HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-22; City Council; 9732; Cannon Road Assessment District Agreement NBS/LowryP 6 4 g z 3 0 0 EXHIBITS : 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. =-YO3 approving the 10th Supplemental Agreement with NBS/Lowry for assessment engineering services for Cannon Road and appropri at i ng funds. LEGEND - PROJECT EXISTING STREE FUTURE STREET .I--- L r - PROJECT NRM E PROJ- NO- EXHIBI' CANNON ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AD85-1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 88-403 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TENTH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE FIRM OF NBS/LOWRY FOR CONSULT I NG ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby res as follows: 1. The tenth supplemental agreement to an agreement between the Cit Carlsbad and the firm of NBS/Lowry for consulting assessment engineering serv is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and dire to execute such agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 3. Developers shall deposit money in advance for any work author under said agreement and shall be billed for all additional costs beyond original deposits. 4. Any and all funds received by the developers for work in connec with said agreement and staff administration time are hereby appropriated. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Council held on the 2 2nd day of November , 1988 by following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lars NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Q R (SEAL) e 0 lOTH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DATED MARCH 13, 1985 (MASTER AGREEMENT) THIS lOTH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT to the above described agreement as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on March 13, 1985, hereinafter referred to as "City" and NBS/LOWRY, INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". RECITALS City requires the services to an assessment engineering consultant to assist in processing of an assessment district referred to as the Cannon Road Assessment District; and Agreement for said services exists between City and Consultant dated April 16, 1987; and Ownership of property, extent of proposed improvements, uses and other participants have been added; The City further requires the services of the Consultant for other engineering services as hereinafter defined. NOW, THEREFORE, City and Consultant mutually agree to supplement the above referenced agreement as follows: I. CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATION land and A. Assessment Engineering - To complete all services as set forth under Consultant's Obligation in 7th Supplemental Agreement to Agreement for Engineering Services dated March 13, 1985 (Master Agreement). The 7th Supplemental Agreement is dated April 16, 1981. -1- 0 0 B. PLAN CHECKING 1. Checking Improvement Plans for those public facilities to be included in the Assessment District as said plans are proposed and submitted to City for review and checking. Checking and review of right-of-way documents to include legal descriptions, plats and conveyance documents. Provide control and indexing of said right-of-way documents. Assure City that all right-of-way required by the assessment district is provided for in the documents. 2. C. ACQUISITION OF IMPROVEMENTS Assist City in preparation of acquisition agreements. Review construction costs, bidding methods, contracts and change orders for all improvements constructed by property owners for acquisition by the Assessment District. Prepare written report to the City. D. BIDDING OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Prepare specifications and contract procedural documents as required for public bidding, utilizing approved improvement plans prepared by owners. 2. Assist City in securing and analyzing bids. Multiple construction contracts may be utilized. -2- 0 0 ? .a E. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Provide management and coordination services to include but not limited to the following: 1. Monitor program schedule and advise City of slippage, discrepancies, omissions, key milestones and potential problem areas. 2. Coordinate and review the use of and participation in facilities of Assessment District by Cities of Oceanside and Vista including property owners in said Cities. 3. Monitor environmental review. 4. Representing City, to work and coordinate closely with property owners and their representatives to evaluate problems, answer questions and attempt to keep Assessment District onhsehedule. 5. Prepare periodic written reports to City. 11. ADDITIONAL SERVICES When authorized in writing by the City Assessment Engineer, Consultant shall perform or obtain from consultants or subcontractors approved by City, additional services in connection with the Project not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. Said additional services shall be paid for by City as provided in Section 5 of the Master Agreement. -3- e 0 111. PERIOD OF SERVICE Work shall begin within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notification to proceed by the City Assessment Engineer. Work shall proceed in a diligent manner to conclusion according to a schedule approved by the City Assessment Engineer. Extensions of time may be granted by the City Assessment Engineer in accordance with Section 3 of the Master Agreement. The date of the public hearing before the City Council has not been set. IV. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT A. City shall increase the Lump Sum Fee as set forth in paragraph 4 of heretofore referenced 7th Supplemental Agreement dated April 16, 1987 by $45,000 to a total of $95,000. B. City shall pay 4Consultant for services described under Sections I-B through I-E, inclusive, on an hourly rate basis per Billing Rate Schedule marked Exhibit "A" and attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Supplement to Agreement dated March 13, 1985, has been executed by the parties through their duly authorized representatives as of the date first hereinabove written. CITY OF CARLSBAD By : Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By : Assistant City Attorney City Clerk -4- EXHIBIT "A" Q /Avfl~!!/Lairnw~i ENGINEERS 6c PLANNERS SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES Effective July 1, 1988 OFFICE: ENGINEERING Senior Principal Consultant ............. Principal Consultant ...................... ........................................................... 105.00 Senior Principal Engineer ................ ....................................................................... 92.00 Principal Engineer .................................................................... Assistant Principal Engineer ... .................................................................... 71.00 Senior Engineer ........................... Engineer ................. Associate Engineer .... ............................................................................ 49.00 Assistant Engineer ..... .................................................................... 44.50 Principal Planner ..................................................................................................... 78.00 Assistant Principal Planner ........................................................................... . 71.00 Senior Planner ............................ ................................................................. 53.00 Assistant Planner . . .................................................................................... 44.50 PLANNING ........................... DESIGN AND DRAF Senior Designer .................................................... .......... ..................................................................................... 53.00 Drafter I1 .................... .......................................................... 47.00 .................................................................. 39.00 Delineator .............................................................................................................. 33.00 Engineering Aide ................................................................... 28.00 .............................................................. FIELD: CONSTRUCT10 T Principal Engin .................................................................................. 78.00 Senior Residen ........................................................................................... 78.00 Senior Project Representative .......... 62.50 Resident Engineer ......................... ....................................................................... 53.00 Project Representative ............................................................................................... 53.00 Associate Project Representative .................................................................................. 49.00 Senior Inspector ..................................................................................... 2.80 x Direct Salary Inspector ............................................................................................... 2.80 x Direct Salary Principal Surveyor .................................................................................................... 78.00 Assistant Principal Surveyor ....................................................................................... 62.00 Supervising Surveyor ................................................................................................ 59.50 Survey Crew with Equipment .................................................................... 2.80 x Direct Salary Travel Time - (when in excess of eight hours work time per day) .................... 1.40 x Direct Salary Computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU Connect Time, per Hour ____. Printing .......................................................................... Storage (1000 characters) ................................................................... 45'/Month Minimum ............................................... Computer Analyst .................................................... Programmer ........................................................................................................... 53 .OO Technician ................. Researcher/Processor . . Executive and Admin Data Entry ............ Secretary/Clerk ...... In-house Reproductio Mileage ............................................................................................................. 28'/Mile cost Subsistence Other Expenses - including Special Consultants Cost + 15% SURVEYING SERVICES AND EXPENSES: ..... ..... and Purchased Services through Subcontracts ................................................ Billing rates include overhead. equipment. space rental. etc. These billing rates ore subject to increase each year due to union agreements and salary increases. A iate payment FINANCE CHARGE wiil be applied to any unpaid balance. commencing thirty (301 days after the date of the original invoice a: :he maximum inferest rate allowed by IOU. 6/88