HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-24; City Council; 9829; Request to discharge groundwater cleanupC'~Y OF CARLSBAD - AGEN V BILL AR# SoOv^l MTG. 1-2U-89 OPPT. fcrslC. TITLE: REQUEST TO DISCHARGE GROUNDWATER CLEANUP FLOW INTO SEWER SYSTEM DPPT. HD^/f • CITY ATTY_U/^S oDC.OL O oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.approving the submittal of an application to the Encina Administrative Agency for authorization to discharge groundwater cleanup flow into the Encina Joint Sewer System and authorizing the City Engineer to issue a permit for that purpose. ITEM EXPLANATION: A decision was made in early 1986 by the Unisys Corporation (formerly Burroughs) to relocate its Carlsbad manufacturing operations and sell the Carlsbad Facility. As a part of the plant environmental closure activities, three groundwater monitoring wells were installed and solvent contamination was detected in one monitoring well. The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) was notified of the contamination and three additional monitoring wells were installed to determine the location of the source and the extent of the groundwater contamination plume. Results from these additional monitoring wells indicated that the contamination source may have been a chemical storage area which was previously located at the south end of the current chemical storage building. The area of the groundwater contamination plume is very localized and fully contained within several hundred feet of the source. On May 28, 1987 the RWQCB issued Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 which directs Unisys to provide a remedial groundwater cleanup program. On September 9, 1987 the RWQCB issued Addendum No. 1 to Order No. 87-17 which sets final cleanup levels for the affected groundwater. Since the Cleanup and Abatement Order has been issued, monitoring wells have been sampled on a quarterly basis and have shown no significant changes in contamination levels. The Encina Administrative Agency (EAA) approved a Groundwater Cleanup Policy on October 28, 1988 which allows member agencies to grant permits for the discharge of groundwater cleanup flows into the sewer system (Exhibit B). However, member agencies must submit permit applications to the EAA and obtain their approval prior to issuing the permits. Unisys has submitted an application for a permit to discharge their treated groundwater into the Carlsbad sewer system (Exhibit C). City Council approval of the application submittal to EAA and authorization for the City Engineer to grant the permit after EAA approval is required prior to issuance of the permit. Unisys is required to submit a certificate of insurance covering liabilities for up to five million dollars to Carlsbad before the application is approved. They are also required to provide a Hold Harmless Agreement in a form acceptable to the City and the EAA before the permit is issued. PAGE TWO OF AB# FISCAL IMPACT: Unisys will be required to pay City sewer fees for the groundwater discharged into the sewer system depending on the rate of flow. EXHIBITS: A. Resolution No. R^-Qd- approving the submittal of an application for authorization to discharge groundwater cleanup flow into the Encina Joint Sewer System and authorizing the City Engineer to issue a permit for that purpose. B. EAA Groundwater Cleanup Policy. C. Unisys application for permit to discharge groundwater cleanup flow into Encina Joint Sewer System. Exhibit B GROUNDWATER CLEANUP POLICY Approved by EAA October 26, 1988 PURPOSE: BACKGROUND: POLICY: PROCEDURE: To establish rules and procedures to be applied in reviewing requests by member agencies to authorize the discharge of any groundwater cleanup flow into the Encina Joint System. Requests have been made by certain industries and com- mercial operations in the Encina service area for authorization to discharge cleaned up groundwater into the Encina Joint System. The Fortieth Supplement to the Basic Agreement (1) requires that the Encina Administrative Agency (EAA) adopt a policy and procedure to be followed when considering any request by a member agency to authorize such discharges into the Encina Joint System, and (2) allows such requests to be con- sidered on a case-by-case basis. Requests to authorize the discharge of cleaned up groundwater shall be approved by the EAA on a temporary and conditional basis only, and only if the applicant (potential discharger) has documented that (1) the applicant and the polluted groundwater are within the Encina service area and within the jurisdiction of a member agency, (2) the applicant possesses a legal con- nection to the sanitary sewer of a member agency, (3) the member agency has adequate capacity to accept the proposed flow, (4) there is no other economically and technically feasible method to dispose of the proposed discharge, (5) the technology and equipment used provide adequate assurance that there will be no adverse impacts on the EWPCF, its employees, or its discharges, and (6) the applicant has adequate resources and/or insurance to fully indemnify the EAA and the Encina Joint Powers from any and all claims and/or damages arising out of or in connection with the proposed discharge. 1. Applicants shall submit written requests to the member agency in whose service area they are located. 