds under the grant. The construction of two remaining rcceu stairways at Maple rad Hemlock Avenues will complete the Crrlrbrd Scrwrll Project. Coast81 Commission permits hrvc rlrady bcen arrnted which incorporrtc both the proposed Maple Avenue 8nd the Hemlock Avenue projects. Coartruction of both St8irWryS will provide rdditionrl vcttictl 8cceu from the bluff-top to the beach. The City b;; mqucsted funding from the Crrlsbad ~tigrtioa Account for construction of the higher priority Maple Avenue Itrinrry. Staff recorn- mends th8t $lOO,OOO of the rvrihble funds k used for this purpoaa The City will provide the remaining S40,OOO to complete tbe construction. The City rnticiprter using rlternrtivc funding sources for the proporcd Hemlock Avc- nuc ~CCCII stairway. Project Description- Thc proposed Maple Avenue 8ceeYs st8irwry is located between the newly constructed Sycamore stairway rnd an existin8 strirwry rt cherry Avenue, which h 8 St8tC Prrks frcility. The proposed hhpk Avenue Strirwry is rpproxi- autcly 500 feet from other rcatr points, consistent with Conservancy access strndrrdr for urban areas Construction of both of the rernrining two bluff-to-se8wrll stairwrys (Maple rnd Hemlock) would provide 8 total of six (6) ver- tical mccctl rtrirwryr between the wrwvrll rod the bluff rprnnin@ 8 dirtrncc of 8boUt 3,500 feet don@ the Ptcific Coast Highway at the top of the bluff. c4 PRQJECT FINANCING Construction Of the Maple Avenue Stairway is estimated at S 140,000. The Conservancy would provide S IOO.000 from the Carlsbad Mitigation Account. The City will provide S40.000 of funds for the project. The Carlrbad Mitigation Account was established pursuant to Public Resources Code 30171.5 (attached as Exhibit 4). The rccount consists of fees paid mitigate the effects of coastal tone in the City of Crrlsbrd. (These fees are separate rnd distinguishrble from the r#ricultural conversion fees prid to the Conservrncy under the so-called 'Me110 I rnd 11' Segments of the Crrlsbrd LCP, which are dedicated to on Agricuiturrl improvements progrrm in the City of Carlsbrd rnd to prerervrtion of rgriculture generally throughout the corstrl tone.) Funds deposited in the Crrls- bad Mitigation Account of the St8te Corstrl Conservrncy Fund, currently totrlling S200,000, 8rC rpproprirted to the Conservancy solely for the purpose specified in Section 30111.5. As amended, the statute provides for expenditures from the rccount for scverrl types of projects, in r speci- fied order of priority. First, not less thrn fifty percent of the fees collected must be expended on the restorrtion of nrturrl resources rad wildlife hrbitrt in Ilrtiquitos Lrgooo, the highest priority use. The second priority use of the funds is the development of 80 interpretive center 8t Buenr Vista Lagoon. Provision of rcces to the public beaches of Crrlrbrd is third priority. development on ccrtrinaanpri is? e rgricultural lands in the Although it h rnticiprted thrt rdditionrl funds will be paid to the rcaunt 8s development of rgriculturrl lands is permitted, these statutory priorities restrict tbe Conrervrn- cy's options for use of the funds. Consistent with the requirement thrt fifty percent (50%) of fees collected rnd bonded be expended on the highest priority, SlO0,OOO of current funds in the Account must be reserved for the retorrtioa of Batiquitor bgoon. The remaining SlO0,OOO c8n be ad for rn rccc~j project only if the funds rre not aecded for the second priority, the Buenr Vistr Lrgoon interpretive center. The City of Occrnside hrt received Sl6S,OOO in Environment81 License Plate funds to construct the Interpretive Center buildins The shell of the buildin8 is completed rod the 7' o Ocernside hrs rdvrnced S90,OOO towrrds completina frcilitia fundrrising efforts rill provide rdditionrl money nceded for exhibits. SCHEDULE: Construction of the Mple Avenue Strinvry b rnticiprted to begin in the spring of 1988 and will be completed within the mme year. LOCAL SUPPORT: Letters of support are rttrched 8s Exhibit S. cs . .. CONSISTENCY WITH CONSERVANCY ACCESS PROGRAM CRITERIA MInImmr Crlterlr Server Greater tbam Local Need: The