HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-06; City Council; 9765; Monthly Refuse Collection Rate Increase55 - _- Cl’< i OF CARLSBAD - AGENL BILL AB## 9’7by ATG. 12-6-88 IEPT. U/M TITLE DEPT. HDPA CITY AlNW- CITY MG&b MONTHLY REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE RECOM M EN DED ACT; DN: Adopt Resolution No ff‘faapproving an increase in monthly trash collection rates for residential and commercial trash collections. ITEM EXPLANATION: REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE Coast Waste Management has requested a basic monthly residential rate increase. The Finance Department’s auditor has reviewed this request for increase, has audited the operations, and has determined that the recommended rate increase should be 9.4% for residential users and 9.6% for commercial users. This would change the monthly residential trash rate from $6.95 to $7.60, an increase of 65 cents. The increase will be effective on December J 1, 1988. The requested rate increase is based upon the index system adopted by Resolution No. 6460 of March 3, 1981. The index system considers insurance, maintenance and fuel costs. Further, the index system provides that a change in 7% of the index will be sufficient to consider a rate adjustment. The first rate change under the index system occurred in 1983. The residential rate increased from $5.88 to $6.48 or 10.8% and the commercial rates increased 13.8%. The last rate increase occurred in 1986. The residential rate increased from $6.48 to $6.95 or 7.4% and the commercial rate increased 16.2%. Coast Waste Management, Inc. provided a table of rate comparisons for other San Diego County locations with its submittals. Current updated monthly residential trash collection rates for our general area are represented in Exhibit 4. RECYCLING PROGRAM The proposed trash rate increase does not include the cost of the recycling program. Negotiations have begun between Coast Waste Management, Inc. and City staff. Coast Waste Management has indicated that they will submit a written proposal to operate the City Recycling Program by December 1, 1988. Negotiations should be completed and a proposed contract submitted for City Council consideration by January, 1989. If a written proposal is not received by December 1, 1988, staff will prepare a Request for Proposal and solicit competitive proposals for operating the recycling program. A PAGE 2 OF AB# q7d'l PRESENT REF'USE COLLECTION CONTRACT At the conclusion of the current contract year, Coast Waste Management will have served nine (9) years as the City's refuse collection contractor. The initial term of the contract with Coast Waste Management was for a period of five (5) years, from 1980 through 1985, and is automatically extended each year thereafter unless terminated by either party at least ninety (90) days in advance of the contract anniversary date of September 1. Since it will be nine (9) years since the refuse collection contract was competitively bid, staff has conducted a cursory, comparative, review of the costs of refuse collection services provided to the City of Carlsbad, and the costs and service provided in other cities. The information gathered in that survey contained in Exhibit 4. To collect refuse in the City, a person must be granted a Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience by the City Council. In the application for a ltCertificatell the applicant must, among other things, offer to pay the City 5% of gross revenues for the right to collect refuse. Coast Waste Management is operating under a "Certif icatell granted to McDougal Sanitation in 1958. McDougal Sanitation has changed owners and corporate names several times since 1958. While researching the history of the refuse collection contract and the IlCertificateIl, staff found that the Municipal Code requires a l1Certificatel1 applicant to offer to pay the 5% fee, however, the present contract makes no mention of this fee. Coast Waste Management is paying a 2% IIService Fee" pursuant to their Contract with the City. The IIService Fee" is to offset the cost of billing and administration. Our brief research did not reveal whether the 5% fee was waived, reduced or simply overlooked. Further research is required to determine the status of the fee. In view of the long period of time since the contract was last competitively bid, the apparent disparity in services (see Exhibit 4, page 3) and costs between the City of Carlsbad and adjacent cities and the issue of the 5% fee required by the Municipal Code, staff intends to conduct an indepth comparative evaluation of the refuse collection contract and the requirements of the Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience. It is expected that this evaluation can be presented for Council consideration in March of 1989, together with a recommendation as to whether or not the contract should be competitively bid, renegotiated or extended in its present form. PAGE 3 OF AB# W66 FISCAL IMPACT: The residential trash collection rate will be $7.60 per month, an increase of 65 cents and an increase of 9.6% for commercial users. The City should receive about $4,800 per month in service charges. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution NO. Xi +23b 2. Coast Waste Management, Inc. request ttCarlsbad Refuse Rate 3. City Auditorls report ttReview of Refuse Rate Indexest1. 4. Refuse Rate Comparison Study Indexest1 and letter ttComunity Supportll . 1 I \ I’ .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-423 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE MONTHLY REFUSE COLLECTION RATES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has contracted with Coast Waste Management, Inc. for refuse collection services within the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Resolution No. 8868, establishing rates for refuse collection services; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Resolution No. 6460 establishing a trash rate index to initiate rate negotiations, and evidence has been provided and verified that the index Ittriggerwt has been exceeded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the rate for once-a-week collection of residential refuse shall be a monthly charge of $7.60, an increase of 65 cents. 3. That the rate for once-a-week on premise collection of residential refuse shall be a monthly charge of $9.77, an increase of 84 cents. 4. That the monthly rates to be charged for commercial collections shall be: Ill Ill Ill Ill I I , ? c 4 F c E 7 E IC 11 1% It 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 20 NUMBER OF PICKUPS PER WEEK No. of Bins 1 2 3 4 5 1 $47.95 $77.57 $107.20 $136.81 $166.44 6 $196.06 COMMERCIAL CAN STOPS 1 X Week $15.60/Month 2 x Week 3 1.18/Month 3 x Week 46.77/Month 4 x Week 62.35/Month 5 x Week 77.94/Month 5. That the monthly charge for apartments and condominiums shall be: No. of Units 1-3 $7.60/Month per unit 4-5 7.09/Month per unit 6 or more 6.86/Month per unit 6. That the following rates shall apply to special pickups of refuse: a) Drag-on box service shall be charged at the rate The following dump charges of $27.50 delivery charge per box. apply to the following classes of drag-on boxes. A. (19 cu. yds. or less) $142.32 B. (20-29 CU. yds.) 161.32 C. (30-39 CU. yds.) 180.12 d. (40-49 CU. yds.) 196.56 (The above rates include the applicable dump fees). Demurrage charges on drag-on boxes shall be $3.00 per day in the event the drag-on box is not dumped a minimum of one time a week. Customers requiring more than one dump from a drag-on box shall receive a refund of the original $27.50 delivery fee, this refund may be in the form of a credit against the customers account with the refuse collector. 2 . L \ , 5 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 24 25 26 27 b) Special pick-ups of items such as water heaters, washers, dryer, etc. shall be individually negotiated at a reasonable rate between collector and customer. Before any pick-up of such items is made, customer shall be notified of charges. 7. That the commercial rates established hereby shall be effective December 1, 1988. 8. That the residential rates established hereby shall be effective December 1, 1988. 9. That the rates and charges established by this Resolution shall on their effective day supersede the rates previously established. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the - 6thday of December , 1988, and by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: ETfi L. RAUTENKRANZ, City aerk (SEAL) 3 -m ~ PHONE: 753-9412 or 452-9810 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 6960 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 MCDOUGAL SANITATION CARLSBAD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. August 2, 1988 Mr. Ralph Anderson Utilities and Maintenance Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519 RE: Carlsbad Refuse Rate Indexes Dear Ralph: The County of San Diego enacted new landfill disposal site fees for all County landfills effective July 1, 1988. The increases for commercial haulers were raised by approximately 31.25%. This increase, along with other expenses, has affected our operating costs to have us prepare the enclosed revised indexes for