HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-11; City Council; 9678; ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF MAPLE AVENUE CONDOMINIUMS CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 80-19cp Y Q 2 2 5 $ .. z 0 a z 3 0 0 CIa OF CARLSBAD - AGENm BILL u -,/ AB# qbqg TITLE: DEP MTG. 10-1 1-88 ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MAPLE AVENUE CONDOMINIUMS DEPT.ENG. CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 80-19 CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the public improvements built as part of Maple Avenue Coi Carlsbad Tract 80-19, authorize City Clerk to record the Notice of 1 release bonds, and direct the Utilities and Maintenance Department 1 maintaining the streets associated with the subdivision. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Developer has constructed all improvements required of this proj requested the City to accept the Public Improvements itemized in ExhiC forces have inspected the public improvements and found them to be sa The Developer is required to maintain twenty-five percent of tt performance bond to secure a warranty for the period of one year. FISCAL IMPACT: The Utilities and Maintenance Department will be required to maintair improvements. The value of the improvement is estimated $10,030.00 EXHIBITS : 1. Location Map. 2. Letter requesting acceptance, dated August 5, 1988. 3. 4. Notice of Completion. Itemization of Pub1 ic Improvements. I MAPLE AVE ACACIA A.VE I r VICINITY MAP 0 e .. *qU?2QiL .---2 . L W. -G R,OSS E . +.--~C**>pLu&& .&x >&& *a -7fFL -_ J.J __ - i$::LB -_ -5i-l - --_- .-_ i&%& -9-B-m -.- - - -----__ ____-- -a .,- ..-- 5850 Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, California 92008 Phoi August 5, 1988 Mr. Walter Brown City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: LASB 250566 - $ 5,750.00 LASB 250565 $ 4,100.00 LASB 250564 $ 2,050.00 LASB 250563 $ 11,300.00 Dear Walter: The abovet referenced bonds relate to our project located Maple Street, which has now been completed. It is my standing that our as-builts have been approved and we as' our bonds be released as soon as possible. Please let us know when we might expect to recsive this do tation so that we may forward it to our Bank. Sincerely, /* b k Grosse RWG/d WG 1 i - State Contractors License No. 378383 EXHIBIT 2 e 0 EXHIBIT 3 ITEMIZATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Drainase Imwovements Curb Outlet $2 9 000.00 $2,000 .oo TOTAL VALUE OF DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Street Imurovements 290 lin. ft. Curb and Gutter $3,190.00 1200 sq. ft. Sidewalk 3,240 .OO 200 sq. ft. Driveway 800.00 Wheel chair ramp 600.00 50 sq. ft. PCC ramp 200.00 TOTAL VALUE OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $8,030.00 $10,030 .OO >- ExHBrr.4 @ e NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING To all Laborers and Material Men and to Every Other Person Inter YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on S~~--~.GOBE~I 30 , 194 Engineering Project consisting of CT 80-19, Maple Street Condominums ( Russel W. Grosse Development Co. Inc. was the Contractor, and Bank of was the surety, was completed. VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; the City Council of s on L)c -ro.G€R // , 19K accepted the above described work as c( and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and I Executed on 0 && /d , 19x at Carlsbad, California. CITY OF CARLSBAD A+/ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk LVlh, -a Exm 4- Y City Clerk 1200 <Elm Ave. Larlsbad, CA 92008 NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING 83CST {7 h To all Laborers and Material Men and to Every Other Person Interes YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on SFPT~~BE~ 30 , 19FT Engineering Project consisting of CT 80-19, Maple Street Condominurns on I Russel W. Grosse Development Co. Inc. was the Contractor, and Bank of Am was the surety, was completed. VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: I am the City Clerk of the City nf Carlshad; the City Cn!!rci! nf s2i.b on &L roBEi? // , 19a accepted the above described work as cornp and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and cor Executed on 0 L& ld , 19x at Carlsbad, California. CITY OF CARLSBAD zL/ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ 81 City Clerk