Carlsbad Seawall is located within the City of Carlsbad. which has 8 population of 49,000. The population of northern San Diego County and soutbcrn Oranpc County is rpproximatcly one million. Tbe project will provide rdditionrl rad enhanced access to Carlsbrd Strte &rch rnd the kacb just to the north. Crrlsbrd Strte Bcrch estimates ~,~ user days per year. The entire s~8W8ll project rad new 8CCCSS frcilities hrve rlrcrdy rttrrcted incrersed users from the immedirte neigh- borhood rad city, rdjaceot inlrnd cities and visitors staying at motels in the vicinity of the site. Local Coastal ?rgrrr Comrlrtency. Tbc project site is within the Me110 I1 segment of the Crrlsbrd Local Corstrl Program Land Use Plan, certified by the Corstrl Commission on June 3, 1981. The toning plrn for the Me110 I1 ire8 8lSO hrs ken certified The City of C8rlsbrd hrr not yet rp proved the plrn or the main& therefore, the CO8Std Com- mission is still issuing permits for the coastrl zone, rnd 8 permit for the kkple Avenue Stairwry hu kea iuued. The pfrn'r shoreline recess policies recommend thrt 8 compre- bensive rccess signing plrn be developed for C8rlsbrd rod thrt the City coopcrrte with tbc Strte to insure thrt lrtcrrl krch 8cce88 ir protected rnd cnhrnccd. ?be rcccu signin8 plrn rad rcccptrna of offen to dedicate u required by this recommcndrtion will further thew plan policies (policies 7-2 rod 7-3, respectively). Provision of 81 rdditionrl stair- wry it conrirtent with policy 7-1s which public rcccss rhrll k provided. UmavahbIlIty of ?mmdlmg From Amotber biomrce To drtc, the City hrr spent SWS,OOO on the Scrwrll Project and has only limited funds 8V8if8bk to complete the access plrn. 7'he City will provide W0,OOO matchina fonds and will opcr- ate rod maintain the strirmy. IDC~~ Ac- The pro& kkple Avenue rccetr ruimry will provide new rnd improved vertial 8ccc88. Selwtlom Crlteria Urlercy: Accctr to the beach at p8ra of Crrlsbrd Strtc Beach occurs informrlly, causing foot traffic erosion of the C6 bluff. The project will not only provide expanded and improved existing vertical pathways to the beach, but rlso will reduce bluff erosion by providing tbe seawall with beach rccess stairwrys. Cost Effectlveaesa: The cstimoted 8VCr88C use It Crrlsbad State Berch is 2,640 persons per day, based on 900,000 rnnurl user drys. lncrersed public access mry result from the proposed incrersed prrking rrd vertical rccess. The seawrll will have an estimated life span of 50 years, while the rcccss facilities rre required to be mrintrined by the applicant for twenty years. The project materirls are not low cost, but should be long-lasting (concrete stairs) with lower mrintenrnce costs Based on the high usage of the berch, the proposed project would be cost effective. Comprebems1ve ?fogrrrr: ne proposed project will further the completion of the wrwrll comprehensive access program. Acceptrnce of the fifteen (15) offers to dedicate will rssist in the effort to mrnrge, monitor rnd effectively plan open sprces rnd public rcceu in the region. CONSISTENCY WTH CONSERVANCY ENABLING LEGISLATION: The Conrervrncy h rutborited under Chapter 9 of the Conservtncy*s enrbling legislrtion (Public Resources Code 31400 er seq.) to rwrrd gnnts to public r8encics for pur- poses of initirl development of lands which are suitrbk for rad which will be used for public rcceuwryr to rnd dong the coast. The Conwrvrncy may provide up to the tot81 cost of the initirl development of rccertwrys (section 31400.2). The Conwrvrncy may also provide ruistrnce to rid public r#cncier in estrblirhing 8 system of public corstrl rcceuwryr. rnd rclrted functions (section 31400.3). c APPLICABLE COASTAL ACT POLICIES Article 2, Chapter 3 of tbe Corstrl Act (Public Resources Code Section 30000 et uq.) rpultr specifically to public rccfu. section 30210 mrndrtct thrt In carryin8 oat the requirement of Section 4 of Article X of the Crliforah Constitution, maximum rccerr, which rhrll be conspicuously posted, rad recre- rtionrl opportunities shrll be provided for all the people consistent with the public mfcty needs rad the need to protect public rights, rights of