HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-23; City Council; 9608; Annual Contract for Janitorial Suppliesz 0 ~ ... 0 z :::, 0 (.) "!iiOC CADI ~DAn •G!:1.11:.u __ _. ..,,._L r----~--_,."....;;;:,· 1 -na..;,g.1'111 -I'\ -•~~DII. AB# 9~1? 5' I1I.1,.g; -------~~~-- MTG.__,...........,......,.,.,,_ H/23/88 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES DEPT._p_r .... m __ _ RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITYA CITYMGR.$k-- Staff recommends the Council adopt Resolution No.f'f~.Jttf ,awarding the annual contract for janitorial supplies. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad purchases various janitorial supplies for the Building Maintenance Department, Parks Department and the Fire stations. In order to take advantage of purchasing in volume, a bid proposal tor annual usage of Janitorial Supplies was developed. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published and Request to Bid was made to nine vendors. Five responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on July 14, 1988. Following the evaluation of the bids by the staff of the Purchasing and Building Maintenance Departments, it is recommended the City enter into an annual contract for janitorial supplies with four vendors. The lowest responsive bid for eighteen items was National sanitary supply, 9687 Distribution Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121, in the amount of $12,752. The lowest responsive bid for thirty-two items was Mission Chemical, 9292 Activity Road, San Diego, CA 92126, in the amount of $7,650. The lowest responsive bid for twenty-three items was Waxie Enterprises, Inc., 5775 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123, in the amount of $8,869. The lowest responsive bid for tw~nty-five items was Padre Janitorial Supply, 8601 Production Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121, in the amount of $8,499, The annual contract for various janitorial supplies is estimated to be $37,770. FISCAL IMPACT: Unencumbered funds are available in the following amounts: $36,820 in Account No. 00l-820-5320-2612. $ 5,600 in Account No. O0l-820-2220-2612. $ 5,600 in Account No. O0l-820-4121-2612. EXHIBITS: 1, Tabulation of bids -Exhibit "A". 2. Resolution No. l"l'--.slJ? . --__ ---------"'!:! - I ' l l 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 88-308 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF JANITQRIAL SUPPLIES~-_ 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 6 California as follows: 7 1. That the bid of National Sanitary Supply, 9687 8 Distribution Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121 for eighteen items as 9 shown en Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing 10 Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the 11 purchase of janitorial supplies in the amount of $12,752. 12 13 14 2. That the bid of Mission Chemical, 9292 Activity Road, San Diego, CA 92126 for thirty-two items as shown on Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby 15 authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of 16 janitorial supplies in the amount of $7,650. 17 3. That the bid of Waxie Enterprises, Inc., 5775 Ruffin 18 Road, San Diego, CA 92123 for twenty-three items as shown on 19 Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is 20 hereby authorized to execute a Purctdse Order for the purchase 21 of janitorial supplies in the amount of $8,869. 