HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-23; City Council; 9610; AMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT|MASTER PLAN EIR 86-22. 6 w B 0: k 4 .. z 2 r3 a 2 0 z 3 0 0 ld DEPT TITLE: FOR AN ENV1RONIQNl"T IMPACT AB# qL-pa MTG. 8/23/88 REPORT/MASTER PLAN. EIR 86-2 CITY L AGENv B'LL OF CARLSBAD - AMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT DEPT. PLN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. ff43/@ , authorizing the Mayo execute amended agreements with the La Costa Ranch Company the consulting firm of Sanchez-Talarico Associates, Inc provide additional environmental consulting services for Arroyo La Costa Master Plan project. ITEM EXPLANATION In June, 1986 Council adopted Resolution Nos. 8585 and approving agreements with the La Costa Ranch Company and Sanchez-Talarico Associates, Inc. to provide an EIR for review and revision of the La Costa Master Plan. A substar amount of work was completed under that contract. Since that time events have modified the review process environmental impact report. First, the growth manag€ program and adoption of local facilities management 1 preempted the review process: second, La Costa Ranch Con went through several staff changes: third, the Counc modification of the parks agreement with La Costa Ranch Con focused the review in the southwest portion of the La ( Master Plan and added processing of a tentative map, ple residential development and hillside development permit. revised EIR is needed to address the potential effects of new Master Plan for southwest La Costa, which includes gel plan amendments, a tentative map, planned development pel hillside development permit and local facilities managc plan amendment to Zone 12. Because of the magnitude of the project, the planning completed, and the length of time since the previous EIF initiated, staff and the La Costa Ranch Company have a! that a fully amended EIR is necessary for the project, Thc will analyze the new plans, report, maps and technical st1 prepared by the consultant team for the revised project. Sanchez-Talarico Associates, Inc. has prepared the prey environmental studies on the project and has special expel and data on the subject property. As a result, staff ar Costa Ranch Company felt that it would be appropriate and efficient to modify the existing contract with Sanchez-Tali Associates, Inc. The estimated cost of the additional pro] work is $50,484.50. I e a Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 761D FISCAL IMPACT The developers (La Costa Ranch Company) have agreed tc responsible for the provision of the funding for the ame EIR. Funds have been deposited with the City in a t account, in anticipation of approval of this agreement. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. ff*3/8 ?- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo l1 l2 l3 l4 15 16 I'7 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-310 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AMENDED AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE LA COSTA RANCH COMPANY AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD; AND, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SANCHEZ-TALARICO ASSOCIATESf INC. FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE MASTER PLAN PROJECT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califo does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreements between the Cit Carlsbad and the La Costa Ranch Company; and the Cit Carlsbad and Sanchez-Talarico Associates Inc., for preparation of an environmental impact report for the M( Plan project, copies of which are attached hereto m( Exhibits rrArv and I1Btr incorporated herein by reference, hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is h authorized and directed to execute said agreements for a behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetil the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California he the 23rd day of August , 1988, by the following vot wit: I AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux and pt NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 1 iLEg FmLgi-klerk 0 EXHIE 0 AGREEMENT THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEXENT is made this a$-r4 da AGU ST , 1988, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a munic corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referre as CITY, and