2. The member agency shall require that the application include all of the following: a. Full address of the location of the site from which the cleaned up groundwater is to be discharged, Ref: 1D2.4972.1 b. The full name and address of the owner of the cleanup site, c. A detailed history of the discovery of the pollutant and/or contaminants that resulted in cleanup being required, d. The approximate quantity, in gallons per day, that is proposed to be discharged into the Encina Joint System, e. Whether the groundwater has been or may be classified as toxic or hazardous using the cri- teria established by regulations of the EPA, the State of California, and/or the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, f. A detailed description of the pretreatment, if any, required by th San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, g. A detailed description of the alternatives con- sidered, including reasons why all other discharge alternatives were not pursued, h. A detailed description of any pretreatment program proposed to be established and imple- mented by the applicant prior to discharge of any cleaned up groundwater, i. The full name and addresses of the employees and/or officers of applicant who will be responsible for the pretreatment program of the applicant, j. A site plan showing the layout of existing facilities, extent of groundwater con- tamination, and location of proposed cleanup wells and treatment facilities, k. The amount of any general liability insurance covering applicant at the time the application is submitted, the inception and expiration dates(s) of any general liability insurance policy(s), whether such insurance policy excludes coverage for damages resulting from discharge of contaminated groundwater, the name and address of the insurance agent for applicant and the name and address of the insurance com- pany that issued the general liability policy(s) that provide general liability insurance coverage for the applicant, and, 1. The type of commercial, industrial, or other activity that is being or has been operated or conducted at the cleanup site. 3. The member agency shall review the application and determine a. whether policy criteria 1 through 3 have been met, and b. whether the member agency wishes to reject the application or apply for authorization from the EAA. "~ Ref: 1D2.4972.2 4. If the member agency wishes to apply for authoriza- tion to accept the discharge, the member agency shall submit a copy of the application and a nonre- fundable application processing fee of two thousand dollars to the EAA. The fee may be submitted in the form of a check from the applicant made payable to the EAA. 5. Printed application forms requesting information, including the items described in Section 2, will be developed by EAA staff. Once developed, these completed forms will be required as part of the applicant's written request. 6. Within forty-five (45) days after EAA receives a written request by an applicant to discharge cleaned up ground water EAA staff will advise the applicant whether the request is complete. If the application is incomplete or insufficient, EAA staff will notify the applicant in writing and will allow the appli- cant thirty (30) days to furnish the additional information. If at the end of thirty (30) days the application is still incomplete, the application will be considered withdrawn. Once the application is deemed complete, the EAA will have one hundred and twenty (120) days to make a decision. The member agency will be notified in writing of the decision within ten (10) days following the decision. 7. EAA staff will review the completed application and prepare a written recommendation to the EAA. If EAA staff recommends that the EAA authorize the discharge, the recommendation will include all con- ditions (monitoring, sampling, testing, reporting, etc.) that EAA staff believes should be made part of the authorization. If EAA staff believes that the proposed discharge will adversely affect Encina, a recommendation to deny the request will be made. 8. EAA will review the staff recommendation and deter- mine whether or not to authorize the member agency to accept the proposed discharge. Any authorization from EAA will require that the member agency include all the conditions approved by EAA in any ground- water discharge permit issued by the member agency to the applicant. 9. The following conditions will be included in all authorizations made by EAA: a. Authorizations shall be non-transferable and shall be given for no more than a year at a time. Ref: 1D2.4972.3 b. Authorization renewals will be considered only if the applicant submits a written request through the appropriate member agency, describing any and all changes in conditions since the original application was filed, to the EAA at least sixty (60) days before the authorization expires. c. The member agency must require the applicant to allow an EAA representative to inspect, moni- tor, and/or sample as needed to ensure that no harm comes to the EWPCF, its employees, or its discharge. d. The member agency must require that the appli- cant pay EAA directly for all costs associated with such tasks. e. The member agency must require that the appli- cant have an executed indemnity agreement with the member agency, prior to initiating any discharge, that holds EAA and the Encina Joint Powers harmless from any and all claims and/or damages arising out of or in connection with the discharge of the cleaned up groundwater. The indemnity shall include all costs incurred by EAA in the investigation and/or defense of any claims. f. The member agency must require that the appli- cant either maintain throughout the period of discharge diability insurance coverage covering all liability for damages resulting from the discharge in an amount of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) or have an uncom- mitted net worth of five million dollars ($5,000,000) or more. g. The member agency must require that the appli- cant stop discharging within twenty-four (24) hours of notice from the EAA or its General Manager. 