HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-06; City Council; 9634; UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES POLICY AND PROJECTS8 5 .. z 0 F: 0 4 z 0 0 s 3 CIm?F CARLSBAD - AGEN9Bll.L /:/sd l UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES '\A) AB# 7~~4 TITLEJ~ -* I DEPT. CITY A POLICY AND PROJECTS MTG. 09/06/88 DEPT.FNG CITY N RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt Council Policy Statement No. +l on Undergrou Utilities. 2. 6y minute motion approve the undergrounding program of priority as contained in Exhibit 2. developer fee for underground where overhead lines are less than long and to set a public hearing. Adopt Resol uti on No. ffid!?o adding the Redevel opment Di rector Committee. 3. By minute motion, direct staff to prepare a code change to 4. Utilities and Maintenance Director to the Underground Util ity ITEM EXPLANATION: The state Public Utility Commission requires the San Diego Gas & Electri( to set aside money each year for undergrounding of existing overhead lines. This money - referred to as Rule 20A funds - currently amounts $200,000 per year. Pacific Telephone and Cablevision are required to unc their existing overhead facilities at their own expense in coordinat SDG&E. Projects are selected and districts formed by the City Council advice and with the assistance of the Underground Utility Advisory Comn On September 1, 1987, Council voted to reactivate the Committee and have back with a list of recommended projects. The Committee has met nine t. last November. It was immediately recognized that there was no p undergrounding and no list nor map of existing overhead lines. The ( determined its first tasks to be the development of these items. A m; inventory (Exhibit 5) of all overhead lines were prepared. There are 3' of overhead lines on Carlsbad's 197.6 miles of street (19%). With a j exceptions, all overhead lines are located in the northwest quadrant of The Pub1 ic Util ities Commission Rule 20A requires that undergrounding conform to the following: Eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead uti- Be on a street with a heavy vol ume of pedestrian or vehicul ar 1. 2. 3. Adjoin or pass through civic, recreation or scenic area. Undergrounding Policy. These points formed the first criteria of the The second criteria is that projects should be in fully developed areas not subject to redevelopment. The Committee felt strongly that develope convert overhead to underground. If an older area will redevelop in future, undergrounding should be done by the developer with the redevc Projects are to be prioritized as follows using the above criteria: 1. 2. Second priority to projects meeting two or more of the First priority to projects in a scenic corridor. criteria. e 0 PAGE TWO OF AB# gb'yg 3. Third priority to project where property owners are wi City street widening projects should not be accomplished without under1 of uti1 i ties. The Committee considers the Capital Improvement Program receive Rule 20A funds before the street improvement projects, funds included in the C.I.P. to provide for undergrounding. Finally, the Committee felt more undergrounding should be done by de\ Currently City Code says that where the length of undergrounding is less feet the developer need not underground existing facilities. The Commit. strongly that the undergrounding should be accomplished or the develop( pay a fee to apply to future undergrounding. If Council so directs, si prepare a code change and set a public hearing. On May 18, 1988, the Planning Commission required the Senior Center underground all utilities fronting on the Senior Center prior to occupanc is only one pole on Pine Avenue adjacent to the Senior Center which service to the existing buildings. This can be removed and the new sc the Senior Center placed underground but will require additional fundi1 The frontage of the Senior Center on Harding Street is only 135 feet, contribute to the district. their recommendations. However, if a project is not a high enough pr less than the 600 feet minimum required to do a 20A conversion or to i undergrounding requirement on a developer. If this short sect undergrounded, the cost would be about $60,000 including $20,000 for poles" required to connect back to the overhead lines. Obviously such project is not practical. Also Harding Street has had a recent asphalt Staff recommends that the undergrounding on Harding Street be done as pa; proposed undergrounding program as listed below and shown on Exhibit 2. Based on the Undergrounding Policy, a rating system (Exhibit 3) used t in evaluating projects, and a field trip to view potential project ar Committee recommends the following projects in priority order: 1. Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road (Terramar area) includi 2. 3. 5. Drive and Tierra de Oro Street State Street from Laguna Drive to Beech Avenue Laguna Drive from State Street to Jefferson Street Harding Street from Elm Avenue to Palm Avenue 4. Monroe Street from Chestnut Avenue to Basswood Avenue The Committee selected these projects from a list of potential projec according to the policy. This Qualification List is attached as Exhibi Following the adoption of the policy and priority list by the City Counc project must be brought back to the City Council for a public hearing to form a utility undergrounding district. The final recommendation is that the Redevelopment Director and the Utili Maintenance Director be added as members of the Committee. 