THE LA COSTA RANCH COMPANY hereinafter referre as APPLICANT, pursuant to Article 4, of that certain agree between the parties dated July 9, 1986, which is on file the City Clerk (Itoriginal agreement"). Except as set 1 below, all terms and conditions of the Original Agreement I remain in effect for the balance of the term of this Agreemc The original agreement shall be supplemented amended by the provision of additional funding in the amour $50,484.50 for completion of additional work by consultant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have exec this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Munici a1 Corporat' n of the State Cali fd&L 'a BY d'Ih DE A. LEWIS, Mayor t I ,i/' ( I ,L -' BY h/,L ; - { ,[ APPP CANT (1 ATTEST: -&&k A@- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City @lerk ROVED AS TO FORM: e 0 EXHIBIT AGREEMENT THIS SUPP-AL AGREEMENT is made this ASyh day ~~CCGUS~ , 1988, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a munici corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred as CITY, and SANCHEZ-TALARICO ASSOCIATES, INC. hereinaf referred to as CONSULTANT, pursuant to Article 9, "Changes Workt1, of that certain agreement between the parties di August 4, 1986, which is on file with the City Clerk (Ilorig: agreement") . Except as set forth below, all terms conditions of the Original Agreement shall remain in effect the balance of the term of this Agreement. The original agreement shall be supplemented amended as provided for on Exhibits rlllt and 1121'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have execi this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal BY BY CONSULTANT ATTEST: ALETHA L. REiUTENKRANZ, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney I *. .__ .--. ;' b? - 7 -, .I ;..I -/ \~ :? !A ,uv\ ,', ^;j v... ., i ';? :' .ldA 198% 13 I. CAk'tsa~~ J March 18, 1988 RA,'!NIfiG DFpd~~,ui&r a) cI@ OF ,, Mr. Lance Schulte Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 \ .. ., *, I,, % ,...ss ,>:x-v Planning Department .. -- Dear Mr. Schulte: Sanchez Talarico Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this augment to our proposal for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for ment in the amount of $40,937.50, which would be added to our existing con- tract with the City of Carlsbad In order to complete the La Costa Master Plan Amendment EIR. Our present contract with the City requires us to pre- pare an EIR necessary to approve and implement an amendment which would revise four zones of the La Costa community. This budget increase is necessary and submitted in accordance with your request due to several events which have occurred. These were not antici- pated in our previous budget. The events include: the Amendment to the La Costa Master Plan. We are requesting a budget aug- O The City's revision of the project description. ject has been changed from four zones to one zone (Zone 12). The proposed pro- O The necessary rewrite of technical studies for traffic, archae- ology, paleontology, air quality, noise, biology, and fiscal impacts. O The extensive number of staff meetings we were required to attend from 1986 to present. Attendance at these meetings depleted much of our previous budget. The necessary revisions to graphics. The necessary rewrite of text already ciated with the previous project description. The change in scope of project level of analysis. The amount of time that has passed. o O completed for the EIR asso- O analysis from Master Plan to tract O 550c newpofl CeI newport beach, C 714 640-1700 e e Mr. Lance Schulte March 18, 1988 Page Two 0 The preparation of three additional documents, including the prepara- tion of the Initial Study, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Over- riding Consideration. As requested, we have provided you with the following: Revised Scope of Services, Budget, Project Personnel, and Statement of Offer. Our work efforts will meet the standards of quality, accuracy, and completeness required by all applicable review agencies and decisionmakers. REVISED SCOPE OF SERVICES Our revised scope of services is based on discussions with the City of Carlsbad, a visit to the site, review of existing biological, geological, and archaeological studies, and review of existing land use plans and envi- ronmental documentation for surrounding properties. The revised scope of services