HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-01; City Council; 9705; Operations Center Costa Real Water DistrictCITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL /3 AR* 99 05 MTft 11/1/88 DPPT CM TITLE: CITIZEN REQUEST TO MAKE PRESENTATION ON COOPERATIVE PROJECT - ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONS CENTER WITH COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPPT HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR.^2^- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hear presentation by Mr. Kelly Irving. ITEM EXPLANATION: Attached is a letter from Mr. Kelly Irving dated October 21, 1988, that he has requested by placed on the City Council agenda. EXHIBITS: • - 1. Letter from Kelly Irving dated October 21, 1988 ozi KELLY IRVING 1675 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (619)-729-8128 October 20, 1988 Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Cooperative Project - Administrative and Operations Center Costa Real Municipal Water District and the City of Carlsbad Dear Mr. Patchett: As a follow-up to our recent conference/discussions regarding the substantial benefits that would accrue to the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for consideration of a joint facility, we formally request that your office place this proposal on the agenda for the November 1, 1988, meeting of the Carlsbad City Council. At that time we will be prepared to make a formal presentation and recommend to the City Council that the City initiate an inquiry of the Water District to proceed with an evaluation for the feasibility of a joint project. Our interest and attention to this important potential joint agencies project is prompted by the fact that the Water District is currently proceeding with a program for the expenditure of some 2 million dollars of public funds to construct their new administrative and operations center. Their long term requirements for the potable public water system program for their service area envisions this important need so that construction drawings are now being prepared and the district has on hand the necessary funding. Meanwhile, the City of Carlsbad has an urgent need for administrative and operations - corporation yard facilities. At the present time the several functions of the Water Department, Utilities and Maintenance, and the Park Department are scattered throughout the City and there is a substantial cost to have such a fragmented program. We also note that the City of Carlsbad capital improvement program identifies the locating of a new facility at the Public Safety Center; however, the timing and the funding is still in a state of "future consideration". We firmly believe that an energetic effort by the two agencies to work together towards the common goal of a joint program would bring about substantial efficiencies to the City of Carlsbad and a most efficient use of public funds for the benefit of the citizens, taxpayers, and ratepayers of Carlsbad and the Water District. MINUTES November 1, 1988 Page 6 COUNCIL MEMBERS RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 8:00 p.m. and Council re-convened at 8:10 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANGER REPORTS: 13. AB #9705 - CITIZEN REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONS CENTER COOPERATIVE PROOECT »ITH COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL HATER DISTRICT. Kelly Irving, 1675 Basswood Avenue, addressed Council proposing Council explore the possibility and/or ^feasibility of a toJnt maintenance operation center for the water district and the City of Carlsbad. The consenus of Council was to accept Mr. Irving 's suggestion and have this matter placed before the water committee for their consideration. Council Member Kulchin left the meeting at 8:23 p.m. U. AB #9706 - COUNTY AND CITY OF SAN DIEGO GROWTH MANAGEMENT BALLOT MEASURES. Council Member Mamaux recommended filing this item, stating that a Regional Planning and Growth Management Review Board would take away some of the choices of the citizens of Carlsbad. Mayor Lewis stated his concern with the housing caps proposed in the measure, stating that was contrary to Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan. 3im Hagaman, Research/Analysis Director, stated staff did have concern with the Growth Industrial Zoning (to determine a fair allocation of industrial land use for each jurisdiction), as that could adversely affect Carlsbad. City Manager Ray Patchett added that this could have a negative impact on Carlsbad from a job standpoint, if such a Board decided Carlsbad had too much industrial land. Phil Carter commented staff felt there were a number of items in these measures that were not explained fully or how they would be implemented, and staff was not making any recommendation to the Council. Council Member Pettine was in favor of the Regional Planning and Growth Management Review Board, stating there was nothing binding in that measure, as it was merely advisory, and he asked the Council to support that measure. Mayor Lewis stated that the Individual Council Members could choose whether or not to support any of the measures. He recommended filing the item, and Council Members Mamaux and Larson concurred. Council filed this item.Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson X X X X X Mr. Ray Patchett City of Carlsbad October 20, 1988 Page 2 We are particularly enthusiastic about this concept of cooperative governmental •action with the witnessing of the recent ground breaking and commencement of construction of the joint facility of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District. The management and the elected officials of the City and the School District have made a substantial contribution to the social, economic and educational welfare of the entire community by combining the new Senior Center with the Administrative Center of the School District. Finally, and in conclusion gentlemen, may we request that our City Council direct the Mayor and/or staff to issue a formal inquiry to our Water District, for the sole purpose, of the parties discussing the feasibility of a possible joint administrative and operations center. Thank you for the opportunity of. meeting with you to discuss this matter in detail and we look forward to our making the presentation before the City Council. In the event that you have any comments or questions regarding our formal request we would be pleased to respond. Very truly yours, Kelly Iring KI:ks