0 a PAGE THREE OF AB# 76 3fL If the City can obtain an advance of funds from SDG&E or borrow funds fro] City (possibly the City of San Diego), the timing of projects can be i Scheduling of the design and construction of the projects by SDG&E may - In addition to the Underground Uti1 ity Advisory Committee, the followii have reviewed the policy, projects and program as presented and, aft6 minor changes, recommend adoption by the City Council: number and speed of undergrounding projects, however. 1. Design Review Board 2. Planning Commission 3. Housing and Redevelopment Committee FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of the project list will enable the City to use its Rule 20A 1 be selected quickly and Rule 20A funds to be used in a timely manner. Sor projects may require additional funding to provide for undergrounding of utility lines. undergrounding. Adoption of the Council Policy will enable future prc EXHIBITS : 1. Council Policy Statement No. %/ on Undergrounding Utilities 2. Preliminary Utility Undergrounding Program 3. Uti 1 i ty Undergroundi ng Rating System 4. Utility Undergrounding Qualification List 5. Inventory of Overhead Utility Lines 6. Resolution No.ff4330 adding the Redevelopment Director and the Maintenance Director to the Underground Utility Advisory Committe 7. Utility Undergrounding Handbook. On file in the City Clerk’s Of copy to each Councilmemeber. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT GENERAL SUBJECT: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES SPECIFIC SUBJECT: POLICY ON PAGE 1 OF 2 POLICY NO: 41 DATE ISSUED: 9-6-88 EFFECTIVE DATE : 9-6-88 CANCELLATION BATE: SUPERSEDES NO: CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT GENERAL SUBJECT: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES SPECIFIC BUBjECTt POLICY ON PAGE 2 OF 2 POLICY NO: 41 DATE ISSUED: 9-6-88 EFFECTIVE DATE: 9-6-88 CANCELLATION DATE: SUPERSEDES NO: e e Prel imi nary UT I L I TY UNDERGROUND I NG PROGRAM Year A1 1 ocati on Project Cost Balance Pre. Bal . $381,363 $381,363 1988 206,274 587,637 1989 224,000* Carlsbad 61. $168,000 Cannon Rd. 110,000 533,637 1990 245,OOO* State St. 406,000 372,637 1991 266,000* Laguna Dr. 514,000 124,637 1992 290,000* Monroe St. 395,000 19,637 1993 3 15,OOO* 334,637 1994 344,000* Harding St. 550 , 000 128,637 $2,271,637 $2,143,000 $ 128,637 *Estimated based on 9% increase per year R. Aller 8/ 17/88 EXHlBl 1) e ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ADVANCED PLANNING DIVISIOI UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING RATING SYSTEM 1. CONCENTRATION OF OVERHEAD Points 1 3 One Crossarm Two Crossarms 2 Two Crossarms and separate telephone Three Crossarms 3 2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES a. Vehicular Averaqe Daily Trips Points 1500 to 5000 less than 1500 0 5000 to 10,000 3 more than 10,000 5 2 b. Pedestrian Traffic 0-3 3 m CIVIC, RECREATION, SCENIC Points None 0 Adjacent to school 2 Adjacent to civic area 2 Adjacent to park or recreation Adjacent to ocean with view In scenic corridor 5 2 3 4. OTHER FACTORS Points In Business District 2 CIP Project Scheduled in 5 Years 3 Committee Judgement 0-3 REV. 8/24/88 RHA: rp EXHlBl I I I I I I I I I I n - EXHI@ u 0 a - LZEL ;. WI I-3 -- uu 54 uu u XI I1 I I I-I- t. SO2 I 33 33 3 3 l4 I I= I I- Y I-I- -Y c(Y IY i m - ?-I t 0 0 n n 00 00 E Ipi 00 on 1w z > I> - II- I n 1- I U z z la z +- + a 1 a I4 44-44 NNNNN Vlmmmmmm --.if9 le I 1- lo I #pi I - I 10 000 I 10 000 I 10 000 eLnm n I I- ... z I Irl z;: V w! I$ 2 Iv) I t-t IC le 4e-e n 10 I a 10 I Ill I 111 I IC14 4.444- I I01 I II-I I Ill 111 Ill I ImIm NNNNLD NOONN NOONONN OOmO 1-1 I I m+-+ 1-1 I I INI~ m~mwm mmmcu~ b~cr)mmqrf NNON lLnl I I e+-+ IZI I i-141- mm~m- N-~NN N~N~N-N N~AN 101 I iat I 1- I 5 IN I 1- I I la14 OO~~N mmmmm mmmmmhco -mww I 1-10 om~cum ommmm ommomoo 0000 I +-+ I- v) 2 t-t F= I I I. I= I a 0 u- t- t + m coo h ow Coo) m m mm I I 0 m 10 e- 4 I- mm 44 1- I. 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WHEREAS, the City Council did on January 4, 1977 adopt Resolution establishing the Underground Uti1 ity Advisory Committee; creating and WHEREAS, said Resolution provides for a Committee composed of members of which two (2) shall be City staff; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to increase the Committee to members by adding the Redevelopment Director and the Utilities and Ma Director to the Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above recitals are all true and correct. 2. That Section 3 of Resolution No. 4073 is revised as "Section 3. The City staff members on the Committee the incumbent City Engineer (who will act as Chairma. designated representative, the incumbent Director of or his designated representative, the incumbent Rede\ Director or his designated representative and the . Utilities and Maintenance Director or his dc representative. The Utility Company members on the ( and the Electric Conversion Coordinator designated b: Diego Gas and Electric Company. The local cable 1 shall be designated by the Cable TV Franchisee(s Planning Commission member shall be the Chairman Planning Commission or his designated representative shall be the Liaison Engineer designated by Pacific - /// I// /// /// I /// 26 27 28 /// /// /// /// b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a 0 3. That Section 5 of Resolution No. 4073 is revised as f "Section 5. The Committee shall be composed of members of which four will be City Staff members, one Commission member, two Uti 1 i ty Company members, and c TV Industry member, in accordance with Section 