includes several tasks, including the follow- ing : TASK 1.0 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS 1.1 Initial Study 1.2 Screencheck EIR 1.3 Revised Screencheck EIR 1.4 Draft EIR 1.5 Response to Comments 1.6 Flnal EIR TASK 2.0 CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTS 2.1 Findings of Fact 2.2 Statement of Overriding Considerations TASK 3.0 MEETINGS AND HEARINGS 3.1 Planning Staff Meetings 3.2 Scoping Meeting 3.3 Planning Commission Hearings 3.4 City Council Hearings , -0 a Mr. Lance Schulte March 18, 1988 Page Three Regarding Task 1.0, Preparation of Environmental Documents and Task 2.0, Certification Documents, please refer to our proposal of April 21, 1986 which provides a brief description of each section of the EIR and those technical studies required for the EIR. In additlon, we will also prepare the Initial Study, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Consider- ations. Preparation of these documents were not included in our previous scope of services. Regarding Task 3.0, Meetings and Hearings, refer also to our previous pro- posal regarding our involvement at the required meetings and hearings. BUDGET As previously discussed, we will complete the revised Scope of Services on a total budget of $58,837.50. Since we currently have $17,900 of the orig- inal $35,325.00 budget remaining, we require an additional $40,937.50 to complete the revised Scope of Services. Refer to Attachment which provides the costs associated with completing each task. It should be noted that our fees are "ball park" and may be revised pending City approval of the project description. We will bill monthly on a time and materials basis not to exceed $58,837.50. Each invoice will contain a description of services performed during the billing period. PROJECT PERSONNEL Mr. Fred Talarico will serve as Principal-in-Charge on the project. Mr. Duane Morita, Mr. Larry Lazar, Ms. Dana Privitt, and Ms. Lisa Reynolds will assist us in the preparation of all necessary information. Our resumes are enclosed for your review. Mr.. Lance Schulte , ,. . . I. *. March 18, 1988 Page Four ' ., . -- STATEMENT OF OFFE8 This described herein under the terms and conditions de Sincerely, SANCHEZ TA letter of proposal shall constitute a firm offer to perform the'tasks Principal ' Approved by: Lance Schulte City of Carlsbad FT: akm .~ a , 'I ATTACHHENT COST ESTIMATES- ' TASK 1.0 PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT 1.1 Initial Study 1.2 Screencheck EIR Technical Studies* 1.3 Revised Screencheck EIR 1.4 Draft EIR 1.5 Response to iComments 1.6 Final EIR - - TASK 2,O CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTS . 2.1 Findings of Fact .- TASK 3.0 MEETINGS AND HEARINGS 3.1 Planning Staff Meetings Technical Studies* Traffic Fiscal Noise Air \ I -F--!!!%- 'a'-- --P -* ~I . ! . t-- e** ,,u cs t- .*I* - --+ ,-y:v- IILU~ .-q w -7 --+am 9--3. LC &. ' ._ es, lK5' 1: - ,z -. ,- .. Prey k,- 19 *- Mr. Lance Schultcr Associate Plannar City of Carlsbad Planning Dopertaunt 2075 Lao Palma& Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 \= ._I Dear Lance : The following describes haw we will prepared eomp19t0 et&" sacti=- the EIR. Nota that the Fiscal Anrfy&iswvfSk-~.& fncludad?.fn the Ea, hope that the following dfocuasion a&qpatdkras@p& to y- need< for 1 -- _- cbtriled scop of work. Should yau Emm prrp;. pbU* -8Ct 8f (716) 640-17W. WE2 TALARICO ASSOCIATES. IHC Project Manager DAM: ah Ene lasure t I. -' - * -- 55Oc newport c' newport beach, 714 640-1700 0 cO Q 0 * -. 4- - -- <* c DESCRIPTION OF LA COSTA EXR CITI OF CARLSBAD e-’ x* $& L I. SUMMRXES We will provide three summaries at the beginning of the El These summaries are Executive Sumrpory, Project Summary, and Alte antives Suxnary. A. -uti ve sw Each sunuuary is described below. We will provide an Executive Sumnary for the EIR in acco dance with CEQA Guidslines. The Executive Summary wf afford the casual reader of the BIB an opportunity to unde stand the proj8ct and ita lmplicotions. The Executive Su mary will includm: Project Dmocription; Applicant, Le Agency, Responsiblr Agency Data; Narrative S-ry Impact Mitigation, and Levels of Signfficance After Mitigation; a N8rrative Summary of Alternrtivea, b. ~1 of &5mctr. l4it,isrtim-wsr. and Level 8 After nitin.tion Thr second summary will provide a brief tabular summary all potential impacts of the project, recommended