HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-06; City Council; 9764; OFFSHORE OIL DRILLINGa W 8 E 2 .. f 0 E a 4 0 z 3 0 0 (..!- 1 v -* OF CARLSBAD - AGENPg BILL DEPT. Hd AB# 9764 TITLE: MTG. 12-6-88 OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING CITY Ads DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: cw CITY MGR~ R/AG 1. Adopt Resolution No. f$#An opposing the leasing of submerged land tracts off the coast line of Carlsbad and Oceanside for the purpose of drilling for oil and gas. 2. Approve a letter to be sent to the Secretary of U.S. Department of the Interior the Honorable Donald Hodel to be signed by the Mayor and members of the City Council. Backsround Historically for over twelve years the City of Carlsbad has strongly opposed any proposals to lease lands off shore for the purpose of drilling for oil and gas. We have voiced our objections for reasons of air and water pollution, negative impacts on tourism, oil spill containment concerns and unknown effects on sea life. The Interior Departments Minerals Management Service is making 17 undersea tracts offshore of the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside available for leasing. Attached is a resolution opposing the leasing of offshore tracts to the oil industry and a letter to the Secretary of the Interior from the Carlsbad City Council also opposing this leasing action. FISCAL IMPACT: None other than staff time presently. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None unless the proposed actions of the Department of Interior are successful. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No._ ffi+d& 2. Letter to The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel dated 11- 28-88. 3. Letter to The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel from Ron Packard. 4. Purpose of Supplemental Call (United States Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service) 5. Article from Blade Tribune dated July 14, 1988 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 88-422 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING LEASE SALE 95 FOR SEVENTEEN TRACTS OFFSHORE THF, CITIES OF CARLSBAD OCEANSIDE WHEREAS, the City Council of Carlsbad, California has been concerned about the adverse impacts of oil and gas developments offshore Carlsbad for the past twelve years: and WHEREAS, the Interior Department Minerals and Management Services is making an additional 17 undersea tracts offshore the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside available for leasing; and WHEREAS, this proposed lease area will adversely effect the vital strategic amphibian landing training exercises at Camp Pendleton; and WHEREAS, emissions from drill operations could have significant adverse environmental effects on the San Diego air basin materially complicating our ability to comply with E.P.A.@s air quality standards; and I WHEREAS, tourism is a major industry in San Diego County and specifically Carlsbad and oil drilling rigs will have both visual and environmental impact on this vital tourism industry; and WHEREAS, our beaches could be subjected to potential oil and oil related pollutants; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I.7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 e m WHEREAS, the proposed drilling area may be a significant habitat of the Pacific bottle nosed dolphins and possible other important sea life forms. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of City of Carlsbad strongly OPPOSES the undersea tracts offshore the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside by made available for leasing to the oil and gas industry. