HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-10; City Council; 9816; 1987-88 comprehensive annual finance reportCh OF CARLSBAD - AGENP"3ILL 27 HTG. 1/0/89 3EPT. 1987-88 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ____~~ ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the 1987-88 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. ITEM EXPLANATION: Each year the Finance Department prepares an audited annual financial report for the City Council, City Manager and pub1 ic. This report provides a summary of the City's financial position on June 30 of each year, including cash balances, revenues, expenditures, fund balances, total assets, 1 iabil ities and a wealth of other information. During 1987-88, the City staff of about 395 full-time employees provided a full range of City services to the 58,888 residents and many businesses in Carlsbad. Spending on all City programs totaled $48.6 million in 1987-88, down $6.3 million since 1986-87. This decrease is due to the large number of capital projects that were completed in 1986-87. Total City revenues also fell during 1987-88 by $800,000, from $51.4 million to $50.6 million, a decrease of 1.6%. This change reflects the drop in capital project grants and development fees, which are partially offset by increases in property, sales and transient occupancy taxes. The Finance Director's introductory letter provides an overview of the entire report. FISCAL IMPACT: The report addresses the present condition of the City, as well as a brief assessment of the City's economic outlook for 1988-89. The report itself has no fiscal impact. EXHIBITS : Comprehensive Annual' Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1988, for the City of Carlsbad, California. (On file in the City Clerk's office.) I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT for the fiscal yesr ending June 30, 1988 .. . ...... . ..’ , CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 8 E 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT for the fiscal year ending JUNE 30, 1988 CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA MAYOR Claude 'Buddy" Lewis CITY COUNCIL Am J. Kulchin Eric Larson John J. Mamaux Mark V. Pettine CITY MANAGER Raymond R. Patchett FINANCE DIRECTOR James F. Elliott Prepared by the Finance Department I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 8 1 m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year ended June 30, 1988 TABLE OF CONTKNTS Introductory Section Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal Location Map Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Award for Obtstanding Financial Reporting California Society of Municipal Finance Officers List of City Officials Organization Chart Financial Section Independent Auditors' Report General Purpose Financial Statement s : Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - All Governmental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - (Budgetary Basis) All Governmental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types i PAGE i 1 21 - 22 23 24 25 27 28 32 34 38 CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year ended June 30, 1988 TABLE OF COZJTIWTS, CONTIl"UED PAGE - Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types Notes to Combined Financial Statements Supplement Sect ion: Governmental Funds: General Fund: Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Combining Schedule of Revenue and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Debt Service Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Comb ining Statement of Revenue, Expenditure s and Changes in Fund Balance Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) ii 40 41 74 76 80 84 88 98 100 102 CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year ended June 30, 1988 TABLE OF C-TS, c(RsTIlYUED Cap ita1 Project Funds : Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and and Changes in Fund Balance Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) Proprietary Funds : Enterprise Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Internal Service Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position 110 114 118 130 132 133 136 138 140 Agency Funds: Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities 143 General Fixed Asset Account Group: Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function 145 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source 146 iii CITY OF CARLSBAD Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year ended June 30, 1988 TABLE OF COIPTBJTS, COHTIRuD PAGE - STATISTICAL INFORMATION (Not Cuvered by Auditors' Opinion) General Expenditures by Function, Last Ten Fiscal Years General Revenues by Source, Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of General Bonded Debt to Assessed Valuation and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita, Last Ten Fiscal Years Computation of Legal Debt Margin Schedule of Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt Ratio of Annual Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures, Last Ten Fiscal Years Revenue Bond Coverage - Water Bonds, Last Ten Fiscal Years Demographic Statistics Schedule of Assessed Valuation, Last Ten Fiscal Years Construction and Business Activity, Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Tax Levies and Collections, Last Eight Fiscal Years Special Assessment Billings and Collections, Last Two Fiscal Years Miscellaneous Statistical Information Principal Employers, 1987-88 Principal Taxpayers, 1987-88 iv 148 150 152 153 154 155 156 158 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I i 8 TELEPHONE (619) 434-2867 I I I I I November 9, 1988 FlNA NCE DEPARTMENT Honorable Mayor, City Council and City Manager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California We are pleased to present the 1987-88 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Carlsbad to the City Council and the City Manager. This report includes financial statements of the City, the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the Parking and Building Authorities of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, as well as the opinion of our independent certified public accountants, Peat Marwick Main & Co. BACKGBOuIIp Carlsbad is located about 35 miles north of the City of San Diego on the southern California coast. The City is governed by a five member City Council under the Council/Manager form of government. Carlsbad is a general law city incorporated in 1952. The City covers about 40 square miles and has a population of about 59,000. . Industries in the area include a major regional shopping center, 13 auto dealers, 22 hotels offering 1,825 rooms for tourist lodging, aerospace manufacturing, electronics, several business and light industry parks, and numerous land developers building single and multi-family housing in a variety of community settings. I I I I SERVICES PROVIDED BY TEE CIm I I I I The City provides the full range of municipal services normally associated with a municipality including police, fire, parks and recreation, library, planning and zoning, building and engineering, various maintenance services and administration. The City also operates two enterprise funds, one providing water service to the residents of Carlsbad and the other providing sewer service to all but a very small portion of the City. Solid waste collection is provided through a franchise arrangement with a local refuse collection service. 1 I In addition to the usual city services, Carlsbad offers a variety of programs to help local residents and businesses. The City operates a redevelopment agency that encompasses 0.4 square miles of the downtown area, as well as a housing authority that provides 330 low and moderate income families with housing assistance. The City's Literacy programs, funded through a state grant, provide adult education to local area residents. Carlsbad's older residents receive assistance through the City's senior citizen programs. Also, the City provides major support for the Convention and Visitors Bureau operated in cooperation with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Finally, the City has reserved almost $200,000 for support of the Arts, art programs, and the purchase of works of art. SI6Rl[FICAl!T EVERTS AND ACCOMPLISHMERTS During 1987-88 the City experienced many significant events or accomplishments that may not be evident from a review of the financial statements. Some of the more important events are summarized below. Growth Control - 1987-88 was the first full year of operation under the City's Growth Management Program. Under this program, developers will be allowed to build only if infrastructure improvements required to serve the development are financed and constructed as a part of the development. Standards have been established in eleven areas such as circulation, libraries, fire protection, parks, drainage, water, sewers, and open space. An out growth of this program is a long range capital improvement program which covers the current year through build out of the City. This program has had a significant effect on the building industry by reducing the number of dwelling units Constructed in 1987-88 to 482 from the 1986-87 figure of 2,039. Construction of Capital Projects - The City continued the emphasis on construction of major infrastructure projects during 1987-88. Although total capital spending has declined from the peak of $18 million reached last year, total spending remains well above previous years. This years projects emphasized street and circulation improvements and park construction. Street and Traffic Circulation - The City's Growth Management Program and concern for traffic safety were major factors that caused the City to emphasize the street and circulation system improvements in 1987-88. Many small road segments and intersections were improved using a variety of funding sources. Projects included Elm Avenue, La Costa Avenue intersections, Palomar Airport Road, Park Drive, three 1-5 interchanges and numerous traffic signals. Palomar Airport Road - During 1987-88 the City engineering staff laid the ground work for the construction of the Palomar 2 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 0 0 0 0 0 Airport Road widening project. This work resulted in the sale of $5.1 million in limited obligation bonds (1915 Act Assessment District) in July 1988. College Boulevard - In May of 1988, the City sold $9.5 million of 1915 Act Assessment district bonds to finance the construction of College Boulevard. Construction was completed during 1987-88. When Palomar Airport Road is completed, these streets will form major links in the City's circulation system serving the industrial area near Palomar Airport. Calavera Hills Park - The City completed construction of Phase 1 of Calavera Hills Park, a 10-acre park providing lighted ball fields, tennis courts, tot lot and a picnic area to the residents of northeast Carlsbad. Phase I1 of Calavera Hills Park, which began construction during 1987-88, will provide an additional 8 acres of ball fields, a gymnasium and community building. Fire Station #5 - The City began construction of fire station #5 during late 1987-88. This project will provide fire administrative offices, training facility and fire fighting capability for the central portion of Carlsbad. Station construction should be completed during 1988-89. Hosp Grove - In an advisory ballot measure, the voters of Carlsbad asked the City Council to provide for the acquisition of 52 acres of eucalyptus trees and open space in order to save the area from development. In June 1988 the City completed an $8.7 million Certificate of Participation issue that funded the acquisition of the grove and some minor street construction. Transient Occupancy Tax Increases - In June of 1988 the voters of Carlsbad approved a 2% rate increase in the City's hotel room tax. Carlsbad's tax rate increased from 6% to 8% effective July 1, 1988. This tax increase should provide an additional $700,000 to $800,000 in revenue during the coming fiscal year. FIHARCIAL STATEMENT FORMAT This report is designed to provide both summarized and detailed information on the operation of each of the City's funds. The report is organized as follows: Financial Section - This section contains the combined financial statements for all funds as well as the notes to the financial stat emen t s . Supplement Section - This section provides more detailed information on the activity within each 3 fund including revenues, expenditures, changes in fund balances, comparisons to budget figures, and other related data. Statistical Information - This section provides data on the City's fiscal activity over the past ten years including revenues, expenditures, debt, assessed value, and demographic information. ACCOUIFTIHG SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY COlVTROb The City's accounting system is designed around a few basic principles. (1) The City is not one single entity. It is the total of many entities, each with its separate function and legal restrictions on the use of resources. In the private sector, a corporation may have many "subsidiaries** which make up the parent corporation; in the public sector, a city government may have a variety of "funds" that provide the basis for separately recording the financial data related to a specific activity. A fund is an accounting entity with a complete set of self-balancing accounting records. Each fund has been established because of some restriction on the use of resources received by that fund. This report includes the transactions of all entities over which the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has authority (as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board). The City's accounting system operates on a modified accrual basis for all governmental type funds. Governmental funds include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects F'unds. A modified accrual system is one where (a) revenues are recorded when received in cash; (b) revenues are accrued when they are both measurable and collectable within the accounting period or soon enough after the end of the period to pay liabilities of the period; and (c) expenditures, other than interest or long-term debt, are recorded when liabilities are incurred. (3) The proprietary fund types (the Water Utility and Sewer Enterprise Funds and the Internal Service Funds) use the accrual method of accounting. Revenues and expenses are recorded when earned and incurred, respectively. (4) Internal controls exist within the accounting system to ensure safety of assets from misappropriation, unauthorized use or disposition, and to maintain the accuracy of financial record keeping. These internal controls must be established 4 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I I a (5) consistent with sound management practices based on the cost/benefit of the controls imposed. The cost of a control should not be excessive in relation to its benefit as viewed by City management. The internal controls in existence wjthin the City's system are sufficient to ensure, in all material aspects, both the safety of the City's assets and the accuracy of the financial record keeping system. Budgetary control is maintained through monthly reports on all revenue and expenditure accounts as well as special reports summarizing the financial position of the City. The City Council has the authority to control the budget through adoption of a formal budget at the beginning of each year and by amending the budget as necessary through the year. Expenditures should not exceed budgeted figures. All appropriations expire at year end unless specifically carried into the new fiscal year by council action. The Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that the Financial Director annually prepare a budget for the City manager showing estimated revenues and expenditures. TOTAL CITY OPERATIOloS During 1987-88 the City staff of about 450 full-time employees provided a full range of city services to the 59,000 residents and many businesses in Carlsbad. Spending on all City programs totalled $48.7 million in 1987-88, down $6.3 million from 1986-87. This decrease can be traced to the City's construction program for major capital improvements which has dropped from the 1986-87 peak levels to a more maintainable pace. These decreases are somewhat offset by increased spending for debt service and general fund services. Revenues for 1987-88 totalled $50.7 million, a decrease of about $1.8 million or 3.5% from last years total of $52.5 million. This decrease is directly linked to two factors: (1) the Growth Management Program has reduced development revenues significantly, and (2) the City is not currently constructing any major capital improvements using grant funds. As the development climate in Carlsbad adjusts to the constraints of growth management, related revenues should increase to levels approximating the 1987-88 totals. Although the economy of the region remains strong, it is not likely that Carlsbad will see pre-growth management development activity again. Carlsbad is entering 1988-89 in a fiscally sound position due to the City Council's actions anticipating the down swing in development activity and budgeting appropriately. 5 The following report summarizes the revenues and expenditures (or expenses) for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1988. Revenues for All Fund Tvves (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) 1986-87 X Change 1987-Sa 1986-87 General Fund $ 28,257 26,441 1,816 6.9% Special Revenue Funds 3 , 713 7,306 (3,593) (49.2) Debt Service Funds 1,224 2 34 990 423.1 Capital Project Funds 9,576 11 , 646 (2,070) (17.8) Enterprise Funds(l) 4,400 3,991 409 10.2 Funds ( 3.524 2.897 627 21.6 Internal Service Total Revenues $50.694 52.515 LLJ!LLu U)X (1) Includes operating and non-operating revenues. ExDenditures (or Exvenses) for All Fund Tvves (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 X Change General Fund $ 25,533 23,350 2,183 9.3% Funds 2,940 7,340 (4,400) (59.9) Funds 12,188 18,279 (6,091) (33.3) Special Revenue Debt Service Funds 1,299 475 824 173.5 Capital Projects Enterprise Funds(l) 3,364 2,796 5 68 20.3 Internal Service Funds ( 3.405 2.769 636 23.0 Total Expenditures $ 48.229 55.009 0 (11.4)X (1) Includes operating and non-operating expenses. 6 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I R I I I I 1 I 6EReRA.L GOVEBHMERTAL FQlVcTIOlrlS The General Governmental function includes the operations of the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects funds. During 1987-88 revenue from all Governmental funds totalled $42.8 million, down $2.8 million from 1986-87; expenditures totalled $42.0 million down $7.4 million from last year. A brief look at these nunbers on a fund-by-fund basis is shown below. General ?'una The City's General Fund is used to record all revenues and expenditures not specifically restricted by law or Council policy. Major sources of revenue include property tax, sales tax, licenses and permits, and changes for services. Major categories of expenditure include police and fire services, libraries, parks, street maintenance, and administrative functions. General Fund revenues for 1987-88 totalled $28.3 million, up $1.8 million or about 6.9% over the 1986-87 revenue of $26.4 million. This increase is due primarily to the following factors: Property Tax Revenue - $8.6 millioq Property taxes increased $1.3 million or 16.7% over 1986-87 due to the volume of homes and businesses added to the tax roles during the year. Although the rate of development slowed during the year, the value of new construction and the rate of resale remained high. Assessed valuation rose from $3.5 billion in 1986-87 to $4.0 billion in 1987-88, a 14.1% increase. Sales Tax Revenue - $7.1 million Sales tax revenue increased $641,000 or 9.9% during 1987-88. This increase reflects the new car dealership and shopping mall addition that brought increased sales to Carlsbad as well the increased automobile sales reported statewide in 1987-88. Vehicle License Fee Revenue - $1.8 Million Vehicle license fee revenue increased by $227,000 or 14.0% during 1987-88. The vehicle license fee is set and collected by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Although DMV cannot readily provide statistics for the Carlsbad area, they indicate that the growth in fee revenue is due to an increase in the number of vehicles and a lowering of the average age of vehicles owned by Carlsbad residents. Transient OccuDancv Tax Revenue - $2.0 Million Transient occupancy tax (hotel room tax) revenues rose by more than $265,000 or 15.3% over 1986-87. 