22 4. That the bid of Padre Janitorial supply, 8601 23 Production Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121 for twenty-five items 24 as shown on Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing 25 Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the 26 purchase of janitorial supplies in the amount of $8,499. 27 / / / 28 I I I l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 23rd of August, 1988, by the following vote, to wit: day AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine HOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City\clerk (SEAL)' CLAUDE A. LE i' ,! i I I l l l ,l ! TABULATION OF BIDS Exhibit "A" NATIONAL SANITARY MISSION CHEMICAL \IAXIE PADRE JANIYORIAL PAK \/EST 9687 Olstrlbutlon Ave. 9292 Activity Rd. 5775 Ruffin Rd. 8601 Production Ave. 1200 Simpson Way San Oieoo CA 92121 San Oieoo CA 92i26 San Oieoo CA 92123 San Oieoo CA 92121 Escondido CA 9?025 1 6.77 9.52 ~::::,,, ·•· ', ".-•;:~sg :"':;:: .•❖':_•• 6.00 8.16 2 ~-c-:"'~ ....... t / t;-.:•,•1,~11 ... .; ...... • • .. .::~ 19.86 23. 55 18.52 25.50 .3 17 .25 ....... , : :td3:~1!6,':;·,1 \ ":': 14.98 17.22 20.85 .I'._._. 4 13. 74 '( ... ,. :>-.•-. ,, ,·:,ln91 '' -~''':'•'; 21.85 14.40 16.20 5 35.63 ......... ,,.. ...... : . .. . ~ .. ,?.4_.<11~-.~~--· ::~ ~-:; 54.15 35.34 44.70 6 ..... .,,. .. ':,.;:"'2l 9!} :. ,':,:;,' ', 213.14 37. 78 27.36 24.00 7 23.95 20.55 26.95 '[,•:: ·..:; ·'J4,U>'' ':;', ~ .. ~--; 23.85 8 36.10 ::.:-: .... :: .... ~ ~ .... 7~»tQ ::·.:·,/'. • .. 'f(.,., -~ 48.25 NB 32.00 9 43.15 25.24 49.45 ;',,""," :' .. 15;'96:...',' ,. ,·; 42.90 10 M, ."; .C ,. ·' ,, ,42>,.47 ;'.· ' .; "~) NB 48.38 21.12 A 68.25 11 24.52 ,., ... ~ .. .20; ,;i;,· '\':::: --~.-·-: 44 .. 58 35.14 39.60 12 <' -~".;;',.._ ,,,r:;,:55,:::.:;.'.' .. , 41.45 42.35 41. 52 32.50 13 NB NB " :...·:" 'U :l'Kl -.-..(. } NB NB 14 ....... _,. .. -, :-_, 3=';(1>,. '"''\ ·: 3.54 42.48 3.69 3.98 15 3.10 1.10 ..... -:. . .: ~ .... ~ .... :;M:.-..".,' .. :"' .. "-. 1.34 1.05 16 15.65 1.42 ~'\""~ .............. ~ .. ~::-""--~::.: .:"'' .:·; ~ 1.34 1.46 17 -48.44 NB ~:::..'~"--'\,")!ff':'?!;.,"~'·', .. ~ ) NB 38.62 18 28.06 »' ":;.,, ... :., ?'::~ ~ JI, o-...~ .. --.. ...... ,~-=-;: 32.65 24.48 29.88 19 41.49 t.~· .. .;. 0"'-::~ .. II ~, (!''.."~:-:') 46.18 23.04 NB I 20 37 .07 i~.\inc'lM ""·., n~item:..,n 43.90 16.64 NB 21 24.97 ~ .. :~::: ·"::,. IA ◄ ' !J.,.,,,;,; "' 51.84 NB 58.50 22 , ..... ---:--.;. ... ':.} --~. '"'.'°3:'13::-"" ...... :: ............. '$, 4.13 5.57 6.61 5.25 23 .. --::..·( .. ~~), ,·, , ;.,~u·: .t!k :.::.~::._ • ' · : NB 28.57 81.42 35.00 24 33.15 28.28 28.89 t , , :,,2/ '.-lZ' , " • ,. 39.98 ,. ,, 25 49 .62 40.92 ;--::·•~•·❖V:_•~':,~."a8"<RA.~--;:• ,u..-.~~ 51.36 42.60 26 16.67 25.00 16.93 : ......... ~ :., ........ ,1n-A-C't. '. NB 27 17 .62 3.45 19.84 f" .... ::\,:'·: 11':'28,"'s\-' :-' ,' 1 18.00 28 38.30 ;: ... ~--.... ), ....... .:-.. 4~ .:., .................... ~ 3?.65 388.50 37.50 29 27.81 t ... ,t .. ,-: ... _::,~ ::-~ 4~ ::: .. , .. ',.., sS 65.40 51.54 36.00 30 18.31 ~ -:::.::··~ .. ;.. .. ,. .... ., 4''.. ... ('•-.❖' .... , .... .................. 48.15 18.01) 25.80 31 17.97 ;..: ' ...... -:_ ... , :.1c,, .... .. .. ........ , .. .. t:: 50.75 25.56 25.80 32 ...... ~ .. ':.:> ... -.... ~~ ... -.:,7 ~ RR-~ .... ,: ....... ': 15.7 12.23 14.28 14.95 33 NB ,0.,, ................. 4t'9 1'?