HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-10; City Council; 9812; Joint use & recreation:Carlsbad School & Cityrl rn I m 2 a $4 0 a a u a 0 a (d rl -74 1 0 U 2 m co \ h 4 \ 4 .. z 0 F 0 U d 0 z 3 0 0 MTG. !-ro-Rq DEPT. PARKS AND BEACHES PROHIBITION OF DOGS FROM C-A, DEPT. HD. - CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: f the City Council concurs your action is to introduce Ordinance hls-sj. TEM EXPLANATION: his agenda bill was prepared at the request of Council Member Kulchin in Nesponse to a citizen's complaint. It suggests the Council consider amending arlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.32.030(11) to prohibit dogs from Carlsbad's larks and beaches. The amendment does not apply to any of Carlsbad's lagoons. n addition the prohibition does not apply to dogs accompanying an unsighted ierson or dogs participating in shows or obedience classes authorized by the .arlsbad Parks and Recreation Department or specified areas of parks and beaches ir dogs while assisting a peace officer in law enforcement duties. The code resently allows dogs when they are on a leash. The ordinance, which is lttached, would eliminate the exception. If the Council concurs you action is .o introduce Ordinance No. AJS-SI . :XH I B IT : lrdinance No. /\/s-sI . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-51 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLsBADl CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 111 CHAPTER 11.32 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBIT DOGS FROM ALL CITY BEACHES AND PARKS The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California doe: BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11*32.030(11) TO ordain as follows: SECTION I: That Title 11, Chapter 11.32 of the Carlsbac Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.32.030(11: to read as follows: "(11) To ride or lead horses, or to hitch, fasten, lead drive or let loose any animal or fowl of any kind. Dogs are no1 allowed in Carlsbad's parks or on Carlsbad's beaches. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter this section does not apply to the Batiquitos Lagoon, Buena Visti Lagoon or Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This prohibition does not apply to a dog accompanying ai unsighted person, dogs while assisting peace officers in la\ enforcement duties, or to dogs participating in shows or obedienct classes authorized by the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Departmenl on specified areas of parks or beaches." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective Junt 1, 1989, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of thi: ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in tht Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of thc Carlsbad City Council on the 10th day of January , 1989 and thereafter A -_ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 17th day of January I 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Mamaux and Larson NOES : Council Member Pettine APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY City Attorney ATTEST: -- .* . c-. . . I Resoonsi ble Doa Owner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents g~po sed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "ResDonsible Doc Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 2. pwY 9. 10. I We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents ODDOSed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a a that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. Responsible Doa Owner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents ppposed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "Responsible Dog Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. * wn r' r in nce We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents wm to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "ResDonsible DOC Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 10. 1 Responsible Do < We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents omosed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "Responsible Dog Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 1. 3. 4. /.*' .....5 ' " I. Responsible Doa Owner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents opr>osed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "Responsible Doe Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Responsible Doa 0 wner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents oDDosed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "ResDonsible Doe Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. -- , I <, &- G-S, fip* December 28, 1983 b Dear Mayor Lewis, I have been a resident of Carlsbad, off and on, since 1968, returning here permanently in 1977. Over the years, I have seen a lot of changes, most due to the expansion and growth of our little town. I have also observed many of the problems that come with growth and expansion, such as: homeless street people sleeping in the church zHey beside my hol;sa ar;d "doingj what people do" in the same alley or in my yard; organized gangs strolling Harding and Jefferson streets spraying graffiti wherever they please and hanging-out nightly at the Jack-in-the-Box; an auto theft and residential burglary rate that gives me pause when I want to leave town even for overnight. I could go on. regarding the new dog ban initiated by Mrs. Kulchin. To ban dogs from all city owned land (and, I take that to mean sidewalks and streets in the strictest interpretation) is not only discriminatory but also unreasonable. I am a responsible dog owner. My dog is licensed and tagged. I carry my cleanup equipment with me on our walks. We enjoy our daily walk to the beach and on the beach. I very rarely see dog waste on the beach or elsewhere in around town. However, I have found numerous beer cans, broken glass, Styrofoam containers, plastic sixpack rings and the ever present Pampers. I think we must set our priorities. To single out dog waste is to pretend that there is no litter problem in Carlsbad. minded. laws would seem to me to be the fair way to go. All of the above makes me feel somewhat frivolous writing to you That, in itself, is frivolous and narrow A Cleanup Law for dog owners and enforcement of current litter Thank You for your time. Sincerely , Nancy Keating 5 3~8/2 JG-~ We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents ODDosed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "ResDonsible Dog Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but n from the public's beach or parks. - - .. '. i - Responsible Doa Owner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents om to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a -- that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. Responsible Doa 0 wner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents opposed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "ResDonsible Dog Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. January 15, 1989 We, the undersigned, strongly oppose any law that forbids us from walking dogs on the beach. Q" I b -- 8.- t ’ - 01 March 1989 Dog Ordinance Committee c/o Ms. Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Public Meeting Notice Carlsbad Dog Ordinance Dear Dog Ordinance Committee: As the human population has grown in Carlsbad, the quality of life has steadily deteriorated. There are now very few places one can find open land and even fewer with open land and water to use and enjoy. Dogs have been an integral part of human life since before recorded history. They have proven their worth over an over throughout history by protecting their masters and others, helping the blind have mobility, providing companionship for the elderly and lonely and giving their lives when necessary to save their human family members, etc. Dogs certainly deserve to not be totally excluded from beaches and parks just because a few careless humans have stepped in dog feces. Regarding sanitation, the real danger comes from the exploding human growth which dumps more and more sewage into the ocean all the time. Its time human beings learned they are just one of a large number of animal species living on this planet, and othzr species have rights too. The only hope for continued survival of life on earth is for humans to learn to control thei; population and live in harmony with nature instead of consuming everything they can find and destroying the environment with innumerable kinds of pollution. Instead of banning dogs from beaches and parks we can restrict the areas where dogs are allowed. This works well in Cardiff and Del Mar. Each city park can have a designated area for dogs and allow them access to the beach from Cannon Road, south to the city beach limit and from the beach access steps at the north end of Ocean Street to the Oceanside city beach limit. Sincerely, William Thomson 1775 Valley Place Carlsbad, CA 92008