7 Construction Permit Revenue - $0.7 Million Construction permit revenue declined by $550,000 or 44.8% in 1987-88 reflecting the slowing in development activity. The City's Growth Management Program began to affect the rate of development in mid 1986-87 and was in full effect by late in the year. The following table summarizes General Fund revenues by major category for 1987-88 and 1986-87: General Fund Revenues (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) % Change Category 1987-88 1986-87 19 8 6-87 Taxes $ 19,197 17,026 2,171 12.8% Licenses and Charges for Services 2,250 2,607 (357) (13.7) Permits 4,138 4,349 (211) (4.9) Fines and Forfeitures 435 366 69 18.9 Interest 1,061 1,150 (89) (7.7) Other 1.176 943 233 A!dP Total $28.257 26941 11.816 to 0 0 0 General Fund expenditures totalled $25.5 million for 1987-88, up $2.2 million or 9.3% over 1986-87. This increase is due primarily the following: Public Safety Spending on public safety programs totalled $10.1 million up $0.6 million or 6.9% over 1986-87. This increase reflects efforts to maintain full staffing and the opening of a new fire station in southwest Carlsbad. Other cost increases have been held to a minimum. Public Works Public Works program spending grew by $0.8 or about 18.5% in 1987-88. This increase is directly related to the City's street overlay and maintenance program. Culture and Recreation Culture and Recreation spending rose $0.7 million or 17.2% over 1986-87 due to the opening of a new park in Southern Carlsbad and increases in general operating costs for the Library and Parks Departments. I I I I I 1 I I I 1 a I I I I I I 1 I a Total General fund expenditures are summarized in the table below: General Fund ExDenditures (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) % Change Catenory 1987-88 1986-82 General Government $ 5,698 5,639 59 1.0% Public Safety 10,102 9,453 649 6.9 Public Works 4,820 4,067 753 18.5 Culture and Recreation 4.913 4.191 722 xu Total $25.533 23.350 2.183 243 SPECIAL BEVERW ms The City's Special Revenue Funds, which account for the collection and use of special or restricted revenues, received $3.7 million in total revenues in 1987-88. This is a decrease of about $3.6 million or 49% from the 1986-87 revenues of $7.3 million. This decrease is a direct result of the receipt of a major grant for the reconstruction of a bridge across the inlet to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and the construction of a 3,200 foot seawall along Carlsbad Boulevard during 1986-87. These grants were for specific projects constructed in the prior year. The following table shows the major components of Special Revenue Fund sources: Special Revenue Funds Revenues (in thousands) Catenory 1987-88 1986-87 Taxes $ 1,414 1,323 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,933 5,603 Charges for Services 71 106 Interest 199 254 Other 96 20 Total Expenditures $ 3.713 2.306 9 1987-88 Over (Under) 1986-87 X Change 91 6.9% (3,670) (65.5) (35) (33.0) (55) (21.7) 76 380.0 Expenditures from the Special Revenue Funds support a wide variety of programs and projects. Some of the major uses of funds include: Public works programs such as street maintenance and street 1 ight ing , o Cultural programs, including grants from the California Library Services Act, and an Adult Learning program, o Capital projects such as the Elm Avenue widening, Carlsbad Boulevard widening and the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall project, o Welfare programs such as the HUD-sponsored Carlsbad Housing Authority rental assistance program. Spending in Special Revenue Funds totalled $2.9 million in 1987-88, a decrease of $4.4 million or about 60% from 1986-87. As the table below shows, major decreases were seen in the capital projects category. This reflects the completion of several major grant funded projects during 1986-87. SDecial Revenue Funds ExDenditures (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Catenofp 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 % Change General Government $ 28 - 28 - Public Works 556 534 22 4.1% Culture and Recreation 44.6 340 106 31.2 Capital Projects 325 5,144 (4,819) (93.7) Welfare 1.585 1.322 263 Ua CAPITAL PROJECTS F"JlS Under the accounting definition used by the City, a capital projects fund is one that accounts for the receipt and disbursement of monies that are restricted for the acquisition or construction of capital facilities (other than those financed by enterprise funds). 10 E I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I E I I I I I I I I R I I I I I Capital Projects funds for the City of Carlsbad include those supported by the City's public facilities fee, park in-lieu (park development) fees, drainage fees, traffic impact fees, bridge and thoroughfare district fees, and general funds ear-marked for capital purposes in the Capital Construction Fund. In addition, the capital projects supported by the City's Redevelopment agency are included in this group. Revenue in the capital projects funds totalled $9.6 million, down $2.0 million or 17.8% from the 1986-87 total of $11.6 million. This decrease is due to a combination of factors, the most prominent of which is the reduced revenues from fees charged to developers building within Carlsbad. During 1987-88, the rate of development slowed dramatically thereby reducing the collections from development related fees. CaDital Projects Funds Revenues (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Cateplorv 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 g Channe 972 6 64 308 46.4 4; - 573 - Taxes $ Intergovernmental 573 Charges for Services 5,969 9,538 3,569 (37.4) Interest 2,050 1,444 606 42.0 Other 12 - 12 -% Spending on capital projects totalled $12.2 million, a decrease of $6.1 million or 33% from 1986-87. This level of capital project construction represents the fourth year of the City's major effort which has provided more than $60 million in improvements. Projects planned for 1988-89 could carry this trend into a fifth year with more than $38 million of capital projects budgeted in the new year. The City Council continues to set a high priority on the construction of quality infrastructure improvements. Some of the key projects completed during this year include: o La Costa Avenue Intersection Improvements - The intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real received major attention in 1987-88. Major road widening and traffic control improvements were constructed to aid peak hour traffic flow through this area. o Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real - The road segment of Elm Avenue just east of El Camino Real was widened to four lanes to provide safer and more efficient traffic flow. 11 Calavera Hills Park - Phase I of Calavera Hills Park was completed and Phase I1 began construction during 1987-88. This park will include lighted ballfields, gymnasium, tot lot and other amenities when completed. Design of Fire Station #5 - The design phase of fire station #5 was completed in 1987-88. Construction of this headquarters station is scheduled for the end of 1988-89. This station serves the central portion of Carlsbad. Design of Palomar Airport Road widening - The design of the Palomar Airport Road project was completed in 1987-88 with construction beginning in early 1988-89. Completion of this six-lane prime arterial is scheduled for late 1988-89 or early 1989-90 CaDital Projects Funds ExDenditures (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Catenory 1987-88 19 8 6-87 1986-87 4: Channe Capital Projects 10,892 17 , 888 (6,996) (39.1)X Interest and Fiscal General Government $ 253 2 251 - Charges 1.043 389 654 U2L.A Total $12.188 m (6.091) 133.3)X DEBT SERVICB FURDS The City's Debt Service funds record the payment of interest and principal on the current portion of outstanding debt. At June 30, 1988, the total debt payable from non-enterprise sources was $33 million, comprised of Library, Sewer, Parking Authority and Building Authority Bonds, Hosp Grove Certificates of Participation, College Boulevard Assessment District 1915 Act Bonds and Redevelopment Tax Allocation Bonds. Revenues for 1987-88 reflect an increase of $990,000 over 1986-87. This change is directly related to the City's issuance of the Hosp Grove Certificates of Participation and the Redevelopment Agency's Tax Allocation bonds during 1987-88, as well as the inclusion of the College Boulevard Assessment District bonds in the City's debt service funds. 12 . . _- I I 4 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I i I D I JI I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I Y I Debt Service Funds Revenues (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Category 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 % Change Taxes $ 1,111 136 975 716.9% Interest 113 98 15 15.3 Total $L&3 223 48p 423.Z Debt related expenditures also rose in 1987-88 because of the additional debt issues. Further information on each bond issue is included in the notes to the financial report. Debt Service hmds ExDenditures (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Category 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 X Change Principal $ 300 2 65 35 13.2% Inter e8 t 991 206 785 381.1 Other 8 - 4 4 1oo.o Total 422 824 173.5% The City's tax rate to support general obligation debt for 1987-88 dropped 19.7% from the 1986-87 rates. Increased assessed valuation and a growing tax base made these decreases possible. Property Tax Rates Supporting General Obligation Bonds Cat egon Library Bonds Sewer Bonds Total 1987-88 Over (Under) 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 X Change .00047% .00069 ( .00022) (31.9)% .00318 .00393 ( ,00075) (19.1) 13 ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS Carlsbad operates a Water Utility and a Sewer Enterprise Fund. An enterprise fund is one where most or all of the costs involved are supported by user fees. Within these funds the City uses many of the accounting practices applicable to any commercial business including the recording of depreciation of fixed assets and the allocation of overhead costs from support services. User fees are set on an annual basis to cover both operating costs and debt service needs. Revenue in the enterprise funds totalled $4.4 million, up $.4 million or about 10.2% from 1986-87. Enterprise Funds Total Operatinn and Ron-Ooeratinn Revenues (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Category 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 % Channe Water Utility $ 1,638 1,533 105 6.8% Sewer 2.762 2_.458 304 12.4 Tot a1 $4.400 Lsl 409 UZ Expenses in the Enterprise Funds totalled $3.4 million, up $0.6 million over 1986-87. This increase is primarily due to additional charges for services provided by other City departments. During this same period the number of accounts provided with water and/or sewer service grew from 13,330 to 14,830, an increase of 1,500 accounts or 11.3%. Enterprise Funds Total Operatinn and Non-Operatinn Expenditures (in thousands) 1987-88 Over (Under) Catenorv 1987-88 1986-87 1986-87 % Channe Water Utility $ 1,449 971 47 8 49.2% Sewer 1.915 1.825 90 4.9 Total $3_.369 2.796 568 &La% Water Revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 1988, totalled $482,000. There were no revenue bonds issued that are payable from enterprise funds during 1987-88. 14 Internal Service Funds are used to account for services provided by a city department for other city departments. As with an Enterprise Fund, the source of revenue is user fees charged to the departments receiving the service. Self-Insurance Dronram--Workers' ComDensation and General Liabilitv The City has been self-insured for Workers' Compensation since September 1978. The activity for this program is recorded in the Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund. Workera' Compensation claims for 1987-88 amounted to $403,000 compared to $189,000 in 1986-87, an increase of about $214,000 or 113%. The estimated claims payable at year end were $420,000 up $205,000 or 95% over last year's figure of $215,000. Unreserved retained earnings totalled $828,000 at June 30, 1988. The General Liability Self-Insurance Fund was established near the end of 1980-81. Claims expense for 1987-88 totalled $855,000, up $61,000 or 7.7%$ over the 1986-87 total of $794,000. The estimated claims payable at year end were $1.2 million. Unreserved retained deficit totalled $20,000 at June 30, 1988. Central Garane The City operates a central vehicle maintenance program servicing both the rolling stock and small machinery. Operating costs for this program were $866,000 for 1987-88, down $64,000 or 7% from the 1986-87 total of $930,000. The City also operates a health insurance internal service fund for collecting premiums, paying the insurance carrier, and holding reserve funds. At June 30, 1988, total health insurance revenues totalled $1,084,000. The City's Data Processing internal service fund collects revenues and expenses related to the providing of data processing services to the City. TRUST ARD AGENCY RRJDS The City uses Trust and Agency Funds to account for assets held by the City for other individuals, entities or governments. Typically these funds relate to contractors' cash performance bonds, employee payroll deductions, or deferred compensation accounts. The City held a total of $5.4 million in Trust and Agency Funds as of June 30, 1988, compared to $3.4 million at the end of 1986-87. This increase of $2 million is due to several factors including; 1) the deposit of an additional $300,000 into the City's deferred compensatio? plans, 2) a net increase of more than $1.5 million in contractor and miscellaneous deposits held by the City to guarantee developer or contractor performance. 15 CASE WAHAGEMERI The City Treasurer is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the City's assets, receiving all payments due to the City and investing all inactive funds. During this year the City Treasurer earned about $4.9 million in interest on investments in all fund types from instruments earning from 0% to 9.4%, compared to earnings of $4.2 million during 1986-87. Funds are invested in various types of notes and certificates. At June 30, 1988, the Treasurer had 100% of all available funds invested. The City's total portfolio at year end was $76.2 million. Below is a summary of cash and investments outstanding as of June 30, 1988: Amount Invested Interest Rates (In Millions1 Cash Certificates of Deposit Other Deposits Federal Agency Notes Treasury Coupons Corporate Notes Commercial Paper Bankers Acceptances Miscellaneous Investments 0.00 - 6.883 6.10 - 9-10 7.68 - 7.80 7.26 - 8.83 7.49 - 8.22 7.45 - 9.40 7.84 - 7.84 7.78 - 7.83 4.00 - 8.12% $ 1.0 23.0 11.5 13.4 3.6 5.4 1.0 1.3 16.0 Total $u The City Council has adopted a comprehensive investment policy (as required by State law) specifying the type and term of City investments. This policy has allowed the City Treasurer flexibility without endangering the safety, liquidity or yield of the total port folio. DEBT ADMIHISTRATIOH The ratio of net bonded debt to assessed valuation and the amount of bonded debt per capita are useful indicators of the City's debt position to management, citizens and investors. This data for the City for the year ended June 30, 1988 is as follows: Ratio of debt to Debt Amount Net Assessed Value Per. Caoita Net general bonded debt $ 550,000 0 01% $ 9.34 This debt represents obligations payable directly from a tax levy applied to property within the City of Carlsbad. The City's general bonded debt includes outstanding Library and Sewer bonds. 16 LIT¶IT - APPROPBIATIOIVS SUBJBCT TO Lm In 1979, Proposition 4, the "Gam" initiative, was passed. The purpose of this law is to limit government spending by putting a cap on the total proceeds of taxes that may be appropriated each year. This limit is increased each year through a formula that takes into consideration changes in the Consumer Price Index and state per-capita income. When a city reaches this limit, excess tax revenues must be returned to the State or citizens through a process of refimds, rebates, or other means that may be defined at that time. The Gann limit for the City of Carlsbad has increased steadily since 1979 and still provides the City with a comfortable operating margin. The Gann limit for the City of Carlsbad for 1987-88 was $31.9 million, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of only $23.1 million. This allova the City a margin of $8.8 mi 11 ion CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT VS APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF TAXES Mlllkn 8 36 ---1 30 _........................................................................................................... A _- I9 82 68 84 08 86 87 I8 Fbcal Year Ended June 30 = APPROP OF TAXE8 APPROP UMlT 17 ECOROMI C OUTLOOK The City's Capital Improvement Program calls for the construction of more than $200 million in improvements between now and buildout. This program includes new parks, libraries, fire stations, streets and other facilities to maintain the level of service offered to the Carlsbad resident. This aggressive construction program will place a burden on the operating budget that must be managed through careful scheduling to match demands with resources. Uncontrolled, demand would easily out-pace the City's ability to pay for services. The expansion of retail sales facilities, the addition of up to six new auto dealerships, and several small commercial centers, as well as the construction of a major hotel in southern Carlsbad, provide the much needed tax base to finance the growing service needs. Further, the continued industrial development in the Palomar Airport Industrial Park area will add to Carlsbad's economic health. The citizens have also assisted in financing Carlsbad's future operating needs by approving a 2% increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax. This increase will provide more than $700,000 in 1988-89 toward general fund operating costs and even more in future years. The City's Growth Management Program holds the key to the timing of many of the developments that will support the City through fees and taxes. This program is designed to guarantee that no new development occurs without careful planning of infrastructure and services. This process will cause some development to be delayed or revised in scope during the planning process, which in turn may delay the City's ability to collect additional revenue. Carlsbad's general outlook is for a healthy economy with tight general fund budgets for the next two years as the Growth Management Program begins to allow some key developments to occur. The years following appear to offer expanding opportunities for the City Council to enhance the service to the community. ACIUVOWLBDGMERTS This report has been a joint effort by many people from many different areas of responsibility. The dedicated efforts of Sandra Schmidt, Assistant Finance Director, and her accounting staff deserve full credit for the preparation and contents of this report. We appreciate Lisa Hildabrand and Robin Larson of Peat Marwick Main t Co. for the professional way in which the audit of this financial report was conducted. It has been a pleasure to work with the Peat Marwick Main t Co. staff throughout this period. 18 The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) and the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Carlsbad for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1987. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and sufficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement Program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. 19 21 Certificate of I Fbr its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1987 A Gdkate of Achievament for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Gavlemment Finance officers Assodation of the United States and Canada to Qovlemment units and public emplayee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (-1 achi-thewt StandardSinQovlemmentaccounting and find reporting. Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to City of Carlsbad, California 22 Y t, cb n LL1 U QN 0 23 .P". -. . .. . L CITY OF CARLSBAD ELECTED CITY OFFICIALS Claude A. Lewis, Mayor Ann J. Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem John J. Mamaux, Council Member Mark ‘V. Pettine, Council Member Eric Larson, Council Member Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City Clerk William C. Ester1 ine, City Treasurer ADMINISTRATION AND DEPARTMENT HEADS Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Martin Orenyak, Community Development Director Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., City Attorney Ralph Anderson, Utilities/ David Bradstreet, Parks and . Clifford Lange, Library Director James F. Elliott, Finance Director James Thompson, Fire Chief Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer Robert Vales, Police Chief Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Michael Hol zmi 11 er, Maintenance Di rector Planning Director Recreation director Jerome N . Pi et i , Personnel Di rector CHAIRPERSONS, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Jeanne McFadden Camill e Mi tkevich Marvin Cap Girard Anear Mary Melideo Mi 1 ton Cooper Tony Lawson Linwood J. Van Matt Hall Thelma Hays Joe Bear Roy B1 ackford Robert Sheppard 24 Planning Commission Personnel Board Bui 1 ding Authority Parking Authority Traffic Safety Commission Library Board Parks and Recreation Commission Senior Citizen Commission Design Review Board Housing and Redevelopment Committee Arts Commission Historic Preservation Commission Cable Television Foundation 4J I - 25 26 I I I I I I I I 1 I I D I I I I I I I Financial Section I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I KPMG Peat Marwick Certified Public Accountants Peat Marwick Main 8 Co. North County Office: 2011 Palomar Airport Road Carbbad. CA 92008 Telephone 619 931- 8700 Independent Audit or s Rep or t The Honorable Members of'City Council City of Carlsbad, California: Telecopier 619 438-4298 We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Carlsbad, California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 1988, as listed in the accompanying table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounte and disclosures in the general purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Carlsbad, California, at June 30, 1988, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining, individual fund, and individual account group financial statemnts and schedules listed in the accompanying table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Carlsbad, California. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. October 14, 1988 27 Assets Cash and investments Rec e iv ab le s : Loan Taxes Accounts, net Accrued interest Due from other funds Due from other government s Advances to other funds Inventory, at cost Prepaid expenses Restricted assets: Cash and inv e st me nt s Accrued interest Investment in sewage treatment facility Property, plant and equipment, net Amount available in debt service funds Amount to be provided for retirement of general long- term debt Total assets CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Balance Sheet All Fund Types and Account Groups June 30, 1988 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Cap it a 1 Notes General 4 13 12 6 5 $ 5,916,049 - 1,373,016 270,443 190,780 126,496 1,858,897 33,628 36 , 000 - - - - - Rev enu e 2,531,784 37,113 65,456 3,145 35,379 24,35 1 123,285 - - 107,189 - - - - Service 4,933,392 2,112 36,000 43,4 10 - - - - - - - - - - - Projects 36 , 660,5 20 - 239,621 732,510 36 1,445 197,925 3,927,593 - - $ 9,805,309 2,927,702 5,014,914 42,119,614 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 28 I I I I I I I I I I U I I I B I I I I . Proprietary Fund Types In tema 1 En te rpr ise 12,364,917 - - 1,687,419 161,907 99,614 - 170,705 - 4,093,067 50,816 17,659,728 10,611,3 13 Service 4,400,524 - - 16,849 56,785 - - - - - - - - 1,132,381 - Fiduciary Fund Type Agency 5,349,069 - - - 2,154 - - - - - - - - - - Ac c oun t Group s General Long- Fixed Assets Term Debt 41,642,337 - 4,9 78,9 14 Total ( Me m rand urn Only) 72,156,255 37,113 1,680,205 2,746,366 851,860 448,386 123,285 5,786,490 204,333 143,189 4,093,067 50,816 17,659,728 53,386,031 4,978,914 - - - - 29,748,194 29 ,7 48,194 46,899,486 5,606,539 5,351,223 41,642,337 34,727,108 194,094,232 29 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Balance Sheet Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Advances from other funds Advances from other g ov ernme n t s Deposits payable Deferred compensation payable Estimated claims payable Payable from restricted assets: Accrued interest payable Current portion of revenue bonds payable Deferred revenue Bonds and notes payable Spec ia 1 assessment debt with governmental c omit ment Obligations under capital leases Total liabilities Fund Equity Contributed capita 1 Investment in general fixed assets Fund balances: Reserved Unreserved Reserved Unreserved Retained earnings : Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity All Fund Types and Account Groups, Continued June 30, 1988 Governmental Fund Types Spec ia 1 Debt Capital Notes General Revenue Service Projects 13 12 a I1 11 11 9,11 15 14 14 14 14 904,613 999,674 27,772 - 17,000 24,351 69,049 - 255,372 - - - 5,786,490 $ 541,427 71,036 - - 72,933 - - - - - 128,295 123,238 - - - 2,038,855 240,790 36,000 7,091,770 3,742,352 865,213 4,978,914 11,484,970 4,024,102 1,821,699 - 23,542,874 7 ,7 66,45 4 2,686,9 12 4,978,9 14 35,027,844 $ 9,805,309 2,927,702 5,014,914 42,119,614 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 30 ___.__ 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fiduciary Fund Type Proprietary Fund Types In terna 1 Enterprise Service 163 9 06 Ac c ount Group s General Long- Fixed Assets Term Debt General - - - - - - - - Total (Memorandum Only) 3,356,633 1,109,243 448,386 5,786,490 Agency 5,155 - - - 1,736,239 39,891 99,614 - 72,933 4,277,512 - 61,121 - 4,088,096 1,257,972 1,673,457 1,257,972 - - - 1,673,457 - 123,238 157,000 2,070,778 322,532 - 157,000 - 2,456,943 23,455,000 23,777,532 9,550,000 9,550,000 1,7 22,108 1,7 22,108 34,7 27,108 55,769,447 5,351,223 4,487,175 1,796,526 15,466,067 2,2 16,839 - 17,682,906 41,642,337 - 41,642,337 - 2 1,07 1,449 - 29,388,675 - 520,437 - 28,018,981 - 138,324,785 520,437 26,425,807 42,412,311 - 1,593,174 3,810,013 41,642,337 41,642,337 34,727,108 194,094,232 5,351,223 46,899,486 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance All Governmental Fund Types For the year ended June 30, 1988 Genera 1 Revenues : Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeits Intere s t income Mi s c e 1 la ne ou 8 Total revenues Expend i tu re s : Current: General government Public safety Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance at beginning of year Residual equity transfers Fund balance at end of year See accompanying notes to financial statements. 32 $ 19,197,034 4,137,520 2,249,840 435,649 1,060,784 1,175,694 - 28,256,521 5,698,401 10,102,111 4,819,575 4,912,822 - - 25,532,909 2,723,6 12 769,825 (535,864) - - 233,961 2,957,573 4,802,547 6,334 $ 7,766,454 Total (Memorandum Only) Spec ia 1 Revenue Debt Service Cap ita 1 Projects 1,111,325 - 1,413,542 1,933,353 70,777 199,479 95,552 - - 22,693,588 4,137,520 2,506,690 8,289,570 435,649 1,283,513 3,422,839 971,687 - 573,337 5,968,953 2,049,947 12,267 - - - 112,629 - 3,712.703 1,223,954 42,769,369 9,576,191 28,354 - 556,113 1,584,897 445,653 325,178 25 2,9 28 - - - - 10,891,657 - 1,043,415 5,988,144 5,375,688 10 ,102,111 1,584,897 5,358,475 11,216,835 300,250 . 2,033,753 300,250 990,338 1,299,049 (75,095 2,940.19 5 772,508 41,960,15 3 809,216 12,188,000 (2,6 11,809) 79,500 2,3 11,343 - 942.815 - (769,825 - - 1,792,140 (1,878,540) 20,442,608 175,593 20,531,801 (572;851) 18 ,I3 1,265 175,593 ~ 2,390,843 ~ ~ (769,825) 18,676,8 22 2,683 2,684,229 2,315,748 2,663,166 4,978.9 14 - 16,065,013 18,969,165 35,027,844 (6,334) 21,341,017 29,119,107 50,460,124 - ~ 2,686,912 33 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) All Governmental Fund Types For the year ended June 30, 1988 General Fund Actual on Variance Budgetary Bas is Favorable (Un favorab le) Budget Revenues: Taxes Licenses and permits In te rg ov ernmen t a 1 Charges for services Fines and forfeits In te re st income Mis c el lane ou 8 Total revenues Expend it ure s : Current: General government Public safety Public works We 1 fare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Debt sen ice: Pr inc ipal retirement Interest and fiscal charges To tal expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financ ing sources (use 8) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources ( use s) revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance at beginning of year Residual equity transfers Fund balance at end of year Excess (deficiency) of $ 19,197,034 4,137,s 20 2,249,840 435,649 1,060,784 1,175,694 28,256,521 - 18,350,800 3,019,150 2,005,934 446 , 200 700,000 1,395,424 25,917,508 - 846,234 1,118,370 243,906 (10,551) 360 , 784 (2 19 , 7 30 2,339,013 - 5,661,067 10,048,500 4,798,341 4,846,661 - - 7,670,568 10,004,203 6,607,385 5,036,862 - - 2,009,501 1,809,044 190,201 (44,297) - - 29,3 19 ,O 18 25,354,569 3,964,449 (3,401,510) 6,303,462 2,901,952 769,825 (535,864) - - 1,311,524 (535,864) - - (541,699) 233.961 (541,699) 775,660 (2,625,8501 2,941,380 - 5,761,763 3,135,913 2,941,380 6,334 $ 6,083,627 6,334 315,530 5,768,097 See accompanying notes to financial statements. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Debt Service Fund6 Special Revenue Funds Variance ~ Actual on Budgetary Bas is Va ria nc e Actual on Budgetary Basis Favorable (Vn favorable) Favorable (Unfavorable) Budget Budget 1,111,325 - - - - 112,629 - 1,134,682 1,413,542 - 1,933,353 70,777 199,479 95,552 3,7 12,703 - 1,321,874 1,802,276 74,400 109,981 500 3,309,031 - - 91,668 13 1,077 - (3,623) 89,498 95,052 403,672 - !25,131) 1,223,954 1,249,085 32,640 612,775 1,578,129 365,523 323,489 - 19,041 691,642 1,620,210 578,116 1,023,476 - (13,599) 78,867 42,081 212,593 699,987 - 300,250 1,001,0'25 1,309,736 (60,651) 300,250 990,338 1,299,049 (7 5,09 5 10,687 10,687 (14,444) 2,912,556 800,147 3,932,485 (623,454) 1,019,929 1,423,601 - - - - 79,500 2,311,343 - - 79,500 2,311,343 - - (769,825) (769,825) 2,390,843 2,390,843 30,322 (1,393,279) 1,423,601 2 ,3 15,748 2,330,19 2 (14,444 1 2,537,289 2,537,289 - 2,663,166 2,663,166 - - - - - - - 2,567,611 1,144,010 1,423,601 4,978,914 4,993,358 (14,444 1 ( Con t inued) 35 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in (Budgetary Basis) Fund Balance - Budget and Actual, Continued For the year ended June 30, 1988 Capital Projects Funds Variance Fav o rab le (Unfavorable) Actual on Budgetary Basis Budget Revenue 8 : Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeits Interest income Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditure 8: Current: Genera 1 government Public safety Public works We 1 fare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Debt serv ic e : Pr inc ipal retirement Interest and fiscal charges To ta 1 expend it ure s Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources (uses) revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance at beginning of year Residual equity transfers Fund balance at end of year Excess (deficiency) of , 648,000 - - 4,624,000 591,519 - - 323,687 - 573,337 1,344,953 1,458,428 12,267 3,712,672 - $ 971,687 - 573,337 5,968,953 2,049,947 12,267 9,576,191 - ~~ 5,863,5 19 252,928 - - - - 12,419,277 7,210 - - - - 36,020,820 (245,718) - - - - 23,601,543 (7 24,592) 318,823 1,043 ,415 36 , 346, a53 22,631,233 13,715,620 (30,483,334) (4 , 139,429) 26,343,905 942,815 (714,550) 18,131,265 175,593 942,815 (572,851) 18,131,265 175,593 - 141,699 - - 18.676.822 18,535,123 141,699 (11,948,211) 15,816,182 - 26,485,604 14,537,393 15,816,182 $ 30,347,241 (6,334) (6,334 1 26,479,270 3,867,971 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total (Memorandum Only) Var ia nc e Actual on Budgetary Favorable Bas is Budget (Unfavorable) 22,693,588 21,455,356 4,137,520 3,019,150 2,506,690 1,802,276 8,289,570 6,704,334 435 ,649 446,200 3,422,839 1,5 15 ,903 1,283,513 1,395,924 42,769,369 36,339,143 5,955,096 7,705,280 10,048,500 10,004,203 5,411,116 7,299,027 1,578,129 1,620,210 5,212,184 5,614,978 12,742,766 37,044,296 1,238,232 1,118,370 704,414 1,585,236 (10,551) 1,906,936 (1 12,4 11 6,430,226 1,750,184 (44,297) 1,887,911 42 ,08 1 402,794 24,301,530 300,250 300,250 - 2,033,753 1 ,3 19,848 . (713,905) 43,281,794 70,908,09 2 27,626,298 (5 12,425) (34,568,949) 34,056,524 1,792,140 2,333,839 (541,699) (1,878,540) (2,020,239) 141,699 20,442,608 20,44 2,608 - 175,593 175,593 - 20,53 1,80 1 20,931,801 (400,000) 20,019,376 (13,637,148) 33,656,524 23,958,017 23,958,017 - 43,977,393 10,320,869 33,656,524 37 CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings All Proprietary Fund Types For the year ended June 30, 1988 Operating revenues: Metered water sales Sewer service charges Other charges for services Mi 8 c e 1 lane ou 8 Total operating revenues Operating expense s : Per sonne 1 sen ices Office expenses Repairs and maintenance Pro fe s s iona 1 sen ic e s Insurance Purchased water Bad debt expense Depreciation and amortization Fuel Supplies and parts Claims expense Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Non-operating revenues (expenses) : Interest income Gain on sale of property Interest expense and fiscal Loss on disposal of property agent fees Non-opera t ing income In terna 1 Enterprise Service $ 1,056,722 - 1,934,262 - 217,066 3,195,222 16 1,840 3,208,066 3,197,062 1,060,089 141,968 731,380 885,521 20,064 4,198 150,765 249,247 330,557 191,215 94,699 34,621 - 203,299 162,570 131,236 2,257,063 3,243,232 3,405,260 (35,166) (208,198) 1,191,963 322,370 - 4,404 (29,096) - (92,158) - 1,070,709 326,774 38 Total (Memorandum Only) 1,056,722 1,934,262 3,412,288 1,856 6,405,128 1,390,646 333,183 826,079 920,142 20,064 4,198 150,765 452,546 162,570 131,236 2,257,063 6,648,492 (243,364) 1,5 14,333 4,404 (29,096) (92,158 1,397,483 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m Income before operating transfers Operating transfers in Net income Retained earnings at beginning of year Prior period adjustment (note 3) Retained earnings at beginning of year, as adjusted Retained earnings at end of year (note 14) Enterprise $ 1,035,543 1,035,543 8,121,299 17,789,402 25,910,701 $ 26,946,244 Internal Service 118,576 86,400 204,9 76 1,388,198 1,388,198 1,593,174 Total (Memorandum On 1y 1 1,154,119 86,400 1,240,5 19 9,509,497 17,789,402 27,298,899 28,539,418 39 See accompanying notes to financial statements. CITY OF CARLSBAD Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position All Proprietary Fund Types For the year ended June 30, 1988 Enterprise Sources of working capital: Operations : Net inc ome $ 1,035,543 Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation and amortization 249,247 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 92,157 Working capital provided by operations 1,376,947 Increase in contributed capital 1,090,154 Contributions from other funds - Total sources of working cap it a 1 2,467,101 Uses of working capital: Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment 167,765 Decrease in long-term revenue bonds payable 157,000 Increase in restricted assets 54,329 Increase in investment in sewage facility 167,624 Total uses of working capital 546,718 Net increase in working - cap it a 1 $ 1,920,383 Elements of net increase (decrease) in unrestricted working capital: Cash and investments 3,771,903 Ac c ou nt s r ec e iv ab le 297,906 Accrued interest receivable 65,709 Due from other funds 12,160 Advances to other funds (1,368,032) Inventory 5,892 Accounts payable (824,368) Accrued wages payable 7 00 Deposits payable (22,327) Due to other funds (12,160) Current portion of revenue bonds payable (7,000) Estimated claims payable - Net increase in working capital . $ 1,920,383 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 40 In tema 1 Service 118,576 203,299 21,677 343,552 - 86,400 429,952 209,474 209,474 220,478 367,57 1 16,364 18,67 2 - - (12,5 21) 2,740 124,632 (296,980) - - To ta 1s (Memorandum Only) 1,154,119 452,546 113,834 1,720,499 1,090,154 86,400 2,897,053 377,239 157,000 54,329 167 ,6 24 756,192 2,140,861 4,139,474 314,270 84,381 12,160 (1,368,032) 5,892 (836,889 1 3,440 (22,327) 112,472 (296,980) (7,000 2,140,861 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements June 30, 1988 (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The City of Carlsbad, California (the City) was incorporated July 16, 1952. The City operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services as authorized by its charter: general government, public safety, public works, culture, recreation, and community development. The accounting policies of the City conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the more significant policies: (a) Description and Scope of the Reporting Entity The Comprehens ive Annual Financ ial Report includes all entities for which the City exercises oversight responsibility as defined by the National Council on Governmental Accounting (NCGA) Statement No. 3 "Defining the Reporting Entity". This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, the authority to govern, manage, approve budgets, and assume fiscal accountability. The financial statements of the City include the financial activities of the City of Carlsbad, the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the Parking and Building Authorities of the City of Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation and the Carlsbad Red eve lopment Agency . Their financial operations are closely related and the City Council has a continuing oversight responsibility over the entities. The oversight responsibility is determined on the basis of budget adoption, taxing authority, funding and appointment of the g overn ing b oa rd . The City also has an interest in a joint sewage treatment facility known as the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. Since the City does not have significant influence over the management or the operation of the facility, it is excluded from the City's financial s ta tement 8. 41 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (b) Basis of Presentation The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds or account groups, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund or account group are accounted for by prwiding a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balancelretained earnings, revenues, and expenditures or expenses. The various funds and account groups are summarized by type in the financial statements. Fund types and account groups used by the City are as fo 1 lows : GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: Governmental Funds are used to account for the City's expendable financial resources and related liabilities (except those accounted for in proprietary and similar trust funds). The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position. The following are the City's governmental fund types: General Fund The general fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account .for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are used to account for revenues derived from specific sources (other than major capital projects) that are restricted by law or administrative regulation to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds Debt service funds are used to account for the accurmlation of resources for, and payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. 42 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (b) Basis of Presentation, Continued Capital Projects Funds Capital projects funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by proprietary funds. PROPRIGTARY FUND TYPES: Proprietary funds are used to account for activities that are similar to those found in the private sector. The measurement focus is upon determination of net income and capital maintenance. 'The following are the City's proprietary fund types: Enterprise Funds Enterprise funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed primarily through user charges, or (b) where the governing body has decided that determination of net income is appropr ia te . Internal Service Funds Internal Service funds are used to account for goods or services provided by one department to other departments of the City on a cost- reimbursement bas is. FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE: Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other govern- mental units, and/or other funds. The following is the City's fiduciary fund type: Agency Funds Agency funds are used to account for assets held by the City in an agency capacity for individuals and private businesses. They do not involve measurement of results of operations. 43 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (b) Basis of Presentation, Continued ACCOUNT GROUPS: Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the City' 8 general fixed assets and general long-term debt. The fo1lowing are the City's account groups: General Fixed Assets Account Group This account group is used to account for all fixed assets of the City other than those accounted for in the proprietary funds. General Long-Term Debt Account Group This account group is used to account for all long-term obligations of the City except those accounted for in the proprietary funds and trust funds. (c) Measurement Focus and Basis for Accounting Governmental fund types are accounted for on a "spending" measurement focus. Accordingly, only current assets and current liabilities are included on their balance sheets, and the reported fund balance provides an indication of available, spendable resources. Operating statements for governmental fund types report increases (revenues) and decrease s ( expend i ture s) in avai lab le spend ab le res ource s. The proprietary fund types are accounted for on an "income determination" or ''cost of services" measurement focus. Accordingly, all assets and liabilities are included on the balance sheet, and the reported fund equity provides an indication of the economic net worth of the fund. Operating statements for proprietary fund types report increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in total economic net worth. 44 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1) Summarp of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (C) Measurement Focus and Basis for Accounting, Continued Fiduciary fund types are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operat ions. Government and fiduciary fund types use the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. In applying the susceptible to accrual concept to intergovernmental revenues, the legal and contractual requirements of the individual program are used as guidance. Revenues that are accrued include real property taxes7 sales tax, interest, and state and federal grants. Real property taxes are levied on October 15 against owners of record at March 1. The taxes are due in two installments, on November 1 and February 1, and become delinquent after December 10 and April 10, respectively. Under the provisions of NCGA interpretation 3, property tax revenue is recognized in the fiscal year for which the taxes have been levied, provided it is collected within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year. Governmental and fiduciary fund expenditures are recognized when the liability is incurred except for principal and interest on long-term debt, which is recognized when due. Proprietary funds use the accrual basis of accounting, i.e., revenues are recognized in the period earned and expenses are recognized in the period incurred. (d) Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of 45 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (d) Encumb ranc es, Continued formal budgetary control in the governmental funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year end do not constitute expenditures or liabilities, but are reported as reservations of fund balance for subsequent-year expend it u re 8. (e) Cash and Investments Cash includes amounts in demand and time deposits. Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost, except for deferred compensation plan assets which are shown in an agency fund at market value. The City maintains a cash and investment pool. Interest income earned as a result of pooling is allocated to the appropriate funds based on average monthly cash balances. Inventories Inventories consist of materials and supplies that are valued at the lower of average cost or market and are recorded as expense 8 when c onsumed . (g) Compensated Absences Vacation pay is payable to employees at the the used or upon termination of employment. Sick leave accrued but unused is cumlative from year to year. For governmental funds, the cost of accumulated vacation and sick leave expected to be paid in the next 12 months is recorded as a fund liability and amounts expected to be paid after 12 months (if any) is recorded in the general long-term debt account group. For proprietary funds, the cost of vacation and sick leave is recorded as a liability'when earned. (h) Self-Insurance The City has been self-insured for general liability claims since 1981 and for workers' compensation claims since 1978. General liability exposure is accounted for in the General Liability Self-Insurance Internal Service Fund. The Fund is responsible for collecting interfund premiums from other City funds and departments and paying claim settlements. 