10. None of the following types of discharges will be authorized: a. Toxic and/or hazardous discharges. b. Discharges that violate any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or rule. 11. Requests for authorization renewal shall be reviewed and considered in the same manner as original applications, except that no processing fee shall be charged. Any testing necessary to substantiate changed conditions shall be conducted and charged directly to the applicant as allowed for in Sections 9c and d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY FOR AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE GROUNDWATER CLEANUP FLOW INTO THE ENCINA JOINT SEWER SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THAT PURPOSE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That submittal of an application for authorization from the Encina Administrative Agency to discharge groundwater cleanup flow into the Encina Joint Sewer System (Exhibit C) is hereby approved. 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized to grant a permit to the Unisys Corporation to discharge groundwater cleanup flow into the Encina Joint Sewer System pending permit application approval by the Encina Administrative Agency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 24th day of January 1989 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ALETHA L.RAUTENKRANZCity Clerk (SEAL) Exhibit C APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE GROUNDWATER CLEANUP FLOW INTO THE ENCINA SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. Application submitted to: L I oyd B. Hubbs, P.E. City Eng i neer C i ty of Car Isbad Engineering Department 2075 Las Pa I mas Dr i ve Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 2a Address of site from which the cleaned up groundwater will be discharged: Unisys Corporation 5600 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 2b Full name and address of the owner of the cleanup site: Unisys Corporation Corporate Headquarters Township Line & Union Meeting Road Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19424-0001 2c Provide a detailed history of the discovery of the pollutant and/or contaminants that resulted in the cleanup being requ i red: During the first quarter of 1986 Unisys (formerly Burroughs) Corporation decided to relocate its Carlsbad manufacturing operations and sell the Carlsbad facility. As a part of the plant environmental closure activities, three groundwater monitoring wells (MW-A, MW-I and MW-0) were installed and solvent contamination was detected in monitoring well MW-I. The Regional Water Quality Control Board was notified of the contamination and three additional monitoring wells (MW-P, MW-Q and MW-R) were installed to determine the location of the source and the extent of the groundwater contamination plume. Results from these additional monitoring wells indicated that the contamination source may have been a chemical storage area which was previously located at the south end of the current chemical storage building. The area of the groundwater contamination plume is very localized and fully contained within several hundred feet of the source. In August 1987, a soil gas investigation was performed at the Unisys" Car Isbad site and adjacent Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR) property. The purpose of the soil gas investigation was to more completely define the groundwater contamination plume and determine if any contamination source remained in the soil. As a result of the soil gas data, two additional groundwater monitoring wells (MW-S and MW-T) were installed on the DPR property. Results from the soil gas investigation and additional groundwater samples confirmed that the contamination plume is very localized and that there is no remaining solvent source in the soil which might discharge contaminants to the underlying groundwater aquifer. The test results also revealed a small secondary groundwater contamination plume on the DPR property which is centered in the vicinity of monitoring well MW-T. The DPR was notified of the contamination plume and a Temporary Use Permit has been obtained to al low instal lation of extraction wel I pumps, controls and piping in order to provide cleanup of this secondary contamination plume. On May 28, 1987 the RWQCB issued Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 which directs Unisys to provide a remedial groundwater cleanup program. On September 9, 1987 the RWQCB issued Addendum No. 1 to Order No. 87-17 which sets final cleanup levels for the affected groundwater aquifer. On November 18, 1987 the RWQCB issued a letter to Unisys indicating that the secondary DPR property groundwater contamination plume is also covered under Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 and that cleanup and monitoring of this plume is also required. Since Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 has been issued, monitoring wells MW-I, MW-Q and MW-T have been been sampled and analyzed on a quarterly basis and have shown no significant changes in constituent levels. 