mitigati, measures, standard policies urd requirements, and the resuli ing level of significance after mitigation. This suminary will lfrt the cumulative impacts of this projsc as well as specific project related impacts. These impacl will be called out separately so that the reader may unde stand the effects of both the project and other developmei that iu occurring in surrounding. C. - of AlternatL vea to the Ropos ed Proiect, - The thft&su~ury will provide a tabular comparison of tt impacts 00 alr alternatives eo the proposed project. TI -sunmiry of alternatives will be of critical importance to tt -- proposed project. It Ls intended that this alternatives SUI: 1- provide decisionmakers with a ready reference to tl project and its alternatives. This summary in tabular form; wfll provide the following data: Alternative Descriptio] (General); Whether Alternative is Under Consideration; ai Whether Alternative is Superior to the Project. $--&X-b & *. .<.L .<e .. , ’it .. , -- -7- If. XOB rg&-2. Tt&d section will briefly &.crib. ttu location and general cha acteristics of thm project, the purpcme of the EIR, and the form and content of the EIB. 1x1. PROJECT IDCATION AHD DESCBIPTIOI This section will describe the location an& the characteristics 1 the- proposed developrwnt, identify the project applicants a othsr key contacts, define tho obfeat:ives of the project as pr posed by the project applicant, ond list the required df8cretio We will also suPnr;rize those concemt expressed by the attea of th. April 25, 1988 Scoping hetin& x?. DESQX~XOR OB UXAL. CI”DX: a#ft aabrON&‘ IAN& USIIS RELATI TO !Cl€K PROJECT A- L!W& . I, L ‘5 I ’. .- 8CtfOnS. _- - Tliia section will describe tha trxifting land: uses an& appl cable land use plans an and adjimnt tQ the prajactt site. addition, we will discuss other relevant phming conside ations in the comity. __ E. Fltwide/RenionaL f The section will list and illustrate the location of approv -- and proposed projects within the1 City of Carlsbad and su rounding areas. -This sectiorr will also focus on the pas present, and rraaonably foreseec.ble futura projects of a si] ilar ’scale and character. Overcnll, tha section will provil the bufa for analysis of cuwla,tive impacts of the ptoje( in c ion- ritk approved anc! proposed projects . It .nd.d that the secticn provide the reader with tl infornution necassary to understand the position of each COI -ponent’ of the development rsqwst within its local ai ~ 5 re8iorrcrl omrironment. --s * ,k 9. wma smm, =ACTS, ~1GATIOLO MEASURES, AND LEVEI or 81G!4xBICIWCB ARX& MITIGATION Eaeh environmental topic will be addressed in the following ma1 ner: SETTIHa {O 4 -.- - A, e+ =ACTS nxTIGATIou MEASURES Existing Polfcier and Requirements Mitigation Maasures LEVEL OF SXGIUIBICATICL APTEI HITIGATION Si~ificurt/Insi~iffc.nt. Proj oct CdatiV8 A* kLUS I Df8CU8 impacts an-8Ltc a& adjccaU drv*lapad and und valoped parcels. h- c D.f8C~88 ralatiowhips of p Ihllcrmnding, exis in&, and planned UBI,, Ot putlc&m cmuw would the impact of schootr frcrflitfeo ax€ resfdantirl areas. D~~CUSS prefect conplfanc* wi naxtce, General Plan, Master Plan, Local Facility Manag1 ment Plan, Plan Development Process, and other applic, ble City policies and programs. B. bestheticsltigbt and Glar~ DISCUS on-site and off-site impacts due to land usr associated with project lfght and glars created by res. dentes, street lights, schools, shopping centers, etc. Photograph project aim and surrounding areas, h2uate the relationship between the existing site ai *? -7 lutd ues. **%! Dfscuir landform modifications and generalized buildi: .e .. ~ ' form and mass. c* - . i; o ASL Engineers will prepare traffic study for the prc ject. The traffic study will update information prc vided in the Circulation section of the adopted Loci Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zona 12. TI study will contain the following tasks: '. $e I' 1- ~ - - y ?r' '& 5- Task I: Traffic County Data 7 Manual Counts during a.m. and p.m. peak x Automatic Counts: 11 locations (identified : =) Task 2: Update ICU Analysis Revise analysis of 9 locations for 5 case during a.m. and P.Q. peak. Taak 3: Update Roadway Analysis 11 roadways under 5 casea Tuk I: Review and upd.te existing and proposad cor dition8 for prtinezxt change.. Task 5: Dirtribuer tra€fh coruisteno with city c Culobad clrculatfon asmmptioru The five case. for the traffic