~ '.',,) 26.68 21.72 42.95 ................ 34 ?6 75 ·:'~..:: '❖'-:::: ... ")-:g-"11 :I",, ........ , .. t 28.IO 24.70 36.09 35 37 .16 "'❖ .. ❖ .......... ,:.. .. :,. ...... ~ .. ,:, ·~ ... ~~~--~:::: 34.45 32.84 36.09 36 21.80 7.04 ~ ,\.' ,'x:,' ,t6' 111 ;'_'.', \", ,) 17.34 24.00 37 42.00 41.38 ~--:;,,.1-..._\..-::-.... :-..< ... .1n:::,7n::: ::... .. ,, .... ':.'-...: ~❖ NB 41.86 38 30.45 30. 7 ::-..~ ::,t--:::'::«::-.,29~n":::::--·' ...... ~ 29.46 38.06 39 29 89 19.83 30.00 ::.":.:· .. .'❖'\l ":. .. :':..~29'~15-:.,:~.: ::_._' ':❖< 36.33 40 19 50 9.54 20.33 ""'\, , '" :' l!l' m~ ;-;;::;-• .. ~ .,': 25.37 41 36.33 ::~~ ... ••❖-~ ......... 't'J 4"71-' ",:'«._~ ... ~ 32.78 29.38 46.00 42 19.61 6.?fi 19.61 i, .. , :·~ ... ~"':..".. ur~n;-c:'-;;•~'-: .. :,. ....... ~ 27.48 43 34.48 3.91 32.22 t~~ .. t--..r ... ~~~ ~1~so~ .. ~ ....... ~~-...: 37.45 -44 10.33 9.30 18.10 18.16 20.66 45 15.91 24.67 25.50 19.34 15.35 46 14.29 18.03 21.18 8.17 17.33 47 16.89 21.47 25.22 12.58 15.33 4!t 27 .31 15.35 23.75 21.90 26.26 49 107.21 :".: ... »\'-':...:" .:" ..... ~ .. Xn!t7.,...~ ::::.--;"''" ~ ~ 32.68 NB 38.55 so 19. 10 NI t , -_ 1 r -~.:ut~ .. ..-.. .. ..._ .... -..':..' -: hB 39.95 51 21.93 ;:,~ .. ':.=:.\>'~~ "'4 ...... , .... , ... '-'( '=". ............ ,-.:-.. , ) 21.98 24.63 25.60 52 42.40 ... ~ .. ~:,❖~_.,..-;: ....... 3 > .,, "" , .. ,:,. .. .... ~ 41.68 43.22 45.52 53 3.82 ~~ ;, .. -.:,_,.-. .. ~~-.... «-< .,,";!._, ""..:; .55 3.54 4.75 54 NB ~ ........... ".,,. t .... ·:-... ~ .... ~~~~ .... ) 92 NB NB 55 NB t}·>'··· ......... " ; ~ ........ ._ .. (/·--: .35 NB NB 56 NB 4.94 ::"!. ........ ~:::. .... _.'. :73; --·:','\, .'~ 5.47 NB 57 NB 4.83 5.77 ,., \·: ,t'\' 1.46-'., '~ ~ ... ~ 5.98 58 I.57 2.25 ~ ...... -::·.:.t, .... ',-:: .. lt'53-''. ,':_-, " 2.73 3.95 59 NB 1-»-~-...~ ..... ~ ~ .. ~❖• ............. 81-f~' .... i~' :.) ... ~ .98 1.50 .95 60 .94 75 1.32 )'' .. z ; ~ .. ·"t ........ :_,5? .......... ~ ...... ~-=-.... ~ .95 61 7.58 ....... '" v ❖ ,2< lifJ.~' ''-.::>C 5.10 5.31 9.15 '" 62 2 .40 ~ ', ';, .t.'L -.:..;,2'~61,t '-.s ~,\.,C 2.25 NB NS 63 5,25 5.72 ,. , .... ,, .._~~o, ................. " NB 7.65 " A. Not as specified. 8. Lower per ounce, quart, gallon or case. C. Need to be purchased as a unit. D. Not advantageous to the City to award three (3) Items to one Vendor. City will request quotes on Items 44 through 48 when Plastic liners are needed. TABULATION OF BIDS Exhibit "A", Cont ln~ed HATlONAL SANITARY MISSION CHEMICAL WAXIE PAORE JANITORIAL PAK WEST 9687 Distribution Ave. 9292 Activity Rd. 5775 Ruffin Rd. 8601 Production Ave. 1200 Simpson Way San Dieoo CA 92121 San Dleao CA 92126 San Dieoo CA 92123 San Dleao CA 92121 Escondido CA 92025 64 7.33 7.68 • , ".,. , ,., , ., "" NB 10.25 67 NB NB '" ,, ' • . ''"''' "' NB 4.75 68 , .. . "" ',,14.!t?' '~ ., ,, 26.62 21.25 28.00 36.50 69 ,;:-,., " . 111 60" ·, . 'j 35.59 28.10 30.84 44.06 70 4.8D 4.02 4.18 f""?'•,' •. '4fOO ' . f ., "• 4.95 71 1 l.95 1 l. 55 : '" , '. "8,ss,, ·,· \: "' NB 55.27 77 133.56 24.37 A 124.71 '':.:->::-..::-:121no" ,,,,, 12a.oo 89 3.53 ~ .. -::.:---~, ~ .. ~ ... ?:::~~❖ ... ❖' ❖~~ .. :: 3.53 6.10 4.75 90 7.05 ;:_,-,'~~''..':,.;:,;5;4g'.;~~,"~"::','::l 8.10 NB 6.95 97 30,48 ~,-,o.': ,, \?li'ZI '. "'; "· 31 48 36.30 34.00 A. Not as specified. B. Lower per ounce, quart, gallon or case. C. Need to be purchased as a unit. D. Not advantageous to the City to award three (3) items to one Vendor.