HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-11; City Council; 9683; ESTABLISHMENT OF CARLSBAD CHILD CARE CONSORTIUMu u M n 0 $ m 5 M g 5 .rl $ Q) V Q) V .rl rn -rl rl 0 Q) w d alrn ; ‘3 Q) LIS 4J -4 +JQ) Gs sw -4-1 b 010 -4 .4 rn a0 rnv (dg 43.1 so u eu TI UP) Q(d rnv k (d ?? 4Jb $ 2 -4 Q) V E-lo co co I 0 I .. rl z 0 CC -4 0 0,C so rl rl 5 a =! o 2 8 3 u v - Clm OF CARLSBAD - AGENU BILL AB# 9683 TITLE: DEPT, H MTG. 10-1 1-88 ESTABLISHMENT OF CARLSBAD CHILD CITY AT DEPT. R/Ac CITY MC RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 88-36 7 ITEM EXPLANATION: At the City Council meeting of April 19, 1988, the City Council received the Child Care Task Force Report and Recommendations. In response to the Recommendation to create a Child Care Commission the Ci. Council decided that a structured Child Care Consortium similar to that of FI Sister City Steering Committee should be established. The attached resolutif eloping and encouraging private/public child care programs meeting Carlsbad needs. The C.C.C.C. will provide its own financial management for ongoing vities, including all staff support. The C.C.C.C. is proposed to have 16 mc from both the private and public sectors. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commer has already assigned Elaine Lyttleton to represent them on this proposed Coi For your further information the current status of the recommendations of tl- Care Task Force acted upon by the City Council are: 1. CARE CONSORTIUM establishing the Carlsbad Child Care Consor creates the Carlsbad Child Care Consortium (C,C,C,C,) and charges it with Adopt Child Care Policies - Status: City Council has adopted the recomi policies which are being formatted for inclusion in the City Policy Manua Establish Child Care Consortium Similar to that of Futtsu Sister City Steering Committee - Status: The attached draft resolution creates a Cl- Care Consortium. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Governmental Act Committee, at its August 8 meeting, invited Anna Knox and staff to pro‘ background information on the recommendations of the Child Care Task I and the actions of the City Council on the recommendations.- The Carlsl: Chamber of Commerce has subsequently designated Elaine Lyttleton as it( representative - September 1, 1988 (Attachment #3). The next step is 1 adopt the attached resolution creating the Carlsbad Child Care Consortiu 3. Develop State E Federal Legislative Policy - Status : Legislative guidelin Child Care are being used by City Council Legislative Committee (Attach 4. Develop E Provide a Public Information Packet for Child Care Users and This will be used 2. Providers - Status: City public counters to provide guidance. Implement Recommended Land Use E Community Development Process Rev - Status: uled for December (Attachment #5). Final draft now being prepared. 5. This is in process with hearings before Planning Commission FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. Upon adoption of the C.C.C.C. staff support would be I 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB # 9b83 EXHl BITS : 1. Resolution No. e367 establishing the Carlsbad Child Care Consortium . to meet Carlsbad's needs. 2. Minutes of April 19, 1988 City Council meeting. 3. Letter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to Mayor Lewis and City Coui Members, dated 9-1-88. 4. Memo to City Council Legislative Committee from James C. Hagaman, date 5. Letter to City Manager from Planning Director, dated 9-28-88. responsible for developing and encouraging privatelpublic child care pro 4-29-88. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EXHIBIT 1 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-367 e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE CARLSBAD CHILD CARE CONSORTIUM RESPONSIBLE FOR ENCOURAGING PRlVATE!PUBLIC CHILD CARE PROGRAMS TO ADDRESS CHIkP CARE,NEEDS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF CARLSBAD / WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges the importaace of affordat: and accessible quality child care; and / WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the detrimental impact the lac of such affordable child care has on the individual, the family, the work and the community; and / WHEREAS, the number of families seeki,ng affordable, quality child c / i services greatly exceeds 19 20 21 22 26 i 27 28 1 of Carlsbad, Ca1iforni.a: 1. 2. That the $hove recitations are tue and correct That ty ongoing Carlsbad Child Care Consortium [C.C.C.C.) i! herew established. Th t the C.C.C.C. shall be charged with both developing and / / ncouraging private/public child care programs meeting Carlsbad Child Care needs, and further to support, advise, monitor and evaluate child care in Carlsbad, and provide a community forum // enable all interested parties to address child care needs. The ( shall provide the financial management for ongoing activities, inc I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e all staff support and grants obtained in developing child care OP nities in Carlsbad. That the C.C.C.C. shall advise the City Council upon Gequest 0 matters pertaining to any child care program or activity. That the C.C.C.C. shall meet on a quarterly basis unless the cc determines that additional meetings are needed. Summary report I , \ 4. \. 