study 8x8 as fOllOW8: 1. Existing traffic conditio 2. Existing traffic + project 3. Existing General Plaa 4. Existing General Plau + Project - txtrting Generd 5. Existing GP + Project - Existing GP + Cumulatfi Plan Projects Data for links shall be required for all five case! ICU data shall be required for all cases except for tl last one listed. Existin8 data for cases 3-5 can 1 found within the Barton & Ashman traffic report and frc the City of Garlsbad Conrmunity Development Departmenl Thr &lalysig orill also include ADT and any fareseeabl peak problems that are likely to occur. lhffioc 'analysis will also include a study of foi amatives for Calle Barcelona (the major east-we5 rod * within tha proposed development). These alternc to 2 lanes of traffic; 3) and 4) Two different internc - ..- . -tives include: 1) Benned as proposed; 2) Reduce from r - -- alignments. D* laLaaua Summarize Mestre Gteve's air quality assessment in EIR. Assessment will analyze short-term construction impacts long-term regional emissions due to traffic, combustia of natural gas, and generation of electricity; ap localized impacts. :e >' * .. \ -- - . * bi.curs projrct conafatecy with AQW. c. E. . m 0 Summarize Hestre Grave's noha assessment in EIR. ' Determine existing noise elnvirorrment or adjacent corn nity streets. Asseso construction noise; off-site traffic noise; of site traffic noise; on-rfta noise; and land we compat biliw. P. Uatex o Discuss projsct's increme- flr surface water and runoff Dfscuar df8charg* of pro int* the Batiqu to8 hpKk R6fw to Local Fucflitf n&-Ptam for recoi mended mitigatim tmu 0. Bioi onical Resour cea Plant Lif s/Animal Lffs 7 0' WESTEC Services, Inc. prepared Biologfcd Resources Ani lysis for tho four (4) planing sub-areas in Septembei 1986. Stew hlson, Biologist, will extract plant and animc life btr- applicable to the project area and prepai anether biological resources analysis. Entirm planning arm will be survayed. Riparian habitr d do#utrerP impacts to Batiquito8 Lagoon wfll be dir CUr&& *=*. - I 5-. Sumusis& uulyri8 in E'IB. E..* wth R.tourc.r Q-rize available gsology/soils evaluations prepare by h Costa Ranch (i.e., landform and topographl impacts}. ' Pircur project compliance with Carlsbad Hillside Devel opnt Regulations. . “W (0 I \ .-_ w- % -* Discus. natural reaourc.8 found within project area a 1- projeat impact. upon resources. J. br-ce* - - p- * Other &mItantr praoiaurly did preliminary archaa logical urd paleontological surveys for the four ( planning subareas in 1986. RMJ Paleo Associates will extract pertinent archaeolog cal and paleontological date &OR the survayr and wi prepare mother cultural rea~ourc~m study the project area. applicable SuParPrfze sw ilatho EIR. ~ ._ .t. x* * 0 Contact (by letter) the folilmdqi uaf€Swp-yurs a publfa semice agencies: f%ryq paX&qL ,tdbob, ga electricity, telephone, ot-, sewer; s saPid. wast drainage f and hospital. Discuss impacts and mitfpim measures. recommended contacted agencies. VI. ALTERNATIVES - The Alternatives section will evaluate the alternatives list below. These altemrtives will be evaluated in sufficient deta to afford preject decfsionmakers the opportunity to select eith one alternatiw projeer or portions of alternatives. done so as to-pzrmride. maxinnnr flexibitity to the client. A. No E?&/k Development Alternative E. ~ Proper*=r** Alternative C- Exbting fer Plan Alternative This will VI1 . IMPLICATIOPJS OF THB PROPOSED PROJECT ionship Between Local Short-Term Uses of Man’s Envirol mnt and tho Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Product the Prapoord Action Should Le be Implemented, and the Growtl Inducing of the Proposed Action will be analyzed in th section, vi?, Significant Irrevsraibls Changes Which Would ba Involved Impactr c cO Q -+ << . t +x-- a <e .- _. ,- -- * &.& TB, Relati- Batwan Local Short-Tam Uses of the Em t and the utenancs and Enhancement of Lonn-Term PE! '5 e-'' !ilmixm The approval of a development project represents the la tam cmdtment a6 a sits to urban usea. It also preclud the use of the individual site for use8 other.- than tho! ultimately selected by the decisionmakerr. We will discuss tha Long-term commitment to uses of tho sit1 Additionally, WI wfll evduata the short-tsrpr bpuctr of tl project that will ultinately occur from project implementi tion. Actio- nUCe88rr]r- to L8p'la-t th0 project, WhC approved, wfll b. outlined and discuss& in thir S~~~OIE. . d. +.A s. Irrmrribf. Emir- U-lved in €I39 WQRsLmA aceion ghQdfa ft B1: mzhmau&> -_( ,. - . %\, .. i Approval ot ttm davalopP.nt proj6icffI ~XB- i&zs com the sit88 tO urban US.