the commercial and residential rates. The indexing agreement adopted in 1980 between the City of Carlsbad and Coast Waste Management, Inc. established a basis for requesting a rate adjustment. To request a rate adjustment, the base index must be increased by 7 percent (7%) or a request could be made for unusual increases in the costs of operation. When calculated, the formula for the residential index indicated an increase of 78 index points or a 9.4 percent adjustment. adjustment, the County Disposal Site Fee contributed 5.9 percent of the increase. The commercial service index reflected a 62 point adjustment or a 9.6 percent increase. The County Disposal Site Fee accounted for 7.1 percent of the commercial rate adjustment. Of the 9.4 percent residential After preparing the indexes, I contacted Joe Eggleston who set up an audit of our records by the City Auditor, Mr. A1 Capuchino. Mr. Capuchino's review was com- pleted on Friday, July 22nd which should pare the information enclosed for our proposed rate adjustments. Included is a comparison of surrounding cities and communities refuse disposal raLds for your information. cr,amercial service for Carlsbad remain in the same range of rates for like service in other areas of San Diego County. The rates proposed do not reflect any costs for any recycling programs. The proposed rate increases for both residential and We look A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION PHONE: 753-8112 or 452-9810 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. S960 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. McDOUGAL SANl TAT ION CARLSBAD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. August 2, 1988 Mr. Ralph Anderson Uti 1 i ties and Maintenance Director City of Carl sbad (continued) forward to working with City Staff to prepare a multifaceted recycling program. We respectfully request the City Council to approve this rate adjustment to become effective September 1, 1988. Should you or the City Staff have any questions or require additional information to substantiate this request, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Conrad B. Pawelski Vice-president & General Manager CBP/mb Encl s : A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION , I LANDFILL SALARIES INSURANCE MAINTENANCE FUEL CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL REFUSE INDEX NEW 1986 INCREASE COST/WEEK INDEX INDEX (DECREASE) 1.88 270 22 1 49 1.89 272 264 8 .70 100 119 (19) 1.68 242 206 36 .14 20 16 4 6.29 904 82 6 78 COMPARISON OF BASE INCREASE: 78 INDEX POINTS INCREASE = 9.4% 826 BASE INDEX A COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, I DETAILED SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES BASED ON FIRST QUARTER - JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 1988 < RESIDENTIAL EXHIBIT I LANDFILL - BASIS PER LOAD LOAD FEE PER CUSTOMER EXHIBIT I1 SALARIES - PER HOUR DRIVER ROUTE FOREMAN SWINGMAN MECHANIC LUBEMAN TI REMAN WELDER YARDMAN COST PER CUSTOMER COST INDEX $63.00 1.88 2.70 $ 8.55 14.42 9.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.50 1.89 272 EXHIBIT I11 5024 . GROUP $ 55,070.02 5160 GENERAL LIABILITY (INCLUDES BONDS) 57,403.92 INSURANCE 5165 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 100,000.00 TOTAL 3 3 MONTHLY AVERAGE COST PER CUSTOMER EXHIBIT IV 5015 OUTSIDE SERVICE 5016 YARD & BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5040-2 RENTAL (INCLUDES LEASE) 5045 SMALL TOOLS 5060 ' DEPRECIATION 5070 . PARTS & SUPPLIES 5101 . TRUCK REPAIRS 5 103 ' MISCELLANEOUS 5105 GENERAL REPAIRS 5110 LUBRICANTS 5120 TIRES & TUBES 5262 CONTAINER MAINTENANCE 5265 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $ 212,473.94 $ 70,824.64 .70 100 $ 10,357.60 4,653.02 49,805.55 5,472.37 170,000.00 37,561.14 57,731.36 888.96 1,844.80 8,981.12 32,028.36 14,350.41 2,842.15 TOTAL $ 396,516.84 I 3 MONTHLY AVERAGE COST PER CUSTOMER $ 132,172.28 1.68 242 EXHIBIT' V 5050 FUEL COST PER CUSTOMER GRAND TOTAL - $ 1,902.84 .14 20 6.29 904 , I EXHIBIT I NUMBER OF CARLSBAD CUSTOMERS. .......................................... 13,524 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL TRUCKS FIVE DAYS PER WEEK. ....................... 7 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL TRUCKS TWO DAYS PER WEEK ......................... 1 COMPUTATION OF LANDFILL COSTS 7.4 RESIDENTIAL TRUCKS (20-24 CU. YDS.) (3 2.50 LOADS PER DAY ........................ = 18.50 LOADS A DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 93 LOADS PER WEEK 93 LOADS PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = 4,836 LOADS PER YEAR i 12 = ..... 