HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-20; City Council; 9788; ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONI ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION I MTG, 12-20-88 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept donation of one thousand dollars ($1,000) from Dooley McCluskey's in support of youth recreation programs. Deposit funds into Recreation Sponsorships (Account #880-519-92-10-0000). ITEM EXPLANATION: Dooley McCluskey's has recently presented a check for one thousand dollars ($1,000) to the Parks and Recreation Department in support of youth recreation programs. This donation comes as a result of the proceeds from Dooleyls 1988 Golf Tournament. Previous donations from Dooley McCluskeyIs have sponsored the annual youth track and field event, youth tennis camp and other similar programs. Department staff feels this contribution can best be utilized in the Recreation Sponsorships (Special Events) account #880-519-92-10- 0000. It is anticipated the funds will be applied toward the youth tennis and the junior golf program. The donation was presented to and accepted by the Parks and Recreation Commission at the November meeting. It was unanimously recommended to be forwarded to the City Council for final acceptance. A letter of appreciation will be sent on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT: The donation will increase the fund balance in the Recreation Sponsorships (Special Events), (Account #880- 519-92-10-000) from $594.00 to $1,594.00. a 2 .. z 0 E s a z 3 0 0 ID @ I December 13, 1988 TO : MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO-TEM KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER MAMAUX COUNCIL MEMBER PETTINE COUNCIL MEMBER LARSON FROM : PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUMMARY REPORT OF ACTION ITEMS, NOVEMBER 21, 1988 1. The Commission unanimously voted to accept a $1,000.00 donation from Dooley McCluskeys in support of Youth Recreation Programs and furth recommended final acceptance by the City Council. The Commission unanimously voted to have staff review the ballfield inventory and standards report and to bring this item back for discus during the December meeting. The Commission unanimously approved a letter to H.P. I. acknowledgin acceptance by the Commission for H. P. 1.'s parkland dedication require ment. - one (1) abstension. 2. 3. Respectf Ily Submitted, 63 Shirley &o&amit~ Dahlquist PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER c: Ray Patchett, City Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Department Heads h/