5. committee activities and action shall be forwarded to the City Go 6. That once a year the C.C.C.C. shallpresent to the City Council review of the pre ifies and recommendations for 7. That the C.C.C.C. up of member representing the 1 membc 2 membe 1 membe 2 rnembc 1 rnembc 3 membc 1 membc 3 membc 1 membc 1 membt ct their representativ i Consortium and shall serve one-year terms : (a1 affairs of the committee; preside at all meetings of the C.C.C.c Chairperson - who shall supervise, direct and control the I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 appoint the chairperson of any sub-committee. (b) / Vice chairperson - who shall serve as chairperson during tht \ absence of the chairperson. \ (c] Secretary - who shall prepare agendas, take minutes, dissem same, record all committee activities of importance and handle all ters of correspondence. The Mayor shall select the first chairper to facilitate the establishment of the C.C.C.’C. That the City Manager shall designate a City staff member to pro 9. COUNCIL %03z( /o Page 5 MEMBERS 2. April 19, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Battalion Chief Mike the staff report as contained in the Agen Mayor Lewis open public hearing at 6:55 p.m., and issued the inv n to speak. Since no one wished to , the public hearing was closed. ed the following Resolution: Lewis Kulchin xx , ORDERING THE CITY MANAGER TO Pet t ine ING WEEDS, RUBBISH AND REFUSE Mamaux Larson tern 118 was taken out of order at this time. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 8. AB 89392 - CHILD CARE TASK FORCE REPORT. 3im Hagaman, ResearchIAnalysis Director, introduced the Chairperson for the Child Care Task Force, Anna Knox, who introduced the Task Force Members and gave the report to Council. Mrs. Knox stated the Task Force did not feel the City of Carlsbad should get into the business of providing child care, but did feel there is a need to educate, enhance, encourage, promote and facilitate in the area of child care from an economic and land use point of view. Mrs. Knox explained how the Task Force accomplished their task and referred to the report contained in the packet. the Agenda Bill and concluded her report by thanking staff members and task force members for their support. 3ames Smith, 6725 Russelia Court, spoke as a grandparent, stating his interest in having proper and adequate child care in Carlsbad, and urged Council to initiate the programs recommended by the Task Force. stated he did not feel a Commission or mandatory legislation should be enacted at this time. some measures could be adopted to start action in the right direction. Mr. .Smith felt an employee trained in the aspects of child care could be hired to dispense information to the public and to City employees. Mae 3ohnson, 7227 Mimosa Drive, representing Family Service Association as President of the Advisory Board, spoke in favor of the recommendations of the Task Force, stating the problems of those needing child care. She said this was a societal problem as well as a family problem. She read the recommendations as contained in He However, +% 5, 2. X X X X DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Bill Saylor, 4411 Springtime Drive, Oceanside, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club, encouraged Council to support the recommendations of the Task Force. 3oe Angel, 5410 Los Robles, representing the Carlsbad Unified School District, also urged Council to consider the recommendations of the Task Force. Peggy Blush, 1715 Grandview, Oceanside, Pilgrim Children's Center Director, stated they have been providing child care for 14 years because of the need of the community. She added her support to this report and commended Council and the Task Force for recognizing this was a land use problem as well as a social problem. Bernadette E. Probus, Attorney, 3868 Caminito De Tatan, representing the San Diego County Family Day Care Association and the Resource Service, spoke in favor of the Task Force recommendations. She recommended that administrative permits be Given for day care providers rather than the CUP as recommended by the Task Force. This would be easier to issue and would lower the cost of permits. Ms. Probus further stated the State law requires notification to property owners within 100 feet contiguous to the applicant for a day care permit. Ordinance in Carlsbad requires notification within 300 She felt that should be changed to agree with the State requirement. Ms. Probus stated the need for more large family home. day care licenses and felt any changes made to make it easier to become licensed would help eliminate the unlicensed homes. Carmen Harney, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside, Tri-City Medical Center, told of the large number of employees at the hospital who are in need of child care, and the cost to the hospital yearly because of child-care -related problems. the Task Force recommendations and be the leader in North County in addressing the issue. Margie Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, President of the League of Women Voters North Coast San Diego County, addressed Council stating the League has been concerned with child care issues in the last two years and is conducting a study at the present time. social and economic changes of the last few years have created a real revolution throughout the country, and the City of Carlsbad should seriously consider the implementation of the recommendations of the Child Care Task Force. (Cont hued) The feet, which is in excess of that required by the State. She encouraged Council to enforce She said the I April 19, 1988 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Peter Bullock, 6155 El Camino Real, Hughes Aircraft, stated that 90 percent of the employees surveyed in industry would use or consider using a child care center near their place of employment. infant care is a serious issue as well as the safety of the children, due to injuries and fires caused by unlicensed care homes. Mr. Bullock mentioned some of the dangers present in homes and some of the toxic materials present in those unlicensed homes. Mr. Bullock stated his company would work with the City to have a facility near the work place, adding if the fathers all needed child care centers, there would be