403 LOADS PER MONTH 403 LOADS PER MONTH X $63.00 PER LOAD = ....................... .$25,389 PER MONTH $25,389 i 13,524 CUSTOMERS = ................................... 1.877 PER CUSTOMER 1.877 + 6.95 = .270 X 1,000 = .................................. 270 INDEX POINTS J 1 EXHIBIT I1 4 7.4 7.4 2.5 2.5 1 1 1.25 1 1 1 RESIDENTIAL SALARY COST INDEX COMPUTATION OF CARLSBAD/LA COSTA PAYROLL COSTS DRIVERS @ 9 HOURS PER DAY = 66.6 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 333 HOURS PER WEEK X $8.55 PER HOUR = ................................ .$ 2,847.15 DRIVERS @ 1 HOUR PER DAY OVERTIME = 7.4 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 37 HOURS PER WEEK X $4.275 PER HOUR = ...................... 158.18 $ TOTAL DRIVERS SALARY ..................................$ 3,005.33 SUPPORT PERSONNEL MECHANICS (3 10 HOURS PER DAY = 25 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 125 HOURS PER WEEK X $10.00 PER HOUR = .........................$ 1,250.00 MECHANICS (3 2 HOURS PER DAY = 5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER 125.00 WEEK = 25 HOURS PER WEEK X $5.00 PER HOUR = $ LUBEMAN @ 5 HOURS PER DAY = 5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 25 HOURS PER WEEK X $8.00 PER HOUR = ........................... $ 200.00 TIRE MAN Q 4.5 HOURS PER DAY = 4.5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 22.5 HOURS PER WEEK X $7.00 PER HOUR = ..................... $ 157.50 WELDERS @ 8 HOURS PER DAY = 10 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 50 HOURS PER WEEK X $8.00 PER HOUR = ........................... $ 400.00 YARD MAN @ 5 HOURS PER DAY = 5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 25 HOURS PER WEEK X $7.50 PER HOUR = ........................... $ 187.50 ROUTE FOREMAN @ 5 HOURS PER DAY = 5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 25 HOURS PER WEEK X $14.42 PER HOUR = $ 360.50 SWINGMAN @ 5 HOURS PER DAY = 5 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER ........................... ...................... WEEK = 25 HOURS PER WEEK X $9.00 PER HOUR = .......................... $ 225.00 TOTAL SALARY OF SUPPORT PERSONNEL ......................$ 2,905.50 TOTAL DRIVERS AND SUPPORT PERSONNEL SALARY.. .......... .$ 5,910.83 .. TOTAL SALARY PER WEEK $5,910.83 X 52 WEEKS = $307,363.16 i 12 = $25,613.60 13,524 CUSTOMERS = ............................... .$ 1.893 1.893 f 6.95 = ,272 X 1,000 = ......................................... 272 INDEX POINTS \ EXHIBIT I11 RESIDENTIAL INSURANCE COST INDEX MONTHLY AMOUNTS ARE COMPILED FROM AN AVERAGE OF PREMIUMS FOR THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 1988 AVERAGE MONTHLY PREMIUM = $70,824.64 $70,824.64 90 EMPLOYEES = $786.94 PER EMPLOYEE PER MONTH X 12 EMPLOiEES = $9,443.28 PER MONTH $9,443.28 PER MONTH i 13,524 CUSTOMERS = .698 PER CUSTOMER .698 f 6.95 = 100 X 1,000 = 100 INDEX POINTS , EXHIBIT IV \ RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE COST INDEX MAINTENANCE EXPENSE AMOUNTS ARE DERIVED FROM A QUARTERLY AVERAGE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: COMPUTATION OF MAINTENANCE COSTS OUTSIDE SERVICES.. ........................................... .$ 11,349.32 RENTAL AND DEPRECIATION.. ..................................... $ 73,268.52 TRUCK REPAIRS AND PARTS .......................................$ 44,560.73 LUBRICANTS.. ................................................. .$ 2,993.71 132,172.28 TOTAL AVERAGE MONTHLY COST.. ............... .$ AVERAGE MONTHLY COST PER TRUCK ................................ $ ($132,172.28 f 43 TRUCKS = $3,073.77 PER TRUCK) 7.4 CARLSBAD TRUCKS X $3,073.77 = $22,745.93 (CARLSBAD MONTHLY COST) 3,073.77 $22,745.93 PER MONTH + 13,524 CUSTOMERS = .................... $ 1.681 PER CUSTOMER 1.681 f 6.95 = .242 X 1,000 = ................................ 242 INDEX POINTS , I - 3 EXHIBIT V \ RESIDENTIAL FUEL COST INDEX MONTHLY AMOUNT IS AN AVERAGE OF 3 MONTHS USAGE BY THE 7.4 CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL TRUCKS THE PRICE OF FUEL IS AN AVERAGE OF THE QUARTER .......... $.52 COMPUTATION OF FUEL COSTS 3.659 GALLONS PER MONTH X $.52 PER GALLON = $1,902.84 PER MONTH $1,902.84 f 13,524 CUSTOMERS = ..................................... .