HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-14; City Council; 9860; APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 FOR THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION CENTER3 g 2 3 2 0 4 d 0 z 3 6 8 CITi)OF CAHLSUAU - AUtNUeILL 1- - AB# 9860 TITLE: APPROVAL OF CI-WNGE ORDER NO. 3 DEPT. I MTG. 2/ 14/89 FOR THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER CITY A' CITY M DEPT. MP RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 89"YY approving Change Order No. 3 for tl: construction of the Carlsbad Senior Center and Carlsbad Unif ic School District Education Center, Project No. 3247. ITEM EXPLANATION On Wednesday, October 19, 1988, the contractor for the Carlsb Senior Center and Carlsbad Unified School District Educati Center project was conducting grading operations on the Pi Avenue site. During the course of grading the site, t contractor encountered an unknown underground fuel tank whi subsequently erupted spreading potentially volatile fuel oil and around the excavated area. The liquid was later identifi through laboratory analysis to be kerosene which was used as fu oil to heat the School District's buildings several decades ag The tank, 750 gallons in size, was evidently abandoned by t District when the buildings switched over to a central heati system. The grading operations were immediately shut down e the contractor's workers entered into the excavated area in attempt to minimize the seepage and bail out the liquid into large drum. Following these activities, the contractor furtf- excavated around and removed the ruptured tank which 'h subsequently disposed of offsite. The City immediately contacted its geotechnical consultants : the project, Leighton and Associates, Incorporated, I dispatched personnel from their hazardous materials division advise the City and the contractor concerning federal, state i local hazardous waste regulations and provide recommendations : dealing with the situation. Also dispatched to the site was 1 Carlsbad Fire Marshall and representatives of the San Dii County, Department of Health Services who administer the CounQ Carlsl hazardous waste disposal and permitting program. Unified School District personnel were also immediatf contacted by the City by telephone and informed of the discove The District received subsequent follow-up written corresponde as well as verbal status reports to District personnel in effort to keep the District informed. The discovery of the unknown hazardous waste material resulted the following: - An enlarged contaminated excavation measur AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION CENTER approximately 13' x 34' x 12.5' in depth which later increased an additional 2' in depth. Approximately 157 cubic yards of hazardous contamine soil. - - Localized ground water contamination. > e 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 481bO Termination of the contractor's grading operatic which is a step on the project schedule's critic path. Under the direction of the San Diego County, Department of Hea. Services, Leighton and Associates prepared a detai: investigative report and series of recommendations to mitig, further contamination of the site and enable the project grad schedule to resume. Beginning on October 24th, a series of sf samples were collected in and around the excavated area determine the level of hydrocarbons in the soil. Following th analysis, County Health authorized an enlarged excavation wh was accomplished on November 2nd to remove additioi contaminated soil and stockpiled on site. On November 3, 19 three (3) ground water monitoring wells were installed on site surrounding the excavated area. Each 4-inch diameter w was installed to a depth of 23 feet below grade. Water samp were collected from each well and subsequently tested. A fou product well was installed onsite to be used to access remove contaminated groundwater. All four (4) wells currently in place on the project site. Following additional analysis, County Health authorized relocation of the contaminated soil from the affected area t portion of the project site at the extreme southwest cor adjacent to the alley near Walnut Avenue. This relocat occurred on November 16th and 17th. The contaminated soil placed upon and covered with plastic to minimize furt contamination and vapor release to the atmosphere. The excava hole was then filled with approximately 2' of gravel and ba filled with soil to grade. The contractor was thereaf formally notified to return to the grading operations, whi following mobilization of grading equipment, resumed on Noven 21, 1988. Because of the discovery of the hazardous wa material onsite, the project schedule was af fectively delaye total of thirty-four (34) calendar days. Once the contaminated soil had been relocated Onsite, the f (4) wells in place, and the project contractor had returned grading the site, the critical issue became the identificat and scheduling of a County Health and Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) approved hazardous waste disposal technique location. Leighton and Associates, on behalf of the Cj explored the following disposal alternatives with County Healt - 1. Bury the material onsite. 2. Remove the material to another City owned site treatment and disposal at a later date. 3. Treat the contaminated soil chemically and spread material onsite below the future parking lot areas. e 0 Page Three of Agenda Bill No. 9860 4. Remove the material to a local asphalt plant incineration and subsequent disposal of the mater residue. 5. Contract with a certified hazardous waste dispo service to remove the material to an EPA appro dumpsite. County Health over a period of several weeks reviewed the f (5) disposal options and rejected the first four (4) as not be allowable under current federal, state and local regulati governing the disposal of hazardous waste materials. With o option 5 available, Leighton and Associates identified the le expensive certified hazardous waste disposal company that co schedule the material removal to the closest EPA appro dumpsite. On Thursday, December 28, 1988, Disposal Cont Services, Incorporated of Upland, California removed 126 cu yards of contaminated material from the project site to the approved Westmoreland, California dumpsite. Thereafter, Wednesday, January 11, 1989, the same firm removed the balance the contaminated material totalling 31 cubic yards to the s approved dumpsite. The three (3) monitoring wells and one (1) product well rem within the project area. The three (3) monitoring wells scheduled to be capped off in the near future following furt groundwater analysis. The one (1) product well is to be cut below grade and capped with a brass insert which will ena removal of contaminated groundwater at a later date if warran by further testing. There are anticipated to be additional cc associated with the on-going monitoring and testing of the si however, these costs are believed to be minimal in relation the costs to date of material disposal, permit administration acquisition, excavation of the affected area, and proj schedule loss. Attached Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $41,243.20 has 1: negotiated with the project contractor to affect the excavat and removal of the previously unknown fuel tank, onsite hand1 and stockpiling of contaminated materials, back-filling compaction of affected areas, and general conditions c extensions for thirty-four (34) days of critical path schec loss. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 3. FISCAL IMPACT The following is a summary of the costs associated with discovery of the unknown fuel tank and subsequent administrat of the required permit process and material disposal: Incorporated (Change Order No. 3). - General Contractor, Straub Construction, $ 41/24: e a Page Four of Agenda Bill No. q8bs - Leighton and Associates, Incorporated $ 30,265 for County and EPA permit approvals, all contaminated soils and groundwater analysis, installation of monitoring and product wells, investigative and progress reports, general supervision and manage- ment of hazardous waste material disposal. - Disposal Control Services, Incorporated $ 39,422 for handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous materials. Total Cost $110,930 All of the above costs are currently being absorbed by Carlsbad Senior Center and CUSD Education Center project budge construction contingency. The project construction continge of $242,000 has been reduced to only $131,069.37 as a result the unknown hazardous waste discovery on the site. In addition to the $110,930.63 cost of administering hazardous waste fuel oil disposal, demolition of the Sch District's buildings on Pine Avenue involved the identificati handling, and disposal of asbestos materials, which as defi above, the costs are also to be reimbursed to the City. Th activities were handled by International Technology Corporati a special certified hazardous building materials dispo subcontractor to the City's prime contractor, Str( Construction, Incorporated, and accomplished prior to build demolition. Asbestos removal in the buildings was specifics identified as a lump sum unit item in the project bid docume so that this item of work and corresponding cost could precisely quantified. The lump sum cost for asbestos removal $10,500. Therefore, the total cost of I1hazardous waste" dispo activities reimbursable to the City is $121,430.63. The above items of work have been accomplished and st recommends approval of Change Order No. 3 to enable payment the contractor in the next regularly scheduled monthly progr payment. Additionally, City staff will be meeting in the n future with representatives of the Carlsbad Unified Sch District staff to discuss the subject of reimbursement of co and options as provided for in Section 6.5 of the City-C agreement regarding the joint development of the project. EXHIBITS 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. 89 - qY approving Change Order No. 3 for Carlsbad Senior Center and Carlsbad Unified School Distr Education Center project. 3. Change Order No. 3. 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD'S SENIOR CITZENS CE & CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE COMPLEX NEW BUILDING SENIOR CENTER PARKING 1 I /Dl I I I I I\ 1 I\ 1 I\ I Ti I I I I I I 11 11 1 (l ALLEY = TEMPORARY HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE LOCATION [-I c o N TAM I N A T E D E X c A v AT I o N L o c AT I o N MONITORING AND PRODUCT WELLS 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE COMPLEX I I 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD e I, ' PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 (More than $5,000) CONTRACT NO. 3247 PURCHASE ORDER NO. 6044 ACCOUNT NO. 811-820-1880-' CONTRACTOR'S NAME STRAUB CONSTRUCTION. INCORPORATED CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS P.O. Box 965. Fallbrook. CA 92028 The contractor is directed to make the following changes. Changes shall include material and equipment; payment stated on this change order includes all charges dii indirect arising out of this additional work. The requirements of the specific1 where pertinent and not in conflict with this order shall apply to these changes. This change order is not effective unless signed by the Mayor. CHANGE: Perform all work related to the excavation and removal of buried fuel tank discovered during the Project Grading Phase. Costs also include work rela to the excavation of on-site stockpiling of fuel contaminated soils. The change order includes all time extensions and costs, both direct and indir through November 20, 1988. REASON FOR CHANGE: Existing tank discovered during grading operation was pre Location of discovery,caused complete shut down of grading COST : TIME CHANGE: Lump sum x Unit prices Both Add days 34 Total this extra T 41,243.20 Original contract amount $ - Add/wrdvhis change 1 Previous add/deduc t days - I Original contract days 2i Previous net changes $ New contract total $ - Jqg4mae-h)- @iL=-- l-zg-w Pr jec& Manager, City Date White - Job File Ye1 1 ow - Contractor Gold - Purchasing with P.O. - Date r Pink - Project Inspector vw M z?iyyoY ,' $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 89-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 FOR THE CARLSBAD SENIOR SENIOR AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION CENTER AND DIRECTING STAFF REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS WHEREAS, the City Council, acting as the Carlsbad HI and Redevelopment Commission, approved an agreement wit Carlsbad Unified School DistrIct on April 5, 1988 regardii joint development of the Carlsbad Senior Center and Ca: Unified School District Education Center Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council did thereafter on Septeml 1988 award a construction contract for the construction 01 project; and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 3 regarding costs for haz waste discovery during the site grading has been preparc executed by the project contractor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That Change Order No. 3 as presented is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said Order. Following the Mayor t s signature of said documeni original of same shall be returned to Municipal Projects City Clerk for processing. /// /// /// /// 4' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 - 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 3. That the City Council of the City of Carl: California, shall direct staff regarding reimbursement of ( for the project at the time of the Council's consideratic this item. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting o Carlsbad, City Council held on the 14th day of February 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lz None ATTEST: ALETHA L. (SEAL)