private proper- ty ownen rnd nrtuml resource ore81 from over use? In addition. Section 301215 provides thrt 'Whenever rpproprirte rnd feasible, public frcilities- shrll k distributed throughout 80 iter so 8s to miti- gate against the impacts, social rnd otherwise, of overcrowding or overuse by the public of any single WC8: As described in the 'Project Financing' Section of this recommendation, the use of Carlsbad Mitigation Account funds for this project is consistent with Section 30171.5. As required by Subsection (6) of Section 30171.5, staff has consulted with Commission staff and hrs determined thrt the proposed project is not one which would mitigate 8 project otherwise consistent with the CO8St8l Act. COMPLIANCE WITH CEQA: The City Council of Crrlsbrd certified the Environment81 Impact Report for the Crrlsbrd Boulevrrd Bluff Stabilization Project (Exhibit 3; SCH sr84091201) on January 7, 1986. The Report rddreaed the development of scverrl bcrch access strirwrys 8s part of the Scrwrll Project rnd did not iden- tify any rianificrnt effects on the environment thrt would be caused by the development of the Maple Avenue Stair- wry. Suff concurs in tbis r~se~ment rnd recommend thrt the Con~rvrncy rdopt the proposed CEQA findings. , -- EXHIBIT 1 ?tokt Locattom Mama t c f19 I. 0 < > W 0 m a 3 8 m 2 < 0 s F R m W C13 EXHIBIT A 7- 3 5; $1 I .. II I 4 .- -5 UHIBIT 2 OPEN SPACE AND ACCESS DEDICATIOH QPEN SPACE Grantor CCC Permit No. KEL-CAL 6-84 LR Partnership 6-82 Puestr Del Sol 5-77 Grupe Real Estate 6-84 Native Sun Investments 6-03 Sears Savings Bank 6-83 Kelley Ranch 6-84 PCCES (Lateral and Vertical) -617 -501 -81 -518 -51 -613 -617 Tamarack Investors Ltd. Me1 1 gren Brown Sears Savings Bank Crrlsbad Inn Klett Ham1 In Ac hiah6 +FZS4O 6-07-36 6 -06- 270140 *6-03-613 6 - 05- 492 6-03-01 Atr -01 FtcScIO APN 207-101-12 to 33 Park Drive Lot 1, Blk A, Hap 1221 APN 211-040-13 APN 203-010-14 APN 206-222-22 APN 207-101-12 & 15; 208-020-17, 18,30, 32 and 33 300 Tamarack Avenue Adams and Hoover Streets 5099 Shore Drive So. end of Harbor Drive 3037 Ocean Avenue 2601 Ocean Avenue 2445 Ocean Avenue 3-1 O-Wd +Vert 1 ea1 *Vertical and Lateral Offers to Dedicate C14 -. EXHIBIT 3 Fin81 Emvtromrertd Imp8ct Report October 198s Distributed to Board Members only due to rolumr of document A copy is available for inspection at the Conserrancy's ofjices and at the Public Hearing CIS EXHIBIT 4 ?mbllc Reromtcer Code hctlom 30171.5 Cl6 I I C17 1 z ,! . L c I , SXHIBIT S Letten of Support C19 , 2075 US PALMAS DRIVE CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OOW850 Offim of fhe Uunklprl Probet8 TELEPHONE (810) 438-1161 c December 15, 1987 California Coastal Conservancy Attention: Ms. Alyse Jacobson 1330 Broadway, Suite 1100 Oakland, California 94612 RECEIVED CITY OF CARISBAD'S REQUEST ?OR AB 1291 (PRAZEE) FUNDING FOR BEACH ACCESS STNRWAYS mar X. . Jacobson: With reference to our recent telephone conversation concerning the City of Carlsbad'm request to utilite A8 1291 (Frazee) funding for the proposed baach access mtairwayr, attached are the following document.: 1. 2. 3. 4. California Coastal Commission --it NO. 6-86-313 dated Sept-r 10, 1986, approving the Carlsbad Boulevard Seavall 8ubjOct of thi8 roquost. Tbo conission permit incorporates by refer.nco the project plana, mpocification~, and contract are on file with the City of Car1.b.d. California Coastal Commission permit No. 6-86-313A-2 (Amendment) approval by the Couirsion on Docember 8, 1987, for the Catl8b.d Boulevard Bluff-top Walkway projoct vhich is vi11 br imtalled. The ~ommission'm findings approving the permit rund;r.nt are not available am of thia date. Please note the Commission formally approvad the permit amendment bation depicting the Car1.b.d boulward seavall project which vas carpletad in June of 1987. bation rap depicting the Carlsbad boulward bluff-top Walkway project Md the existing and proposed kach access atairways . PrOjOCt including the bath 8CC.88 mtAkV8y8 Which 8T8 tho documents depicting tho aCC.88 8t8irVay8. Tho80 documents the VOhiCh by Which the reqU88t.d hach 8CC.88 8tairVayS With the delotion Of Special