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of December , 1988 by the following and to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None Absent: Council Member Kulchin e Attest: r I Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City clerk I (SEAL) I e 0 November 28, 1988 The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior rlC1l Street between 18th 61 19th Street Washington, D.C. 20240 RE: OFF SHORE OIL & GAS DRILLING - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHORELINE Dear Secretary Hodel: We the City Council of Carlsbad, California in San Diego County are writing in reference to the recent supplemental call for the leasing of submerged land tract off the coast of Carlsbad. We have historically and continue to be adamantly opposed to oil drilling off the coastline of San Diego County. Specific concerns are as follows: Air Qualitv Emissions from drill operations could have significant adverse environmental effects on the San Diego region which is already impacted by transferred pollutants from Los Angeles basin. Additional air emissions will significantly complicate the San Diego Region's ability to comply with current Environmental Protection Agencies air quality standards. Tourism is a major industry and employer in San Diego County. People visit our area the year round. Oil drilling with its associated visual and pollution impact could have a major negative effect on the tourist industry in San Diego County and specifically Carlsbad. Beach Impact Our beaches are not currently polluted with oil or oil related pollutants, however no one can successfully guarantee that off shore drilling will not introduce such pollutants with serious economic and environmental impacts. Oil Spill Containment and Clean-up Capabilities. While the oil industry has improved their ability to respond to oil accidents over the years the beaches and tourist industry are effected by even relatively controled incidents. We have too much at stake to rely on others promises.The unknown represents a potentially disastrous result. e 0 Environmental It has been found that the bottle nosed dolphins exclusive habitat may be in the area proposed for oil and gas exploration drilling. This species plus other sea life depending on this area may be adversely affected by the proposals to drill. Land Use: The City will be proposing a Ordinance to restrict on- shore oil facilities and pipelines within our City and encouraging other Coastal and inland Cities in San Diego County to adopt similar land use standards. We have informed ourself on the national need to explore all feasible sources of crude oil within our Nakions borders. We do not believe the small amount of estimated oil deposits hoped to be within the area off our immediate shores are worth the potential risks involved as outlined in this letter. sincerely, Claude rrBudrr Lewis Ann Kulchin Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Mark Pettine John Mamaux Council Member Council Member Eric Larsen Council Member attach: -_ __ - I 7 1 ? 7 FALOMAR ArRF*ucr fiO/\r) SUITE 105 (:ARlSRAD C,$ 92009 (6 19) 438-4443 (6 19) 94 T -0043 629 CAMINO DE LOJ MARES SUtTE 204 (7 14) 496-2343 0 ,e:;- e BUN rHLKAKU d3llU Dfl1qM.r CAI IrQUHIA COMMI I rw PUBLIC WORKS &NO TSLNSPORTATION SClkNCC AND TECHNOL967 I -- - IJ --. . 316 CANNON HoUSf OfWE BUtLOlMG W*S~~NGT~N. (202) 225-3906 DC 205 15 $AN CLEMENT€ CA 92632 Congre~b uf tip! 'Q12rziteb $&ate$ Boube of &preESentattbe$ mwxnber 16, 1988 The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior C Street between 18th and 19th Streets, N.W* Washington, D.C. 20240 Dear Secretary Hodel: f: am writing in reference to the recent supplemental call far the leasing of submerged land tracts o€f the coast of Oceanside, California. I remain very apposed to the leasing of these and other tracts along Southern California's coastline for offshare drilling. A6 you know, the United States largest Marine Carp base, Camp Pendletan, fs located just north of the city of Oceanside. Offshore drilling in the supplemental call area would directly and adversely affect military training operations at this base, Camp Pendleton has traditionally used their entire 17 mile coastline and up to 25 miles offshore to practice strategic amphibious landings. Clearly, the proposed supplemental sale