*. w* Wflk>mI- tbw8&.,Of d C. Grad- Inducir Impacts of the proposod action. Tlk- prkjoce reproaantr change in lmd use. T'he implementatfm ot.the project wil signal the need for additional gwomwntaf rerpfceo ax other facilities in thr comuni-, This section wilt: indicate the tmorall- ancf site speciff growth-inducing -acts of the project. We will dfocua other vacant puce15 in the vicinity of tha project. Th growth-inducing . -acts of thio project, in conjunction wit other past, preaent, and: reasonably foreseeable future pra jects, dl1 be dfscused, VIIP; EEOFIIRO"TAf.'h r_ C\b - We-wilf provide a series of Environmental Surmaaries related to tt pmjact. Each of these summaries are.described below. The sun marl88 on Policies end Requirements and Mitigation Measures ha1 been designed for ease of conversion to potential conditions c project approval. The to be Significant are &signed to support the "Finding in CEQA Guidslines. latter two, Unwoidable Adverse Impacts and Impacts Found No and Fact Support of Finding" that are required under CEQA and the Stat I fw .- - 4 .. .i , 'y., , I t -. 2- .- - : . =€'T < ,< - T * =in.: r. 'C* *--* ~ . %- i- - &e 5. -\ L3;t-w~ wfl% me = ax-^ of all applicable standard policl and requirmmma in tb EXE. These will be basad upon Q reviaw of preview doctumnfs and discussions with the Pla nlng Departmmt atsff. ' . B* - In addftioa; ta -4 discurnion of recommended nitigati measuret withia e& tupfcd sectfon, wo will provide a su ~ll(i~~ os dl prupaad nitfgatiorr measures. This list will divided by tRor, mearureu-8uggeated by the consultant a thoao by project propom?z ._ - .. q<* I ,- C. et$ of tRa Pmwred PEplecp I .* c sF.- 2 v8 Will p?v br E& OE ~LL unnrs~~b~e &era+ inpsc OP ttie prw-pw&- TMS stxmary uim s:.t~, as t bar€& of Wpr and Fin OTE.'Of.a@ Statearnt of in-' ' 23.. . ' C^ .-+,I L1 Tho imentorf OS ~fdab1:'adversr impacts rill ated by refersncr. TU8 dl€. allow dscisioders to date mine the rel&t&m. inpact of t3m project ia concert rfth oth, past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future project This cuncapt: fa consistent wit!% the most recent interpret ti- of CBQk d thm CEQIS; Guidelines, include .* - summary a@ thc fMnp &previous EIR+ tfur are incorpo 2- x 1, D. ZT d--tr Faand Not to 0u Slnniffcant. **%$@y!& .- '...a Basad upon tb.f&&tiorr contained in thr Initial Study a EIIP, we w%X3L.&pire a swmnary of those impacts which we detomhod; tcr fh-bdgpiffcant OE were reduced to a level standard policies and requiremen xz. Thir 8utfon wflk k p-1d.d in accordance with the requiremenl OS City an& Sta~Lm, and of11 liat all individuals and agencic th& tram c0-W &rfw the preparation of tho EIR. PREP- OI W GO- TQ THX BUPOR? a 5. 7 This section w&ll also ba provided in accordanca with the requ: reInmt8 0% Citp. &-Statr laws. It will list those indlvidua: from Sanches Talarfco h.rociate8, Inc. and the City of Carlsbac aa Well as tacbicd 8ubco~ultants, who wera involved in tk preparation of tho EIp., X. c ;-. qa -5 - . -, . (e .- ;;;.r:. ., I. . . $$ ... 'b 1, &. , I', ?.' .- e -. .. . _- . .- -. : . XI'. rection will provide a listing of all reference material us during preparation of the EIR. e'. t ;' .I ~ .,, .. :-.. .% .: c __ ..I.. , & >- : . '. - h .. . .I . .. ., -, .r ., .. .. ., .. .. I .. ..- I. - .% e I) assides, inC <. _- ,tn 7.1 22 2,- 1 < ;.;- .,- 'i \ L . $1 <@ ' March 21, 1988 TL Mr. Lance Schulte I I :> 4- CARLSBAD 81 Planning Department *f6\?L955u I.) 2 MAR I988 SI clv OF aoi '-2 I 1 pMNh"G DEPA2rp,!,:df h) I YFt>' cb Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Dear Lance: I realized after the augment letter went out on Friday that we had nl included a revised list of subconsultants. As you requested, Westc Pringle Associates was removed from the team. Mr. Bill Bennett of ASL COI sulting In order to effective: analyze the proposed project, Mestre Greve Associates will prepare both tl air and noise studies and RMW Paleo Associates will prepare both tl archaeology and paleontology reports. This letter serves as an attachment to the March 18, 1988 budget augmer letter. The subconsultants who will prepare the technical studies for tk project are as follows: Engineers will serve as Traffic Engineer. Traffic - ASL Consulting Engineers Fiscal - Newport Economics Group Noise - Mestre Greve Associates Air - Mestre Greve Associates Archaeology - RMW Paleo Associates Paleontology - RMW Paleo Associates Biology - Steven G. Nelson We look forward to working with the City of Carlsbad to complete the L Costa Master Plan Amendment EIR. Sincerely, SANCHEZ TALARICO ASSOCIATES, INC. A& - Fred Talarico Principal FT: lb 550c newport c newport beach 714 640-1700 unpd analys IesouKa and i;rc “““W Exntsr mmu~~ty p~cmnng dev3lopment procesdng -e ctssociates, inc, -.