HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-04; City Council; 9664; Approval of CRMWD Capital Projects for FundingCl- OF CARLSBAD - AGENt’- BILL ISTRICT (CRMWD) CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR UNDING PURSUANT SUPPLEMENT NO. SEVEN OF TEE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution N0.$8~356 approving specific capital projects of the Costa Real Municipal Water District (CRMWD) Capital Improvement Plan and provide funding for those projects from the enterprise fund, Water Capital Project Fund. ITEM EXPLANATION: Supplement No. Seven of the Water Service Agreement (Attachment llB1l) between the City and CRMWD provides for the funding of certain water capital projects proposed for construction by CRMWD. This Supplement contains an approved list of water capital projects which will benefit the original City service area; authorizes the expenditure of water enterprise capital construction funds and establishes a procedure by which CRMWD will be reimbursed for its costs and for the costs of construction. The Supplement also required Water Enterprise funds in the amount of $3,569,089, plus accumulated interest to be placed in a Water Capital Projects Fund to finance the approved projects. To use funds in the Water Capital Fund in any fiscal year, CRMWD must submit a capital projects budget for the project or projects for review and approval by the City Council. The projects submitted must be on the Supplement No. Seven approved list. For fiscal year 1988-89, the CRMWD has submitted the projects shown in Attachment VrA1: . Staff has reviewed the CRMWD Fiscal Year 1988-89 Capital Budget request and has determined that the projects for which funds are requested are consistent with the projects listed in Supplement No. Seven of the Water Service Agreement. Accordingly, Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve the projects submitted by CRMWD and authorize funds to be expended pursuant to the procedures established in Supplement No. Seven. FISCAL IMPACT: Previous approval of Supplement No. Seven by the City Council placed $3,569,089 plus earned interest into a Water Capital Projects Fund. The funds to be disbursed to CRMWD for those projects that benefit the original City water service area. The recommended action will allocate $3,144,885 from the Water Capital Fund for completion of CRMWD projects approved by City staff for FY88-89. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 88-356 . 2. Copy of CRMWD Capital Improvement Program FY88-89. 3. Copy of Supplement No. Seven. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-356 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PAYMENTS TO COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUPPLEMENT NO. SEVEN OF THE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District have approved Supplement No. Seven to the Water Service Agreement which provides for financing and construction of certain replacement water facilities and transmission lines, and; WHEREAS, the Costa Real Municipal Water District has requested approval of certain projects to be funded by funds in the Water Capital Fund pursuant to Supplement No. Seven, and; WHEREAS, City staff has reviewed the District's request and determined that it is in conformance with the provisions of Supplement No1 Seven to the Water Service Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. Pursuant to the Seventh Supplement to the Water Service Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District, the projects in Attachment IfA", attached hereto and made a part thereof, are hereby approved. 2. Staff is authorized to reimburse the Costa Real Municipal Water District for the City's pro-rata share of the projects listed in Attachment ::A'@ pursuant to the provisions of Supplement No. Seven to the Water Service Agreement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of w, 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine. NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: (SEAL) C COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Estimated City of Carlsbad Contributions for Water Rehabilitation Projects Which Benefit the "Original City Service Area" for Fiscal Year 1988-89 *********************************f*+************** Project Estimated City Contributions Reservoirs Squires Evans Point $ Pipeline Replacement E.C.R. - Madonna Hill to Tamarack Village Area Rehabilitation $ Arbuckle Cherry Chinquapin Harrison & Locust Hope & Home Appurtenance Replacement Valve Clusters Oak C Tyler Oak & Roosevelt $ 1,552,100 500,000 833,785 25,000 30,000 30,000 70,000 90,000 6,000 8,000 F.Y. 88-89 Total $ 3,144,885 -----m----w ------e---e ATTACHMENT "A" 3 h I II -’ u 0000 g-2, 0000 ‘- . I . . - SUPPLEMENT NO. SEVEN TO THE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING COSTA REAL TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT SPECIFIC WATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES AND FOR CARLSBAD TO PARTIALLY FUND THESE PROJECTS This agreement made and entered into by and between CITY OF CARLSBAD ("CITY") and COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ("DISTRICT"). RECITALS: 1. CITY and DISTRICT have previously entered into a Water Service Agreement, executed on May 25, 1983, providing for the allocation of functional responsibilities for the provision of water service within the DISTRICT, said Agreement for convenience hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT". 2. Section 9 of the AGREEMENT provides, in part, that 'the DISTRICT will be responsible for the planning, financing and construction of all major capital facilities necessary to provide . potable water service within the DISTRICT.' 3. DISTRICT, with the cooperation of CITY, has developed a Capital Improvement Plan of public water system facilities. 4. The DISTRICT has developed a Capital Improvement Project list which benefits the previous City Service Area of the DISTRICT. This area was served by the CITY, and the CITY was responsible for the construction, maintenance, repair, and replacement of water transmission facilities. This Project List is detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5. In compliance with Section 9 of the Basic Agreement, DISTRICT has established a Capital Development Fund which contains $12,874,950 under the adopted 1986-87 budget of the DISTRICT. 