many centers located near the work places. Council Member Kulchin congratulated the Task Force to the schools. She also concurred that infant care was an important issue. Mayor Lewis stated he had a problem with a staff person working on this and felt the City should work with a group to make the program successful. The people in Zone 5 are interested in participating in a group to He said that work on this problem. Council approved the proposed Child Care Policies instructed staff to return with a formatted policy for structural consortium similar to the Futtsu Sister City Steering Committee. and adoption; and instructed staff to return with a Council took no action on the recommendation to create a Child Care Coordinator. Council approved the recommendation to develop State and Federal Legisative Policies supporting child care and referred the matter to Committee for inclusion into the City's Legislative Platform; to also be coordinated with the League of Women Voters and SANDAG. Council approved the recommendation and referred the matter to staff for development of a public information packet for child care users and providers; and approved the recommendation to implement recommended land use and community development process revision the Council Legislative and referred the matter to the Planning Commission for consideration, hearings and recommendations. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:22 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:31 p.m., will all Members present. HOUSIN EDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the 'n and Redevelopment 1 Commission at 8:31 p.m., and re-c ned at 8:48 p.m. I MEMBERS %e'+ Lewis X Kulchin X X Pettine Mamaux xx Larson X Lewis xx Kulchin X Pettine X Mamaux X Larson X Lewis xx Kulchin X Pettine X Mamaux X Larson X i tXHlBI I e e c ARBBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE September 1, 1988 City Council Members Attn: Honorable Mayor Lewis 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Honorable Council Members : On Behalf of the Chamber Board and Membership, I want to express our appreciation for establishing the committee on Childcare. At our August board meeting, we took action in support of the Childcare issue and will dedicate our efforts to a solution to this growing problem for our working families. We have designated Elaine Lyttleton as our official chamber representative on this committee. Her address is: 4210 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. We would also like notification of the meetings sent to the Chamber Office for possible staff support. Should you need additional names from the business community, we will be happy to solicit then for you, We look forward to working with you and and the talented members of the ommittee. Sin r ly, DO 1988 4- HOYT, PRESIDENT CC: Elaine Lyttleton 5411 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1605 Carlsbad,California 92008 (619) 729-592' cnniDii q e e April 29, 1988 TO: CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE FROM: James C. Hagaman SU~P~RTING STATE AND GENERAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS ON CHILD CARE CONSISTENT WITH ADOPTED CITY POLICIES The City Council approved the Child Care Task Forces recommendati on developing and implementing a State and Federal Legislative Program on child care consistent with adopted child care policies The specific guidelines for children for the City Council Legisla tive Committee are to upgrade Carlsbad's visibility on child care issues such as: 1. Reduction of present regulatory complexities 2. Reduction of the burden of insurance costs 3. Funding for the construction, renovation and/or mainter of chiid care facilities Provision of reasonable tax incentives for employers wl offer child care services 4. We have used CITYLINKto list all the currently active bills in Sacramento on child careznd their current status. mw J .~ a MEMORANDUM m DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM; PLANNING DIRECTOR CHILD CARE - LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS On April 19, 1988, the City Council approved a report from the Child Care Tz Force. It contained several recommendations regarding proposed changes in c land use platming ordinances to address child care. The purpose of this me is to update yoti on our progress. A new section of the Zoning Ordinance exclusively addressing child care has be drafted. It has been reviewed by Planning Staff and other departments and final draft is now being prepared. Considerable staff time and effort has go into preparing the draft. Dee Landers has spent numerous hours researchi information, analyzing it and attempting to incorporate all the Task For recommendations into a comprehensive ordinance. The major items that will be considered in the ordinance are as follows: 1) Providing clear definitions and descriptions of different types child care facilities. None presently exist in City ordinances. 2) Clarifying what types of land use applications and approvals a required with the emphasis on accelerating and smoothing-out ti review process. 3) Allowing child care facilities in all zones including residentia The ordinance will also clarify in which zones child care faciliti are permitted by right and in which ones a C.U.P. is required. 4) Allowing child care centers in the industrial corridor. Proximi to the airport and hazardous chemical users has always been an issu It should also be pointed-out that in all Master Plan areas we are alrea Pacific Rim Resort Master Plan and is being recommended on the La Costa Mast1 Plan which is presently under review. requiring an area to be set aside for a child care center. This was done on t MICHAEL I44LLQVUL J. H3% a: Planning Director cc: Community Development Driector MJH: af C h i 1 dcar . mem