Conditions U, b, Md De c20 . -. -. f Page Two December 15, 1987 CITY'S REQUEST FOR AB 1291 (F'RAZEE) FUNDING In general terms, the City proposes the construction of beach access atairways at Maple Avenue and Hemlock Avenue, a8 indicated in attached Exhibit 4. The access stairways will complete a comprehensive access plan developed by the City of Carlsbad for this area to improve access to public resources by the general public. With the Coastal Commission's recent permit amendment approval for the bluff-top walkway project, the City has tentatively scheduled construction of the project including the access stairways at Maple and Hemlock Avenue8 to begin in the Spring of 1988. Two (2) new acceus 8tairways are proposed: Maple Avenue (estimated construction coat of $140,000), and Hemlock Avenue (estimated construction cost of $ll8,OOO). Tho City of Carlsbad formally requests the Coastal Conse~ancy~~ approval of AB 1291 (Prazee) funds on deposit with the Conservancy for a portion of the construcgon of the Maple Avenue acc8.s stairway. Conservancy staff has indicated a total of approximately $100,000 is availablo to fund this &airway in accordance with the requirements of amended Section 30171.5 of the Public Resources Code. The City of Carl8bad will fund the balance of the construction including a11 related administration and inspection costs estimated to ba an additional $40,000 for this stairway. The City will continue to pursue alternative funding sources for the proposed Xemlock Avenue access staiway. c Carlsbad 8taff will be 8ttending tho January 21, 1988, Consonrancy meeting to respond to any questions or additional information that MY ba require for thia itam. Thank you for Uicipal ~rojecta Manager JJCtmja Attachments c: Assemblyman Robert Prate8 Michael lfccollum, Assistant Secretary for ReSOUrCeS, state of California City mnager Assistant City Nanager City Engineer EXHIBIT B STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY Staff Recommendation July 22, 1988 CONSENT ITEMS File Nos. 87-064, 83-35, 86-013, 88-019, 82-003, 86-009 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the State Coastal Conservancy adopt the following resolution, pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 31000 et 5eq.: "The State Coastal Conservancy hereby: a. Authorizes the amendment of Conservancy grant #87-064 to permit the construction of a stairway at Hemlock Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. All other terms and conditions of the contract shall remain unchanged; b. Authorizes the People's Self Help Housing Cor- poration (PSHHC) to apply one hundred sixty-five thousand dollars ($165,000) of the San Luis Obispo County Housing Mitigation fee to acquire an alternate rite (assessor's Parcel #68-301-11) instead of the site previously authorized for acquisition by the Conservancy for the develop- ment of Phase I construction of 40 rental units for very low income elderly in the City of Morro Bay; and authorizes the Executive Officer to amend the grant agreement with PSHHC for the acquisition of the alternate site and to extend the close of escrow to June 1, 1989. This authoriza- tion is subject to the following conditions: 1. No funds shall be disbursed for acquisition until the Executive Officer has reviewed and approved all acquisition documents including title reports, escrow instructions, agree- ments, deeds, and an appraisal of the pro- perty to be acquired; 2. The purchase price shall not exceed fair market value of the property, as established by the approved appriasal; and 3. All relevant terms rnd conditions of the pre- vious authorization shall apply to this alter- na tive acquisition; c. Authorizes disbursement of an amount not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to a Bay J-1 WHEREAS, the marine environment is one of the most valuable resources for recreation, tourism, fishing and other coastal industries; and WHEREAS, the State Coastal Conservancy is strongly committed to the wise management of the coastline to ensure that the environmental and economic value of the coastal zone will be sustained; and WHEREAS, preserving