wuuld cause drastic changes in the way our Marines are able to prepare themselves. Secondly, I remain concerned with our ability to quickly contain and clean-up offshore oil spills. X am well aware of the Occidental Petroleum, Ltd. spill in the Borth Sea last July and do not want to see a similar accident happen In our area. Lastly, I am very concerned with the effects offshore oil drilling will have an air quality in the San Diego county area. As you know, the emissions from even the exploratory stages of the drilling are quits significant and may complicate San Diego's ability to comply with current air quality standards. . 0 0 X understand your goal to explore all feasible Sources of crude of1 within our borders, but I d5 not believe the benefits from the estimated small oil deposits in the Southern California tracts are worth the risks involved. Sincerely, R&4 Ron Packard Member of Congress RCP/dm I * ,c 0 0 (Published in Federal Register November 17? 1988,)- 4310-MR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MINEFSLS MANAGEMENT SERVICE Outer Continental Shelf Proposed Southern California Sale 95 Supplemental Call for Information and Nominations Purpose of Supplemental Call As part of the Minerals Management Service's (MMS) analysis and planning for Southern California Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Sale 95, all interested parties are invited to provide additional information on 17 blocks (see "Description of Area") in the Southern California Planning Area which were not included in the Sale 95 Call for Information and Nominations (Call) as published in the July 9, 1987, Federal Reqister. This information may assist the WAS and the Department of Defense (DOD) discussions intended to establish appropriate multiple-use arrangements pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement between the two Agencies. Initial discussions with the DOD resulted in the exclusion from the original Call of several lease blocks thought to be in an area of potential conflict with national defense related activ- ities. As a result of subsequent discussions, alternative approaches are being examined to better resolve these rnultiple- use issues. To assist in this analysis, the E3:S is requesting information on 17 additional blocks, totaling an estimated 76,735 acres, not included in the Call for proposed Sale 95. Respon- dents who have an interest in nominating or commenting on this area are now requested to do so. Use of Information from Supplemental Call Information received in response to this Supplemental Call will be used to help assess the area for further study during the Sale 95 prelease process. as a result of this Supplemental Call will be fully analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) being prepared for the proposed sale. was published in the Federal Reqister on July 9, 1987. in ongoing Blocks considered for the Sale 95 proposal A Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS for Sale 95 0 0 2 pescription of Area This Supplemental Call is targeted at the 17 blocks or portions of blocks within the OCS Leasing Map 6C not included in the Sale 95 Call described in the following text and shown on the attached map. The area covered includes the following blocks: All or portions of blocks: 2525, 2524, 2426, 2425, 2424, 2423, 2327, 2326, 2325, 2324, 2323, 2227, 2226, 2225, 2224, 2223, and 2222. A copy of the Call published in the Federal Reqister on July 9, 1987, on pages 25956 through 25962, is available and will be forwarded free upon request from the Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Environment, Minerals Management Service, Pacific Region, 1340 West 6th Street, Suite 244, Los Angeles, California, 90017, telephone number (213) 894-7107. Instructions on Supplemental Call Nominators are asked to designate any of the blocks covered by this Supplemental Call that they wish to have included in Sale 95. Expressions of interest should be as specific as possible and should