$ .140 PER CUSTOMER 20 INDEX POINTS .140 i 6.95 = ,020 X 1,000 .......................................... CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL REFUSE INDEX LANDFILL SALARIES INSURANCE MAINTENANCE FUEL COST/ WEEK 2.072 2.941 .770 1.254 .145 7.182 COMPARISON OF BASE INCREASE: t4EW IIJCEX 204 289 76 123 14 706 1986 INDEX 158 238 118 116 14 644 INCREASE (DECREASE) 46 51 (42) 7 ---- 62 62 INDEX POINTS INCREASE = 9.6% 644 BASE INDEX , - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. - JETAILED SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES BASED ON FIRbr QUARTER - JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 1988 EXHI-BIT I COMMERCIAL COST LANDFILL - BASIS PER LOAD $ 91 LOAD FEE PER CUSTOMER 81 EXHIBIT I1 SALARIES - PER HOUR DRIVERS ROUTE FOREMAN MECHANICS SWINGMAN L U B EMAN TI REMAN WELDER BIN MAINTENANCE BIN DELIVERY DRIVER YARDMAN COST PER DUMP .EXHIBIT I11 INSURANCE 5024 GROUP 5160 GENERAL LIABILITY 5165 WORKERS'COMPENSATION (INCLUDES BONDS) TOTAL 3 MONTHLY AVERAGE COST PER BIN EXHIBIT IV MAINTENANCE $ 8.55 14.42 11.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.50 8.55 7.50 $ 55,070.02 57,403.92 100,000.00 $ 212,473.94 $ 70,824.64 .. 5015 OUTSIDE SERVICE $ 5016 YARD & BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5045 SMALL TOOLS 5060 DEPRECIATION 5070 PARTS & SUPPLIES 5101 TRUCK REPAIRS 5103 MISCELLANEOUS 5 105 GENERAL REPAIRS 5110 LUBRICANTS 5120 TIRES & TUBES 5262 CONTAINER MAINTENANCE 5265 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5040-2 RENTAL (INCLUDING LEASE) , TOTAL $ ' COST PER BIN $ 1 3 MONTHLY AVERAGE EXHIBIT V 5050 FUEL COST PER BIN DUMP 10,357.60 4,653.02 49,805.55 5,472.37 170,000.00 37,561.14 57,731.36 888.96 1,844.80 8,981.12 32,028.36 14,350.41 2,842.15 396,516.84 132,172.28 1,783.08 2.072 2.941 .770 INDEX 204 289 76 1.254 123 .145 14 7.182 705 GRAND TOTAL - - EXHIBIT I COMMERCIAL LANDFILL COST INDEX 2. NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL TRUCKS, 6 DAYS PER WEEK 2 2.4 NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL TRUCKS, 5 DAYS PER WEEK 2.4 AVERAGE NUMBER OF BIN DUMPS PER LOADS 44 DUMP FEE PER 35-39 CUBIC YARD PACKER $9 1 COMPUTATION OF LANDFILL COSTS TOTAL AVERAGE LOADS PER MONTH 143 PER DAY = 5.5 LOADS PER DAY X 6 DAYS = 33 LOADS PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = 1,716 LOADS PER YEAR f 143 (2 COMMERCIAL TRUCKS (35-39 CU. YDS.) 2.75 LOADS LOADS PER MONTH) TOTAL AVERAGE DUMP FEES PER MONTH (143 LOADS PER MONTH X $91 PER LOAD) TOTAL AVERAGE LOADS PER MONTH PER DAY = 2.75 LOADS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 13.75 LOADS PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = 715 LOADS PER YEAR (1 COMMERCIAL TRUCK (35-39 CY. YDS.) 2.75 LOADS I 12 MONTHS = 60 LOADS PER MONTH) TOTAL AVERAGE DUMP FEES PER MONTH (60 LOADS PER MONTH X $91 PER LOAD) 60 TOTAL AVERAGE LOADS PER MONTH 76 PER DAY = 3.5 LOADS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 17.5 LOADS PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = 910 LOADS PER YEAR f 12 MONTHS = 76 LOADS PER MONTH) ( 1.4 COMMERCIAL TRUCKS (35-39 CU. YDS. ) 2.5 LOADS TOTAL AVERAGE DUMP FEES PER MONTH TOTAL DUMP FEES PER MONTH TOTAL AVERAGE NUMBER OF BIN DUMPS PER MONTH (2 TRUCKS X 44 BINS PER LOAD X 2.75 LOADS PER DAY = 242 BIN DUMPS PER DAY X 6 DAYS = 1,452 BIN DUMPS PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = 75,504 + 12 MONTHS = 6,292 BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) 6,292 TOTAL AVERAGE NUMBER OF BIN DUMPS PER MONTH (1 TRUCK X 44 BINS PER LOAD X 2.75 LOADS PER DAY = 121 BIN DUMPS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 605 BIN DUMPS PER WEEK X 52 = 31,460 i 12 MONTHS = 2,622 BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) 2 , 622 TOTAL'AVERAGE NUMBER OF BIN DUMPS PER MONTH (1.4 TRUCKS X 44 BINS PER LOAD X 2.50 LOADS PER DAY = 154 BIN DUMPS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 770 BIN DUMPS PER WEEK X 52 = 40,040 i 12 MONTHS = 3,336.6 BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) AVERAGE COST PER BIN DUMP (DUMP FEES PER MONTH $25,389 I BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) $2.072 X 4.3 = 203.6 X 1,000 = 3,337 TOTAL BIN DUMPS PER MONTH 43.75 $ 13,013 $ 5,460 $ 6,916 $ 25,389 12,250 $ 2.072 PER DUMP 204 INDEX POINTS EXHIBIT I1 c COMMERCIAL SALARY COST INDEX 2 - DRIVERS 11 HOURS PER DAY 6 DAYS PER WEEK @ $8.55 PER HOUR (22 HOURS X 6 DAYS PER WEEK = 132 HOURS) = ................................ $ 1,128.60 (52 HOURS OVERTIME PER WEEK X $4.275) = $ 222.30 DRIVERS 11 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $8.55 PER HOUR (2.4 X 11 HOURS = 26.4 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 132 HOURS X $8.55) = ..................................................... .$ (2.4 X 3 HOURS OVERTIME = 7.2 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 36 HOURS X $4.275) = $ ................................... 2.4 1,128.60 153.90 ...................................................... 