46 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (h) Se If -1nsura nc e, Continued Interfund premiums are based on the insured funds' claims experience. Claim settlement and loss expenses are accrued in the Self-Insurance Fund for estimated reported claims. The activities of the workers' compensation program are accounted for in the Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund. The City's risk management department and a service company administer the benefits. Funding is provided through premium charges to the City's departments. Past experience indicates that incurred but not reported claims for both general liability and workers' compensation, in the aggregate, do not represent a material amount and, therefore, they have not been accrued at year- end. (i) Unbilled Services Unbilled water revenue of the enterprise fund is recognized as earned when the water is consumed. (j) General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the governmental fund types and capitalized at cost in this group of accounts. In the case of gifts or contributions, such assets are recorded in general fixed assets at fair market value at the time received. Fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, and drainage systems, have not been capitalized. Such assets normally are immovable and of value only to the City. Therefore, the purpose of stewardship for capital expenditures is satisfied without rec ord ing the s e a s set s . In the general fixed asset8 account group, construction- in-process is transferred to buildings or improvements upon approval by the City Council which approTimates the completion date. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. 47 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued (k) Property, Plant and Equipment - Proprietary Funds Property, plant and equipment used by proprietary funds is stated at cost or historical cost. Contributed fixed assets are recorded at fair market value at the time received. Depreciation is charged to operations using a straight-line method based on the estimated useful life of the related asset. The estimated useful lives of the assets are as follows: Years Buildings and improvements Sewer, sewer lines and wells 40 10 - 50 4 - 10 Transmission and distribution lines 40 - 70 Filters, pumps and fire hydrants 10 - 50 E qu ipme nt Wells, reservoirs and dams . 10 - 100 (1) Deferred Revenue The deferred revenue in the General Fund represents cash received for a traffic signal that has not been constructed and for the property taxes due but not available. The deferred revenue in the Debt Service Fund relates to a prepayment of lease revenue from the General Fund to the Bui Id ing Authority. The deferred revenue in the Enterprise Fund relates to deposits or in-kind prepayments for services to be rendered (e.g., sewer installation, etc. 1. (m) Rec lassi ficat ions In the current year, three funds have been reclassified from special revenue funds to capital projects funds due to the nature of the activity in the funds. This resulted in reclassification of approximate-ly $489,000 from the beginning fund balance in the special revenue funds to the beginning fund balance in the capital projects funds. 48 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued Rec lass if ic a t ions, Con t inu ed In addition, due to the implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 6 "Accounting and Financial Reporting for Special Assessments", the activity from the special assessment districts has been reclassified to capital projects and debt service funds from agency fund s . This resulted in a decrease of beginning liabilities in the agency funds of approximately $5,770,000 and an increase in the beginning fund balance of the debt service funds of approximately $1,150,000 and of the capital projects funds of approximately $4,620,000. Total Columns Total columns on the combined statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally ac c ep t ed acc ount ing pr inc ip le s . Such data is not comparable to a consolidation since interfund eliminations have not been made. (2) Budgetary Data The City follows these procedures in establishing its budgetary data: 1. During May or June, the City Manager submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for all funds of the City for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The budget includes proposed expenditures and estimated revenues on a departmental basis. 2. Public hearings are conducted at City Council meetings to obtain citizens comments during June. 3. Prior to July 1, the budget is enacted legally through passage of an appropriation resolution. 49 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (2) Budgetary Data, Continued The City Manager is authorized to make transfers of appropriated amounts within a fund and function for up to $15,000. Revisions that alter the total appropriations of any fund or function mst be appruved by the City Council. A mid-year budget review is conducted each year. Any major changes to the adopted budget are approved by the City Council at that time. Budgets for all gwernmental type funds are adopted on the modified accrual basis, except that encumbrances are treated as budgeted expenditures in the year purchases are committed. Expenditures may not exceed budgeted appropriations at the departmental level. Unencumbered appropriations lapse at year end. For purposes of budgetary presentation, actual generally accepted accounting principal (GAAP) expenditures have been adjusted to include encumbrances outstanding at year end. The following schedule is a reconciliation of the budgetary and GMP fund balances: Spec ia 1 Debt Cap ita 1 General Revenue Service Projects Fund Funds Funds Funds - Fund b a 1 a nc e- budgetary basis $ 6,083,627 2,567,611 4,978,914 30,347,241 Encumb ranc es outstanding at year end 1,682,827 119,301 - 4,680,603 Fund balance- GAAP basis $ 7,766,454 2,686,912 4,978,914 35,027,844 (3) Prior Period Adjustment In prior years, the City had overstated operating expenses and understated the Investment in Sewage Treatment Facility (the Facility) by $768,000 due to the treatment of a cash contribution to the Facility as an expense of the Sewer fund 50 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (3) Prior Period Adjustment, Continued rather than as an increase in the investment. This overstatement was corrected during the current year by an adjustment to retained earnings at the beginning of the year and a corresponding increase to the Investment in Sewage Treatment Facility. In addition, prior year's investments in the Facility had been expensed and then recorded as an investment and contributed capital rather than only as an increase in the investment, thus, overstating contributed capital and understating retained earnings. As of July 1, 1987 a reclassification of $17,021,402 was made from contributed capital to retained earnings. Cash and Investments The City maintains a cash and investment pool that is available for use by all funds. Each fund type's portion of this pool is displayed on the combined balance sheet as "Cash and Investments". In addition, investments are held separately by several of the City's funds. Authority for Deposits and Investments: The City's investment policy and State statutes authorize the City to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, its agencies and instrumentalities, commercial paper rated A-1 by Standard and Poor's Corporation or P-1 by Moody's Comercia1 Paper record, banker's acceptances with a maximm maturity of 270 days, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit with national and state licensed or chartered banks or federal or state savings and loan associations, money market and mutual funds whose portfolios consist of one or more of the foregoing investments, and the state treasurer ' s investment pool. State statutes require that all deposits be insured or collateralized. Depositories holding public funds on deposit are required to maintain collateral in the form of a pool of securities with the agent of the depository having a market value of at least 10 to 50 percent in excess of the total amount of all public funds on deposit. 51 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (4) Cash and Investments, Continued A summary of cash and investments is as follows: Cash on deposit Inv e8 t me nt 8 $ 35,497,056 40,752,266 76,249,322 Less restricted portion (4,093,067) Unrestricted cash and investments $ 72,156,255 Deposits : The following summary presents the amount of the City's deposits which are fully insured or collateralized with securities held by the City or its agent in the City's name (Category One), those deposits which are collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the City's name (Category Two), and those deposits which are not collateralized or are collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution or its trust department or agent but not in the City's name (Category Three) at June 30, 1988. Category Category Category Total Bank Carrying Two Three Balance Amount - One - Cash $ 4,651,650 5,101,165 26,233,695 35,986,510 .35,314,496 Cash with fiscal agents - 182,560 - 182,560 182,560 $ 4,651,650 5,283,725 26,233,695 36,169,070 35,497,056 Investments : The City categorizes investments according to the level of risk assumed by the City. Category One includes investments that are insured, registered or held by the City's agent in the City's name. Category Two includes uninsured and unregistered investments held by the counter-party's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category Three includes uninsured and unregistered investments held by t.he counterparty, its trust department or its agent, but not in the City's name. Certain investments have not been categorized because 52 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (4) Cash and Investments, Continued Investments , Con t inued : securities are not used as evidence of the investment, These uncategorized investments include ownership interests in mutual funds and similar instruments. The surmnary below identifies the level of risk assumed by the City and the total carrying amount and market value of the City's investments. Category Category Category - One Two Three Uncategorized Local agency investment fund U.S. 'Government - 5,937,400 agency obligations$ 7,481,235 U.S. Treasury securities - - 3,582,5 33 Corporate notes 2,913,908 - 2,499,024 Bankers' ace ep tanc es - - 1,258,449 Come rc ia 1 Paper Mutual funds and other Total $ 11,358,514 - 13,277,406 963,37 1 - - - - - 12,032,000 4,084,346 16,116,346 At various times during the year, the City invested No such investments were held at June agreements. Total Market Investments Value 12,032,000 12,032,000 13,418,635 13,018,710 3,582,533 3,650,942 5,412,932 5,349,836 1,258,449 1,265,272 963,37 1 964,592 4,084,346 4,084,346 40,7 52,266 40,36 5,698 in repurchase 30, 1988. At June 30, 1988 two of the City's securities are held by a brokerage firm which is being liquidated in bankruptcy court at the request of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. The cost of the securities was $999,886. As the recovery of any amounts in excess of the Securities Investor Protection Insurance of $500,000 is uncertain, an allowance has been provided for $499,886. The net amount of $500,000 is shown as accounts receivable. During June 1988, the City instituted a new policy to provide for the safekeeping of all securities by a third party custodian to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. 53 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (5) Property, Plant and Equipment A summary of changes in the general fixed assets account group is as follows: Balance July 1, 1987 Land $ 16,437,313 Bui Id ing s 16 , 11 6 , 6 26 Other improvements 1,051,492 Furniture and equipment 3,565,160 Construction - in progress 1,649,417 B a lanc e June 30, 1988 Additions Deletions - 430,152 - 16,867,465 1,626,331 - 17,742,957 125,897 - 1,177,389 1,087,469 397,869 4,254,760 167,296 216,947 1,599,766 Total $ 38,820,008 3,437,145 614,816 41,642,337 Construction in progress in the general fixed asset account group is composed of the following: Expended to date at Required Project June 30, Future Authorization 19 88 Committed Financing Senior Citizens Conrmunity Center $ 3,800,000 15,908 3,784,092 None Recreation Center and Gym . 1,948,000 1,300,217 647,783 None Safety Center Phase 3 1,760,000 111,572 1,648,428 None Fire Station #l and 92 Remodel 451,000 2,724 448,276 None Safety Center Phase 2 255 , 000 84,345 170,655 None Boys and Girls Club Pool Enclosure 117,362 85,000 32,362 None $ 8,331,362 1,599,766 6,731,596 54 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements; Continued Property, Plant and Equipment, Continued A sunnnary of proprietary fund type property, plant and equipment at June 30, 1988 follows: Lad, water rights, rights- Buildings and improvements Wells, reservoirs and dams Transmiss ion and distribution Sewer, sewer lines and wells Equipment and vehicles Construction in progress of-way lines Enterprise Funds $ 459,206 75,136 1,212,852 4,014,196 8,238,034 711,853 135,898 14,847,175 In tema 1 Service Funds - - 2,138,244 - 2,138,244 Less accumlated depreciation 4,235,862 1,005,863 Property, plant ad equipment, net $ 10,611,313 1,132,381 (6) Joint Venture - Encina Water Pollution Control Facility The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (the Facility) is a sewer system owned jointly by the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista, the Leucadia County Water District, the Buena Vista Sanitary District, the San Marcos County Water District and the Enc in it as Sanitary Dis tr ic t . The Leucadia County Water District is the operator and administrator of the facility and is responsible for the management, maintenance and operations of the joint system. Ownership percentages are determined by joint agreement at the time the assets are acquired. As of June 30, 1988, the City's ownership interest was approximately 25 x. The latest available financial statements of the Facility, dated June 30, 1987 show the following: Total assets To tal liab ili t ies Fund balance $ 73,342,308 1,622,753 Net change in fund balance $ -4,331,079 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (6) Joint Venture - Encina Water Pollution Control Facility The Facility does not recognize net income or loss. Net operating expenditures in excess of users' assessments are treated as accounts receivable on the Facility's books and charged to users' accounts in the following year. Conversely, users' assessments in excess of net operating expenditures are treated as a liability and credited against users' accounts, also in the following year. Under this basis, net operating expenditures for the Facility totaled $3,176,326 in fiscal year 1987. The net change in fund balance was attributed to plant addit ions. Retirement Plan The City contributes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system that acts as a common investment and administrative agent for part ic ipat ing public ent it ie s with in the State of California. For the year ended June 30, 1988, the City's payroll for employees cwered by the PERS was $7,928,765 ' for miscellaneous employees and $4,371,792 for safety employees. Total payroll for the same period was $14,097,448. All full-time employees are eligible to participate as members of the PERS. Benefits vest after an employee has been a member of the plan for five years. Employees are eligible to retire after the age of 50 with 5 years of credited service. Annual retirement benefits are determined based on age at retirement, the length of membership service and the amount of earnings based on the highest thirty-six consecutive months average for safety employees, and based on the highest twelve consecutive months average for miscellaneous employees. The PERS also provides death and disability benefits. These bene fit provisions and all other requirements are established by state statute. Employees are required to make contributions ranging from 7 to 9 percent of gross pay. The City is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the benefits for its members, using the actuarial basis recommended by the PERS actuaries and actuarial consultants and adopted by the PERS Board of Administrat ion. 56 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (7 Retirement Plan, Continued The amount shown below as the "pension benefit obligation" is a standardized disclosure measure of the present value of pension benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and step-rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. The measure is intended to help users assess the funding status of the PERS on a going-concern basis, assess progress made in accunulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons among employers. The measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits, and is independent of the funding method used to determine Contributions to the PERS. The pension benefit obligation was computed as part of an actuarial valuation performed as of June 30, 1987. Significant actuarial assumptions used in the valuation include (a) a rate of return on the investment of present and future assets of 8.5 percent a year compounded annually, (b) projected salary increases of 5 percent a year compounded annually, attributable to inflation, (c) additional projected salary increases of 2 percent a year, attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) no post re t irement bene fit increases . The total unfunded pension benefit obligation applicable to the City's employees was $2,303,246 at June 30, 1987 (the date of the latest actuarial valuation), as follows: Pension bene fit ob ligation : Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving bene fit s and termina ted employees not yet receiving bene fits Current employees: Accumulated employee contributions including allocated investment earnings Emp loy er financ ed-vest ed $ 11,368,172 6,460,429 7,770,657 Emp loy er f ina nc ed-n onv e s t ed 559,521 Tota 1 pens ion bene fit obligation 26,158,779 cost (market value is $29,897,127) 23,855,533 Unfunded pens ion bene fit ob ligation $ 2,303,246 Net assets available for benefits at 57 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (7 Retirement Plan, Continued None of the total change in the Pension Benefit Obligation from the prior year resulted from changes in benefit provisions or in actuarial assumptions. PERS uses the Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method which is a projected benefit cost method. That is, it takes into account those benefits that are expected to be earned in the future as well as those already accrued. According to this cost method, the normal cost for an employee is the level amount which would fund the projected benefit if it were paid annually from date of employment until retirement. PERS uses a modification of the Entry Age Cost Method in which the employer's total normal cost is expressed as a level percentage of payroll. PERS also uses the level percentage of payroll method to amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities. The amortization period of the unfunded actuarial liability ends on June 30, 2000. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially determined contribution requirement are the same as those used to compute the pension benefit obligation, as previously described. The actuarially determined employer and employee contributions applicable to the City at June 30, 1988 were as follows: Mi s c e 1 lane ou s Employees Covered P ayro 11 Con tr ib u t ions Required norma 1 cost contribution $ 1,136,223 14.3% Amortization of the unfunded actuarial accrued Total required Contributions made Contributions ma-de liability (6,184) - (0.1%) 14.2% - - contributions $ 1,130,039 by the City $ 721,677 9.1% by the employees 408,362 - 5.1% Total actual 14.2% - - contributions $ 1,130,039 58 Safety Emp loy ee s Cove red Contributions Payroll 1,237,184 28.3% 304.714 1,541,898 984,703 557,195 1,541,898 7.0% 35.3% 22.5% 12.8% 35.3% - - - - - CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (7 Retirement Plan, Continued Trend information gives an indication of the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. Ten- year trend information may be found in the California Public Employees Retirement System Annual Report. The following is three year trend information which gives an indication of the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. The pension benefit obligation was not calculated by PERS for the plan years 1986 and 1985, therefore some of the percentages noted below were not available (NA) for disclosure: 1987 ,1986 1985 - - Net assets available for benefits as a percentage of pension benefit obligation 91.2% NA NA Unfunded pension benefit obligation as a percentage of annual covered payroll 18.7% NA NA Actuarially determined employer contributions as a percentage of annual covered payroll 13.9% 16.2% 18.5% (8) Deferred Compensation Plan The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all City employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. Amounts deferred may not exceed the lesser of $7,500 or 25% of a participants' "includable compensation", as defined in the participation agreement. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or un fore seeab le emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the City (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participant's rights under the plan are equal to those of general creditors of the City in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account of each participant. 