HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-03; City Council; 9807; Recreational Facility Financing Committeez . . \ m 5 . 4 4 $ 5 8 Clv OF CARLSBAD - AGENP BILL I DEPT.- I FACILITY FINANCING ICITY MGR.+ RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. &8 appointing an eleven member committee to evaluate alternative funding methods to finance recreational facilities. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the December 6, 1988 meeting, City Council members discussed Proposition M results. Although Proposition M failed to gain the 2/3 vote necessary for passage, the consensus of the City Council was that the 62% yes vote was a mandate of the voters to provide the facilities that would have been built had Proposition M passed. The Council decided to form an ad hoc committee representing a broad cross-section of the community, to provide additional public input on financing facilities that would have been built under Proposition M. Staff was directed to return with documents to establish a citizen's committee whose purpose is essentially two fold. First, the committee will be charged with the task of confirming specific recreational facilities as identified in Proposition M, i.e., golf course, tennis facilities and other recreational amenities. Secondly, the committee will assess and recommend alternative funding mechanisms available to finance this recreational enhancement program. Staff has additionally developed a work plan which will allow for approximately six (6) weeks of committee evaluation and return to Council with a final report and recommendation by March 7, 1989. If Council should decide to consider this issue on the June ballot, the necessary documents must be submitted to the County Recorders office no later than March 23, 1989. In the selection process of committee members, staff recommends that each Council member appoint two (2) representatives. Additionally, it is recommended that the Mayor assign one (1) member from the Parks and Recreation Commission and one (1) at large member to serve as an alternate. The attached is a work plan for the committee to accomplish its function. Should Council have further direction for this committee, the resolution and work plan should be amended accordingly. FISCAL IMPACT: With the exception of staff time the formation and recommendations of this committee will have little or no impact. I EXHIBITS: I 1. Resolution No. f9-f . 2. Recommended Committee Work Plan 3. Draft Agenda for first Committee meeting , * \. 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve on this 23 Committee; and 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A COMMITTEE TO IDENTIFY AMENITIES AND EVALUATE ALTERNATIVE FINANCING METHODS TO FUND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES WHEREAS, the City Council has determined, based on the results of Proposition M on the November 1988 Ballot, that additional recreation facilities for the City of Carlsbad warrants further consideration; and WHEREAS, other specific recreational amenities should be identified which would have been built had Proposition M passed; and WHEREAS, alternative funding methods should be evaluated and recommended to expedite and implement this program; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to appoint a citizens' task force charged with the duty of identifying recreational amenities and financing alternatives; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that each Council member shall be allowed to appoint two citizens' to the Committee; and WHEREAS, one member of the Parks and Recreation WHEREAS, the Mayor shall also select one (1) at large member to serve on this Committee as an alternate. ’ . _ 3 1 2 :! 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the following citizen's of Carlsbad are hereby appointed to the Recreational Facilities Financing Committee: 1. Ed Scarpelli 2. Ramona Finnila 3. Jerry Rombotis 4. Greg Armstrong 5. Jack Schumaker 6. Al Sutton 7. Jim Smith 8. Frank Aleshire 9. Kathy Blair 10. W.R. Beverly 11. John Strayer Atlernate Michael David-Smith 2. That the Recreational Facilities Financing Committee is directed to specifically identify Recreational amenities as outlined in Proposition M, review alternative funding methods and shall report to the City Council the results of this review on March 7, 1989. 3. That the City Manager shall assign such City staff as necessary to provide assistance to this Committee. . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd day of Januray, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) /&J/&fgz cumbi 'A. LEQIS, kAYOR - RECREATIONAL FACILITY FUNDING COMMITTEE WORK PLAN 1st Week GENERAL OVERVIEW: (Jan. 12, 1989) 1. Introduce Committee and staff members. 2. Select Committee Chairperson 3. Review and adopt Committee procedures 4. View video tape of "Discussion of Proposition M results and alternative actions to implement election mandate". December 6, 1988, City Council meeting. 5. Define specific function of Committee. 6. Review Proposition M. 7. Discuss weekly work plan. 8. Discussion of City's financial structure. 9. Committee discussion. 10. Set time and dates for subsequent meetings. REVIEW, DISCUSS AND IDENTIFY RECREATIONAL AMENITIES 2nd Week 1. Review Growth Management issues relative to Parks and Recreation. 2. 3. Review Parks and Recreation Element/CIP. Reviewanddiscussballfield standards and current/future inventory. 4. Review and discuss golf course studies: ;: Alternative locations and course layouts. Development, maintenance and operation costs. 5. Review previous ballot measures. 6. Create list of recreation amenities for consideration. EXHIBIT 2 3rd Week 4th Week 5th Week 6th Week FUNDING ALTERNATIVES: 1. Review and discuss available funding mechanisms. a. Procedural applications b. Pro's - Con's COST ANALYSIS OF IDENTIFIED RECREATIONAL AMENITIES: 1. Review, discuss and assign cost estimates associated with the development, maintenance and operation of each recreational amenity. SELECTION OF RECREATION FACILITIES AND FUNDING METHOD: 1. Selection of recommended recreational amenities. 2. Select recommended financing mechanism. 