4 HELPERS 11 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $7.00 PER HOUR PER DRIVER (4 X 11 HOURS = 44 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS PER WEEK = 220 HOURS X $7.00) = .......................................................... $ (4 X 3 HOURS OVERTIME = 12 HOURS PER DAY X 5 DAYS = 60 1,540.00 HOURS X $3.50) = $ 210.00 .......................................................... TOTAL WEEKLY DRIVERS/HELPERS WAGES ............... .$ 4,383.40 DRI VERS/HELPERS SALARY PER MONTH .......................................... $ 18,994.73 ($4,383.40 PER WEEK X 52 WEEKS = $227,936.80 12 MONTHS = $18,994.73) SUPPORT PERSONNEL WELDERS 8 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $8.00 PER HOUR ..................$ LUBEMAN 4 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $8.00 PER HOUR .................. $ BIN DELIVERY DRIVER 10 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $8.55 PER HOUR ...... $ MAINTENANCE MEN 8 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $7.50 PER HOUR ........... $ MECHANICS 10 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $11.00 PER HOUR ............... $ (20 HOURS OVERTIME PER WEEK @ $5.50 PER HOUR) = .......................... .$ TIREMAN 2.5 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $7.00 PER HOUR ................ $ ROUTE FOREMAN 5 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $14.42 PER HOUR ............ $ SWINGMAN 4 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $9.00 PER HOUR .................. $ YARDMAN 6 HOURS PER DAY 5 DAYS PER WEEK @ $7.50 PER HOUR ................... $ .. TOTAL WEEKLY SUPPORT PERSONNEL WAGES ............... $ SUPPORT PERSONNEL PER MONTH.. .................................................. .$ ($3,933.25 X 52 WEEKS = $204,529.00 f 12 MONTHS = $17,044.08) TOTAL SALARIES PER MONTH ........................................................ $ (DRIVERS - HELPERS - SUPPORT PERSONNEL) COST PER BIN DUMP = ............................................................ $ ($36,038.81 + 12,251 BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) 2.941 X 4.3 = 12.646 i 43.75 = 289 X 1,000 = ................................... J 640.00 160.00 470.25 * 600.00 1 , 100.00 110.00 87.50 360.50 180.00 225.00 3,933.25 17 , 044.08 36,038.81 2.941 289 INDEX PO I NTS * INCLUDES BIN DELIVERY OVERTIME OF 10 HOURS PER WEEK @ $4.275 = $42.75 1 EXHIBIT 111 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COST INDEX THE MONTHLY AMOUNTS ARE COMPILED FROM THE AVERAGE OF PREMIUMS FOR THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 1988 AVERAGE MONTHLY PREMIUM = $70,824.64 $70,824.64 i 90 EMPLOYEES = $786.94 PER EMPLOYEE PER MONTH X 12 EMPLOYEES = $9,443.28 PER MONTH $9,443.28 PER MONTH I 12,251 BIN DUMPS = .770 PER BIN DUMP .770 X 4.3 = 3.311 i 43.75 = 75.6 X 1,000 = 76 INDEX POINTS ... -. EXHIBIT IV COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE COST INDEX MAINTENANCE EXPENSE AMOUNTS ARE DERIVED FROM A QUARTERLY AVERAGE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: OUTSIDE SERVICES.. ........................ .$ 11,349.32 RENTAL 81 DEPRECIATION.. .................... $ 73,268.52 TRUCK REPAIRS - PARTS.. ................... .$ 44,560.73 LUBRICANTS.. .............................. .$ 2,993.71 TOTAL AVERAGE MONTHLY AMOUNT $ 132,172.28 AVERAGE MONTHLY COST PER TRUCK = .......................$ 3,073.77 ($132,172.28 { 43 TRUCKS = $3,073.77 PER TRUCK) MONTHLY CARLSBAD TRUCK COST.. ........................... $ (5 CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL TRUCKS X $3,073.77 = $15,368.86) 15,368.86 COST TO CUSTOMER PER BIN DUMP ........................... $ ($15,368.86 f 12,251 BIN DUMPS PER MONTH) 1.254 1.254 X 4.3 = 5.392 + 43.75 = ,123 X 1,000 = 123 INDEX POINTS .. . EXHIBIT V COMMERCIAL FUEL COST INDEX MONTHLY AMOUNT IS AN AVERAGE OF 3 MONTHS USAGE BY THE CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL TRUCKS. THE PRICE OF FUEL IS AN AVERAGE OF THE QUARTER. 3,429 GALLONS PER MONTH X $.52 PER GALLON = $1,783.08 PER MONTH COST PER BIN DUMP = ..................................................... $ .145 ($1,783.08 12,251 BIN DUMPS = $.145 PER BIN DUMP) $.145 X 4.3 = 623 i 43.75 = .014 X 1,000 = 14 INDEX POINTS .I . ,- PROPOSED CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL BIN RATES PRESENT MONTHLY RATE FREQUENCY FOR ONE BIN 1 X per week $ 43.75 2 X per week 70.78 3 X per week 97.81 4 X per week 5 X per week 6 X per week 124.83 151.86 178.89 PROPOSED MONTHLY RATE $ 47.95 79.18 110.41 141.63 172.86 204.09 . PROPOSED CARLSBAD COMMERCIAL CAN RATE FREQUENCY PROPOSED RATE 1 X per week 2 X per week 3 X per week 4 X per week 5 X per week $ 15.59 31.18 46.76 62.35 77.93 BOX SIZE A B C D PROPOSED