59 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (8) Deferred Compensation Plan, Continued The City believes it has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes that it is highly unlikely that it Will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. (9) obligations Under Capital Leases In 1981, the City entered into an agreement with the City of Oceanside to lease the public parking area surrounding a regional shopping area. Under the terms of the agreement, the City agreed to pay an aggregate amount of $700,040 including interest at 10%. The annual principal and interest payments are $70,000 through 1991 and $1 annually for each of the remaining forty years. The City has the option to purchase the leasehold at any time for the sum of $1. The leasehold interest of $430,152 has been recorded in the City's general fixed asset account group. In August 1987, the City entered a sale and leaseback agreement with a financial institution. Principal and interest payments totaling $234,529 are to be paid each year through 1997. The City's leasehold interest of $1,602,160 has been recorded in the City's general fixed asset account group. The following is a summary by year of future minimum lease payments under capital leases (paid from the General Fund) and the present value of minimm lease payments at June 30, 1988: Year ending June 30, 1989 1990 199 1 1992 1993 Thereafter Total minimum lease payments Less amounts representing interest Present value of minimum lease payments Annual Minimum Lease Payments $ 304,529 304,529 304,529 234,5 30 234,530 1,055,414 2,438,06 1 715,953 $ 1,722,108 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (10) Obligations Under Operating Leases In June 1988, the City's Redevelopment Agency entered into an agreement to lease a parking lot from a private party. The lease requires monthly rental payments of $3,085 for twenty years. The following is a schedule by year of future minimum rental payments required under the operating lease at June 30, 1988: Total annual rent expense will be $37,020. Year ending June 30, 1989 1990 199 1 1992 1993 Thereafter Total minimum lease payments Annu a 1 Renta 1 Expenses $ 37,020 37,020 37,020 37,020 37,020 555,300 $ 740,400 (11) Long-Term Debt The following is a summary of changes in long-term year ended June 30, 1988: Pr inc ipal Balance July 1, 1987 - General long-term debt account group : Bonds and notes Special assessment pay ab le $ 3,045,000 debt with g overnmenta 1 commitment 9,570,250 Ob ligations under capital leases 221,897 12,837,147 Enterprise funds: Waterworks revenue b ond s 632,000 $ 13,469,147 Add it ionel Obligations 20,690,000 1,602,160 22,292,160 22,292,160 Re t irement s 280,000 20,250 101,949 402,199 150,000 552,199 debt for the Principal B a la nc e June 30, 19 88 - 23,455,000 9,550,000 1,722,108 34,727,108 482,000 35,209,108 61 .____ CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (11) Long-Term Debt, Continued Long-term debt at June 30, 1988 is comprised of the following individual issues : Balance June 30, 1988 General Long Term Debt 1962 Series A General Obligation Sewer Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $40,000 to $50,000 on July 1 of each year through 1988, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 at 3.5% per annum 1962 Series B General Obligation Sewer Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $40,000 to $100,000 on July 1 of each year through 1991, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 at rates varying from 3.25% to 4.5% 1962 Series C General Obligation Sewer Bonds, principal due in amounts of $25,000 on July 1 of each year through 1991, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 at rates varying from 3.5% to 5.0% per annum 1966 Library General Obligation Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging form $15,000 to $25,000 on January 1 of each year through 1992, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 at rates varying from 4.5% to 6.0% General obligation bonds 1967 Carlsbad Building Authority Revenue Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $25,000 to $35,000 on December 15 of each year through 1992, interest payable on December 15 and June 15 at 6.0% per annum 1969 Carlsbad Parking Authority Revenue Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $75,000 to $125,000 on October 1 of each year through 1995, interest payable on October 1 and April 1 at rates varying from 6.0% to 6.4% per annum $ 50,000 320,000 100,000 80,000 550,000 145,000 800,000 I I 1 I 8 I I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD I I I I I I I 1 I I Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (1 1 ) Long-Term Debt, Continued Balance June 30, 1988 1981 Carlsbad Parking Authority Revenue Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $60,000 to $150,000 on February 1 of each year through 2001, interest payable on August 1 and February 1 at 8.0% per annum Parking and building authorities revenue b ond s 1988 Carlsbad Certificates of Participation, principal due in amounts ranging from $115,000 to $815,000 on August 1 of each year through 2009, interest payable on August 1 and February 1 at rates varying from 5.25% to 7.6% per annum 1988 Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Conmission Tax Allocation Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $255,000 to $595,000 on April 1 of each year through 2003, a principal payment of $2,890,000 on April 1, 2007, and a principal payment of $3,950,000 on April 1, 2011, interest payable on October 1 and April 1 at rates varying from 5.5% to 7.55% per annum Total Bonds and Notes Payable 1986 College Boulevard Assessment District Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $20,550 to $910,000 on September 2 of each year through 2006 interest payable on September 2 and March 2 at rates varying from 5.75% to 8.0% per annum Capital leases (note 9) Total General Long-Term Debt 1,270,000 2,215,000 8,690,000 12,000,000 23 ,455 ,000 9,550,000 1,722,108 $ 34,727,108 63 --- ..____ CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (11) Long-Term Debt, Continued Balance June 30, 1988 Enterprise Fund Long-Term Debt: 1958 Waterworks Revenue Bonds, principal due July 1988, interest payable on July 1 1988 at 4.1% per annum $ 47,000 1960 Waterworks Revenue Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $15,000 to $65,000 on July 1 of each year through 1990, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 of each year at rates varying from 3.875% to 4.375% per annum 140,000 1970 Waterworks Revenue Bonds, principal due in amounts ranging from $95,000 to $100,000 on July 1 of each year through 1990, interest payable on January 1 and July 1 of each year at rates varying from 6.0% to 7.02 per annum 295,000 482,000 Less unamortized discount (2,468 1 Less current portion (157,000) Total enterprise fund long-term debt $ 322,532 8 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 8 1 I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (11) Long-Term Debt, Continued Debt service requirements to maturity for general long-term debt are as follows: 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994-1998 1999-2003 2004-2008 Thereafter General obligation Bond s $ 148,556 148,7 28 143,652 153,393 - - Parking and Building Au thorit ie s Revenue Bonds 318,294 307,231 340,200 326,000 316,650 466,000 1,200,200 - - 594,329 Less amounts representing interest 44,329 3,274,575 1,059,515 Certificates of Participation 431,723 7 59,561 870,085 871,435 866,448 4,319,440 4,284,040 4,256,800 851,600 17,511,138 8,821,138 Tax Allocation Bonds 871,352 871,352 1,132,352 1,133,328 1,137,938 5,721,232 5,806,054 5,816,260 3,561,180 26,129,048 - Di s tr ic t Asse asment Bond 8 915,886 914,455 915,880 975,430 973,180 4,848,928 4,8 04,47 2 3,806,400 - - 18,334,631 Total 2,751,811 3,067,333 3,462,169 3,459,586 3,294,216 16,089,800 15,360,566 13,939,460 4,4 18,780 65,843,7 21 - 14,129,048 8,784,631 32,8 38,7 2 1 Total general long-term debt $ 550,000 2,215,000 8,690,000 12,000,000 9,550,000 33,005,000 Debt service requirements to maturity for the enterprise funds are as follows: Wa t e rwork s Revenue Bonds 1989 1990 1991 $ 178,460 172,718 169,259 520,437 Less amounts representing interest 38,437 Total enterprise $ 482,000 65 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (11) Long-Term Debt, Continued The College Boulevard Assessment District Bonds were issued under provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The bonds were issued to finance a public infrastructure improvements project on College Boulevard. If a delinquency occurs in the payment of the assessment installments, the City, at the end of the fiscal year of delinquency, has a duty to transfer to the debt service fund the amount of the delinquency out of available funds of the City. Available funds consist of any surplus funds of the City not required for lawful municipal obligations. This duty of the City is continuing during the period of delinquency, until reinstatement, redemption or sale of the delinquent property. Even though neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of the bonds, the City is obligated in the manner stated above. Accordingly these bonds have been recorded in the general long-term debt account group of the City. The City has a $1,000,000 line of credit to be used for overdraft liabilities. During the year ended June 30, 1988, this line of credit was not used. (12) Advances To and From Other Funds The following table shows amounts advanced from funds in the City to other funds within the City at June 30, 1988: Advances To: Public Fac ili t ie s Cons t ruc t ion Red ev e lop - ment Fund Fund Total - Advances from: General fund $ - 1,858,897 1,858,897 General capital construction fund 1,050,000 2,877,593 3,927,593 To ta 1 $ 1,050,000 4,736,490 5,786,490 66 I I I ! I I 1 I 1 I I I I 8 I I I D I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (13) Due To and From Other Funds The following table shows amounts due from funds in the City to other funds within the City at June 30, 1988: Due To: Special Cap ita1 Revenue Projects Enterprise Section 8 General Hou 8 ing Capital Water General Authority Construction Utility Sewer Fund Fund - Fund - Fund - Fund - Due from: General Fund $- 24,351 - Special Revenue Fundo: Community Dev e logme n t Block Grant 58,083 - Nu tr it ion 10,966 - Senior Capital Project Funds : - - - Federal Grant 57,447 - Red eve lopme nt Traffic Impact - - 67,302 - - - - 130,623 - - Project Enterprise Funds: Water Utility - - - - 88,340 Sewer Fund - - - 11,274 - Total 197,925 11,274 88,340 67 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (14) Fund Balances/Retained Earnings The following is a summary of reserved and unreserved fund balances and retained earnings as of June 30, 1988: Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Cap ita 1 Fund Balances General Reserved for: Prepaid expenses $ 36,000 Inventory 33,628 Debt service 131,000 Adv anc e s to other funds 1,858,897 Subsequent Encumbrances 1,682,827 expenditures - 3,742,352 Unreserved : Designated for approved capital projects 27,127 Undesigna ted 3,996,975 4,024,102 Total fund balances $ 7,766,454 Reserved for debt service Unreserved - undesignated Total retained earnings Revenue Service Projects 107,189 - - - - - - 4,978,914 2,876,774 - - 3,927,593 638 ,7 23 - - 119,301 - 4,680,603 865,213 4,978,914 11,484,970 1 ,125,620 - 18,548,799 696,079 - 4,994,075 1,821,699 - 23,542,874 2,686,912 4,978,914 35,027,844 Propr ie ta ry Fund Typ es Internal Enterprise Service $ 520,437 - 26,425,807 1,593,174 !$ 26,946,244 1,593,174 I I 1 1 1 I I 68 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued ~ Fund Balances/Retained Earnings, Continued Reserves for prepaid expenses, inventory, subsequent expenditures and advances to other funds are established to show that certain assets are already committed to other purposes and are not available for discretionary expenditures. Reserves for encumbrances represents comitments related to unperformed contracts for services and undelivered goods. Reserves for debt service represents resources legally restricted to the payment of general long-term debt principal and interest maturing in future years. Unreserved-undesignated represents the fund balance or retained earnings remaining after reduction €or reserved and designated fund balances or retained earnings. As of June 30, 1988, the funds with a deficit in fund balance/retained earnings were: Fund Deficit Capital projects: Federal grants Redevelopment pro jec t Internal service: Genera 1 1 iab i li t y se 1 f in sura nc e $ 58,897 3,139,548 20,341 Also, the following funds had an excess of expenditures (on a budgetary basis) Over appropriations: Spec ial revenue : Mortgage Revenue Bonds Capital projects: Redevelopment Pro jec t 69 $ 16,953 31,105 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (15) Changes in Contributed Capital (16) Con tr ib u ted c ap it a 1 , July 1, 1987 Prior period adjustment (note 3) Contributed capital, as ad ju s t ed Addit ions: Cash Fixed assets Con tr ibu ted cap it a 1 , June 30, 1988 Enterprise Funds $ 31,397,315 (17,021,402) 14,375,913 792,856 297,298 $ 15,466,067 In te rna 1 Service Fund s 2 , 2 16,839 2,216,839 2,216,839 Segment Information for Enterprise Funds The City maintains two enterprise funds that provide water and sewer services. Segment information for the year ended June 30, 1988, is as follows.: Operating revenues Operating expenses : Depreciation and amortization Other Operating income (loss) Non-operating income, net Net inc ome Capital c on tr ibu t ions : Beg inning balance Prior period adjustment Current year addit ions (note 3) End ing balance Water Total Fund Funds Fund Utility Sewer Enterprise $ 1,242,720 1,965,346 3,208,066 - - 123,185 126,062 249 , 247 1,211,340 1,782,645 2,993,985 (91,805) 56,639 (35,166) 280,049 790,660 1,070,709 $ 188,244 847,299 1,035,543 $ 2,425,080 28,972,235 31,397,315 - (17,021,402)(17,021,402) - 1,090,154 1,090,154 $ 2,425,080 13,040,987 15,466,067 70 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 8 I I 8 I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued ~~ (16) Segment Information for Enterprise Funds Water Total Fund Funds Fund Utility Sewer En te rp r is e - 7 Property, plant and equipment (at cost) : Addit ions $ 6,038 161,727 167,765 Deletions 134,805 14,831 149,636 Net working capital $ 554,329 11,836,368 12,390,697 Bonds : Payable from operating 322,532 - 322,532 Payable from other sources 159,468 - 159,468 $ 482,000 - 482,000 Total assets $ 10,259,278 36,640,208 46,899,486 Total liabilities 2,372,624 2,114,551 4,487,175 Total equity $ 7,886,654 34,525,657 42,412,311 rev enu e s (17) Assessment District Bond Issues As of June 30, 1988, the City had two series of Assessment District Bonds outstanding in the amount of $642,797. These bonds were issued under the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1911 and were used to finance public infrastructure improvement projects. Subsequent to June 30, 1988, the City issued a series of Assessment District Bonds under the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 in the amount of $5,133,940. These were also used to finance public infrastructure improvement projects. For the bond issuances noted above, the City is not obligated in any manner for the payment of debt service in the event of default by the property owners but is only acting as agent for the property owners in collecting the assessments, forwarding the collections to bondholders, and initiating foreclosure proceedings, if appropriate. Accordingly, no liability for these bond issuances has been recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group and any debt service transactions have been recorded in an Agency fund. . 71 CITY OF CARLSBAD Notes to Combined Financial Statements, Continued (18 Cont ingenc ies (a) Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds have been issued to provide funds to purchase mortgage loans secured by first trust deeds on newly-constructed and existing single-family residences. The purpose of this program is to provide low interest rate home mortgage loans to persons of low or moderate income who are unable to qualify for conventional mortgages at market rates. Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds are issued to provide construction and permanent financing to developers of multi-family residential rental projects located in the City to be partially occupied by persons of low or moderate income. The balance of the revenue bonds outstanding under this program as of June 30, 1988 is $52,135,000. The bonds, together with interest thereon, are limited obligations of the City payable solely from bond proceeds, revenues and other amounts derived solely from home mortgage and developer loans secured by first deed of trust, irrevocable letters of credit, and irrevocable surety bonds. In the opinion of City officials, these bonds are not payable from any revenues or assets of the City, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City of Carlsbad, the State of California, nor any political sub-division thereof, is obligated to the payment of the principal or interest on the bonds. Accordingly, no liability has been recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. (b) The City is defendant in certain legal actions arising in the normal course of operations. In the opinion of management and legal counsel, any liability resulting from these actions will not result in a material adverse effect on the City's financial position. 72 Supplement Section I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I D I I m GENERAL FUND To account for all financial transactions net accounted for in other funds. The majority of current operation expenditures of the City other than property funds are financed through revenues received by the General Fund. 73 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fund Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Budget Variance Favor able (Unfavorable) Actual on Budgetary Basis Taxes : Property taxes Property tax reimbursements Sales and use taxes Transient lodging taxes Franchise taxes Real property transfer Cigarette taxes Trailer coach in-lieu tax taxes $ 8,565,244 234,419 7 , 128,461 1,995,447 679,405 680 , 244 21,619 (521,539) 595,447 (48 , 595) 7 , 885 , 000 212,800 7 , 650,000 1,400,000 728 , 000 391 , 232 177 , 383 25,443 116,232 7 , 383 (4 , 557) 275 y 000 170,000 30 , 000 Total taxes 846.234 19,197,034 18,350,800 Licenses and permits: Vehicle licenses (in-lieu) Construction permits Business licenses License tax on new construction Other 1,846,532 671 , 779 616,278 1 , 560,550 499 , 600 598,000 285 , 982 172,179 18,278 648,010 (6,079) 998,010 4 , 921 350,000 11,000 Total licenses and permits Charges for services: Zoning and subdivision fees Sales of maps and publications Plan checking fees Engineering fees Library and parks and recreation fees Police service fees Ambulance fees Environmental impact studies City property damage Other 4,137,520 3 , 019,150 1 , 118 , 370 (21,969) 25 , 735 158,782 (69,176) 58,031 57,382 711,282 182,599 80 , 000 31,647 552,500 251,775 670,082 371,786 37 , 248 17,486 108,589 35,355 667,095 12,249 312,500 15,000 5 , 563 77 , 605 2 , 987 23 , 106 59,286 22,248 11,923 30 , 984 Total charges for services 2,249,840 2,005,934 243 , 906 Totals, carried forward 25,584,394 23,375,884 2,208 , 510 74 Totals , brought forward Fines and forfeits: Vehicle code fines Other Total fines and forfeits Interest income Mi s c e 1 lane ou s : Reimbursed expenditures Sale of property Rents Other Total misc ellane ou 8 Total revenues Actual on Budgetary Basis $ 25,584,394 435 , 108 541 435,649 1,060,784 93,595 1,702 5,276 1,075,121 1,175,694 $ 28,256,521 Budget 23,375,884 446,200 - 446,200 700,000 159,049 15,000 4,244 1,217,131 1,395,424 25,917,508 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 2,208,5 10 (11,092) 541 (10,551) 360,784 (65,454) (13,298) 1,032 (142,010) (219,730) 2,339,013 75 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fund (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, Schedule of Expenditures - Budget Current: General government: City council City manager City clerk Researchfanalysis group City attorney Finance City treasurer Information systems Purchasing Insurance Personnel Planning Community promotion Senior citizens programs Community assistance Weed abatement Capital improvement Building maintenance Lease Development processing service Community development Contingency Other Total general government Public safety: Fire protection Police protection Building inspection Civil defense Total public safety Totals, carried forward Actual on Budgetary Basis 109,121 308 , 886 32,485 180,055 234 , 937 715 , 162 28,213 308,021 261,411 167,550 412,067 908,681 200 , 000 115,827 46 , 500 1,924 5,163 496,403 70 , 106 366,062 277,108 415,385 5,661,067 3,593,836 5 , 578,990 769,029 106,645 10,048,500 15,709,567 and Actual 1988 Budget 130,618 355,563 83,996 201,121 249 , 232 761,401 27,380 389,367 274,981 191,155 421,940 1,069,211 202,000 151,392 46,500 93,900 5,163 616,013 300,000 382,874 471,393 691,623 553,745 7,670,568 3,717,717 5 , 407,718 767,938 110,830 10,004,203 17,674,771 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 21,497 46,677 51,511 21,066 14,295 46,239 81,346 13,570 23 , 605 9,873 160,530 2,000 35,565 91,976 * 119,610 229,894 (833) - - 16,812 194,285 691 , 623 138,360 2,009 , 501 123,881 (171,272) (1,091) 4,185 (44 , 297) '1,965,204 (Continued) . 76 Actual on Budgetary Basis- Totals, brought forward $ 15,709?567 Public works: Engineering Streets Maintenance 1,949,058 2,392,817 456,466 Total public works 4,7 98 , 34 1 Culture and recreation: Parks and recreation 2,930,075 Library 1 , 768,017 Civic arts 148 , 569 Total culture and recreation 4,846,661 Total expenditures $ 25,354,569 Budget 17,674,771 2,154,204 3,936,872 516 , 309 6,607 , 385 3 , 113,505 1,768,103 155 , 254 5,036,862 29,319,018 Variance FavoraSle (Unfavorable) 1 965,204 205 , 146 1,544,055 59,843 1,809,044 183,430 86 6,685 190,201 3,964 , 449 77 SPECIAL REvElow ms Civic Arts Program To account for transfer from the General Capital Construction Fund to support the civic arts program. Community Development Block Grant To account for federal block grant for community development. Gas Tax To account for receipts and expenditures of money apportioned under Streets and Highways Code Section 2106, 2107 and 2107.5 of the State of California. Library Audio Visual Insurance To account for revenue received and expenditures on rental of audio- visual material. Low and Moderate Income Housing To account for money administered by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency for designated low and moderate income housing. Mortgage Revenue Bonds To account for money available to the City for expenditures incurred due to Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Police Asset Forfeiture To account for money received by the City under a federal program distributing property confiscated from illegal activities. 