2d Approximate quantity, In gallons per day, that is proposed to be discharged Into the Encfna Joint Systen: The maximum proposed discharge to the Encina Joint System is 86,400 gallons per day. 2e Whether the groundwater has been or may be classified as toxic or hazardous using the criteria established by regulations of the EPA, "State of California and/or San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board: The groundwater concentrations for several purgeable halocarbon constituents are currently higher than State action levels for drinking water. The following table shows the existing groundwater constituent levels, RWQCB final cleanup levels and State drinking water action levels: Const i tuents *Ex i st i ng Groundwater Leve 1 s 38 ug/l 400 ug/i 400 ug/l <5 ug/l RWQCB Cleanup Levels 20 ug/l 60 ug/l 200 ug/l 40 ug/l State Drinking Leve 1 s 20 ug/l 6 ug/l 200 ug/l 40 ug/l 1,1 D i chIoroethane 1,1 DichIoroethyIene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane MethyIene Chlor ide * Existing values reported are the highest single sample values obtained from the 1988 third quarter monitoring report submitted to the RWQCB. Samples were taken on September 23/25, 1988 by Woodward-Clyde Consultants and analyzed by Analytical Technologies, Inc. No other volatile organic constituents were detected utilizing EPA methods 601 or 624. The treated groundwater which will be dicharged to the Encina Joint System will have purgeable halocarbon concentrations below State action levels for drinking water (reference section 2h), and will therefore not be classified as toxic or hazar dous. 2f Provide a detailed decription of the pretreatment, if any, required by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board: The San Diego RWQCB has not required any specific pretreatment of the groundwater. Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 and its associated documents specify only that a remedial groundwater cleanup program be implemented to achieve the required cleanup levels. Unisys proposes to install a stripping tower system to remove solvents prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Please referrence Section 2h for a detailed description of the proposed pretreatment system. 2g Provide a detailed description of the alternatives considered, including reasons why all other discharge alternatives were not pursujed: The following alternatives were analyzed in an attempt to comply with RWQCB Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 and to ensure that Unisys cleanup actions would have no adverse environmental impact on the Carlsbad community: Alternative 1 - Provide no remedial cleanup of the groundwater aquifer. The San Diego RWQCB has determined that remedial cleanup of the groundwater aquifer is required in order to comply with the State's "Non-Degradation" Policy. Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 directs Unisys to implement a remedial groundwater cleanup program. Alternative 2 - Install a stripping tower system and discharge the treated groundwater to surface water. Stripping tower systems represent the best technology available for removing solvent contaminants from water. However, the RWQCB has denied permission to discharge the treated groundwater to surface water (Cannon Lake) because of its low level metals concentrations and high nitrogen, phosphorous and total dissolved solids (TDS) content. There is currently no feasible method for reducing the TDS and metals concentrations to acceptable levels. Alternative 3 - Install a stripping tower system and pipe the treated discharge water to an ocean outfall. The RWQCB has denied permission to discharge the treated groundwater to an ocean outfall because of low level metals concentrations which are not consistent with the State's Ocean Plan. There is currently no proven, commercially available technology capable of reducing the metals concentrations to the extremely low levels (5 ppb) required for ocean discharge. Alternative 4 - Install a stripping tower system and re-inject the treated groundwater back into the aquifer. HydrogeoIogists from two independent consulting firms have reviewed the Carlsbad facility soil and aquifer data and strongly recommended against attempting re-injection for the following reasons: a. Soi I and water data obtained from the instal lation of nine monitoring wells indicate that the subsurface soil layers and aquifer are non-homogeneous strata which vary greatly from location to location. Because of these variations, it would be impossible to accurately model what would happen to the profile of the aquifer if water is re-injected. b. The groundwater exists as a semi-confined aquifer which starts at only eleven feet below the surface and is under constant upward pressure. Significant pumping would be required to force water back into the aquifer and the level of the aquifer will rise approximately six feet near the re-injection wells. c. The groundwater is high in both total dissolved solids and biological nutrients. There is a high probability that the injection wells would clog up and cease to function from the effects of biological growth, mineral deposits and or compaction of the surrounding soils. New injection wells- would have to be installed at time intervals of a few weeks to a few months. Constant installation of new wells would signifigantIy slow down the cleanup process, increase the potential for systems failure, and greatly increase operat i ng costs. Alternative 5 - Install a charcoal filter solvent removal system in place of the stripping tower. The charcoal filter solvent removal system suffers from exactly the same groundwater discharge limitations as the solvent stripping tower alternatives. This system is also more susceptible to to failures than a stripping tower and the solvent contaminated charcoal must be landfilled or incinerated as a hazardous waste. 