HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-11; City Council; 9681; Public Safety Records Management Computer SystemA LU O cc a a. Z O h- U Q a V Z D O v CI"' OF CARLSBAC) -- AGENC BILL °l�S� AB TITLE TITLE: PuaLIc SAFETY RECORDS MANAGEt01P DEPT. HD. COKPtTT'M SYSTEM CITY ATTY . DEPT. FIR/POL - I CITY M"G RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt ResolutionNo. ' 96 , author! zing purchase of Phase I - Public Safety Records Management Computer System from Apple Computer Inc. , and other coauter vendors. The City Council in the FY 87/88 C.I.P. budget appropriated $150,000 for a public safety computerized records management system. This agenda bill and attached resolution authorizes the expenditure of approximately $55,000 for Phase I of a public safety records management system. Phase II will occur later this fiscal year after Phase I has successfully operated. The recommended computer system is a network of Apple Macintosh personal computers linked to each other, the existing dispatch computer, and the City Hall mainframe computer. 'This system will utilize standard off -the -shelf office automation software, as well as customized databases for records managen-ent. the system will provide a powerful, flexible, yet user-friendly way of managing our public safety operations into the nineties. Management utilization of existing data and:records-will be enhanced as workload grows, thus controlling civilian staff costs. Additionally, the system increases the data with which the Police and Fire Chiefs can plan their organizations to best meet the public's and Councilb goals. Staff recommends purchasing the first step of a public safety conputerized record management system. Purchases direct from Apple Computer Inc . , as a sole source vendor, will be -made using sections 3.28.090(3)G(4) of the CarlsYed Municipal Code. Existing appropriations exist for this project in the C.I.P. budget ($150,000), and the FY 88/89 Fire Department capital budget ($42, 000) . Phase I will be purchased',from both these sources. The attached resolution authorizes the expenditure of approximately $55,000. 1. Memorandum to City Manager, dated September 29, 1988. 2. Resolution No. 8$'365 approving the purchase of the computer system. September 29, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Police and Fire Chiefs The concept of a computerized records and management information system originated in the nud-eighties during outside consultant research on the computerized dispatch system. The final public safety computer solutions were split into two phases and bid as such in early 1986. Phase I was a mini -computer based computer -aided dispatch system_(C.A.D.),which has been operational since early 1987. Phase II was intended to be a records and management information system. With this proposal staff is recomwnding purchasing the first step of a public safety conputeri.zed records system. The proposed system provides several significant productivity gage in how the cej Fire -paa"'t=nts operate,-cougmm icate, candmranagv^ lnfonTat1C:_ :e roposed p, t .. system will also be linked to the existing dispatch computer, and City Hall mainframe computer, providing comprehensive sharing of information, faster than is currently possible, thus saving time and money. Sorry of the uses for the proposed system will be; - Solving problems with facts, immediately available - Planning and scheduling - Desktop communications, person to person, person to mainframe - Hazardous materials management - Fire prevention inspection records - Personnel records - Budgeting - Training and education, desktop publishing - Disaster preparedness - office automation - word processing, spreadsheets, electronic mail - Graphics - Custom databases In et ly 1988 staff asked the dispatch computer vendor to update their records management system price. Their proposed system was expensive, inflexible, and base;' on a mini -commuter with terminals. Staff rejected this system as too expensive and not flexibly meeting our public safety needs into the nineties. Staff then began what would become an intensive six month review of our needs, and all possible -cost-effective solutions found in the market place. September 29, 1988 Mamas to C; a-.. Page 2 The system recommended by public safety staff and the Information System's Director, is a network of Apple Macintosh personal computers linked to each other, and the existing- city systems. Software will be standard off -the -shelf office automation packages, such as word processing, and customized databases for records management. Staff is ready to purchase Phase I of the system. The inplen entation of this system will occur in two phases; Phase I will include six Macintosh units at various work sites designed to test every aspect of the final system. These six units will be permanently connected to other City systems. Phase