3, remaining member shall be appointed by the Mayor with and approval of the City Council ;" PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsl Council held on the 6th day of September , 198 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and NOES: None ABSENT: None &j41 UDE A. L WIS, Mayor ATTEST: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk I I, I CITY OF CARLSBAD I UTILITY UNDERGROUNDIN1 HANDBOOI ENGINEERING DEPAR VANCED PLANNING Dl ----- _c_ 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD I I I I 1 I m HANDBOOK I I I I I I I 1 I I UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING I AUGUST 1988 UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE RICHARD ALLEN, CHAIRMAN MICHAEL HOLZMI LLER CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER GORDON BAKER DOUGLAS ELLIOTT DANNY BUCHANAN JULIE KARABERIS I I 1 I II I I 1 1 i I 1 I I 1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Council Policy on Undergrounding Overhead Utilities , , , . , 1 Uti 1 i ty Undergroundi ng Program ............... 3 Utility Undergrounding Rating System ............ 4 Utility Undergrounding Qualification List 5 Map of Prioritized Projects ................. 6 Inventory of Overhead Utility Lines 7 I .......... ............. I ADDendi x Rule 20A and 206 ..................... 9 city Code Chapter 11.08 - Underground Utility District . . 13 1988 Allocation ...................... 17 20A Allocation Status and Completed Projects 19 Underground Uti 1 i ty Advi sory Committee .......... 21 ....... I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT I I 1 GENERAL SUBJECT: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES SPECIFIC SUBJECT: POLICY ON PAGE 1 OF 2 POLICY NO : DATE ISSUED: 9-6-8 EFFECTIVE DATE : 9-6-8 CANCELLATION DATE: SUPERSEDES NO: I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I i 1 1 1 I I I I l 1 PAGE 2 OF 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD POLICY NO: 9-6-8 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT DATE ISSUED: 9-6-8 EFFECTIVE DATE : GENERAL SUBJECT: UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES CANCELLATION DATE: SUPERSEDES NO: SPECIFIC SUBJECT: POLICY ON - UNDERGROUNDING OVERHEAD UTILITIES COPIES TO: city council, city Manager, city Attorney, Department Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Underground Utility Advisory Committee Members Whenever possible, undergrounding projects should be in deve areas not subject to near term future redevelopment or addit development. 111. Projects qualifying under the criteria in Paragraph I above 5 be prioritized as follows: 1. First priority shall be given to any qualifying project I is within or is highly visible from a scenic corridor st] 2. Second priority shall be given to any qualifying undergrour project which meets two or three of the criteria Paraqraph I, 3. Third priority shall be given to any qualifying undergrour project where the adjacent property owners are willin1 contribute to the district. IV. 1. Street widening projects shall not be accomplished wit including undergrounding. Where Rule 20A funds are to be u the undergrounding project shall be timed to coordinate the street widening project which allows undergrounding f to be conserved. Where Rule 20A funds are not availa Capital Improvement Program project funding shall include cost of undergrounding utilities. 2. Undergrounding shall be deferred where possible on str which have had an asphalt concrete overlay within the last years. V. All subdivisions or building construction projects shall required to underground utilities. If less than 600 feet, a shall be paid in lieu of undergrounding to cover the estimated rata cost. VI. The City shall seek to obtain an advance of funds from the Diego Gas and Electric Company or to borrow undergrounding fl from another City to accelerate undergrounding projects. 11. I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 i 1 P; Preliminary UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROGRAM Pr 0.i e c t - cost Bal ance Year A1 1 ocat i on Pre. Bal . $381,363 $381 7 363 1988 206,274 587 7 637 1989 224,800* Carl sbad B1. $168,000 Cannon Rd. 110,000 533,637 1990 245 7 [DOO* State St. 406 7 000 372,637 1991 266, QOOf Laguna Dr. 514,000 124,637 1992 290, QOOf Monroe St. 395,000 19,637 1993 315,OOO* 334,637 1994 344,000* Harding St. 550,000 128,637 1 $2 ? 271 7 637 $2 9 143,000 $ 128,637 *Estimated based on 9% increase per year R. Alle I 8 J 17/88 1 I II I I 1 I i i i I I I I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ADVANCED PLANNING DIVISI( UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING RATING SYSTEM I 1. CONCENTRATION OF OVERHEAD Points 1 2 3 3 One Crossarm Two Crossarms and separate telephone Two Crossarms i Three Crossarms 2. TRAFFIC VOLUMES a. Vehicular Averase Daily TriDs less than 1500 1500 to 5000 5000 to 10,000 Points 0 2 3 5 b. Pedestrian Traffic 0-3 i more than 10,000 3. CIVIC, RECREATION, SCENIC Points 0 2 2 2 3 5 None Adjacent to school Adjacent to civic area Adjacent to park or recreation Adjacent to ocean with view In scenic corridor 4. OTHER FACTORS Points 2 3 Committee Judgement 0-3 In Business District CIP Project Scheduled in 5 Years REV. 8/24/88 1 RHA : rp Pa! I I I I I I I I I I I ws aw I- -5 vu X ++ n nn 1 V V 3 3 0 0 n 2 - E k- e3 e i I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I i W Icn IC iv-c2dsv)u upIczm TpwTccxIu ==on r 11 33 - - e? 