be shown by outlining the area(s) of interest along block lines. nominated should be submitted to ensure correct interpretation of nominations. Although individual indications of interest are considered to be privileged and proprietary information, the names of persons or entities submitting indications of interest and/or comments will be a matter of public record. Nominators should rank selected blocks according to the priority of their interest (high, medium, or low). The telephone number and name of a person to contact in the respondent’s organization for additional information should be included. In addition, respondents with information (on the area covered by this Sup- plemental Call) that would assist in determining the scope of the EIS and in the preparation of the document are encouraged to submit comments. conflicts and mitigation measures between offshore oil and gas activities; California coastal zone management policies as established by the California Coastal Act of 1976, as amended: and approved local coastal plans. A detailed list of whole and partial blocks Comments may be used to point out potential e *a 3 Respondents' nominations and/or comments must be submitted no later than 30 days following publication of this document in the Federal Reqister in envelopes labeled "Supplemental Call for Information and Nominations for Proposed Sale 95 - Southern California." Letters and maps should be submitted to the Regional Supervisor, Leasing and Environment, at the address stated under "Description of Area. tt mz- 1q- Robert E. Kallnan Director, Minerals Management Service & fo//YkY Date Approved : L h&- / //Id$ James E. Cason Secretary - Land and Minerals Management Date Southern Califwia- wmning- r\l n-e.-- Gd 0 :+?k?< . (-----& &$$&yk$> ‘c 1 0,‘ %* -6. LEASE SALE 95 0 .@ SUPPLEMENTAL CALL November 1988 .. .. ““4 c US. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Pacific OCS Region This map has been carefully prepared frov the best’exlsting data sources available at the time of its drafting, but the. Minerals E.<anagement Service, U.S.D.I. does not guarantee the accuracy and is not responsible or’ liable. for rolIance thereon. It Is not a legal document for jederal leasing purposes nor is It to be used lor navigation. OCS Leasing Map 6C should be consulted for area measurements and locations of indtvidual blocks, .f~a EZa~52 A E 4-r- &Qmmzv: A La Z0-a 520 a s%.zt;a Z'm3'3 c 2 a s"z zam-- 000, E 3 2s 0 2-5- .z s %5$ %~u~gG-.~ b E$z+.LsS-s e 0% 53 23 E - )r 2z: .s.p.2< 5; 8 a 3, Q 0 i.zaa,sa 22 pg$-;; =%d g* a, 2 F mum $2 OM zm 02 m 5 g.5 P'Equ ;gsa c -wOE.k cp 5 x $.- v1G 0.2 0) au- E= m > ag &.ex L. a zaoz mWuau8u E c SSMO 3mmG- v1 0 S.GU.2 mL.uM-'- ' m- s+52 ooOr3= 0 urna+w e cil 20 W - w *' u -s-5 ;hsijc c 5: z a -;as WgmXz :: saffius L -g$; u a a,zgiz L 0s -2 ad 0s az2 Q ~2 m U2ZM ,f' -mAb a 2 &m2 e, czz=: an: L..T;; v *.?3 x a, 3amaw -x 4eh v05m 0 $2 (R $5 0 E u5 -.2 v.* &X mu a) ~e."~~,~ + O.%rc: mz Eg$-azS "S w ai+ rnm;m** XOW a.*oa,$ 2M0 'i; 22& u.ng z-3;gs us OM on: 0 -0 mu $3 ..n 2 E 3- 2r 8.5avl rJ m"d 5 * e E d S353-crr .c s%m WvOs omsz a> x g l&$oa- c n-3" "23 CB e ~U~~~am~ah a E g.M1zz&g&2 Q $ x ~Z.~~z30a u<$s as's3 0 a L. .,o a s 03 m L.WOW0) ac *no m4.jc -,y.z n5 E m - ssazo > 5 0s a .- uS"U3.U QlNv*m -4 m. La 5 &3Y a* * koz mOMW-; a E *c w o.-+ E.55 ZZ m m33=& v, El wm~~.a~%-m~ maez3 xm csy s- I -a 1424 c - ' * &CL3W$ =-,= 0 $2- x Q "-3.5 z z 0; 53 5 Md';% cw.z- 0) E: 0 -7 s.2: c c 33% mzQ$4z u 2.5 .-occm,.s c;J .-- o=-,=cj;g n =.-E ' c,= ?-:m ss 57 +E$.=: a&5zz 0 ?C3 zsp< -3E$% -,=s 0 a,**s Q m $32$3";3 v1 W &Z ZY':2?2 E W uc rJ $5 - $ &5 urn.- 4 05 ;iihsUjL'm -0.;; 1-i c rO- 0.c-2 a g24.3 r= Tj, h.25 2 2 2 5 o d, 2 8 g €5 EzszL s 0% O "Ep;.pW~gumE .2 az q3sj 2.g 3 4-,2,-& n ga.$ Ej "mQ.k.5 *us as .y 0) 5; EA- t;a4 a 0 Ow 0 u- 0 2a W%24.5qa o v) % g2.g pzs ;&i o fc5mmcrJ =.zau-.30 0+-QuW 3 c.22 39 53 A g??'z12; ;- E2 g k E 2 zk 2.z 0 ma- Q)d% m 0 EoJz 0 "-7';d v1 a ;; %E m.sm.2a a,mz E .