II will be approximately 28 more units plugged into the then existing phase one network. Phase II will be purchased three months after Phase I has successfully operated. DI,SCUSSIM: Wiy Macintosh? For all the computing power being purchased, the Macintosh provides a user-friendly, low training curve solution. The Macintosh provides a graphical user interface (one picture is worth a 1,000 words), instead of the traditional prompt -line computer terminal look. The Macintosh provides a consistent "look and feel" to all of its programs, unlike other systems. Therefore, the Macintosh software requires less training, and support as documented by several independent national studies. Other studies have also shown the total life cycle costs of operating a Macintosh environment are 28% less than other system. One study showed in a corporate setting the five year savings would amount to $5,600 per user. The most important factor in favor of Macintosh is Apples open environment philosophy allowing other vendors the ability to provide products allowing Macintosh to connect to almost any other system. This is highly significant as the public safety system must have access to other existing computers, including IBM personal computers in use city-wide. Another important Factor in favor of Macintosh is the marketing and technical support available from Apple Computer. Apple, operating as a sole source vendor, sells directly to state and local government at 37-40% of f list. Apple then requires a local dealer to install, test, and train users on the equipment. Due to the sole source nature of Macintosh, and the connectivity advantages to other systems, this procurement will be sole source as far as Apple products are concerned, using purchasing sections 3.28.090 (3) (1) . The installing local dealer is being selected through a competitive negotiation; request for proposal process. Besides Apple mandated services, the local dealer could also provide other vendor products to the City in order to complete the entire system. We will be executing an agreement covering the local dealer supplied, non -Apple products and services, once competitive negotiations are concluded (section 3.28.140 purchasing regulations). e September 29, 1989 Memo to City Manager Page 3 FISCAL DPACT• In the fiscal 87/88 C.I.P. budget there is an appropriation of $150,000 for a public safety records management system. Additionally in the FY 88/89 Fire Department budget is a capital appropriation of $42,000 for micro-coquters. Phase I is estimated to cost $54, 443, of that $33, 350 is direct to Apple Computer. Funding will be both the above listed C.I.P. and fire capital accounts. SXI IM= If Phase I is ordered prior to October 15, 1988, the City will incur significant savings by avoiding a scheduled Apple CoMuter price hike. It will be spring 1'989 before we are ready to specify and price Phase II. Purchasing has agreed �:o imTediately process the purchase order after the Council meeting on October 11. If you have specific technical questions feel free to contact Stewart Gary, extension 2135. Sincerely, VALES J THOMp Chief Chief 1 II 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION 110. 88-365 A RESOLD IGi+1 C F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ::i'1 Y _. 3ARLSBAJ CALI?CRMIA. APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF FUEL=C SAFETY ::0M0PU7ER RECORDS HANAGE SENT SYSTE WHEREAS, tiie :1t`y1 a S1r:a "to A C:)Ai ucerized Ilan gs-,vi at sy,,tem f ,-r ti?e ii,J Fire Department; WHEREAS. babel )n tec.ililc.d1 zegt.z_eAeat! r3.e s=1 -:•�"1 ,�y5te i is - .1etwo-k of Apple Macitlto�l] PeC'bv,aai c ,*wkpdte:.� -nd vaiiuus ether vei,dur.3 .;cmputei p_•uduc.ts, WHEREAS. Apple Computer Inc. Sells aDirectly t> 1aLa' gg,jei:nmenr. aS - S01e s,)urce vendor, .ind�ar t:4rlsba: purcaasing section 3 . _8.090 (3)&(4) , WHEREAS, the ?Llrcaase cf Apple Ceniputsr eqU-Pill ell t is In the best interest of the City. NOW. THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED hey the City COl;i C 1 Ia= the C: ty cf Ca;,! shad California as followS : 1. That the above recitatio.t5 are til:e and C-Car!'ec:t. That the Carlsbad P-ubl.LC safety computer ic:L'�ards Management System will be based oil a nstwcrh (:1 Apple Macintosh persoual computers. n: a " � 1 c s rhat the ?Ulcha.i lilg 'Ji' F leer ..a e::4ct.te polc:sas _ alder.. tJ Appi wUtltpuC « _ l .. 4 a as LLCct bSiAIY .t'oS 5 ajprv%i;slate d111CL..t Qf 555,C'�'), frwlil a--, 6 � r 340, 1810-3:,2 31?d COI-S4i3 2C 3Q 5�:-a'? .7 s PASSED, APPROVED AND at 3 :eVla titeCt... f pp iiEl d �-A!1 til- 11th iay << October 988 ►ay r12= following Vote to wit. 10 ?,YES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson '' { 1 4 12 t Ai�?E S : None, . ABSENT: NoneIce 13 14. CLALDE A. L IS, mayor % r F15 � l, 16 17, ATTEST: 18 n .: D! N����'s. �, , 19 ;-ETHA r 1SEFYi.•) � 20 ; 21 4 i 22 23 i ?4 E 26 27 A 28 i W;_