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The utility uill, at its expense, replace its existing overhead ele tric facilities with underground electric facilities along public streets and roads, and on public lands and private property across uhich rights-of-uay satisfactory to the utility have been obtained by the utility, provided that: 1. The governing body of the city or county in which such electric facilities are and kill be located has: a. Determined, after consultation uith the utility and after h ing public hearings on the subject, that s.uch undergroundin, in the general public interest for one or more of the .follor reasons: (11 Such undergrounding uill avoid or eli'minate an unusual: heavy concentration of overhead electric facilities: (2) The street or road or right-of-nay is extensively used the general public and carries a heavy volume of pedes- trian or vehicular traffic; and (3) The street or road or right-of-nay adjoins or passes through a civic area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. b. Adopted an ordinance creating an underground district in thE area in which both the existing and new facilities are and c be located, requiring among other things, (1) that all exist overhead communication and electric distribution facilities such district shall be removed, (2) that each property serve from such electric overhead facilities shall have installed, accordance nith the utility's rules for underground service, electrical facility changes on the premises necessary to rec service from the underground facilities of the utility as so as it is available, and (3) authoriging the utility to disco ti nue its overhead servi ce. (Cont i nued) Advice Ltr. No. 5974 Issued by Date Fi ledNovember Decision No. RONALD K. FULLER Effect i ve December r I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I 1 Cancelling Revised c~I.P.u.c.s~~~~ no.- Shl RULE 20 (Continued) REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD WITH UNDE2G2OUND. ELECTRIC FACILITIES A. (Continued) 2. The utility's total annual budgeted amount for undergrounding L. any city or the unincorporated area of any county, shall be all cated in the same ratio that the number of overhead meters in SI city or unincorporated area of any county bears to the total sy overhead metefS. The anaunts so allbcated may be exceeded uher utility establishes that additional participation an a project uarranted. Such allocated amounts may be carried over as provi below. In order to qualify a5 a community uith an active under grounding program, the governing body must have adapted an ordi or ordinances creating underground district and/or districts as forth in Section A.1.b. of this rule. Where there is a carry-a the utility has the right to set, as determined by its capabili reasonable Limits on the rate of performance of the work to be nanced by the funds carried over.- Where amounts budgeted for a calendar year are not expended in that calendar year or the nex succeeding calendar years follouing the budgeting thereof becau of forces beyond the control of the utility, then in that event that event only, the utility may reallocate the unexpended amou of money in its'discretion, to communities ui th active undergro ing programs, or uith the approval of the Commission for any ot lawful purpose. 3- The undergrounding extends for a minimum distance of one block ( 600 feet, uhichever is the lesser. Upon request of the governing body, the utility uiil pay for no more than 100 ieet of the customervs under~round service lateral The governing body may establish a smaller footage allouance, or may limit the amount of money to be expended on a single customs service, or the total amount to be expended on consumer services in a particular project. (Continued) Advice Ltr. No. 597-E Issued by Date Filed Now- Deci si on No. RONALD K. FULLER Effect i ve ~PCP~ 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Sen Diego, California Revised 41 Shse RULE 20 (Continued) REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD WITH UHDERGROUND ELECTRIC FACILITIES B. In circumstances other than those covered by A. above, the utility u' replace its existing overhead electric facilities with underground e: tric facilities along public streets and roads or other locations. mu: ally agreed upon when requested by an applicant or applicants uhen a: of the follouing conditions are met: 1. a. All property ouners served from the overhead facilities to be removed, first agree in nriting to have the uiring changes mag on their premises 50 that service may be furnished from the underground distribution system in accordance with the utilit) rules. and that the utility may discontinue its overhead servi upon completion of the underground facilities, or b. Suitable legislation is in effect requiring such necessary uir changes to be made and authorizing the utility to discontinue overhead service. 2. The applicant has: a. Furnished and installed the pads and vaults for transformers and associated equipment. conduits, ducts, boxes, pole bases, and performed other uork related to structures and substruc- tures including breaking of pavement, trenching, backfilling, and repaving required in connection uith the installation of the underground system, all in accordance urth the utility's specifications, or, in lieu thereof, pard the utility to do s b. Transferred ownership of such facilities, in good condition, the utility; and c. Paid a nonrefundable sum equal to ?he excess, if any, of the estimated costs, exclusive of transformers, meters and servic o+ completing the undersround system and building a new equrb lent overhead system. 