-*1= lL4tlLul *l July 15, 1988 Mr. Mike Howes, Senior Planner Community Development Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Re: Dear Mike: As requested by you, Sanchez Talarico Associates, Inc. is submitting justification letter for our recently requested budget augment. I ha7 tried to give as much pertinent detail and data that is available in ordc to clarify our reasons for requesting the budget augment. The initial aul ment breakdown was as follows: La Costa EIR Budget Augment Mestre Greve Assacfates $1,020.00 TOTAL . .. . $9.547.00 ASL Consulting Engineers 3,6M. 00 Sanchez Talarico Associates, Irm* - 4.877. OQ The augment requested by Mestre Grw7&moc€rtea. (Noire and Air Qualil consultants ) was the City’s request for data with rrrQir- t ian . ASL Consulting Engineer’s aupnt? re the additiom I Boulevard. coi fttaruk traff i scope of work, Please note thae direct costs p sultants. A majority of the arises fro= We did not art bs necess- for succesafd c normally costs $400.00 ta QHltb.0 get a new set through any comple 55Oc newport ce newport beach, ( 714 640-1700 .I e .l Mr. Mike Howes July 15, 1988 Page Two probably the most fruetrrting aspect of this project. It is not only no productive for the City and ourselves, but is also alarming to the appl cant as money continues to be spent during this time. Sanchez Talarico Associates, Inc. has been and will continue to work in t most cost-effective manner possible durine completivn of this EIR, It UfUrtUate that Unforeseen delays have resulted in the need for this au ment. Nevertheless, we feel it is warranted and necessary for our succes ful completion of our scope of services. Please contact Duane or myself should you have any questions regarding th letter or require further information, Sincerely, SANCHEZ TALARICO ASSOCIATKS, INC Debbie Husco Pro j ec t Hanager CC Lance Schdt8 - -- - a -I WRITE IT- DON’T SAY IT! Date August 29 To File OReply Wanted From Sanchez Talarico Associates Office UNO Reply Recessary Address Change: Sanchez Talarico Associates 550C Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 lw PI AIGNER FORM NO. 55032 W-J- I- =*&. ~~& j!y 1 cytl&u ?e {e? flay 5, lP88 Y l"ug1on Bud Lewin City /full 1200 Llrn Ave. Cunhbud, cu. 9200% RE: Development o{ South Weat La Contu Canyon Deun Sin: 7Ae plunn ton develo ment of the cunyon indicate thene wild be Septic funkn unedPwiihin thin uneu, 1 Fnenurne thin to - be L~CUUA~ o{ the filled capacity o{ Senwen Facilitien. We Lave been 19 the. anem that UA Septic TunAn und the octo in unbeunubLe. /hiA LA un injuntice to exintinp homeownenn UA well UA to 1 new ownenn. let'^ not Le in nuch u hunnu to be gneedy. CunLnbud in no pnepaned to put additional gundenn on {acilitien and the v lhi~ totally unucceptabLe. - Sincenely younn, .4g?&&-p&g?+= Y" Rolent D. 7hornpnon 2704 La DueLu Lune C&!&idbUd~ la8 ?2009 / 0 May 6, 1988 Mayor, Bud Lewis City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92009 Dear Mayor: The proposed building of 900 - 1,100 housing units, commerci and trailer courts in the canyon between Rancho Santa Fe and El Camino Real is a SIN. Such a proposal shows a total disrel for our already over populated area. As a homeowner directly above the canyon, I am adamantly La Costa Canyon - against this proposal and can envision only problems from over crowding our land, streets, and schools. A new housing development is being built south of our location on Olivenha which will create more over crowding of our streets and par- ticularly our schools. This area of beauty and open land is becoming nothing more than a means of a "fast buck" for developers who have no regard for nature and beauty. The Carlsbad/La Costa area has awarded people an opportunity to where open space and beauty were respected and above all pro for the enjoyment of