-*uo,h ~~.2s~o2z2wp;a; .?X="~O0Ca mLhuVzE 0 a= Qh.5 i Ea 3 u of p+- z*m ga.2 czam- a0 3 g"p.CrX'3 so E=- G4: '53 = a-Cm us 2 :-;s MS" "$2 W Z.-,.Z a ;L-a.;- m 0 m;;e epgw, >alEfl-wa rOmQffi - aS m 02 30 oY"m E 2*-&2.22 v 8 h-F~gu*; "m WL.hW 50 ad v1 (53 0 L. -s m33U y5-. a3 0) 5.- 0 3 $ c a2 y m& 3 S32 0, aJ'3 hW~M-.i:OOm,>;"m33,~M~~~CMm oeu E=%= 2s3= m U .'=a';;; p $3 g 2 ?*= -___ somcu um.f=zs 05vom 03.55% $%%E qcz2LS;5 ~L .f=W% x3 * $av1~$ps+2= 7 a== W ;3.-' .I : =-3 ..23, AgZL c WE2 =g-g WWg FY .m $ 0 2 e ?.Sa $4 2sz;: 55 p"e$ zy- m- a w-u 3 0- 8: d0U OW-'- u-* 0 224 +L-z*;? .E$:= mS % ago a ~&2g;~2m"2-~ M €2.5 m- a*; s $ Wz WS$*Z CJ L. "'arc, ms (0 >-.E 2 f * X- 5- z muo 4mL.a EoQn3 -Gag : ~~'z1Lo-c3-mL. Y Q c'-" .-(W qa a a %QS&-Z~ E=hE.zs.z?z w w ; $3 Q YJ m6 gr 3s225g5 m=Or h L hha~Mz43=3%-:=o m -".- ,mom,aao%-~~ a v1.z .- ad L. .s * m4 2 O -"3.'Z'Z y m a2-2 c "2-5 0 s-- 2 .=a ;; 2 5 -* a,% a LrSY a 0 0 E.- -3 .- 5a e c Or c.4 I dh a as E ZiO 2 5 k urd u'~~~~~=~30s~v1~~~~~~~~~ Q L 3 GQ2Q wz 13@-;3Ur~ L. m* .52 m E5.53 ~s.z.5 E $ 2 5 ffi Y m';,a3:= 0 u a*- 0 7-0 X 45 I ,cilM E c 3 0) W~a0L.C + a 3 0 AmC1.E1=am GS~U~UU~~ cils 0 0 4 f TELEPHONE 1200 ELM AVENUE (61 9) 434-2830 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor aitg a€ MarlBbna December 6, 1988 The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior rrCrr Street between 18th & 19th Street Washington, D.C. 20240 RE: OFF SHORE OIL & GAS DRILLING - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHORELINE Dear Secretary Hodel: We the City Council of Carlsbad, California in San Diego County are writing in reference to the recent supplemental call for the leasing of submerged land tract off the coast of Carlsbad. We have historically and continue to be adamantly opposed to oil drilling off the coastline of San Diego County. Specific concerns are as follows: Air Qualitv Emissions from drill operations could have significant adverse environmental effects on the San Diego region which is already impacted by transferred pollutants from Los Angeles basin. Additional air emissions will significantly complicate the San Diego Region's ability to comply with current Environmental Protection Agencies air quality standards. Tourism is a major industry and employer in San Diego County. People visit our area the year round. Oil drilling with its associated visual and pollution impact could have a majm negative effect on the tourist industry in San Diego County and specifically Carlsbad. Beach Impact Our beaches are not currently polluted with oil or oil related pollutants, however no one can successfully guarantee that off shore drilling will not introduce such pollutants with serious economic and environmental impacts. Oil Spill Containment and Clean-up Capabilities. While the oil industry has improved their ability to respond to o.il accidents over the years the beaches and tourist industry are effected by even relatively controled incidents. We have too much at stake to rely on others promises.The unknown represents a potentially disastrous result. - r * a + ., z t Environmental It has been found that the bottle nosed dolphins exclusive habitat may be in the area proposed for oil and gas exploration drilling. This species plus other sea life depending on this area may be adversely affected by the proposals to drill. Land Use: The City will be proposing a Ordinance to restrict on- shore oil facilities and pipelines within our City and encouraging other Coastal and inland Cities in San Diego County to adopt similar land use standards. We have informed ourself on the national need to explore all feasible sources of crude oil within our Nations borders. We do not believe the small amount of estimated oil deposits hoped to be within the area off our immediate shores are worth the potential risks involved as outlined in this letter. &g ,A- /' LJLL /442fdQ Mark Pettine ?&? Claude ud" Lewis Ann Kulchin Mayor Mayor Pro Tem #4)2-.-. ohn Mamaux Council Member Council Member attach : -