6. Section 9 of the Basic Agreement also provides, in part "the CITY will contribute the proceeds from the sale or lease of Lake Calavera together with the undesignated reserves in the City's Water Utility Fund to the Capital Development Fund." NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and mutual covenants contained herein, CITY and DISTRICT agree as follows: 1. CITY will deliver to DISTRICT all of the files, plans, and specifications on any of the capital improvement projects in the possession of CITY within 30 days of execution of this Supplement. 2. DISTRICT is responsible for the design, construction, financing, and all other necessary steps for completion of the capital improvement projects contained in Exhibit A. 3. CITY shall establish a Water Capital Projects Fund, upon the effective date of this agreement, which will include funds in the category of Retaining Earnings of the June 30, 1986 Compre- hensive Annual Finance Report (page 99) as follows: -2- Reserved for Construction Approved Capital Projects Undesignated $ 445,851 I 65,609 I 3,288,293 I $3,799,753 I The Sixth Supplement Approved Expenditures of $230,664 for the' construction of the Ellery Reservoir/Tri-Agency Pipeline and will reduce the fund to $3,569,089. Additionally, interest earn- ings for the above amount, based on the CITY'S average return on investments from July 1, 1986 to the date of final approval of this supplement, will be included. Interest earnings on the Water Capital Projects Fund will be allocated to the Fund when established. CITY retains $911,291, identified as "Retained fbr Debt Service" to satisfy the Water Works Revenue Bond issues' o'f 1958, 1960, and 1970 and to fund any future capital requiremenits of the CITY's Water Department. This allocation complies with Paragraph 9 of the Basic Agreement relating to the amount of the CITY's contribution to the DISTRICT Capital Development Fund from the "undesignated reserves in the CITY's Water Utility Fund",and is acceptable to DISTRICT. The parties agree that it is unnecessary for CITY to deliver such undesginated reserves toithe DISTRICT's Capital Development Fund, provided that payments are made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Supplement. Payments from the CITY to the DISTRICT will be in accordance with the following procedures: a. Project is to be included in the project list (Exhibit A). The project list is not in priority, and costs shown are approximate only. The total cost of the project list is in excess of the funds available from the Water Capital Projects Fund, and additional funds from DISTRICT resources will be required to complete the project list. b. For any fiscal year in which DISTRICT is to receive reimbursement from the Water Capital Projects Fund, DISTRICT will submit to the CITY no later than June 1 commencing that fiscal year, a capital projects budget of the projects or portion of projects from the project list (Exhibit A) to be funded hereunder. This submission shall include a specific project description, estimated funding for the project (showing allocation of benefit to the original CITY service area (in percentage) in accordance with Exhibit A), source of project funds (CITY and DISTRICT), and the fiscal quarter that CITY funds will be required. C. No later than July 15, or 40 days after submission of the capital projects budget to the CITY, whichever is earlier, the CITY Planning Commission shall report publicly the consistency of such budget with the CITY General Plan. In the event the Planning Commission fails to make such a report, such budget shall be deemed consistent with the General Plan. The CITY Council will thereafter review the capital projects budget and authorize the funds to be trans- ferred from the Capital Projects Fund, as provided below, except as to any project in the budget which is: (1) not shown on Exhibit A, or showing an allocation of benefit which conflicts with Exhibit A; or (2) found to be inconsis- tent with the General Plan. -4- d. DISTRICT shall remain responsible to complete plans and studies, including environmental review and engineering, and approve plans and specifications. DISTRICT shall be the lead agency for environmental review of all capital projects under this supplement. e. DISTRICT bills CITY for appropriate pro rata project costs, including engineering and the contract price of the project. CITY will make progress payments to DISTRICT as required. ' f. DISTRICT submits a final billing at the end of the project and the project is removed from the project list. g. Based on these actions, the Finance Director is authorized to make payments to DISTRICT for projects meeting the criteria set forth in 3a through 3d above. The CITY's obligation for the planning, construction, and completing the water capital projects is limited to funding the projects in accordance with the procedure outlined above. DISTRICT will hold CITY harmless from any liability resulting from the construction or operation of the approved projects. 4. CITY shall have the right to review the financial records in connection with the individual water project at any time. DISTRICT may review and will be kept advised of the Capital Project Fund status at all times. 5. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual agreement of the parties, and such amendment shall become effective only when reduced to writing and signed by the parties. . : c . . Exhibit A- Costa Real Municipal Water District l cityg Benefit fra Enhancement Portion of Project8 Listed in the CRMWD Capital Improvement Plan District- Total Wide city Enhancement Proiect Benefit Benefit cost Squires Reservoir M6&3$& +$3,740,000 $4,400,000 hrans Point Res. 500,000 soo, OOOJ*J A-+ Telemetry/Control ri,ooo 36,000 77,000 Village Rehabilitaion (1) 1,350,000 1,350,000 Village Rehabilitation(Z) . 2,000,000 2,000,000 San Luis Rey Well Field 1,500,000 1,soo,ooo Replc/Rnlrg PAR Line 293,800 lS8,200 452,000 Pt. 'D" Cogeneration 600,000 600,000 Squires Cogeneratfon 600,000 600,000 Telemetry/Control 363,000, 363,000 Replc/Enlrg ECR Line 211,650, 1,199,350 1,411,ooo * Replc/Rnlrg PAR Line 1,012,700- s4sr300 1,558,OOO Rep/Eng Squires Line 93,150 S27,850 621,000 Village Rehabilitation(3) soo,ooo 500,000 Telemetry/Control 220,000' 220,000 Sub-Total $4,09S,30Q i12,056,700 $16,1S2,000 Current or Completed Projects $ 3s5,ood $355,000 Total corrt $4,09S,300 $12,411,700 $16,S07,000 1W=-m1=1= ImwIsmcIIII lmlN==s=sI