all, especially our children who can grc up with an appreciation of nature. This commitment seems to faultering as more and more building developments are seen. I oppose this new building proposal and would like to see mo of an effort made towards protecting our open land and naturl beauty rather than making our area a cement city. I hope the current residents can rely upon your support in opposing this building proposal. Sincerely, -- f;gg;m;n Lek Carlsbad, California 92009 0 -I mu, CSUJ. flay 5, 1988 $iL+($$ rx P fluyon Bud L~w~A /200 LLm Ave. CanLAbad, Cu 92008 RL: BeveLopmeni of South Wen- city fiuLL lu Contu Cunyun Dean Sin: Z veny much object to the LOAA o{ ALLLA und cunyonn. We un puLLinp down oun noLLinp hiLLn to muke {Aut Lundn. 9oinp to luiLd - contnuctonn nhouLd le ne uined to luLLd UA in onden to incneune dennity. The nufund beuuty und hintonicd nipi{icance o{ thin cuny to mean nomethinp to the people we elect to pnotect oun nen und the nenident votenn niphtn. yen '+you nn, Fenn ThompAon 2704 La 8ueLa Lune CunLnbud, [a. 92009 Z{ you the nutunuL {onmution of the Lund, not {i B L it up und make '. b 2" ---y- tLLnY"+nK-J. w cy- *+7r -2l/v / $%??T iA7 -a- 27(,:1 El Eiastro Laii$2 Carlsbad, CA 92039 May 5, 1988 ivjr . !' B-dd '' Letci s City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Lew;s: 1 .just learned about the proposed housing project in the car two blocks from my house. There are already quite a few homes down there; noij 1: learn the plans are for 922 more. Hob the world can this be? Our schools are very crowded. I am .just now getting my J-oun: child out of year round scnool. She is final3.y going into jui high school, which is run on a traditionai year, and if tha turned into year round I riill be real upset. Our roads are very crowded. Hoszr can Olivenhair: and El Cam Real handle 922 more cars -- at the least? Khat about water? We are having problems in Southern Califo with our water supply. One way to solve the problem is to building so many neri homizs. My list of concerns could go on for several pages, but pretty sure you have heard them all before. Please recons this new pro.ject. The Carlsbad area used to be one of the nj in San Diego County; now we are becoming just like the re: it. Overextended. Sincerely, / ,/? :' 1 ---)f& c h i LYL'. Sher F. Cappa Private Homeowne:r and Concerned Citizen -plstG.-b. C‘aAh c&p e LY”‘ -- / 988 /lL@ (? 7 4Y RL: DeveLopment oj! South La Conta Canyon f flay 5, City #all Mayon Bud Lewin /2OO Elm Ave. CanLdLad, Ca. 72008 Dean Sin: ReAidentA of Canlnbad ane cunnently being ~dvined thene wil Le waten nationin and the Council in connidening uppnoval of mone houninp 3?F1 I velzy ntnenuounly object to whut would, innenponnible appnoval of moRe hou~in~ in an aLneady oven 8 anea. Council ~CLA aLneady appnoved Lunge deveLopmentn by S in my opinion, be UR.d Hunt DROLL. UJLLCL LU;.l!J! j?!URdX,fl dflU;R. OUR ReAOUhCeA. I have been at u meeting with a memben or the MetnopoLitan BocLnd and the potential {on Lack of waten in extnemely nav Sun Diego County. TAene bun been no apneement between gent and Southenn Cali{.; Thene httn been no action by LeginLatun the CoLonado Riven waten nupply WLLL noon Le neduced. I ungentLy advocate youn no vote o{ funthen development! Sinc en el# 9 ou nn, --7?4LY+y -*Try Tenn 7hompAon 2704 La DueLa Lane CanLnLad, CCL. 92007 ). r’;l j,...+7-J 5/+ <*c+ ’ *-b e -7 @-- 8% J =#24A, 6 % _- ;7- * To : &-A 4% %jU /a00 & 6 & 92aog cw / Db Ah apnIU-VIC;;r L- b% WYN2d 2% L -f?d+GLY-r J- & .? 4b % / g 7- A s(- 7y& - 23- 8- MQ c;: w uzw -a). $bJ+ % -. - - - - - __ - -- - -_ - _____ .___.__ - ___ .-- - - - *a-p h* *- JA G A- %A5 w- 9 - __ - 4ndlw &%A 7 ,,,,,,IAF cb pYG -kL&--Q ““yd“ LA4 La &+&) +&y&? &L-h* 3 )kL /cA/krvtito~IcL(cl/\rrh4. ?e? &/way.-edk&hacTy. -by ip7 )& flof-2 eesaR. 4k-h wW&x% && I/ilayLe&L/t-B.;. &AAcb&J4 . ”$”- LjG A AT cLiQ4-4t“H- *&-+-* -- _- .a?.- 9 p/c”p”ea/’ P- A5-C A-YiW-af-4 &u /rL&/u YkWW .”/””- --dAw -7 e e -+ a ** J‘ - c m-w ddcLd*w c &WG kL. @if 02) - uew /?-@2- - s/”u dq h7G _- &-z{ b?.-j A- cd--Q-- JA&P tb &k-LJy v 9 dY+ /lk r‘ -e-=* ( ---e &f!!mLm--= Y If--& G/t5b+8 -p. k-+T Qd2-&--+ my/ &+ &-.-si! @+-A++-wA+$*i 7Fe 0-4 FY dV$ R/sr-4 H /LA& 7&-Y1 c&, &Mvt2- +-&- 3R-*Jb- .L-/aA--;n- a- a- C4LP-L- dAt%( ‘L- cc.c;lsc Wh LA-dGA e+x H- /1-(* i5 +A (Ld- T Gd d h & 4 && /* fA-+G -- jtOdd+-=Mmd + J--+ c ww m *--- + “Y r 99 x& 7411 dp.. +c-FA ,. - . 4