3. The area to be undergrounded includes both sides of a street for at least one block or 600 feet, uhichever is the lesser, and all existing overhead coaiiiunication and electric distributron faci lit uithin the area uill be removed. (Continued) Advice Ltr. No. 597-E Issued by Date Fi led November Decision No. RONALD K. FULLER Effect i ve Decde r 1 r I I ! 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I Cancelling Revised Cal.P.U,C,Sheet Ho.2 Shc RULE 20 (Continued) REPLACEMENT OF 0VE.SHEAD WITH UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FACILITIES C. In circumstances other than those covered by A. or 0. above. uhen rn ally agreed upon by the utility and an applicant, overhead electric facilities may be replaced uith underground electric facilities, pt ed the applicant requesting the change pays in advance, a nonrefund sum equal to the estimated cost of the underground facilities less estimated net salvage value and depreciation of the replaced overhe facilities. Underground 5ervices uill be installed and rnaintarned provided In the utility's rules applicable thereto. D. The term "underground electr7c system" means an electric system wit all wires installed underground, except those wires in surface moun equipment enclosures. _- Advice Ltr. No. 597-F Issued by Date FiledNovember RONALD K. FULLER Effective December Decision No. 11.0s I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I P Chapter 11.08 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICIS (4) ‘‘Utility” includes all persons or en supplying electric, communication or sirnil associated senice by means of electrical I rials or devices. (Ord. 7037 $ 1, 1968) SeCti0nS: 11.08.010 Defmitions. 11.08.020 Public hearing by council. 11.08.020 Public hearing by councii. 1 1.08.03O Designation of underground The council may from time to time call p hearings to ascertain whether the public he safety or welfare requires the removal of p 11.08.05O Exception-Emergency or tures within designated areas of the city an( unusual circumstances. underground installation of wires and faci 11.08.060 Other exceptions. for supplying electric, communication, or 11.08.070 Notice to property owners and ilar or associated service. The city clerk utility companies. notify ail affected property owners as show 11.08.080 Responsibility of utility the last equalized assessment roll and uti companies. concerned by mail of the time and place of 11.08.090 Responsibility of property hearings at least fifieen days prior to the owners. thereof. Each such hearing shall be open tc 11.08.1OO Responsibility of city. public and may be continued from time to I 11.08.1 10 Extension of time. At each such hearing all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard. The sion of the council shall be final and conclu (Ord. 1296 4 20, 1987; Ord. 7037 3 2, 1968) 11.08.030 Designation of underground uti districts by resolution. If after the public hearing the city COL determines that the city or a public utility agreed to pay over fifty percent of all cos conversion, excluding costs of users’ connect to underground electric or communication f ities and that the public health, safety and we. requires such removal and underground inst tion, the city council may by resolution der the area an underground utility district and o the work. Such resolution shall include a desc tion of the area comprising such district and 5 provide that the council shall fix by subseqi resolution, the time within which such rem1 and underground installation shall be acc plished, having due regard for the avadabilii labor, materials and equipment necessary such removal and for the installation of I utility districts by resolution. 11.08.04O Unlawful acts. overhead wres and assmated overhead S: 11.08.010 Definitions. Whenever in this chapter the words or phrases hereinafter in this section defined are used, they shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the following definitions: (1) “Commission” means the Public Utilities Commission of the state of California; (2) “Poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structUres” mean poles, towers, sup ports, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms, crossarms, braces, transformers, insulators, cut- outs, switches, communication circuits, appliances, attachments and appurtenances located aboveground within a district and used or usehi in supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service: (3) “Underground utility district” or “dis- trict” means that area in the city within which pok~, overhead wires, and associated overhead structures are prohbited as such area is described in a resolution adopted pursuant to the provi- sions of Section 11.08.030; 327 11.08.030 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I underground facilities as may be occasioned thereby. (Ord 1296 9 21, 1987; Ord. 7042 9 1 (part), 1973: ord 7037 9 3, 1968) 11.08.040 Uniawful acts. whenever the council creates an underground utility district and orders the removal of poles, overhead * and associated ove*ead stru~- tures therein as provided in Section 11.08.030, it is udad for my person Or uaty to erect, construct, place, keep, maintain, continue, employ or operate poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures in the district after the date when the overhead facilities are required to be removed by such resoiution, except as the overhead facilities may be required to furnish service to an owner or occupant of (1) Any municipal facilities or equ installed under the supervision and to t.4 faction