2h Provide a detailed description of any pretreatment program proposed to be established and implemented by the applicant prior to .discharge of any cleaned up groundwater: Unisys proposes to install three groundwater extraction wells and a counter-current air stripping tower system to remove solvent contaminants from the affected groundwater. Please reference attached Unisys Carlsbad Air Stripping Tower System diagram. In order to contain the contamination plumes and remove the affected groundwater, three existing monitoring wells (MW-I, MW-Q and MW-T) will be converted into extraction wells. Water pumped from the extraction wells will create depressions in the groundwater aquifer and draw clean water in from the surrounding areas. As the clean water flows towards the extraction wells, it will flush the contaminants out of the soil and reverse the contamination flow. The contaminated groundwater will then be pumped from the extraction wells to the solvent stripping tower system. The counter current air stripping tower system consists of two vertical, packed towers, two fresh air blowers, a transfer pump and an automated control panel. Contaminated groundwater from the three extraction wells will be pumped into the top of the first tower and sprayed over packing material in order to maximize the surface area of the water. Fresh air is blown up through the packing material which, through a mass transfer process, absorbs volatile organic compounds out of the water. The transfer pump then sends this water to the top of the second tower where the countercurrent air stripping process will be repeated in order to insure that alI of the solvent contaminants are removed. This clean groundwater will then be discharged into the sanitary sewer system. The solvent stripping tower system has been designed to provide greater than 99$ removal efficiencies for solvent contamination levels several times greater than the maximum levels which have been detected. In order to prevent the remote possibility of an accidental discharge of untreated water to the Encina Joint System, controls have been designed to automatically shutdown the extraction wells and stripping tower system in case a problem is detected in any of the active .components. It should be emphasised that, even without pretreatment, the highest detected levels of groundwater contaminants are still below allowable sewer discharge limits for Unisys existing Industrial Waste Discharge Permit (IWP #27). Remote alarms have been designed to automatically notify the Unisys Rancho Bernardo facility in case a treatment system problem is detected. Maximum Expected Grourtdwater Discharge Constituents Levels Levels 1,1 Dichloroethane 50 ug/l < 1 ug/l 1,1 DichloroethyIene 600 ug/l < 6 ug/l 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1400 ug/l <14 ug/l Methylene Chloride 180 ug/l < 2 ug/l Water meters will be installed on the treatment system to allow the City of Carlsbad to properly charge Unisys for all applicable sewer fees. The extracted groundwater will be analyzed for solvents before and after treatment in the stripping tower. This monitoring will be performed when the treatment system is first set-up and on a monthly basis thereafter. If no significant changes are detected in the monthly samples, then the monitoring will be performed on a quarterly basis as required by the RWQCB. Groundwater treatment will continue until the constituent concentrations identified in Addendum No. 1 of RWQCB Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 87-17 are attained. The groundwater will be monitored for one year after the cleanup levels have been achieved and, if the constituent concentrations remain below required cleanup levels, then the stripping tower system will be removed. It is anticipated that the cleanup period will last between two and ten years. 21 Provide the full name and address of the employees and/or officers of applicant who will be responsible for the pretreatment program of the applicant: Local Contact: Thomas Paul Gordon Project Manager Energy 4 Environment Unisys Corporation MS-908 10850 Via Frontera San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 451-4968 Corp. Contact: Gregory T. Fischer Corporate Manager Environment & Energy Unisys Corporation 25725 Jeronimo Road Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (714) 380-5532 2j Provide a site plan showing the layout of existing facilities, extent of groundwater contamination, and location of proposed cleanup wells and treatment facilities: Please reference attached Unisys Carlsbad Site Plans. 