3. Select alternatives and rank in order of preference. FINAL REPORT: 1. Review and approve final report. - I . RECREATIONAL FACILITY FUNDING COMMITTEE PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY CEHTER 2560 ORIOH WAY JANUARY 12, 1989 6:00 P.M. I. DRAFT AGENDA Introduction of Committee and Staff Members. II. Selection of Committee Chairperson. III. Review and Adopt Committee Procedures. IV. View Video Tape of December 6, 1988, City Council Meeting. "Discussion of Proposition M Results and Alternative Actions to Implement Election Mandate". V. Define Specific Function of Committee. VI. Review Proposition M. VII. Discuss Weekly Work Plan. VIII. Discussion of Carlsbad's Financial Structure. IX. Committee Discussion. X. Establish Meeting Times, Dates and Location of Subsequent Meetings. XI. Adjournment. EXHIBIT 3 December 28, 1988 TO: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Mayor Lewis RECREATIONAL ENHANCEMENT PRGGRAM COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS I have asked staff to prepare an agenda bill for the purpose of appointing an eleven member citizen's committee to explore financing and recreational opportunities as they relate to Proposition M. Each Council Member will be asked to appoint two committee members. I will appoint two committee members, as well as one Parks and Recreation Commissioner to serve on this committee. I will also suggest an alternate to attend all committee meetings. Because of time constraints dealing with this item, it is extremely important that we appoint our committee members on January 3. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a preliminary work program for the committee which highlights the tasks to be undertaken and time commitment necessary to serve. Also attached as Exhibit 2 is a list of those people who have called and expressed an interest in serving on this committee. The first meeting for the committee will be January 12, 1989 at 6:00 p.m. at the Public Safety and Service Center. If you have any queflons on this item, please contact me. mhs Attachment Exhibit 1 RECREATIONAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM COMMITTEE First Week General Overview PRELIMINARY WORK PIAN 1. Introduce Committee and staff members. 2. 3. 4. Select Committee Chairperson. Review and adopt Committee procedures. View video tape of “Discussion of Proposition M results and alternative actions to implement election mandate”, December 6, 1988 City Council Meeting. 5. Define specific function of Committee. 6. Review Proposition M. 7. Discuss weekly work plan. 8. Discussion of City’s financial structure. 9. Committee discussion. 10. Set time and dates of subsequent meetings. . Second Week Revtew. Mscuss end Select Recreattonsl Amenities 1. Review Growth Management issues relative to Parks and Recreation. 2. 3. Review Parks and Recreation Element. Review and discuss ballfieid standards and current/future inventory. 4. Review and discuss golf course studies: ii Alternative locations and course layouts. Development, maintenance and operation costs. 5. Review former General Obligation Bond (recreation/quality of life issues). 6. Create list of recreation amenities for consideration. Third Week Cost AnrhfsMRecreational Amenity Selection 1. Review, discuss and assign cost estimates associated with the development, maintenance and operation of each recreational amenity. 2. Selection of recommended recreational amenities. Fourth Week FM Week Sixth Week Fundina Alternative8 1. Review and discuss available funding mechanisms. a. Procedural applications b. Pros - Cons Selection of Fundina Method 1. Select recommended financing mechanism. 2. Select alternatives and rank in order of preference. Final Rem 1. Prepare final report. 2. Prepare City Council Agenda Bill. 3. Prepare presentation. December 28, 1988 TO: FROM: MAYOR BUD LEWIS Bonnie Dominguez PROPOSED COMMITTEE TO FINANCE SPORTS FACILITIES The following is a list of persons who have contacted the Council Office and indicated an interest in serving on the above mentioned committee: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Michael David-Smith 2710 Via Cardel Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ramona Finnila 4615 Trieste Carlsbad, CA 92008 Jack Schumaker, Pres Carlsbad Golf Assoc. 7217 San Miguel Carlsbad, CA 92009 W. R. Beverly 4605 La Portalada Carlsbad, CA 92008 (729-6112) Greg Armstrong Carlsbad Soccer League (434-0772) Richard Parker (He did not personally call, but Ramona Finnila recommended him) Larry Grandy (He did not personally call, but Ramona Finnila recommended him) Mat Sweeney (He did not personally call, but Ramona Finnila recommended him) Jim Smith, Carlsbad Golf Assoc. (He did not personally call, but Jack Schumaker recommended him) .- W. R. BEVERLY __-- 4605 La Portalada Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 729-6112 DATE: Dec:ember 7, 1988 TO: Mayor Lewis FROM: W. R. Beverly SUBJECT: Committee for Prop. D and M Mandates A. It is my understanding that a nine to twelve person committee of volunteers is being formed to resolve the mandates of Prop. D and M. I would like to volunteer my services and take an active part in this committee. B. Personal Background . Am sixty one years old, married, and a retired professional engineer from G. D. Convair, after twenty eight years of service. . Have resided in Carlsbad for the past twelve years and enjoyed golfing for twenty years. . Currently an avid tennis player and played on Carlsbad's "B" team last year. . Made two presentations to Parks and Recreation Commission last year on Carlsbad's tennis courts. . Worked with the groups that were promoting passage of Prop. D and M, where I met Jim Smith (golfer), Glenda Hasselo (tennis), Ann Kulchin and John Mamaux. c. Summary Being retired, I could provide full-time support for this committee’s activities and would enjoy becoming the committee’s "Tennis Expert." Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, WRB:cf . Dec. 7, 1988 Mayor Bud Lewis City Hall Carl&ad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: I attended the Council meeting on December 6, 1988 herein the Council voted to form a fifteen member cmnittee to consider the recreational needs for the city of Carlsbad and to make recmtnendatiuns as to how to fund them. You also suggested that if anyone wished to be given consideration to be on the comnittee that they should contact you. Please consider this letter to be a formal request for me to be included on the ccxmittee. I am a Charter Member of the C.G.A., have been an officer and member of its Board since its inception, and chaired the comnittee that ran the campaign for Proposition 'M'. There is also one other name that I wculd like to subnit for yaur consideration. Jim Smith is currently out of state and will not return until Dec&r! If he were here I knuw that as charter president of the CGA, he wmld like to be considered for inclusion. Your consideration of this request wuld be sincerely appreciated. Carl&ad, Ca. 92009 438 5044 CARLSBAD GOLF ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 4507, CARLSBAD, CA 92008