78 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 8 I I I I I Section 8 Housing Authority To account for Federal grants for low and moderate income housing supplemental payments. ~ ~~ ~ Senior Nutrition To account for money received and expenditures for senior programs under the Older Americans Act. State Grants To account for State of California grants including Library Literacy, CLSA and Department of Transportation grants. Street Lighting To account for revenue received and expenditures made from property tax assessments for street lighting. 79 Assets Cash and investments Rec e iv ab le 8 : Loan Taxes Ac c ou nt 8 Accrued interest Due from other funds Due from other governments Prepaid expenses CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1988 Civic Arts Program $ 205,974 - 2,557 - Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Advances from other governments Total liabilities Fund b a lanc e : Reserved for prepaid expenses Reserved for subsequent expenditures Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved : Designated for approved capital projects Undesigna ted Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance 80 $ 208,531 7,500 7,500 9,862 191,169 201,031 $ 208,531 Library Audio Visual In su ra nc e 96,091 Low and Mod e ra t e Inc m Hou s ing Community Development Block Grant Mor tg age Revenue Bonds . - Gas Tax 551,066 40,037 378,525 581,649 37,113 - - - 59,905 6,842 - - - 58,082 - 617,813 40,535 598,428 97,284 473,720 10 2 58,083 - - 32,354 - - 4,089 - 617,813 - 383,283 - 476,296 118,043 - 40,535 97,182 40,535 617,813 617,813 97,182 415,637 473,720 598,428 40,535 97,284 598,428 (Cont hued) 81 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet, Continued June 30, 1988 Assets Cash and investments Receivables : Loan Taxes Ace oun t s Accrued interest Due from other funds Due from other governments Prepaid expenses Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Liab i li t ie s : Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Advances from other governments Total liabilities Fund b a la nc e : Reserved for prepaid expenses Reserved for subsequent expenditures Reserved for encumbrances Unre served : Designated for approved capital projects Undes ig na ted Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance 82 ~- Police Asset Forfeiture $ 38,174 - - 9,424 - 29,224 Section 8 Housing Au thority Street Lighting Senior Nutrition State Grants 284,340 Total 292,709 2,531,784 41,739 21,480 37,113 65,456 3,145 24,351 123,285 107 , 189 35,379 - 5,551 3,145 3,339 - - - - - 6,559 - 24,351 sa ,644 107,189 304,744 2,927,702 288,037 28,039 231,923 12,701 4,085 - - 30,505 5,043 - - 7,109 872 10,966 - 71,036 27,772 69,049 72,933 13,119 17,772 72,933 - 240,790 35,548 16,786 18,947 103,824 107,189 . 638,723 119,301 107,189 20,910 - - - 58,362 5,210 266,041 - 1,125,620 696,079 - 210,834 - 9,092 2,686,912 269,196 271,251 9,092 128,099 231,923 2,927,702 304,744 288,037 28,039 83 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the year ended June 30, 1988 Civic Arts Prog ram Revenues: Taxes In te rg ov ernme nta 1 Charges for services In tere st inc om Miscellaneous $- - - 14,320 - Total revenues Expenditures: Current : General government Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing uses - operating transfers out Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance (deficit) at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year 14,320 40,856 (26,536) (26,536) 227,567 $ 201,031 84 I I Library Audio Visual In su ra nc e Low and Moderate Income Hous ing Community Dev e lopme n t Block Grant Mortgage Revenue Bonds Gas Tax 689,324 - - 80,501 - 242,921 - - 33,969 - - 103,204 19,291 - - - 69,827 6,611 - - - 3,673 - 276,890 3,673 76,438 122,495 769,825 16,953 (13,280) 72,841 3,597 - 103,244 221,934 276,890 547,891 (769,825) (221,934) 3,597 (13,280) 53,815 276,890 340,923 617,813 19,251 396,386 415,637 820,362 93,585 40,535 97 , 182 598,428 (Continued) 85 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditure8 and Changes in Fund Balance, Continued For the year ended June 30, 1988 Police Asset Fo r fe i tu re Revenues : Taxes In te rg overnme nta 1 Charges for services Interest income Mi s c e 1 la ne ou s Total revenues Expenditures : Current: General government Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing uses - operating transfers out Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance (deficit) at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year $- - - 1,440 45,012 46,452 11,401 35,05 1 35 ,05 1 3,597 $ 38,648 86 ____-- . __ Section 8 Hou s ing Au th or i tx Senior Nu tr it ion Street Light in& State Grants Total 481,297 950 17,683 - - 1,413,542 70,777 95,552 1,933,353 199,479 - 1,480,178 - 81,476 - 268,495 17,354 - - 4,637 44 - 50,496 3,712,703 499,930 285,849 1,484,859 131,972 28,354 556,113 1,584,897 445,653 325,178 - 1,462,305 - - - 331,956 - 2,940,195. 772,508 (769,825 1 556,113 331,956 122,592 1,462,305 (56,183) (46,107 22,554 - 9,380 2,683 (56,183) 325,379 (46,107 317,358 271,251 9,380 (288 1 9,092 22,554 105,545 128,099 2,684,229 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) .~ For the year ended June 30, 1988 Civic Arts Program Actual on Var ianc e Revenues : Taxes In terg overnmenta 1 Charges for services In tere s t inc ome Misc el lane ou s B udg e ta ry Basis $- - - 14,320 - Budget - - - 15,000 - Fav orab le (Unfavorable) To ta 1 Expend i tu re s : Current: General government Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay To tal expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out To ta 1 other financ ing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses 14,320 - - - 50,718 - 15,000 - - - 160,000 - 50,718 (36,398) - - 160,000 (145,000) - - ~~ 109,282 108,602 - - - $(36,398) 88 - (145,000) 108,602 Conrmunity Development Block Grant Actual on Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Gas Tax Va r ia nc e Actual on Budgetary Bas is Budget Favorab le (Unfavorable) 689,324 675,050 - - 14,274 - - 55,501 - - - - 103,204 - 103,204 19,291 - 19,291 - - - - - - 80,501 25,000 769,825 700,050 69,775 122,495 - 122,495 702,318 133,477 321 ,,158, 187,681 190 ,O 12 133,477 187,68 1 702,3 18 512,306 321 , 158 190,012 (10,982) (321,158) 579,813 (2,268) 582,081 310,176 (769,825 ) (7 69,825 - (769,825) (769,825) - (10,982) (321,158) 310,176 (190,012 1 (772,093) 582,08 1 89 ~__ .. CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Library Audi’o Visual Insurance Actual on Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues : Taxes In t e rg overnme nta 1 Charges for services Interest income Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures : Current: Ge ne ra 1 g ove rnme n t Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) 69,827 50,400 19,427 6,611 5,000 1,611 76,438 - - 69,305 - 69,305 7,133 55,400 - 73,563 - 73,563 (18,163) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses $ 7,133 (18,163) 21,038 - 4,258 - I I I I I I I I I I 4,258 I I 25,296 I - 90 Low and Moderate Income Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds Actual on Variance Actual on Va r i a nc e Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) 242,921 162,000 80,921 - - - - - 33,969 14,981 18,988 3,673 3,673 276,890 176,981 99,909 3,673 - 3,673 16,953 - (16,953) - (16,953) 16,953 (13,280) (13,280) 276,890 176,981 99,909 - (13,280) (13,280) 276,890 126,981 99,909 (Continued) 91 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Police Asset Forfeiture Actual on Va r ia nc e Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Rev enu e s : Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest income Mi s c e 1 lane ou s 1,440 - 1,440 45,012 500 44,512 Total revenues 46,452 5 00 45,952 Expenditures : Current : General government Pub 1 ic works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay 3,354 - - $ 15,687 - 19,041 - - I 3,354 To tal expenditures 19,041 15,687 30,765 Excess (defic.iency) of revenues over expenditures I 49,306 (18,541) Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out I - Total other financing sources (uses) I - Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses (18,541 $ 30,765 49,306 92 Section 8 Housing Authority Senior Nutrition Actual on Variance Actual on Variance Favorable Budgetary Favorable Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Bu dg e t (Un f av ora b 1 e Budgetary Basis - 29,095 - (31,246) - - 1,480,178 1,451,083 - - 4,637 20,000 44 - 81,476 112,722 (15,363) 44 50,496 19,250 50,496 - 13,776 131,972 112,722 1,484,859 1,47 1,083 - - 1,459,532 - - - - 1,493,197 - - - - 118,597 - 8,416 118,597 127,013 1,459,532 1,493,197 33,665 (14,291) (22 ,I 14) 27,666 13,375 47,441 25,327 13,375 (14,291) 25,327 (22,114) 47,441 27,666 (Continued) 93 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Special Revenue Funds I I Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 State Grants I Actual on Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services In tere s t inc ome Misc e llane ous 268,495 238,47 1 30,024 17,354 - 17,354 I - - Total revenues 238,471 47 , 378 285,849 Expend i tu re s : Current : General government Public works Welfare Culture and recreation Capital outlay - - 245 ,5 00 - I - 99,053 - 344,553 - I 99,053 Total expenditures 344,553 245,500 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures I 146,431 (106,082) 40 , 349 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses $ 40,349 (106,082) 146,431 I 94 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Street Lighting To ta 1s Actual on Va r ia nc e Actual on Vat ia nc e Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budp; e t (Un f av orab le) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) 481,297 484,824 (3,527) 1,413,542 1,321,874 91,668 - - - 1,933,353 1,802,276 131,077 17,683 30,000 (12,317) 199,479 109,981 89,498 - - - 95,552 500 95,052 499,930 538,824 (38,894) 3,712,703 3,309,031 403,672 950 24 , 000 (23,050) 70,777 74,400 (3,623) 612,775 691,642 612,775 691,642 (112,845) (152,818) - 32,640 19,041 (13,599) 78,867 612,775 691,642 78,867 1,578,129 1,620,210 42,081 - 365,523 578,116 212,593 - 323,489 1,023,476 699,987 - 78,867 2,912,556 3,932,485 1,019,929 39,973 800,147 (623,454) 1,423,601 - (769,8 25 ) (7 69,825 - - - - (769,825) (769,825) - ( 1 12,845 (15 2,8 18 39,973 30,322 (1,393,279) 1,423,601 95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE FUHDS Library Bonds To accumulate prop rty t xes specifically levied for payment of debt service on the 1966 Library General Obligation Bonds. Sewer Bonds To accumulate property taxes specifically levied for payment of debt service on the 1962 Series A, B and C Sewer General Obligations Bonds. Parking Authority To account for receipts received by the Parking Authority from the General Fund for payment of debt service on 1969 and 1981 Parking Authority revenue bonds. Bui Id ing Authority To account for receipts received by the Building Authority from the General Fund for payment of debt service on the 1967 Building Authority revenue bonds. Hosp Grove COP' s To account for payment of debt service on the 1988 Certificates of Participation issued to purchase Hosp Grove. College Boulevard To accumulate property assessments levied for payment of debt service on 1986 College Avenue Assessment District Bonds. Redevelopment Bonds To account for payment of debt service on 1988 Tax Allocation Bonds issued to finance improvements for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency. 97 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1988 Assets Cash and investments Rec e ivab le s : Taxes Account 8 Accrued interest Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Liab ili t ie a : Deferred revenue Total liabilities Fund balance - reserved for debt service Total liabilities and fund balance Library Bond s $ 8,939 385 89 $ 9,413 - - s- - 9,413 $ 9,413 98 Sewer Bonds 112,254 1,727 1,288 115,269 - - 115,269 115,269 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parking . Building Hosp Grove Au th or5 ty Au th ori t y COP'S 1,105,052 89,039 1,030,168 - - - - 36,000 - - 26,774 3 25 1,131,826 125,364 1,030,168 - 36,000 - 36,000 1,131,826 89 , 364 1,131,826 125,364 1,030,168 1,030,168 99 College Redevelopment Bonds Total - Boulevard 1,374,388 1,213,552 4,933,392 - - 2,112 - - 36 , 000 - 14,934 43,410 1,374,388 1,228,486 5,014,914 - - 36,000 - - 36,000 1,374,388 1,228,486 4,978,914 1,374,388 1,228,486 5,014,914 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the year ended June 30, 1988 Sewer I Library Bonds Bonds Revenues: Taxes Interest inc ome $ 21,436 321 21,757 102,207 106,112 Total revenues Expenditures : Current: Debt service : Genera 1 government Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges 105,000 I 9,871 15,000 2,621 114,871 1 Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of rwenues over expenditures 17,621 (8,759) I 4,136 Other financing sources: Operating transfers in Proceeds from sale of bonds Total other financing sources Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures (8,759) 4,136 124,028 Fund balance at beginning of year 5,277 Fund balance at end of year $ 9,413 115’269 I 100 I I I I I I D D 1 I I I I I I i I I I Hosp Grove College Red ev e lopme n t COP' 8 Boulevard Bonds Park ing Au th or i t y B ui Id ing Authority Total 1,111,325 112,629 - 987,682 - - - 16,676 - 85,217 6,5 10 1,223,954 16,676 987,682 6,5 10 85,217 8,461 5,541 2,920 300,25 0 990,338 - 20,250 - 69,083 739,125 28 2 69,083 759,375 28 2 (69,083) 228,307 16,394 25,000 9,450 135,000 159,906 297,826 (212,609) 1,299,049 39,991 (75,095) (33,48 1) 43,500 - 36,000 - 79,500 2,311,343 - - - 1,099,251 - 1,212,092 2,390,843 1,099,25 1 - 1,212,092 36,000 43,500 228,307 1,228,486 1,030,168 2,315,748 (169,109) 2,5 19 1,300,935 86,845 1,131,826 89,364 2,663,166 - 1,146,081 - 1,228,486 1,030,168 1,374,388 4,9 78,9 14 101 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Library Bonds Actual on Var ianc e Revenues: Taxes Intere st income Total revenues Expenditures : Current : Debt service : General government Pr inc ipal ret irernent Interest and fiscal charges To ta 1 expenditure s Excess (deficiency) of revenues Over expenditures Other financing sources: Operating transfers in Proceeds from sale of bonds Total other financing sources Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures Budgetary Basis $ 21,436 321 2 1,757 - 15,000 2,621 17,621 4,136 - - - $ 4,136 102 Favorable Budget (Unfavorable) 27,000 (5,564) 1,000 (679) 28,000 (6,243) 15,000 - 4,276 1,655 19,276 1,655 8,724 (4,588) 8,724 (4,588) I I I I I I I. I I I Sewer Bonds Parking Authority Actual on Va r ia nc e Actual on Variance Budge t a ry Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) 102,207 120,000 (17,793) - - - 3,905 5,000 (1,095) 85,217 85,217 - 106,112 125,000 (18,888) 85,217 85,217 - 105,000 105,000 9,871 18,903 114,871 123,903 (8,759) 1,097 (8,759) 1,097 - 2,920 2,920 - 135,000 135,000 9,032 159,906 159,906 9,032 297,826 297,826 (9,856) (212,609) (212,609) 43,500 43,500 43,500 43,500 (9,856 (169,109) (169,109) (Continued ) 103 CITY OF CARLSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 B u i Id ing Au th or it y Actual on Variance I Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Rev em e s : Tax e s In tere st income 6,5 10 6,510 6,5 10 6,5 10 Total revenues Expenditures : Current: Debt service: General government Pr inc ipal re t ireme nt Interest and fiscal charges 5,541 5,541 25,000 9,450 25,000 9,450 To tal expenditures 39,991 39,991 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expend i ture s (33,48 1 (33,48 1 Other financing sources : Operating transfers in Proceeds from sale of bonds 36,000 - 36,000 Total other financing sources 36,000 36,000 $ 2,519 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures 2,s 19 104 Hosp Grove COP'S College Boulevard Variance Favorable Budget (Un favorab le) Varianc e Favorable (Unfavorable) Actual on B udg e t a ry Basis Actual on B udg e t a ry Basis Budget 987,682 - 987,682 - 987,682 987,682 20,250 739,125 - 20,250 739,125 - - 69 08 3 - 69 759,375 759,375 69,083 69,083 (69,083) (69,083) 228,307 228,307 - 1,099,251 - 1,099,25 1 1,099,251 1,099,251 1.030.168 228.307 1,030,168 228 ,307 (Continued) 105 CITY OF CATUSBAD Debt Service Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Redevelopment Bonds Actual on Va r i a nc e Budgetary Bonds Favorable Basis Budge t (Un favor ab le Revenues : Taxe s In teres t income Total revenues - - - - $ 16,676 16,676 16,676 16,676 - Expenditures : Current: Debt service: Genera 1 government - Principal retirement - Interest and fiscal charges 28 2 To tal expenditures 28 2 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 16,394 Other financing sources: Operating transfers in Proceeds from sale of bonds - 1,212,092 Total other financing sources 1,212,092 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures $ 1,228,486 - 28 2 28 2 16,394 1,212,092 1,212,092 1,228,486 106 Total Actual on Va r ia nc e Budgetary Fav orab le Basis Budget (Unfavorable) 1,111,325 1,134,682 (23 , 357 112,629 114,403 (1,774) 1,223,954 1,249,085 (25,131) 8,461 300,250 990,338 1,299,049 (75,095) 79,500 2,311,343 2,390,843 2,315,748 8,461 300,25 0 1,001,025 1,309,736 (60,6 5 1 1 79,500 2,311,343 2,390,843 2,330,192 - 10,687 10,687 (14,444) (14,444) 107 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Construction To account for transfers from the General Fund for various municipal capital projects. Public Facilities Construction To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for specific capital projects necessitated by growth. Park Development To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for park acquisition and development. Redevelopment Bond Pro iec t To account for capital projects financed by 1988 Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Tax Anticipation Bonds. Assessment Districts To account for capital projects financed by issuance of assessment district bonds. State Grants To account for capital projects financed by state grants. Revenue Sharing To account for revenue sharing grants from the federal government. Federal Grants To account for miscellaneous grants from the federal government, including Federal Aid Urban and Highway Bridge Repairs and Replacement. 108 I I I I I I m I I I I I I I I I I I I Marron Road Improvement To account for street improvement project financed by 1988 Certificates of Participation. Hosp Grove To account for receipts and expenditures made to purchase Hosp Grove. Bridge and Thoroughfare To account for receipt of fees charged to developers in the Bridge and Thorough fare d i s tr ic t . Planned Local Drainage Facilities To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for drainage facilities necessitated by growth. Redevelopment Project To account .for financial resources segregated for the rehabilitation of commercial and public property located with the Carlsbad Village area. Traffic Impact To account for receipts of fees charged to developers for street construction and improvement. 109 Assets Cash and investments Receivables : Taxes Accounts Accrued interest Due from other funds Advances to other funds Total assets CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1988 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities : Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Advances from other funds Deposits payable Total liabilities Fund balance (deficit) : Reserved for debt service Reserved for advances to Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved : Designated for approved Undes igna ted other funds capital projects Total fund balance (deficit) Total liabilities and fund balance Public Capita 1 Facilities Park Construction Construction Development $ 3,211,914 11,163,016 2,822,719 - - - 55,500 657,823 - 197,925 - - 3,927,593 - - - 143,360 35,046 $ 7,392,932 11,964,199 2,857,765 43,951 413,343 4,416 1,050,000 43,951 1,463,343 4,416 3,927,593 - - 343 , 144 3,608,27 1 40,448 2,202,288 6,123,418 1,583,716 875,956 769,167 1,229,185 7,348,981 10,500 , 856 2,853,349 $ 7,392,932 11,964,199 2,857,765 110 Redevelopment Bond Pro iec t Federal Grants Asses me nt Dis t 1: ic t s Rev e nu e Sh ar ing State Grants 9,954,13 1 1,397,669 391,926 540,782 4,285 - 9,101 - - - 6,7 14 - - 49,638 - - 26,972 - - 10,003,769 547,496 4,338 1,424,641 401,027 376,625 -_ - - 21 5,788 - 57,447 - - 128,295 - - 63,235 228 - 504,920 21 - - 413,387 21,018 - 10 6,585,903 3,417,638 506,334 201,500 497,439 - 178,488 50,057 (58,907 1 (58,897 1 10,003,541 919,721 40 1 , 006 547,496 10,003,769 1,424,641 547,496 4,338 401,027 (Con t inued 111 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet, Continued June 30, 1988 Marron Road Imp rov erne nt Bridge and Thorough fare Assets Cash and investments Receivable s : Tax e s Accounts Accrued interest Due from other funds Advances to other funds $ 650,000 1,507,926 - 19,187 18 ,7 21 - - Total assets 1,545,834 $ 650,000 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Advances from other funds Deposits payable Total liabilities Fund balance (deficit): Reserved for debt service Reserved for advances to other funds Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for approved capital projects Und e s ig na ted 650,000 - 1,545,834 Total fund balance (deficit) 1,545,834 650,000 Total liabilities and fund balance 1,545,834 $ 650,000 112 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P 1 a nne d Local Dr a inag e Fac i li t ie 8 Tr a f f i c Imp ac t Redevelopment Project To ta 1 36,660,520 1,439,370 1,750,476 1,826,306 239,621 27,434 - - - 239,621 732,5 10 36 1,445 197,925 3,927,593 42,119,614 - 21,732 - - 1,772,208 1,706,425 1,848,980 25,181 17,000 67,302 4,736,490 - 21,885 130,623 - - - 904,613 17,000 255,372 5,786,490 128,295 7,091,770 13,175 - 15 2,508 4,845,973 13,175 2,876,774 3,927,593 4,680,603 2,876,774 147,543 - - - 106,782 18,548,799 4,994,075 198,201 1,314,717 - (6,163,865) (3,139,548) - 1,835,805 35,027,844 1,619,700 1,835,805 42 , 1 19 ,6 14 1,772,208 1,706,425 1,848,980 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the year ended June 30, 1988 Public Facilities Construction Park Deve 1 opme n t Cap it a1 Construction - - $ 32,456 261,573 294,029 - Revenues : Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services In tere s t inc ome Misc el lane ous Total revenues - - 405,270 195,684 4,532,981 711,038 - 600,954 5 , 244,019 Expend