2k Provide the amount of any general liability insurance covering the applicant at the time the application is submitted, the inception and expiration dates(s) of any general liability insurance policy(s), whether such insurance policy excludes coverage for damages resulting from discharge of contaminated groundwater, the name and address of the insurance agent for applicant and the name and address of the insurance company that Issued the general liability policy(s) that provide general liability insurance coverage for the appI leant: Unisys Corporation will maintain general liabilty insurance in the amount of $6,000,000 (Please reference attached Certificates of Insurance). This insurance policy covers all third party liability claims, including damages that might result from discharge of contaminated groundwater. Insurance Company: Alexander & Alexander Inc. 225 Public Ledger Building Ph iIadelph ia, PA 19106 Inception Date: 4/1/88 Expiration Date: 4/1/89 (To be renewed as required.) 21 Provide a description of the type of commercial, Industrial or other activity that Is being or has been operate of conducted at the cleanup site: The Unisys Carlsbad facilty was formerly utilized for the manufacturing of printed circuit boards and testing of electronic components. The printed circuit board manufacturing operations were discontinued in 1986 and the facility is currently being utilized only for warehousing acti v i ti es. sH H in o H PQin o ct ztj ot— !"*•4 1«f 32 a-it i »i r H HHcn en GO L oous UNISYS CARLSBAD SITE PLAN r /UNISYS CARLSBAD BUILDING AT «. SF RMLRDAl NV-S 35 DEPARTMENT DF PARKS AND RECREATION PROPERTY © SROUNJVKTER lord CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MM/OO/YY) 10-27-88 PRODUCER ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER INC. 225 Public Ledger Building Philadelphia, PA 19106" INSURED Unisys Corporation and all Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Corporate Headquarters Blue Bell, PA 19424-0001 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXTEND OH ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY » Reliance Insurance Company LETTER m COMPANY _ LETTER » COMPANY M LETTER C COMPANY ft LETTER ** COMPANY e LETTER B COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. x_ JL TYPE OF INSURANCE GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES/OPERATIONS UNDERGROUNDEXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS 8ROAO FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS iPRIV ALL OWNED AUTOS (^ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY POLICY NUMBER JL 0975385 JA 5727413 JK 1316271 (Texas Only) EXCESS LIABILITY | UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM POLICY EFfECTWEDATE !MM/DO/YY) 4/1/88 4/1/88 POLICY EXPIRATIONDATE lMM/00/YYl 4/1/89 LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS BODILYINJURY PROPERTYDAMAGE 81 A PO COMBINED EACHOCCURRENCE $2,000 PERSONAL INJURY 4/1/89 ! MOIL*i MURY MM.V ! SJO«Vi *' ICCKV. PROPERTY DAMAGE i 81 4 PO! COMBINED SI 1 POCOMBINED $ $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY STATUTORY All States - JC 097767^ California - JC 097767*' New Jersey - JC 097767!: 4/1/88 4/1/89 $2,OOOlEACH ACCIDENT! $2 .OOOlOISEASE-PQLICY LIMIT. $2 , OOP (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYE; OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS-VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER City of Carlsbad California 2075 Los Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Attn: Mr. Lloyd Hobbs ACORD 25 (8/84) CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX- PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UABtLTTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEALEXANDER & ALEXANDER INC. IIR/ ACORD CORPORATION 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE SET TAB i-QPS AT PRODUCER Alexander & Alexander, Inc. 225 Public Ledger Bldg. Philadelphia, PA 19106 INSURED Unisys Corporation and all Wholly Owned Subsidiaries World Headquarters Blue Bell, PA 19424 COVERAGES iSSUE DATE (MM/OO^VY) 11/9/88 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW enu> COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LETTER * National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, PA COMPANY LETTER B COMPANY LETTER COMPANY |« LETTER ** COMPANY LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDI-TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PaCV EFFECTIVE DATE iMM/OVYY)PaiCY EXPIRATION DATE i LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS EACHOCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES/OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY BODILYINJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE 81 4 POCOMBINED PERSONAL INJURY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS IPRIV PASS ) ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY BOM.VINJURY iPW PERSON) 'PER KOOOffi PROPERTY DAMAGE 81 & PO COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 307-30-10 4/1/88 4/1/89 8. & PD COMBINED 4,000 4,000 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' UABflJTY STATUTORY (EACH ACCIDENT) 'DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE. OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Carlsbad California 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-485! Attn: Lloyds Hobbs ACORD 25 (8/84) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX- PIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAX 3 0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAM.URE TO MA*. SUCH NOTICE SHALL MPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KINO UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. | AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER,INC. IIR/ACORO CORPORATION 1984