of the city engineer, (2) Poles, or electroliers used exclusi., street lighting: (3) Poles, overhead wires and associate head structures used for the transmission tric energy at nominai voltages in excm oj four thousand five hundred voits; (4) Antennae,associatedequipmental pohng structures, used by a utrlity for hn communication services; (5) Equipment appurtenant to undeq faciiities, such as sudace mounted transfo pedetal mounted temind boxes and met inets, and conceded ducts; (6) Temporary poles, overhead wirr PrOWrtY Prior to the Wrfomance by such Owner associated overhe& mctures & or to t or occupant ofthe ~nde~ound work nme~~ary in conjunction with construction projEE (7) Overhead wires (exclusive of sup€ stmctures) crossin* any portion of a c within whch ovefid wires have been F ita or connaing to buildngs on the pen from which poles, overhead wires and asso (8) Overhead wires attached to the e: ter, overhead facilities may be installed and other fixture and extending from one locat: maintained for a Wriod, not to exceed thiw the building to another location on the days, without authority of the council in order to building or to an adjacent building without provide emergency service. The council may ing any public street. grant special permission, on such terms as the (9) New or existing anchor poles an( wires within the district necessary to su council may deem appropriate, in cases of 7042 fj 1 (part), 1973: Ord. 7037 5 6, 1968) as to any person or utility, to erect, construct, install, maintain, use or operate poles, overhead 11.08.070 Notice to property owners anc wires and associate? overhead stmctures. (Ord. utility companies. 7037 4 5, 1968) Within ten days after the effective datc 11.08.060 Other exceptions. resolution adopted pursuant to Sek Any resolution adopted pursuant to Section 11.08.030, the City clerk shall notify all aff 11.08.030, shall not apply to any of the following utilities and all persons owning real pro types of facilities, unless otherwise provided for within the district created by the resolution I in such resolution: adoption thereof. The city clerk shall fu for such owner or occupant to continue to receive utility service as provided in Section 11.08.090, and for such reasonable time required to remove said facilities after said work has been this chapter. (Ord. 7037 9 4, 1968) 1 1.08.050 Exception-Emergency or unusual overhead structures are not prohibited; performed, and except a Otherwise provid& in ofa &strict, when such wires originate in a circumstances. Notwithstanding the provisions of tfiis chap surface of a building by means of a bmc overhead facilities outside the district. unusual circumstances, without discrimination 328 11.c I I I 1 ! 1 I I I 8 i I II I I 1 I 1 1 notie such affected property owners of the necessity that, if they or any person occupying such property desire to continue to receive elec- tric, communication, or similar or associated service, they 01 SUC~ occupant shall provide all necessary facility changes on their premises so as to receive such service from the lines of the sup plying utility or utdities at a new location, subject to applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respemve utdity or utdities on file with the corn- mission. Notification by the city clerk shall be made by mailing a copy of the resolution adopted pur- suant to Section 11.08.030. together with a copy of the ordinance codified in. this chapter to affected property owners as such are shown on the last equalized assessment roll and to the affected utilities. (Ord. 7037 3 7, 1968) 11.08.080 Responsibiiity of utility companies. does not comply with the provisions o paragraph (a) of this Section withm the tin vided for in the resolution enacted pursu Section 11.08.030, the city engineer sha written notice on the property being senf thuty days thereafter shall have the autha order the disconnection and removal of ac all overhead service wires and associated ties supplying utdity service to said propel (c) In addition to the provisions of paragraph (b) above, upon direction by tk cound, the engineer shall give notice in ‘H to the person in possession of such premise a notice in writing to the owner thereof as 5 on the last equalized assessment roll, to PI the required underground facilities with! days after receipt of such notice, (d) The notice to provide the required u ground facilities may be given either by per service or by mail. In case of service by mi either of such persons, the notice must be d ited in the United States mail in a sealed env with postage prepaid, addressed to the pers possession of such premises at such prer and the notice must be addressed to the c thereof as such owner’s name appears, and be addressed to such owner’s last known ac merit roll, and when no address appeslr “General Delivery, City of Carlsbad.” If nor given by mail, such notice shall be deem1 have been received by the person to whom. been sent within forty-eight hours after the 1 ing thereof. If notice is given by mail to eithc owner or occupant of such premises, the engineer shall. within forty-eight hours afee mailing thereof, cause a copy thereof, pnnte a card not less than eight inches by ten inch she, to be posted in a conspicuous place o! premises. (e) The notice given by the city enginec provide the required underground facilities particdarly specify what work is required t done, and shall state that if the work is not ( pieted within thirty days after receipt of If underground construction is necessary to provide utility