CARLSBAD DRAG-ON BOX RATE SERVICE FEE DISPOSAL SITE FEE $ 122.32 + $ 20.00 122.32 + 39.00 122.32 + 59.00 122.32 t 79.00 NEW RATE = $ 142.32 161.32 181.32 201.32 - - - - - - . c , PROPOSED CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL RATES Current Monthly Rate for Weekly Collection: Proposed Monthly Rate for Weekly Collection: Current Monthly Rate for Backyard Service in Rancho La Costa for Weekly Collection: Proposed Monthly Rate for Backyard Service in Rancho La Costa for Monthly Collection: $ 6.95 7.60 8.93 9.76 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. RATE COMPARISONS RESIDENTIAL El Cajon City Escondi do City La Mesa Lemon Grove Oceanside Chula Vista National City Carl s bad Vista City San Marcos City San Marcos County Enci ni tas Solana Beach El Cajon County Del Mar Poway Rancho Santa Fe Ramona Escondido County Vista County Fa1 1 brook Bonsall/San Luis Rey Downs Pauma Valley Val ley Center 6.15 6.40 6.72 6.72 6.77 7.10 7.25 7.60 * 7.65 7.65 7.65 8.15 8.25 8.55 8.80 ** 9.20 9.95 10.00 11.45 11.70 12.25 12.50 13.10 13.10 Average rate for the 24 communities listed: $ 8.94 * Rate proposed for City of Carlsbad approval ** Proposed rate increase for City of Del Mar COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. RATE COMPARISONS COMMERCIAL 1 BIN 1 TIME PER WEEK El Cajon County Chula Vista Oceans i de Escondido City Lemon Grove El Cajon City Encini tas Solana Beach Vista City San Marcos City National City Carl sbad Rancho Santa Fe Poway Del Mar Vista County San Marcos County Escondido County Fa1 1 brook Ramona Bonsall/San Luis Rey Downs Pauma Valley Valley Center $ 42.00 42.65 42.29 43.03 44.00 44.50 46.18 46.20 46.20 46.25 46.75 47.95 * 49.10 52.05 56.08 ** 57.75 57.85 58.05 58.25 60.00 64.00 64.25 64.25 The average of the 23 areas listed is: $ 51.28 *Proposed rate for the City of Carlsbad **Proposed rate increase for City of Del Mar Y PHONE: 153-12 01 452a10 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 5980 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 McDOUGAL SANl TATION CARLSBAD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. August 2, 1988 Mr. Ralph Anderson Utilities and Maintenance Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92008-1519 RE: Community Support Dear Ralph: Accompanying our Refuse Index Review, we have included the following data on Coast Waste Management, Inc.'s donated community services and Liberty Recycling's proceeds for recyclables collected in the City of Carlsbad. During the past year, Coast Waste Management, Inc. has returned a total of $19,074.92 in donated services to churches, schools, and civic organizations located in Carlsbad. These organizations have been provided refuse services at no charge or for disposal site fee charges only. the organizations and groups that were provided these services. Attached is a listing of Liberty Recycling, a division of Coast Waste Management, Inc., has placed throughout the community recycling bins which are serviced weekly for the organizations, schools, and churches. These bins are provided at no cost to these groups. is enclosed for your information. $89,404.00 for recyclables. A list of those organizations and the amounts paid to each one Additionally, we have paid out to the residents Coast Waste Management, Inc. will continue to provide community support through the donating of services and equipment. Sincerely, Conrad B. Pawelski Vice-president & General Manager CBP/mb Encl s; A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION -. COAST WASTE MANAGEMENTy INC. RECY CL I NG JANUARY 1, 1987 TO DECEMBER 31, 1987 A1 ta Mira #4 Buena Vista School Carlsbad Band Aides Carl sbad Senior Softball El Camino Estates Kelly School Lake Shore Gardens Lanakai Lanes Magnolia School Pi 1 grim Church Pine School Project Oz Rancho Carlsbad Garden Club St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church St. Patrick's Church Boy Scout Troop #784 Sea Quest TOTAL $ 855.18 805.78 736.85 853.21 378.84 1 , 494.08 1,335.26 340.17 1,988.07 302.91 429.11 122.08 1,695.38 2,356.96 4,490.76 259.89 179.27 18,623.80 c COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. DONATED COMMUNITY SERVICE Carlsbad Spring Clean Up Carl sbad Spring Fai re Carlsbad Fall Faire City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad Christmas Tree Clean Up Parks and Recreation Coastal Clean Up Batiquitos Lagoon Festival Carlsbad Rotary Club Oktoberfest Holiday Park - July 4th Carlsbad Arts Commission Uni sys La Costa Heights School .