HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-04; City Council; 9671; Citizen Request Proposal for Creating a Youth Commission.i in aJa .rl d L4m (d am GC 3 -4 Ok m SG uo -4 a 5a Ul- ow uc .4 -4 Mu urd ma, *4 0 h rlrl ow 06 c *d UO v3 ‘r) rlc rl .4 (d a OQ) uu m ha, ah uQ) uu alc 4 -4 ma, k am ma c ou u ll-l k -4 ha) 0 (d G -4 z -4 v1 Ea a, L4 *4 sa aJ0 aa u Q) uo(d uu Q)c L4 hU .rl u s a -4 m U rlw .I+ a, d U c -4 cua sc OC5 u *4 w no a Sh od UUEI .. a3 00 I 4- I 0 4 .. 2 0 F 0 a $ z 3 0 0 ,# / i d-x a*/ ,*e c;I)Y OF CARLSBAD - AGE= BILL AB# 9b31 TITLE: DEPT CITIZEN REQUEST: PROPOSAL FOR CITY MTG. 10/4/88 CITY DEPT. R/AG RECOMMENDED ACTION: CREATING A YOUTH COMMISSION Consider proposal to create a Youth Commission and take appropriate ac ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Dan Hammer is requesting time to present his proposal to create a Youth Commission for the City of Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT: None other than staff time pending City Council action. EXH I BITS : 1. Letter from Dan Hammer to Ray Patchett, dated September 22, 1988 w I' 4015 Isle Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 22,1988 Mr. Ray Patchett Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ray: At your earliest convenience, I would like you to place on the City Council agenda a proposal to create a Youth Commission for the City of Carlsbad. As you know, the City's Child Care Task Force, in its April 1988 report, asked the Council to establish a Child Care Commission as well as a paid position for a Child Care Coordinator. Council took no action on either proposal; several members expressed the opinion that the proposed range of duties was too narrow for either a commission or a coordinator. Therefore I propose that the Council expand the focus of concern from day care to include all city services related to youth. In addition to the issues covered in the Task Force report, the Youth Commission could advise the City Council on a host of issues related to our children--including day care, child protection, family counseling, delinquency, crime and drug problems, and recreational opportunities for children and teenagers. The Youth Services Coordinator would serve as staff to the Commission in much the way described by the Task Force, but with his or her duties expanded to include all youth services. Carlsbad already has a number of programs for children and teenagers, but many families don't know about them or even how to find out about them. A Youth Services Commission would serve as a clearing house for both new ideas and existing programs for our children. I believe that it's an idea whose time has come in Carlsbad. If you have any questions, please call me at 434-1950. Regards, DanHammer PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued) --__ - -- - - Council introduced the following Ordinance Lewis Pettine ---- ORDINANCE NO. NS-39. REPEALING CHAPTER 21.31 AND ADDING Mamaux CHAPTER 21.110 TO TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSRAD MUNICIPAL Larson CODE ESTABLISHING FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: ------- 8. AB $9671 - CITIZEN RFOUEST - PROPOSAL FOR CREATING --- - A YOUTH COMMJSSION. Dan Hammer. 4015 Isle Drive. stated his proposal for a Youth Commissjon came from the report by the Child Care Task Force in April of 1988. Mr. HammPr stated there are proarams to take care of other needs, but there is a lack of an umbrella to coordinate the public and privat? programs available. Mr. Hammer said the Council took action in April to establish a Child Care Consortium to look into public and private child care proqrams. action was necessary: that of estahlishing a Child Care Commission. Mr. Hammer suagested hiring a staff person to give order to the proarams for children. Council to direct staff to look into similar Commissions in other cities and establishing a Youth Commission to give cohesion to the City's programs for children. City Manaqer Ray Patchett stated staff would be presentino an Aqenda Bill next Tuesday updating actions pursuant to Council's direction and establishing the scope of work for the Consortium. Mayor Lewis stated he felt the school system was beinq left out and they should injtiate any action. with the City takjnn part hut not taking the lead role. Council Memher Mamaux comnted he felt the City should not be involved in social weJfare proorams. He referred to the unknown costs associatPd with such a Commission and stated he would prefer to consider this during budoet considerations. Council Member Larson stated the Counctl took action several months ago and he would hate to see that action taken away from, as the Consortium might make some suggestions to get the City more involved. Councjl Member Pettine sugqested staff be directed to look at what other cities have done in this area and present a report to Council. Mayor Lewis stated it should first he determined whether the School Districts are interested in the concept before committing staff time. He felt a second I He asked Council directed the Mayor to send a letter to all School Districts with boundaries in Carlsbad to inquire if they are interested in jointly creating, sponsoring and funding such a Comnissfon. Lewis Pet t ine Hamau x Larson X xx X X xx X X X I w L- * 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEP CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 (619) 43 Office of the Mayor ml! I?f Mnrlstrab October 14, 1988 Seena Trigas, President San Marcos Unified School District 270 San Marcos Boulevard San Marcos, CA 92069 Dear Mrs. Trigas: The City Council at its October 4, 1988 meeting, was approached and requested to consider the formation of a youth commission in Carlsbad. working for some time to determine how best to address the issue of child care. Following a lengthy discussion regarding the formation of a youth commission, the Council asked me to send a letter to each of the four school distrjct boards withir city. The purpose of this letter is to determine whether your district is interesi working collectively on a shared-cost basis with the other school districts and thc city, in an attempt to consider the formation of a youth commission and to get yor district's input concerning child care. The proposed sccpe of the youth commission would focus on issues related to childre such as: day care, child protection, family counseling, delinquency, crime, and dr problems. However, the city has not attempted to determine the exact charge or dut of such a youth commission at this time. I would respectfully req:*est that the sch board consider the possibility of working on such a commission. As mentioned, anofher area of interest which also involves children is child care. are currently discussing the merits of either creating a city child care commission broad community based child care consortium as identified in the draft resolution (attachment). Your district's valuable input into our deliberations is respectful1 requested. Prior to making any decision regarding these two issues, the City Council will be waiting to receive written response from each district. questions regarding this request, please contact Jim Hagaman, Manager of Research/Analysis at 434-2847. ALSO SENT TO: Joe Angel, Presidenl Sincerely, Carlsbad Unified Sc Deanna Rich, Presi San Dieguito Union Mayor +&Jgw CLAUDE A. BUD" LEWIS District Mary JO Nortrnan, F c: Council Members Encinitas Union Eler City Manager School District Research/Analysis Group Manager Superintendent, San Marcos Unified School District Also, the City has been If you should have any