i tu re s : Current: Capital outlay Debt service: General government Interest and fiscal charges Tot a 1 expend it u re s 55,216 448,037 - 191,018 2,600,831 - 555,927 - 555,927 2,791,849 503 , 253 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (209,224) 45,027 2,45 2,170 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from the sale of bonds Contributions from property owners sources (uses) Total other financing 494,534 (44,881) - - 449,653 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses 240 , 4 29 2,452,170 45,027 Fund balance (deficit) at beginning of year Residual equity transfers 7 , 108,552 8,048,686 2,808,322 Fund balance (deficit) at end of year $ 7,348,981 10,500,856 2,853,349 114 Marron Road Imp rov erne n t Red ev e 1 opmen t Bond Project As s e s sme n t State Revenue Federal Dis tr ic t s Grants Sharing Grants - 4,024 314 - - - 569,313 - 118,810 - - 213,994 48,585 37,790 - - 12,267 332,804 617,898 50,057 4,338 65,466 - 15,597 - 57,619 - - - 4,180,840 244,947 17,093 4,813 - - 4,185,653 244,947 17,093 306 , 388 321,985 57,619 (3,852,849) 372,951 32,964 (53,281) (256,519) - 48,281 (27,818) - - - 650,000 - - (400,000) 10,660,060 - 175,593 650,000 48,281 147,775 10,260,060 (3,705,074) 421,232 32,964 (53,281 650,000 10,003,541 4,624,795 (20,226) 5 14,532 (58,s~) 650,000 919,721 401,006 547,496 10,003,541 I I (Continued) 115 CITY OF CAFUSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance, Continued For the year ended June 30, 1988 Revenues : Taxes In t e rg ov ernme n t a 1 Charges for services In t e r e s t inc ome Mi sc e 1 la ne ou s Hosp Grove Total revenues Expenditures : Current : Capital outlay Debt service : General government Interest and fiscal charges To ta 1 expend i tu re s Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from the sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses Fund balance (deficit) at beginning of year Residual equity transfers Fund balance (deficit) at end of year Bridge and Thoroughfare - 406,123 96,829 - 502,952 - 9,817 318,323 - 318,323 9,817 (318,323) 493,135 6,821,205 - 6,821,205 6,502,882 493 , 135 (6,496,548) 1,052,699 (6,334) - 1,545,834 116 I I I I 1 Planned Local Drainage Facilities Traffic Imp ac t Redevelopment Pro iec t Total 971,687 - - 136,254 - - - 76,860 127,635 - 971,687 573,337 5,968,953 2,049,947 12,267 - 396,453 154,785 - 204,495 1,107,941 551,238 9,576,191 - 970,972 6,694 1,789,977 252,928 10,891,657 I I I I I I 413,891 1,043,415 1,384,863 1,796,671 12,188,000 (276,922) (1,245,433) (2,511,809) 204,495 400,000 (3,400) - - 942,815 (572,851) 18,131,265 175,593 (96,752) 396,600 18,676,822 107,743 119,678 (1,245,433) 16,065,013 1,728,062 - (3,259,226) - 2,865,133 - 18,969,165 (6,334) (3,139,548) 1,835,805 35,027,844 1,619,700 117 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual (Budgetary Basis) ~~ ~ For the year ended June 30, 1988 Cap it a 1 Construct ion Var ianc e Actual on B udg e ta ry Basis Fav orab le (Unfavorable) Revenues : Tax e s In te rg overnmenta 1 Charges for services Interest inc ome Mi s c e 1 la ne ou s $- - 32,456 261,573 - - - 32,456 261,573 - Total revenues 294,029 294,029 Expenditures : Current: Capital outlay Debt service: General government Interest and fiscal charges (55,216) 2,378,278 55,216 615,190 - 2,993,468 To tal expenditures 2,323,062 2,617,091 2,993,468 670,406 Excess (deficiency) of revenues Over expenditures (2,993,468) (376,377) 494,534 (44,881) - - Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners 494,534 (586,580) - - - 541,699 - - Total other financing sources (uses) (92,046) 541,699 449,653 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses $ 73,276 (3,085,514) 3,158,790 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Public Facilities Construction Park Development Actual on Va r ia nc e Actual on Variance Budgetary Favorable Budge t ary Favorable Basis Budget (Un f av orab le Basis Budget (Un f av orab le - 1,253,981 411,038 - 4,532,981 711,038 3,279,000 300,000 405,270 195,684 260,000 110,000 145,270 85,684 5,244,019 3,579,000 600,954 370,000 230,954 1,665,019 191,018 - (191,018) 5,49 1,060 12,332,517 6,841,457 - - - 145,509 2,180,090 2,034,58 1 5,682,078 12,332,517 6,650,439 145,509 2,180,090 2,034,581 (438,059) (8,753,517) 8,315,458 455,445 (1,810,090) 2,265,535 (438,059) (8,753,517) 8,315,458 455,445 (1,810,090) 2,265,535 (Cont inued) I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I e CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Redevelopment Bond Project Actual on Variance Favorable (Un favorab le 1 Budgetary Basis Revenues : Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest inc ome Mi s c e 1 lane ou s $ Total revenues 65,466 65,466 Expenditures : Current : General government . Capital outlay Debt service: Interest and fiscal charges - 15,597 306.388 6,600,000 - 6,584,403 (306,388 1 To ta 1 expend i tu re s 6,600,000 6,278,015 321,985 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expend it u re s (6,600,000) (256,519) 6,343,48 1 Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners - (400,000) 10,660,060 - - - 10,660,060 - - (400,000) - - Total other financing sources (uses) (400,000) 10,260,060 10,660,060 4.060.060 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses $ 10,003,541 120 I I I I 1 I I As se s sment Dis tr ic t s State Grants Actual on Variance Actual on Va r ia nc e Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) - - - 569,313 - 569,313 213,994 - 213,994 48,585 - 48,585 118,810 - 118,810 - - - 617,898 617,898 332,804 332,804 - 4,594,227 - 4 , 980 , 7 27 386,500 - 119,799 -. 470,185 - 350,386 (4,3 13) 382,187 4,813 4,599,040 5 00 350,386 470,185 119,799 4,981,227 (470,185) (4,266,236 (4,981,227) 968 , 284 498,099 714,991 48,281 - - - 48,281 - (27,818) 175,593 - - (27,818) 175,593 - I I I I I I 48,281 48,281 147,775 147,775 (4 , 118,461) (4,833,452) 714,991 546,380 (421,904) 968,284 (Cont hued) 121 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Revenue Sharing Actual on Va r ia nc e Revenues : Taxes Interg overnmenta 1 Charges for services Interest income Mi sc el lane ous Total revenues Expenditures : Current: Capital outlay Debt service : Ge ne ra 1 g ov e rnme n t Interest and fiscal charges Tota 1 expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Opera t ing trans fer s ou t Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses Budgetary Basis $- - - 37,790 12,267 50,057 - 17,093 - 17,093 32,964 - - - $ 32,964 Budget - - - 16 , 000 - 16 , 000 - 525,000 - 525,000 (509,000) - - - - - (509,000) Favorable (Unfavorable) - - - 21,790 12,267 34,057 - 507,907 507,907 541,964 541,964 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I i m 122 I I 1 I 1 1 I D i. I I I I I I I I I I Federal Grants Marron Road Improvements Actual on Va r ia nc e Actual on Variance Budge ta ry Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Bas is Budget (Unfavorable) - 4,024 3 14 - - 4,024 3 14 4,338 4,338 - 57,630 - 967,844 - 910,214 57,630 (5 3,292) 967,844 (967,844) 910,214 914,552 - - 650,000 - - - 650,000 - 650,000 650,000 (5 3,292) (967,844) 914,552 650,000 650,000 (Con t hued) 123 I CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I 8 For the year ended June 30, 1988 Hosp Grove Actual on Va r ia nc e Budgetary Favorable 1 Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues : Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest inc me Mi s c e 1 lane ous Total revenues Expenditures : Current : Genera 1 government - Capital outlay - Debt service: Interest and fiscal charges 318,323 - a - I 318,323 318,323 Total expenditures 3 18 , 323 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (318,323) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out - Proceeds from sale of bonds 6,821,205 Contributions from property owners - (318,323 1 - 6,8 2 1,205 - - P Total other financing sources (uses) 6,821,205 6,821,205 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over I I I 1 - expenditures and other financing uses $ 6,502,882 6,502,882 Planned Local Bridge and Thoroughfare Drainage Facilities Actual on Var ianc e Actual on Va r ia nc e Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget ( Un f av orab le ) - - 406,123 96,829 - - 76,860 127,635 - - 76,860 127,635 - 250,000 156,123 50,000 46,829 204,495 502,952 300 , 000 202,952 204,495 - 9,817 - - 1,200,000 1,190,183 9,817 493,135 1,200,000 1,190,183 (900,000) 204,495 1,393,135 204,495 (96,752) (96,752) (96,752) (96,752) 493,135 107,743 (96,752) 204,495 (Continued) 125 CITY OF CARLSBAD Capital Projects Funds Combining Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures Budget and Actual, Continued (Budgetary Basis) For the year ended June 30, 1988 Red ev e 1 opme n t Pro j e c t Vat ianc e Actual on Revenues : Taxes I n t e rg ov ernme n t a 1 Charges for services In teres t inc me Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures : Current : Capital outlay Debt service: Ge ne ra 1 g ov ernme n t Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Proceeds from sale of bonds Contributions from property owners Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses 126 Budgetary Basis $ 971,687 - - 136,254 - 1,107,941 - 939,069 413,891 1,352,960 (245,019) 400,000 (3,400) - - Budget 648,000 65,519 - 713,519 - 1,321,855 1,321,855 (608,336 1 400,000 (3,400) - - Favorable (Un f avorab le 1 323,687 - - 70,735 - 394,422 - 382,786 (413,89 1) (31,105 36 3,3 17 - - - - 396,600 $ 151,581 396,600 (211,736) - 363,317 Traffic Impact Totals Actual on Variance Actual on Variance Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Un f avorab le) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) - - - 971,687 648 , 000 323,687 396,453 835,000 (438,547) 5,968,953 4,624,000 1,344,953 154,785 50 , 000 104,785 2 , 049 , 947 591,519 1,458,428 - - - 12,267 - 12,267 - - - 573,337 - 573,337 551,238 885,000 (333,762) 9,576,191 5,863,519 3,7 12,672 6,694 7,210 5 16 252,928 7,210 (245~ ia 414,286 2,449 , 134 2,034,848 12,410,277 36,020,820 23,601,543 - - - 1,043,415 318,823 (7 24,592 420,980 2,456,344 2,035,364 13,715,620 36,346,853 22,631,233 130,258 (1,571,344) 1,701,602 (4,139,429) (30,483,334) 26,343,905 - - - 942,8 15 942,815 - - - - 18,131,265 18 , 131,265 - - - - 175,593 175,593 - - - - (572,851) (714,550) 141,699 18,676,822 ia ,535,123 141,699 130,258 (195719344) 19701,602 14,537,393 11,948,211 26,485,604 127 128 I I I I u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUND Water Utility To account for the operation and maintenance of the City's water system and the payment of debt service on the 1958, 1960 and 1970 Waterworks revenue bonds. Sewer To account for the operation and maintenance of the City's sewer system. 129 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Assets Cash and investments Rec eivab le s : Ac c oun t s Accrued interest Due from other funds Inventory, at cost Combining Total current assets Restricted assets: Cash and investments Accrued interest Total restricted assets June Investment in sewage treatment facility Property, plant and equipment: Land and water rights Buildings and improvements Wells, reservoirs, and dams Transmission and distribution Sewers, sewer lines and wells Equipment and vehicles Construction in progress lines Less accumulated depreciation Property, .plant and equipment, net Total assets 130 Balance Sheet 30, 1988 Water Utility $ 893,217 1,527,539 15,708 11,274 156,683 2,604,421 4,093,067 50,816 4,143,883 231,956 37,188 1,212,852 4,014,196 214,005 - - 5,7 10,197 (2,199,223) 3,510,974 $ 10,259,278 Sewer 11,471,700 159,880 146,199 88,340 14,022 11,880,141 17,659,728 227 , 250 37,948 - - 8,238,034 497,848 135,898 9,136,978 (2,036,639) 7,100,339 36,640,208 1 To ta 1 I 12,364,917 1,687,419 .161;907 17 0,7 05 99,614 1 I 14,484,562 4,093,067 50,816 4,143,883 1 17,659,728 459,206 1 75,136 1,212,852 1 4,014,196 711,853 135,898 14,847,175 1 (4,235,862) I 10,611,313 ~ 46,899,486 I I I, I I I I I Water Utility Liabilities Total Sewer Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 1,715,404 Accrued wages payable 28,227 Due to other funds 88,340 Deposits payable 61,121 Current portion of revenue bonds payable 157,000 20,835 11,664 11,274 - 1,736,239 39,89 1 99,6 14 61,121 157,000 2,093,865 To tal current liab ili t ies 2,050,092 43,773 Long-term liabilities: Revenue bonds payable 322,532 Deferred revenue To ta 1 liab ili t ie s - 2,37 2,6 24 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 322,532 2,07 0,778 - 2,070,778 2,114,551 4,487,175 Fund Equity Con tr ibu ted c ap it a 1 2,425,080 15,466,067 13,040,987 Re ta ined earning s : Reserved for debt service 520,437 Unreserved - undesignated 4,941,137 520,437 26,425,807 - 21,484,670 26,946,244 Total retained earnings 5,46 1,574 21,484,670 34,525,657 42,412,311 Total fund equity 7,886,654 Total liabilities and fund equity $ 10,259,278 46,899,486 36,640,208 131 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings For the year ended June 30, 1988 Operating revenues : Metered water sales Sewer services charges - Other charges for services Mi s c e 1 1 a ne ou s Total operating revenues Operating expenses : Per sonne 1 sen ic es Office expenses Repairs and maintenance Profess iona 1 services In su ra nc e Purchased water Bad debt expense Depreciation and amortization Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Non-operating revenue (expenses): Xnteres t inc ome Interest and fiscal charges Loss on sale of property Non-operating income Net income Water Utility Sewer Total I I I I 1,056,722 1 $ 1.056.722 - .. - 1,934,262 1,934,262 16 - 16 185,982 31,084 217,066 1 3y208,066 I 1,242,720 1,965,346 634 , 212 135,939 422,436 7 , 099 7,330 4,198 126 123,185 1,334,525 425 , 877 1,060,089 6,029 141,968 308 , 944 731,380 878,422 885,521 12,734 20,064 1 - 4,198 150,639 150,765 126,062 1 , 908 , 707 2499247 1 3 , 243,232 (9 1,805 1 56,639 (35,166) 1 395,099 796 , 864 (29,096) - (29,096) (85,954) (6,204) (92,158) ~~ 1,07 0 , 7 09 t 280 , 049 790,660 188,244 847,299 1,035,543 I Retained earnings at beginning of year 5,273,330 2,847,969 8,121,299 Prior period adjustment - 17,789,402 17,789,402 Retained earnings at beginning of year, as adjusted 5,273,330 20,637,371 25,910,701 Retained earnings, at end of year $ 5,461,574 21,484,670 26,946,244 I 1 t 132 CITY OF CARLSBAD Enterprise Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position For the year ended June 30, 1988 Sources of working capital: Operations : Ne t inc om Items not requiring working cap it a 1 : Deprec ia t ion and amortization Loss on disposal of property, Working capital provided plant and equipment by operations Increase in contributed capital Total sources of working capital Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment Current portion and repayment of revenue bonds payable Increase in restricted assets Additional investment in sewage Uses of working capital: fac ili ty Total uses of working cap it a 1 Net inc rea se in working cap it a 1 Elements of net increase (decrease) in unrestricted working capital: Cash and investments Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Due from other funds Advances to other funds Invent o ry Accounts payable Acc ru ed wages pay ab le Deposits payable Due to other funds Current portion of revenue bonds Net increase in payable working capital Water Utility $ 188,244 123,185 85,954 397,383 397,383 - 6,038 157,000 54,329 - 2 17 , 367 $ 180,016 897,010 146,407 15,708 (86) - 3,757 (839,077) (2,130) (22,327) (12,246) (7,0001 $ 180,016 Sewer 847,292 126,062 6,203 979,564 1,090,154 2,069,7 18 161,727 - - 167,624 329,351 1,740,367 2,874 , 893 15 1,499 50,001 12,246 2,135 14,709 2,830 86 (1,368,032) - - 1,740,367 To ta 1 1,035,5 3 249,247 92,157 1,376,947 1,090,154 2,467,101 167,765 157,000 54,329 167,624 546,7 18 1,920,383 3,771,903 297,906 65,709 12,160 (1,368,032) 5,892 (8 24 , 368 7 00 (22,327) (12,160) (7,000) 1,920,383 133 134 Workers' Compensation To account for charges to other funds to insure against Workers' Compensation claims. General Liability Self-Insurance To account for charges to other funds to insure against liability claims against the City. Central Garage To account for charges to other funds to provide fleet maintenance and replacement. Health Insurance To account for charges to other funds and from employees to provide health insurance for full-time City employees. Data Processing To account for charges to other funds for data processing services. 135 CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 1988 Assets Current assets: Cash and investments Re c e iv ab le s : Accrued interest Ac c ount s Total current assets Property, plant and equipment: Machinery and equipment Less accumlated depreciation Net property and equipment Total assets Liabilities and Fund Equity Current liabilities: Ac c ou nt p ay ab le Accrued wages payable Estimated claims payable Total current liabilities Con t r ib ut e d c ap i t a 1 : Contributed from other funds Retained earnings (deficit) - unreserved Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity Workers ' Compensation $ 1,727,356 21,439 - 1,748,795 1,748,795 3 28 420,021 420,349 500,000 8 28,446 1,328,446 $ 1,748,795 136 I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I I I Genera 1 Liab ili ty Se If In sura nc e Central Garage Health In su ra nc e Data Proc es s inp; Total 111,373 4,400,524 56 , 785 16,849 2,090,17 5 156,088 4,086 (155) 315,532 25,950 1,393 3,917 17,004 4 , 474,158 112,766 336,453 160,019 2,116,125 2,138,244 (1,005,863) 299,845 (47,743) 1,838,399 (958,120) 1,132,381 252,102 880 , 279 1,040,298 5,606,539 364,868 336,453 2,116 , 125 32,941 22,568 - 23,058 8,806 2,338 98,163 24,906 1,67 3,457 33,030 1,253,436 - 1,796,526 11,144 23,058 1,286,466 55,509 850 , 000 2,216,839 1,593,174 3,810,013 85,862 267,862 353,724 780,977 203,812 984,789 (20,341) 829,659 313,395 313,395 5,606,539 336,453 2,116 ,125 1,040,298 137 -~ CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings For the year ended June 30, 1988 Workers ' Compensation Operating revenue: Charges for services Mi s c e 1 lane ou 8 Total operating revenue Operating expenses: Personnel services Office expense Repairs and maintenance Profess ional services Deprec iat ion Fue 1 Supplies and parts Claims expense , Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Non-opera t ing revenues : Interest income Gain (loss) on sale of property Total non-operating income Net income (loss) before operating transfers Operating transfers in Net income (loss) Retained earnings (deficit) at beginning of year Retained earnings (deficit) at end of year 138 $ 260,183 - 260 , 183 402,957 402,957 (142,774) 116,977 - 116,977 (25,797) (25,797) 854,243 !$ 828,446 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Liability Se If Insurance Central Garage Health In su r a nc e Data Process ing Total 543,743 - 1,083,669 - 230 , 320 3 , 195,222 1,840 1,077,307 1,840 3,197,062 230,320 1,079,147 1,083,669 543,743 242,304 23,086 94,699 34,621 177,405 162,570 131,236 . - 88,253 168,129 - - 25,894 - 330,557 191,215 94,699 34,621 203,299 162,570 131,236 2,257,063 999,602 999,602 854,504 854,504 282 , 276 (5 1,956 1 3,405 , 260 (208,198) 865,921 (3 10,761 84,067 213,226 322,370 4,404 6,143 (230) 159,066 - 19,644 - 20,540 4,634 326,774 5,913 19,644 103,711 159,066 (151,695) 25,174 (46,043) 118,576 238,400 44,400 282,800 (78,988) 203,812 42,000 (4,043) 86,400 204,976 (151,695) 103,711 209,684 313,395 1,388,198 271,905 131,354 (20,341) 267,862 139 -- CITY OF CARLSBAD Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position For the year ended June 30, 1988 Workers ' Compensation Sources of working capital: Operations: Net income (loss) $ (25,797) Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation - - Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Working capital provided (used) by operations (25,797) - Contributions from other funds Total sources (uses) of working capital (25,797) Uses of working capital - acquisitions of property, plant and equipment Net increase (decrease) in working capital $ (25,797) Elements of net increase (decrease) in unrestricted working capital: Cash and investments Ac c oun t s rec e ivab le Ac c N ed inter e s t r ec e iv ab le Accounts payable Accrued wages payable Due to other funds Estimated claims payable Net increase (decrease) in working cap it a 1 140 172,188 6,387 67 2 - (205 , 044) $ (25,797) General Liability Self In su ra nc e Central Garage Health Insurance Data Processing Total (151,695) 238,400 103,711 (46,043) 118,576 203,299 21,677 25,894 230 177,405 21,447 _____ 103,7 11 437,252 (19,9191 343,552 86,400 429,952 44,400 481,652 42,000 22,081 (151,695) 103,711 209,474 220,478 28,140 181,334 300,318 (151,695) (6,059) 103,7 11 ' (27,101) - 48 18,381 2,613 - - (41,939) 8,279 (26,099) - - - (91,936) 367,57 1 16,364 18,672 (12,521) 2,740 124,632 ( 2 9 6., 9 80 ) 156,088 2,043 17,583 127 124,632 (155) - 108,335 16,519 1,915 (23 , 058) - (6,059 1 (151,695) 300,318 220,478 103,711 141 AGENCY FUNDS Deferred Compensation To account for amount employees have deposited in deferred compensation plans offered by the City. I Contractor's Deposits To account for money deposited by contractors for designated future development. Miscellaneous Deposits To account for money deposited with the City for various items. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities For Deferred Compensation: Assets: Liabilities : Cash and investments Deferred compensation payable Contractors' Deposits: Assets: Liabilit ie s: Cash and investments Deposits payable Mi sc e 1 la ne ou s De p os it s : , Assets: Cash and investments Accrued interest Total assets Liabilities: Ac c oun t s pay ab le Deposits payable Total liabilities the year ended June 30, 1988 B a lane e Balance July 1, June 30, 1988 - 1987 Add i t ions Deductions - $ 913,796 344,17 6 - 1,257,972 $ 913,796 344,176 - 1,257,972 $ 104,129 1,516,993 343,750 1,277,372 $ 104,129 1,5 16,993 343,750 1,277,372 $ 2,421,315 8,469,428 8,077,018 2,813,725 1,470 2,154 1,470 2,154 $ 2,422,785 8,47 1,582 8,078,488 2,815,879 $ 2,624 5,155 2,624 5 , 155 2,420,161 9,583,810 9,193,247 2,810,724 $ 2,422,785 9,588,965 9,195,871 2,815,879 Totals - All Agency Funds: Assets: Cash and investments $ 3,439,240 10,330,597 8,420,768 5,349,069 Accrued interest 1,470 2,154 1,470 2,154 9440 9 lo 10,332,751 8,422,238 5,351,223 Accounts payable $ 2,624 5,155 2,624 5,155 Deposits payable 2,524,290 11 , 100,803 9,536,997 4,088,096 1,257,972 Deferred compensation Total liabilities $ 3,440,710 11,450,134 9,539,621 5,351,223 Liabilities: payable 913,796 344,176 - 143 ___~ General Fixed Assets Account Group I I I General fixed assets are those fixed assets used in operations accounted for in governmental funds. General fixed assets include all fixed assets not accounted for in an enterprise, internal service, or trust and agency fund. 144 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Land Bu i Id ing s Improvements Furniture and fixtures Construction in progress Total CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fixed Asset Account Group Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function June 30, 1988 Gene ra 1 Government $ 492,035 1,694,816 338,613 1,537,667 $ 4,063,131 Culture and Recreation 13,205,615 3 , 301 , 364 419,690 666 , 335 1,400,908 18,993,912 145 Public Safety 2 , 150,407 12,746,777 120,563 1,717,362 198,858 16,933,967 Pub lic Works 1,019,408 - 298,523 333,396 - 1,651,327 Total 16,867,465 17,742,957 1 , 177,389 4 , 254 , 760 1,599,766 41,642,337 I CITY OF CARLSBAD General Fixed Asset Account Group Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source June 30, 1988 As of June 30, 1986 Additions subsequent to June 30, 1986: General fund Community Development Block Gra n t Federal grants State grants Street 1 igh t ing General capital construction Pub 1 ic fac i 1 i t ie s Redevelopment Total investment in general fixed assets $ 27,136,537 12,067,225 85,000 15 ,301 104,303 8,612 24,171 2,197,788 3,400 $ 41,642,337 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Statistical Information Fiscal Year 1978-79 19 79-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 19 83- 84 1984-85 i985-86 1981-87 19 87-88 - Total (1) $ 10,216,677 12,176,699 16,407,099 18,623,122 15,463,426 16,723,893 22,279,7 29 36,206,852 49,443,365 42,370,463 General Government 2,634,931 2,977,618 3,648,090 2,852,858 2,272,174 2,ssi,za9 3,008,056 4,124,793 5,645,325 5,988,144 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Expenditures by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years Pub lie Safety 2,634,839 3,027,900 3,407,025 5,285,609 5,813.45 1 7,020,105 7,851,268 9,452,556 10,102,111 4,888,849 Public Worka 2,053,091 2,344,302 2,868,460 2,501,925 2,935,279 2,974,480 6,412,310 4,601,389 5,375,688 - 3,408,568 Welfare (2) - 544,597 608,009 650,202 727,155 825,236 860,556 1,052,394 1,321,504 1,584,897 Culture- Re c re a t ion 1,116,580 1,537,289 2,261,889 2,303,143 2,573,014 3,278,290 3,7 10,s 05 4,s 30,7 01 5,358,475 2,7 64,12 1 Cap ita 1 Pro jcc ta 1,6 36,17 1 1,596,829 4,996,323 1,233,048 1,033,261 4,6 19,242 12,333,087 23,032,108 11,2 16,835 3,469,027 (1) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. (2) The City assumed responsibility for the Carlsbad Housing Office in 1979-80. GENERAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION 1987 - 1988 ENERAL GOVERNMENT 8.1 PUBLIC WORKS 13 6.4 WELFARE 4% 1.e DEBT SERVICE 7% .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3 CULTURE-RECREATION 6.4 CAPITAL PROJECTS 27% 1i.e WLUES ARE IN MILLIONS Debt Senrice 141,065 148,164 144,600 437,147 358,047 519,000 922,495 2,334,003 429,azz 859,7a2 Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. 148 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I n - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - LAST TEN YEARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 1 ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .................................... ..................... 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 YEAR INCLUDES GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE 8 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS SPENDING ON CAPITAL PROJECTS LAST TEN YEARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 36 4 20 16 10 6 0 .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ................ ................ ..................................................... h-' .................. .................. 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 YEAR INCLUDES GENERAL, SPECIAL REVENUE, SERVICE 8 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DEBT 1988 149 Fiscal Year 19 78-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 19 84-85 19 85-86 1986-87 1987-88 - Total $ 9,395,988 12,673,232 16,748,825 16,543,575 18,314,250 23,870,285 31,272,744 37,078,236 45,626,319 42,769,369 CITY OF CARLSBAD General Revenue by Source (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Taxes Sales Taxes - 1,633,938 2,389,832 2,615,181 2,969,586 3,344,171 3,302,134 4,193,938 3,941,152 4,449,196 3,974,732 4,848,041 4,891,379 5,243,124 5,726,373 6,769,473 6,222,008 8,5 16,463 6,487,37 1 9,870,495 7,128,461 60 40 30 20 10 0 Fr a nc h ise Tax e s 141,189 175,257 250,101 288,956 358,228 466,102 5 15,087 586,470 663,598 679,405 Other Taxes 1,242,152 I 1,302,s 26 1,615,950 1,347,202 1,950,631 2,510,600 2,611,584 2,786,368 I 3,48 1,37 2 5,015,227 I (1) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, and Capital Projects Funds. GENERAL REVENUE LAST TEN YEAR8 MLLIONS OF DOLLARS 1 1 ...... .......................................................... I I 1 PROPERM TAX AND SALES TAX REVENUE LA8T TEN YEAR8 ............................................................................................... rl 0 .......... 3Q70 rpeOi881 l%? 1083 1084 1086 1980 lW7 laee YEAR = PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. 150 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R I I I I I I I I I I I Business Other Intergav- Charges for Licenses Licenses ernmental Services 186,845 242,342 247,798 258,663 279,973 35 1,875 428,546 47 1,470 517,972 616,278 626,749 655,588 829,623 1,343,102 1,048,332 1,133,947 537,476 1,875,243 491,267 2,551,262 2,099,942 1,777,587 3,042 , 110 2,060,542 3,525,394 2,924,892 3 ,a30,93i 5,6013,869 3,521,242 2,506,690 1,303,342 1,577,622 3,877,542 1,969,808 2,451,708 4,747,951 8,541,600 9,406,829 12,250,389 8,289,570 Fines and Forfeits 129,504 15 2,17 1 230,684 260,498 231,086 256,47 1 345,750 288,055 366,597 435,649 In tere s t 952,378 1,294,625 1,573,375 1,794,676 1,396,896 1,542,092 2,638,536 2,857,221 2,9 44,7 41 3,422,8 39 Miscel- lane ou s 134,47 1 171,197 124,791 75,963 179,271 378,245 119,492 1,240,056 958,016 1,283,513 BUSINESS UCEN8E REVENUE LA8T TEN YEAR8 ............ ................................................................. ~oo ....................................................................... ............ ..................................... ........ 15 1 WARQES FOR ERVICES LABT TEN YEAR8 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 14 CITY OF CARLSBAD Ratio of General Bonded Debt to Assessed Valuation and Net Bounded Debt Per Capita Last Ten Fiscal Years Percent of Fiscal Net Assessed Outstanding Total Per Capita Debt Population (3) 7 Year Valuation (1) Principal (2) Valuation - 19 78-79 19 79-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 19 83- 84 1984-85 1985-86 19 86-87 1987-88 $ 981,186,480 1,250,154,952 1,444,275,932 1,687,082,037 2,015,289,869 2,19 4 ,59 8,447 2,495,887,152 2,894,233,860 3,458,390,377 3,939,249,294 1,s 10,000 1,425,000 1,245,000 1,145,000 1,030,000 9 15,000 900,000 785,000 670,000 550,000 0.15% 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 47 40 35 32 26 23 20 16 12 9 32 , 100 35 , 448 35,606 36,172 39,037 40,665 44,566 48,872 55,282 58,888 (1) Net assessed value is stated at 100% of market value. Data from County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller. (2) Library and sewer general obligation bonds per the City of Carlsbad Comprehens ive Annual Financial Report s. (3) Population as of January 1 of each year per the State Department of Finance. RATIO OF OUTSTANDING GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO POPULATION PER CAPITA DEBT IN DOLLARS 60 0 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 1988 1887 1988 YEAR 1 I I I I I I I 152 I I 1 I I 8 I 1 E I E I I. I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Computation of Legal Debt Margin June 30, 1988 25% of net assessed valuation (1) $ 984,812,324 Debt limit (15% of net assessed valuation as adjusted) $ 147,721,849 Amount of debt applicable to debt limit: Bonded debt (2) Certificates of participation Capitalized leases 24,315,000 8,690,000 1,722,108 Total amount of debt applicable to debt limit 34,727,108 Legal debt margin Percent of debt limit $ 112,994,741 23.51% . (1) Beginning January 1, 1987, a change in state law required the County Assessor to assess all taxable property at 100% of full value as opposed to the prior practice of assessing property at 25% of full value. To be consistent with previous years, the assessed valuation used for this computation is at 25% of full value. (2) Total bonded debt: Library and Sewer Parking and Building Authorities College Boulevard Assessment District Tax Allocation Bonds Total bonded debt $ 550,000 2,215,000 9,550,000 12,000,000 $ 24,315,000 153 __ _- CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt June 30, 1988 ~ 1987-88 Total Assessed Valuation: $4,014,899,694 (after deducting $81,975,182 redevelopment tax allot at ion increment) Direct and Overlapping Bonded debt: San Diego County Building Authorities San Diego County Water Authority San Diego County Water Certificates Me tropoli t an Water Di s tr ic t Carlsbad Unified School District Carlsbad Unified School District Authority San Marcos Unified School District San Dieguito Union High School District Enc initas Union School District Encinitas Union School District Authority of Participation (various issues) Other School Districts Tri-City Hospital District Palomar Polmerado Hospital District Leucadia County Water District & San Marcos County Water & I .D. ' s #1,2,6 Costa Real Municipal Water District Costa Real (Carlsbad) Municipal Water & Authority I.D. #l Certificates of Participation Di s tr ic t , Improvement Di s t r ic t s #l, 2, 3, 4 Olivenhain Municipal Water District City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Building and Parking City of Carlsbad 1915 Act Bonds City of Carlsbad Public I.D. fl Au th or it y Improvement Corporation X Applicable 4.444% 4.601 4.601 0.765 96.051-96.056 96.025 22.781 9.042 24.212 24.212 33.828 Various 0.745 49.258 & 3.370 6.259-10.847 99.060 9 8 .-I 06- 9 9 . 0 5 4 30.829 100.000 100.000 100.000 100 .ooo Debt June 30, 1988 $ 11,923,474 1,300,013 - 4,601,000 4,020,5 34 525,555 6,049,575 375,285 298,386 332,915 277,227 8,564 896,830 116,369 333,462 164 , 344 11,887,200 894,429 439,313 550,000 (1) 2,215,000 9,550,000 8,690,000 $ 65,449,475 (1) Excludes tax allocation bonds and capitalized leases. Ratios to Assessed Valuation: Direct Debt ($11,455,000) 0.282 Total Debt 1.63% Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 154 I I Fiscal Year 19 78- 79 19 79-80 19 80-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 19 86- 87 19 87- 88 - CITY OF CARLSBAD Ratio of Annual Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total Governmental Expenditures Last Ten Fiscal Years Principal Interest $ 85,000 56,038 95,000 53,164 95,000 49,600 100,000 49,160 115,000 42,797 15,000 (3) 38,022 115,000 33 ,7 23 115,000 29,727 115,000 27,505 120,000 12,492 Total Debt Service (1) 141,038 148,164 144,600 146,160 157 ,797 53,022 148,723 144,727 142,505 132,492 Total Gov ernme n ta 1 Expenditures (2) 10,216,677 12,176,699 16,407,099 18,623,122 15,463,426 16,723,893 22 , 297,7 29 36,206,852 49,443,365 41,960,15 3 Ratio of Debt Service to Gov ernme n ta 1 Expenditures % 1.4% 1.2 0.9 0.8 1 .o 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 (1) Debt service requirement on General Obligation Bonds comprised of 1962 Sewer Bonds Series A, By C; and 1966 Library Bonds. Excludes debt service for the Assessment District and the Building and Parking Authorities. (2) (3) In 1983-84, the City began recording principal payments in the year they become payable. The general obligation principal payments for the City's Sewer Bonds are due July 1 and have previously been recorded as paid by the Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Project funds. City on June 30 each year. I RATIO OF DEBT 8ERMC€ 10 QENERAL EXPEMMTURE8 RATIO (IN SI 1.8 I 1 o1 ................ .._..._..._.. ..... .................................................... ............................ Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Finanical Reports. 155 CITY OF CARLSBAD Revenue Bond Coverage Water Bonds ~~ Last Ten Fiscal Years He t Revenue Direct Available Fiscal Gross Operating for Debt Debt Service Requirements Year Revenue Expenses Service Principal Interest Total Coverage - 1978-79 $ 1,525,143 1979-80 1,806,817 1980-81 1,977,591 1981-82 2,084,262 1982-83 1,934,415 1983-84 1,672,564 1984-85 1,371,214 1985-86 1,522,383 1986-87 1,532,953 1987-88 1,637,819 1,269,836 1,333,560 1,655,756 1,620,519 1,945,681 1,557,173 1,119,336 1,317,953 933,368 1,334,525 255,307 90,000 473,257 95,000 341,835 105,000 463,743 215,000 (11,266) 115,000 25 1,878 125,000 204,430 130,000 599,585 140,000 303,294 15 0 , 000 115,390 (1 1 85,603 80,377 74,985 69,7 15 64,492 56,875 50,138 42,531 38,549 29,096 175,603 175,377 179,985 284,7 15 179,492 56,875 175,138 172,531 178,549 179,096 145% 27 0 190 16 3 20 3 144 118 336 169 (6 1 (1) In 1983-1984 the City began recording principal payments for the Water Revenue Bonds in the year they became payable. In prior years principal payments had been recorded as paid on June 30 of each year rather than July 1 of the following year. Sources: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 156 WTER ENTERPRISE GROSS REVENUE AND DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES 500 ......................................................................................................................................................................... I I I 1 I I I 1 SEE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NET REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE LAST TEN YEARS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 YEAR SEE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR F U RT HER I N F OR MAT I ON 157 Year 19 79 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 (Est bate) 1995 (Est hate) 2000 (Est hate) - WPUWlON AB OF JANUARY 1 PER aTm DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - CITY OF CARLSBAD Demographic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Population Square Percent County Miles Population (4) Change Population (1) 29.1 29.4 29.7 29.8 32.0 32.0 35.6 36 .O 39.7 39.7 32,100 35,448 35,606 36,172 39,037 40,665 44,566 48,872 55,282 58,888 14.9 10.4 0.4 1.6 7.9 4.2 9.6 9.7 13.1 6.5 1,767,450 1,808,200 1,924,700 1,986,035 2,041,362 2,083,359 2,166,169 2,240,659 2,327,657 1,899,900 75,300 (3) (2) 92,100 (3) (2 1 107,300 (3) (2 1 City Population Percent of County 1.8% 2 .o 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.8 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.5 (1) Source - County Data Base, San Diego County. (2) County future population estimate not available. (3) Population for City General Plan area - San Diego Association of Governments Series VI population forecast. (4) Source - State Department of Finance. POPULATION LAST TEN YEAR8 IN THOUSFJJDS 70 I .............................................................................................................................. -1 .......................................................................................... *Ol:l __ 1070 ......... lOe0 loel 1m2 10110 1w lo00 lo& P07 lW8 YEAR 158 c 159 Fiscal Year 19 78- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 19 83- 84 19 84- 85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 - CITY OF CARLSBAD Schedule of Assessed Valuation Last Ten Fiscal Years Less Secured Unsecured Property Property Property Exemptions $ 999,559,196 1,273,499,832 1,467,470,336 1,700,974,823 2,027,411,290 2 , 19 5,6 11,840 2,48 7,497 , 17 3 2,893,268,927 3,456,419,183 3,937,879,614 43 , 29 3 , 144 51,751,756 35,508,800 43,077,175 50,604,897 57,309,394 75,231,054 77,524,350 80,781,420 98,879,688 8,685,684 9,419,844 10 , 3 15,004 8,210,761 13,841,078 8,401,587 14,605,675 18,616,217 19,248,842 21,859,608 Total Asses sed Va lua t ion 1,034,166,656 1,315,831,744 1,504,664,237 1,735,841,237 2 , 064 , 17 5,069 2 , 244 ,5 19,647 2,548,122,552 2,952,177,060 3,517,951,761 4,014,899,694 NET TAXABLE VALUE LAST TEN YEARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 6000 1 II I . .............. ............. 2000 1.1 1979 1980 a 1981 1982 Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller. 160 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bus ine 8 s Inventory Exempt ions 16,640,376 20,8 29 , 19 2 Home owner ' s Exempt ions 36,339,800 44,847,600 43,388,200 48,759,200 48,885,200 49,921,200 52,235,400 57,943,200 65,492,000 75 , 6 50,400 161 Net Assessed Va lua t ion 981,186,480 1,250,154,952 1,687,082,037 2,015,289,869 2,194,598,447 2,495,887,152 2,894,233,860 3,458,390,377 3,939,249,294 1,444,275,932 Fiscal Year 19 78- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 19 83- 84 19 8 4- 85 1985-86 1986-87 - 1987-88 CITY OF CARLSBAD Construction and Business Activity B ui Id ing Permit Revenue $ 119,224 181,839 328,453 271,542 490,100 1,068,876 1,055,738 1,397,129 1,230,100 671,779 Last Ten Fiscal Years Business Percent Estimated Licenses Change Va hat ion Revenue (77.11% $ 23,700,000 $ 186,845 52.5 41,900,000 242,342 80.6 85,900,000 247,798 (17.3) 5 2,7 00,263 258,663 80.5 79,400,000 279,973 118.1 19 8,5 20 , 304 35 1,875 (1.2) 213,403,469 428,546 32.3 263,548,7 19 47 1,470 (12.0) 245,661,491 517,972 (45.4) 127,831,606 616,278 Percent Change 23.1% 29.7 2.3 4.4 8.2 25.7 21.8 10 .o 9.9 19 .o ESTIMATED BUILDING VALUATION 1079 - 1988 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 1 200 160 100 60 0 .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ................................. 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 YEAR 1986 1988 1987 1988 Source: City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. 162 I I n 1 I I I I I I I I B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fiscal Year (1) 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 19 83- 84 19 84-85 1985-86 1986-87 19 87- 88 CITY OF CARLSBAD Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Nine Fiscal Years Total Current Levy (2) $ 3,177,757 3,819,009 4,491,805 5,082,021 5,605,774 6,051,971 7,013,691 8 , 644 , 209 9,922 , 196 Total Cur rent Collections (3) 3 , 177,892 3 , 742 244 4,325,152 5,017,599 5,491,980 5,984,957 7 , 201,032 9,502 , 177 10,797,171 x of Levy Collected 100.00% 97.99 96.29 98.73 97.97 98.89 102.67 109.93 108.82 (1 1 (2) Opening charges. Does not include Supplemental Assessments. (3) Collections include prior years' delinquenies Information prior to fiscal year 1979-80 is unavailable. TOTAL TAX LEVY 1980 - 1988 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ................... ................................................ ...................................................................................................................... VI I I I I I I 1980 1981 1982 1983 1884 1986 1988 1987 1988 YEAR 163 CITY OF CARLSBAD Fiscal Year - 1987 1988 Special Assessment Billings and Collections Collge Boulevard Assessment District Last Two Fiscal Years Special Assessment Billings $ 1,000,362 988,116 $ 1,988,478 Special Assessments Collected 996,884 987,682 1,984,566 Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller. 164 CITY OF CARLSBAD Miscellaneous Statistical Information Date of incorporation Type of city Form of government Area Population Number of street lights Miles of streets Fire Protection: Number of stations Number of firefighters and officers Police Protection: Number of stations Number of sworn police officers Municipal Water District: Number of customers Average daily consumption Miles of lines and mains Miles of sewers Recreation and Culture: and unimproved) Number of parks (improved Area of parks Pools Number of libraries Number of volumes Total number of City employees 165 July 16, 1952 General Law Cou nc i 1 /Ma nag er 39.7 sq. miles 58,888 4,071 180 4 56 1 65 15,750 13.7 million gallons 200 95 35 306.2 acres 1 2 192,930 39 5 Taxpayer La Costa Hotel & Spa Corp. Hughes Aircraft Co. (Corp.) Upland Industries Corp. Multi-Family Associates Beckman Instruments, Inc. Federated Dept. Stores, Inc. Pueblo De Oro, Ltd. Carlsbad Inn, Ltd. La Costa Partners Wave Crest 11, Ltd. et a1 CITY OF CARLSBAD Principal Taxpayers 1987-1988 Type of Business Hotel & Spa Manufacturer Land Developer Land Developer Manufacturer Retail Store Apartments Hotel Hotel & Spa Land Developer . Valuation $ 353,957,107 73,080,474 57,185,495 24,290,200 20,339,391 19,281,111 17,783,400 17,476,823 15,703,616 14,088,377 $ 613,185,994 (1) Net assessed valuation for 1987-1988 - $3,939,249,294 Source: County of San Diego Office of the Auditor and Controller I D I Percentage of total net assessed valuation (1) 9.0% 1.8% 1.4% .6% .5% .5% .5% .4% .4% .4% - 15.5 - - I I I I 1 1 I I 1 8 I 8 166 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I D I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Principal Employers 1987-1988 Firm Product /Se rv ic e Emp loy ee s Manu fac tur ing: Hughes Aircraft Company, Pur i t a n-Benne t t Corpora t ion Ea ton-Leonard Corporation B eckman Instrument 8 Watkins Products Dyna Med Inc. Sierrac in-Magnedyne Inc. Sargent Industries Industria 1 Products Div is ion Non-Manu fac turing: Plaza Camino Real La Costa Hotel & Spa Car Country Auto Dealere Carlsbad Unified School District San Diego Gas & Electric, Encina City of Carlsbad Farmer's Insurance - Regional Pea Soup Andersen's Jazzercise Electronic components Medical Equipment Vending machines Microbics operation Spas Emergency medical products Electronic motors Industrial Seals Shopping center (5 major Hotel & health spa Car dealers Education Power generation knic ipal Government In suranc e Re s t au ra n t /Ho t e 1 Dance Fitness department stores) all major agencies Source: . City of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 167 1,500 45 0 27 5 240 185 195 162 150 1,000 1,000 500(est.) 4 25 4 14 395 3 20 250 101