- , I” e September 22, 1988 TO: JAMES F. ELLIOTT SUBJECT: REVIEW OF REFUSE RATE INDEXES I have completed my review of the Refuse Rate Indexes as compiled by Coast Waste Management, Inc. relative to their request for an increase of the refuse rates within the city of Carlsbad. My review included the testing of the arithmetical accuracy of their compilation as well as the verification of the data included in the assumptions. I detected some minor discrepan- cies, and they were reported to their staff before the final transcription was prepared. Again, it should be noted that the indexes were determined in 1980 to be effective in measuring a rising trend that would give rise to the need for a rate increase, and was never in- tended to be indicative of the total cost of operations. In this respect, I have not found any need to adjust their pre- sentation, having tested the compliance of and the consistent application of the index principles, and hereby recommend that it be accepted. The attached schedule was prepared from the financial state- ments of Coast Waste Management, Inc. for the six months ended June 30, 1988. The schedule was prepared to test the financial impact of the initiation of the payment of a five percent franchise fee on the overall operations relative to the collection of refuse within the city of Carlsbad. The assumptions for the allocation of Shop Expenses and General and Administrative Expenses have been stated, and are not the normal accounting techniques of the company. This report, combined with the draft of the Rate Review letter to Mr. Conrad B. Pawelski, should conclude my assign- ment. Ralph Anderson is awaiting copies, and will contact you directly when he has completed his review. A1 D. Capuchin0 Finance Department Auditor cc: Ralph Anderson Utilities & Maintenance Director * .I ' r 1 1 0 0 w "Y 0 uc o* LON no 99 0 h d Q l.Y t? 3:: 00. *- If R 5 I r. .., U TJ c 0 m 0 "2 c - NOVEMBER 2, 1988 .. RESIDENTIAL REFUSE RATE SURVEY THE FC DWIN REP T IS A SUMMARY OF THE SURVEY OF RESIDENTIAL REFUSE RATES OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES. 1. Residential refuse rates of San Diego County Incorporated Cities of comparable size to Carlsbad: RESIDENTIAL STREET RECYCLING TOTAL MAIN BILLING CITY RATE FEE CHARGED CUSTOMER CONTRACT CHARGE FEE REFUSE SWEEPING FEE COST TO REFUSE SERVICE FRANCHISE ES COND ID0 $6.40 -0- -0- $6.40 ED1 INCLUDED' 10% LA MESA $6.72 -0- -0- $6.72 EDCO N/A 4% LEMON GROVE $7.00 -0- -0- $7.00 EDCO N/A 4% NATIONAL CITY $7.25 -0- -0- $7.25 EDCO N/A 2% CHULA VISTA $7.35 -0- -0- $7.35 LAIDLAW N/A 5% EL CAJON $7.60 -0- -0- $7.60 UNIVERSAL N/A 3% CARLSBAD2 $7.60 -0- -0- $7.60 COAST INCLUDED~ 5z6 VISTA ' $7.65 -0- -0- $7.65 VISTA N/A 5% DEL MAR $8.00 -0- 55c $8.55 COAST INCLUDED~ 5% 5x 3 SAN MARCOS $7.65 -0- -0- $7.65 MASHBURN N/A SOLANA BEACH $8.25 -0- -0- $8.25 COAST N/A 2xBASE + ENCINITAS $8.15 -0- 55c $8.70 MASHBURN N/A N/A POWAY $9.20 -0- -0- $9.20 MASHBURN N/A, 2xBASE -k3 OCEANSIDE $6.77+$2.954 39c -0- $10.11 OCEANSIDE INCLUDEDS N/A NOTES : 1 - Billing service charge is included in the franchise fee. 2 - Residential rate $7.60 reflects the proposed rate increase requested 3 - Franchise fee is based on $1,000 plus $2.00 multiplied times the customer 4 - Oceanside customers pay $6.77, which goes to Oceanside Disposal, and $2.95, 5 - Included in the $2.95 fee mentioned in Note 4. 6 - Not now being collected. by Coast Waste Management. base, per year. which goes to the City of Oceanside to cover billing,administration, etc. Existing rate is $6.95. 2. Residential refuse rates for unincorporated comunities: AREA RESIDENTIAL REFUSE RATE RANCHO SANTA FE RAMONA FALLBROOK BONSALL PAW VALLEY VALLEY CENTER $9.95 $9.00 - $18.00 $12.25 $12.50 $13.10 $13.10 PAGE 1 OF 3 EXHIBIT 4 A. Comparisons of Incorporated Cities residential refuse rates indicate: MEAN - $7.54 MEDIAN - $7.60 B. FRANCHISE FEE: All Incorporated Communities except Oceanside and Encinitas charge their contractors a franchise fee. C. SERVICE CHARGE: Four communities do their own billing, in the remaining Cities the contractors are responsible for the billing of the customers. D. All rates provided have been newly revised to compensate for County Landfill fees. Most rates listed are effective as of 7/1/88. E. Four communities have recycling programs in effect- -0ceanside has recycling fee included in the refuse rate charge -Encinitas and Del Mar charge 55C in addition to the -The City of Solana Beach subsidizes their recycling program, residential refuse rate. with no additional charge to refuse customers. RONALDA. LANE Administrative Intern PAGE 2 OF 3 EXHIBIT 4 *** * * '* * ** K*** * *** * ** K*** * *** * * * * ** * ** ** **** * ** * z 5 V d *A PAGE 3 OF 3 '