the productivity and quality of coastal resources requires public awareness and support rnd an understanding that protection of the coast is a responsibility shared by individual citizens, the business community and public insti- tutions; and WHEREAS, national Coastweeks will be held from September 17 through October 10; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the State Coastal Conservancy hereby recognizes and sup- ports the designation of September 17 through October 10, 1988 as 'COASTWEEKS." Staff further recommends that the Conservancy adopt the following finding: 'The State Coastal Conservancy bereby finds that: a. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Hemlock Avenue stairway project is consistent with the purposes and criteria set forth in Chapter 9 of Division 21 of the Public Resources Code (Sections 31 400-3 1405) which authorizes the Conservancy to aid in the implementation of 8 system of public rccessways to and along the state% coast- line; The proposed access improvements will serve greater than local public need; The proposed project is consist.mt with the relevant guidelines rnd criteria set forth in the Conservancy*s Comprehensive Coastal and San Frrncisco Bay Access Program An- nouncement adopted by the Conservancy in April 1985; Expenditure of funds from the Crrlsbad Mitigation Account for the Hemlock Avenue Stairway is 8 high priority under Public Resources Code Section 30171.5 because the project will provide access to public beaches J-3 I , .- e. f. 2. Disposition of the Percy Gardens property as provided in this authorization will help to carry out the policies and objectives of Chapter 9 of Division 21 of the Public Resources Code, to implement a system of public accessways to and along the coastline, and with the authority of the Coinservancy under Public Resources Code Section 3 1 107, to direct the transfer of any interest in land pursuant to an implementation plan approved by the Conservancy; The implementation plan for disposition of the Sea Ranch Transfer Site is consistent with the "Property Disposal Guidelines" established by the Conservancy and the Department of General Services, and approval of the implementation plan is consistent with the ruthority of the Conser- vancy pursuant to Sections 31107 and 31107.1 of the Public Resources Code; and 1. Under Lease No. L86-009-A, the lessee's exercise of the Conservancy's interest in water right Licence No. 1912 on Waddell Creek can result in removal of all water from the stream below the irrigation pump operated by the lessee; 2. The Department of Fish and Game has set minimum pump-bypass requirements to pre- vent further dewaterings of Waddell Creek; 3. Under Public Resources Code Section 31150, the Conservancy is required to take feasible action to return to private use or ownership all lands acquired for agricultural preserva- tion, with appropriate use restrictions; 4. The minimum pump-bypass requirements set by the Department of Fish and Game are an appropriate use restriction; and 5. The Conservancy's authorization to terminate the lease in the event of the lessee's failure to comply with the minimum bypass require- ments is a reasonable and desirable means of enforcing the restriction and preventing further dewaterings of Waddell Creek." STAFF DISCUSSION: These projects are discussed in the following Project Synop- ses a., b., c., d., e., f., and 8. i J-5 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE (619) 434-2808 August 25, 1988 California Coastal Conservancy Attn: Alyse Jacobson 1330 Broadway, Suite 1100 Oakland, CA 94612 AGREEMENT 87-064 The Carlsbad City Council, at their meeting of August 23, 1988, approved an amended agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy for funding for the construction of beach access stairways at Maple and Hemlock Avenues. Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 88-304, approving the amended agreement. Also enclosed are five (5) executed copies of the amended agreement. Please return an original agreement to us when fully executed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR Enclosures