service within a district created by any resolution adopted pursuant to Section 11.08.030, the supplying utility shall furnish that portion of the conduits, conductors and associ- ated equipment required to be furnished by it under its applicable rules, regulations and tariffs on fde with the commission. (Ord. 7037 9 8, 1968) 11.08.090 Responsibility of property owners. (a) Every person owning, operating, leasing, occupying or renting a building or structure within a district shall construct and provide that portion of the service connection on his property between the facilities referred to in Section 11.08.080 and the termination facility on or within said building or structure being served, all in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respective utility or utilities on fUe wth the commission. (b) In the event any person owning, operat- ing, leasing, occupying or renting said property as the same appears on the last equalized a 329 11.08.090 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I B 1 I I I I I I 1 notice, the city engineer will provide such required underground facilities, in which case the cost and expense thereof will be assessed against the property benefited and become a lien upon such property. (f) If upon the expiration of the thirty day period, the required underground facilities have not been provided, the city engineer shall forth- with prm& to do the work: provided, however, if such premises a unoccupied and no electric or commudcations gmcs are being ftlmishd thereto, the city engineer shall in lieu of provid- ing the required underground facilities, have the authority to order the disconnection and removal of any and all overhead service wires and assOciated fdties suppiying utility service to the property. Upon completion of the work by the city engineer, he shall file a written report with the city cound setting forth the fact that the required underground facilities have been pro- vided and the cost thereof, together with a legal description of the property against which such cost is to be assessed. The council shall thereupon tix a time and piace for hearing protests against the mment of the cost of such work upon such premises, which said time shall not be less than ten days thereafter. (g) The city engineer shall forthwith, upon the give a notice in writing to the person in posses- sion of such premises, and a notice in writing thereof to the owner thereof, in the manner here- inabove provided for the giving Of the notice to provide the required underground facilities, of the time and place that the council will pass upon such report and Will hear protests against such assessment. Such notice shall also set forth the amount of the proposed assessment. (h) Upon the date and hour set for the hearing of protests, the council shall hear and consider the report and all protests, if there be a then proceed to affirm, modifir or re; assessment. (i) If any assessment is not paid wit1 days after its confirmation by the coun amount of the assessment shail becomr upon the property against which the asse is made by the city engineer, and t! engineer is directed to turn over to the i and l2lX COllKtOr a notice Of lien On eacf ProEma on which the 2SS&mmt has nl paid, and the assessor and tax collector sh the amount of the assessment to the next bill for taxes levied against the premise which said assessment was not paid. The ment shall be due and payable at the same the property taxes are due and payable, an paid when due and payable,shall bear int the rate of six percent per year. (Ord. 70 1968) 11.08.100 Responsibility of city. The city shall remove at its om expc city-owned equipment from all poles requ be removed under this chapter in ample 1 enable the Owner Or user of such Poles to r the Same within the time Specified in the tion enacted pursuant to Secton 11.08.030 7037 5 10, 1968) ' time for hearing such protests having been fixed, 11 .OS.J 10 Extension of tirne. In the event that any act required by thb ter or by a resolution adopted pursui won 1 1.08.030 cannot be performed the time provided on account of short; materials, war. restraint by public authc strikes, labor disturbances, civil disobedier any other circumstances beyond the coni the actor. then the time within which SUI will be accomplished shall be extended period equivalent to the time of such limit (Ord. 7037 5 11, 1968) 1 330 I @ 1- San Diego Gas & Electric NORTH COAST DISTRICT OFFICE FILE '40 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I February 23, 1988 Ann J. Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Kulchin: Every year we notify each city and county in our service territory of its allocation for Rule 20.A Underground Conversions. For the calendar year 1988 we have asked the CPUC to approve an allocation of $19,833,000. Attached is the appendix of our application showing allocations to cities and unincorporated areas of our service territory. If our proposal is approved, your allocation for 1988 will be $206,274, which will bring the total allocations to date to $2,212,651. This allocation is based on the percentage of total electric meters served by overhead lines in your city compared to the total of all electric meters served by overhead lines in SDG&E's total service territory. governmental entity within the guidelines of our filed Rule 20.A. The scheduling of projects is accomplished through the Underground Utility Advisory Committees (UUAC), or the appropriate personnel from each city or county. We will continue through these committees or individuals to project work for 1988 and future years. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your allocation, please call me or our District Engineering Supervisor, Doug Elliott, who may be reached by phon€ at 438-6098. It is our endeavor to work with each I I Sincerely, fd&&b$( T. L. Sinnott District Director North Coast District Office 438-6108 TLS : IC At t a c hen t cc: D. E. Elliott Pi -r) r A -I _* FkP L 10 _An en*.-. PA rnn- 1 nnnno I I I I I I B I 1 I I I I I I I I Appendix B Allocation to Cities and Unincorporated Areas of San Diego Gas & Electric Company 1988 Amounts Budgeted in Accordance With Section A of Rule 20 CITY / CC'JNTY %CENT ALLOCATION I Carlsbad 1.04 $ 206,274 Ckla Vista 5- 03 $ 997,600 Coronado 1.18 $ 234,040 Del Mar 0.38 $ 15,376 b El Cajon 3.62 $ ~~7,966 I Ehcinitas 1.99 $ 394,688 Escondido 2.75 $ 545,418 Imperial Beach 1-63 $ 323,289 La Mesa 3- 23 $ 640,617 Lemon Grove 1.48 $ 293,539 Rational City 2* 37 $ 470,053 Oceans ide 2.59 $ 513,686 Orange County 1.49 $ 295.3523 pow 0.80 $ 158,675 San Clemente 1.59 $ 315,356 San Diego 48.97 $ 9,712,000 San Diego County 16. 03 $ 3,179,241 San Juan Capistrano 0. 14 $ 27,777 San Marcos 0.34 $ 67,443 s Santee 1.02 $ 202,308 Solana Beach 0.40 $ 79,342 Vista 1.93 $ 382,78E 100.00dr $19,833,001 .d CJ 45 w gr2 E+q* 0 u? h h N r- mmm mo- om0 8.1- -e 0, d- -, ma ”, a3, 9- a2 - ul %8 U 2 c\1 9 S%2 mm m-3- Q: 25 hN mmh -mm .. 4 - 4 5 a2 ual oa $2- -n sx 8%JZ $5 &Q so ul-e-m-m- co- 0, a*c8.3- a-m- mmhm 2%-g Wucl me4 coma- hm -* Q: - =?, u8. \1 Zcn 3 4 E382 %p ;=Sh N- m- cow- zpzs E; g hzw N 3mm4 W W 1 il I ;!d N 0 n n n h h A A n n e h e4 - h 9 m 4 / 2 4 h r m c U N W -- *- 4 ? 0 4 U c g \ W W W E g hl m 3 W 2 h! 4 h W f $8- W 0 ti .d 5 9 3 222 0, e co, ? =!- 9- m 3 h EBS 53s 88 253 z m! C0,P r: \* u u. -g$ alu -‘c 924 - - al i? ,;PC3 28 5 L .* 8 ;4 gs g3zz -a al+ 2” $-2h Ye Cn 25%&2 3g Li 022 !i ;P rn ~~~~s~s~~ss~~~~~s~~,~~~wocn~~ cno 2%3NCmnu 33dcn -3 3-w H333d’2g 1 2% 1 z 8s 2 a a “ c 2 8 z 2 8 2 2 2 z 3 3 m m h h PI h h cn F: d 0 N J u4 m mhqh k >SS% % 9- g$% r 0 '"- 9, "Om .. . **L-rhl \1 4 c UaJ 0 *r( 2; 22- Cc1 h % -, ** Q', *- :* s $9 %$Z 83 s";;;s($ G 4 0 U E3 1 I $ i5 b I 64 ul x x U s %$$ Ln 0 4 hl N 1 ri k W i W W 00, 2 2 hl p1 5 -d I hlhrn 8 ss, 2, G- z- 8; SR22 MMI-lH 2m >& :g 0 \ a, s: $1 aJu $2 +U ?5 5 aE&?%ws -8 Q w TI 2 * a 2 2' I A RES~>LCTIOY 07 T:!-z CITY CQU::CIL OF 'r:+z CITY OF I CA!ILS 9 .->I: , -------- ---- c:. - I '.'c) ?.' : 1.1 , C :'.!-:AT TNG A:iD F: S '2P.L I, I :: ;: I *< r; TNE ~,, ~~~;.~:~~ ::-. -:, i':'ILIT';: -,.!)\Jz:-,QIly C@X;' 'TT;'L~ 81 9 I City; and WHEEAS, tiin Co~ancil reqaircs specific infornltion on 14 I I, Connittee familiar with pilblic utility regulations, construct, i5 16 17 18 19 I 1 I costs, and co,munity needs: NOTJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comcil Of City of Carlsbad as fcllows: Section. 1. A standing co.m.iftee, known as the Underg~ Utility Advisory Cobktce, shall be autSorized and appointed 20 21 22 23 24 1 I I I I I u 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t I i I the authority of the City Council; Section 2. This committee shall be an advisory ccmmit conposed of members from the City staff, the utility comFanies the cable TV industry, and the cormunity at largr; .Section 3. The City staff merbers ! on the comutt;?e sh be the incumbent Public IJorks Administrator R (who will act as Chairman) or his desiLgncted. representative, and the inctlrr.?en:: Director of PlanRing or his deSignatPd representative. The Kt Company members on the Committee shall be the Liaison Engineer designated by Pacific Telephone and the Electric Conversion Co ordinator design tcd by t!ie San Dicgo Gas an? Electric Coqany The local cable TV ixecmbcr shall be designated by the Cable TV Franchisee(s). The Planning Comnission member shall be the Ch * Amended May 1981, to read "City Engineer" to reflect staff reorganization. - 14 I 15 boundarigs, ccnstruction costs, construction schedule, ar,d fi- nancinq rnctho.ris for approved districts; 4. Devclor, proced.ures and recommendations for use by 20 I 21 22 1 23 24 I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I '. 1 I I I 1 mernbers of which two will be City Staff merhcrs, one Plar.r,ing Commission member, two Utility Corrpany members, and one cable ' Industry menber, in accordance with Section 3, and the rernainil nierrber shall be appointed by the I:ayor ;;ith consent and approvi of the City Council; < Section .6. The appointed committee xembers sha: 1. he appointed for four (4) year terms; Section 7. The connittce shall meet at least once durl each quarter of the calendar year and may meet at the call of t Chairman. A report shall be made. to the City Council at least once each year and at Qther times as deemed appropriate by the Chairman; Section 8. The comrnittec is as established by the City -2- - 1 1' 2 3 4 I 1 Council and shall CQnLinue at tklc plC<.'jCi-C a::d disc-ction o: i Council: . Section 9. !!?rJ!:,rs s!-,alL sex;.e 'n'ithol:t calnnsi:S.>::.(.,., c reimbursement for L:.:;w!lses. 'I 7 a 9 B 1 I 1. I 1 17 D 19 I 21 1 10 7 I I.2 I 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 I 25 26 I 27 28 29 30 I 31 32 i 1 I 6"Cnrlsbad City Cor!c'~L kzld on the 4th &V of Janlla'.y , 19 - -- by the following mte, to wit: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki AYES : NOES : ::one Councilwoman Cajler ', ABSCIIT : :!O fl e 11 &c.A x* ROBERT C. FRAZZL, :.:ay 'I ATTEST : .. 4- >c~f.~,.{.{, 6 /w /;F,.,lfd-,-, PATGAliZ'r E. AD>;%-, City Clerk (SEAL) J * - 3- t -